Tea Party scam groups that raise millions FOR THEMSELVES

UPDATED: Saturday, November 16, 2013 16:47
VIEWED: 3543
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Saturday, November 16, 2013 3:10 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Let's start with "". Back in 2011:

A little-known, Arizona-based tea party organization has hired a prominent Republican operative to help advance its mission in Washington, D.C. But after more than a year in operation and hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, it’s still not clear what the group’s mission actually is.

Todd Cefaratti, founder of, announced last week that the group had hired a big Washington gun: governmental affairs specialist Donna Wiesner Keene, a veteran of the Bush and Reagan administrations and the wife of the incoming president of the National Rifle Association, David Keene.

Donna Keene said she will act as an intermediary between the field and Washington, helping activists connect effectively with lawmakers to influence policy and advising potential first-time candidates. She has lobbied for conservative groups such as Americans for Fair Taxation in the past, but she is not registered as a lobbyist for the

But it’s not clear what is active in. Despite its extensive website and an impressive ability to pull in money, appears to do little more than promote its own name. Unlike several large tea party organizations, whose leaders frequently discuss specific goals and agenda items with journalists, supposedly acts quietly as an online meeting place and resource for other tea party groups. Cefaratti, the man behind the group, rarely, if ever, speaks to the press and did not return numerous phone calls to his home or office. The group’s spokeswoman said he was too busy for an interview.

Cefaratti, who splits his time between his marketing consulting business and a second company that specializes in connecting loan officers with seniors interested in reverse mortgages, set up last year as the tea party movement started to galvanize voters and dollars around “outsider” Republican candidates.

At the same time, he established a political action committee, called Stop This Insanity, which raised nearly $500,000 in the months leading up to the 2010 midterm elections. From March to October 2010, the committee spent just less than half that. Nearly all of its expenditures went to advertising services, airfare, lodging and promotional paraphernalia such as buttons and T-shirts, according to federal records.

The group has left very little trail since it was founded last spring, organizing few, if any, events. Federal records show no donations to candidates in the last election cycle.

But come Election Day, lawyers for notified the Federal Election Commission that it was dissolving the PAC arm of its operation. When asked what had become of the $258,000 remaining in the committee’s account, the group’s spokeswoman said she didn’t know.

“The money gets used for marketing the tea parties all over the country, not just the,” Dooling said, citing contributions to the Wounded Warrior Project and other conservative causes. She would not reveal how much each group got and could not point to any local tea party groups in particular that has financed.

The group arranged for a NASCAR truck to appear on the circuit this summer emblazoned with the logo for and the text of the Constitution. It appears that the organization also makes money off its mailing list. Emails obtained by Roll Call reveal that the group has rented its 200,000-person mailing list to companies such as Gold Rarities Gallery, an online gold and silver warehouse. An advertising representative at Newsmax said he helps find clients and confirmed that the list is available for $7,000 ($35 for every thousand names).

Questions about the legitimacy of — previously known as — are rife throughout the blogosphere and among the leaders of other tea party groups.Some top conservatives have never even heard of the group, and other tea party leaders have only a vague understanding of what the group is and what it does.“I have absolutely no idea who they are,” said Randy Lewis, a spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots. “I honestly don’t know a thing about them.”]

That was then (and more about later). Now there's a "new kid" in town, the "Tea Party Leadership Fund". Earlier this month, they ran an ad attacking the GOP, calling them ‘traitors.’

Following this, they put up a webpage soliciting donations ( Unfortunately, it appears that while they have raised tons (
) they spent only $52,000 on candidates in the last election cycle, and only $154,172 in total for political activity (
). Yet, almost all of the money they have raised, has been spent.

Going over the groups federal filings (
), it turns out that, over, and over again, the fund is issuing payments to organizations run by the members who run it. In other words, the whole fund is a money making scam put together by con artists exploiting the dim witted.

The money being raised by the Tea Party Leadership Fund will likely never create any impact in the 2014 mid-term races. They will spend a token amount to claim that they have supported some candidates, but the lions share (over 90% based on past expenditures) will go into the pockets of those running the organization. The group spends most of its money on other organizations, such as DB Capitol Strategies, PLLC, run by Dan Backer. Dan Backer, it turns out, is the Treasurer of the Tea Party Leadership Fund. Or is he?

On their FEC documents it states:

2012 Total Receipts: $1,021,463
Total spent: $795,347
Contributions to federal candidates: $12,500
Electioneering, communication expenses, by targeted candidate: $182,673
Official PAC name: The Tea Party Leadership Fund

Location: Washington, DC 20003
Industry: Republican/Conservative
Treasurer: Backer, Dan Mr. Esq.
FEC Committee ID: C00520825]

But the actual FEC documents ( are SIGNED by Ron Dove, as "Treasurer" (Note: Ron Dove is also treasurer of

According to our righties favorite Biblem Breitbart, by the way (who are also asking questions about these groups), back in 2012, "Dan Backer is now associated with The Bloggers Defense Team which is another in a long line of money making schemes that Mr. Backer has been associated with.

The righties' darling Orly Taitz also wrote, back in 2012: "I got an e-mail from Dan Backer, Chief Legal counsel for Tea party, asking for money, I wrote back and told him to go to hell"]

This appears to be just the latest in that "long line of money making schemes that Mr. Backer has been associated with", back at least as far as 2010 when he had "" (now defunct). Remember that one? CBS investigated them back then. Same story:

A tea party organization based in Mesa, Ariz., which has collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, spent nearly half of its budget on marketing its own name, according to Federal Elections Commission documents.

Those records, obtained during a CBS 5 News investigation, also show the organization spent no money to directly support tea party candidates.

The website, is registered to a nonprofit corporation in Mesa. When CBS 5 News reporters contacted the director of that company, they were referred to a Washington, D.C., attorney, who said the personnel in Phoenix were too busy to sit down for an interview.

CBS 5 News began its investigation into the company after receiving a phone call from an East Coast tea party activist who said nobody within the tea party movement he had spoken to had heard of the Mesa organization.

The caller also told CBS 5 News it did not appear the organization was spending any of its donations to support tea party priorities.

Among the findings of the CBS 5 News investigation, the organization spent $181,000 on Google, Facebook and other websites for advertising. As a result, when CBS 5 producers typed the phrase, "tea party," into the Google search engine, the first paid advertisement that popped up was for

Additional digging into the organization's background revealed the director of the nonprofit also has ties to companies that collect and sell people's personal information. Todd Cefaratti is listed as the director the the nonprofit, as well as a company known as

At a recent tea party rally at the state Capitol, no tea party supporters approached by CBS 5 News had heard of the wesbite.

An e-mail written to CBS 5 News from Washington attorney Dan Backer stated that the site develops and distributes daily information on local and national tea party events.

Several donors to the site contacted by CBS 5 News said they were under the impression they were joining the official tea party when they donated to the website. The populist tea party movement is not an official national political party. (Link to FEC documents at

Despite all this, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, is still officially a PAC affiliated with the group…both are chugging along happily accepting donations.

Gosh, I sure hope none of our right wingers here have contributed to these groups…unless they know something Roll Call, CBS, Breitbart and Taitz don't. Looks to me like some have figured out how to make a pretty penny off of the hatred they have stoked among the easily manipulated…

But then, hey, no problem there; Dan Backer and his buddies are getting rich, and I guess as long as they take your money and produce nothing, that's just Capitalism At Its Best. Do please keep giving 'em your money, at least it keeps it out of the elections!

These organizations tap into the right-wing hysteria generated by organizations such as FauxNews. Their message is carefully crafted to ensure maximum impact on the easily misled. They tap into misinformation and deceit, and use that to divorce the gullible from their money. Same way Limbaugh and his ilk figured out to make money off them, but it would seem to me, far more dishonestly. Nah, we don't need campaign or PAC reform, you betcha.


Saturday, November 16, 2013 4:47 PM


Exploiting the ignorant and gullible. That's the tea party for ya!