Democratic members to join teaparty style rebelion on Accepting 'refugees'

UPDATED: Thursday, November 19, 2015 23:18
VIEWED: 1135
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Thursday, November 19, 2015 6:35 AM




In the wake of Islamist terror attacks in Paris, some Democrats are joining the chorus of Republican governors and presidential candidates who've called for a pause in admitting Syrian refugees to the U.S.

Advocates for pausing the resettlement program run counter to President Barack Obama's repeated calls for settling 10,000 Syrian refugees, as well as Hillary Clinton's call for resettling 65,000.


Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:36 AM



..JAYNEZTOWN, Sept. 8th 2004

Hot headed reactions like these are kind of understandable. I saw much worse ideas than this Flynn guy on the Yahoo-news and MSN-news board

It's true that these Islamic terrorists are scum, and if they take human life, bomb hospitals or kill children they deserve to die.

However not all Arabs, Muslims or Islamics are like these radical nuts. Many are just ordinary folk and some don't give a damn about religion. Terrorism will always exist in some form, it is hard to defeat but it can be largely prevented.

Terrorism flourishes where there is ethnic hatred, radical political leaders, religious nuts and oppression..these are the places where it grows and gets strong.

The probelm is that some try to strike back using overkill methods only to see terror groups spring back in other places and sometimes stronger.

Take the example of Clinton, he was a bullcrap president and spent much time with Monica and cigars. However he done ok for the USA and was smart when it came to global politics and events. In Kosovo, we had different ethnic groups and races killing ecah other. Clinton was forced to act and planes bombed. Afterwards there were big problems, yet Clinton set up the smart framework so that the area would be secure, safe and free from dictators or terrorists again. Clinton also done good in parts of Asia, Northern Ireland and the Middle East.

Now take our idiot Bush, all fight but no brains instead of finding the evil Binladen and his Taliban friends Bush is off causing trouble in the Iraq. Meanwhile N-Korea is building long range Nukes that reach the west coast and Iran has a real WMD program. Terrorism flourishes where there is ethnic hatred, radical political leaders, religious nuts and oppression..these are the places where it grows and gets strong and this might be why it's now growing in Iraq, a place where Al-Quaida could not have existed some months ago as Saddam used to hatethem and other religious radicals. It seems Bush has plenty of bravado and fight in him, but no brains and tactics and no idea about peace, and security or winning the war.

There is no doubt these islamic extremists are evil and they should be killed for what they have done. However not respond by bombing a city
let's catch them , put them on trial and shoot them.

The worst thing Russia could do is play this like Bush has done, by pinning it on some other random city ( Baghdad-Iraq ) . When I speak of Clinton or Bush I don't just mean the presidents but the advisors and administartion which surrounds. Is Bush smart enough to win peace and security or are the terrorists coming back and more people going to die ?


Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:03 PM


France Is Still Accepting 30,000 Refugees While Some American Politicians Want To Ban Them

The French president vowed to ensure the country's safety, but didn't back away from plans to take in refugees.


Thursday, November 19, 2015 11:18 PM


This is a very delicate situation and a Prime Example of why I'm glad I'm not one of the ones in charge....

Racial discrimination is surly a way to keep bad things from happening to American's from people of that particular color, but in the mean time, there's nothing keeping any of the "Official Americans" already here from doing the same thing these days.

My only problem with it would be "oh great.... 30,000 more people who will get a good job before I get one."

But that's just another excuse a 150 IQ person without any official education makes for himself.

I say let them come here. Chances are they're going to want to GTFO as soon as possible the way things are going here anyhow. :)

There is no American Dream anymore outside of old black and white flicks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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