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Why is it you always find Regressive Leftists and find some family value rightwing Conservatives defending child rape and pedophile slave networks
Saturday, November 21, 2015 10:49 AM
Quote: Salon is one of the worst offenders: the left-wing website runs sympathetic features on pedophilia with alarming regularity......Oh, and Rotherham, where moral relativism and the fear of being seen as “racist” got 1,200 white girls raped. In the U.S, where a left-wing administration is in charge, relativism has even seeped into the military. As was recently reported, American soldiers in Afghanistan are now being instructed to ignore the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies. Campaigners against religious barbarism like the UK’s National Secular Society have condemned the relativism at the heart of radical left-wing identity politics, but to no avail. It’s easy to see why pedophile activists would be attracted to a movement that makes excuses for practices like FGM. If the mutilation of little girls can be defended on the grounds of cultural relativism — “that’s just how they are” — what can’t be defended? Anarcho-capitalists and libertarians may wish to dismantle many social and legal checks on personal behaviour, but they draw a hard line around behaviour that harms or violates the rights of others. Relativists have no such rules: by definition, they don’t believe in universal rules at all. Horrifyingly, there are signs of a new pedophile acceptance movement forming on the Left. Just as Allen West warned, the gay rights movement is being used as a template. First comes the argument that pedophiles are just “born that way,” absolving them of any moral responsibility for their desires. Then comes the argument that pedophiles are just normal people, like the rest of us, but somehow impoverished or victimised by their own condition. Inevitably, our society’s current ostracisation of pedophiles will be portrayed as an injustice: an oppression from which pedophiles must be liberated, or for which they deserve our sympathy. And woe to the oppressors! Quietly, in progressive columns and academies around the world, progressives are losing their footing and sliding down that slippery slope. Publications like Salon are abetting the turpitude. “Acceptance” and relativism are essential tools of the partisan Left, which abandons all sense of moral consistency when one of its own is accused. The furious defence of Sarah Nyberg was redolent of the Lena Dunham scandal, in which similarly bizarre and disturbing revelations about Dunham’s relationship with her sister were defended to the hilt by media luvvies. You know, a bit like how the BBC covered up for Savile for all those years. Just about the only kiddy-diddlers leftists don’t stick up for are Catholic priests, for reasons best known to themselves. Compare this to conservative molester Josh Duggar, who can only muster support from has-beens like Mike Huckabee. The rest of the conservative movement, from National Review to Breitbart, were unequivocal in their condemnation of the Duggars. But for the hysterical defenders of Nyberg and Dunham, principle — not to mention the safety of children — can’t be allowed to come before politics. Aggressive public displays of virtue are where the morally deplorable hide. The trend of social justice warriors with closets full of skeletons is common enough to be a meme at this point. It might even be part of the job description. Whether by cleansing progressives of sin through virtue signalling, or simply enabling them to hide in plain sight, slacktivism provides a welcoming environment for scammers and the unsavoury, which is why progressives protect their own: they know it could be any of them next. The one silver lining is that such people are set to lose the support of the centre.
Sunday, December 13, 2015 12:34 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2015 1:11 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2015 2:01 PM
Quote:Originally posted by reaverfan: Rather nonsensical of you.
Thursday, December 17, 2015 12:34 AM
Thursday, December 17, 2015 2:04 PM