$641 MILLION Mexican recycling project you and I pay for.

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Friday, March 23, 2018 1:22 AM


In the new “omnibus” spending bill, a grand total of 33 miles of the border between Mexico and the United States that is currently unsecured will get fencing, with 25 miles of that going atop new levees along the Rio Grande. A total of 14 miles of modern “wall,” such as the examples Trump recently visited in San Diego, will be built, Mulvaney said, but it will be on the U.S. side of an existing barrier in Southern California. In all, $1.6 billion was appropriated for border security enhancements, of which only $641 million are for the new fencing.

How long before the fencing is jacked? I give it less than a year.

At least the Mexicans will have nice laugh as they climb over my taxes. I'm glad someone will be happy.


Friday, March 23, 2018 3:14 AM


There's a little bit more "good news" that will be ignored by our Friends at Fox. I recently (about month ago) saw a report (it may have been NBC Nightly News) whereby landowners in along the US side of the border, were having their land appropriated by the government to accomodate Trump's wet dream of the stupid fucking fence.

And let me tell you, these landowners (some were ranches) were not happy.

Here it is:

and this.....

And this.....

This is gonna be a Big Fat Mess!



Originally posted by Wishimay:

In the new “omnibus” spending bill, a grand total of 33 miles of the border between Mexico and the United States that is currently unsecured will get fencing, with 25 miles of that going atop new levees along the Rio Grande. A total of 14 miles of modern “wall,” such as the examples Trump recently visited in San Diego, will be built, Mulvaney said, but it will be on the U.S. side of an existing barrier in Southern California. In all, $1.6 billion was appropriated for border security enhancements, of which only $641 million are for the new fencing.

How long before the fencing is jacked? I give it less than a year.

At least the Mexicans will have nice laugh as they climb over my taxes. I'm glad someone will be happy.


Friday, March 23, 2018 6:48 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by Wishimay:

In the new “omnibus” spending bill, a grand total of 33 miles of the border between Mexico and the United States that is currently unsecured will get fencing, with 25 miles of that going atop new levees along the Rio Grande. A total of 14 miles of modern “wall,” such as the examples Trump recently visited in San Diego, will be built, Mulvaney said, but it will be on the U.S. side of an existing barrier in Southern California. In all, $1.6 billion was appropriated for border security enhancements, of which only $641 million are for the new fencing.

How long before the fencing is jacked? I give it less than a year.

At least the Mexicans will have nice laugh as they climb over my taxes. I'm glad someone will be happy.

From your thread title I was imagining the race between poor citizens along the wall who drive up in the middle of the night and steal sections to sell to recycling companies for scrap, and the people who build the wall putting it back up. A symbiotic relationship soon is formed and both sides decide together in secret, how much the one side can steal based on how much and how fast it can be replaced without drawing too much attention. Before too long, thriving scrapper communities spring up on both sides and politicians who take bribes from such communities declare, "The Wall Is Working!"


Friday, March 23, 2018 10:56 AM


... stay crunchy...

Fwiw WaPo is reporting: "The biggest catch is this: The barriers authorized to be built under the act must be “operationally effective designs” already deployed as of last March, meaning none of President Trump’s big, beautiful wall prototypes can be built."

What's in the new spending bill:

"Internal Revenue Service: Despite the administration’s attempts to slash its budget, lawmakers grant $11.431 billion to the nation’s tax collectors, a $196 million year-to-year increase and $456 million more than Trump requested. The figure includes $320 million to implement changes enacted as part of the GOP tax overhaul plan."



Saturday, March 24, 2018 2:14 PM


What else is in the fucking stupid budget by the fucking stupid Rethuglicans.

President Trump's 2019 budget allocates $75 million for abstinence-only programs. Comprehensive sex ed, defined as "age-appropriate, medically-accurate information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality," has no dedicated federal funding stream, according to SIECUS.

SIECUS' 2017 evaluation of sex ed programs across the country found:
•Most states stress abstinence
•Only one state requires instruction on consent
•Seven states require that LGBTQ be portrayed negatively. In Alabama, for example, classes emphasize "homosexuality is not a lifestyle acceptable to the general public."


Saturday, March 24, 2018 3:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm pretty zen about Trump. We can survive anything except nuclear war. And once Trump is gone we can work to make things even better than they were before.

Democrats were in terrible shape before Trump. They had lost entire states - both houses of the legislatures and governorships - and had lost Congress. The presidency was the last symbolic holdout. But that's all it was.

So instead of endlessly harping about Trump, how about you put your minds to figuring out how to kick the collective asses of the Democratic party so that people will actually want to vote for democrats at all levels of government. And think about an approach that DOESN'T involve the victim group de jour. Because that didn't go over so well the last time.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, March 25, 2018 5:07 AM


Zen about Trump!? .....Curious

I infer by your comments below that Dems are to blame for their predicament. Curious. So then, not the Deep State then? I contend that this is merely an illusion. Yeah, the Dems were weak alright, so much so that the economy faltered and collapsed. Oh profits were at an all time high, but wages and jobs were also faltering......wait, could it be that jobs were strong and unemployment at a low matching that of the low point since before Bush.

No, that couldn't be the Dems, now could it. Yes, yes.....the underemployed. Yeah, I get it. Just think were it not for the Dems, Toys R Us would still be open for business. No, the internet has nothing to do with their abject failure. Yes, you're right the Dems were in terrible shape before Trump. That's the reason he won, that plus the failure of the Deep State. The Republicans were merely innocent bystanders in all of this. They had nothing to do with America's failures as a nation.

We, as a people, had nothing to do with it either. We were all duped by Obama's promises. It's all the black man's fault. So much so, that he only lasted two terms. Oh the abject failure and ruin, it was that, the failure and doom of the Dems that's to blame for this crisis....meaning Trumpism. McConnell's promise to do everything to block Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. The Republicans blockade did NOT contribute, not even a little. The selling out of America was purely a set-up by the Deep State. No collusion here. Of course not! It was all Dems.

I would say that what Trump has done, is more patriotic than the crack in the Liberty bell. He has reawakened the spirit of democracy across the land. We almost forgot what it was like under one man's rule. One man's single-minded, unfettered power grab and penchant for total subjugation to his will. The King is dead, long live the King. He reminded us just how this country came about. He reignited that flame for freedom that broke the chains. All across the country people are exercising their rights as a free people - the 2d Amendment is not the only one that exists. And there is a reason for that. Both Dems and Republicans must bow down to the true nature of this country...........the people.

Yes, Dems, through a Deep State meddling of a different sort, lost entire states and legislatures across the country. But that's all about to change. The Court upheld that "gerrymandering" in Pennsylvania must be reverted back to a proper representation. The Rule of Law regains the dignity that once had this land of ours envied by all, and emulated by some. Yeah Dems fucked things up alright, and now we are gathering together to correct it. Republicans, or what passes for Republican these days, had nothing to do with it. Innocent bystanders, who stood by while "Nero" played as "Rome" burned. But Trump has served his country well, looking to make "new" friends that could help us get back to greatness.

But I agree that "we" must gather together and kick some asses, but it must be both parties. The real Republicans stand for something and use to be able to work together with Dems to run the country according to our own set of principles, and not those dictated to us by outside concerns. Yes, Trump did his level best to remind us who we are. Both parties don't have the balls right now to take the helm and lead us back to the future. Democracy is us. We determine which way America goes. So I agree with you, we must kick some ass.

So far, I see women and young teens leading the way. The Red, White and Blue wave is coming, and you motherfuckers make me proud. Hold a fist up in Resistance and take back the land. Believe in your rights as a free people.

No Dictators need apply!!!



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm pretty zen about Trump. We can survive anything except nuclear war. And once Trump is gone we can work to make things even better than they were before.

Democrats were in terrible shape before Trump. They had lost entire states - both houses of the legislatures and governorships - and had lost Congress. The presidency was the last symbolic holdout. But that's all it was.

So instead of endlessly harping about Trump, how about you put your minds to figuring out how to kick the collective asses of the Democratic party so that people will actually want to vote for democrats at all levels of government. And think about an approach that DOESN'T involve the victim group de jour. Because that didn't go over so well the last time.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, March 25, 2018 5:16 AM



And think about an approach that DOESN'T involve the victim group de jour. Because that didn't go over so well the last time.

I've read this over and over. Still don't know what you mean by this?



Thursday, March 21, 2019 3:56 AM


I still say that if we just didn't allow them any government benefits, healthcare or school when they came here, that would eliminate 80% or more of them from even bothering to make the trek.

Then just crack down hard on companies that employ people without social security numbers and start putting those responsible in jail and that would eliminate the other 20%.

Legalize weed on a national level and finally get that behind us, then the DEA money could be spent keeping the drugs that steal your soul out of the country. Heroin, Meth, Opiates, etc.

We could have been doing this shit for half a century already. If we had, nobody would even be talking about a wall right now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2024 6:07 AM


Mexican drug lord "El Mayo" is in U.S. custody, sources say






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