Ban on rented vans and trucks

UPDATED: Saturday, April 28, 2018 19:15
VIEWED: 2281
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Tuesday, April 24, 2018 12:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Considering that so many mass murders were committed with rented vans and/or trucks ... including most recently Toronto's mass murder-by-rented-van ... the UK, France, and Canada are all considering banning the rental of large vehicles to people with a criminal or psychiatric history. This would be in line with London's recent ban on carrying knives on the street.



Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:41 PM


Yeah. I heard about that no knife law. Wow.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:28 AM


... stay crunchy...

I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. I sure as hell have never read any news article, "Man with knife saves the day on public streets!"

"banning the rental of large vehicles to people with a criminal or psychiatric history" seems only logical and responsible considering the recent use of them.

Of course, bad guys will keep finding ways to kill - so what's the solution? Wait for it.... more guns!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:27 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have.

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.

Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:34 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. I sure as hell have never read any news article, "Man with knife saves the day on public streets!"

"banning the rental of large vehicles to people with a criminal or psychiatric history" seems only logical and responsible considering the recent use of them.

Of course, bad guys will keep finding ways to kill - so what's the solution? Wait for it.... more guns!

Man, you're thick.

Must be nice to have whatever pansy ass job that you and your pansy ass friends get to go to everyday.

I carry a boxcutter to work everyday that the company provided since it's necessary for my job. Even if I didn't, I never leave home without my multi-tool.

If you think there are a lot of guns out there, there are literally a few billion more knives out there than guns.

What next? Do you start banning pens and pencils in the streets too? It's almost as easy to kill somebody with a pen if you catch them unawares.

You're a tool.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. - GSTRING

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.
Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.- JSF

Heck, even I carried a knife in my pocket when I worked in the field and in the lab. A sharp knife- so useful for cutting tubing, quickly paring down a part that doesn't quite fit, cutting line and small electrical wires, and digging out washers.


Of course, bad guys will keep finding ways to kill - so what's the solution? Wait for it.... more guns!
More trucks!!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:50 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. - GSTRING

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.
Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.- JSF

Heck, even I carried a knife in my pocket when I worked in the field and in the lab. A sharp knife- so useful for cutting tubing, quickly paring down a part that doesn't quite fit, cutting line and small electrical wires, and digging out washers.

Eh? 0_o You work on an oil rig? I DO have a small Swiss Army knife (2" blade?) on all my keychains for such things. That is not what the UK ban is about though. Any 3" folding knife is ok.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Of course, bad guys will keep finding ways to kill - so what's the solution? Wait for it.... more guns!
More trucks!!!

Hehe - good one! Rented trucks with mounted guns on top, even better!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 12:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Eh? 0_o You work on an oil rig?
No, but I used to do field work up and down the west coast, which meant I worked at power plants, refineries, glass melting furnaces, coating operations, cement kilns, cokers, plating baths, etc etc. And I don't mean in the control room, I mean at the furnace or the kiln or the reactor. I don't think there was a major industrial category that I DIDN'T work at except maybe nuclear power and offshore oil rigs.

Did you know that in order to work on an offshore rig, you can't have perforated eardrums? That's because they hit H2S pockets once in a while, and even tho you can protect your lungs and eyes with a full face mask, the H2S will penetrate your middle ear and kill you.

Fascinating work. I loved it, but it payed like shit. I gave it up for more money, but still wish I could have worked that job for a few more years. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 5:49 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Considering that so many mass murders were committed with rented vans and/or trucks ... including most recently Toronto's mass murder-by-rented-van ... the UK, France, and Canada are all considering banning the rental of large vehicles to people with a criminal or psychiatric history. This would be in line with London's recent ban on carrying knives on the street.


What if they start running people down with their OWN cars? If they stop selling cars to crazy people half the people I work with would have to walk.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 6:06 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

What if they start running people down with their OWN cars? If they stop selling cars to crazy people half the people I work with would have to walk.

You could theoretically strangle somebody with a t-shirt or a pair of jeans.

Maybe they'll ban clothing in London one day too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:51 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Considering that so many mass murders were committed with rented vans and/or trucks ... including most recently Toronto's mass murder-by-rented-van ... the UK, France, and Canada are all considering banning the rental of large vehicles to people with a criminal or psychiatric history. This would be in line with London's recent ban on carrying knives on the street.

What if they start running people down with their OWN cars? If they stop selling cars to crazy people half the people I work with would have to walk.

There is an awesome idea. If all the Looney Libtards lose their cars, we can invest in mass transit companies, buses, subways, trains.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. - GSTRING

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.
Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.- JSF

Heck, even I carried a knife in my pocket when I worked in the field and in the lab. A sharp knife- so useful for cutting tubing, quickly paring down a part that doesn't quite fit, cutting line and small electrical wires, and digging out washers.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you just admitted you are more man than G-string.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018 11:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you just admitted you are more man than G-string.
Whatever I was, that was a long time ago! I've lived a long and varied life, and I've done - and experienced - lot of things. Been a field grunt, a bench chemist (I could rebuild an instrument in a day and make it work), a mom to a terribly ill child, had both of my parents die and been at my MIL's death, been a supervisor (good at it and hated every moment of paperwork!) and a some-time policy-maker. Life does funny things to you. My sisters were even more adventurous than I; and they have even better stories to tell! But I'm sure we ALL have stories to tell about what we did and what was done to us because that's the nature of life.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:13 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. - GSTRING

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.
Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.- JSF

Heck, even I carried a knife in my pocket when I worked in the field and in the lab. A sharp knife- so useful for cutting tubing, quickly paring down a part that doesn't quite fit, cutting line and small electrical wires, and digging out washers.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you just admitted you are more man than G-string.

Oh no, 3rd grade taunts - how dare you, Kiki.

You know the level of discourse has reached an all time low when Whozit makes the most intelligent comment in a thread while Jack and Kiki run out their usual playground insults and Siggy feigns modesty while bragging, "I'm so amazing!"

Ugh, this place.


Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


... while Siggy feigns modesty while bragging, "I'm so amazing!"

Do you remember Mitt Romney's campaign? Some time during that campaign (before he torpedoed himself with that secretly-recorded "47% of Americans are dependent on government" statement) he spoke a little homily. It started out with him being a bishop in the Mormon Church, how he counsels many people ... those he sees every day ... and how he knows the secrets they carry. And that what he learned is that what you see in public doesn't reveal what's happening in their lives ... how everyone carries a burden .... some are taking care of sick children or sick parents; some are jobless; some struggle with abusive or addicted spouses ... I don't remember it exactly but it sure sounded sincere, and as the mother of a sick child and wife of an ill husband I really felt comforted by those words, because they led me to realize that my burdens weren't unique, that MANY people struggle with burdens ... sometimes many of them: illness and joblessness; or joblessness and homelessness; or addiction and everything ... even if they look like their lives are better than yours.

As time went on I realized that troubles: fear, anxiety, and doubt; pain and debilitation .... they're not happening because you necessarily did anything "wrong", and it's not abnormal to be struggling - that is the condition of life. Even if you lead a charmed life full of fun and accomplishment, at some point you'll get old and sick and your world will shrink day by day, and finally we meet the same end.

At the same time, because everyone's life is full struggle everyone's life is full of adventure. We meet new challenges through our various stages of life ... we learn how to walk, how to make friends, how to work, how to survive, and how to give ...

I might have been a whiz with instruments but I would never make a car body part like JO or renovate a bathroom like WISHY or write code or speak many languages. I have some serious divots in my imagination, and I suck at scheduling and I have not always been the best person I could be and did things that I now look on with regret. I lack self-discipline. I've learned that money isn't the measure of a person's worth. Unlike our daughter, I was never dealt a hand so terrible that I couldn't muddle thru. I've met my many limits in many areas. Fortunately for me, none of them were fatal, but I can't say the same for the billions of people who were dealt a short life.

You have your own struggles, triumphs, adventures, and failures. They aren't worth more or less than anyone else's.

Life isn't a competition; it's a road we all travel.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, April 26, 2018 11:46 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Oh no, 3rd grade taunts - how dare you, Kiki.

You know the level of discourse has reached an all time low when Whozit makes the most intelligent comment in a thread while Jack and Kiki run out their usual playground insults and Siggy feigns modesty while bragging, "I'm so amazing!"

Ugh, this place.

Dude. You seriously just said that you were in favor of banning knives.

There's no intelligence behind that "discourse".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, April 26, 2018 1:41 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've never carried a knife outside of my house - can't imagine many have. - GSTRING

No surprise that you have no imagination based in reality.
Not sure if I know any men who have never carried a knife outside their house. Except gays - such tools don't really fit in their stupid pants.
We just need to remember to call them "cutters" so pansies don't get spastic.- JSF

Heck, even I carried a knife in my pocket when I worked in the field and in the lab. A sharp knife- so useful for cutting tubing, quickly paring down a part that doesn't quite fit, cutting line and small electrical wires, and digging out washers.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you just admitted you are more man than G-string.

Oh no, 3rd grade taunts - how dare you, Kiki.

You know the level of discourse has reached an all time low when Whozit makes the most intelligent comment in a thread while Jack and Kiki run out their usual playground insults and Siggy feigns modesty while bragging, "I'm so amazing!"

Ugh, this place.

When Whozit posts in one of your threads, it is usually the most intelligent compared to yours.


Saturday, April 28, 2018 2:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you just admitted you are more man than G-string.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Oh no, 3rd grade taunts - how dare you, Kiki.

You being so very confidently ignorant and wrong makes me giggle inside!

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Saturday, April 28, 2018 7:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Oh no, 3rd grade taunts - how dare you, Kiki.- GSTRING

You being so very confidently ignorant and wrong makes me giggle inside!- KIKI

Actually, CC confidently and ignorantly inserting 3rd grade taunts makes me sad.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy






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