The Definition of Insanity (is probably not what you think it is)

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 12:26
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018 2:22 PM


In one of the topics around here I was going to question the sanity of the Democratic Party, the way the far Left is leading the charge, and their inability to learn from their recent mistakes and how they are continuing their self-destructive patterns of behavior over and over again.

The definition of insanity, after all, is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.... isn't it?

No. It isn't.

I don't know where I first heard that, but I assume it was a clever line in some Hollywood blockbuster movie. Something the evil antagonist said during the middle of some grand speech he was making in the final act right before the good guy turned the tables and saved the day. I know I've heard it many, many times since then.

I've made it a habit to look up a great deal of words when doing any sort of writing, including even posting on forums like this one. It's a great exercise IMO, and works wonders in expanding one's vocabulary. (Which they say can actually raise your IQ level, but maybe that's not true either. I guess I'd have to do some research on it).

So I looked up the definition of insanity and I was surprised not to see this common sense knowledge wasn't listed in any of the numerous definitions. I even tried several other sites for definitions of words and came up with nothing. How could that be?

So I did a Google search for "insane definition same result" without the quotes and found this article, by a therapist who thinks that it is not a good thing that people believe this to be the definition of insanity and wants to set the record straight.

The whole article is a good read, but this is the part I found most illuminating:


I'm not in the habit of slamming cute sayings, but I think there's a dark underbelly to this one. I've started hearing people use it in the service of avoidance, which is a defense mechanism. Rather than facing their fears, they grab on to this saying for protection against possible failure, pain or rejection. Some examples:

"I've asked out two women and been shot down both times, and you know the definition of insanity..."

"I jogged for a week and actually gained weight. They say the definition of insanity is ..."

"It's been a month and I'm still crying about his death. I'm living the definition of insanity."

The definition of insanity doesn't have anything to do with jogging. It's important to keep grieving, jogging and asking people for dates because these are areas of life that require some repetition and are quite sane. As a therapist, when I hear these statements I can collude with the protective bubble of the socially accepted catch phrase or challenge it. When met with the examples above, I'll challenge.

I think the confusion behind this statement is best illustrated by these two words:

Perseveration: the pathological, persistent repetition of a word, gesture, or act.

Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Some forms of dementia, traumatic brain injury, anxiety and OCD can cause people to perseverate. They repeat words and tasks or try repeatedly to solve problems, but are left frustrated and unsatisfied. They're not necessarily insane, but stuck in a non-productive pattern due to a glitch in brain function. Some medications or CBT tools may prove helpful.

Just thought it was interesting and felt that I should share it.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018 5:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I just want to express my distaste for psychiatrists in general. The whole field of psychiatry was based on fraud ... Jung believed in a collective unconscious. And Freud - despite evidence that many if his patients actually WERE sexually abused - chose to write off their symptoms as their attempt to suppress their own sexual desires for their parent-figures. Go figure! But then, Freud was not about the bite the (wealthy) hands that fed him by accusing them of pedophilia.

Most psychiatrists continue in that same vein: pounding the individual into social conformity.

I bring that up because of the topic of "perseverance". Psychiatrists in western society expect people to be "hypo-manic" ... that is, to try, and try, and try again and not give up. People who "persevere" and who succeed are constantly held up as the image of "success", without a thought to the thousands of other who try and try and try again, and who ultimately fail to achieve their goals. (And BTW, when looking at actors, singers, and other performers, success is a result of luck not talent, because there are thousands of equally-talented performers "out there" who just never hit the jackpot.)

If you describe a real-life situation to a group of people - one which actually happened and for which the outcome is known - the people who have the most REALISTIC expectation of the outcome would be classified ... by our vaunted psychiatrists... as "mildly depressed". For example, predicting the fate of specific victims in mass accident/ mass casualty situations. Or the idea of achieving great wealth in a society which tends to keep most people impoverished. So altho perseverance can be a good thing, it's ALSO necessary to have a realistic view of the difficulties and circumstances surrounding a goal, because sometimes the situation that you're in is so fucked up it's not worth trying to overcome individually, and maybe the better choice is to try and change the situation as a whole.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, July 24, 2018 8:44 PM


That might all be true, but he is right about the definition of insanity, and what most people incorrectly think it is. The "well known definition" of the word is actually much closer to the definition of Perseveration than of Insanity.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 25, 2018 10:16 AM


... stay crunchy...

I always thought that "doing it again, diff outcome" was just an Internet meme.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018 10:40 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I always thought that "doing it again, diff outcome" was just an Internet meme.

I'm sure it is by now, but it's been around a lot longer than that.

A quick google search reveals that it was used by the "bad guys" in both Farcry 3 and Batman: Arkham Asylum, neither of which I've ever played.

I also found this article that shows a lot of uses it's had in journalism:

Here's another interesting blog on it:

Here's some movies that it was said in: 28 Days, Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius, Anger Management, 12 Monkeys.

It looks like it was also said in the game King's Quest VI.

I'm pretty sure that my first exposure to it based off of that list would have either been 12 Monkeys or King's Quest VI. Whichever came first, that's at least twice I had heard it pretty early in life.

If you look up the quote on IMDB, you'll find that it has been used in a wide range of media over the years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2024 12:26 PM