Amit...a name used in Middle East and India? Norma McCorvey aka "Roe" was a lying Drug Addict? Who Is Amit Jain? the Supreme Court Street Shitter Clerk Who Leaked Info?

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 21:36
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Tuesday, May 3, 2022 8:46 PM


Can NOT Poo into a Loo yet he gets to rig America's highest Court Systm
Is he still inside his Caste System trying to please his higher up masters or

Clerk Rats

Say No to Street Shitter Morality? or...
What is in it for the Street Shitter?

Lawyers Sarah Catherine Ragle Weddington and Linda Coffee had links, She was a member of Masonic sisterhood blackmail Sigma Kappa sorority and I guess crazy Coffee who came up with the fake name Jane Roe argued an unborn person is not a person and therefore has no rights? Gallup poll conducted in May 2014 indicates that 50% of Americans believe that abortions should be legal under certain circumstances. McCorvey endorsed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul she said, "I support Ron Paul for president because we share the same goal, that of overturning Roe v. Wade. He has never wavered on the issue of being pro-life and has a voting record to prove it. He understands the importance of civil liberties for all, including the unborn."

BUT Why does the H 1 B Street Shitter leak info and want to Abort Americans?

and that woman
“Been living a lie for far too long,”

She was of partial Cajun ancestry and at age of ten, she ran away from her Alcoholic mother and she robbed the cash register at a gas station and ran away to Oklahoma City with a friend. They tricked a hotel worker into letting them rent a room, and were there for two days when a maid walked in on her and her female friend kissing.
. According to McCorvey and friends they advised her that she should assert falsely that she had been raped in order to Abort her kids. Later in her life, McCorvey became a Evangelical Protestant and thereafter a Roman Catholic, and took part in the anti-abortion movement. McCorvey stated then that her involvement in Roe was "the biggest mistake of her life." In July 2009 she was removed by Capitol Police a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor allegedly for interrupting the hearing along with several other pro-life protestors. During an interview shortly before her death, in what McCorvey referred to as her "deathbed confession", she said she had been paid to speak against abortion.

What is the Pajeet doing...Non-Americans and Dual Citizens make terrible stewards of American institutions....Leaking info but whats Street Shitters Angle in all this?

Who is the Dual Citizen Hindu Street Shitter Amit working for, doing crime and leaking at the federal level.

Whatever your opinion Pro or Anti
Street Shitter Pajeet should not have done this

they’ve potentially damaged the US Supreme Court for the foreseeable future


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 9:06 PM


It is SO HARD for me to have an opinion on this issue.

My backstory about it has been detailed here several times, and anybody still here probably knows my feelings on it...

Yet at the same time, in America alone, 63 Million weren't born since Roe v. Wade. Multiply that by how many kids 63 Million kids would have had and we'd already be a country of over 1/2 a Billion people.

You think gas and food prices are high right now?

Think the clogged up ports and the shipping catastrophe that Joe Biden* and team haven't figured out how to fix for a year is bad now?

How large is a 63 Million person Carbon Footprint multiplied by their children?

Not to mention that the kids who weren't born ended up being spared being raised by the monster who ultimately murdered them, probably avoiding an unhappy and screwed up life altogether.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 9:14 PM


Bottom Line: This is not an issue that will change the way I vote about anything or anyone.

That being said, I think throwing it out is a pretty foolish thing to do. Even if Roe v. Wade should never have been enshrined for good legal reason, that doesn't matter in the slightest. Think about how stupid the average person you know is and then ask yourself if they can even read one sentence of legalese let alone understand it. Reality has no basis on whatever the outcome of all of this ends up being. This one is 100% left to the whims of the court of public opinion.

The reactionary, emotional, stupid public and their asinine opinion.

Was the wind blowing hard enough against Democrats to overshadow this? I guess we'll find out in November.

One thing you can always count on though is that there is never a good opportunity or situation that Republicans can't totally fuck up.

Glad to see there's still some things that never change.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 9:36 PM



The strangeness of all of this makes me think there might be some bigger looming issues at play here.

Why this? Why now?

Why do the one single possible thing that could fuck up Republican's chances right when the Democrats are showing the entire exhausted country how inept and evil they are? Why allow Democrats to back themselves onto the ledge of a cliff so high that they'd never recover from the fall only to hand them a loaded rocket launcher at the last minute?

Are things about to get worse than they already are somehow?

I'm talking something big. Really, really big. Something that the Democrats could never hope to escape out from under while it happens under their watch.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"






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