Are there lots of racists in the Whitehouse ?

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 16:10
VIEWED: 2132
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Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:11 AM


Blacks in the administration give the cosmetic appearance of racial equality, but are there a lot of racists in the Whitehouse ?

Well we've all seen the theory and the people who think there's some mega-conspiracy, and could go about how GW thinks God is on his side, how he liked to put lots of young black folk in old sparkey, we could continue about Gay rights ...and so forth

We could go on about the people who write about Rummy, and they say 'it was he who was pals with Saddam' giving him lots of bio-weapons to kill people in Iran and many other scandlas..more recently the human righst issues of Camp-Xray and Abu Graib prision.

But let's just focus on Cheney
can we really have this guy re-elected ? We know Cheney is real close to the likes Barbour in the intrest of getting votes from the far-right , Barbour, the former Republican National Committee chairman. Barbour has in the past blatantly appealed to the most racist elements in Mississippi by defiantly refusing to ask the Council of Confederate Citizens to remove his photograph from its website home page. The photo shows Barbour at a CCC-sponsored barbecue with five other men, including CCC field director Bill Lord. Attorney General John Ashcroft opposed racial integration and the appointment of African Americans to offices as Missouri governor and attorney general and has uttered pro-Confederate views.Ashcroft, too, is non-discriminatory when it comes to discriminating. He doesn’t seem particularly predisposed towards gays, either, trying to thwart their appointment to political office. Ashcroft has asked potential male employees if they had the same preferences as most men. He has been quoted as saying, “Well, you know, I believe that the Bible calls [homosexuality] a sin and that defines sin for me.” (Do you suppose Ashcroft hates Dick Cheney’s gay daughter, Mary?)

So one of the good things about Cheney is taht he will likely stand up for gay-rights. But he was more skeletons in the closet. Dick Cheney was one of only thirteen members of Congress to vote against funding for AIDS research. He consistently opposed civil rights legislation. Donald Rumsfeld was captured on the Watergate tapes commiserating with Richard Nixon about the “n*ggers”. But ain't those CCC just nice folk... Coo Clucks Clan ? CCC’s home page--which also featured links to such articles as "In Defense of Racism". Barbour's friends in the all-white CCC wave confederate flags, espouse deporting blacks to Africa, claim the Holocaust was a hoax, oppose immigration of Asians, Latinos, and other minorities, have ties to the French neo-fascist Le Pen, and oppose the mixing of races which they call miscegenation.
Barbour and his chumps got lots of support. Among the big-name Republicans who showed up in Mississippi to support their favorite right-wing lobbyist are Dick Cheney, Rudolph Giuliani, Bob and Elizabeth Dole, former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, and Dubya’s little brother, Florida Gov. Jeb. The White House strategist Karl Rove also aided with the Horton ad and oversaw the racist 2000 South Carolina smear campaign against Sen. John McCain, which alluded to McCain's "black child," having papers saying he fathered a child from a black prostitute. While in Congress from 1979 until 1989, Dick Cheney opposed measures strengthening laws against housing discrimination and collecting hate-crime data. Cheney supported apartheid in the racist South African regime, even as it crumbled.

Cheney has done his part to put colored people in their place worldwide as well. Cheney consistently voted against sanctions on South Africa for its policy of apartheid (which, translated in English, means "God's chosen few"). Cheney even wanted to see politcal prisioner Nelson Mandela locked way for good.The Republican Party in general launched a strategy during the late 1960s to capture the southern racist vote by opposing affirmative action, supporting the rights of states like South Carolina to fly the Confederate flag in front of public buildings, and similar positions. Dubya Bush himself spoke before the segregationist Bob Jones University in South Carolina, genuflected before the Confederate flag, and helped implement the racial Willie Horton ad . Long time Republicans and closet racists Trent Lott and Bob Barr have also supported the CCC and remain unapologetic. However some say Trent Lott is only the tip of the iceberg in the party ? An article by USA Today cited several other examples of recent insensitive remarks made by Republican public officials and none by Democratic officials because reporters could not find any believe me, they would have included some by the other party if they found them. Bob Barr seemed to be going for a perfect voting record whille Jesse Helms another Cheney pal - He called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a “Negro hoodlum who was born a bum”. He faithfully supported apartheid to the bitter end, derided the national press as being “full of homosexuals” & opposes any gay being allowed to serve in government.

We can also look at the Jeb connection in Florida, there are still many who think there was a plan to prevent and blaock minority votes. There have been many news articles and books on Florida's scandal , people like Moore , Christian Dewar and others have highlighted the problem. The books say : black votes were suppressed by the use of faulty voting machines in predominantly black neighborhoods, the purging of innocent people wrongly accused of being felons, faulty ballots, the relocation of voting centers days before the election without announcement, police roadblocks near minority polls to intimidate and harass blacks, and the lack of computers for voter verification at the polls. According to a recent report by the Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights, the Bush administration is pursuing policies that serve to resegregate America. The report claims that there is now a "judicial assault on civil rights" and that "We may awaken from our current preoccupation with national security to find ourselves a nation more divided, less equal, and therefor less secure, than before". The report claims that "These decisions have reversed the progress of earlier years and lead to a trend towards resegregating America." One commission member said that Bush's 'compassionate conservatism' "amounts to a sham". They say Republican Party has come full circle from the days of Abraham Lincoln. So why all the starnge stances by Cheney, why did Dick cast those strange votes

Just keep in mind it was Dick who opposed having a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday

So is Dick a racist or not ? Or is everyone over-reacting ?


Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:08 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

If you're trying to research this, note that there is no "Council of Confederate Citizens"


Correction: In my last column, I inadvertently called the Council of Conservative Citizens the Council of Confederate Citizens. Derrick Z. Jackson's e-mail address is

© Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.

Still not the most open-minded of folk, apparently, whatever the name.

When I click on their website,, I get this from my office's filter.


[my office] has restricted access to the requested URL.

Reason: [my office's] category "Racism and Hate" is filtered.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, October 28, 2004 6:37 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:

So is Dick a racist or not ?

No. He's not. The rest of your post is like an explosion of bullshit. Well I'm not cleaning it up.

Seems to me that there's plenty of legitimate political difference to discuss without going all liberal looney on us.

Hmmm...let me try. Kerry is a supporter of an independent Puerta Rico and advocates terrorist attacks to accomplish that goal. Why? He's a Democratic Senator, like Hillary Clinton, who influenced President Clinton to pardon Puerta Rican terrorists. Bullshit. Or maybe Kerry supports the KKK. He has few, if any black staffers and is in the Senate with Senator Byrd (D, W.Va) a former Grand Wizard. Kerry hates heterosexuals and non-gay marriage. After all he supports gay marriage and gay rights and has never spoken out in support of heterosuxual issues. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Bush favors tax cuts, tort reform, and killing terrorists without French permission. Kerry wants to raise taxes, nationalize health care, and establish a "world (ie French) test" on American security. Those are ISSUES. If thats not enough lets talk jobs, flu shots, internet taxation, baseball, Vietnam, intellgence policy, drug policy, Affirmative action, stem cell research, space exploration, and campaign finance reform. Liberals, conservatives, moderates, and yes even Republicans and Democrats can talk issues.

"Cheney is a racist". Please. Get an education and come back when you have something to say.



Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:05 AM


guess some of you folks missed that VP debate ? Cheney has had good talks in the past but he made a mess of that debate, here's what one site said "Cheney wrongly implied that FactCheck haddefended his tenure as CEO of Halliburton Co., and the vice president even got our name wrong."

One of the most damming moments of the debate was when Edwards said that Cheney did'nt support the Martin Luther King holiday
and he also mentioned he fact Dick was against the freeing Nelson Mandella from jail

and more on the subject of Florida where
Basically, Florida officers are "investigating" voter fraud by showing up at the homes of black voters (under the direct commands of Jeb Bush's office). As one news sites says Florida will probably be the key to his reelection again. There are already problems with the new touch screen voting machines, not to mention the fact there is no "paper trail". The local police and FBI are investigating voter fraud in the Orlando Mayoral election, yet are going soley to houses of Black/Minority Liberal/Elderly voters trying to intimidate. Many of whom belong to groups trying to get more blacks to vote. The ugly developments - both focused on race - were the heavy-handed investigation by Florida state troopers of black get-out-the-vote efforts in Orlando, and the state's blatant attempt to purge blacks from voter rolls through the use of a flawed list of supposed felons that contained the names of thousands of African-Americans.

On the VP debate it was also mentioned that Cheney was up to mischief with Halliburton. As CEO of Halliburton, Cheney came home from Saudi Arabia and announced to a small group of oilmen his good news: higher gas prices for Americans. His corruption was one thinsg however hsi positions on racial equality matters were something else. Cheney a supporter of the Apartheid, the Bantu or non-whites did not have civil rights in this policy violence and of racial segregation. Dick Cheney voted as a Wyoming congressman for the apartheid
govt. of South Africa . Cheney opposed the ending of Apartheid in South Africa.
It is said that there is not a single black Republican in the Senate or the House. The Party has worked to end affirmative action, has stymied the work of the Equal Opportunities Commission. He went against the Department of Education. He voted against funding for Meals on Wheels for seniors. He was against a holiday for Martin Luther King. He voted against a resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela in South Africa....

To see some of the infomartion above just check out the transcript of the VP debate

So do these books / sites have a point ?
or is Cheney a nice ol' guy afterall ?


Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:15 AM



Originally posted by JaynezTown:
So do these books / sites have a point ?
or is Cheney a nice ol' guy afterall ?

I don't think anyone would accuse Cheney of being a "nice guy". We don't need nice guys in the White House. We need guys like Bush who have a vision for this country and the world and guys like Cheney who can kick ass in the boardroom.

As for those books and sites, I'd say they are lies and half-truths packaged for ravenous consumption by the Bush-haters who abandoned reason the day after the last election. Same kind of people claim Reagan released the Aids virus, the first Bush flew to Iran in 1980, LBJ killed Kennedy (that one's true) and FDR put the fleet at Pearl to get bombed.

As for investigating the Black 'get out the vote' groups, it needs to be done. Sure most are just good folks doing good deeds, but its the ones who see dead people as a viable constituency, the ones who pay their employees in crack (thats the NAACP approach to electioneering in Ohio), and the ones who want felons to vote and but not soldiers(thats for you, Pennsylvania). Those groups are bringing the heat down. The legitimate groups should applaud the effort instead of claiming the high ground like an Islamic charity after 9/11.

Oh, and I'm part of the Republican "intimidation" effort in Ohio. I'm volunteering to monitor a local precinct. If I intimidate some old lady standing in line, thats too damn bad. Its my right to monitor, and I'm going, cause if they aint on the rolls they aint votin in my town.

Plus, I don't want to stop the blacks from voting, I just want to stop them from voting for Kerry, thats not politics.



Monday, November 1, 2004 8:32 PM


maybe I'm over-reacting to these websites, maybe there aren't any racists, and is it possible that Florida was just a little glitch

However I still hate faux news

F*ck you F ox


Monday, November 1, 2004 9:06 PM


well duh!!

to answer your question YES!!!

is it any wonder that the neo Nazis support this administration, and its sad to say but whenever a Republican President gets into office its been statistically shown that racism tends to become more prevalent..its just the way it is

not to say all Republicans or people who vote Republican are racist although I do think the Repulican mindset appeals more to those types of people and usually the laws and such that Republican's tend to support tend to have some racial or prejudice tendencies....

which is why Racism/ prejudice tends to flare up alot more when Republicans get into office

The Bush administration must be a Neo Nazi dream come true.

Bush/ Cheny are blantely racist they don't really even try to hide..which is more honest in someway..I didn't say it was good..but more honest!!

but then Bush/ Cheny go beyond Racist/ prejudice, they are Elitest, they look down on everyone even the people who support them

actually I'm pretty sure they have just as much contempt for the idoits whom they think of as idoits who support them as they do anyone else

But the Bush/ Cheny admistration is so full of hate and hateful anyway, they appeal to the base part of peoples nature.

Thats one of the reason why I think it says alot about the person who would support them, its a personal charactor flaw

you would have to be incredibly ingnorant/ mis informed to vote support this administration/ racist/ bigot predjudice/ or just hateful and a religious fanatic or all wrapped into one



Tuesday, November 2, 2004 1:02 AM



I don't think anyone would accuse Cheney of being a "nice guy". We don't need nice guys in the White House. We need guys like Bush who have a vision for this country and the world and guys like Cheney who can kick ass in the boardroom.

As for those books and sites, I'd say they are lies and half-truths packaged for ravenous consumption by the Bush-haters who abandoned reason the day after the last election. Same kind of people claim Reagan released the Aids virus, the first Bush flew to Iran in 1980, LBJ killed Kennedy (that one's true) and FDR put the fleet at Pearl to get bombed.

As for investigating the Black 'get out the vote' groups, it needs to be done. Sure most are just good folks doing good deeds, but its the ones who see dead people as a viable constituency, the ones who pay their employees in crack (thats the NAACP approach to electioneering in Ohio), and the ones who want felons to vote and but not soldiers(thats for you, Pennsylvania). Those groups are bringing the heat down. The legitimate groups should applaud the effort instead of claiming the high ground like an Islamic charity after 9/11.

Oh, and I'm part of the Republican "intimidation" effort in Ohio. I'm volunteering to monitor a local precinct. If I intimidate some old lady standing in line, thats too damn bad. Its my right to monitor, and I'm going, cause if they aint on the rolls they aint votin in my town.

Plus, I don't want to stop the blacks from voting, I just want to stop them from voting for Kerry, thats not politics.

I started not to respond to this post but then I thought, you shouldn't be able to spew your crap and think your fooling anyone..because you are so obviously not!! and someone should call you on it!!

I beg to differ, thats racism... try to sugar coat it any way you is what it is!! and you are what you are!!

your one of the people trying to disenfanchise people from there rights as a U.S citazen

thats racism when your perpertating that on a race and its prejudice when your singling out a group.. Democrates

which is sick, and disgusting, and you have the nerve to put a smiley face about LBJ involved in JFK's murder (ughhh)

I'm not even religious but I Pray to the powers that be..that the Bush admisntration isn't allowed to cheat their way into office again because if they do this Country is going down and its going to be because of people like you

it seems you'll get a kick out of intimadating little old ladies..I just hope one of those little old ladies carries a hat pin or an umbrella with a sharp end!!!

someone like you must be an awfully unhappy person to be so disgusting!!

and btw

as long as a person is registered in that county wether they are on the rolls or not, they can have a provisonal ballot and vote, thats the law and thats a right as an American

please let me know where your going to be at so that I can be sure to make sure there is a lawyer there to monitor you!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 3:54 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Blah blah blah...racism...Blah blah blah...disenfanchise...blah blah blah...racism... LBJ involved in JFK's murder...blah blah blah...Bush admisntration isn't allowed to cheat their way into office again...blah blah blah...intimadating little old ladies...blah blah

I don't see the NAACP appealing to white voters to 'get out the vote'. Maybe the suburban drugs are too expensive or maybe, by your definition, the NAACP is racist. Or are they racist because they are only using drugs to get the black vote high.

Blacks are free the vote how they wish. I am doing all I can to stop them from voting for Kerry. All I can includes my campaign contribution, my GOP hat, my yard sign, and my vocal advocacy of the Republican position. Thats politics. But you seem to think I'm standing in a doorway somewhere saying no to little old black ladies. Thats not politics, thats illegal. Wouldn't do that.

But since I live, work, and have campaigned in a predominately white, asian, and muslim community I'm afraid my efforts have also influenced in some small way my friends and neighbors of all races. Thats the thing about words and ideas (and ideals) they are color blind.

Since 2000 the President has doubled his support in African American community (from 9% to 18%). Thats been one of his goals. Guess that makes him a racist.


and btw

as long as a person is registered in that county wether they are on the rolls or not, they can have a provisonal ballot and vote, thats the law and thats a right as an American

Nope, the court of appeals overturned the Toledo decision. Too bad. I read that opinion and decided that I could legally vote in every precinct in the county I was registered in. Me and a few friends planned start early and cast "provisional ballots" (with no system to check them they aren't really provisional) in every precinct we could find. I was hoping that we could cast 1000 votes between us, but alas the Court of Appeals has intervened.

please let me know where your going to be at so that I can be sure to make sure there is a lawyer there to monitor you!!

Don't worry, I've got you covered. I'm and lawyer and a local Prosecutor so I can assure you everything will be ok at my precinct.

Aint that ironical?



Tuesday, November 2, 2004 9:27 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratejenny:

Blah blah blah...racism...Blah blah blah...disenfanchise...blah blah blah...racism... LBJ involved in JFK's murder...blah blah blah...Bush admisntration isn't allowed to cheat their way into office again...blah blah blah...intimadating little old ladies...blah blah

I don't see the NAACP appealing to white voters to 'get out the vote'. Maybe the suburban drugs are too expensive or maybe, by your definition, the NAACP is racist. Or are they racist because they are only using drugs to get the black vote high.

Blacks are free the vote how they wish. I am doing all I can to stop them from voting for Kerry. All I can includes my campaign contribution, my GOP hat, my yard sign, and my vocal advocacy of the Republican position. Thats politics. But you seem to think I'm standing in a doorway somewhere saying no to little old black ladies. Thats not politics, thats illegal. Wouldn't do that.

But since I live, work, and have campaigned in a predominately white, asian, and muslim community I'm afraid my efforts have also influenced in some small way my friends and neighbors of all races. Thats the thing about words and ideas (and ideals) they are color blind.

Since 2000 the President has doubled his support in African American community (from 9% to 18%). Thats been one of his goals. Guess that makes him a racist.


and btw

as long as a person is registered in that county wether they are on the rolls or not, they can have a provisonal ballot and vote, thats the law and thats a right as an American

Nope, the court of appeals overturned the Toledo decision. Too bad. I read that opinion and decided that I could legally vote in every precinct in the county I was registered in. Me and a few friends planned start early and cast "provisional ballots" (with no system to check them they aren't really provisional) in every precinct we could find. I was hoping that we could cast 1000 votes between us, but alas the Court of Appeals has intervened.

please let me know where your going to be at so that I can be sure to make sure there is a lawyer there to monitor you!!

Don't worry, I've got you covered. I'm and lawyer and a local Prosecutor so I can assure you everything will be ok at my precinct.

Aint that ironical?



(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 9:27 AM



Originally posted by Hero:

Originally posted by piratejenny:

Blah blah blah...racism...Blah blah blah...disenfanchise...blah blah blah...racism... LBJ involved in JFK's murder...blah blah blah...Bush admisntration isn't allowed to cheat their way into office again...blah blah blah...intimadating little old ladies...blah blah

I don't see the NAACP appealing to white voters to 'get out the vote'. Maybe the suburban drugs are too expensive or maybe, by your definition, the NAACP is racist. Or are they racist because they are only using drugs to get the black vote high.

Blacks are free the vote how they wish. I am doing all I can to stop them from voting for Kerry. All I can includes my campaign contribution, my GOP hat, my yard sign, and my vocal advocacy of the Republican position. Thats politics. But you seem to think I'm standing in a doorway somewhere saying no to little old black ladies. Thats not politics, thats illegal. Wouldn't do that.

But since I live, work, and have campaigned in a predominately white, asian, and muslim community I'm afraid my efforts have also influenced in some small way my friends and neighbors of all races. Thats the thing about words and ideas (and ideals) they are color blind.

Since 2000 the President has doubled his support in African American community (from 9% to 18%). Thats been one of his goals. Guess that makes him a racist.


and btw

as long as a person is registered in that county wether they are on the rolls or not, they can have a provisonal ballot and vote, thats the law and thats a right as an American

Nope, the court of appeals overturned the Toledo decision. Too bad. I read that opinion and decided that I could legally vote in every precinct in the county I was registered in. Me and a few friends planned start early and cast "provisional ballots" (with no system to check them they aren't really provisional) in every precinct we could find. I was hoping that we could cast 1000 votes between us, but alas the Court of Appeals has intervened.

please let me know where your going to be at so that I can be sure to make sure there is a lawyer there to monitor you!!

Don't worry, I've got you covered. I'm and lawyer and a local Prosecutor so I can assure you everything will be ok at my precinct.

Aint that ironical?



(Gorramn Double Post)
"I'll be in my bunk."


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 10:59 AM


Thanks for proving me right!!

that post says it all

you've showed your true nature you and your shadow who can't come up with any ignorant thoughts of his own so he post yours


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 12:24 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
Thanks for proving me right!!

that post says it all

you've showed your true nature you and your shadow who can't come up with any ignorant thoughts of his own so he post yours

First you admit my post says it all, then you attack that other fellow for not saying more.

I think you need to calm down, your scaring the women.

Its almost over now. No major problems. The only one I saw in Ohio is that lady in Cleveland who tried to vote and wasn't on the rolls. The poll worker reached for a provisional ballot but when he looked up, she was already outside, on TV, with a lawyer. Good stunt, but it was a local Democratic Party job, not part of the national 'tie up the vote' effort.

The turnout has been great, even if most of the ones in my precinct are AARPs voting for their SS checks and low incomers voting for a handout.

Didn't see any crack. These are good folk here, just misguided. Didn't challenge anybody. Didn't need to. I was surprised that there was a police officer at every precinct, hope that didn't scare anybody away (cept the terrorists and NAACP drug dealers). But from the turnout I'd say we should have few legitimate complaints.

So either we move on with you mindlessly attacking Bush or we move on with me zealously opposing Kerry.

I don't think we're gonna be as drawn out tonight as people think. My sense of the race is 51-48 Bush w/Bush losing Ohio and winning PA thus winning the election. But it could go the other way.

So all in all, here we are again. One big damn Democracy...aint we just?



Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:10 PM








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