UPDATED: Thursday, January 13, 2005 07:40
VIEWED: 1715
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Friday, January 7, 2005 11:23 PM


every so often as I'm driving in my car listening to the radio, I hear an annoucement about Mad Cow Disease.. it usually goes something like this

a new case of Mad Cow disease has been reported in Canada, the FDA has taken precutions and their is nothing to worry about, so continue to chow down on that burger folks!!! blah blah, blah

you get the gest of it

so I'm guessing this is the offical public announcemt that we are being fed, but I have a feeling that its serious

I think a good portion of the American population and probably Canadian population has already been exposed to mad Cow disease,

the disease doesn't just take hold the minute someone becomes infected it could take 10-20 years before it shows up

think about it or not, but how many Americans eat hamburgers evey single day!!

another thing that caught my intrest, on my local news station this morning they did a small blurb on how Curry can stop the effects of alztimers disease, their has been some studies done that shows certain forms of that disease to actually be mad cow disease

I think in 10-20 years from now we could be dealing with a full blown epidemic with millions of people dying all at once

the American cattle industry have refused to deal with the issue of Mad Cow disease , its not even discussed here, and they haven't changed any of their standards, they still continue to feed cows the flesh of dead animals, and cows are herbviors they shouldn't be eating any kind of flesh at all, they are doing the same thing with chickens, all of our meat in this courntry is tainted
so anyone has any thoughts on this!!


Saturday, January 8, 2005 4:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have looked into this deeply because of my daughter's medical treatments. Vectors of mad cow-type (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy- TSE, which include BSE/vCJD) disease include:

beef, gelatin (possible)
beef (bovine) insulin
human blood and blood product tranfusions (eg.platelets)
corneal implants
dura matter grafts
human growth hormone
surgical instruments

Out of that list, I'm sure I've forgotten a few.

Oh, but not to panic. The beef industry has everything under control... especially the government. Let the free market reign!



Saturday, January 8, 2005 4:50 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You haven't even thought of Chronic Wasting Disease, have you??

But before you go stark raving mad about it, there are a few simple precautions you can take. (Unless you have received pooled blood products like platelets, intravenous immunoglobulin, clotting factor, had neurosurgery or implanted electrode testing, taken bovine insulin, human growth hormone, cow-derived melatonin, gotten direct blood transfusions, corneal implant, dura matter graft, or (some say) frequent intraocular-pressure tests, in which case you are part of a medical experiment in which you are not "likely" to get TSE. (BTW, the focus on the eye is due to the fact that back part of the eye is a part of the brain. Bet you didn't know that??)

DON'T EAT MYSTERY MEATS: highly processed meat products of unknown origin, especially those containing "beef". They often contain mechanically-derived meat, high-pressure-washed soft fragments from carcasses including nerve tissue.

Avoid beef from near the spine or which contain marrow bones, like T-bone or rib eye (sigh). Or avoid beef altogether.

Don't eat deer or elk from the Colorado/ Wyoming/ Utah area, or squirrel or possum from ANY area.


Saturday, January 8, 2005 5:25 AM


You know it makes since what you are saying. I am sure the government hides alot of things.



Saturday, January 8, 2005 5:42 AM


If you want to see a sure sign that Mad Cow Disease has taken a HUGE foothold in the american public, you need look no further than the re-election of Dubya. It had to be a case of severe brain damage for this to occur.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Saturday, January 8, 2005 9:41 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

If you want to see a sure sign that Mad Cow Disease has taken a HUGE foothold in the american public, you need look no further than the re-election of Dubya. It had to be a case of severe brain damage for this to occur.


Seriously though, I live in Canada and I've heard of 2 or 3 cases of the past number of years. This doesn't exactly spell mass problem to me. But nontheless, something that should be fixed anyway. We, at least, would like some guarantees'.

But just because we tend toward the cautious, we rarely eat hambuger's (especially NOT from Mcdonalds). Also, we only eat chicken regularly and rarely pork.

For those of you that care, at least up here, some companies are starting to use vegetable only feed for there animals. I would think that there would be some down there that are doing the same.

Back to Mcdonalds. They process the hell out of there hambuger "meat." Actually, so that they have consistent "taste" across a country, they mix the "meat" to the point where even if there was an instance of BSE, you wouldn't be able to tell where it came from b/c it basically all just enters one big mixer. Disturbing on many fronts!

Up here, we complained and the companies listened... eventually.

But for you guys down there, the companies don't care. You can complain all you want and it won't matter to them. You have to start to hit them where they care that it hurts... the bottom line.

Find the companies that use vegetable only feed (and free range if you can find them) and only buy from them. Talk to the restaurants that you frequent and let them know what you want (how will they know otherwise). This could be done while paying your bill. These are two very simple things that anyone can do without any real effort and if enough people did it, things would change.

Basically, don't wait for you "government" to do these things. That'll take forever if it happens at all. The consumer can get this done far faster.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, January 10, 2005 12:15 AM



Oh, but not to panic. The beef industry has everything under control... especially the government. Let the free market reign!

I know and it pisses me off, its insulting because its sooooo obvious that they don't have it under control that they don't even give a damn...and the fact that nobody and I mean nobody is making them do anything and everyday we just keep on chowing down on those greasy hamburgers

and they just keep on feeding cows flesh, knowing that this is the main cause of the disease

the fact that they make light of it, tells me that its very very serious!!!


Monday, January 10, 2005 12:25 AM



DON'T EAT MYSTERY MEATS: highly processed meat products of unknown origin, especially those containing "beef". They often contain mechanically-derived meat, high-pressure-washed soft fragments from carcasses including nerve tissue.

Avoid beef from near the spine or which contain marrow bones, like T-bone or rib eye (sigh). Or avoid beef altogether

ummmm but how many of us have already been expossed to mystery meat, I know I've eaten plenty of processed food along with millons of others , although I'm not the biggest fan of beef or of red meat I do like a good burger every so often I do enjoy barbeque and ribs especially how many products have we used that contain that stuff without us even being aware of it!!

unless most of us turn into vegtarians, its not likely we are going to be able to avoid much of anything, I eat alot of chicken, and they also feed chickens the same thing they feed the cows,

the issue is not us avoiding certain things, being aware yes, but I think that a good many of us probably have already been infected, its the cattle industry espeically and the government that has to start making changes to eradicate this disease, so that no more people will be infected!!


Basically, don't wait for you "government" to do these things. That'll take forever if it happens at all. The consumer can get this done far faster.

but the problem with that is , the consumer has to be made aware to even address the problem in the 1rst place, and as you know most people get their information from the T.V...and nothing is being reported on T.V about Mad cow disease..not even the radio..I listen to alot of talk radio and its not even really being discussed there either

I don't even thing the majority of people in this courtry know that cattle are being fed the flesh of dead animals and this is a main cause of the disease!!

I think people would do as you say , if they had more information , but hey don't and I don't think they want us to have more information!!!

I think the last time mad cow or the cattle indrusty made headlines in this country was when Ophera Whinfrey got sued by the Cattle industry for trying to inform the public about the indrusty and the disease... an she has steered clear of that subject every since!!


Monday, January 10, 2005 12:35 AM



Seriously though, I live in Canada and I've heard of 2 or 3 cases of the past number of years. This doesn't exactly spell mass problem to me. But nontheless, something that should be fixed anyway. We, at least, would like some guarantees'.

I don't think its just Canada, and I don't believe its been 2 or 3 cases, I think they may have only reported 2-3 cases, but I think its far more serious then that, and I don't exspect the truth from the government

I would exspect nothing less from the government then to surpress it, and the callous nonchalant attitude of the government , and the cattle indrusty tells me thats exactly whats happening

just think of what would happen especially to the cattle beef indrustry across the board, if people began to panic over mad cow disease...
it could possibly devastate the economy McDonlads would be out of business and so would all the other fast food chains that hock burgers

not only that but law suits

the fact that mad cow disease doesn't hit you right away is buying time, ..but time is all it is, If I had to guess I would say that mad cow disease has already infected a good portion of the population... and in 10 years or more is when we'll start seeing the 1rst mass outbreaks!!

I don't like being all doom and gloom , but this is what my instincts tell me!!


Monday, January 10, 2005 12:43 AM



If you want to see a sure sign that Mad Cow Disease has taken a HUGE foothold in the american public, you need look no further than the re-election of Dubya. It had to be a case of severe brain damage for this to occur.

yeah I think your on to something!!lol

speaking of Dubya not so long ago they were doing something on him, Dubya has the good sense to only eat the beef raised on his ranch , and they are grass fed!!


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:10 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

Seriously though, I live in Canada and I've heard of 2 or 3 cases of the past number of years. This doesn't exactly spell mass problem to me. But nontheless, something that should be fixed anyway. We, at least, would like some guarantees'.

I don't think its just Canada, and I don't believe its been 2 or 3 cases, I think they may have only reported 2-3 cases, but I think its far more serious then that, and I don't exspect the truth from the government

Speculation, but I don't doubt you skeptisism given where you live. The US has a history of trying to make itself look as good as possible, even if that means lieing, and others as bad as possible, again, even if that means lieing. So, I don't blame you taking what you're hearing with a grain of salt.

As for Canada, I tend to trust our government for the most part. Once, when I did my income tax, I got some money back, which came in the mail 6-8 weeks later. But, a month or two after that I got another check because they didn't pay me enough. This seems to imply honest to me.

As for mad cow in Canada, I've seen interviews with cattle farmers (Canadian) and there only complaint is that they can't sell there beef. They say that if the government wants 100% testing then fine, just let us sell our beef and make a living.

I think Japan (? I know some do at least) has 100% testing and there industry didn't collapse. So, it is possible to have an industry under those conditions.

I also remember in a conversation with my wife that a country that has 100% testing (UK or Japan, I can't remember which) ran into a single digit number of positive test in a year. So, I would think that the number for north america can't be that much higher.

But, at this point, I really think that it isn't a science debat, but a political one. The WTO has already stated that the US closed the boarders for all the wrong reasons but the US doesn't care. Apparently the process and "ideals" in the US are above international law and any trade agreements that are signed. So, we all wait for the US to go through some undefined process before things get back to the status quo (hopefully with some new regulations).

But, the fact of the matter is that companies, at least out side of the US, are starting to change there tune when it comes to the feed the there animals consume. This is progress and it's just a matter of time before the system is fixed. It's the consumer that'll have to make the desision to buy these products so that the companies keep providing them.

Until then, I'll stick to primarily vegatable feed, free range chicken and pork.

I've also recently decided to stop making meat balls for my spagetti as my stomach does some loops afterwards. I hate getting older Since that is my primary source of beef, just by doing that I've effectively cut beef out of my diet. That is, aside from the once or twice a year Fat Boy for the local burger place, mmmmmmmmm.

For the record, I support 100% testing in all countries. I support vegtable only feed for animals. And if these things are implimented, that should take care of it for the most part. Now it's just up to us and the governments to get it done.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, January 10, 2005 7:51 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I also support 100% testing. The tests are now cheap enough and accurate enough so as not to create either an economic burden, or too many false positives (or false negatives).

There are spontaneous cases of mad-cow like disease in many mammals. The protein that misfolds (prion protein) comes in different versions, and some are more "wobbly" and apt to twist around into an unfortunately stable shape. One or two cases in several million does not indicate an endemic problem. The USA making a big deal about Canadian mad-cow is entirely hypocritical, because the USA beef industry is not any safer than Canada's. For years the USA beef industry refused any testing at all because they were afraid of what they might find. Denial created the illusion of safety. So typical of a government under the thumb of big business.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:00 PM



I also remember in a conversation with my wife that a country that has 100% testing (UK or Japan, I can't remember which) ran into a single digit number of positive test in a year. So, I would think that the number for north america can't be that much higher. ...

well the UK and Japan I don't know about Canada but those countries have changed their standerds, they don't feed livestock that are herbivors the flesh of other dead animals ..they still do that here so when I hear that everything is ok...I don't belive it..I might believe it if they had changed their standards but they haven't!!

maybe it hasn't reached epidemic portions but I would be willing to bet money that their is a part of the popultion thats been infected!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:11 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:

well the UK and Japan I don't know about Canada but those countries have changed their standerds, they don't feed livestock that are herbivors the flesh of other dead animals ..they still do that here so when I here that everything is ok...I don't belive it..I might believe it if they had changed their standards but they haven't!!

Canada and the US (because of trade agreements) have the same standards.

Fortunatly, we complained and our companies listened. Things are changing here before the laws change which makes me

I definitly understand your skepticism given your location, but I did make some simple suggestions above.

And if you don't want to eat any meat at any restaurant, then just have a salad and tell them at cash, that you'd love to eat meat there (meat meals typically more expensive = more profit $$$) but you need to be assured of...

After awhile, if enough people do it, they'll get the hint. And hey, you're eating healthy while you're at it and for less money

I'm sorry if this post is disjoint. I've been at various areas of math all day and am about to fall over. Need sleep...

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:39 PM


I’m not quite as concerned with Mad Cow Disease as PirateJenny. I think it unlikely that there will be any widespread latent epidemic, or that some conspiracy exists to cover it up. I think that the disease exists in current beef stocks and has existed for as long as people have been herding cattle. The disease is not readably transferable to humans, and even under current condition, my understanding is that it is very rare even in cattle. This isn’t like smallpox, where a small amount can spread and multiple. So I think a concern of an epidemic is premature.

Although, I do think the cattle industry should avoid using animal byproducts to feed their herds, at least the nervous tissue. This is, to a certain extent, an economic issue. Grain production is approaching a maximum limit. Grains and corns will start to get more expensive in the coming years and feeding cattle grains will not only increase the price of beef, but grains as well.

Personally, I think they should leave the price of grains alone and we should just stop eating so much beef. If it’s an epidemic that your concerned with, PirateJenny, coronary heart disease is the leading (at least one of) cause of death for Americans. And the consumption of beef, along with other fatty meats, is considered to be a major cause of coronary heart disease. Then there’s colon cancer, which beef is also thought to play a big part in. There are lots of reasons to not eat beef that have nothing to do with scary rare brain wasting diseases. So my personal solution is to stop eating the stuff, at least so much of it.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 7:40 AM


Well, IMO, regardless of how expensive it is to feed an animal its natural diet, it should be done. If only for the health of the animal.

But, provided it isn't done (and even if it is), there should be 100% testing. As SignyM stated, that is economically viable. It's also, IMO, much safer for the public at large.

But yes (wholly crap we agree on something!!! ), we shouldn't eat as much meat as we do. In conversations with friends, I've come across that we humans, only really need about as much meat as fits in the palm of your hand per day.

This isn't exactly a lot. Yet, we eat meat typically at almost every meal and definitly not enough vegetables, fruits, etc.

*sigh* People should really learn more about nutrition and ways to make good tasting healthy meals. Instead, the healthy recipies typically taste like cardboard.


"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show