More/Latest Torture News--From the CIA's secret prisons

UPDATED: Sunday, November 6, 2005 07:14
VIEWED: 2749
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Sunday, November 6, 2005 6:16 AM


Like I said Dreamtrove, whatever.
I don't care anymore.

Everyone’s attacking you personally for no reason.
Everyone’s against you.

It's all me nay-saying (hint: nay saying is saying no it's not, without backing it up with either an argument or data, I haven't done that, not once).

I don't wish to get into a debate on the left/right with you again, something you're trying very hard to spark off, because my 'childish' accusations are spot on. Every time someone disagrees with you within two or three posts your replies degenerate into accusations of flaming, name calling, and a slew of other things I don't want to get into.
Yes you do begin personally attacking anyone who disagrees with you.
Yes you do try to occupy the moral high ground.
And yes you do justify this by acting the injured party; you've done it again in your last post.
In fact you've made groundless personal attacks on me on numerous occasions, and I just let them slide, but I'm not letting them slide this time.

I'm also sorry that this thread ended on such a hostile note, if you could have debated the issues rather than started throwing your toys out of the pram it might not have had too.

Again, I'm not letting you get away with taking the moral high ground on this one.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you Beeeer Milkshakes!


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:06 AM



What an unbelievably pretenious self important prick you are. Nothing you just said even pretends to be the truth. You want to win an argument by portraying me as an immature partisan shmuck which you know not to be the case.

I think it's obvious to everyone that I don't like left/right wars, and I think they're counterproductive.

Furthermore, if you want a personal attack, here's one:

You always have to have the last word on every dispute with everyone, and your last word is always a personal attack. I have seen this on almost all of the threads you've posted on and you always append something unforgivably hostile and untrue to the end of any debate to force the other person to respond.

Well, it's a neat trick to force people to engage in pointless conflicts you seem to love.

Well, here. I'll do you one better.

I preemptively say everything citizen says is a lie, and now I can ignore whatever he posts for now on.

I've tried to be civil, and I'm giving up. have a nice life.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:14 AM


Well that sure told me didn't it.

I can cite many of your posts to support what I said, you can post nothing because you're making it up as you go along.

What an obvious troll you are.

I like the "you always want the last word" accusation, nice touch, specially when your doing the exact same thing. Heh, I love hipocrites, so funny.

BTW. I'm not trying to win any argument, there's no argument to win, you made sure this thread descended into a flaming insult trading session long ago. Good Troll, your Trolly friends will be so proud.


I've tried to be civil, and I'm giving up. have a nice life.

Not once have you been civil to any one, and I can back that up. I will have a nice life, thanks, not so sure about you, since you think the height of civility is acting the way you do.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you Beeeer Milkshakes!






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