Evolution Held Hostage

UPDATED: Monday, August 21, 2006 11:25
VIEWED: 3912
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Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:03 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by antimason:
Yin-Yang--- ill agree aswell, religions have been mismanaged, but why? i suspect our answeres will differ. i believe mans nature is inherintly rebellious and defiant, and is susceptible to Satan and his fallen angels, which are the current rulers of the world(spiritually).

Well, we at least agree on one thing - part of man's nature is to be rebellious and defiant.


Originally posted by antimason:
example- the Catholic church: it was Gods representitive on earth, so naturally it would come under the attack of forces seeking to pervert and skew its teachings; holy wars, conquests, secrets and diception..those are not doctrines taught in the Bible, but are divisive concepts introduced, according to the Bible, by Satan.

Sorry - I don't like or believe in the Bible, or God, or anything supernatural.


Originally posted by antimason:
God made us stewards over all his creation, and we have a responsibility to represent Gods will, which is all loving; he expects the best of us, and to grow spiritually is all we can do to affect positive change.

I see that as a dangerous sentance. Where does one draw the line on who they are above? Household pets? Plankton? Or, even worse, different nationalities and 'races' - perhaps even only oneself?


Go to and vote Firefly!


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:11 AM


Man is unique in his relationship to the rest of the planet, in that we have the lives of all species in our hands. i dont think this was a roll of the dice coincidence determined by evolution; i believe it is further evidence that God gave us "dominion" over the earth, and it is our responsibility to be good stewards to everyone and everything in creation. that is all i mean by that.


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:21 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by antimason:
Man is unique in his relationship to the rest of the planet, in that we have the lives of all species in our hands. i dont think this was a roll of the dice coincidence determined by evolution; i believe it is further evidence that God gave us "dominion" over the earth, and it is our responsibility to be good stewards to everyone and everything in creation. that is all i mean by that.

Okay, I get what you mean.

And, by the way, evolution is not a 'roll of the dice coincidence.' It's much more complicated than that.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:55 AM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:

Then again, I don't ever hear too many religious folk bitching every time science cures a disease or raises the lifespan of mankind. "

Actually, they do. When the recent discovery of a vaccine effective against cervical cancer was announced, a number of "Abstinence Only" religious groups decried it as "sending the wrong message."

It seems that the statistically higher risk of cervical cancer connected with chemical birth control methods was one of the AO lobby's best arguments for advocating abstenance as the only acceptable birth control method. Lower the risk of cancer, and those methods become more attractive.

Which, since they are against this group's religious beliefs, makes a cancer vaccine evil.

This isn't the first example of this kind of logic, either. A hundred and twenty years ago, many "right-thinking" religious people were working to ban anesthesia during childbirth, since removing the pain of labor would undoubtedly lead to massive promiscuity.

I wish to state for the record, however, that I have nothing against religion. I have one myself, and derive much comfort from it. Religion is nothing but a faith that there is something greater than one's self in the cosmos, and that it is possible to connect with it. Great stuff, religion.

Churches on the other hand, are a disaster. This includes temples, mosques, etc. The purpose of churches -- of all organized religion -- is not, despite what their mission statements might read, to help one connect with the infitite/the creator/the mind of God, but to insure their own survival as an organization. In other words, making a false God of the church itself.

As far as I'm concerned, "Organized Religion" is an oxymoron.

"The most preposterous notion that H. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of all the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of His creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if He does not receive this flattery. Yet this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the expenses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history." -- Lazarus Long


Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:50 AM



Originally posted by antimason:
Man is unique in his relationship to the rest of the planet, in that we have the lives of all species in our hands.

You should read the book Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn (it may be O'Quinn - matter of fact, it may be something else entirely - but I think it's Quinn). His proposition is that the belief that humans are entitled to dominion over the planet has thrown us out of our equilibrium with nature, causing us to systematically destroy ourselves. Instead of keeping our population in balance by only reproducing numbers that can survive, we clear cut more land and destroy more nature in order to feed numbers that are untenable. In doing so, we decimate the planet's other resources and hamper ourselves in finding cures for things.

He also states (and something I think I agree with) that we are in a race against ourselves, using resources up in an attempt to free ourselves from the use of resources; the question being can we reach that goal before we exterminate ourselves and deplete our resources.

His larger point being (if you don't see it already) that if we lived in better harmony with our environment and didn't think we owned it, we might actually survive as a race. Before you think he is utterly Hippie-istic, his argument stretched to its logical conclusion (which he himself agrees to) advocates basically letting third world countries starve to death before we hack down another acre of forest for grazing land.

I haven't read any of his sequels to that book, so I don't know if he has since changed his position, but that one was a pretty good read. Gives you a lot to think about, regardless of whether or not you agree with his positions.

"A revolution without dancing is no revolution at all." - V

Anyone wanting to continue a discussion off board is welcome to email me - check bio for details.


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:25 AM


i dont disagree with your premise neccessarily, although i never said Man owned the earth, per se, and i dont believe God said we did either. i know he made us stewards, as in guardians and caretakers of the planet. my point is simply this: no other species literally preserves the balance of all life on earth through conscious effort as we do, no other species builds objects, or chooses a profession as a means of survival. we are clearly the dominant species of the planet, whether by coincidence or not...but God never said "have your way with her, do as you please", so that is a false interpretation






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