Hope none of y'all are Penn State football fans... this'll just make ya sick.

UPDATED: Sunday, November 20, 2011 19:31
VIEWED: 7575
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Monday, November 14, 2011 6:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Gay pedophile judge cross-dressed kids and released rapist Sandusky with 40 felony charges

Second Mile Camp Had Cross Dressing, shower curtains taken down when Second Mile was at the camp, former Philadelphia district attorney Lynne Abraham is now the lead attorney for Second Mile

Sandusky released on ZERO $$$ bail without GPS tracker by JUDGE WHO WORKS IN SANDUSKY'S PEDOPHILE RAPE CLUB... "Unsecured bail" means NO CASH. Sandusky lives next door to an elementary school... Assassinated prosecutor was tied to Sandusky case...

Judge's Ties To Sandusky's Charity, Bail Questioned

Accused Molestor Was Set Free On $100K Unsecured

Updated: Monday, 14 Nov 2011, 7:40 AM EST
Published : Monday, 14 Nov 2011, 6:02 AM EST

COLLEGEVILLE, Pa. - Jerry Sandusky, the former Penn State football team assistant coach accused of molesting boys, is collecting a substantial monthly pension payment from the university, according to a newspaper report.

According to the Harrisburg Patriot-News, Sandusky took a nearly $150,000 lump sum payment at retirement, and still gets almost $60,000 a year.

And that's not all.

FOX 29 News has uncovered a link between Sandusky's charity, The Second Mile, and the judge presiding over his case.

Prosecutors say Sandusky met his victims through Second Mile and Sandusky's foundation for at-risk kids.

We poured through the charity's donation records from 2009 and found that the judge who handled his preliminary arraignment gave Second Mile somewhere between $500 and $1,000 and has volunteered with the group. That's the same judge who released Sandusky on $100,000 unsecured bail.

That means Magisterial District Justice Linda Leslie Dutchcot required Sandusky to just sign his name on a piece of paper, and he was set free. There was no leg monitor, and no big bail. Prosecutors had asked for a half-million dollars at least.

FOX 29's Steve Keeley spoke early Monday morning with state Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery County), who said, "These details have got to be reviewed."

"I'm sending off a letter to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Ron Castillo and asking him to look at what happened here, to look at the reports that are out there, and if in fact does this district justice has a conflict of interest," Vereb said.

He added, "We want to make sure that the defendant's … question bail is questioned, that the relationship is questioned, and that this guy either a) be in jail pending his hearing or b) have more secure bail or with the bracelet, as I believe was suggested by the attorney general."

Keeley noted that a Philadelphia high school baseball coach got $500,000 bail in a case on charges of allegedly molesting on child.

"Clearly this bail is not consistent with some of the more familiar cases we would have in your viewing area, and that's something that has to be reviewed. That relationship has to be reviewed," Vereb said. "The object of bail is to make sure a defendant returns. And it's also to make sure we protect that whatever … was alleged to have happened doesn't happen again. And her word telling him to stay away from kids in his house next to a schoolyard, I'm not feeling too good about that."

Meanwhile, Gov. Tom Corbett said over the weekend that he expects more victims to come forward.

Corbett spoke out on FOX News Sunday about the case.

"What I saw was a failure to act, and I always have said that your actions speak louder than words. That should not have been able to continue," said Corbett, who was attorney general when the investigation began.

Among the people the governor is talking about is assistant coach Mike McQueary, who testified to the grand jury that he saw Sandusky molesting a child in the Penn State showers back in 2002.

McQueary, then a graduate assistant, told head coach Joe Paterno but never went to authorities.

McQeary was placed Friday on administrative leave indefinitely from his current position as the team's wide receivers coach and director of recruiting. Paterno was fired Wednesday.

Corbett also says he blames Paterno for not doing enough.

Saturday was Penn State's first football game without Paterno as their head coach in almost a half a century.

The team's cheering squad stopped by Paterno's house in State College after the loss to Nebraska. Many of them went away wiping tears from their eyes.

The greater Penn State community was shaken to its core, the child sex allegations, the firing of Paterno, and the rioting that followed.

But Friday's vigil and Saturday's game dedicated to the victims have helped to begin the process of picking up the pieces.


Pa. Criminal Attorney On Sandusky Judge: "I Have Never Had A Client Who Was Charged With Those Counts Released On Unsecured Bail"

I just read your post on DJ Dutchcot granting Sandusky unsecured bail. I practice criminal law in Central PA, which I really can't imagine is much different than Centre County/State College. I have represented multiple people charged with the same or similar counts that are against Sandusky.

I have never had a client who was charged with those counts released on unsecured bail. The fact is that the charges carry such heavy penalties that monetary bail is always required as a way to prevent people from skipping out on the case. He is facing state charges that carry mandatory minimums of ten year sentences. If he is found guilty or pleads guilty to those counts the Judge has no discretion and must sentence him to a minimum of ten years incarceration.

The fact that this Judge granted unsecured bail on such a serious case coupled with the fact that she was a volunteer for second mile does not look good at all. The entire purpose of having a Judge is to have someone who is impartial. I would like to know if she has granted unsecured bail in the past for people charged with similar crimes. She clearly should have recused herself though. It's not a difficult process and it happens all the time.

Perp walk for kosher pimp Sandusky

Missing DA Was Tied To Sandusky Case

The district attorney who didn't prosecute former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky for sex crimes in 1998 went missing in 2005, a fact that is now getting a lot of attention.

Ray Gricar was the long-time district attorney of Centre County, the home of Penn State's main campus. He was months from retirement when he simply vanished on his way home to Bellefonte, Pa.

The mystery surrounding Gricar's disappearance in 2005 was the subject of several national TV shows and an effort involving the FBI and state investigators.

The attorney's car was found in Lewisburg, Pa., about 60 miles east of Bellefonte, about 12 hours after he called home. Several months later, his laptop computer and a destroyed hard drive were found.

But no one found Gricar's body.

Bruce Castor knew Gricar well. Castor is currently a Montgomery County Pa. commissioner and a former county district attorney who worked with Gricar.

"I never saw any evidence from Ray that he was showing any favoritism towards Penn State or the hometown or anything like that. He was a by the book guy," Castor said.

Fox 29 has confirmed the FBI has an open file on Gricar but it’s unknown if the case is still active.

But a missing person's poster for Gricar is still on the FBI Web site, even though Gricar was legally declared dead in July 2011.

So what happened to Gricar?

"I am now leaning towards the conclusion that it was foul play by someone who would have a motive to specifically target him," Castor says.

"If somebody really wants to get a prosecutor , they can. Especially in the country like that," Castor added.

Gricar appears in the grand jury presentment in the Jerry Sandusky sex-crimes case as the DA who didn't prosecute Sandusky after a six-week investigation in 1998 in Center County.

Gricar got the case after a boy's mother complained to police after her son showered with Sandusky.

According to the grand jury presentment, Penn State University police were also involved in the 1998 Sandusky case.

Gricar's office was the only local or state agency contacted about an alleged victim of Sandusky, a long-time Paterno assistant who retired in 1999 but continued to run a charity to help at-risk children.

So why didn't Gricar file charges against Sandusky?

"I would be stunned if it was for any reason other than he simply did not think he had the evidence," Castor said.

Did Gricar know about the new allegations concerning Sandusky that surfaced three years before he disappeared?

Castor admits it raises a lot of questions.

"You don't know if something happened thereafter to get him to look at it again," Castor says.

"I would be very surprised if ultimately he was not discovered somewhere assuming he's not still alive out there laughing at us," Castor adds.


Monday, November 14, 2011 7:09 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Can't find a clear pic, but if ya ever get a chance to see Sandusky's teeth, he's even more creepy - if that's possible. Ok, it's not possible, but this guy looks like a real predator.

Reminds me of this guy, the Gormogon, from BONES.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:00 AM


America loves a winner!

Didn't see it, but Sandusky was interviewed by bob costas. Sez he didn't do it.


All this fuss for nothing, I guess.

* shrug *

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:08 AM


I don't buy the denial - too much evidence.

The missing DA is an interesting facet and there's still more to this than meets the eye, much more.

Oh, and why were keys to the boys locker room SPECIFICALLY and deliberately included in his retirement contract ?



Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:41 AM


America loves a winner!

Oh, but he ADMITS to showering nekkid with young boys, many times...but still insists he did nothing wrong.

Sorry, you have no defense!

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:03 AM


So far all his comments and responses I've heard come across to me as not-sorry-at-all or only-sorry-he-got-caught (see above).

My understanding is there are eye witness reports in the form of complaints to the Penn State administration after other members of the staff caught this guy at it. I'm not sure how this guy can explain those away or keep denying it.

What is it about being in a position of any kind of authority or community respect that causes a guy like this to think they can get away with anything regardless of evidence?


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:04 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
What is it about being in a position of any kind of authority or community respect that causes a guy like this to think they can get away with anything regardless of evidence?

The fact that they usually can.

Most folk talk a good game, but when it's gonna cost em personal to do anything about it...
Fuckin hell, you saw the response yourself, yes ?
Or they just bail.

It's only when some pyschotic bastard with an axe to grind gets involved and won't let off that shit gets done - and often as not THAT is as much encouraging their political enemies to use it as a hammer than anything else.

It's the world we live in - ain't no justice, there's just us.
So anytime you find yourself thinking "someone should DO something!", always remember this.

You're Someone.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, November 19, 2011 7:03 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Pedo State gay youth attack TV news van


Jewish judge Jack Raykovitz ran Second Mile kiddie rape ring. Raykovitz’s wife, Katherine Genovese, was executive vice president of The Second Mile. She has been with the group since 1984. It’s unclear if she still works at the charity, as the staff biography page has been removed from the website. According to a 2009 tax return, Raykovitz received about $133,000 from The Second Mile that year and Genovese received about $100,000. Grand jury report called jew Sandusky the charity’s primary fundraiser, Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Highmark Foundation, The Hershey Co. and State Farm Companies Foundation all gave $50,000 or more to the charity. Other donors included U.S. Steel Corp., the University of Pittsburgh, The Pepsi Bottling Group, Frito-Lay, the Pa. School Counselors Association, local Walmarts and newspapers.

Jews reeling in wake of Penn State scandal, jew buildings used to rape kids

List of directors at Sandusky's Second Mile pedo ring who paid bribes to Gov. Tom Corbett

Lancaster County kids lead list of 100,000 kids "served" by Second Mile

Ex-Centre County D.A. passed Sandusky case to state because of family conflict (DA's brother-in-law)

Read the grand jury presentment on the Jerry Sandusky case here (not an indictment, presentment means the DA had nothing to do with it and the grand jury did everything on its own)

Penn State Scandal: Jerry Sandusky 'Pimped' Boys To Donors: REPORT


I was Joe Paterno's janitor 40 years ago.

I never met him because I cleaned his office at night. It was a really large office then, bigger than most of the other offices in the Athletic Department combined. He always had a big bowl of butterscotch candy on his desk. I tried to eat as many as I could because I did not always have enough to eat back then. So I remember.

Before (and during) the time was I was Joe's janitor, I was an "at-risk youth". I lived in a dysfunctional, occasionally very violent, single parent home with my father. I was bigger and scarier, so I won most of the fights. My behavior earned me 2 weeks in Children's Hospital, a boatload of Thorazine, and ultimately, through the intervention of some other concerned adults and the sponsorship of the local Masonic Lodge, an all expenses paid stay at the (now defunct) Thomas Rankin Patton Masonic Home for Boys; a small gothic hellhole in central Pa. Until then, I had no idea you could be 21 and still in 10th grade. They were big on vocational education - using (insanely unsafe) machine tools donated by Masons from around the country. The first week of machine shop 10% of us went to the hospital. But the food was good and there was lots of it, I gained 20lbs right away. They gave me a sharp new custom tailored blue blazer with grey slacks, a membership in DeMolay (look it up) and took us all to some big football game (not PSU). The halftime show was those guys in Fezs and tiny cars. Nobody (on the faculty) had sex with me, but the whole place was full of the scariest, creepiest losers I have ever met. Most of them were on the faculty, several of them were alumni who never left. The rest of them lived on my floor. We did not have a pool table in the rec room because a few years before a student fatally struck another student with pool cue. My first great accomplishment in life was getting expelled, it took six months. I was sent to the Headmaster's (Dr. Kopp - I remember) office for sneaking into town to buy cigarettes or some other crime. He said, "I will give you one last chance.." I said No.

I was 15. So when it come to well meaning people throwing money at kids in need, I've been there & done that. There are a lot of kids in need. Some make it, some don't. Some say no, some don't. I just had to say no to a short, old, fat guy in a 3 piece suit behind a desk. It really wasn't that hard. It was Punk 101.

What I do know is it that it is a lot of money, given in good faith with little or no accountability. As I write this Joe Paterno & Graham Spanier have just been fired, rightly so. But consider the money. According to published reports, Penn State University earns $50 million a year on football. In addition, EVERY home game brings $59 million to the town & local economy. Beaver Stadium seats 106,000+. Do you think they do any CASH business (not credit card, check, annual subscription, etc) - CASH business? In a casino they watch every dime, do you think PSU has that kind of security?

Everybody at the top knew; they are all dirty. Hundreds of people knew, for years. The Athletic Department knew, the janitors knew, the University Police knew, the Centre County District Attorney's office knew, the Governor knew (for 2 years, in his own words, today), Second Mile knew. Second Mile is especially fishy - read their financial reports, they are online. According to the Pgh Post-Gazette, the CEO & his wife BOTH make over $100,000 a year in salary (they both have other jobs). That is @80% of Second Mile's entire payroll. Read Second Mile's donor list - the Pittsburgh Symphony should be so lucky. Second Mile is a monster fund raising machine. Plus this- they lost a quarter of a million dollars according to their last annual report (roughly the salaries of the CEO & his wife) AND they are sitting on 60 ACRES of prime Centre County real estate.

From The Centre Dailty Times Jan 5, 2011

BELLEFONTE - As the number of children served by The Second Mile continues to grow, the nonprofit is getting ready to build an $8.5 million learning center on land in Patton Township.

Second Mile officials described the project and their long-term goals Tuesday to the Centre County Board of Commissioners. Those goals include applying for a $3 million state grant that the county would administer, a plan approved by commissioners.

Executive Vice President Katherine Genovese (wife of the CEO, also Exec VP for the architect; same address as Second Mile- what a surprise - my comment) said The Second Mile owns 60 acres at Bernel and Fox Hollow roads, near University Park Airport. The learning center will include a classroom, study areas, a library, gymnasium, multipurpose room and cafeteria. It will be able to accommodate overnight programs for as many as 100 children.

It's not about protecting the institution, the program, the brand - that's all BS. Firing Paterno & Spanier is a smokescreen. It is about protecting the scam. Somebody is walking away with tens of millions and we are never going to hear about it and they are going to get away with it. The reason no one wants to speak up for the kids is fear, and the more they know the greater the fear.

And the kids, the victims... the state Attorney General says 8 since 1994, FoxPhilly says 16 - do you believe that? Jerry Sandusky was 50 in 1994. Do you really think it started then? The number of key figures in this tragedy whose resumes include professional certification in psychology, counseling, or family therapy is appalling.

I would say God bless the victims, but He hasn't really been on the case, has He?. So the best I can say is, "Good Luck with that, Dudes. I hope it works out for you."

My heart goes out to him, as it goes out to all the children who were victimized again and again, not just by Sandusky, but by the entire system who felt these kids didn't rate high enough to do the right thing."

SO... anyone here still a Paterno lover?

"The raping center will include a raperoom, rape areas, a rapebrary, rapenasium, multirape room and rapeteria. It will be able to accommodate overnight rapefests for as many as 100 children."

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

SANDUSKY LAWYER RAPED TEEN - Defense attorney Joe Amendola, 63, representing Sandusky in the sexual molestation case roiling Penn State and Joe Paterno’s legendary football program, impregnated an under-age teen and later married her. Amendola served as the attorney for Mary Iavasile’s emancipation petition on Sept. 3, 1996, just weeks before her 17th birthday. Around the same time, Iavasile became pregnant with Amendola’s child, and gave birth before she turned 18, her mother, Janet Iavasile, told The Daily. He was born in 1948 and was around 49 at the time.

It wont be long now till Mark Madden is found naked with 2 gun shot wounds to the back of the skull, gagged and handcuffed with feet bound and hanging from a rafter in what police describe as an apparent suicide.


Saturday, November 19, 2011 2:53 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
What is it about being in a position of any kind of authority or community respect that causes a guy like this to think they can get away with anything regardless of evidence?

Hey Byte,

I think part of the deal has to do with the fragmentation of their personalities. There's always a part of them--granted, a weak, ineffectual, steamrolled part--that wants to be doing just the opposite of their compulsion. The compulsion is too strong for them to just walk away and never have anything to do with kids, however. Instead they choose to be the greatest benefactor of children the world has ever known! That type o' thing. They want to help kids, save kids, do heroic things on behalf of children--be teachers, coaches, youth ministers, etc.

Michael Jackson comes to mind. No way was the entirety of his philanthropic enterprise a smoke screen for his predatory urges. John Wayne Gacy went to hospitals and did his clown act for the children in the cancer ward. He wasn't there to groom victims. He was there to do what he did there: make the children laugh, alleviate their pain. In other words, these people aren't just evil, they are crazy and evil.

We can talk about a guilty conscience, but I don't think these men feel guilt like that. They hate themselves, but they're not trying to balance the scales so much as they're trying to erase the bad part of themselves entirely by sympathetic magic, aka: wishful thinking. If they just act as good as possible as much as possible, the evil will just go away. They think they're going to wake up one day and only be the good part of themselves and the bad part will have magically vanished.

The horrific thing is that the predatory part of their personality will gladly use these urges to do right by children as cover, camouflage, a disguise, a grand diversion. The difference between the desire to do right and the predator's instinct to hide as close to his chosen prey as possible is often hard to discern. In this respect their psychology is very similar to that of addicts.

So, it's hard for us to see the differene between wanting to benefit children and only pretending to want to benefit children, but it clearly becomes hard for the predator himself as well. Sandusky has spent so many years lying to everyone, especially himself, about what he's doing with children, that he likely fully believes his own line about taking showers with kids. Men like Sandusky act as if denial really is a practical method to actually destroy the disowned part of themselves. When reality catches up with such men, and they see through their own denial, their psyches rarely survive the shock and they often commit suicide of one kind or another.

Interesting sidebar: I was talking about this with Lady Cavalier this morning and she was conceding that showers in schools didn't have stalls when she was a kid, that they were open and everyone would conceivably be showering naked in the same space. And I realized the real strategy behind this absurd "we were horsing around in the shower" defense. They want us to think of Sandusky as "just another jock" showering with "the team." But that is utter horse flop. He's a freakin' coach. He is not an athlete at the time of these predations. And these kids are just on tour, right? There is NO reason for either of them to be showering, let alone simultaniously. But now the defense has planted this notion in our minds and they're closer to legitimizing Sandusky's behavior than they have any right to be.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Saturday, November 19, 2011 3:43 PM


Very good points. No one ever actually thinks they've done evil. They create justifications and even construct an entire delusional reality to not have to admit it to themselves.


Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:31 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I see that Byte is the only one who really tried to answer my question, not surprising.

Cav, I just feel bad for people who are doomed to that physicality fate in the sense that I'd not want to be them. I'd probably kill myself if that's what my body reacted to. The question is can such a person be around kids without giving in to the urge to hurt them? If they face their fate manfully every day and commit to not hurting kiddos can they manage?

These are weird questions that no one wants to ask and no one wants to try and answer because, lets face it, we're all creeped out by the whole concept, understandably so. But no matter how creepy something is people want answers.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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