
UPDATED: Monday, April 18, 2011 03:33
VIEWED: 4161
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 1:26 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Thanks for the update Frem, what a mess, CPS has a definite tendency to mess stuff, make things way worse than they actually are, loopholes etc. My own experience with them, my little bro coming to live with us and us adopting him, was pretty good, but I know that isn't usually the case. Usually its really conveluted, and I think Frem knows that more than most of us here, having handled them a lot.

As a side note my little brother was taken from his mother when he was almost 4 because she was neglecting him, not feeding him or taking care of him. He came to us, we already knew them, and his mom tried to get it together and get him back. She couldn't get it together so we adopted him after 2 and a half years of living with us and his mom not succeding at getting it together. He still visits her every Tue. evening, we leave him over there with her at her appt. for a couple of hours, she gives him dinner and they hang out. She does love him, she just isn't built for parenting, and he loves her too.

But usually CPS is a pill.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, April 8, 2011 10:51 AM


FINALLY someone listens to the voice of reason.

Judge stalls charges against mom in standoff, awaits Supreme Court ruling


Maryanne Godboldo, 56, was due in the city's 36th District Court today for a preliminary examination on charges of assault, resisting and opposing police and use of a firearm in the commission of felony crimes.

But District Judge Paula Humphries granted an indefinite delay pending a Michigan Supreme Court decision in a case that will determine if residents have the right to defend themselves from police officers entering a home without proper legal authority.
The Supreme Court in December decided to consider the constitutionality of the state law and whether a citizen "can lawfully resist a police officer who unlawfully and forcibly enters the home," and whether that person may claim self-defense. No date has been given for a decision.

This shouldn't even BE a question!

Of course, state of the so-called justice system, this obviously means getting hooks into one or more of the MI Supremes and, err.. bending them.

And they've handed that one over on a silver platter via accepting political contributions in the name of their spouses, something which if you check into, the Federal Supremes are also drastically guilty of.

Of course, while not exactly secret, it's not widely known to the public, neither - but trading on the fact that it may become so is worth a shot.

Even if the ruling is de-facto ignored, which it will be, just having it on paper will discourage some of the more blatant abuses of the DPD cause of that whole possibility of getting shot dead - the same reason CCW discourages criminals also discourages abusive police, if you bother to make the distinction in the first place, since IMHO for the most part all the cops are is a legalised, legitimized gang with the support of the State.

Anyhows, I really, REALLY want to see the temper tantrum Worthy is gonna throw if the MI Supremes decide that the US Constitution actually has meaning around here - that'll be a sight to see.

I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 2:01 AM


Fucking hell, tell me I didn't see *THAT* coming, son of a bitch!

Stand-Off Daughter Allegedly Sexually Assaulted While In State Care

Hawthorn Center is a fucking cesspool, just so you know, in fact that was the exact facility I had in mind when I compared these places to those horrific Romanian orphanages back in the 90s.

Of course, had the State not IMMEDIATELY broken the agreement to place the child in the custody of family members, this would not have happened - and while they cannot be accused of direct cause, this was exactly the same kind of bullshit as a judge sentencing some poor skinny white boy to three days in prison in hopes of the same happening to him, lets not deny it - especially since they deliberately paraded the kid right past her mother in cuffs as a slap in the mothers face and a psychological assault on the daughter for daring to defy their will however illegal it was.

Will Grigg finally has enough data for his own writeup, which you will find here.

For the record, I agree with Wills assessment, if this child is not soon put back into the care of her family, she will die, not right away perhaps, but as surely as if the cops who dragged her from her home had shot her in the head, instead - and by my lights, that's STILL an act of murder, either way it goes.

Speakin of which, there's been some serious bullshit goin on over THAT case (Aiyana Jones) as well, the cops offer the guy they DID bust that night a *massive* sweetheart deal for him to Testilie (no, I didn't misspell that) against Aiyana's father - as an act of retaliation against that family, and great good heavens, you can practically SMELL the bullshit dripping off the puff-piece PR article (by the jackboot licking Detnews) as well as feel the smug smirk of the bastards behind it.

Hell, you can tell even the geek WRITING that didn't believe it for a minute.

Malik has been trying to calm the situation down, but his statements about violence having no place have started to fall a bit flat, and a chunk of the Detroit 300 wants to talk to ME...
About shotguns.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 4:35 AM


Well, we knew that was going to happen sooner or later. About all we can do now is get help for the girl, IF she gets out, which is looking less and less likely.

Even if she does survive this, kid's gonna be scarred for life. And I was prepared to say that before the assault. Just keeps getting worse and worse.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 5:12 AM



I can't even imagine what the mother must be going through to hear this news. Isn't it every mother's worst nightmare?


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:29 PM



Again, my advice stands - the very instant CPS ever says word bloody one to you, lawyer up, and buy a shotgun, preferably a mossberg 500 series in 12 or 20 gauge, the idea isn't to NEED it, but rather than *IN* having it, you're actually less likely to need it.

One of the officers in question made an offhand comment to his fellows that had he known the lady was armed he would never have tried kicking in the door - think on that a bit, if you will.

If the MI Supremes bend enough to side with the Constitution on the concept of it being legal to defend yourself against the badge bearing horde when they're acting illegally, expect to see the local gun stores cleaned out in a hurry.

As for the mother and kid in question, again, once you're in their custody, in their power, you're as good as doomed - why you think it is I encourage, so far as is legally possible, folk to go down swinging instead ?

Many times the only difference, once you have offended the lords in blue, between shooting yourself in the head and surrendering, is how long it takes - ergo, what's the point of handing them a gimme ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:40 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
...why you think it is I encourage, so far as is legally possible, folk to go down swinging instead ?

It is like volunteering to get into a kidnapper's car.

I always tell my oldest kid. Fight tooth and nail in event of attempted kidnapping. Do not ever allow yourself to get into their car. It's the point of no return. Risk death first. Once you get in, you'll get worse than death.

Isn't that one of parents' worst fears? That monsters might kidnap and sexually assault your kid? Monsters kidnapped and sexually assaulted Godboldo's daughter. And they did it under the "authority" of the govt with taxpayer money.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 2:52 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I can't say I'm surprised either, but its rutting horrid how things go in that system. I'm so thankful that when my little brother was taken away from M he came straight to us, whome he already knew and trusted so he didn't have to go into the crap shoot of the foster care system.

Frem, I know that you have the vehimence and passion to give these guys the story how it is and not some crappola that they want to hear.

I agree that if the police try to break into your house without a warrant you have every right to treat them as you would an unknown intruder if you so choose, its in the constitution, or did they miss that? I mean the rule that police can't break in without a warrant is in the constitution, 4th amendment, search and ceasure and all.

Go Frem!

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, April 15, 2011 10:03 AM


For the record:

The court has determined there is no medical need for the child to be on Risperdal and that forcing her to take it would be harmful.

Which, by common fucking sense, means this was bullshit and her mother was entirely correct in every action she took, from refusing to give it, to resisting an illegal search + kidnapping, all the way down the line - but of course in the dichotomy of the State, and how-dare-you-resist even when the State is completely in the wrong, they're still gonna prosecute the mother, how does that make sense ?

A family wrecked, a child abused, and all those resources wasted, and FOR WHAT ?

Just to prove the States dominion ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:27 AM



Also, I was correct about them mailing notices so they arrived AFTER the meeting was scheduled, and on top of that they filed that wholly illegal custody order the same day they tried to execute it and did not bother to send a notice regardless.

Again, this has been illegal in every sense, in every step of the way and all it has caused is harm.

And yet the child is still in custody, despite the court ruling that it was all bullshit since the medication was harmful and is unnecessary, and despite suffering abuse at the hands of the facility staff - after consultation with my lawyer I did make a certain offer, but that was declined, rather sharply.

When the State refuses to play by its own rules, why the hell should we ?

And for a fact, I'd have no problem with treating that facility like the hellcamp it is and forcibly removing someone from it, there's actually quite a bit of legal justification for that especially given the proven abuse by the staff - but folks like to believe what they want to believe... even when the evidence says otherwise.

To expect the State to adhere to rules of conduct they have persistently ignored from the very beginning of this is a damnfool notion.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 2:48 PM


Geez. Sometimes it sounds to me like everyone in the police force and government of the Detroit area ought to be kicked out of office by hook or by crook.

Risperdal, glad she didn't have to be put on that. They erroneously put me on that for a couple of months. The results weren't pretty. Of course back then childhood schizophrenia was a trendy diagnosis, and Rsiperdal was a new release so the docs were all prescribing it.

Risperdal and all the other atypical anti-psychotics all seem to be aimed at making people worse and not better.


Sunday, April 17, 2011 8:25 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Well no one should be put on them lightly. But I've known enough people who improve on them and feel a lot better, so I wouldn't say they're making everyone worse, but they arne't for everyone, that's for sure.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, April 18, 2011 3:33 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Geez. Sometimes it sounds to me like everyone in the police force and government of the Detroit area ought to be kicked out of office by hook or by crook.

Would accomplish nothing without tearing out the dark root of that corruption, Kym Worthy, who as Wayne County Prosecutor, enjoys a position and scheme much similar to "Thief Taker" Jonathan Wild, operating in much the same fashion.

Until Worthy goes, it's pointless to hack at the branches - look at what it got Chief Evans, for example, and anyone who doesn't know Bing is every bit as corrupt as Kwame must be living in a hole in the ground, honestly.

Snyders only REAL issue with the matter was him not getting a cut of the graft himself, and by his recent policy reversals concerning that I suspect his palm has been well-greased, since Worthy has no personal scruples or morality TO violate - part of what got that shithead elected Governor was the hope that the influx of his corrupt bastards would purge the current ones, but instead now we got both sets, cause people are fucking idiots and don't seem to get that when it comes to money, power and exploitation there ain't one thin dimes worth of difference between em, and the only thing they really want to ever change is the hand holding the leash - to their own!

But yeah verily, it's at the breaking point here, and it wouldn't take too goddamn much to push it over the edge...

Which I do *NOT* want to see happen because Detroits infrastructure is hanging by a goddamn thread already and the city is still almost wholly dependent on external food supplies.
Were all hell to break loose, loss of food/water/power/sewage for any length of time would result in medeivel siege conditions imposed on a decadently civilized population which'd be completely inable to cope and casualties would multiply exponentially, particularly amongst women, children and the elderly - which would cause them to fold under to the powers-that-be rather quickly and hand them a gimme, not to mention, yanno, the casualties... especially since said powers that be are nasty enough to *deliberately* shut off infrastructure on purpose, knowing this, in order to achieve that exact result.

That's one reason why someone pretty sharp might have noticed I do seem kind of bent on provoking a confrontation.
(given the offer I made regarding this situation, and how out of character that may have been)
We're gonna have to confront "the establishment" sooner or later, and better to do it on our own terms, on ground of our choosing - the idea of leading the bull OUT of the china shop before sticking the javelins in, yes ?

Thing is, get rid of Worthy, and it might not come to that, cause once that keystone is removed, the whole works is gonna collapse in short order, leaving at least the potential to replace the political infrastructure with, at the very least, a better grade of scum.

It's not villainry I object to, per se - so much as INCOMPETENT villainry, yanno ?

I do not serve the Blind God.






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