Act of War Against Iran

UPDATED: Monday, January 20, 2025 06:55
VIEWED: 6607
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Friday, January 17, 2020 8:49 AM



Originally posted by THG:
US troops were injured in Iran missile attack despite Pentagon initially saying there were no casualties


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

This is the initial article that your link cites when claiming that the Pentagon said this.

There is no mention of the Pentagon making that claim in the article. The only time it's even mentioned is here:


American troops stationed at the base are helping to counter ISIS and train Iraqi security forces. No Iraqi troops were hurt in the attack.

and here:


After days of anticipation, Tehran's zero-casualty retaliation came as a relief to many. At al-Asad camp, troops could rest easy after days of heightened alert. For countries across the region, it marked a welcome climbdown after the killing of Soleimani raised the specter of region-wide war.

... and there is no source given for that claim whatsoever.

In fact, CNN was the first to be granted access to the base after the fact.


CNN journalists were the first to be granted access to the base after the Iranian attack.

And they were the ones interviewing the soldiers in the attack who apparently made no mention whatsoever that any injuries had taken place.

Either they're lying now, they were lying before, or this is all just a case of shitty investigative journalism. Why would CNN need to get in contact with the Pentagon about the results of this when they were the first outfit doing on the ground reporting of the incident?

The title of the article should be: "US troops were injured in Iran missile attack despite CNN initially saying there were no casualties"

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 17, 2020 9:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
so, an analysis of Putin's proposed changes to the Russian government:

Putin will step down from Presidential office, permanently, and reduce the role of President (his role, and future Presidents)

He will enhance the role of the Russian parliament (Duma) and a state council

Hardly the work of a "dictator".


But this is like any post about the Democratic candidates ... it gets derailed very quickly into a screed about Trump.
YOU tend to derail any foreign policy discussion into YOUR fixation, which is RUSSIA!!!

Signym, if Putin is still in government after 2024, you will have been proved wrong about what is happening. But until then, we only have what people claim is happening:

In his statement on the government's resignation, Medvedev indicated that it was doing so in order to make life easier for Putin. He said that the president had "outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution," and that "in this context, it's obvious that we, as the government ... should provide the president of our country with the opportunity to make all the decisions necessary for this." Good old Putin is making all the decisions. Who knows for sure if he will retire? Or will he decide to go on and on and on serving Russia to the best of his abilities? Only Putin knows.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 17, 2020 10:47 AM


It's called sources Jack. Trump himself held a press conference with the pentagon standing behind him. What did he say? No Americans harmed in the attack. Maybe Jack, CNN was sourcing the president when they said no troops injured. Then Jack, they found out later he lied. Pay attention Jack…


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 17, 2020 10:54 AM


Trump Called His Generals a ‘Bunch of Dopes and Babies’ in a Fit of Rage

What exactly went down during a July 2017 meeting at the Pentagon between President Trump and his military leaders has long been the subject of speculation. One of the tantalizing details that’s been previously reported is that, whatever took place, it provoked then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to call his commander in chief “a fucking moron.”


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 17, 2020 10:57 AM


Top Iran leader: Trump is a 'clown' who will betray Iranians


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Friday, January 17, 2020 1:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


so, an analysis of Putin's proposed changes to the Russian government:
Putin will step down from Presidential office, permanently, and reduce the role of President (his role, and future Presidents)
He will enhance the role of the Russian parliament (Duma) and a state council
Hardly the work of a "dictator".


But this is like any post about the Democratic candidates ... it gets derailed very quickly into a screed about Trump.
YOU tend to derail any foreign policy discussion into YOUR fixation, which is RUSSIA!!!

SEOND: Signym, if Putin is still in government after 2024, you will have been proved wrong about what is happening.

Or right, depending on what happens. Putin will probably be "in government" but getting out of "government" is not what he promised; he said he wuld step down as President. Please be more exact with your language.

But until then, we only have what [SOME] people claim is happening
Or, what the western media chooses to report by, say, taking Medvedev's quote enitrely out of context and entirely excising the purpose of these chnages. The ACTUAL quote is


“After those amendments are adopted
By national vote, or plebescite BTW, not by fiat

—and it was said that this is likely to be done, following discussion— there will be significant changes not only to a variety of constitution articles, but also to the balance of power, namely to the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power,” Medvedev said. “In this context, it is evident that we, as the government of the Russian Federation, should provide our country’s president with an opportunity to take all the necessary decisions in these conditions. [To change the balance of power, supposedly to the Duma] I believe it right for the government of the Russian Federation to step down in conformity with Article 117 of Russia’s Constitution,”
Hmm... see how that changes the quote?

There are other changes that are being proposed to the Russian Constitution that don't touch on THUGR's [GROSSLY MISTAKEN] characterization of Putin as a "dictator" and Russia as a non-democracy, and I'll bet you dollar to donuts that this has the western financialists all in a tizzy.

The first is that people with dual citizenship can't run for office, and that one must be a resident for 24 years(?) on order to run. There is a fairly large group of dual citizens/ nonresidents who like to vie for political power, they form something of a "fifth column" and being non-residents with no long-term interest in Russia, maybe it will work out better to eliminate carpetbaggers from government.

Another, and more important change, is that Russian law will attain primacy in the Constitution. Not sure if you're aware (probably not, you people are grossly ignorant of a lot of things) but when the Soviet Union fell apart and Russia wrote a new Constitution, it did so with the "help" of the west, and one provision was that if there was a conflict between Russian and international law, international law would previal. I imagine that by getting rid of that poison pill, Russia would be able to govern itself more effectively - for example, by having the head of the Russian Central Bank (Nabuilina) report directly to the government, and not to international banks, or to decide what jurisdiction should handle trade disputes.

I think Putin has been thinking about transition of power for quite a while, and he would remain in a serious advisory role as head of their security council. That role would be enhanced if the role of the Presidency is reduced.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, January 17, 2020 1:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's called sources Jack. Trump himself held a press conference with the pentagon standing behind him. What did he say? No Americans harmed in the attack. Maybe Jack, CNN was sourcing the president when they said no troops injured. Then Jack, they found out later he lied. Pay attention Jack…
what these soldiers sustained is post-concussion syndrome from the shock wave of the bomb blasts. I think what happened was that the doctors looked for obvious damage ... yanno, looked for blood or broken bones ... and not seeing anything, said "all is well".

But overpressure symptoms are subtle


Weeks, months, or sometimes years after being concussed in an explosion, thousands of soldiers are reporting a mysterious clutch of problems. Dubbed post-concussion syndrome (PCS), symptoms include memory loss, dizziness, headaches, unexplained pains, nausea, disturbance of sleep, inability to concentrate and emotional problems.

I think once hearing returned and other short-term symptoms abated, the headaches and dizziness didn't abate and soldiers (generally not ones to complain) realized there was something more serious going on.

Trump was lucky ... a "proportionate" response would have been if Iran assassinated General Kenneth McKenzie, CENTCOM commander, or killed roughly three dozen soldiers in retaliation for us bombing Iraqi troops at the Syrian border, or killed one of our more effective JSOC commanders.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, January 17, 2020 1:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well that's interesting. As always, I appreciate your informative, factual, and thoughtful posts on various topics.

I didn't realize the Russian Constitution was so jacked. And yes, it's unhelpful that dual citizens have so many rights. It sounds like a lot of serious issues with the Constitution are being addressed.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020 8:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How Trump Twisted Iran Intel to Manufacture the ‘Four Embassies’ Threat

“There were definitely questions [at the time, internally] about whether he had just made it up on the spot,” recalled one White House official.

It turns out Trump — technically — didn’t get his eyebrow-raising claim out of nowhere, The Daily Beast has learned. According to three sources familiar with the matter, the president had simply seized on a small part of what he’d heard in private briefings, exaggerated that aspect of the intelligence, then began sharing the inflated intel to the American public during his post-Soleimani victory lap.

In doing so, President Trump generated yet more confusion and discord among the national security brass that had already struggled to sell the American people on its case for the strike that just brought Iran and the United States to the precipice of all-out warfare.

During a intelligence briefing, the moment he heard the word “embassies,” Trump immediately chimed in, interrupting the meeting to grill his briefers on that issue, according to one U.S. official. From there, he began to treat this possible threat as a near-certain danger. (Trump is too stupid to be a competent President.)

When the president started publicly trotting out his claims of “four embassies,” national security aides were dumbfounded. The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Trump’s “four embassies” talking point clashed with intelligence assessments from Trump’s own officials.

More at

For all his cognitive deficits, blistering ignorance, and unsubtle grifting, Donald Trump excels in one area: spectacle. No Democrat on the political scene can rival him in the creation of monstrous shitshows, cringetastophies, and dear-God-is-it-time-for-Dad-to-go-to-managed-care moments of pure Gantryesque spectacle.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, January 21, 2020 10:38 AM



Originally posted by THG:
It's called sources Jack. Trump himself held a press conference with the pentagon standing behind him. What did he say? No Americans harmed in the attack. Maybe Jack, CNN was sourcing the president when they said no troops injured. Then Jack, they found out later he lied. Pay attention Jack…


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

They didn't fucking quote Trump in the story, did they? Why is that? They have no problem quoting Mr Anonymous 1,000 times in a week.

According to CNN, the story in question was written by reporters who were on the ground and speaking with the soldiers themselves. I guess the fact that people were injured never even came up, huh?

Maybe Trump was quoting CNN? More likely though, Trump was quoting FOX, who quoted CNN.

And how the fuck would I know that Trump said that? I don't hang on his every word like you do. All I had to go on was the great reporting as always by CNN in the story you linked.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 21, 2020 4:27 PM


Iran MP offers reward for killing Trump, U.S. calls it 'ridiculous'

DUBAI, Jan 21 (Reuters) - An Iranian lawmaker offered a $3 million reward to anyone who killed U.S. President Donald Trump and said Iran could avoid threats if it had nuclear arms, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday amid Tehran's latest standoff with Washington.

Oh my. Should I start a new thread entitled, countdown until Trump is murdered?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020 5:49 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Iran MP offers reward for killing Trump, U.S. calls it 'ridiculous'

DUBAI, Jan 21 (Reuters) - An Iranian lawmaker offered a $3 million reward to anyone who killed U.S. President Donald Trump and said Iran could avoid threats if it had nuclear arms, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday amid Tehran's latest standoff with Washington.

Oh my. Should I start a new thread entitled, countdown until Trump is murdered?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

If you think that's wise, knock yourself out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 21, 2020 7:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THUGR: Oh my. Should I start a new thread entitled, countdown until Trump is murdered?


You seem to like the deep state! Maybe they'll come and visit you, real close and personal!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, January 31, 2020 8:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The House passed two measures Thursday to limit the president's ability to wage war against Iran.

President Donald Trump in early January ordered a strike that killed Iran's top general, pushing the US and Iran to the brink of war after months of tensions.

Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna sponsored one of the measures, which aims to block funding from the Pentagon for any military action against Iran without congressional approval.

"Do I think that the president has plans to go start a war in Iran? Probably not. But do I think that president is capable engaging in other reckless actions or strikes that would put us at a risk of that conflict? Absolutely. And that's what we need to prevent," Khanna told Insider ahead of the vote.

"Congress is the most powerful branch of government by far, but we don't act in a way that exercises our power...We have just abdicated power, ability, and responsibility to stop war. That was not always the case," Khanna told Insider on Monday.

"Ultimately, Congress, because of the power of the purse, has the most power of any of the branches. They literally can stop any program. They literally can stop any action. And our failure to act resulted in giving this Pentagon a blank check, and escalating the situation to the extent it has," Khanna added.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 31, 2020 10:17 AM



Originally posted by second:

"Congress is the most powerful branch of government by far, but we don't act in a way that exercises our power...We have just abdicated power, ability, and responsibility to stop war. That was not always the case," Khanna told Insider on Monday.

Newsflash. This didn't start with Trump.

You all had a huge problem when GWB was doing it (I remember, because I was right there with you), but nobody gave a shit when Obama did it. And now we're pretending that it all started when Trump was elected.

Good to see that Congress might actually be taking its balls back though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 31, 2020 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIX: Newsflash. This didn't start with Trump.

You all had a huge problem when GWB was doing it (I remember, because I was right there with you), but nobody gave a shit when Obama did it. And now we're pretending that it all started when Trump was elected.

Good to see that Congress might actually be taking its balls back though.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, January 31, 2020 1:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIX: Newsflash. This didn't start with Trump.

You all had a huge problem when GWB was doing it (I remember, because I was right there with you), but nobody gave a shit when Obama did it. And now we're pretending that it all started when Trump was elected.

Good to see that Congress might actually be taking its balls back though.


Exactly wrong. Not one Republican Representative voted for the bill, but it passed despite them.

Probably not one Republican Senator will vote for the bill. The bill will fail.
"No War Against Iran Act; To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002"

Trump took a stand:
The Administration strongly opposes passage of H.R. 5543, which would prohibit Federal funds from being used to pay for military force in or against Iran and could endanger the President’s ability to defend United States forces and interests in the region against ongoing threats from Iran and its proxies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 10, 2020 5:21 PM


Exclusive: More than 100 U.S. troops diagnosed with brain injuries from Iran attack - officials

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military is preparing to report a more than 50 percent jump in the number of cases of traumatic brain injury stemming from Iran's missile attack on a base in Iraq last month, U.S. officials told Reuters on Monday.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Thursday, January 28, 2021 3:19 PM


more crazy from Iranians?

Iran fires back at Biden's top diplomat: We didn't violate nuclear deal, you did


Thursday, January 28, 2021 3:48 PM


Biden* to assume the position in 3... 2... 1...


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Monday, January 6, 2025 2:06 PM


some talk of funding one more war...

how politics fogs minds

and why did THG bash Trump facing down or threatens Iran but its cool when Joe Biden or Israel or Kamala Harris do it?

one more place to target says Macron, looks to Iranians as the bad guys

Iran nuclear programme nearing point of no return, Frances Macron says


Monday, January 20, 2025 6:55 AM


2 judges on the Supreme Court of Iran, have just been shot and killed.
Ali Razini & Mohammad Moghiseh were killed in front of the Supreme Court building in Tehran by a guard who had enough of the Islamist dictatorship
Both judges were hardliners, known as “hangmen”






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