Scientists agree ... Consensus on Global Warming

UPDATED: Friday, February 10, 2006 01:42
VIEWED: 14008
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Saturday, May 7, 2005 8:40 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!


What we know about the climate comes from the largest and most rigorously peer-reviewed scientific collaboration in history—the findings of more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries reporting to the United Nations as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC’s conclusions, that the burning of fossil fuels is indeed causing significant shifts in the earth’s climate, have been corroborated by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Society, and the National Academy of Sciences.
D. James Baker, former administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, echoed many scientists when he said, “There is a better scientific consensus on this than on any other issue I know—except maybe Newton’s second law of dynamics.”


Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:42 AM


those poor folks took a big hit from Katrina, New Orleans is badly done and further away Florida gas prices have soared, then there's Europe which has seen massive forest fires
those Americans iving near the Gulf Coast have seen it bad


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:36 PM



Originally posted by rue: AR2005042801586.html?sub=AR

Data From Space, Oceans Validate Global Warming Timeline

Associated Press
Friday, April 29, 2005; A13

NEW YORK, April 28 -- Climate scientists armed with new data from the ocean depths and from space satellites have found that Earth is absorbing much more heat than it is giving off, which they say validates computer projections of global warming.

Lead scientist James E. Hansen, a prominent NASA climatologist, described the findings on the out-of-balance energy exchange as a "smoking gun" that should dispel doubts about forecasts of climate change.

Hansen's team, reporting Thursday in the journal Science, said they also determined that global temperatures will rise 1 degree Fahrenheit this century even if greenhouse gases are capped tomorrow.

If carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping emissions instead continue to grow, as expected, things could spin "out of our control," especially as ocean levels rise from melting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, the researchers said. International experts predict a 10-degree leap in such a worst-case scenario.

The NASA-led researchers were able to measure Earth's energy imbalance because of more precise ocean readings collected by 1,800 technology-packed floats deployed in seas worldwide beginning in 2000, in an international monitoring effort called Argo. Their measurements are supplemented by better satellite gauging of ocean levels, which rise both from meltwater and as the sea warms and expands.

With this data, the scientists calculated the oceans' heat content and the global energy imbalance. They found that for every square meter of surface area, the planet is absorbing almost one watt more of the sun's energy than it is radiating back to space as heat -- a historically large imbalance. Such absorbed energy will steadily warm the atmosphere.

The 0.85-watt figure corresponds well with the energy imbalance predicted by the researchers' supercomputer simulations of climate change, the report said.

Those computer models factor in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, methane and other gases -- produced by automobiles and more esoteric sources, such as pig farms. Those gases keep heat from escaping into space. Significantly, greenhouse emissions have increased at a rate consistent with the detected energy imbalance, the researchers said.

"There can no longer be genuine doubt that human-made gases are the dominant cause of observed warming," said Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University's Earth Institute. "This energy imbalance is the 'smoking gun' that we have been looking for."

Fourteen other specialists from NASA, Columbia and the Energy Department co-authored the study.

Klaus Hasselmann, a leading German climatologist, praised the Hansen report for its innovative work. "This is valuable additional supporting evidence" of man-made climate change, he said.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company

Accused of censoring scientists, NASA vows reform
NASA , accused of censoring its scientists on global warming and the origin of the universe, pledged on Wednesday to reform its policies to ensure "open and full communications."
The move followed more than a week of revelations in The New York Times and on the Internet about internal tussles between NASA writers and researchers and the U.S. space agency‘s public affairs office at its Washington headquarters.

A key figure in the controversy, George Deutsch, resigned on Tuesday. He had told NASA writers in an e-mail to refer to the Big Bang as a "theory" because NASA should not discount "intelligent design by a creator."
The Times and the Web site reported that Deutsch, who worked on President George W. Bush President George W. Bush‘s 2004 re-election campaign, lied about his college degree.
"The theory that the universe was created by a ‘big bang‘ is just that -- a theory," Deutsch wrote in an e-mail on October 17, 2005, which was obtained by Reuters. "It is not proven fact; it is opinion. Yes, the scientific community by and large may share this opinion, but that doesn‘t make it correct ... .
"It is not NASA‘s place, nor should it be, to make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator -- the other half of the argument," the e-mail continued.


Friday, February 10, 2006 1:42 AM



What nobody in the media seemed to notice was that the hole was located fifty miles downwind of Mt. Erebus, one of the largest active volcanos on the planet. Erebus spews out more greenhouse gasses per week than combined human industry does in a year, and, after allowing for a consistant delay, the hole's size varied almost exactly with the volcano's activity cycle. Also, since upper atmosphere ozone regeneration is tied in with solar ultraviolet radiation levels, the polar regions, which are in darkness for months at at time, are much more vulnerable to such problems than the rest of the planet.

Volcanoes emit chloride (which is one of the elements of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)), in the form of hydrogen chloride. Chloride (along with nitric oxide (NO), hydroxyl (OH), and bromine) is one of the gases responsible for Ozone depletion. All so far so good for the volcano theory, unfortunately volcanoes also emit huge quantities of water vapour, and hydrogen chloride dissolves in water, so most of it never reaches the stratosphere, it’s washed out in rain.

Many large eruptions have occurred with little or no increase in stratospheric chlorine. Also your statement that the hole varies consistently with Mt. Erebus activity is completely false and I’d be really interested in seeing the data you got that from.

In fact the volcano theory is based pretty much entirely on assumptions by one geologist back in the 1970’s, most of which have been completely disproved. The theory just does not hold water.

Although there are natural sources for many CFC compounds their levels have increased drastically in recent years, especially in the stratosphere, and the only change that fits that is Human activity.

But, since none of that is likely to panic the public into watching a TV news show, or buying a magazine, it was largely ignored. Calm consideration just isn't sexy to advertisers.

Yeah and the volcano theory makes us feel better about pumping toxic crap into the atmosphere, so it must be true…

There's just as much evidence that the planet is heading into a new ice age, and that, ironically, industrial biproducts might be the only thing holding it back.

The only credible theory along those lines that I’ve heard indicates that atmospheric pollution is artificially dampening the effects of artificial global warming from increased levels of CO2 (amongst other things).

Anyone interested in the subject should read the novel Fallen Angels by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle and Michael F. Flynn, which, while fictional, is well researched on the subject of global climactic changes.

I read a novel recently about Atlantis (called Atlantis, strangely enough). It used a vast amount of research in archaeology and geography to come up with a realistic theory for what Atlantis really was and where. Specifically the oldest civilisation that grew up on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, that was flooded when the ice caps melted and the sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice age. Point is its fiction, no matter how well researched, the story is already there and the research is there to add believability through the details. You should never read fiction to learn about an issue because it will give you an incorrect view and understanding, since the details are only there to serve the story. If some vital bit of evidence contradicts the story, you know what, it’s not included.

If you really want to learn something on this subject a better place to start would be typing something like “Volcanic Chlorofluorocarbons” in to Google.

Just saw how long ago this was actually posted, sorry.
Might carry on reading but I'll probably stop posting .

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.






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