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In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 4:53 AM
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:23 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: All the best, BRENDA! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:27 PM
Wednesday, July 17, 2024 11:27 PM
Thursday, July 18, 2024 12:53 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Yeah... Still sucks not having internet though. After I wrote that, my internet went right back down and I actually called the cable company at 2:30AM when it was still down. I figured I was just doing it to blow off some steam and I never thought that would get me anywhere. She did what she called a "refresh" of my router on her side and that did it. Don't make no sense to me. I turned my router off and back on 5 times today. Same with unplugging it from the wall and plugging it back in. It did its own factory reset that I mentioned earlier, and I did another factory reset after that. Nothing I could do on my side got my connection back up. I don't know what they did, and I don't buy that the outage had anything to do with the storms since it happened hours afterward. I'm thinking that it just plain wasn't going to get fixed until I called them tomorrow had I not done it tonight. Weird. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Friday, July 19, 2024 12:53 PM
Friday, July 19, 2024 5:46 PM
Friday, July 19, 2024 6:20 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Yeah... Still sucks not having internet though. After I wrote that, my internet went right back down and I actually called the cable company at 2:30AM when it was still down. I figured I was just doing it to blow off some steam and I never thought that would get me anywhere. She did what she called a "refresh" of my router on her side and that did it. Don't make no sense to me. I turned my router off and back on 5 times today. Same with unplugging it from the wall and plugging it back in. It did its own factory reset that I mentioned earlier, and I did another factory reset after that. Nothing I could do on my side got my connection back up. I don't know what they did, and I don't buy that the outage had anything to do with the storms since it happened hours afterward. I'm thinking that it just plain wasn't going to get fixed until I called them tomorrow had I not done it tonight. Weird. The inet search seems to be deliberately skimpy on answering what a "refresh" is!
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Yeah... Still sucks not having internet though. After I wrote that, my internet went right back down and I actually called the cable company at 2:30AM when it was still down. I figured I was just doing it to blow off some steam and I never thought that would get me anywhere. She did what she called a "refresh" of my router on her side and that did it. Don't make no sense to me. I turned my router off and back on 5 times today. Same with unplugging it from the wall and plugging it back in. It did its own factory reset that I mentioned earlier, and I did another factory reset after that. Nothing I could do on my side got my connection back up. I don't know what they did, and I don't buy that the outage had anything to do with the storms since it happened hours afterward. I'm thinking that it just plain wasn't going to get fixed until I called them tomorrow had I not done it tonight. Weird.
Quote:I think that when you get a new modem the ISP has to, in some fashion, register your device, assign an IP address, negotiate a protocol, understand your firmware, and probably set a bunch of other parameters like inet speed etc. One possibility is that with a refresh the ISP reaquires the ID of your modem and rassigns your IP address etc. I wonder if your IP has changed.
Friday, July 19, 2024 6:34 PM
Friday, July 19, 2024 8:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: It's a good thing your phone service and your Internet are different providers. Same thing with electric service. They allow you to report an outage via internet but .... Really??? If the power is out, so is your modem, and possibly even your internet. (I happen to know that our ISP pulls its power from SCE lines right in our neighborhood, bc I saw SCE running a truck -sized generator just down the street to keep ISP powered up while SCE had shut down the lines.) So, yanno, THAT'S a "feature" that's never gonna get used! When we have an outage, I have to use my mobile. Technology. Sigh! Ain't it grand??
Friday, July 19, 2024 9:37 PM
Saturday, July 20, 2024 12:44 PM
Saturday, July 20, 2024 4:57 PM
Saturday, July 20, 2024 5:40 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Oh, we were at a hospital yesterday and wanted to get change from one of their Starbucks, and it turns out they're completely cashless and not only that, you need to pay with your Starbucks App. Plus, they got rid of all the little independently operated coffee stands. Gee, i wonder how much kickback the hospital got from THAT? Eff THAT sh*t! We found a hole in the wall Thai restaurant and had a nice lunch! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Saturday, July 20, 2024 7:02 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Back and in for today. Had umbrella but forgot water. Currently sitting at 30C which is 90F. Cool cloth on neck time again.
Saturday, July 20, 2024 11:38 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Back and in for today. Had umbrella but forgot water. Currently sitting at 30C which is 90F. Cool cloth on neck time again. We have the same weather, except I don't believe you have A/C. I got out with the dog late, during the hottest part of the day, and there was a HOT breeze blowing. Too hot for me, too hot for the dog! We collectively decided on a short stroll. She was A-OK with heading home rsrly! Sorry to hear about the rejection letter. It seems from everything I've heard, if you're an author they're pretty much par for the course, and if you get published it's like winning a lottery. I can't imagine writing a book, let alone submitting it for publication. The whole process sounds intimidating! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Sunday, July 21, 2024 1:24 PM
Sunday, July 21, 2024 11:34 PM
Monday, July 22, 2024 9:11 AM
Monday, July 22, 2024 1:01 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I've taken you as an example BRENDA, and instituted a family "catch up on sleep and relax" day, except by Saturday I can't wait until the next day, so our goof off day is Saturday. Over here, the temp has been hovering around 90, it seems like forever (almost three weeks?), with a few days here and there in the mid 80s. All the tender plants (avocados, roses, cosmos flowers, basil veggies, etc) need a lot of watering to survive the hot dry weather. On those cooler days I COULD get some outdoor work done, except we still seem to be tied up with Dr appts. Our family medical adventures continue, and when mine are diagnosed and being treated I might explain them. I am harvesting tomatoes tho, which is the one thing I wanted from the veggies garden. Meanwhile ... How are YOU guys doing? I know you have medical issues of your own. Feeling ok? Doing ok? ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Monday, July 22, 2024 1:03 PM
Monday, July 22, 2024 5:10 PM
Monday, July 22, 2024 11:33 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 1:11 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 1:28 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I've taken you as an example BRENDA, and instituted a family "catch up on sleep and relax" day, except by Saturday I can't wait until the next day, so our goof off day is Saturday. Over here, the temp has been hovering around 90, it seems like forever (almost three weeks?), with a few days here and there in the mid 80s. All the tender plants (avocados, roses, cosmos flowers, basil veggies, etc) need a lot of watering to survive the hot dry weather. On those cooler days I COULD get some outdoor work done, except we still seem to be tied up with Dr appts. Our family medical adventures continue, and when mine are diagnosed and being treated I might explain them. I am harvesting tomatoes tho, which is the one thing I wanted from the veggies garden.
Quote:Meanwhile ... How are YOU guys doing? I know you have medical issues of your own. Feeling ok? Doing ok?
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 2:12 PM
The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Despite SECOND'S heroic efforts, this thread almost slipped off the front page. OMG!! I guess our war in Ukraine isn't going so well?? ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: He's had almost every post on this last page so far except for your last post and me reminding him that nobody gives a single shit about Ukraine. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: On those cooler days I COULD get some outdoor work done, except we still seem to be tied up with Dr appts. Our family medical adventures continue, and when mine are diagnosed and being treated I might explain them.
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: I've been in a real rough patch for a while, actually. I always have had my ups and downs, but it's been many years since I had a low this low. Pretty sure it was before I quit drinking, actually.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 5:39 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 7:22 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 7:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I've taken you as an example BRENDA, and instituted a family "catch up on sleep and relax" day, except by Saturday I can't wait until the next day, so our goof off day is Saturday. Over here, the temp has been hovering around 90, it seems like forever (almost three weeks?), with a few days here and there in the mid 80s. All the tender plants (avocados, roses, cosmos flowers, basil veggies, etc) need a lot of watering to survive the hot dry weather. On those cooler days I COULD get some outdoor work done, except we still seem to be tied up with Dr appts. Our family medical adventures continue, and when mine are diagnosed and being treated I might explain them. I am harvesting tomatoes tho, which is the one thing I wanted from the veggies garden. I'm glad you're still up and at 'em, Sigs. I hope you get your diagnoses soon and it's the best news possible. Fingers Crossed. Quote:Meanwhile ... How are YOU guys doing? I know you have medical issues of your own. Feeling ok? Doing ok? Thanks for asking, Sigs. I've been in a real rough patch for a while, actually. I always have had my ups and downs, but it's been many years since I had a low this low. Pretty sure it was before I quit drinking, actually. I'm about to go out and mow my lawn finally. It must not be as long as I imagine it because my neighbor across the street hasn't called me for a wellness check yet. He's a cool guy. He's the one who ended up using his router to finish off the new kitchen drawers I built last year. There's probably some genuine concern there when he hasn't seen me for a while and my lawn gets overgrown, but I know him well enough to know that's also his polite way of telling me to mow my f'ing lawn because he's tired of looking at it. Medical stuff is fine, as far as I can tell. Numbers are a bit higher right now though since I haven't been very active and, per my Dr's instructions, I'm not intentionally riding my glucose levels as low as possible after he saw how often I was reaching the low range before our last visit. My brand new leaf blower is coming today, so that's exciting. I normally don't splurge, but this one cost me twice as much as the last one and is pro-tier. As much as I would have loved to have it though, I wasn't going to spend $600+ on their top-of-the line backpack unit. I just got their lowest end gas unit, which was their 3rd cheapest option over a battery and corded version. It still puts out 30MPH more than my old one, and I thought that was a bad boy. Got my extension kit for it last week already. It's too bad I just cleaned my gutters recently and they're still clean, or I'd be out there this week cleaning them with this thing for the first time. I do think my buddy and his wife are going to be the beneficiary of the inaugural test of the gutter extension kit. It's coming right in time though. I'm going to have a crap ton of debris all over the curb and sidewalks and the driveway after this mowing for sure, so for the first time this year I can clean crap up without sweeping it or running my mower over the sidewalk back and forth. The plan is to keep this damn thing running for the rest of my life. I've taken apart not one, but two leaf blowers this summer. Once you remove all the plastic housing they were practically identical inside even though they were made many years apart and one was a backpack unit. I might not know all the names of all the parts, but I understand how they work now. I'm about 90% sure that the problem was that the ignition coil went bad, which would make sense since starting it got progressively harder every year and changing the spark plug did nothing to solve that issue, and even though I'd cleaned all the crud out and oiled/greased everything it just would not start. But I wasn't about to gamble and throw good money at that problem without knowing how to test that for sure when that money would be better spent going to a new one and getting a do-over. I did test and I was getting a spark from the plug, but since my "tester" was a homemade piece of electrical wire, that's all I could confirm. I'll bet that spark was probably 10% of what it should have been, but you can't tell that unless you spring for a genuine tester. I did zero maintenance on the old leaf blower and that lasted me about 12 or 13 years. This one is going to be treated much nicer. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 8:44 PM
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 9:06 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Did it ever occur to Signym and 6ixStringJack that their hatred of Ukraine, and their love for Putin and Trump is the organic cause of their illnesses? What new malady will happen to you two if Trump loses?
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 11:36 PM
Quote: SECOND: Did it ever occur to Signym and 6ixStringJack that their hatred of Ukraine, and their love for Putin and Trump is the organic cause of their illnesses?
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 11:47 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: New grocery store? Like,an actual full grocery store? Does it offer any advantage over your regular one? Closer? Cheaper? Better selection? ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 1:24 PM
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 6:10 PM
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 11:32 PM
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 11:52 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow. Hope the elevators are working.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 11:57 PM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 12:57 AM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 11:48 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I knew somebody who said things like that. He was delusional about his brilliance and eventually committed suicide.
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: 20 years ago it wouldn't have been a problem because there were no Muslims in Canada. Now they're everywhere. Their base desire in life is to kill you if you're not one of them. It comes to them as natural as breathing. Good luck everybody! You get what you deserve. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 5:09 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow. Hope the elevators are working. Good luck and good luck. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 5:11 PM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 5:20 PM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I knew somebody who said things like that. He was delusional about his brilliance and eventually committed suicide. What would 6ixStringJack do to himself, considering he wrote the following?
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:32 PM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:34 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by Brenda: Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow. Hope the elevators are working. Good luck and good luck. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President. No luck at mah jong. Couldn't even break 1,000points. I finished the morning with 920points enough to get the booby prize which is my $2 back And the elevators are working today. I would do more inside chores like get some recycling out but I am still tired after yesterday.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:39 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Oh look!! A star- nosed mole! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:41 PM
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:45 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Oh look!! A star- nosed mole! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought. Yeah... Little monsters. It's strange. I wonder if it died on its own already or something. I "fixed" any damage under the river rock that I could and no new activity there. I also smashed down certain parts of whatever appeared to be a main tunnel in the sand pit 2 days ago and it hasn't rebuilt those tunnels. Knock on wood. Edged the hoasta beds today, so the frontage looks great now. I was going to start work on getting my metal netting on the foundation of the garage and the house, but my glucose got low and I took a break and just didn't feel like getting back to it that late in the day. Everything is set up to start tomorrow though. Tonight I think I'm going to do a little research on what products to buy for my edging in lieu of the pavers. I'm not really happy with the 3 options I saw at Menards. I'd probably do best to buy this type of thing at Lowes even though it will cost more. The Menard's stuff isn't cheap pricewise, but it just doesn't seem to be like something that would hold up for all that many years. I think this type of stuff is among the items they purchase in bulk for about 10% of what they sell it for and it's where they make bank. If I'm going to be bent over a barrel now because of the moles, I'd rather be putting something down that's going to last 20 or 30 years and not just 5 years. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:49 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by 6ixStringJack: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Oh look!! A star- nosed mole! ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought. Yeah... Little monsters. It's strange. I wonder if it died on its own already or something. I "fixed" any damage under the river rock that I could and no new activity there. I also smashed down certain parts of whatever appeared to be a main tunnel in the sand pit 2 days ago and it hasn't rebuilt those tunnels. Knock on wood. Edged the hoasta beds today, so the frontage looks great now. I was going to start work on getting my metal netting on the foundation of the garage and the house, but my glucose got low and I took a break and just didn't feel like getting back to it that late in the day. Everything is set up to start tomorrow though. Tonight I think I'm going to do a little research on what products to buy for my edging in lieu of the pavers. I'm not really happy with the 3 options I saw at Menards. I'd probably do best to buy this type of thing at Lowes even though it will cost more. The Menard's stuff isn't cheap pricewise, but it just doesn't seem to be like something that would hold up for all that many years. I think this type of stuff is among the items they purchase in bulk for about 10% of what they sell it for and it's where they make bank. If I'm going to be bent over a barrel now because of the moles, I'd rather be putting something down that's going to last 20 or 30 years and not just 5 years. -------------------------------------------------- Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President. What kind of edging are you tending to? I need edging, I'd be curious what you think will work. ----------- "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time." Or, any verification or thought.