The cauldron simmers.

UPDATED: Sunday, February 16, 2014 09:05
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Sunday, February 16, 2014 12:19 AM


Yanno, tolerant that they can be, often to a fault and much to my annoyance, humans are not infinitely abuseable - you keep backing people further into a corner, the results are not only predictable, they are inevitable.

This one here is a bit tongue in cheek, but only a bit - cause you give a starving, freezing homeless person no other option, leave them nothing else to lose, they'll do what they feel they have to do.

Angry Residents Wave Pitchforks, Torches In Protest Of Mayor's Crackdown On Homelessness

And in a real twist of irony, this was first covered by freakin Al Jazeera, but I rather bet when real molotovs start flying the mainstream media might deign to notice, if only to call them terrorists...
Seriously, you keep leaving the homeless nowhere to BE, after your society has taken all they have, they're gonna decide to stop playing nice.

This one is a bit less tongue in cheek, and more plainly a warning of potential to come.

The Poisoner's Reckoning


Ours are not the only communities being poisoned by runaway industry unfettered by even the most meager regulations. The village of Baha, in the Yunnan province of southwest China, was choking on factory smokestack filth and drinking factory polluted water for fourteen years, until they finally had enough. They called a meeting with the factory boss, but the boss blew them off. The residents of Baha responded by destroying the factory's offices, cars and dormitories, and wrecked the factory's equipment.

A meeting was called, the poisoners did not deign to show up, and all hell broke loose. Sounds a lot like Freedom Industries' absence on Monday, except, of course, for the hell breaking loose.

"We have been living with the factory for 14 years," said resident Huang Liangzheng in a UK Guardian report on the incident, "and we live in dust almost every day and can't sell our rice and other farm products. We need to live."

We need to live.

Think about that, you captains of industry.

Kick a dog enough times, and he will turn on you, tear out the seat of your pants, and come growling for more. "Enlightened self-interest" are your watchwords for this brave new century.

Quickly, now. Before it's too late.

For you.

This particular fearful groundswell, it's foundations were laid down back in late 2012-mid 2013, after the powers that be used every means available to crush Occupy and they just stood and took it, in the end accomplishing not much but making themselves easy targets...

But yanno what ?
When reason fails, people tend to get... unreasonable, that's just how it is - it doesn't HAVE to be, but the bastards of this world seem to believe in the myth of their own invincibility.

The End of the Beginning of the End


Not so very long ago, the Occupy Movement sought to draw a bright public circle around the terrible influence enjoyed by the few over the many. Mainstream opinion will say the movement collapsed due to its own inadequacies, but recent revelations have shown how the movement was attacked and undermined by law enforcement, elements of "homeland security" ostensibly meant to be part of the federal government's anti-terrorism programs, and by private security firms hired by corporations and wealthy individuals to keep "undesirables" out of sight and out of mind.

Occupy was only the beginning, but may very well have been the last manifestation of peaceful resistance against the ever-widening chasm of inequality and desolation. The noose is tightening around the necks of average people, and more become radicalized with each passing day. The wealthy would do well to take note of this, and voluntarily move to square the savage imbalance that drives billions around the world into furious despair. It does not have to be this way, and if it continues in this way, eventually the dam is going to break. When that happens, woe be unto those who believe their wealth keeps them safe and cozy. On that day, the rock will not hide them, and the dead tree will give no shelter.

One could take a lesson from what happened to Lord Antono Refa, he believed in the myth of his own invincibility too - some of these asshats might also remember that their own security forces are often drawn from the very population they're screwing....

Not that I'd shed a bitter tear, mind you, it's just that I know how goddamn much collateral damage a social tsunami of that type brings along with it.



Sunday, February 16, 2014 9:05 AM


I'm a HUGE fan of the Escape From movies Frem, as I assume you are as well.

"Banlieue 13", AKA "District 13" "Escape from Cosa Nostra" "Okrsek 13" or just "D13" is in many ways even better than Escape. Although it was so good that I didn't even mind having to read subtitles, a cameo by Snake Plisken, even just shooting pool in the background at a bar would have been the money shot.

As I get older and more cynical every year, an epic-style prison system seems to be the answer that everyone needs.

What I mean by this, is that we can have the majority of America remain America. Maybe 20% of it is given in several large chunks to the undesirable types left to completely fend for themselves. There is 3,794,101 sq miles of space we have to work with.

650,000 sq miles of no rules....

For 80% of the people at least, a rigid system of laws is what makes them tick. They need rules and strict work schedules and they need to know what to do all the time and are given just enough things to fight about to keep them busy between responsibilities.

For the rest, I don't see what's so scary about Absolute, Unadulterated Darwinism.






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