I bet this wouldn't have happened if she was wearking a burkah...

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 14:33
VIEWED: 12586
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Friday, June 6, 2014 10:32 AM


The above photo was snapped a few weeks ago at Mysteryland, a Woodstock-based affair in which neon-clad EDM heads sway to various strains of house music for a whole buzz-filled weekend. But amid lighthearted photos of friends lying on the lawn and posing with a giant stuffed bear, this photo gave us pause. Had we captured a sexual assault?

Our photographer provided us with some context:

The previous photos show how some women climbed on to the speaker and were dancing, which was fine until a bunch of people started jumping the barricade and dancing in front of the stage, which was still kind of fine until it got too crowded so they ejected everyone. In the process of ushering everyone out, one dude from the audience took the opportunity to spank this woman a couple times, which was followed by a different guy just up and grabbing her. She got down after that.

He added also that she was still dancing as she climbed down, and it did not seem like she knew the man who grabbed her.

Her reaction was simply a mild look of distaste and then climbing down on the opposite side of the speaker than her grabber was on. She didn't say anything. If there were any other reactions they were too mild to notice. Worth noting is that a different guy had spanked her a bit right before the other guy went full grab, and she didn't seem to mind/react to that. But the grabber was too much, it seemed.

Such unsolicited gropings occur at music festivals all the time, often leaving women feeling uncomfortable, annoyed, or blatantly violated (sometimes all three). Confronting your assailant is not only awkward, it's often met with ridicule. Saying nothing perpetuates the idea that such behavior is OK, or is at least tolerated. Let's be clear: it's not, and it shouldn't be.

I'm sorry..... This is NOT sexual assault, and to believe that it IS or to even try to tell us that it IS sexual assault is to completely make illegitimate the horrors that women and children have actually endured. I have two female friends who have been victims of sexual assault as well as two family members who were REAL victims of an ACTUAL crime.

Were these guys Assholes? Most definitely. I know my momma didn't raise me to be that way. If being an Asshole in America made you a criminal they'd have to just build a brick wall and ceiling around the entire country, because let's face it, I see 10 things people do every day that irritate me. I'm no saint either, by the way.... although I do have to apologize that I don't have a police record to prove it, unless you're including speeding tickets from my youth..... ;)

You know what officer? She sexually assaulted ME! Here I was enjoying a few beers and maybe a joint with some friends watching Tom Petty rock on stage and this chick gets up on the speaker and gives me a huge boner.... I don't care that she didn't touch me. I came to the concert to listen to some great music and this girl comes out of nowhere rocking her hot young body in a stripper outfit in front of me and made me think about cheating on my [theoretical] wife who is standing right next to me.

She's an Asshole too. You're out in public. This isn't Coyote Ugly. There's a few pre-pubessent boys two rows behind you that you just turned into men.

She was drunk. They were drunk. People tend to be Assholes when they're drunk. Trust me.... I KNOW ;)

If they should be locked up for sexual assault, she should be locked up for indecent exposure, and I'm just hoping it's a co-ed prison and I'm the lucky guy to share a cell with her for any one of very numerous terrible things I've said on these boards while drinking.

Just another example of taking good intentions to the insane extreme.....

BTW... I don't have any reason to believe that this girl was an Asshole because she claimed any sexual assault after the fact. That would make her a SUPER Asshole. In fact, I believe that her reaction to it as explained in the article was completely appropriate. She was having a great time in the hot sun, likely somewhat intoxicated, was loving that music and thinking about what a banging body she had and she got a little carried away in the care-free bliss that one can experience in such a scenario.

If anything, the guy's with their hand on her ass were doing her a favor by kind of bringing her back into reality long enough to realize that maybe this wasn't the time or place for that display. It's not the ass-grabbing guys I would worry about any second of the day.

The true criminal is the quiet guy that's up close enough to get a good show, but far enough away to have his own dirty thoughts to himself and not be made suspect by any photos or videos taken by anyone in the vicinity. The cold and calculating pervert lurking in the shadows that has nothing better to do than stalk her the rest of the day in hopes that maybe she gets separated from the herd long enough to strike......

I love watching girls get up and dance with next to or nothing on. Actually, I love going to bars that have sexy, young "cage girls" dancing for a living, even though strip clubs aren't my thing. These girls are all paid to do it, and they're also very well protected.

I've seen plenty of really drunk girls get up on tables at regular bars, and it almost always ends up the very same way. She pretty much does it until some drunk horny guy grabs her in some way or another.

Asshole, meet Asshole.

If we were talking about a 12 year old girl, this would be an entirely different conversation, but assuming this girl has been old enough to vote for at least 1 second, I don't see how either of them are any more guilty than the other of being an Asshole.




Friday, June 6, 2014 11:14 AM


You know, acknowledging your alcoholism with a winky smile doesn't make it any less of an problem, nor the misogynist bullshit you post any less pathetic.


Friday, June 6, 2014 11:43 AM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.

Explain where it is - at exactly what point is it that sexual assault starts so there is a basis for context for the discussion.
Exactly what has to happen for sexual assault to have occurred? At what point is groping a woman just being an asshole groping another asshole and when does it cross the line?
Is her being an asshole part of the conditions for sexual assault to occur or not occur? What if she isn't being an asshole - is it still not sexual assault if just the male is being an asshole?
I also wonder why the age thing is a consideration. If slapping and grabbing an 18 year old's butt isn't sexual assault, then why would it be if one did it to a 12 year old? Is being an asshole age limited?

Honestly, when I see girls do this type of thing, drunk, stoned or sober, paid or not paid; I am embarrassed for them - not aroused or thinking "hey, they must want some guy to grope or rape them". And please, the next time you are in a club where the girls are being paid to dance, get a bit drunk and then go fondle one, just to experiment to see what happens. If you survive the experiment with all of your teeth intact you might have an understanding of some basic rules. Just because there is no one specifically protecting girls from sexual assault doesn't mean the rules don't exist and their right to be safe from some asshole groping them (or worse) is null and void - even if they are being an asshole.

And while I do agree that in some cases they are being assholes, because being an asshole isn't restricted to gender, being an asshole doesn't give someone else the right to slap or grope them or anything else.

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face;
With stars to fill my dream;
I am a traveler of both time and space;
To be where I have been


Friday, June 6, 2014 12:49 PM


Good questions DEVERSE, but I think that I implied what I could while stating what facts I could from a "supposed on the scene encounter". Chances are, this article was written as a "journal" by somebody with twice the creative mind I have when they saw a few pics posted on Instagram and they made it into a whole "on the scene" thing....

I'm not going to bother defending my point to people who will blindly argue it. I already made my case quite clear in the initial post.

If you want "proof", as would I. Find the barely-clad girl in this photo and as her opinion about gross old guys touching her butt that she was willingly dancing nearly-naked in front of them well within farting-distance.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 6, 2014 4:16 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
You know, acknowledging your alcoholism with a winky smile doesn't make it any less of an problem, nor the misogynist bullshit you post any less pathetic.

Well, that should help him drink less *facepalm....


Friday, June 6, 2014 7:25 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by AgentRouka:
You know, acknowledging your alcoholism with a winky smile doesn't make it any less of an problem, nor the misogynist bullshit you post any less pathetic.

Well, that should help him drink less *facepalm....

Your point being?

I don't really care about him drinking less. I don't care about him as a person at all. I have no desire to save him, but I see no point in ignoring his drinking problem when he constantly brings it up.

I would perhaps have more sympathy if most of his posts weren't about his sickening attitude toward women. But the repetitive tirades continue, so no, can't say much more than that I find him pathetic.


Friday, June 6, 2014 7:37 PM


America loves a winner!

" Sexual assault " can mean anything from forcible rape to a unwanted kiss on the cheek, or pat on the backside.

What a load of go-se. Call things what they are, and stop this PC garbage.


Friday, June 6, 2014 8:10 PM


Uhhhh. And you people wonder why I'm not a fan of humanity. It can't keep it's hands to itself like they tell you in kiddygarten, and it has no consideration for people who aren't operating with a full manual.

Six, hon, the booze isn't winning you any philosophy points. And it's not going to make you happier in the long run. I get that you have attention span issues so lemme use the big print...


Now don't say everyone is against you and pout. Stop making excuses and go get yer head on straight, m'kay? I know you aren't a bad person, but I can't ignore your problems anymore. I hate humanity too, but in this case it actually IS you that's the problem. If I hada guess, I'd say A.D.D. It's probably also why you are having problems at work and can't relate to women. They make pills that will make your life easier, they really do.

Now, you've got good points and I want you to come back and talk music, but I want you to go get help MORE. Please, Six. You can do it buddy...


Friday, June 6, 2014 8:54 PM


America loves a winner!

Kinda agree w/ the consensus on the drinking, 6IX. As one who use to imbibe copious amounts, from time to time, I get the appeal. But don't be a slave to anyone or anything. You'll be happier for it.


Friday, June 6, 2014 11:04 PM


In "Gimme Shelter" we see a totally naked, clearly wasted 'Rubenesque' girl work her way towards the stage while The Rolling Stones are playing. As she gets to the stage a couple of Hell's Angels grab her and knock her to the ground with pool cues. Later she is seen bleeding from the head. Whaddaya gonna do?


Friday, June 6, 2014 11:04 PM


That's a spicy-a-meatball!


Friday, June 6, 2014 11:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


What if men felt free to grab your crotch every time they had the impulse? Because it's there and and the only person who seems to have a problem with it is you?

And do you think that would be sexual assault? Or rudeness?

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Saturday, June 7, 2014 6:19 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Uhhhh. And you people wonder why I'm not a fan of humanity. It can't keep it's hands to itself like they tell you in kiddygarten, and it has no consideration for people who aren't operating with a full manual.

Being an alcoholic doesn't make him a special sensitive snowflake who must be protected from honesty. When dealing with people with severe issues, you need to set boundaries for how much you can give, because allowing them to be energy leeches on you isn't kindness or sympathy, it's validating their destructive behavior.

Six is about the most obvious energy leech I have ever seen. All his posts seem designed to create a platform for his narcissistic attention seeking. He's not engaging in discussion, he doesn't examine any of the shit he says. He repeats himself over and over, and so often it's about sex, as if making others participate in twisted view on women is some kind of masturbatory aid.

And God forbid you express your honest irritation, then comes the "Man, that was cold" wounded deer routine.

The entire manipulative routine surely does mean that he's not operating on a full manual, but that doesn't mean I have to enable him by pretending it's anything but what it is.


Saturday, June 7, 2014 10:56 AM


I guess I understand him because if I hadn't a family, I probably would BE him. I think a lot of it is he's lonely, and doesn't understand why.

Now, I'm done talking about him, 'cause it's not gonna help talking to you about it because you are being a dick.

If he were to hurt himself you would be just as guilty as the twits that bully teenage girls that hurt themselves. I'm all for putting people strait that come here pretending to be intellectuals with manipulation being the goal, but if you can't tell Six is just a little lost YOU'RE AN IDIOT.


Saturday, June 7, 2014 11:09 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Six is more than a little lost imo. He now has a niece, one he claims to love, that he says he wants to be there for. He can't seem to change his attitude towards females on account of her, and he can't seem to stop drinking on account of her.

One of my coworkers - a brilliant young man - had a serious drinking problem. To the point where people from work would go looking for him when he failed to show up on Monday, and find him sleeping off a weekend binge on a sidewalk in skid row. He had some internal conflict driving it - whatever it was he stopped drinking and figured it out and has been fine these last 30 years.

But six can seem to do neither. I really can't see a good end to this unless he can stop drinking and resolve the psychological issues he has.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Saturday, June 7, 2014 11:30 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I guess I understand him because if I hadn't a family, I probably would BE him. I think a lot of it is he's lonely, and doesn't understand why.

Now, I'm done talking about him, 'cause it's not gonna help talking to you about it because you are being a dick.

If he were to hurt himself you would be just as guilty as the twits that bully teenage girls that hurt themselves. I'm all for putting people strait that come here pretending to be intellectuals with manipulation being the goal, but if you can't tell Six is just a little lost YOU'RE AN IDIOT.

Honestly, I find that comparison insulting. Teenaged girls being bullied online is the same thing as telling Six honestly that his misogyny is pathetic? Really?

I am not reacting to him like I am because he is an alcoholic. I am reacting to his disturbing attitude about women. The one he keeps displaying over and over again.

And "He's just a little lost" just isn't cutting it for me as an excuse.

If that makes me an idiot and a "dick", I'll have to bear that.


Saturday, June 7, 2014 12:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The above photo was snapped a few weeks ago at Mysteryland, a Woodstock-based affair in which neon-clad EDM heads sway to various strains of house music for a whole buzz-filled weekend. But amid lighthearted photos of friends lying on the lawn and posing with a giant stuffed bear, this photo gave us pause. Had we captured a sexual assault?

Our photographer provided us with some context:

The previous photos show how some women climbed on to the speaker and were dancing, which was fine until a bunch of people started jumping the barricade and dancing in front of the stage, which was still kind of fine until it got too crowded so they ejected everyone. In the process of ushering everyone out, one dude from the audience took the opportunity to spank this woman a couple times, which was followed by a different guy just up and grabbing her. She got down after that.

He added also that she was still dancing as she climbed down, and it did not seem like she knew the man who grabbed her.

Her reaction was simply a mild look of distaste and then climbing down on the opposite side of the speaker than her grabber was on. She didn't say anything. If there were any other reactions they were too mild to notice. Worth noting is that a different guy had spanked her a bit right before the other guy went full grab, and she didn't seem to mind/react to that. But the grabber was too much, it seemed.

Such unsolicited gropings occur at music festivals all the time, often leaving women feeling uncomfortable, annoyed, or blatantly violated (sometimes all three). Confronting your assailant is not only awkward, it's often met with ridicule. Saying nothing perpetuates the idea that such behavior is OK, or is at least tolerated. Let's be clear: it's not, and it shouldn't be.

I'm sorry..... This is NOT sexual assault, and to believe that it IS or to even try to tell us that it IS sexual assault is to completely make illegitimate the horrors that women and children have actually endured. I have two female friends who have been victims of sexual assault as well as two family members who were REAL victims of an ACTUAL crime.

Were these guys Assholes? Most definitely. I know my momma didn't raise me to be that way. If being an Asshole in America made you a criminal they'd have to just build a brick wall and ceiling around the entire country, because let's face it, I see 10 things people do every day that irritate me. I'm no saint either, by the way.... although I do have to apologize that I don't have a police record to prove it, unless you're including speeding tickets from my youth..... ;)

You know what officer? She sexually assaulted ME! Here I was enjoying a few beers and maybe a joint with some friends watching Tom Petty rock on stage and this chick gets up on the speaker and gives me a huge boner.... I don't care that she didn't touch me. I came to the concert to listen to some great music and this girl comes out of nowhere rocking her hot young body in a stripper outfit in front of me and made me think about cheating on my [theoretical] wife who is standing right next to me.

She's an Asshole too. You're out in public. This isn't Coyote Ugly. There's a few pre-pubessent boys two rows behind you that you just turned into men.

She was drunk. They were drunk. People tend to be Assholes when they're drunk. Trust me.... I KNOW ;)

If they should be locked up for sexual assault, she should be locked up for indecent exposure, and I'm just hoping it's a co-ed prison and I'm the lucky guy to share a cell with her for any one of very numerous terrible things I've said on these boards while drinking.

Just another example of taking good intentions to the insane extreme.....

BTW... I don't have any reason to believe that this girl was an Asshole because she claimed any sexual assault after the fact. That would make her a SUPER Asshole. In fact, I believe that her reaction to it as explained in the article was completely appropriate. She was having a great time in the hot sun, likely somewhat intoxicated, was loving that music and thinking about what a banging body she had and she got a little carried away in the care-free bliss that one can experience in such a scenario.

If anything, the guy's with their hand on her ass were doing her a favor by kind of bringing her back into reality long enough to realize that maybe this wasn't the time or place for that display. It's not the ass-grabbing guys I would worry about any second of the day.

The true criminal is the quiet guy that's up close enough to get a good show, but far enough away to have his own dirty thoughts to himself and not be made suspect by any photos or videos taken by anyone in the vicinity. The cold and calculating pervert lurking in the shadows that has nothing better to do than stalk her the rest of the day in hopes that maybe she gets separated from the herd long enough to strike......

I love watching girls get up and dance with next to or nothing on. Actually, I love going to bars that have sexy, young "cage girls" dancing for a living, even though strip clubs aren't my thing. These girls are all paid to do it, and they're also very well protected.

I've seen plenty of really drunk girls get up on tables at regular bars, and it almost always ends up the very same way. She pretty much does it until some drunk horny guy grabs her in some way or another.

Asshole, meet Asshole.

If we were talking about a 12 year old girl, this would be an entirely different conversation, but assuming this girl has been old enough to vote for at least 1 second, I don't see how either of them are any more guilty than the other of being an Asshole.

You are wrong. This is sexual assault because the Feminazis say so. The whole purpose of making every conceivable slight grouped as sexual assault is to diffuse and lessen the onus of rape. This woman may someday wake up and need easy money and say "hey, I was raped by those two guys, they need to give me money and go to jail." That is the way it works. Rape accusations must be used as a weapon for ugly women to control mankind.

What' the difference between these women and those who wear low-cut cleavage boasting tops and then whine that men are looking at her hooters?
Or women who only want to date guys who beat them up, because that is the only way they know "he really loves me, and makeup sex is great after a good fight" but then complain that he beats her?


Saturday, June 7, 2014 1:29 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
In "Gimme Shelter" we see a totally naked, clearly wasted 'Rubenesque' girl work her way towards the stage while The Rolling Stones are playing. As she gets to the stage a couple of Hell's Angels grab her and knock her to the ground with pool cues. Later she is seen bleeding from the head. Whaddaya gonna do?

This is sick Jongs...

I'm not dumb, and I don't appreciate how people take prior posts I make and justify their own warped opinions on this issue and somehow justify them simply because I drink.

Bottom line, "Mom's" and "Dad's" here in the RWED.

Don't raise a little trailer-park SLUT and she won't have her Kardashian-Wannabee-Ass groped by EVERY poor and intoxicated basement-dweller at a concert that kids are also invited to in broad daylight on July 8th.

As I said before, I don't think she's an Asshole at all because she was complaining about anything. She thought she was home alone trippin' and grooving to the music and thankfully some guys woke her up and made her realize reality.

The only people making a big deal out of those pics were some sickeningly left-leaning pan-sexuals who found these pics online and wrote a whole "on the scene" story around it. I have 100% confidence that, outside of Lesbian Lovers, anyone involved with writing or publishing this article has never even kissed a girl, let alone were even at the concert in question.

These days, it's not just sick guys taking advantage where they can.

Watch "The Roomate" with Aly Michelka....

Every single party I ever went to while in college-years had a ton of hot girls doing this stuff. They are women and far old enough to know better or not.

Don't get me wrong... The older I get, the more I love witnessing it.

I'm just saying. If your of-age daughter were the girl I brought up in this post, I'd hope you'd at least blush when even acknowledging what a little slut she was and that she belonged to you before you went on your anti-men tirade.

I guarantee there was at least one undeserving dick up inside that nearly invisible thong before 12:00AM the next day.

I'm 34 and just as disease free as I am debt free.

Don't ask me where the warts or AIDS came from, Mudblood....

I'll take a DNA test any day of the week.

It wasn't me.

But, Yeah.... I'm the bad guy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 7, 2014 8:44 PM


God this thread is super depressing


Monday, June 9, 2014 5:02 PM


America loves a winner!

Per the so called hiney grab, at least she wasn't in Tahrir Square, dressed up like a foreign reporter.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:49 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Per the so called hiney grab, at least she wasn't in Tahrir Square, dressed up like a foreign reporter.

Had to read a bit, but found the correct term: Fallacy of relative privation.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:16 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
Per the so called hiney grab, at least she wasn't in Tahrir Square, dressed up like a foreign reporter.

Had to read a bit, but found the correct term: Fallacy of relative privation.

Naw. Not that at all. But thanks anyways.

Seriously, you get a drunk girl , dressed like that, in front of young drunk males, a quick vulgar, though harmless grab is bound to happen. Shouldn't, but it does.

And that's the point of those festivals / concerts / college parties. Things go on which most folks would find obscene, or at least, in poor taste. To the folks doing it though, it's not that big a deal. It's part of being young and stupid. Some revel in that atmo. Some go too far.

At the very least, the girl should be with a friend or two. Getting up there , solo and dressed as such, is an invitation for bad things.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:05 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Seriously, you get a drunk girl , dressed like that, in front of young drunk males, a quick vulgar, though harmless grab is bound to happen. Shouldn't, but it does.

Thank you for being the voice of reason here Rap....

Please "MOMS", look beyond my admitted drunkeness and realize that I am all about protecting an innocient girl's virtue.

What this girl was doing at the concert was an affront to any core values I would hope you were trying to instill in your little Princess.

I'm not trying to justify some stupid neanterthal urge to grab a sexy bare ass. I'm just saying that if she wasn't dressed like a stripper in public where there are half a million horny male hands and also kids present, maybe her ass wouldn't have been grabbed.

It makes me wonder why women here are fighting me on this. Is it truly your dream for your daughter to be living in a world where she's free to dance on a speaker at a concert in Stripper Gear without worrying about somebody grabbing her ass????

If that's the facts.... what exactly are you even fighting for at that point?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:21 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It makes me wonder why women here are fighting me on this. Is it truly your dream for your daughter to be living in a world where she's free to dance on a speaker at a concert in Stripper Gear without worrying about somebody grabbing her ass????

Uh, hell yeah. That's exactly the point.


If that's the facts.... what exactly are you even fighting for at that point?

The idea that a woman can rest assured that no one just feels entitled to access to her body, no matter what she happens to be wearing or where she happens to be standing.

That's just basic respect. I don't understand what bothers you about that concept.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 5:30 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Per the so called hiney grab, at least she wasn't in Tahrir Square, dressed up like a foreign reporter.

Kinda the same point dont you think.

It's about men feeling entitled to do whatever to women's bodies. Same concept, different location.


Seriously, you get a young woman , dressed like that, in front of young angey males, a quick vulgar, though harmless grab is bound to happen. Shouldn't, but it does.

A few word changes, and you have the justification of Tahrir Square.

It's always about the women, isn't it? It's always women's fault, because the implication being men are just a bit rapey, aren't they. They just can't help themselves and shouldn't be expected to try.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 5:47 PM


America loves a winner!

Fully dressed & working as a journalist is a far cry from drunk, barely dressed, on a stage & baring her backside. A quick butt slap or even a grab is far from a violent gang rape.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 5:47 PM


Everyone is responsible for their own behavior. What we choose to do has consequences. I did not watch the video but I am seeing one guy, one girl. Not men, not women. There are certainly things that need to be addressed in this world as far as the treatment of women go but as I said. I see one guy and one woman. Neither one is acting appropriately.

If I wanted to start world war three over women’s issues, I’d pick a better example.

si shen


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:10 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Everyone is responsible for their own behavior. What we choose to do has consequences. I did not watch the video but I am seeing one guy, one girl. Not men, not women. There are certainly things that need to be addressed in this world as far as the treatment of women go but as I said. I see one guy and one woman. Neither one is acting appropriately.

If I wanted to start world war three over women’s issues, I’d pick a better example.

Welcome to RWED, where EVERYTHING is a cause to celebrate or war-inate

Seriously though, welcome Most people take a while to make it into the fray, you been lurking long or do you just naturally dive right in to most things?


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:51 PM


Welcome my ass. He signed on one day after Miker melted down. No intro, just jumped in and gave Chris harassing shit with his first posts. So he's a sockpuppet of Miker, who was nothing but a giant troll douche.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:12 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Welcome my ass. He signed on one day after Miker melted down. No intro, just jumped in and gave Chris harassing shit with his first posts. So he's a sockpuppet of Miker, who was nothing but a giant troll douche.

Welcome back Miker! You pissed off Jongs - 100 bonus points to start your new round! Truthfully, it takes nothing to piss him off so that's just default sock puppet return points.

Well fuck you too.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:35 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It makes me wonder why women here are fighting me on this. Is it truly your dream for your daughter to be living in a world where she's free to dance on a speaker at a concert in Stripper Gear without worrying about somebody grabbing her ass????

Uh, hell yeah. That's exactly the point.


If that's the facts.... what exactly are you even fighting for at that point?

The idea that a woman can rest assured that no one just feels entitled to access to her body, no matter what she happens to be wearing or where she happens to be standing.

That's just basic respect. I don't understand what bothers you about that concept.

At some point you need to get a little common sense. Get drunk in stripper gear, climb into the lion's enclosure and prance the behind in the lion's face. Problem solved, just sue the lion because a drunki girl is too stupid.
Seems the vast majority of women drink alcohol precisely to get laid, "let go their inhibitions," et al, and then complain they won't get laid when they're sober. Act like an adult, pretend you are responsible for your own behavior, and that women are not too dumb to make their own decisions and stick with them. And then leave this girl alone because she's not in your camp.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:43 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Welcome my ass. He signed on one day after Miker melted down. No intro, just jumped in and gave Chris harassing shit with his first posts. So he's a sockpuppet of Miker, who was nothing but a giant troll douche.

Welcome back Miker! You pissed off Jongs - 100 bonus points to start your new round! Truthfully, it takes nothing to piss him off so that's just default sock puppet return points.

Who absolutely has been confirmed to be a sock puppet of Chris in the first place. Just another layer to the onion, is all.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:31 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Who absolutely has been confirmed to be a sock puppet of Chris in the first place. Just another layer to the onion, is all.

That makes more sense than anything else I've seen on that subject.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:04 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Everyone is responsible for their own behavior. What we choose to do has consequences. I did not watch the video but I am seeing one guy, one girl. Not men, not women. There are certainly things that need to be addressed in this world as far as the treatment of women go but as I said. I see one guy and one woman. Neither one is acting appropriately.

If I wanted to start world war three over women’s issues, I’d pick a better example.

Welcome to RWED, where EVERYTHING is a cause to celebrate or war-inate

Seriously though, welcome Most people take a while to make it into the fray, you been lurking long or do you just naturally dive right in to most things?

Thank you for the welcome. My first encounter turned into an interrogation. I am not new to conversing online so I do not have a problem with joining in. It beats standing in the corner at a party don't you think? I guess if I were only comfortable speaking to the same people I would chose to lurk about. Not my style.

I see I caused a bit of a stir. Not much I can do about that. Not much I care to do about that.

si shen


Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:36 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

I see I caused a bit of a stir. Not much I can do about that. Not much I care to do about that.

I used to think it was sad that this is what's become of us, but hey- WE SURVIVE~!

And really, what else is there to do? I mean would you really want everyone to be joyously happy and use perfect manners all the time? That would be stuck up and repressing and Depressing...
It might be a little sick, but it's also delightful to have a place to come and tear people down and then the next day ask them how their kid or their job or their health is. It really does help you figure out what's REALLY important to you and where your battle lines are.
Not trying to convert, just explaining. If that ain't yer thing, there's chat which is more like snail mail these but I've always tried to be best behavior just so people have that outlet if they need be...

And if you really AREN'T a sockpuppet, hang around long enough they'll get past it...We really have had a few in the past so they're extra paranoid, ya see...


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:09 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

I see I caused a bit of a stir. Not much I can do about that. Not much I care to do about that.

I used to think it was sad that this is what's become of us, but hey- WE SURVIVE~!

And really, what else is there to do? I mean would you really want everyone to be joyously happy and use perfect manners all the time? That would be stuck up and repressing and Depressing...
It might be a little sick, but it's also delightful to have a place to come and tear people down and then the next day ask them how their kid or their job or their health is. It really does help you figure out what's REALLY important to you and where your battle lines are.
Not trying to convert, just explaining. If that ain't yer thing, there's chat which is more like snail mail these but I've always tried to be best behavior just so people have that outlet if they need

And if you really AREN'T a sockpuppet, hang around long enough they'll get past it...We really have had a few in the past so they're extra paranoid, ya see...

Welcome. How did you find this site? Have you been here before? THGRRI? Does it stand for Trolls Have Gorram Repeat Responsibility Indefinitely? And which American way? The radical Tea Party one? The downtrodden masses one? The elitist we-know-what's-best-for-you Left or Right one?
See, timing is everything, and apparently you will pan out as nothing.
Very weak try at a new ident.

This was my first contact here. Pretty nuts huh. That’s ok, I greeted this third degree with a bit of taunting. No big deal. I understand what you are saying but I prefer not to get into it. It’s just not possible.

I will make some friends and with some not so much. As for being called a sock puppet I just don’t care. That is not my picture you see when I post. That is not my name. I do hide my identity while online. I found out it is unwise not to. I speak for myself though so I find little annoyance in being called a puppet because what I post cannot come back to haunt me. I noticed that is the way of it here so……hello fellow sock poppets.

si shen


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:49 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
At some point you need to get a little common sense. Get drunk in stripper gear, climb into the lion's enclosure and prance the behind in the lion's face. Problem solved, just sue the lion because a drunki girl is too stupid.
Seems the vast majority of women drink alcohol precisely to get laid, "let go their inhibitions," et al, and then complain they won't get laid when they're sober. Act like an adult, pretend you are responsible for your own behavior, and that women are not too dumb to make their own decisions and stick with them. And then leave this girl alone because she's not in your camp.

I love how this thread could be so simple ("Yeah, that guy should definitely not have touched her") and instead so many people seem compelled to add qualifiers:

- it's the woman's fault, she was totally asking for it
- his action was harmless, so we shouldn't be talking about it, at all
- women elsewhere have it worse, so we shouldn't be talking about it, at all
- arguing against groping drunk naked strangers is the same as denying personal responsibility
- men are "lions in a den", but women need to stop being stupid and be responsible, because we certainly can't ask men to do that
- if you want to talk about "women's issues" you need to pick a nice and easy example that everyone can agree on (so you don't have to spend so much time on that unimportant crap)
- this woman's behavior after the fact is somehow deeply relevant to what others may think of her being groped (i.e. she is some kind of team mascot)
- "Sexual assault" is a purposefully vague term designed to oppress men because it makes it difficult to distinguished between bad forms of unwanted sexual contact and totally acceptable forms of unwanted sexual contact that men are simply entitled to if women act a certain way.

The "vast majority" of women drink to get laid? For real? 1) How is that possibly true, 2) is that invented fact supposed to make it okay when people grope drunk women? Because "looking to get laid" means being fair game to anyone within groping distance?


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 5:05 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Fully dressed & working as a journalist is a far cry from drunk, barely dressed, on a stage & baring her backside. A quick butt slap or even a grab is far from a violent gang rape.


On the continuum. Same excuses. In some societies and cultures throughout history, a bare head or ankle was enough to incite male lust and of course, the women were 'asking for it' 'knew what the consequences were' 'shouldn't have been there and doing that'

Same deal.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 5:18 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm just saying that if she was dressed in a burkah in public where there are half a million horny male hands and also kids present, maybe her ass wouldn't have been grabbed.

It makes me wonder why women here are fighting me on this. Is it truly your dream for your daughter to be living in a world where she's free to dress how she pleases without worrying about somebody grabbing her ass????

Make sense now?


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 5:54 AM


America loves a winner!


- "Sexual assault" is a purposefully vague term designed to oppress men because it makes it difficult to distinguished between bad forms of unwanted sexual contact and totally acceptable forms of unwanted sexual contact that men are simply entitled to if women act a certain way.

Does anyone really deny this though ? I mean, you go the first part right, 'bout making it obscure. Rape use to be called Rape. Now it's called 'assault' which also includes all manner of unwanted contact.

Basically, any man who had 'bad , adult feelings ' for a female, and she didn't want those , from him, is now an assault.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:14 AM


Oops. Big fail.

Rappy can't distinguish between feelings and actions.

Like to find an occasion when someone was found guilty of assault for having feelings.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:34 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Does anyone really deny this though ? I mean, you go the first part right, 'bout making it obscure. Rape use to be called Rape. Now it's called 'assault' which also includes all manner of unwanted contact.

Basically, any man who had 'bad , adult feelings ' for a female, and she didn't want those , from him, is now an assault.

Rape is still called rape. Sexual assault is so labelled as to distinguish it from the sort of assault where you're trying to bash the other person. And to imply that men are simply unable to resist touching a woman dancing in front of them when scantily clad is an insult to our gender.

Why is it important? Because it makes it clear that there's a line and that line is you're not allowed to grab, spank or squeeze a woman's body (or a man's) without her consent. Dancing to music isn't consent (sad that this needs to be spelled out), no matter what her outfit. Do you think she was giving consent to everyone in the crowd to grab her backside? Of course not.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:42 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Welcome. How did you find this site? Have you been here before? THGRRI? Does it stand for Trolls Have Gorram Repeat Responsibility Indefinitely? And which American way? The radical Tea Party one? The downtrodden masses one? The elitist we-know-what's-best-for-you Left or Right one?
See, timing is everything, and apparently you will pan out as nothing.
Very weak try at a new ident.

*snort. Sorry, that's a bit funny.

As to the rest of the argument, I'm a bit known for my lack of faith in humanity. See, if you live in the bad side of town and you leave your door unlocked *GUESS WHAT* eventually yer stuffs gonna get pinched. You can blather on about society and it's responsibility, but at the end of the day it's up to YOU to look out for YOU. Same goes for the girl. We can pretend that all men are capable of keeping hands to themselves or we can recognize reality for what it is and PROTECT OURSELVES. I recommend a layer of clothing BIGGER than a couple inches on all relevant parts, and some self defense training, so that when a guy grabs your ass you can sidle up to him, smile and THEN knee him in the crotch! Then you've taught that guy a valuable lesson to keep his dirty hands to himself...PRICELESS!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 10:48 AM



One of my coworkers - a brilliant young man - had a serious drinking problem.

My uncle, not a brilliant young man and pretty screwed up with drug use, alcohol, and a number of perversions, had a serious drinking problem.

My dad and his mother found him face down on the floor of his kitchen. He had been dead for two days before anyone thought to look for him.

That's why we have his cat now.

My other grandmother lived through a quintuple bypass, multiple car wrecks, a couple hospital induced morphine overdoses. She had a serious drinking problem.

We begged her to quit, and for a while, it seemed like she had. But she developed dementia, which began to get worse and worse. Eventually, she had a stroke, and for two months we had to take care of her while she couldn't sleep though the night, didn't know where she was, she was terrified, and she also peed on all of our furniture in her confusion.

Her feet started turning purple and necrotizing from yet more blood clots. We took her to the hospital, and while we were trying to figure out whether to amputate her affected limbs because they were rotting and getting gangrene, she died. She died unhappy, troubled, befuddled, and in pain.

As it turned out, we later found two ginormous bottles of vodka in her closet, one was almost empty. The alcohol had interacted with the heart medication she was on, causing her dementia and the blood clots.

*Pointed look at Jack*


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:02 AM



It makes me wonder why women here are fighting me on this. Is it truly your dream for your daughter to be living in a world where she's free to dance on a speaker at a concert in Stripper Gear without worrying about somebody grabbing her ass????

Hey six, if you got drunk and stripped down to your boxers, and they became a bit dislodged in the commotion, and an ugly girl took the opportunity to grab your ass, would you be happy about that?

Or what if it was a guy? Would you be happy about that? Would you just quietly accept that his horny behaviour was a natural consequence of you acting and dressing like that?

I apologize in advance if it turns out this question isn't hypothetical and that has actually happened to you before.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:14 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

One of my coworkers - a brilliant young man - had a serious drinking problem.

My uncle, not a brilliant young man and pretty screwed up with drug use, alcohol, and a number of perversions, had a serious drinking problem.

My dad and his mother found him face down on the floor of his kitchen. He had been dead for two days before anyone thought to look for him.

That's why we have his cat now.

My other grandmother lived through a quintuple bypass, multiple car wrecks, a couple hospital induced morphine overdoses. She had a serious drinking problem.

We begged her to quit, and for a while, it seemed like she had. But she developed dementia, which began to get worse and worse. Eventually, she had a stroke, and for two months we had to take care of her while she couldn't sleep though the night, didn't know where she was, she was terrified, and she also peed on all of our furniture in her confusion.

Her feet started turning purple and necrotizing from yet more blood clots. We took her to the hospital, and while we were trying to figure out whether to amputate her affected limbs because they were rotting and getting gangrene, she died. She died unhappy, troubled, befuddled, and in pain.

As it turned out, we later found two ginormous bottles of vodka in her closet, one was almost empty. The alcohol had interacted with the heart medication she was on, causing her dementia and the blood clots.

*Pointed look at Jack*

I had two relatives who died of alcohol-related illnesses. A third has her alcoholism seriously interfering with her cancer treatment. A fourth is the Unfavourite Uncle, used to be the Cool Uncle but just drifted off the path to where he is middle-aged, visibly affected by his years of intake, utterly aimless, utterly unreliable and still in denial about the whole thing.

And it really does have a visible physical toll.

I just can't imagine quitting a job that requires you to adhere to a certain routine and responsibility, without having a new job waiting, would be a good idea when substance abuse is involved. More free time, more isolation, less accountability = more opportunity to drink and fading motivation to get back into a healthier routine.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:03 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

Welcome. How did you find this site? Have you been here before? THGRRI? Does it stand for Trolls Have Gorram Repeat Responsibility Indefinitely? And which American way? The radical Tea Party one? The downtrodden masses one? The elitist we-know-what's-best-for-you Left or Right one?
See, timing is everything, and apparently you will pan out as nothing.
Very weak try at a new ident.

*snort. Sorry, that's a bit funny.

As to the rest of the argument, I'm a bit known for my lack of faith in humanity. See, if you live in the bad side of town and you leave your door unlocked *GUESS WHAT* eventually yer stuffs gonna get pinched. You can blather on about society and it's responsibility, but at the end of the day it's up to YOU to look out for YOU. Same goes for the girl. We can pretend that all men are capable of keeping hands to themselves or we can recognize reality for what it is and PROTECT OURSELVES. I recommend a layer of clothing BIGGER than a couple inches on all relevant parts, and some self defense training, so that when a guy grabs your ass you can sidle up to him, smile and THEN knee him in the crotch! Then you've taught that guy a valuable lesson to keep his dirty hands to himself...PRICELESS!

Yeah is was funny. My first contact with chrisisall. Anyway...

Women have to draw the lines on how they wish to be treated and men do not have a say. Anything else is like a white person suggesting to a black person what it is to be black which is absurd. The thing is, after the lines are drawn they get blurred and not just by men. I look at that video without even hitting play and I can say she is not acting wisely and the guy is a pig. Some will see it differently and transform this into a national or global perspective on how poorly women are treated. I do not see it that way. I like what you say wishimay when you suggest “a guy” being disrespectful and how "a" women should respond. When dealing with assaults on college campuses investigations show if you have thirty rapes a year it is the same four guys doing it. “Those are made up numbers to make a point” but the point is valid.

si shen


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:59 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
We can pretend that all men are capable of keeping hands to themselves or we can recognize reality for what it is and PROTECT OURSELVES.

It's now about ignoring the flawed reality. It's about not legitimizing it by erasing the expectation that yes, men are fully capable of self-control. Some just choose not to exercise that self-control. Denying their responsibility is basically a social sanction of transgressive behavior.


and some self defense training, so that when a guy grabs your ass you can sidle up to him, smile and THEN knee him in the crotch! Then you've taught that guy a valuable lesson to keep his dirty hands to himself...PRICELESS!

That's a sweet fantasy but it's not really how it works out in reality, either. Getting that close to a person who's likely to be taller and stronger and already has enough contempt for you to grope you against your will, and then initiating a violent confrontation? That's probably the first thing a good self-defense class will tell you not to do. For good reason.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:34 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
men are fully capable of self-control. Some just choose not to exercise that self-control. .

I think I've made it CLEAR that I think PEOPLE aren't capable of exercising self control as evidenced EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OF THE YEAR. Once AGAIN, read some NEWS!!! There are entire COUNTRIES that have zip in the self-control department!

Sounds like THAT is what makes you mad too, expecting that in this "day and age" we should be, but we're not. We haven't evolved. Deal with it. Expecting people to exercise self-control just because YOU want them to and because they should isn't going to do a damn thing, genius...

By all means, pass the laws and prosecute the people until we catch up. The rest of us will have to look out for ourselves the best we can. Sure as HELL not gonna let my kid dress like a hooker just so we can prove my point. And it would be proved. Cause people are PREDICTABLE!!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:58 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
At some point you need to get a little common sense. Get drunk in stripper gear, climb into the lion's enclosure and prance the behind in the lion's face. Problem solved, just sue the lion because a drunki girl is too stupid.
Seems the vast majority of women drink alcohol precisely to get laid, "let go their inhibitions," et al, and then complain they won't get laid when they're sober. Act like an adult, pretend you are responsible for your own behavior, and that women are not too dumb to make their own decisions and stick with them. And then leave this girl alone because she's not in your camp.

I love how this thread could be so simple ("Yeah, that guy should definitely not have touched her") and instead so many people seem compelled to add qualifiers:

- it's the woman's fault, she was totally asking for it
- his action was harmless, so we shouldn't be talking about it, at all
- women elsewhere have it worse, so we shouldn't be talking about it, at all
- arguing against groping drunk naked strangers is the same as denying personal responsibility
- men are "lions in a den", but women need to stop being stupid and be responsible, because we certainly can't ask men to do that
- if you want to talk about "women's issues" you need to pick a nice and easy example that everyone can agree on (so you don't have to spend so much time on that unimportant crap)
- this woman's behavior after the fact is somehow deeply relevant to what others may think of her being groped (i.e. she is some kind of team mascot)
- "Sexual assault" is a purposefully vague term designed to oppress men because it makes it difficult to distinguished between bad forms of unwanted sexual contact and totally acceptable forms of unwanted sexual contact that men are simply entitled to if women act a certain way.

The "vast majority" of women drink to get laid? For real? 1) How is that possibly true, 2) is that invented fact supposed to make it okay when people grope drunk women? Because "looking to get laid" means being fair game to anyone within groping distance?

Tell me how many women you know do not drink to get "in the mood?" Really? Nobody? Less than half?






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