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Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
Sunday, October 8, 2017 6:41 AM
Sunday, October 8, 2017 9:41 AM
Sunday, October 8, 2017 11:34 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN: diseased and crazy Commiefornia lowers penalty for exposing partners to HIV A state run by Hollyweird & regressive Leftism, where illegals are seen as the future, where criminals are seen as victims and victims of criminals are seen as bigots.
Monday, October 9, 2017 9:11 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Monday, October 9, 2017 3:23 PM
America loves a winner!
Monday, October 9, 2017 6:38 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: After all the tears shed about how devastating AIDS was to the gay community, particularly in SF , and other communities, and how much hell was raised about how our govt didn't show any compassion by raising awareness, the vitriol directed towards certain people and politicians, THIS is how CA ends up dealing w/ this issue ? It's nothing short of true, deranged madness. Stupid beyond words.
Monday, October 9, 2017 7:26 PM
Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.
Monday, October 9, 2017 8:48 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: jsf You posted some of the most ignorant words I've ever seen. Just because you have antibodies doesn't mean your immune system is 'fully functional'. Unfortunately, those antibodies aren't what are called 'neutralizing' antibodies. Instead, they react to external non-essential viral proteins that have nothing to do with whether or not the virus can replicate and spread from cell to cell. So, despite those antibodies, the virus does just fine in people. HIV was a death sentence, a fact only changed by antiviral medicines, that people must take for life. Which, btw, is inevitably shortened, either due to the virus or the medications. As for HIV/ AIDS being disproven - you DO know that Koch's postulates have been repeatedly demonstrated to be met - right? OH! You mean you don't know what Koch's postulates are? Maybe you better educate yourself
Monday, October 9, 2017 8:55 PM
Monday, October 9, 2017 9:44 PM
Quote:First, KP is not applicable to s virus, and according to your religion a virus is the causative agent.
Monday, October 9, 2017 11:44 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: Quote:First, KP is not applicable to s virus, and according to your religion a virus is the causative agent. According to ... you? Koch's Postulates Four criteria that were established by Robert Koch to identify the causative agent of a particular disease, these include: the microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease the pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture the pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal the pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the originally inoculated pathogen Certainly the HIV can be isolated from all cases. Check one.
Quote:ALL viruses - not just HIV - can't be grown in pure culture. That's because viruses need living cells to replicate. That's a well-known and very general limitation. DO YOU CLAIM THAT NO VIRUS CAN BE ESTABLISHED AS THE CAUSE OF A DISEASE? Do you deny that the rabies virus causes rabies, or the smallpox virus causes smallpox, that the Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fever, or influenza type A virus causes the flu?
Quote:Because they, along with every other virus, fail Koch's postulate.
Quote: You must deny that ALL VIRUSES cause any disease, if you're to be consistent and adhere to YOUR denialism. (Koch's postulates also fail for a number of bacteria that can't be successfully cultured as well, but that's another topic.) Nevertheless, HIV can be cultured in tissue cultures, and purified, the same way other viruses can be cultured, and purified. And while human experimentation is frowned on, macaques make good test subjects. This shows that when you inject HIV into suitable animals, they become infected. And when you remove the virus, purify it, and reinject it into new animals, they, too, will acquire the infection. And so, with the very general virus exception, HIV meets Koch's postulates. Any questions?
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:08 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:15 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: JSF, were you around for the beginning of the AIDS epidemic? Because I was, and I clearly remember people getting sick and dying BEFORE ever being "treated" for AIDS. Good lord, everything you posted about AIDS is bass akwards. I know that you don't like scientific orthodoxy, but there comes a point when you just have to recognize that the earth really is roundish.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:55 AM
Quote:You selecting only the portions of KP which support your predetermined conclusions
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 4:06 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:44 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Oonjerah: Knowingly exposing others to HIV will be a misdemeanor in California. They could just have HIV clubs, so carriers can share with each other. hmmmm.. not Romantic enough?
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:50 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: JSF, were you around for the beginning of the AIDS epidemic? Because I was, and I clearly remember people getting sick and dying BEFORE ever being "treated" for AIDS. Good lord, everything you posted about AIDS is bass akwards. I know that you don't like scientific orthodoxy, but there comes a point when you just have to recognize that the earth really is roundish. Yes I was. I recall the hysteria well. There were deaths, every single one from a previously known ailment, and from well documented causes. Good to hear you have finally put aside your belief in Flat Earth, and now you can do the same with your HIV myth. Did you also believe everything the "AIDS Czar" said, the clown who was repeatedly found to have perpetrated Scientific Fraud, BEFORE becoming "AIDS Czar"? Did you have one specific ailment in mind, of the 56 known ailments which were conglomerated into the newly manufactured "AIDS" pretend illness? Sorry to have woken you from your nap.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 4:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: JSF, were you around for the beginning of the AIDS epidemic? Because I was, and I clearly remember people getting sick and dying BEFORE ever being "treated" for AIDS. Good lord, everything you posted about AIDS is bass akwards. I know that you don't like scientific orthodoxy, but there comes a point when you just have to recognize that the earth really is roundish. Yes I was. I recall the hysteria well. There were deaths, every single one from a previously known ailment, and from well documented causes. Good to hear you have finally put aside your belief in Flat Earth, and now you can do the same with your HIV myth. Did you also believe everything the "AIDS Czar" said, the clown who was repeatedly found to have perpetrated Scientific Fraud, BEFORE becoming "AIDS Czar"? Did you have one specific ailment in mind, of the 56 known ailments which were conglomerated into the newly manufactured "AIDS" pretend illness? Sorry to have woken you from your nap. Of course, no links, and nothing to back it up. I also remember the "alternate theories" of AIDS .... "gay lifestyle" ... bad nutrition ... exposure to multiple diseases ... amyl nitrate ... but the proof of the pudding is that NONE of these approaches was effective at treating the disease. Better nutrition and eliminating amyl nitrate didn't save a single person from death. That's how you figure our whether a hypothesis is good or not: you put it to the test. When ANY treatments based on these alternate theories reliably treats people with HIV/ AIDS, come back and tell us about it. Better yet, let the survivors tell us themselves. But so far, you'll have to dig people from the grave to promote these alternative hypotheses. *****
Quote: At SOME point, ya just gotta go with the evidence, no matter how much you hate it for ideological reasons.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 5:39 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: Quote:You selecting only the portions of KP which support your predetermined conclusions No, I selected the entire list from wiki, as a reference everyone with a computer can access. Don't believe me? Here's the link. How about YOUR references? Got any? I suspect not. BTW - SINCE YOU'RE BLATANTLY LYING - I didn't bother reading any further. And, I'm going to have to see some OT up-to-date links before I bother reading anything else. Because frankly, your tripe is not worth the waste of time.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 7:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: the content found in the link that I had specified to begin with
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: I'm a bit surprised somebody in CA woke up. Do you even know what it means to expose somebody to HIV? Or how to test for it? Do you also support the ban on DHMO? Perhaps you object to the rounding of the Earth as well.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: All of that angst and outrage was reserved for 1981-1992. Remember how 1/3 of the world population was going to die before 1990 due to that mythical AIDS Religion? And the "scientific" way to test for the hypothetical illness was to check that the Antibody was present, thus proving the Immune System was fully functional? Some people claim that eventually they will prove that the proposed illness really does exist. It's only been about 34 years since the original hypothesis was disproven.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: That is a wacky dodge you tried there. Not sure if your knee jerked, or if you need your meds refilled. For shorthand, let's use a wiki reference for Koch's Postulates. First, KP is not applicable to s virus, and according to your religion a virus is the causative agent. Next, KP #1 has been disproven many times regarding the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim to self-support the myth says #1 does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #2 has never been proven with the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim is that #2 CANNOT be proven for a virus, which AIDS Cultists claim is the causative agent. Next, KP #3 has been disproven every time scientific practices have been adhered to, starting with the original hypothesyser Dr Peter Duesberg disproving his theory in 8 months. But wait, the claim to self-support the predetermined conclusions says that #3 also does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #4 cannot and gas never been proven, because the first 3 cannot be, thus the totality of KP has no credibility. So, all 4 of Koch's Postulates have been disproven regarding your religion, and also it is claimed that Koch's Postulates cannot be applied to HIV. So, why do you make false claims by referencing an invalid standard? That makes no sense. Yes, people who consume the lethal drug cocktails for the mythical HIV illness will have shorter lives. That AZT one was a doozy. It was known to be 6,000 times more lethal than cancer, which it was designed and created for, but those gay activists gobbled it up, and guess what? They died. Shazam! Surprise, surprise.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: You selecting only the portions of KP which support your predetermined conclusions, while disregarding and ignoring the portions which fail your argument, is not a bolster to your claim. I fair clear specified that wiki was the handy common source that I was referring to. If you wish to correct wiki, lettuce know when you succeed. And your attempts to indicate that HIV has been found in humans identified as HIV-positive by merely implying so is a lame dodge around the fact that it is untrue. If you are interested in discussing without lies, then lay out your claims and beliefs, but leave the lies in other threads. I'm always interested in hearing new facts about this religion. No need to deny: HIV-positive humans don't get Immune Deficiency unless treated for HIV. Not all deaths attributed, recorded, or reported as AIDS had either HIV or were HIV-positive (meaning the Immune System generated the HIV Antibody.) HIV is not found in HIV-positive humans. There is no cause and effect relationship between HIV and human Immune Deficiency death, except for HIV-negative humans.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Yes I was. I recall the hysteria well. There were deaths, every single one from a previously known ailment, and from well documented causes. Good to hear you have finally put aside your belief in Flat Earth, and now you can do the same with your HIV myth. Did you also believe everything the "AIDS Czar" said, the clown who was repeatedly found to have perpetrated Scientific Fraud, BEFORE becoming "AIDS Czar"? Did you have one specific ailment in mind, of the 56 known ailments which were conglomerated into the newly manufactured "AIDS" pretend illness? Sorry to have woken you from your nap.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: kiki claims to be faithfully repeating the content found in the link that I had specified to begin with, and which she includes. Her quasi-faithful but selective claim of content can be found above in one of my posts quoting her. For anybody who can read, fair plain American English, the linky contains the following criteria for Koch's Postulate #1: The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy organisms. She selected only half of the logically AND 2 parts. As logical ANDs, both portions are equally requisite. It could be equally stated that the microorganism must not be found in any healthy organism, but should be found in all organisms suffering from the disease. She seems to believe that by outtaking only her selected portion of the whole Postulate, it will fully bolster her prophesizing for her religion or beliefs, although that part has also been proven untrue. But the reason she is required to excise the other half of the Postulate which is unfriendly to her cult is because it is much more frequently disproven. When healthy humans are not successfully killed off thtough the efforts of the prophets of the HIV/AIDS religion, these "survivors" are dismissively reclassified as having a "new strain" of this make believe illness. When the pretend illness does not respond in reality the way the True Believers insist that it really really must, the disclaimer seems to be their last resort for ignoring the facts in evidence. So kiki is unable or unwilling to honestly address even one of the many points brought up, then claims that because the world and science do not agree with her cult or religion, she must stop considering the logic, reason, and sense of the heretics. Regarding KP #2, it would be like detecting and proving blue light exists using only an infrared sensor. So use an invalid measurement standard, or evaluation standard like Koch's Postulates (the infrared sensor) to evaluate the validity of the Human Immunodeficiency VIRUS (the blue light) which the Postulate clearly states it cannot evaluate.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:22 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: I'm going to start with my conclusion first: YOU"RE LYING. AGAIN. Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: the content found in the link that I had specified to begin with Really? Where is the link, or specification? Not hereQuote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: I'm a bit surprised somebody in CA woke up....
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: I'm a bit surprised somebody in CA woke up....
Quote: or hereQuote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: All of that angst and outrage was reserved for 1981-1992....
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: All of that angst and outrage was reserved for 1981-1992....
Quote:or here
Quote:Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: That is a wacky dodge you tried there. Not sure if your knee jerked, or if you need your meds refilled.
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: That is a wacky dodge you tried there. Not sure if your knee jerked, or if you need your meds refilled.
Quote:Quote:For shorthand, let's use a wiki reference for Koch's Postulates.
Quote:For shorthand, let's use a wiki reference for Koch's Postulates.
Quote:Quote:First, KP is not applicable to s virus, and according to your religion a virus is the causative agent. Next, KP #1 has been disproven many times regarding the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim to self-support the myth says #1 does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #2 has never been proven with the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim is that #2 CANNOT be proven for a virus, which AIDS Cultists claim is the causative agent. Next, KP #3 has been disproven every time scientific practices have been adhered to, starting with the original hypothesyser Dr Peter Duesberg disproving his theory in 8 months. But wait, the claim to self-support the predetermined conclusions says that #3 also does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #4 cannot and gas never been proven, because the first 3 cannot be, thus the totality of KP has no credibility. So, all 4 of Koch's Postulates have been disproven regarding your religion, and also it is claimed that Koch's Postulates cannot be applied to HIV. So, why do you make false claims by referencing an invalid standard? That makes no sense. Yes, people who consume the lethal drug cocktails for the mythical HIV illness will have shorter lives. That AZT one was a doozy. It was known to be 6,000 times more lethal than cancer, which it was designed and created for, but those gay activists gobbled it up, and guess what? They died. Shazam! Surprise, surprise. or here
Quote:First, KP is not applicable to s virus, and according to your religion a virus is the causative agent. Next, KP #1 has been disproven many times regarding the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim to self-support the myth says #1 does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #2 has never been proven with the AIDS Religion. But wait, the claim is that #2 CANNOT be proven for a virus, which AIDS Cultists claim is the causative agent. Next, KP #3 has been disproven every time scientific practices have been adhered to, starting with the original hypothesyser Dr Peter Duesberg disproving his theory in 8 months. But wait, the claim to self-support the predetermined conclusions says that #3 also does not apply to HIV. Next, KP #4 cannot and gas never been proven, because the first 3 cannot be, thus the totality of KP has no credibility. So, all 4 of Koch's Postulates have been disproven regarding your religion, and also it is claimed that Koch's Postulates cannot be applied to HIV. So, why do you make false claims by referencing an invalid standard? That makes no sense. Yes, people who consume the lethal drug cocktails for the mythical HIV illness will have shorter lives. That AZT one was a doozy. It was known to be 6,000 times more lethal than cancer, which it was designed and created for, but those gay activists gobbled it up, and guess what? They died. Shazam! Surprise, surprise.
Quote:Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: You selecting... or hereQuote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Yes I was... or here Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: kiki claims to be faithfully....
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: You selecting...
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Yes I was...
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: kiki claims to be faithfully....
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:35 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 8:46 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 9:26 PM
Quote:JSF, were you around for the beginning of the AIDS epidemic? Because I was, and I clearly remember people getting sick and dying BEFORE ever being "treated" for AIDS. Good lord, everything you posted about AIDS is bass akwards. I know that you don't like scientific orthodoxy, but there comes a point when you just have to recognize that the earth really is roundish. - SIGNY Yes I was. I recall the hysteria well. There were deaths, every single one from a previously known ailment, and from well documented causes.- JSF
Quote: Did you also believe everything the "AIDS Czar" said, the clown who was repeatedly found to have perpetrated Scientific Fraud, BEFORE becoming "AIDS Czar"?-
Quote: Did you have one specific ailment in mind, of the 56 known ailments which were conglomerated into the newly manufactured "AIDS" pretend illness?
Quote:Sorry to have woken you from your nap. - JSF
Quote:I also remember the "alternate theories" of AIDS .... "gay lifestyle" ... bad nutrition ... exposure to multiple diseases ... amyl nitrate ... but the proof of the pudding is that NONE of these approaches was effective at treating the disease. Better nutrition and eliminating amyl nitrate didn't save a single person from death. That's how you figure our whether a hypothesis is good or not: you put it to the test. When ANY treatments based on these alternate theories reliably treats people with HIV/ AIDS, come back and tell us about it. Better yet, let the survivors tell us themselves. But so far, you'll have to dig people from the grave to promote these alternative hypotheses. At SOME point, ya just gotta go with the evidence, no matter how much you hate it for ideological reasons.- SIGNY That is a good idea. You should try that. There is no scientific evidence to support your religion, only the requisite need for you to BELIEVE.All available valid evidence disproves your religion, or cult.- JSF
Monday, July 5, 2021 9:46 AM
Monday, July 5, 2021 9:52 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN: California will no longer give jobless aid to people not looking for work
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 1:35 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 12:52 PM
Saturday, January 11, 2025 7:55 AM