The Mid-Term Elections 2018

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 22:06
VIEWED: 30820
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Wednesday, February 21, 2018 3:33 PM


This November 6 all House Representatives, or their seats, will face reelection. And about 1/3 of the 100 Senators, currently scheduled to be 34. Minnesota has the rare event that both Senate seats are up for Election.

It would be nice if we could keep this thread focused on this Election analysis, discussion or predictions.

The 34 Senate seats include 8 Republican seats, 24 Democrat seats, and 2 Independent seats, who caucus with Democrats.

Historically, Liberals lose percentage of seats in midterms because they cannot expect to ride the coattails of the surge in voters like the President cycle. Office Holders must rely upon stable, solid, sturdy voters to find their way to the voting booths, and most of the fair weather voters are Liberals.

SENATE - currently 51 R, 47 D, 2 I.
3 Republican Senators are retiring, in AZ, TN, UT. Utah considered safe R. Arizona could be tossup after RINO Flake. Tennessee likely to replace RINO Corker with more solid R.
WY, TX, NE, MS expect no change.
Nevada could be a tossup.

24 DEMOCRAT - none are seeking retirement.
14 Expect no change: CA, CT, DE, HI, MD, MA, MI, MN (1), NJ, NM, NY, RI, WA, VA
4 Possible flip: FL, MN (1), OH, WI
6 Tossup: IN, MO, MT, ND, PA, WV

Maine - might be tossup
Vermont - expected to remain Sanders.

So, Democrats could easily lose 11 Senators. Or they might flip 2, but certainly still lose the total count.

Seems to be 194 Democrat seats to 241 Republican seats. But currently 193 D seats and 238 R seats are held, with 4 vacant.
Looks like in the last midterms 2014 GOP gained 13 seats, and in 2016 Dems gained back 6 seats. 2010 midterms GOP gained 63 House seats.

What particular races do you find interesting?

In Wisconsin Speaker Ryan faces a repeated attempt to Primary him from some apparent Nazi guy. I'm not concerned with either the Primary or General Election for Ryan.

Wisconsin Junior Senator Tammy Baldwin is expected to lose her seat. She was Elected in 2012 (51%) because she had no competition running against a RINO in the General Election after the Primary wiped out 3 strong Conservatives and the RINO escaped (34% beating 31%, although 66% voted Conservative). Somewhat funny that she was running against Tommy Thompson because when she ran for either State Legislature or Congress she stole the Tommy campaign logo, making it Tammy. She has accomplished nothing, but gets plenty of play in Madison (Gay & Lesbian Capital of the World) due to being Lesbian. So Democraps would lose a seat.

So what other contests are on your radar? And how might they effect the balance in Congress?

Update from the 3 March post summary: gain of 3 for GOP, leaving 191 D to 244 R.

Update from the 16 March post: gain of 5 for GOP, leaving 186 D to 249 R.

Update after May Primaries: NC could lose 2 R, and WV-3 could lose an R. Leaving 189 D to 246 R.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:48 PM


The House Speaker Paul Ryan does not plan to seek re-election after his current term is up next year, a new report said Thursday.

he Wisconsin Republican and one-time vice presidential candidate — who first entered Congress in 1999 and was elected speaker in October 2015 — has told pals he’s had enough, Politico reported.

The website, citing interviews with three dozen associates, said Ryan was tiring of the job, but would not make a public announcement because he would lose power as a lame duck, making it even more difficult to enact President Trump’s stalled agenda.

But Ryan said later he’s not leaving Congress anytime soon.
Asked by a reporter if he planned to quit anytime soon, Ryan chuckled and said, “I’m not. No.”



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:03 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
The House Speaker Paul Ryan does not plan to seek re-election after his current term is up next year, a new report said Thursday.

he Wisconsin Republican and one-time vice presidential candidate — who first entered Congress in 1999 and was elected speaker in October 2015 — has told pals he’s had enough, Politico reported.

The website, citing interviews with three dozen associates, said Ryan was tiring of the job, but would not make a public announcement because he would lose power as a lame duck, making it even more difficult to enact President Trump’s stalled agenda.

But Ryan said later he’s not leaving Congress anytime soon.
Asked by a reporter if he planned to quit anytime soon, Ryan chuckled and said, “I’m not. No.”


politico, the place of Libtard fantasies.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 6:11 PM


Senate races.

The Democrats:
In MO 2006 (last midterm) McCaskill won with 49.6% of the vote.
In MT Tester won in 2012 with 49% and in 2006 with 49.2%.
In ND Heitkamp won in 2012 with 50%.
In WI 2012 Baldwin won with 51% against a RINO, who had 66% of the Primary vote against him.
In IN Donnelly won in 2012 with 50.04% of the vote.
In OH Brown won 56% in 2006 and 51% in 2012, when Obama carried 51% - 48%.
In ME King won in 2012 with 53%, while Obama carried it 56% - 41%. In 2014 the Republican won with 68%.
In PA Casey won 58% in 2006 and 54% in 2012, when Obama carried 52% - 46%.
In FL Nelson won 60% in 2006 and 55% in 2012. Rick Scott cannot be Gov past Jan 2019.
In WV Manchin won 61% in 2012. In 2014 the Republican won with 62%.

Those first 6-7 should be easy pickups for the GOP. But with RINO McConnell controlling Senate Campaign funds, it could be disaster for GOP.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:43 PM


I'd like to see the Democrats take the house or the senate. That's a huge hill to climb though.

I never feel comfortable when either side runs the show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 23, 2018 4:28 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd like to see the Democrats take the house or the senate. That's a huge hill to climb though.

I never feel comfortable when either side runs the show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do you have any info to share regarding the Indiana races?


Friday, February 23, 2018 4:54 PM


The most interesting thing to me so far is under the ballot measures. There's a public question being asked regarding a constitutional change requiring balanced budgets for the state. I'm voting for this.


The amendment would provide for a constitutional requirement that the state legislature enact a balanced budget for each biennial budget period. In other words, expenditures enacted by the legislature for a budget period would not be allowed to exceed the estimated revenue of the state for the same budget period. The measure would also require public pension funds to be actuarially funded during each budget period. A two-thirds vote in each chamber of the legislature would be required to suspend the requirements of a balanced budget and funding pensions for a budget period. The amendment was also designed to forbid court-ordered tax increases without the legislature's approval.

I'm fairly certain it will pass. There have been 11 public questions like this since the mid 90's here and all of them have passed previously.

Indiana's senate race has the seat most likely to flip to GOP in 2018. I actually don't have anything against Joe Donnelly. Overall, he's one of the more right leaning Dems out there. I plan on voting for him.

I don't know much about the House Races at the moment other than 7 of 9 of them here are Republican. I don't think that number is really expected to change.

For the state races I'll probably just vote for incumbents. Relatively speaking, we're in great shape here compared to our surrounding states.

Then I'm just going to vote against anybody else at lower levels, particularly the judges. I do that every time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 26, 2018 8:45 AM


How about you JSF? Any insight into Wisconsin?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 26, 2018 1:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How about you JSF? Any insight into Wisconsin?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I did in the OP.
Lesbian Tammy Baldwin is expected to lose her Senate Seat. In 2012 that race was lost in the GOP Primary. Solid Conservative Leah Vukmir is expected to win. Pity losing her as State Senator because it has been difficult filling her seat with reasonable candidates, near Milwaukee. If a shake up erupts, Eric Hovde could be lured from the wings. He would have won in 2012 if not for spoiler Tommy.

Speaker Ryan is expected to retain his seat as 1st Congressional District.

Have not heard much else on the radar, yet.
The 2nd District is Madison. They have not elected a reasonable person since Scott Klug in the 1990s. That was the last office Tammy held. Haven't heard it in jeopardy.

3rd CD is Western border, along the Rivers and Minnesota and spine above Madison. I don't recall if Ron Kind (D) is running again. With Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Eau Claire, LaCrosse, he could keep the seat. His 7th race in 2010 he won with 50%, before it was gerrymandered to bolster him.

Freshman Mike Gallagher (R) is assumed to run and retain his seat. That has been a flip-flop seat, but he's a solid holder. That is North East, bordering Michigan UP and down to Green Bay, maybe part of Fox Valley (Appleton) - the 8th CD.

Milwaukee is a waste of time in Presidential years, haven't heard if anybody challenging. Think I did year that Sheriff David Clarke was considering, but I forget which year that was. He stepped down as Sheriff last August. He's registered (D) but talks Conservative. 4th CD current Representative is ultra-Libtard Gwen Moore, always an embarrassment when she opens her piehole. (I've never been convinced she's not retarded - maybe the first in Congress?)

The 5th CD is the most Conservative in the state, the West and North suburbs of Milwaukee. Dave Sensenbrenner (R) still holds it.

The 6th CD is North of Madison and Milwaukee up to Fox Valley, East to the Lake. Held by Glenn Grothmann (R), likely the most fiscally Conservative in Congress - I always hope he wins.

Sean Duffy (R) seems safe, solidifying his rep. This is 7th CD, including 20 Counties (of 72), essentially the top half of the state. Part of this is in the Libtard media bubble from Duluth, MN. And part Wausau.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018 4:48 PM


Sounds like Stacey Dash is running for California's 44th Congressional District.

This district is apparently 69% Hispanic, 15% Black, 8% White, 6% Asian. The elected Representatives have been mostly white for the past 30 years, and women since 2000.
With population 712,000 the vote turnout was 172K in 2016 and almost 69K in 2014, almost 166K in 2012.

Includes Carson, Compton, East & West Rancho Dominguez, Lynwood, North Long Beach, San Pedro, South Gate, Watts, Walnut Park, Willow Brook, Wilmington.

Before 2013, the area was apparently part of the 37th District and mostly 36th District, since 1993.

Since 2000, the White women get 60-85% of the vote, except 2011 in 36th with 55% against a Tea Party candidate.
The 36th voted 48/47% D in 2000, 49/46% R in 1998, 52% D in 96, 48% D in 94 & 92. And voted Schwarzenegger in 2003 & 2006. And 1992 - 2002 voted often 41-51% Dem for Pres & Senator.
The 37th mostly voted 70-85% Dem for Pres, Gov, Sen from 1992-2010.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:38 AM


lol... I just heard on the news last night at work that because no Republican wanted to run in Illinois that a holocaust denying Nazi is running and the Republicans are denouncing him.

I don't even know what to think of that, and of course he'd never win especially in Illinois, but for some reason that story made me giggle. I think it was how the news presented it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:01 AM


Because I know how much you love Rachel.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:35 AM


She seems a bit too happy about House flips. They need to flip the Senate. I've already said that I'd like one of them to turn D because that's when our government works the best. The absolute worst legislation from either side happens when they're all leaning one way or the other. I will personally be voting D for Senate in my state, but that's just to maintain a Democrat seat in the state most likely to lose it.

God she's such a cunt. How can you stand looking at that smug face?

Sorry. I had to stop the video early. Not because of the subject matter, but because of Rachel.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:38 AM


Impeachment starts in the house...tick tock...250 days 10 hrs.



Wednesday, February 28, 2018 1:50 PM


Impeachment on what grounds? Being a Republican President? Being a white President? Being a male President? All of the above?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 2, 2018 12:40 PM


In another thread, T says 52 Reps are not running for the seat they hold. 36 R and 16 D.
No links or details, though.

Looks like 7 D and 12 or 13 R are seeking another office.
And 9 D and 23 or 24 R are retiring from office.


Saturday, March 3, 2018 12:44 AM


Breakout of 51 Reps not running for reelection of their seats:
16 Dems, 35 GOP.
Retiring: 9 Dems, 23 GOP.
Running for Gov: 4 Dems, 5 GOP.
Running for Sen: 3 Dems, 7 GOP.

Both CD 8 & 9 seem solid for their party, and CD 2 could be flipped.
AZ-2, Sen, McSally (R)
AZ-8, Vac, Franks (R)
AZ-9, Sen, Sinema (D)

CA CD 39 & 49 are likely to remain GOP in midterms, based upon 20 year voting trend.
CA-39, Ret, Royce (R)
CA-49, Ret, Issa (R)

Considered safe for D and gay Polis, CO-2 has less D safety since 2012 - could be targeted for flip.
CO-2, Gov, Polis (D)

CD 6 & 17 look to remain GOP, 27 not much history but likely R in midterm.
FL-6, Gov, DeSantis (R)
FL-17, Ret, Rooney (R)
FL-27, Ret, Ros-Lehtinen (R)

Only Dems are elected in HI
HI-1, Gov, Hanabusa (D)

ID-1, Gov, Labrador (R)

Court Ordered Gerrymandered Hispanic District in Chicago:
IL-4, Ret, Gutierrez (D)

IN-4, Sen, Rokita (R)
IN-6, Sen, Messer (R)

KS-2, Ret, Jenkins (R)

Solid D for CD 3.
MA-3, Ret, Tsongas (D)

Solid D since 2012 for CD 6.
MD-6, Ret, Delaney (D)

Both CD 9 & 13 seem safe D, CD 11 only elects GOP Reps in midterms since 2002.
MI-9, Ret, Levin (D)
MI-11, Ret, Trott (R)
MI-13, Vac, Conyers (D)

Both MN 1 & 8 could become GOP or other non-D in midterm.
MN-1, Gov, Walz (D)
MN-8, Ret, Nolan (D)

MS-3, Ret, Harper (R)

Since 2004 the CD 1 elects GOP every midterm.
NH-1, Ret, Shea-Porter (D)

Both CD 2 & 11 look safe for GOP House seats.
NJ-2, Ret, LoBiondo (R)
NJ-11, Ret, Frelinghuysen (R)

These NM seats seem likely to remain same party.
NM-1, Gov, Grisham (D)
NM-2, Gov, Pearce (R)

Both CD 3 & 4 only elect GOP Reps in midterms, sometimes flip to Dem in Presidential years.
NV-3, Sen, Rosen (D)
NV-4, Ret, Kihuen (D)

Reportedly OH has bulletproof District boundaries, won't flip parties.
OH-12, Vac, Tiberi (R)
OH-16, Sen, Renacci (R)

OK-1, Ret, Bridenstine (R)

All PA boundaries have been changed by the Court for 2018. New CD 2 still solid D. Closest to flipping R to D could be old CD-7.
PA-1 (old), PA-2 (new), Ret, Brady (D)
PA-7 (old), PA-5 (or -4, -6, new), Ret, Meehan (R)
PA-9 (old), PA-11 (new), Ret, Shuster (R)
PA-11 (old), PA-9 (new), Sen, Barletta (R)
PA-15 (old), PA-7 (new), Ret, Dent (R)
PA-18 (old), PA-14 (new), Vac, Murphey (R)

SC-4, Ret, Gowdy (R)

SDAL, Gov, Noem (R)

TN-2, Ret, Duncan (R)
TN-6, Gov, Black (R)
TN-7, Sen, Blackburn (R)

All TX seats seem to be staying in Party.
TX-2, Ret, Poe (R)
TX-3, Ret, Johnson (R)
TX-5, Ret, Hensarling (R)
TX-6, Ret, Barton (R)
TX-16, Sen, O'Rourke (D)
TX-21, Ret, Smith (R)
TX-27, Ret, Farenthold (R)
TX-29, Ret, Green (D)

Bet on VA-6 staying R.
VA-6, Ret, Goodlatte (R)

A GOP bastion for Rep since creation, WA-8 trends 60-64% R since 2012.
WA-8, Ret, Reichert (R)

WV-3, Sen, Jenkins (R)

Context: in 2016 Hilliary took CO, MN, IL, WA, CA, OR, NV, NM, VA, HI, MD, DE, NJ, NY, NH, VT, ME, RI, CT, MA.

PA could be less predictable, with newly redrawn Districts, and Liberal/Conservative not conforming to norms nor to in-State counterparts.

Likely safe Dems: (11)
AZ-9, HI-1, IL-4, MA-3, MD-6, MI-9, MI-13, NM-1, new PA-2, TX-16, TX-29.
Likely safe GOP: (36)
AZ-8, CA-39, CA-49, FL-6, FL-17, FL-27, ID-1, IN-4, IN-6, KS-2, MI-11, MS-3, NJ-2, NJ-11, NM-2, OH-12, OH-16, OK-1, new PA-5, new PA-7, new PA-9, new PA-11, new PA-14, SC-4, SDAL, TN-2, TN -6, TN-7, TX-2, TX-3, TX-5, TX-6, TX-21, TX-27, VA-6, WA-8, WV-3.
Likely flip to GOP:
NH-1, NV-3, NV-4, (3)
PPossible flip to GOP:
MN-1, MN-8, (2)

Dems need to gain 24 seats from GOP to take House Majority.


Monday, March 5, 2018 8:50 PM


Announced today Missouri will also have the rare Election of both Senators this November.
A Senator is retiring for medical reasons, and will have a replacement Appointed, and then be on the ballot for Election.


Monday, March 5, 2018 11:35 PM


At least 50 women running for Congress in Texas primaries, a record number

President Donald Trump’s negative comments about Mexican Americans and immigrants — both on the campaign trail and in office — inspired Judy Canales, a Democrat and Latina in Texas, to fulfill a long-held dream to run for Congress.

"How dare he talk about my heritage and my community in that way," Canales said.
A friend's encouragement also helped her make the plunge.



Tuesday, March 6, 2018 7:51 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

At least 50 women running for Congress in Texas primaries, a record number

President Donald Trump’s negative comments about Mexican Americans and immigrants — both on the campaign trail and in office — inspired Judy Canales, a Democrat and Latina in Texas, to fulfill a long-held dream to run for Congress.

"How dare he talk about my heritage and my community in that way," Canales said.
A friend's encouragement also helped her make the plunge.


Talk about it what way? What a bullshit story.

He never said anything about Mexican Americans.

He did say that a lot of illegals are rapists, murderers and drug dealers. What is not true about that statement?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 9:35 AM


rezident owtsidr

Sumwhere between 150 to 200 million dollarz haz been spent so far in the primariez for Illinois governor.

Anybody see a problem with that?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:05 AM


Are you new to Illinois, J0?

The most corrupt state in the union. Is it wrong? Sure...

But are you surprised?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:10 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
Sumwhere between 150 to 200 million dollarz haz been spent so far in the primariez for Illinois governor.

Anybody see a problem with that?

I do



Tuesday, March 6, 2018 1:48 PM


Midterm primary fight kicks off for control of Congress

"Texas is the nation's bellwether right now," Tariq Thowfeek, communications director for the Texas Democratic Party, told NPR. "It's a good gauge of the incredible progressive energy we have across the country in a state that is ranked at the bottom of the barrel in voter turnout."

More Democrats showed up at the polls than Republicans in early voting in Texas from Feb. 20-27, a departure from previous election years. More than 250,000 Democrats voted early in the state, eclipsing their early voting in 2016, when a presidential election usually boosts participation.

So far the democrats show a 105% increase in turnout over the last elections. The republicans, 15%. This doesn't mean that Texas is going to flip in any significate way, but it does show intense determination on the part of the democrats.

Knowing Texas is fast becoming an migrant state it is only a matter of time.



Tuesday, March 6, 2018 9:09 PM


By any means necessary.... lol

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 7, 2018 12:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

'lol... I just heard on the news last night at work that because no Republican wanted to run in Illinois that a holocaust denying Nazi is running and the Republicans are denouncing him.'

That kind of reminds me about Sanders calling himself a democrat. Well, the dems should be so lucky to keep him long-term! But anyway, I came away from that with the understanding a candidate can call him/herself whatever he/she wants. Trump can call himself a republican. Sanders can call himself a democrat. And a Nazi can call himself a republican. Even when the party can't STAND the candidate in question! What a way to split a party, eh?

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Wednesday, March 7, 2018 12:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm guessing there will be no surprises in California. There hasn't been any significant population shift, or district-line redrawing, or ideology shift, that I can see. If anything, both sides are more dug in now than before.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Thursday, March 8, 2018 6:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The DNC or some other Dem Committee are constantly ... CONSTANTLY ... calling us up with polls or sending us written surveys. It's about once every two weeks, or sometimes more often. In other words, it's at the point of ridiculousness. THUGR: Are you paying attention? That's because hubby and I have been registered Democrats for decades.

Sometimes I just tear up the surveys and send them back (postage prepaid), but most often I take the time to fill the damn things out, making liberal use of the "other" category and filling in where necessary, since my concerns are never represented in their biased "multiple choice" choices.

We used to give the pollsters an earful over the phone. Now, I just tell them that we're not interested and that we think their "Russia" hysteria is a joke. The pollsters seem to give up at that point: I think they've heard that thought about RUSSIA!!! before. A lot. They just sigh and say I understand and hang up.

I wondered about that reaction, but now I see some support for my interpretation


Dem Rep: Trump-Russia Probe Is "Running Joke" Between Democrats

The Trump-Russia probe is a "running joke" between Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) and fellow Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL).

Himes made the comment on a Tuesday morning appearance with MSNBC's Morning Joe while making a point about how their constituents don't care about Russia.

When asked by the Washington Post's Robert Costa why Democrats aren't campaigning on the Russia probe, Himes had this to say:

HIMES: “…Here’s the thing. My good friend [Dem Rep.] Cheri Bustos who represents a very tough district in Illinois, we have sort of a running joke going in the mornings, which is, she’s got a district very different from mine and I represent Fairfield County, Connecticut. She’s in the heartland in a distinct that we need to figure out how to win again. Every Monday morning when I see Cheri and we come up there’s a little bit of laughter and she says, ‘you know what? My constituents are still not asking me about Russia.

Himes says that American are worried about "kitchen table issues," and that Democrats will "pay a cost at the polls" if they can't understand this.

“A case that is made here inside the Beltway rarely I think has a lot of resonance to middle-class families sitting around in small towns in Ohio and Michigan,” he said.

Condoleezza Rice To Adam Schiff On Russia Investigation: "Wrap It Up...The Country Needs To Get Back To Business."

KIKI was asking how the Dem Party fucked up so badly. Well, not only WERE they fucking up, they're STILL fucking up.

Just my $0.02.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 8, 2018 6:54 AM


Say what you will about Zerohedge, but that article actually quotes real people and doesn't hide behind "anonymous sources say".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:17 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The DNC or some other Dem Committee are constantly ... CONSTANTLY ... calling us up with polls or sending us written surveys. It's about once every two weeks, or sometimes more often. In other words, it's at the point of ridiculousness. THUGR: Are you paying attention? That's because hubby and I have been registered Democrats for decades.

Sometimes I just tear up the surveys and send them back (postage prepaid), but most often I take the time to fill the damn things out, making liberal use of the "other" category and filling in where necessary, since my concerns are never represented in their biased "multiple choice" choices.

We used to give the pollsters an earful over the phone. Now, I just tell them that we're not interested and that we think their "Russia" hysteria is a joke. The pollsters seem to give up at that point: I think they've heard that thought about RUSSIA!!! before. A lot. They just sigh and say I understand and hang up.

SIGHOLE translation - "Oh no! Democracy and free speech in action! Why is it so hard? Why do I have to care? Can't someone just tell me what to think?! Waaaaahhh...."


Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:24 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Say what you will about Zerohedge, but that article actually quotes real people and doesn't hide behind "anonymous sources say".

Did you bother to watch the video and then think for yourself?

Zerohedge and their minions have a way of misrepresenting what others say.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:29 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Say what you will about Zerohedge, but that article actually quotes real people and doesn't hide behind "anonymous sources say".

Did you bother to watch the video and then think for yourself?

Zerohedge and their minions have a way of misrepresenting what others say.

Nah. I didn't watch any video. I did think for myself though.

My thought was that Zerohedge didn't quote phantom sources. That's not to say they didn't lie or even misrepresent somebody's quote. But they did put it out there. If it was a lie, it should be pretty easy to debunk it.

It's almost impossible to debunk a lie if it came from an anonymous source.

Get it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The DNC or some other Dem Committee are constantly ... CONSTANTLY ... calling us up with polls or sending us written surveys. It's about once every two weeks, or sometimes more often. In other words, it's at the point of ridiculousness. THUGR: Are you paying attention? That's because hubby and I have been registered Democrats for decades.

Sometimes I just tear up the surveys and send them back (postage prepaid), but most often I take the time to fill the damn things out, making liberal use of the "other" category and filling in where necessary, since my concerns are never represented in their biased "multiple choice" choices.

We used to give the pollsters an earful over the phone. Now, I just tell them that we're not interested and that we think their "Russia" hysteria is a joke. The pollsters seem to give up at that point: I think they've heard that thought about RUSSIA!!! before. A lot. They just sigh and say I understand and hang up.- SIGNY

SIGHOLE translation - "Oh no! Democracy and free speech in action! Why is it so hard? Why do I have to care? Can't someone just tell me what to think?! Waaaaahhh...."- GSTRING

GSTRING, did you pull that interpretation out of your ass??? OF COURSE YOU DID! I don't have a problem with "democracy" at all (That seems to be SECOND's department) but of course there are polls and there are "push polls".

The questions that they pose are dishonest. For example, in their list of "Which are your top priorities (number from 1 to 14 with 1 being your most important)" with 14 items to choose from, somehow they NEVER get around to the issues of war, debt, manufacturing, trade, RUSSIA!!!, the security state budget, job creation, and fractional reserve banking/ currency creation! You'd think that SOMEwhere in that list of "important issues" (including transgender toileting facilities, gender rights in the military, and those poor illegal aliens) they MIGHT have gotten around to asking "Do you want to keep spending so much money on war?"

Now, I'm smart enough to fill in my own answers, but MOST people aren't. So, does the DNC REALLY want to know what people think? Or is it just preaching to the choir, and -oh, btw- please donate to the DNC/ Senate campaign committee/ House campaign committee/ fill in the blank? If they continue down that path, then they'll be surprised by the next election, just like they were surprised by the last election.

As far as being told what to think ... that's my objection to their "polls". I just refuse to color inside their lines. My frustration isn't that they're asking me questions, it's that they DON'T LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS. If they did, they would have modified their questions by now, instead of relentlessly focusing on identity politics and welfare programs.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 8, 2018 10:57 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Say what you will about Zerohedge, but that article actually quotes real people and doesn't hide behind "anonymous sources say".

Did you bother to watch the video and then think for yourself?

Zerohedge and their minions have a way of misrepresenting what others say.

Nah. I didn't watch any video. I did think for myself though.

My thought was that Zerohedge didn't quote phantom sources. That's not to say they didn't lie or even misrepresent somebody's quote. But they did put it out there. If it was a lie, it should be pretty easy to debunk it.

It's almost impossible to debunk a lie if it came from an anonymous source.

Get it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Majority Disapprove Of Trump's Handling Of Russia Investigation



Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Majority Disapprove Of Trump's Handling Of Russia Investigation
Well, sure, if they listen to the crap that Rachel Madcow and other msm whores constantly spew, OF COURSE their thinking will be influenced. But hey, a majority of people were convinced ...convinced, I tell you ... that Saddam had WMD. A majority of people are STILL convinced that Qaddafi was "massacring how own people"!

Given the relentless bias of every single major media outlet, I'm surprised that the vast majority (90%+) STILL haven't succumbed to this latest propaganda effort. Maybe people are wising up to the corruption that is our current MSM?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:33 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Majority Disapprove Of Trump's Handling Of Russia Investigation
Well, sure, if they listen to the crap that Rachel Madcow and other msm whores constantly spew, OF COURSE their thinking will be influenced. But hey, a majority of people were convinced ...convinced, I tell you ... that Saddam had WMD. A majority of people are STILL convinced that Qaddafi was "massacring how own people"!

Given the relentless bias of every single major media outlet, I'm surprised that the vast majority (90%+) STILL haven't succumbed to this latest propaganda effort. Maybe people are wising up to the corruption that is our current MSM?

I post researched material and you respond with subjective and anecdotal opinions. Let me ask you. Is your answer to everything you disagree with going to be about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Facts are facts sig and what you posted doesn't change that. It doesn't even distract an educated viewer.



Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:34 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Say what you will about Zerohedge, but that article actually quotes real people and doesn't hide behind "anonymous sources say".

Did you bother to watch the video and then think for yourself?

Zerohedge and their minions have a way of misrepresenting what others say.

Nah. I didn't watch any video. I did think for myself though.

My thought was that Zerohedge didn't quote phantom sources. That's not to say they didn't lie or even misrepresent somebody's quote. But they did put it out there. If it was a lie, it should be pretty easy to debunk it.

It's almost impossible to debunk a lie if it came from an anonymous source.

Get it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Majority Disapprove Of Trump's Handling Of Russia Investigation


Hell, T... Add me to the list.

If I were him I wouldn't have even acknowledged it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:59 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I don't have a problem with "democracy" at all (That seems to be SECOND's department) but of course there are polls and there are "push polls".

The questions that they pose are dishonest.

For example, in their list of "Which are your top priorities (number from 1 to 14 with 1 being your most important)" with 14 items to choose from, somehow they NEVER get around to the issues of war, debt, manufacturing, trade, RUSSIA!!!, the security state budget, job creation, and fractional reserve banking/ currency creation! You'd think that SOMEwhere in that list of "important issues" (including transgender toileting facilities, gender rights in the military, and those poor illegal aliens) they MIGHT have gotten around to asking "Do you want to keep spending so much money on war?"

Now, I'm smart enough to fill in my own answers, but MOST people aren't. So, does the DNC REALLY want to know what people think? Or is it just preaching to the choir, and -oh, btw- please donate to the DNC/ Senate campaign committee/ House campaign committee/ fill in the blank? If they continue down that path, then they'll be surprised by the next election, just like they were surprised by the last election.

As far as being told what to think ... that's my objection to their "polls". I just refuse to color inside their lines. My frustration isn't that they're asking me questions, it's that they DON'T LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS. If they did, they would have modified their questions by now, instead of relentlessly focusing on identity politics and welfare programs.

You work so hard to NOT understand how things work. You think they care about your one vote? An outlier with "Old School Soviet" and pro-Trump leanings? Guess what hon, they don't want your f*cking vote.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:05 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Get it?

I definitely get it.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
This November 6 all House Representatives, or their seats, will face reelection. And about 1/3 of the 100 Senators, currently scheduled to be 34. Minnesota has the rare event that both Senate seats are up for Election.

It would be nice if we could keep this thread focused on this Election analysis, discussion or predictions.

The 34 Senate seats include 8 Republican seats, 24 Democrat seats, and 2 Independent seats, who caucus with Democrats.

Historically, Liberals lose percentage of seats in midterms because they cannot expect to ride the coattails of the surge in voters like the President cycle. Office Holders must rely upon stable, solid, sturdy voters to find their way to the voting booths, and most of the fair weather voters are Liberals.

SENATE - currently 51 R, 47 D, 2 I.
3 Republican Senators are retiring, in AZ, TN, UT. Utah considered safe R. Arizona could be tossup after RINO Flake. Tennessee likely to replace RINO Corker with more solid R.
WY, TX, NE, MS expect no change.
Nevada could be a tossup.

24 DEMOCRAT - none are seeking retirement.
14 Expect no change: CA, CT, DE, HI, MD, MA, MI, MN (1), NJ, NM, NY, RI, WA, VA
4 Possible flip: FL, MN (1), OH, WI
6 Tossup: IN, MO, MT, ND, PA, WV

Maine - might be tossup
Vermont - expected to remain Sanders.

So, Democrats could easily lose 11 Senators. Or they might flip 2, but certainly still lose the total count.

Seems to be 194 Democrat seats to 241 Republican seats. But currently 193 D seats and 238 R seats are held, with 4 vacant.
Looks like in the last midterms 2014 GOP gained 13 seats, and in 2016 Dems gained back 6 seats. 2010 midterms GOP gained 63 House seats.

What particular races do you find interesting?

In Wisconsin Speaker Ryan faces a repeated attempt to Primary him from some apparent Nazi guy. I'm not concerned with either the Primary or General Election for Ryan.

Wisconsin Junior Senator Tammy Baldwin is expected to lose her seat. She was Elected in 2012 (51%) because she had no competition running against a RINO in the General Election after the Primary wiped out 3 strong Conservatives and the RINO escaped (34% beating 31%, although 66% voted Conservative). Somewhat funny that she was running against Tommy Thompson because when she ran for either State Legislature or Congress she stole the Tommy campaign logo, making it Tammy. She has accomplished nothing, but gets plenty of play in Madison (Gay & Lesbian Capital of the World) due to being Lesbian. So Democraps would lose a seat.

So what other contests are on your radar? And how might they effect the balance in Congress?

Cheri Bustos D-IL is likely to flip to GOP. Got it.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:56 PM


rezident owtsidr

Polosi iz an idiot. She iz tokking agenst impeachment, saying "its a waste uv time and enerjy".

Politicly, thats the most de-motivating messij Demz can be telling their voterz.

Worse than that, it showz that she & the majority uv Demz in Congress dont get how danjerous it iz to hav Putinz puppet in the Oval Offis.

Last straw for me - I'm swiching to independent.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You work so hard to NOT understand how things work. You think they care about your one vote? An outlier with "Old School Soviet" and pro-Trump leanings? Guess what hon, they don't want your f*cking vote.- GGSTRING
Except that I'm not just one person. They need to appeal to other people like me, too; not just their committed base.

Also, since it should be clear by now that I disagree with about half of their priorities, stop sending me those donation requests disguised as "surveys", and stop bothering me with gorram phone calls.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:01 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are you new to Illinois, J0?

The most corrupt state in the union. Is it wrong? Sure...

But are you surprised?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

#1! WOOHOO! In your fase, Luiziana!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, March 8, 2018 5:13 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

At least 50 women running for Congress in Texas primaries, a record number

President Donald Trump’s negative comments about Mexican Americans and immigrants — both on the campaign trail and in office — inspired Judy Canales, a Democrat and Latina in Texas, to fulfill a long-held dream to run for Congress.

"How dare he talk about my heritage and my community in that way," Canales said.
A friend's encouragement also helped her make the plunge.


You should convince more of these Office seekers to spout even more liberal pablum.
Sounds like the Texas Primaries had Congress seat turnout of 62% GOP to 37% Dem, and for Gov 60% GOP to 39% Dem.
Yet again, somebody forgot to lead by the hand the ignorant masses comprising the Dem base to the voting booth.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 5:25 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

At least 50 women running for Congress in Texas primaries, a record number

President Donald Trump’s negative comments about Mexican Americans and immigrants — both on the campaign trail and in office — inspired Judy Canales, a Democrat and Latina in Texas, to fulfill a long-held dream to run for Congress.

"How dare he talk about my heritage and my community in that way," Canales said.
A friend's encouragement also helped her make the plunge.


You should convince more of these Office seekers to spout even more liberal pablum.
Sounds like the Texas Primaries had Congress seat turnout of 62% GOP to 37% Dem, and for Gov 60% GOP to 39% Dem.
Yet again, somebody forgot to lead by the hand the ignorant masses comprising the Dem base to the voting booth.

You know, if you hit the enter key twice instead of once when starting a new paragraph, your paragraphs won't run into each other the way they do.

What is Pablum to you are the policy changes long coveted by others. Like a decent health care bill, or equal pay for equal services provided. Fair representation extended to them by their elected officials. Things like that.



Thursday, March 8, 2018 7:03 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Polosi iz an idiot. She iz tokking agenst impeachment, saying "its a waste uv time and enerjy".

Politicly, thats the most de-motivating messij Demz can be telling their voterz.

Worse than that, it showz that she & the majority uv Demz in Congress dont get how danjerous it iz to hav Putinz puppet in the Oval Offis.

Last straw for me - I'm swiching to independent.

Good for you. There is zero reason to be attached to either corrupt side.

This message by Miss Nancy means one of two things, J0.

1. There is no there there.

2. The Dems are either in on it as well, or they know some very high profile members among them were and will be exposed if they keep digging and giving daily updates to us proles.

There is no number 3.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 9, 2018 12:53 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us. Nancy Pelosi: Impeaching President Trump Would Be a Waste of Time and Energy but this is from back in 11/17/2017. What she thinks now is anybody's guess.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Friday, March 9, 2018 9:02 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

This message by Miss Nancy means one of two things, J0.

1. There is no there there.

2. The Dems are either in on it as well, or they know some very high profile members among them were and will be exposed if they keep digging and giving daily updates to us proles.

There is no number 3.

No 3. Mike Pence
No 4. Reps control Congress
No 5. Paul Ryan

I have missed the daily updates from Mueller.

There is a mountain of there there and we only know a little of what Mueller knows.

Some Dems believe the constant Russia drum beat as bad for Reps, good for them for Nov. - so long as it's not seen as a witch hunt - though many dems are fine even if it is. Hence, the Reps saying it's a witch hunt.


Friday, March 9, 2018 9:55 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

This message by Miss Nancy means one of two things, J0.

1. There is no there there.

2. The Dems are either in on it as well, or they know some very high profile members among them were and will be exposed if they keep digging and giving daily updates to us proles.

There is no number 3.

No 3. Mike Pence
No 4. Reps control Congress
No 5. Paul Ryan

I have missed the daily updates from Mueller.

There is a mountain of there there and we only know a little of what Mueller knows.

Some Dems believe the constant Russia drum beat as bad for Reps, good for them for Nov. - so long as it's not seen as a witch hunt - though many dems are fine even if it is. Hence, the Reps saying it's a witch hunt.

lol... if there's any truth to your Numbers 3 through 5, they are going to back down and allow what we're being told is Treason and they are completely clean of it themselves... simply because it's too much effort?

That makes the Democratic leaders of this country even more reprehensible than I already thought they were.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 9, 2018 12:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I just got another one of those stupid fucking brainless "surveys" from a Democrat yesterday, THIS one from some dimbulb in MN, I think, even more narrow-focused than usual, asking me about my participation in "the Resistance".

So I dutifully filled out all of those "other" categories, using up as many lines as were available plus a little but of the margin to explain to them what MY priorities were, and why I thought the DNC was a party of corrupt, identity-politics-pandering quislings who were failing to represent their constituency; leaving out bad words and being as clear and concise as possible.

What do I have to do to get off the DNC's tele/marketing list??? Re-register as an Independent, and leave a big fat middle finger behind???

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy






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