Welcome to Twenty Nineteen Eighty Four

UPDATED: Sunday, January 27, 2019 21:13
VIEWED: 1821
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Friday, January 25, 2019 10:06 AM



Friday, January 25, 2019 10:33 AM


... stay crunchy...

44 minutes? You can't be serious.


Friday, January 25, 2019 3:11 PM


Dude's a joke.


Friday, January 25, 2019 7:04 PM


I'm sure Disney will keep Captain Marvel stupid enough as to not trigger your ADD for 2 hours and 8 minutes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 25, 2019 7:29 PM


Cliff Notes?


Friday, January 25, 2019 7:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Cliff Notes?

It is the Cliff Notes. There was a lot of shit to pull apart here.

Inside you will find a lot of high profile people and the disgusting tweets they made, including showing images of throwing the Covington kids into a wood chipper, or offering their entire discography for video proof of finding one of them and punching them in the balls and putting it up on social media. Then a rather funny list of these tweets that were later deleted. There's also a lot of tweets by people like we've got here in the RWED saying things like "A School shooting event at Covington would be acceptable".

There's quite a lot of video footage surrounding the event, including a part before Phillips was banging the drum where the Black Isrealites (see: Black Men) were calling the black Covington student a Nigger and a Coon and an Uncle Tom, followed up by a bunch of the white Covington kids saying "we love you man" and hugging the black kid.

It's also pointed out that the Black Israelites are considered a hate group by the SPLC and shows prior video footage of two large Black Isrealites yelling at a skinny Jewish kid that the Holocaust never happened, seemingly reducing him to tears during the interaction.

There's footage of a younger Indian guy yelling at the kids telling them that they "don't fucking belong here" and need to go back to Europe.

There is information about Phillip's military service record. At his age, if he were to have joined at 17 like he says, it would have been well after the time where we had only had 500 troops left in Vietnam, debunking his claims that he was a Vietnam vet. It also shows that he went AWOL on no less than 3 occasions during his service. He's not just some random old Indian dude either... Seems there is a long and erratic history of demonstrations dating back at least to the 90's.

There's lots of great stuff in there.

If nobody can be bothered from either "side" to watch it, then none of you really give a shit at the end of the day, you never did, and you've just been virtue signalling for your "side" the last few days.

Watch it, or don't. Whatever.

Sorry to intrude on your Netflix time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 26, 2019 12:06 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Cliff Notes?

It is the Cliff Notes. There was a lot of shit to pull apart here.

Inside you will find a lot of high profile people and the disgusting tweets they made, including showing images of throwing the Covington kids into a wood chipper, or offering their entire discography for video proof of finding one of them and punching them in the balls and putting it up on social media. Then a rather funny list of these tweets that were later deleted. There's also a lot of tweets by people like we've got here in the RWED saying things like "A School shooting event at Covington would be acceptable".

There's quite a lot of video footage surrounding the event, including a part before Phillips was banging the drum where the Black Isrealites (see: Black Men) were calling the black Covington student a Nigger and a Coon and an Uncle Tom, followed up by a bunch of the white Covington kids saying "we love you man" and hugging the black kid.

It's also pointed out that the Black Israelites are considered a hate group by the SPLC and shows prior video footage of two large Black Isrealites yelling at a skinny Jewish kid that the Holocaust never happened, seemingly reducing him to tears during the interaction.

There's footage of a younger Indian guy yelling at the kids telling them that they "don't fucking belong here" and need to go back to Europe.

There is information about Phillip's military service record. At his age, if he were to have joined at 17 like he says, it would have been well after the time where we had only had 500 troops left in Vietnam, debunking his claims that he was a Vietnam vet. It also shows that he went AWOL on no less than 3 occasions during his service. He's not just some random old Indian dude either... Seems there is a long and erratic history of demonstrations dating back at least to the 90's.

There's lots of great stuff in there.

If nobody can be bothered from either "side" to watch it, then none of you really give a shit at the end of the day, you never did, and you've just been virtue signalling for your "side" the last few days.

Watch it, or don't. Whatever.

Sorry to intrude on your Netflix time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

OK. So who is it by?


Saturday, January 26, 2019 12:54 AM


Does it need to be somebody from Fox News for you to watch it?

Maybe somebody from CNN for Marcos or CC to watch it?

All I really know about her is that she's college educated, highly intelligent, likely a millennial, yet seemingly not brainwashed. She's got a handle, but I assume that name is as valid in the real world as JSF is.


And as far as I know, she coined the phrase "Welcome to Twenty Nineteen Eighty Four". It wouldn't be right for me to take credit for that since it was my favorite line from this video and her selected passage from the book hit the nail on the head here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, January 26, 2019 7:21 PM


I think you guys better get used to this type of journalism and you'll find that no-name youtubers are going to start becoming household names in the future.

Legacy Media is having a very hard time keeping up with technology. When they aren't being caught purposefully taking words and actions out of context, they are increasingly having to backpedal and retract stories that should have been researched more thoroughly or should have waited for more facts to surface before letting their op-ed departments run amok with them. Trust of the MSM is at an all time low.

The Intermediary Media is suffering now too.


Bryan Maygers, head of the HuffPost opinions section, tweeted his goodbye Thursday: “Hi all. So some sad news. As of this morning, HuffPost’s opinion section is no more. I and the rest of the team have been let go.”

HuffPost’s parent company, Verizon, said it was chopping 7 percent of the personnel in the Media Group, which also includes Yahoo and AOL. The cuts total about 1,000 people.

BuzzFeed is smaller, but the cuts of about 250 people, or 15 percent of the work force, were implemented almost as soon as they were announced.

The ENTIRE opinion section of Huffington Post is gone. You read that right.

Vox layoffs:
/ is turning to mining crypto currencies in your browser to make money to pay back rent on the ridiculous building they rented out before their last round of layoffs.

Aidyn Paladin (the maker of the video in the OP) works on her own and seems to love what she does. She's extremely charismatic and doesn't seem to have a problem getting outside donations on patreon along with her ad revenue from youtube. She has no overhead. She works from home.

Her likely problem in the future is that she's not going to expand her fan base at a quick rate because of how in-depth her videos are (see: Long) along with the flowery language that requires having a dictionary handy, especially in her more philosophical videos. I do believe she makes the right choice to "dumb down" her more political videos though.

Styxhexxenhammer666 has been so ridiculously on the money these last two years you'd think he has an inside connection. He's the Libertarian pagan, ex-satanist from Vermont who is a published author on the Occult and puts out 4 videos every morning that I've posted a single video of here before. No surprise that he was laughed at by the few members here who bothered to even post a reply, although their complaints about him were not elaborated on. He was literally the only person before the 2016 election I saw who was confident that Hillary wasn't going to win, and it wasn't based on feels... just the data. He also has no overhead to worry about, and although I believe he still uses Patreon for donations he is moving to alt-tech and is a strong supporter of alternatives to lamestream ways of doing things.

Tim Pool... lol, yes, another one who was dismissed here. I believe it was CC who said something along the lines of "yeah, I'm going to listen to some kid wearing a beanie". His wikipedia article speaks for itself, but here's some highlights:


Pool's coverage has been carried and syndicated by multiple mainstream outlets including NBC, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Time.[7][8] He was covered by Fast Company and Wired.[7][9][10] In 2013, Pool joined Vice Media producing and hosting content as well as developing new methods of reporting.[11] In 2014, he joined Fusion TV as Director of Media innovation and Senior Correspondent.[12][13][14]

Pool was nominated as a Time 100 personality in 2012.[28] The following year he received a Shorty Award in the "Best Journalist in Social Media" category.[29]

Pool's use of livestreaming video and aerial drones during Occupy Wall Street protests prompted an article in The Guardian about excessive surveillance.[19] He has often been threatened for filming. In January 2012 he was physically accosted by a masked assailant.[21][22] Pool's video taken during the protests was instrumental evidence in the acquittal of photographer Alexander Arbuckle, who had been arrested by the NYPD. The video showed that the arresting officer lied under oath, though no charges were filed.[23]

He also has no overhead to worry about. Current user of patreon but is also very hopeful of the prospects of alternatives given their new proclivity to try to shut down voices they don't jibe with.

Jimmy Dore. I really have to laugh at this one, or more honestly, I have to laugh that CC is trying to dismiss him simply because he uses a "boys" name and doesn't go by Jim or James. "Jimmy" is his brand. He's been a stand up comedian for decades. He's been around on ultra-left-wing The Young Turks for years. He's the guy who spit his drink on Alex Jones at an event.

He's the guy here that I disagree with the most, but he's opened my mind to some things and actually changed it. He's the one on the list I believe actually cares the most about people, and though I think he leans a bit too much on the Socialist side of the spectrum, he's not afraid to call out bullshit on both sides, which he does every single day. When it comes to his economics and anti-war beliefs, I'm in agreement with at least 90% of everything he has to say. And boy, does he hate CNN.

He's got some ties to TYT, and possibly a little more overhead than the others on this list, but he's got a huge fanbase that he likely wouldn't lose if he wasn't on TYT anymore. As of now, I don't believe he really cares to find an alternative to patreon since he has a long history with Lefty ideology and he puts out enough Anti-Trump content to keep off the alt-right watch lists.

There's a lot of other ones out there that I'll watch on occasion. These just happen to be the ones I watch the most. They have huge followings and combined they get more views per day than any of the 24/7 News Networks do on cable TV.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 27, 2019 12:52 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Does it need to be somebody from Fox News for you to watch it?

Maybe somebody from CNN for Marcos or CC to watch it?

All I really know about her is that she's college educated, highly intelligent, likely a millennial, yet seemingly not brainwashed. She's got a handle, but I assume that name is as valid in the real world as JSF is.


And as far as I know, she coined the phrase "Welcome to Twenty Nineteen Eighty Four". It wouldn't be right for me to take credit for that since it was my favorite line from this video and her selected passage from the book hit the nail on the head here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I get it, you don't want to share.

When I get to a computer and have spare time, I'll check out the vid, if this thread is near the top at that moment. Which is usually not the case.


Sunday, January 27, 2019 1:04 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Pool's coverage has been carried and syndicated by multiple mainstream outlets including NBC, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Time.[7][8] He was covered by Fast Company and Wired.[7][9][10] In 2013, Pool joined Vice Media producing and hosting content as well as developing new methods of reporting.[11] In 2014, he joined Fusion TV as Director of Media innovation and Senior Correspondent.[12][13][14]

Pool was nominated as a Time 100 personality in 2012.[28] The following year he received a Shorty Award in the "Best Journalist in Social Media" category.[29]

I love how one of your biggest validations for this anti MSM guy are "MSM" references to him. Fug dude, what are you going to order on this pizzagate?


Sunday, January 27, 2019 1:21 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Pool's coverage has been carried and syndicated by multiple mainstream outlets including NBC, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and Time.[7][8] He was covered by Fast Company and Wired.[7][9][10] In 2013, Pool joined Vice Media producing and hosting content as well as developing new methods of reporting.[11] In 2014, he joined Fusion TV as Director of Media innovation and Senior Correspondent.[12][13][14]

Pool was nominated as a Time 100 personality in 2012.[28] The following year he received a Shorty Award in the "Best Journalist in Social Media" category.[29]

I love how one of your biggest validations for this anti MSM guy are "MSM" references to him. Fug dude, what are you going to order on this pizzagate?

When did I say he was anti-MSM?

He's their competition. He does it better.

If anybody on the list is true anti-MSM, it would be StyxHexxenHammer666. Tim is regularly critical about MSM and internet journalists, but he always points out when and how they've done wrong and isn't levying any personal attacks other than to call situations like the Covington kids "sloppy journalism". As far as I know, Aidyn doesn't slam the media. Jimmy regularly says CNN sucks. He's so far left it's not a secret that he doesn't care much for Fox News either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 27, 2019 1:29 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Does it need to be somebody from Fox News for you to watch it?

Maybe somebody from CNN for Marcos or CC to watch it?

All I really know about her is that she's college educated, highly intelligent, likely a millennial, yet seemingly not brainwashed. She's got a handle, but I assume that name is as valid in the real world as JSF is.


And as far as I know, she coined the phrase "Welcome to Twenty Nineteen Eighty Four". It wouldn't be right for me to take credit for that since it was my favorite line from this video and her selected passage from the book hit the nail on the head here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I get it, you don't want to share.

When I get to a computer and have spare time, I'll check out the vid, if this thread is near the top at that moment. Which is usually not the case.

I shared what I knew. Her name is Aidyn Paladin on youtube. I seriously doubt that's her real name. She uses an illustrated likeness of herself in her videos.

I'm pretty sure at some point if she gets big enough she will reveal who she really is. Usually at that point they either get doxxed or they end up coming out on their own.

I find her quite fascinating, TBH.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 27, 2019 5:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Does it need to be somebody from Fox News for you to watch it?

Maybe somebody from CNN for Marcos or CC to watch it?

All I really know about her is that she's college educated, highly intelligent, likely a millennial, yet seemingly not brainwashed. She's got a handle, but I assume that name is as valid in the real world as JSF is.


And as far as I know, she coined the phrase "Welcome to Twenty Nineteen Eighty Four". It wouldn't be right for me to take credit for that since it was my favorite line from this video and her selected passage from the book hit the nail on the head here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I get it, you don't want to share.

When I get to a computer and have spare time, I'll check out the vid, if this thread is near the top at that moment. Which is usually not the case.

I shared what I knew. Her name is Aidyn Paladin on youtube. I seriously doubt that's her real name. She uses an illustrated likeness of herself in her videos.

I'm pretty sure at some point if she gets big enough she will reveal who she really is. Usually at that point they either get doxxed or they end up coming out on their own.

I find her quite fascinating, TBH.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Maybe that is Aydin Paladin. Sybyll Adastra. Rebekah Erin Ford.


Sunday, January 27, 2019 9:13 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Maybe that is Aydin Paladin. Sybyll Adastra. Rebekah Erin Ford.

I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to google it.

I guess she's already been doxxed by somebody going by "Destiny", so yeah, it looks like that's her.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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