Impeachment Investigation Is Underway, Judiciary Committee Says

UPDATED: Sunday, February 2, 2020 15:19
VIEWED: 56457
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Friday, July 26, 2019 5:52 PM


T tick tock


Friday, July 26, 2019 7:25 PM


"Impeach …. bwah ha ha!
Impeach …. snortle snortle snortle!
Impeach …. slurp slurp slurp!"

"Hey you, where's my fucking juice box?!"


Friday, July 26, 2019 8:40 PM




Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2019 9:50 PM




Friday, July 26, 2019 9:57 PM



Friday, July 26, 2019 11:19 PM


America loves a winner!

This doesn't make me happy.

This makes me EXTREMELY happy !!!!

No collusion, no obstruction, no crime, yet bed wetting children posing as members of congress are aiming to dividing this country to as many shreds and sections as required to some how overthrow the 2016 election and gain power ?


Literally can't play into Trump's landslide re-election plans any more than they already have.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:18 AM


Democrats just get more obscene and gross every day.

I'd laugh, but it's really not funny. It's almost turning into a religious cult at this point.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 2:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, they think they'll keep this whole charade going until October 2020 and then they'll allow it to wither away.

But I suspect that they'll be overtaken by a shitstorm of their own culpabilty before then. I don't know if it'll come from the Horowitz/Durham direction, or the Epstein direction, or both, but I'll be willing to bet dollars to donuts that Comey, Mueller, Brennan, Stzrok, etc etc are going to be up to their eyeballs in shit.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, July 27, 2019 2:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, they'll keep this whole charade going until October 2020 and then they'll allow it to wither away.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

And nobody here who breathlessly flogged the /Steele/crotchgrabbing/rapeonanairplane/AlfaBank/wikileaks/ProporNot/Russiahackedtheelectricgrid/inauguration/taxevasion/RUSSIA!!RUSSIA!!RUSSIA!!/adnauseam/ narrative will remember how MANY anti-Trump stories they were stampeded by.

Hell, they've already forgotten Russia/collusion.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 8:39 AM


The Daily 202: New Senate intelligence report deepens the mysteries surrounding Russian 2016 election interference

A Senate Intelligence Committee report released Thursday says “Russian cyberactors were in a position to delete or change voter data”

The committee reports with a high degree of confidence that the GRU, a Russian military intelligence agency, probably probed all 50 states in search of vulnerabilities.



Saturday, July 27, 2019 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

"Impeach …. bwah ha ha!
Impeach …. snortle snortle snortle!
Impeach …. slurp slurp slurp!"

"Hey you, where's my fucking juice box?!"

The GOP has a replacement standing by: V.P. Mike Pence. You don't have to pretend that Trump is irreplaceable, that you must accept Trump's defects because there is no alternative. Pence has made his tax returns available, but Trump won't share even one of the tax returns for the past 70 years. That is a dead giveaway that he cheated on his taxes.

Mike Pence Releases 10 Years of Tax Returns

Sep 9, 2016, While Donald J. Trump resists making his tax returns public, his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, released a decade of his own filings on Friday. A statement by the Trump campaign accompanying Mr. Pence’s returns said the release was being made with the “full support of Mr. Trump, who plans to release his tax returns upon the completion of a routine audit.”

Many years have passed since that news-story was written and yet the "routine audit" for all the previous years of Trump's tax returns continues. Congress will have to force the issue because Trump won't comply with the law. Contrary to the Trump administration, Congress actually HAS grabbed a sitting president’s confidential tax info before. In the early 1970s, the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) used the tax disclosure law to obtain tax information related to then-President Richard Nixon.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:35 AM


...and as a result this will also blow up in their faces. In other news Jerry Nadler is fat.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 11:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:
...and as a result this will also blow up in their faces. In other news Jerry Nadler is fat.

Since Trump refuses to comply with the law, Congress is suing for Trump's tax returns. Congress will audit Trump because he has cheated on his taxes in the past. If he gets caught cheating again, it will blow up in his face for the 2020 Election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 11:46 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by whozit:
...and as a result this will also blow up in their faces. In other news Jerry Nadler is fat.

Since Trump refuses to comply with the law, Congress is suing for Trump's tax returns. Congress will audit Trump because he has cheated on his taxes in the past. If he gets caught cheating again, it will blow up in his face for the 2020 Election.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

He's not releasing his taxes because he didn't do anything wrong, he's doing it to drive Fat Jerry crazy. What's going to happen when he does release them and they find nothing? Every time they go after him THEY end up looking bad.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by whozit:

He's not releasing his taxes because he did anything wrong, he's doing it to drive Fat Jerry crazy. What's going to happen when he does release them and they find nothing? Every time they go after him THEY end up looking bad.

Trump cheated in the past. There will be some entries on his recent tax returns that fail to match what buildings actually sold for. Then Trump will say he did, Did, DID! pay all his taxes, but the trap will close on Trump.

Trump is terrible at business: "Even more extraordinary was this unreported fact: The banks financing Mr. Schron’s purchase valued Fred Trump’s empire at nearly $1 billion. In other words, Donald Trump, master dealmaker, sold his father’s empire for hundreds of millions less than it was worth." Trump has to cheat on his taxes to make up for his blunders in business.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:07 PM


If you don't like it, then pressure your Democrat politicians to change the law so all presidential candidates have to release their tax returns the next time Democrats are in power.

Trump isn't doing anything wrong by not releasing them.

Drop it dummy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
If you don't like it, then pressure your Democrat politicians to change the law so all presidential candidates have to release their tax returns the next time Democrats are in power.

In 1924, the Democratic politicians did change the law: "Ways and Means, the Joint Committee on Taxation, and the Senate Finance Committee are the three congressional committees that are supposed to be able to look at any tax return they want. Congress gave itself the power in 1924 as a check on the executive branch -- all the committees have to do is ask the IRS." Congress asked, but Trump ordered the IRS to say no. So, it has to go to Court because Trump has something to hide.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
If you don't like it, then pressure your Democrat politicians to change the law so all presidential candidates have to release their tax returns the next time Democrats are in power.

In 1924, the Democratic politicians did change the law: "Ways and Means, the Joint Committee on Taxation, and the Senate Finance Committee are the three congressional committees that are supposed to be able to look at any tax return they want. Congress gave itself the power in 1924 as a check on the executive branch -- all the committees have to do is ask the IRS." Congress asked, but Trump ordered the IRS to say no. So, it has to go to Court because Trump has something to hide.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


"The IRS provided those returns the same day", committee chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said in a statement.

No shit.

I've been saying for years now that the IRS already knows if Trump cheated or not.

That's not what you're arguing, nor has it ever been what you're arguing. You want him to release them to the public so Rachel Maddow can talk about it on her show and spin more conspiracy theories with it every day for the next year and a half.


Earlier this year, Neal asked for copies of six years* worth of Trump's personal and business returns, plus documents related to any audits for those years. But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, said that complying with the "unprecedented" request could have terrible consequences.

"History demonstrates that private tax return information is susceptible to abuse for partisan purposes - regardless of which party is in power," Mnuchin said in an April 23 letter. "Unless carefully restrained by law, this risk threatens the privacy of all taxpayers."

Why put the "unprecedented" in quotes, Huffpo? It absolutely is an unprecedented request, from a single lawmaker. Nixon had the entire legislative branch deep up his ass. If you want that tax info, it's going to have to be obtained the same way that Nixon's were.

A note to Second: I don't see anything in that article backing up your claim that Trump said "No."

A side note about the article itself: The "*" that I put in the quote there was actually a misplaced apostrophe in the HuffPo article. HuffPo is garbage tier media.

And they've got the nerve to make me have to re-type anything I want to use in a quote since it seems that you can't even highlight their articles to copy and paste them anymore.

I should send them a bill for copy editing their garbage.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
If you don't like it, then pressure your Democrat politicians to change the law so all presidential candidates have to release their tax returns the next time Democrats are in power.

In 1924, the Democratic politicians did change the law: "Ways and Means, the Joint Committee on Taxation, and the Senate Finance Committee are the three congressional committees that are supposed to be able to look at any tax return they want. Congress gave itself the power in 1924 as a check on the executive branch -- all the committees have to do is ask the IRS." Congress asked, but Trump ordered the IRS to say no. So, it has to go to Court because Trump has something to hide.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


"The IRS provided those returns the same day", committee chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said in a statement.

No shit.

I've been saying for years now that the IRS already knows if Trump cheated or not.

That's not what you're arguing, nor has it ever been what you're arguing. You want him to release them to the public so Rachel Maddow can talk about it on her show and spin more conspiracy theories with it every day for the next year and a half.


Earlier this year, Neal asked for copies of six years* worth of Trump's personal and business returns, plus documents related to any audits for those years. But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who oversees the IRS, said that complying with the "unprecedented" request could have terrible consequences.

"History demonstrates that private tax return information is susceptible to abuse for partisan purposes - regardless of which party is in power," Mnuchin said in an April 23 letter. "Unless carefully restrained by law, this risk threatens the privacy of all taxpayers."

Why put the "unprecedented" in quotes, Huffpo? It absolutely is an unprecedented request, from a single lawmaker. Nixon had the entire legislative branch deep up his ass. If you want that tax info, it's going to have to be obtained the same way that Nixon's were.

A note to Second: I don't see anything in that article backing up your claim that Trump said "No."

A side note about the article itself: The "*" that I put in the quote there was actually a misplaced apostrophe in the HuffPo article. HuffPo is garbage tier media.

And they've got the nerve to make me have to re-type anything I want to use in a quote since it seems that you can't even highlight their articles to copy and paste them anymore.

I should send them a bill for copy editing their garbage.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress they can't see Trump's taxes. Mnuchin did it because he was ordered to. He is not so stupid as to ignore the law, unless Trump told him to. And, by the way, Nixon was "audited" by the IRS and they found that Nixon had done an exemplary job of complying with the tax code, but then Congress audited the same returns and discovered Nixon owed $465,000. Nixon paid, too. If it had been Trump, he would have refused and that refusal would have ended up as another charge during an impeachment.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 1:07 PM


Seems as though Neal is going about this the right way. I actually applaud his effort.

Great. Let Congress have the tax returns.

I'd still never expect for the public to get their hands on them. That's only going to happen through a leak, and Democrats are already looking at a 2020 election where they're going to get massacred, so I'd tread carefully on that one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 1:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Seems as though Neal is going about this the right way. I actually applaud his effort.

Great. Let Congress have the tax returns.

I'd still never expect for the public to get their hands on them. That's only going to happen through a leak, and Democrats are already looking at a 2020 election where they're going to get massacred, so I'd tread carefully on that one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Congress may never see Trump's returns, but if it does, auditing will require months. Then Trump will insist the audit is fake and he will refuse to pay the taxes owed, which means that it will be his word against Congress and there won't be anyway to judge Trump because his returns are unavailable to the public or outside auditors unrelated to Congress or Trump. Auditing will suddenly become completely political, rather than a branch of accounting. There will be Republicans absolutely certain that Trump paid all his taxes, despite there being no proof because Trump is withholding the proof by not making his returns available.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:21 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Seems as though Neal is going about this the right way. I actually applaud his effort.

Great. Let Congress have the tax returns.

I'd still never expect for the public to get their hands on them. That's only going to happen through a leak, and Democrats are already looking at a 2020 election where they're going to get massacred, so I'd tread carefully on that one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Congress may never see Trump's returns, but if it does, auditing will require months. Then Trump will insist the audit is fake and he will refuse to pay the taxes owed, which means that it will be his word against Congress and there won't be anyway to judge Trump because his returns are unavailable to the public or outside auditors unrelated to Congress or Trump. Auditing will suddenly become completely political, rather than a branch of accounting. There will be Republicans absolutely certain that Trump paid all his taxes, despite there being no proof because Trump is withholding the proof by not making his returns available.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Well... Que sera sera...

Make sure you work to get the next guy or gal in office to change the law in the future so that offering tax returns isn't just voluntary. While you're at it, make sure they also do something about the electoral college.

Otherwise, you just sound like you're pouting.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Well... Que sera sera...

Make sure you work to get the next guy or gal in office to change the law in the future so that offering tax returns isn't just voluntary. While you're at it, make sure they also do something about the electoral college.

Otherwise, you just sound like you're pouting.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'll give you a silly example to demonstrate that changing the laws does not fix the problem. The Constitution requires the President be at least 35 years old and born in the US, but President Juan is 27 and born in Cuba. If Juan presents no birth certificate, or better yet, a fake certificate, what is to stop him from being sworn in? Nothing but Congress. If the Senate has Cubans that want Juan, Juan will be the next President. Four more years! Four more years! He still won't be 35 come the next election, but that won't make any difference if 34 or more Senators will support him.

It won't make any difference how many women in their 20's come forward to testify that they were in Havana High School with Juan, even if the women go to Court. If Juan won the second election, he is staying until 67 Senators vote to stop Juan and replace him with Vice President Jesus, born in Santiago de Cuba. (The V.P. claims that is fake news. Here we go again.)

Why pick on Cubans? Ted Cruz, born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to a full blood Cuban father, was accused by Trump of being a Cuban. If one of Trump's pre-election scandals had brought him down, Cruz would be President today.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 7:12 PM



"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 8:15 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

This doesn't make me happy.

This makes me EXTREMELY happy !!!!

No collusion, no obstruction, no crime, yet bed wetting children posing as members of congress are aiming to dividing this country to as many shreds and sections as required to some how overthrow the 2016 election and gain power ?


Literally can't play into Trump's landslide re-election plans any more than they already have.

Washington Post and many top Democraps now grudgingly agree with you. Amazing!

"Mueller "stunt" backfired - big time"

"Immeasurable harm to the left"



Saturday, July 27, 2019 9:14 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, for not the first time, I understand why you are unemployed and worried for your future. I'll simplify why changing the laws about Presidential Income Tax returns won't make Trump's income tax returns available: if a President must keep his taxes a secret, only impeachment and removal from office will overcome his secretiveness. If the Supreme Court ordered Trump to publicize his income tax returns, the Supreme Court can't make him do it. The Senate can't, either, but they can remove him from power. Then his taxes can be publicized, unless the President had the records destroyed by the IRS before leaving office.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:10 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, for not the first time, I understand why you are unemployed and worried for your future. I'll simplify why changing the laws about Presidential Income Tax returns won't make Trump's income tax returns available: if a President must keep his taxes a secret, only impeachment and removal from office will overcome his secretiveness. If the Supreme Court ordered Trump to publicize his income tax returns, the Supreme Court can't make him do it. The Senate can't, either, but they can remove him from power. Then his taxes can be publicized, unless the President had the records destroyed by the IRS before leaving office.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hey dipshit.

It's too late for Trump.

I'm talking about making sure that the next Trump doesn't hide his taxes from you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:10 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, for not the first time, I understand why you are unemployed and worried for your future. I'll simplify why changing the laws about Presidential Income Tax returns won't make Trump's income tax returns available: if a President must keep his taxes a secret, only impeachment and removal from office will overcome his secretiveness. If the Supreme Court ordered Trump to publicize his income tax returns, the Supreme Court can't make him do it. The Senate can't, either, but they can remove him from power. Then his taxes can be publicized, unless the President had the records destroyed by the IRS before leaving office.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You want to know about Trump's taxes FINE, but Pelosi has to release all the medications SHE'S on...OK?


Sunday, July 28, 2019 6:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, for not the first time, I understand why you are unemployed and worried for your future. I'll simplify why changing the laws about Presidential Income Tax returns won't make Trump's income tax returns available: if a President must keep his taxes a secret, only impeachment and removal from office will overcome his secretiveness. If the Supreme Court ordered Trump to publicize his income tax returns, the Supreme Court can't make him do it. The Senate can't, either, but they can remove him from power. Then his taxes can be publicized, unless the President had the records destroyed by the IRS before leaving office.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hey dipshit.

It's too late for Trump.

I'm talking about making sure that the next Trump doesn't hide his taxes from you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You keep missing the point: no matter what the law is changed to, a future President could simply refuse to obey it. If a future Supreme Court ordered the President to obey those changed laws, the President could stubbornly refuse. The only remedy is the Senate removing a pig-head President from power.

Trump is right now disobeying section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. If Congress had added more law before Trump was elected, it still wouldn't make Trump more obedient, because he probably has a huge tax bill that he does not wish to pay, apparently.

When this goes to the Supreme Court, and if the vote is 5 to 4 forcing Trump to obey section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, we will learn how serious Trump is about keeping his tax returns a secret. But if the Supreme Court chooses Trump's side, then we will never know how stubborn Trump really is about disobeying section 6103 and cheating on his taxes.

If the Supreme Court was in session, I am pretty sure four Republican justices would align with Trump, four Democratic justices would oppose, and Chief Justice Roberts would be the deciding vote on Trump's tax cheating and hiding his tax returns from Congressional expert auditors.

Historical Use of Authority to Obtain Confidential Tax Information

Section 6103 has been used to obtain the tax returns and return information of a sitting President. In researching my request, JCT staff confirmed that, in 1973 and 1974, the JCT Chief of Staff made various requests to the IRS for confidential taxpayer information of President Nixon and others. The current JCT Chief of Staff concluded, based on his review of materials, that “the Joint Committee staff sought and received, under its legal authority, confidential information directly from the Internal Revenue Service that was used in the analysis presented in the [1974] report.”

While it is true that President Nixon voluntarily disclosed his returns for tax years 1969 through 1972, JCT additionally sought from the IRS: (1) President Nixon’s returns for tax years 1963 through 1968, (2) certified copies of the returns voluntarily disclosed, and (3) returns for additional taxpayers. Where records were available, the IRS complied with JCT’s requests without delay or objection.

Unlike Nixon's IRS, Trump's IRS is delaying. Without a doubt, Trump privately ordered, leaving no paper trail, the Treasury Secretary to delay Congress's request for Trump's tax returns.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, July 28, 2019 8:41 AM


The House Judiciary Committee has launched a process tantamount to an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump according to experts, although it is being termed an ‘impeachment investigation



Sunday, July 28, 2019 8:59 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Since you know how to cut and paste the proper spelling of 'investigation', I suggest you correct the title of your thread:

Mueller Investagation Is Over

tic tac


Sunday, July 28, 2019 10:58 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Allow me to explain my dementia by posting an insane hypothetical that has nothing at all to do with the point I'm trying to make" ~Second

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, for not the first time, I understand why you are unemployed and worried for your future. I'll simplify why changing the laws about Presidential Income Tax returns won't make Trump's income tax returns available: if a President must keep his taxes a secret, only impeachment and removal from office will overcome his secretiveness. If the Supreme Court ordered Trump to publicize his income tax returns, the Supreme Court can't make him do it. The Senate can't, either, but they can remove him from power. Then his taxes can be publicized, unless the President had the records destroyed by the IRS before leaving office.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hey dipshit.

It's too late for Trump.

I'm talking about making sure that the next Trump doesn't hide his taxes from you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You keep missing the point: no matter what the law is changed to, a future President could simply refuse to obey it. If a future Supreme Court ordered the President to obey those changed laws, the President could stubbornly refuse. The only remedy is the Senate removing a pig-head President from power.

Trump is right now disobeying section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. If Congress had added more law before Trump was elected, it still wouldn't make Trump more obedient, because he probably has a huge tax bill that he does not wish to pay, apparently.

When this goes to the Supreme Court, and if the vote is 5 to 4 forcing Trump to obey section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, we will learn how serious Trump is about keeping his tax returns a secret. But if the Supreme Court chooses Trump's side, then we will never know how stubborn Trump really is about disobeying section 6103 and cheating on his taxes.

If the Supreme Court was in session, I am pretty sure four Republican justices would align with Trump, four Democratic justices would oppose, and Chief Justice Roberts would be the deciding vote on Trump's tax cheating and hiding his tax returns from Congressional expert auditors.

Historical Use of Authority to Obtain Confidential Tax Information

Section 6103 has been used to obtain the tax returns and return information of a sitting President. In researching my request, JCT staff confirmed that, in 1973 and 1974, the JCT Chief of Staff made various requests to the IRS for confidential taxpayer information of President Nixon and others. The current JCT Chief of Staff concluded, based on his review of materials, that “the Joint Committee staff sought and received, under its legal authority, confidential information directly from the Internal Revenue Service that was used in the analysis presented in the [1974] report.”

While it is true that President Nixon voluntarily disclosed his returns for tax years 1969 through 1972, JCT additionally sought from the IRS: (1) President Nixon’s returns for tax years 1963 through 1968, (2) certified copies of the returns voluntarily disclosed, and (3) returns for additional taxpayers. Where records were available, the IRS complied with JCT’s requests without delay or objection.

Unlike Nixon's IRS, Trump's IRS is delaying. Without a doubt, Trump privately ordered, leaving no paper trail, the Treasury Secretary to delay Congress's request for Trump's tax returns.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It's all about context.

How was 6103 invoked today compared to how was it invoked against Nixon?

Is there REALLY a genuine reason to invoke it today, or are we just going back to the tax thing because Russia didn't work and Orange Man Bad?

And at the end of the day, I don't give a shit that he cheated on his taxes. That's what rich people do. That's what YOU do.

I'm quite happy with the direction of the country right now overall, and I wouldn't have been had Hillary won. I doubt I would be if Pence takes over either.

So, whatever. Let it go to SCOTUS then. I just don't see any parallels between Trump's situation and Nixon's situation.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 11:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's all about context.

How was 6103 invoked today compared to how was it invoked against Nixon?

Is there REALLY a genuine reason to invoke it today, or are we just going back to the tax thing because Russia didn't work and Orange Man Bad?

And at the end of the day, I don't give a shit that he cheated on his taxes. That's what rich people do. That's what YOU do.

I'm quite happy with the direction of the country right now overall, and I wouldn't have been had Hillary won. I doubt I would be if Pence takes over either.

So, whatever. Let it go to SCOTUS then. I just don't see any parallels between Trump's situation and Nixon's situation.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The context for Trump is that he is a multitude of textbook cases in tax cheating:

The context for Nixon is that Nixon donated his V.P. papers from the Eisenhower Administration and he took a tax deduction. The government employee who received the papers from Nixon remembered what year that happened, but the law allowing that deduction had expired. Nixon cheated and changed the date and made it a year earlier on his income tax return. So Congress gets involved and does a proper and complete audit.

It turns out Nixon cheated on a whole bunch of other things:

1. In 1969, Nixon did not recognize the $142,912 of gain on the sale of his New York City residence. (See B in Exhibit 3.) He reported that he had rolled over the proceeds into a new personal residence, the $1.5 million property he purchased two months later in San Clemente, Calif. Given his prominent address -- The White House (which he even used on the tax returns) -- the obvious issue was that such a tax-free rollover of gain would be disallowed because the San Clemente property would not qualify as his principal residence.

2. A related problem arises on the 1970 tax return when Nixon sold off part of the San Clemente acreage to friends. The amount he received covered 80 percent of the $1.5 million he paid to get the house and land. That sale, for $1,249,000, was reduced by exactly $1,249,000 of basis so that no gain was recognized. [See C in Exhibit 3.] That left the remaining acreage and house with about $250,000 of basis. That overallocation of basis to the acres sold certainly could have been easily challenged.

3. The deduction for the charitable contribution of Nixon's vice-presidential papers in 1969 raised an obvious and basic issue: valuation. Despite having an appraisal for $576,000, the valuation of property donated to charity is normally red-flag issue. With a deduction of almost $600,000, an IRS challenge would be certain for the average taxpayer. [See D in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 4.]

4. No state income tax deduction appears on Nixon's 1970, 1971, and 1972 tax returns. The 1969 state income tax deduction was for taxes paid to New York. [See E in Exhibit 2.] The 1969 move to California should have meant that Nixon paid state income tax to California (if that was his true residence) or to the District of Columbia, both jurisdictions having high income tax rates. Nixon apparently did not pay any state or D.C. income tax after 1969. While the issue shows up on the federal returns, certainly state tax officials should have questioned why no state or local income tax was being paid.

5. From 1969 through 1972, Nixon deducted the costs of his Florida house (500 Bay Lane). He claimed use of the house related to his job as president. The costs that were being deducted include depreciation, utilities, and insurance. The obvious question was whether the Florida house was used for personal or business purposes. [See line F in Exhibit 2.]

6. A series of deductions from 1969 through 1972 relate to the fact that Nixon also deducted 25 percent of the cost of the San Clemente home as a deduction related to his job as president. [See line G in Exhibit 2.] The 25 percent allocation figure seems arbitrary. The costs that were deducted include depreciation, utilities, insurance, maintenance, wages of household help, and related payroll taxes. Again, the issue that the IRS is good in raising is whether these are personal items. Certainly, deductions related to a personal residence become highly scrutinized in an audit.

It goes on and on at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, July 28, 2019 12:14 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's all about context.

How was 6103 invoked today compared to how was it invoked against Nixon?

Is there REALLY a genuine reason to invoke it today, or are we just going back to the tax thing because Russia didn't work and Orange Man Bad?

And at the end of the day, I don't give a shit that he cheated on his taxes. That's what rich people do. That's what YOU do.

I'm quite happy with the direction of the country right now overall, and I wouldn't have been had Hillary won. I doubt I would be if Pence takes over either.

So, whatever. Let it go to SCOTUS then. I just don't see any parallels between Trump's situation and Nixon's situation.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The context for Trump is that he is a multitude of textbook cases in tax cheating:

The context for Nixon is that Nixon donated his V.P. papers from the Eisenhower Administration and he took a tax deduction. The government employee who received the papers from Nixon remembered what year that happened, but the law allowing that deduction had expired. Nixon cheated and changed the date and made it a year earlier on his income tax return. So Congress gets involved and does a proper and complete audit.

It turns out Nixon cheated on a whole bunch of other things:

1. In 1969, Nixon did not recognize the $142,912 of gain on the sale of his New York City residence. (See B in Exhibit 3.) He reported that he had rolled over the proceeds into a new personal residence, the $1.5 million property he purchased two months later in San Clemente, Calif. Given his prominent address -- The White House (which he even used on the tax returns) -- the obvious issue was that such a tax-free rollover of gain would be disallowed because the San Clemente property would not qualify as his principal residence.

2. A related problem arises on the 1970 tax return when Nixon sold off part of the San Clemente acreage to friends. The amount he received covered 80 percent of the $1.5 million he paid to get the house and land. That sale, for $1,249,000, was reduced by exactly $1,249,000 of basis so that no gain was recognized. [See C in Exhibit 3.] That left the remaining acreage and house with about $250,000 of basis. That overallocation of basis to the acres sold certainly could have been easily challenged.

3. The deduction for the charitable contribution of Nixon's vice-presidential papers in 1969 raised an obvious and basic issue: valuation. Despite having an appraisal for $576,000, the valuation of property donated to charity is normally red-flag issue. With a deduction of almost $600,000, an IRS challenge would be certain for the average taxpayer. [See D in Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 4.]

4. No state income tax deduction appears on Nixon's 1970, 1971, and 1972 tax returns. The 1969 state income tax deduction was for taxes paid to New York. [See E in Exhibit 2.] The 1969 move to California should have meant that Nixon paid state income tax to California (if that was his true residence) or to the District of Columbia, both jurisdictions having high income tax rates. Nixon apparently did not pay any state or D.C. income tax after 1969. While the issue shows up on the federal returns, certainly state tax officials should have questioned why no state or local income tax was being paid.

5. From 1969 through 1972, Nixon deducted the costs of his Florida house (500 Bay Lane). He claimed use of the house related to his job as president. The costs that were being deducted include depreciation, utilities, and insurance. The obvious question was whether the Florida house was used for personal or business purposes. [See line F in Exhibit 2.]

6. A series of deductions from 1969 through 1972 relate to the fact that Nixon also deducted 25 percent of the cost of the San Clemente home as a deduction related to his job as president. [See line G in Exhibit 2.] The 25 percent allocation figure seems arbitrary. The costs that were deducted include depreciation, utilities, insurance, maintenance, wages of household help, and related payroll taxes. Again, the issue that the IRS is good in raising is whether these are personal items. Certainly, deductions related to a personal residence become highly scrutinized in an audit.

It goes on and on at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

One of these things is not like the other.

Every example you give of Nixon was during his presidency.

Every example you gave of Trump was at least 12 years before his presidency.

It should also be noted that if any of those were legitimate tax dodges and the IRS let him get away with it then the problem is much larger than Donald Trump himself.

I'm really just telling you all of this for your own good, Second. Pussy grabbing didn't work. Russia didn't work. Taxes didn't work before and there not going to work again.

Trump isn't the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. The Democrats of 2019 are so abhorrent to most people that not only is he going to win in 2020, but it's not even going to be close.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 3:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

One of these things is not like the other.

Every example you give of Nixon was during his presidency.

Every example you gave of Trump was at least 12 years before his presidency.

It should also be noted that if any of those were legitimate tax dodges and the IRS let him get away with it then the problem is much larger than Donald Trump himself.

I'm really just telling you all of this for your own good, Second. Pussy grabbing didn't work. Russia didn't work. Taxes didn't work before and there not going to work again.

Trump isn't the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. The Democrats of 2019 are so abhorrent to most people that not only is he going to win in 2020, but it's not even going to be close.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, Nixon was NOT running a multi-billion dollar real estate empire while he was President, but he still found many opportunities to cheat on taxes. Trump said he placed his business into a blind trust, but he didn't. He is running his businesses and he is cheating on his taxes.

Didn’t Trump say he was distancing himself from his business?

Yes, days before his inauguration, Mr. Trump resigned his role and turned over management of the Trump Organization to his two eldest sons and a longtime company executive through a trust.

Past presidents have used a blind trust, in which an independent trustee reported to them on the value of the trust but not what was in it. But Mr. Trump’s trust is controlled by his family and a close associate and he receives updates about his business. He remains its sole beneficiary.

After he was elected, ethics experts from both parties urged Mr. Trump to put all of his assets with the potential for conflicts of interest into a blind trust. Mr. Trump and his lawyers have cited several phony-baloney reasons why they did not, including that “conflicts of interest laws simply do not apply to the president.” We have heard this excuse from Trump many times on many subjects. If Trump had placed his empire into an actual blind trust, the new management would discover what tax cheating schemes Trump and Sons had been using, therefore Trump decided to keep managing the empire and keep his secrets away from the IRS.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, July 28, 2019 7:06 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

One of these things is not like the other.

Every example you give of Nixon was during his presidency.

Every example you gave of Trump was at least 12 years before his presidency.

It should also be noted that if any of those were legitimate tax dodges and the IRS let him get away with it then the problem is much larger than Donald Trump himself.

I'm really just telling you all of this for your own good, Second. Pussy grabbing didn't work. Russia didn't work. Taxes didn't work before and there not going to work again.

Trump isn't the problem. Trump is a symptom of the problem. The Democrats of 2019 are so abhorrent to most people that not only is he going to win in 2020, but it's not even going to be close.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, Nixon was NOT running a multi-billion dollar real estate empire while he was President, but he still found many opportunities to cheat on taxes. Trump said he placed his business into a blind trust, but he didn't. He is running his businesses and he is cheating on his taxes.

Didn’t Trump say he was distancing himself from his business?

Yes, days before his inauguration, Mr. Trump resigned his role and turned over management of the Trump Organization to his two eldest sons and a longtime company executive through a trust.

Past presidents have used a blind trust, in which an independent trustee reported to them on the value of the trust but not what was in it. But Mr. Trump’s trust is controlled by his family and a close associate and he receives updates about his business. He remains its sole beneficiary.

After he was elected, ethics experts from both parties urged Mr. Trump to put all of his assets with the potential for conflicts of interest into a blind trust. Mr. Trump and his lawyers have cited several phony-baloney reasons why they did not, including that “conflicts of interest laws simply do not apply to the president.” We have heard this excuse from Trump many times on many subjects. If Trump had placed his empire into an actual blind trust, the new management would discover what tax cheating schemes Trump and Sons had been using, therefore Trump decided to keep managing the empire and keep his secrets away from the IRS.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why doesn't your article you keep linking mention any of that?

Meh. Whatever.

The tax thing is going to go nowhere. At least not in the next 5 1/2 years. I honestly could give a shit less what happens to Trump after he's out of office in 2024. He ain't my daddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 6:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why doesn't your article you keep linking mention any of that?

Meh. Whatever.

The tax thing is going to go nowhere. At least not in the next 5 1/2 years. I honestly could give a shit less what happens to Trump after he's out of office in 2024. He ain't my daddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not unexpectedly, Trump's tax cheating will decrease income tax collected from other rich taxpayers. The rich now know, if they didn't know before, that they can cheat the same as Trump. The rich aren't going to forget that lesson, even after Trump leaves office. If Trump can blatantly cheat and not be caught by the half-ass "auditing" from the IRS, then more subtle cheating by the rich will also slip past the IRS. The whole system for taxing the wealthy depends on them honestly reporting their income. If they stop being honest, what will make them start, again? Certainly not threats of better "auditing." I've never been audited and I'm not a unique case, but if IRS "auditing" in general is as useless as in the case of Trump, I should follow Trump's example and cheat. The other 3.5 million One-Percenters should also start following Trump's example and start cheating.

A federal appeals court panel on July 10, 2019, ordered the dismissal of a lawsuit claiming President Trump has violated the Constitution. The Court didn't even bother to decide if Trump was a crook or not. Instead, it ruled that Maryland and the District of Columbia cannot sue Trump for being a crook. As far as the Court can tell, nobody but the Senate can make Trump obey and the Senate does that by removing Trump from office.

Until Mr. Trump took office, no court had ever ruled on the meaning of the emoluments clauses or how they could be enforced, if at all. The Fourth Circuit panel’s decision is unlikely to be the last word. The plaintiffs could appeal to the full court, which is less conservative than the judges who ruled. All three judges on the panel were appointed by Republican presidents.

A similar case, filed by congressional Democrats, is now before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and legal experts say the question could well wind up before the Supreme Court.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 29, 2019 11:34 AM


The rich didn't learn how to cheat on their taxes by Trump. lol

The rich got rich because they're liars and cheaters by trade.

I find it quite amusing how Trump is the idiot who can't even tie his own shoes, let alone fulfill the duties of the President one day, but then the very next day he's an evil criminal mastermind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 3:54 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Since you know how to cut and paste the proper spelling of 'investigation', I suggest you correct the title of your thread:

Mueller Investagation Is Over

tic tac


Monday, July 29, 2019 4:11 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The rich got rich because they're liars and cheaters by trade.

That's quite a statement. I would never have guessed your beliefs were the same as Socialists, and the anarchists and dopeheads of Occupy Wall Street.

Here's a little something to possibly brighten your day. You can get a minimum of $125 for free. Just apply:


Monday, July 29, 2019 4:16 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The rich got rich because they're liars and cheaters by trade.

That's quite a statement. I would never have guessed your beliefs were the same as Socialists, and the anarchists and dopeheads of Occupy Wall Street.

Only when it comes to the insane wealth inequities in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world.

All of the other stuff is just bullshit that is keeping us from fighting the true lines of inequity, which is class warfare. The rich get to keep getting richer so long as they can keep us divided by our religions, the color of our skin and our sexual organs.

Both parties are culpable of this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 4:43 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Only when it comes to the insane wealth inequities in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world.

All countries have insane wealth inequities and have since the beginning of time. Sure you're not just jealous of the rich, or perhaps you're just angry at yourself for not achieving as much as you might have expected and wanted?


All of the other stuff is just bullshit that is keeping us from fighting the true lines of inequity, which is class warfare. The rich get to keep getting richer so long as they can keep us divided by our religions, the color of our skin and our sexual organs.

Oh please, that's a tv show. It's a pre-packaged, make-believe world we only even know about because we see it on television. None of that affects our daily lives. Our desires and dreams are personal and unique to all of us. There's no dome over any of our heads.


Monday, July 29, 2019 6:51 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Only when it comes to the insane wealth inequities in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world.

All countries have insane wealth inequities and have since the beginning of time. Sure you're not just jealous of the rich, or perhaps you're just angry at yourself for not achieving as much as you might have expected and wanted?


All of the other stuff is just bullshit that is keeping us from fighting the true lines of inequity, which is class warfare. The rich get to keep getting richer so long as they can keep us divided by our religions, the color of our skin and our sexual organs.

Oh please, that's a tv show. It's a pre-packaged, make-believe world we only even know about because we see it on television. None of that affects our daily lives. Our desires and dreams are personal and unique to all of us. There's no dome over any of our heads.

I'm all for capitalism and a system based on merit.

We don't have capitalism. We live in a system of government regulated predatory capitalism which rewards the stupidest and the loudest crybabies with the scraps while putting the bulk of the money into as few hands as possible. Hard work doesn't get you anywhere in 2019 anymore. It hasn't since the late 90's. Enjoy that retirement next egg, boomer. You're the last generation in America that will have one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 7:10 AM


The House Judiciary Committee has launched a process tantamount to an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump according to experts, although it is being termed an ‘impeachment investigation



Tuesday, July 30, 2019 10:27 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Hard work doesn't get you anywhere in 2019 anymore. It hasn't since the late 90's. Enjoy that retirement next egg, boomer. You're the last generation in America that will have one.

Might as well give up then, right?


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:18 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Hard work doesn't get you anywhere in 2019 anymore. It hasn't since the late 90's. Enjoy that retirement next egg, boomer. You're the last generation in America that will have one.

Might as well give up then, right?

No. But might as well just do enough to get by and learn to live without a bunch of shit you don't need. Unless you love being mired in credit card debt for the rest of your life. My condolences if it's already too late for you or somebody you care about. Wage slavery isn't fun.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 3:44 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Impeachment Investigation Is Underway, Judiciary Committee Says

FWIW as far as I'm concerned the democrats can investigate Trump until hell freezes over.

There's only 2 downsides:
1) The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/ rinse/ spin/ repeat/ cycle they mistake for the real world. And in that cycle apparently all memory of previous agitations over a never-ending series of over-hyped fictions is scrubbed clean.
2) The democrat politicians will lose more of the broad support they need as they become overly-consumed-by, and identified-with, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and people see they're failing to address real issues. Because problems that Trump already identified AS PROBLEMS will be his best friends during election time - and the democrats' worst enemies.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?


Thursday, August 1, 2019 11:18 PM


Pelosi calls Kushner a 'slumlord' in defense of Cummings

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Jared Kushner a "slumlord" on Thursday as she defended Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings and his Baltimore-area district following days of attacks from President Trump.

Can you say it's on? I can, I can say it's on.

tick tock



Thursday, August 1, 2019 11:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

tic tac


Friday, August 2, 2019 1:31 AM


Will you guys just impeach already and get it over with?

Honestly, I really don't want to hear you whine about it for another 5 1/2 years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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