The Media's Emotional Blackmail No Longer Works

UPDATED: Sunday, February 9, 2025 15:57
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Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:28 AM


Fuck you MSNBC. And fuck your "14 Ugandan kids" per day stat.

Nobody cares.

How much money were you getting every year from USAID?

We'll find out soon now won't we?


Saturday, February 8, 2025 10:36 AM


This idiot hasn't figured this out yet...


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Saturday, February 8, 2025 4:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno, the "aid agencies" were supposed to be NONGOVERNMENTAL agencies. How can you be an "NGO" when your 90% of your funding, even if passed thru two intermediaries, comes from a government agency?

I heard USAID charitable work is just a cover for its malign assignments.

People are reacting as if there are no other credible aid organizations in the world. There are dozens! I get donation requests all time!

Just check out their board of directors first, and look at their areas of service to see if there seem to be poltical biases. For example, Medicins sans Frontieres/ Doctors Without Borders, only provides services to friendly nations, so apparently therd really are borders that their medical aid doesn't cross.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, February 8, 2025 11:12 PM


Put aside the fact that almost none of that "aid" money was going to aid and it was actually funding a worldwide liberal propaganda machine, and let's just talk about aid.

I can guaranty you that any "aid" we've given to anybody has done far more damage than good anyhow.

We've made a lot of people dependent on us over a generation or two that got along just fine without us for millennia. Meanwhile we poisoned all their simple minds with US Pop Culture and all the other shit that dehumanizes everyone too.

Have you ever seen any of those documentaries showing how much damage we've actually done? How pallets and pallets of NIKEs for free destroyed local shoemakers. You think NIKE gave a single shit about that?

#NotAllBoomers, Sigs... I know...

But the Boomer generation is where everything went wrong, so I'm glad they're all starting to get to that age that they're all going to die since we don't have term limits on most of them and our population is made up of idiots that keep voting for more of the same.

I'd love to say that we can fix what the Boomers have done, but I'm not holding out much hope.

GenX doesn't give a shit, and at this point we're getting pretty long in the tooth ourselves. You saw the one thing that my generation is capable of doing, and that's finally getting off the fucking couch for a few hours one day out of 4 years to go vote. It took the Joe Biden* Shitshow to finally make them do that.

The Millennials are a complete waste of a liberal brainwashed generation and most of them can't even wipe their own asses.


They grew up with a smartphone in front of their faces as a babysitter the second they were old enough to hold it in their hands. And who the hell knows what depraved shit the algorithm fed them for hours every day while most of their parents never even bothered to find out.

I have no idea what they're going to do because with all of the programming and general info they have had crammed into their brains by the time they're 20 years old is something we're not going to know the consequences of until we know them. GenZ and Gen Alpha are purely uncharted territory.

I'm pretty sure it's all fucked forever. Short of pure 1984-style totalitarianism, I don't think anybody can ever put humanity back on the right track anymore.

And as for what we're seeing with Trump right now. Yeah. I'm enjoying finally getting what I wanted since I started paying attention during the GWB administration. Finally seeing the Federal Government get downsized and put in its place...

But what then?

And how long until they start doing all the stuff I'm not going to approve of at all?

The fucking Gaza thing is pissing me off right now.

And I'm saying that being a 3-Time Trump voter who makes no bones about telling everyone that any follower of that Muslim religion is a sub-human creature. I know that you don't agree with me at all on that, but I'm just making a point here.

Unless Donald J. Trump comes right out and tells the truth that we want to own Gaza and make it the 51st state because we want a very strong military presence right in the center of all that action (Oil), then fuck you too Don.

I ain't no dummy and I know exactly what you're aiming to do there.

I don't like it at all.

But I like it even less when I'm being lied to about the why.

I know one thing. I didn't vote to destroy one shadow government only to replace it with another.

If I had my way, we'd have one more Refugee offer before we shut that fucking abomination of a program down for good.

Any Israeli citizen who so chooses can come to America with a full citizenship awaiting them. This offer is on the table for as long as Israel is still Israel.

But all financial and military aid to Israel ceases tomorrow, and anybody who chooses to stay is on their own.

I see ZERO downside to this solution to the problem.

But I realize I say that as a guy who hasn't stepped foot in a church outside of weddings and funerals for over 30 years and ain't even close to making up his mind about whether there is or isn't a God.

But if there's something real about this Bible shit and that particular spot of the planet happens to be a lot more important than any other piece of land because of some natural or unnatural phenomena... perhaps something that could be explained by science in 2025 that everyone attributed to "God" back in the year ZERO?

I want to know about that too.

But if the only reason that 3/4 of the military and terrorist actions that have taken place over the last 80 years are over a fucking worthless strip of land because a book of fairy tales says it's special?

Then fuck that. Shut it down.

"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Saturday, February 8, 2025 11:49 PM


Americans need at least 2 parties.

I don't know if the Democrats can fix theirs and become serious opposition at this point.

I've always said our Government is at its best when the house and senate are split and they get almost nothing done. It's NEVER a good thing when one party has all three branches.

And this time it's all three branches On Crack.

Outside of the Gaza thing am I enjoying what's going on and behind everything that's happening? Yes to everything I know about, sure. Finally some common fucking sense seems to have made it back and we're doing stupid shit like having to write executive orders keeping men from brutalizing women in Women's Sports. Closing our border like any country that wants to continue being a country should make it's #1 priority.

What's not to like?

But we know how this story goes.

I've been watching where that pendulum was through pop culture and movies specifically now for years and saw all of this coming. Hollywood is the canary in the coal mine. And not only did I get every movie prediction I made for last year correct save one, but I was the only person I know who called that Trump would win every swing state and win the popular vote by at least 1 Million votes.

I'm not a prophet. I don't speak to Gods. I'm not even half as bright as I'd like to think I am. But I can recognize patterns.

This whirlwind we've seen over the last 3 weeks? This is all brand new and out of the blue to most of us. But what most people didn't notice was how fast the pendulum was starting to fall back to the center long before election season started and they started pulling Joe Biden* out of his basement to remind Democrats who they needed to vote for since he'd been mostly MIA for the last 2 years.

There's got to be somebody to put the breaks on it.

And right now... there isn't.

Nobody serious anyhow, or nobody that anybody takes seriously anymore.

The Democratic Party is dead.

And the reason why that is so terrifying to me is because I remember just how far left that pendulum swung this last time and if it manages to swing that far to the right this time, that ain't no world that anybody is going to want to live in.

The history books show us that there were quite a few political parties since the birth of our Nation. You get so old living one way and think that it's going to stay that way forever. Maybe the mid 2020's is when a new party comes to prominence?

I don't think it's so far-fetched. We still technically have a Republican Party, but it's an entirely different party now than it was back in 2004.

I'm glad I'm finally getting a lot of things I wanted for a long time, but I find the pace of things to be increasingly alarming in the back of my mind. When the wind is completely behind you and you don't have any opposition in front of you, I think it's going to be pretty tempting to do things that you normally wouldn't be able to get away with doing. Bad things.

I HATE Democrats right now.

I HATE what they did to our country, and I HATE what they've done to themselves.

America is no good when there is only one party running the show.

They'd better kick the lunatic fringe out and fix their party to become a true opposition party, or make a new party. And the sooner the better.

Because I know if things I want keep coming at me at the pace they've came at me in the last 3 weeks for the next 4 years straight, there's going to be a point somewhere in the middle where I'm not liking anything they're throwing at me anymore.

Fuck you Democrats.

Winning was never enough for you. You basically had the world in the palm of your hand and could have made it a better place. But you fucked everyone and fucked everything, including yourselves.

So here we are...

Now we just wait and see what happens.

All you can do at this point is hope that Don isn't half as evil and/or stupid as the USAID funded Lefty Legacy Media has told you that he is. Because right now he's going to do what he wants and none of you weak and stupid fuckers can do a goddamned thing about it until if and when he fucks something up so bad that everybody who voted for him ends up hating him.

I don't want to hear one more goddamned grievance out of anybody about racism this or sexism that, or I want grown ass men to be able to pummel women to death in Women's sports or change in locker rooms in front of 12 year old girls. You fire any person who utters a single word of that IMMEDIATELY. You crazy fuckers just all fed off of each other and 1-up'd the crazy year after year until every word a Democrat politician or MSNBC pundit uttered came straight out of an Onion Magazine article from the early 2000s. You're all a bunch of fucking jokes. Very, very sad and unfunny jokes.

If you want to be taken seriously, goddammit start acting like it .

Nobody owes you a goddamned thing. Especially not their vote.

Now you get up off your asses and you fucking earn it the right way.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Sunday, February 9, 2025 12:28 AM


And I think I might be afforded something this time that I was robbed of the first time that Trump was elected.

Because he was never able to actually do anything because the establishment RINOs and Democrats worked together to ensure that, we never were able to see a pendulum swing back to the right. In fact, quite the opposite... That pendulum swung to the left for 16 goddamned years straight without pause, and Trump winning in 2016 actually turbocharged it.

So for the first time in my adult life, between 2016 and 2020, I found myself still in the "opposition" the entire time he was President, even though the guy I voted for won and started his term with both the house and senate.

That's never happened before.

So Ted never got to really see me take a stance against the current regime through 2016-2020 because I was still standing firmly against the Liberal Media lies and bullshit that only seemed to grow 10-fold after Obama was out.

I've said several times before to Ted that under the right circumstances we might actually agree on quite a bit more than we disagree on.

His brainwashing through clickbait is still going in full force and he's never going to actually wake up, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to find myself much more closely aligned with where he's sitting 2 or 3 years from now. I can definitely picture scenarios playing out over the next few years that push me Leftward. And quite a bit so...

I'll never find the thread or the comment now, but I know I said "I knew the Democrats were in real trouble when they made me support Police". And now we're going to go back to heavily militarizing them to remove criminal illegal invaders. And thinking about this makes me go back to thinking what I've always thought, which is that each side just does horrible shit to us just so the other side can do some always-increasingly horrible shit to us with the justification that it will unburden us from the horrible shit that was done to us by the previous regime. Wash, rinse, repeat until we're all living in hell.

Maybe I'm way overthinking this and I'm wrong and the hits just keep coming and we actually have a reason to have that year long America Party he was saying we were going got have. That'd be great. That's what I voted for 3 times now. But I'm not an idiot. I'm not a cultist. Trump is not God King Emperor or whatever nonsense I've heard them say his voters think of him.

Fuck... for all I know, Trump is just a pawn in a different Trillionaries game who wanted to do battle with the Trillionaires who have been running the show up until now. Knowing what's really going on behind those closed doors is as likely to us as knowing whether or not God exists before we die. Aside from a few rare glimpses of integrity out of a politician from time to time, I don't trust any of those overpaid and over-privileged professional liars on either side of the aisle.

Trump was my instrument. My middle finger. And now my wrecking ball against the US Federal Government.

I never thought it would actually happen, but I'm getting what I wanted. At the very least, I'm being led to believe that I am... which is far more than any administration in my adult life ever offered me since the first time I voted.

But I remember when more than half the country bought the "Hope and Change" scam that ended up setting back race relations by 30 years and got the ball rolling on everyone being at each other's throats politically for the next 16. And there is zero reason to truly believe that I am any less susceptible to propaganda as anybody else is under the right circumstances. Me voting for Trump in 2024 doesn't automatically make me a superior person to somebody who voted for Obama in 2008. I guess I'll have to get back to you in 4 years and let you know if I feel as foolish for my vote as most of them secretly do.

I would never have voted for Harris in a Million years, so all I can do now is hope that Trump doesn't make me regret voting for anyone.

I don't fuckin' know. We just couldn't keep going down the path we were going down before. That had to come to an end.

I just hope whatever path we're forging right now puts us on a better trajectory is all.

I bought the ticket. Time to take the ride.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Sunday, February 9, 2025 4:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

A lot to digest, SIX.

You have a recurring theme, tho. A lot of your thoughts seem to circle around who you're against against, not what you're for. It's an interesting pattern that you ID'd that many of the things we think we're voting for: hope and change, terrorists dead or alive. Even "human rights" and "foreign aid" got perverted.

So I suppose you're worried that Trump or the MAGA movement will create serious side effects, especially in reaction to the insanity of the past 20-30 years?

Well, I suppose one way to keep your personal compass from being spun around is to figure out what you're for, not what you're against. It's a continous learning process.

So, that new or third party ... what would you like it to do, and why?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, February 9, 2025 2:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
A lot to digest, SIX.

You have a recurring theme, tho. A lot of your thoughts seem to circle around who you're against against, not what you're for. It's an interesting pattern that you ID'd that many of the things we think we're voting for: hope and change, terrorists dead or alive. Even "human rights" and "foreign aid" got perverted.

Yeah. I think the answer "I don't know" to any question is not used nearly enough these days.

I don't know what the ideals we should be striving for are, save a very few core ideals. I don't know the answers about how to make things better for anyone, let alone everyone.

I just have a pretty good idea about what we very obviously shouldn't waste any more time and money on striving for, and we've all got a very clear map going back 80 years now of what doesn't work and what doesn't make anything better for anyone.


So I suppose you're worried that Trump or the MAGA movement will create serious side effects, especially in reaction to the insanity of the past 20-30 years?


I've been "Hoping" for "Change" since I've been paying attention. We're finally getting it now.

What is unfolding right now isn't only something I've never witnessed before, but it's something I never thought in a million years would or even could ever happen.

So now that we're all wrapped up in a tight little cocoon in our Pupal Stage, what sort of creature is going to eventually pop out?


Well, I suppose one way to keep your personal compass from being spun around is to figure out what you're for, not what you're against. It's a continous learning process.

Yeah. I think keeping your personal compass working right also requires paring down the list of things you are for to a concise amount of core principals that you can use as a cornerstone to build the rest of your foundation. If you can build yourself a solid core, than I believe your beliefs on all of the lesser issues and their even lesser sub-issues can come about naturally, on a subconscious and almost instinctual level.

Everybody has 1,000 different bullshit things floating around in their minds every second of the day and we're just bombarded with far too much information all at once, all the time. We weren't designed for any of this, and nobody could possibly decipher all of it and make any objective judgments on all of it, so most choose to shut down and become completely emotional and neglect to bother to understand any of it.

They just continue to feed it with a dozen new headlines that confirm their emotional belief system and let those get all jumbled up with the thousands or even 10s of thousands of other headlines they've put in that blender. Is it any wonder why anybody answering questions on the street comes off like a dumbasss no matter what side their politics are? Most folk can't even articulate their grievances anymore. They just groan and REEEEEEEEEE!!!!! and spit out fractions of soundbytes they heard 6 months ago with fractions of soundbytes they heard yesterday and spit out meaningless, emotionally driven word jambalaya.

I'll be honest. I don't really care about most of my sphere's political thoughts even though I agree with their overall big-picture understanding of things. I can't have any more meaningful dialog with most of them than I could with either Ted or Second. If I could, I probably wouldn't be posting here as often as I do. 99% of people who have political opinions aren't even qualified to speak them out loud. That's just the way it is.

And everybody all over the spectrum is really fucking loud right now because everybody feels bad all of the time no matter who is running the show. This country has gone to hell for everyone for at least the last 30 years now. Life really sucks overall for the 90% in 2025.

I don't even blame everyone for shutting their brains down and becoming emotionally driven creatures. That's what they've been driven to do by the major players who wanted us all to behave like the animals they believe us to be.

Hell... I know at this point if I was working a 9-to-5, 40 hours per week, I wouldn't have any time or energy to think about 95% of the things I think about today. How am I supposed to expect all the overworked and underpaid wage-slave drones to do what I know I wouldn't be capable of doing?


So, that new or third party ... what would you like it to do, and why?

A lot of it is an overlap of what the Trump run Republican party currently (leads us to believe, and very well might be) is.

The new party needs to be Populist. It needs to be merit based. It needs to be Pro America and Pro American. It needs to recognize the importance of a strong border and project that to the world. It needs to work on trying to instill a sense of national pride since most of us haven't felt that way for a very long time now. It needs to swear to take down Big Pharma and the Healthcare and insurance industries. It needs to break up monopolies. It needs to give the Media back to the people and usher in an age where all of the radio stations and local papers are owned locally like they used to be.

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure I can come up with a lot more. But like I said... the point is to pare down the list to the real important things, and you can build from there after you got your compass working again.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Sunday, February 9, 2025 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And we need to slow down smartphone inet access so ppl won't waste their time posting ... or watching ... meaningless TikTok videos or bickering back and forth on social media.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, February 9, 2025 3:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And we need to slow down smartphone inet access so ppl won't waste their time posting ... or watching ... meaningless TikTok videos or bickering back and forth on social media.

Never even considered this before reading it, but I 100% agree with that.

When I keep referencing dates which marked the beginning of the current fall, it all does date right back to the invention and proliferation of the iPhone, doesn't it?

The iPhone 5 came out in 2012. It was the first generation to use high speed LTE.

Maybe the Mayans weren't wrong with their end of the world prediction, and we just haven't figured that out yet.

It would probably be pretty easy to make that mistake too, given the difficulty of trying to decipher long dead languages, and the idioms and even humor they may have used. Maybe they were never telling us that the end of the world was in 2012?

Maybe, with a wink and a nudge, the Mayans were simply letting us know that they couldn't be bothered to count past the year 2012 because that was the year we introduce the device that would destroy the world, and there was nothing anybody could do after the genie was let out of that bottle.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Sunday, February 9, 2025 3:57 PM


Side note, the above MTG card is something I once had in my posession, and foolishly traded away to a friend with some other foolish trades for 3 video game consoles and all of his game library, which a younger brother traded away to Game Stop years later.

That card from that picture at the auction site I got it from is listed as "damaged" and the asking price is $1,000. Mine was in mint condition.

Yeah.... I have some regrets.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon






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