My thoughts on what the Democrat's Biggest Problem is right now...

UPDATED: Saturday, March 8, 2025 16:07
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Saturday, March 8, 2025 4:07 PM


Nobody thought that anybody would ever do what Trump is doing right now.

Nearly all of the politicians on either side have stood back and benefited from a lot of bad actions, if they weren't outright engaged in them. And although I'm sure a lot of this was done in a way where it would be very hard to dig it up, I don't think anybody really made that a top priority when all of this has been going on for so long that an entire generation or even two of politicians and bureaucrats have had careers full of corruption and retired since it began.

Who on earth would kill the Golden Goose?

And even if you did have a rogue politician like a Ron Paul out there, all they had to do was ignore/shun him. And if somebody becomes a problem, they can always just make up a scandal, dig up something politically incorrect they wrote 40 years ago, and/or entrap that person into doing or saying something that will get them destroyed in the public.

Trump falls outside of all of that.

And now he's doing what none of them thought anybody would ever do. And they're all terrified, knowing deep down that every single one of them are dirty to at least some extent.

And now that it's Trump and Elon who are doing all the digging, they're also the people who get to decide what dirt will be shown to The People, and which dirt they're not going to show to the people.

I expect what they're finding in these early days of the administration is going to be highly weaponized against all sitting politicians on both sides of the aisle. I think it's going to be VERY easy to primary the rest of the NeoCons out with the dirt that's been dug up on them already, and I suspect that's precicely why they've already started going along pretty much with everything that Trump wants to get done.

But the Democrats.....

Oh boy... They're in huge trouble, now that all of their secrets are being found at a time where their party's popularity has never been lower, and the guy finding them is the one who's life they've been trying to ruin for a decade.

I think our government is going to look very different after the 2026 midterms than it does today.






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