UPDATED: Monday, August 21, 2006 09:23
VIEWED: 12280
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Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:49 AM


Serenity Day was always intended to be the kick off for the Serenity Summer Campaign... so let's kick it!

The Serenity Summer Campaign is all about reaching out to spread the word of the 'verse, recruit new fans, and give the current fans ways to enjoy participating together in all kinds of FF/Serenity activities and promotions.

Aside from the fact that doing all of this is a blast, the other hoped for result that a greatly increased and activated fan base will convince Universal that Firefly/Serenity is a viable and profitable property... so they'll be up for making more!

Joss, the cast and the fans of Serenity, all want to continue the 'verse. Serenity and Firefly have received numerous glowing critical reviews and awards, and the DVDs continue to sell very well. The only thing that prevented both the show and the movie from continuing was audience numbers not meeting the studio's expectations. So if that's the missing ingredient to more from the 'verse, let's fix it!

The Mission Statement for the Serenity Summer Campaign is: To grow and invigorate the Firefly/Serenity fan base. All ideas and activities need to be geared with this goal in mind. The Serenity Summer Campaign will be made by us... fan made through and through. We have to be the ones to make it happen.

We're not so much "pushing" Firefly/Serenity, but rather getting the word out there in a positive and exciting way so new people can "discover" the 'verse. The main goal is reaching out to new people... people who know nothing about Firefly and Serenity. So think about what would persuade someone who knows nothing about the 'verse to become interested and curious enough to want to find out more about FF/S. We really need to excite and motivate people enough to get a DVD, or at least start off by purchasing Firefly on iTunes. Just get 'em started... if there's any Browncoat in them at all, they'll fall in love! Once people are fans, and get involved in the message boards, they have a good chance of wanting to participate in events and promotions. Each new fan that is created can go on to recruit several other fans... and so on, and so on...

This thread is for brainstorming ideas and getting together to promote Firefly/Serenity. Remember, the Serenity Summer Campaign will be what we make of it together. Exchange ideas with other Browncoats, join forces, or be your own independent guerilla marketing machine! As always, there is a big selection of FF/S promotional posters on my website, with suggestions for ways to guerilla market, so please feel free to make good use of them to spread the word of our shiny 'verse. There are lots of tried and true ways to promote Firefly/Serenity, and also there are some excellent promotional ideas can be found at the Browncoats Rise Again website. By all means take a look and make good use of them!

Some excellent promotional and activity ideas have been brought up in the "So What Now?" thread. Folks are welcome to start a list and perhaps consolidate the ideas together here. This will help focus thoughts and assist in discussions.

We also have Serenity 'Versary to aim for on September 30th... which will be a big celebration of the one year anniversary of the general U.S. premiere of Serenity. There will be lots of activities, support for Serenity and a big "thank you" to Universal for making our shiny movie a reality.

Right now I'm in the middle of completing some official Serenity projects, so I'll only be able to check in now and then. Once past these deadlines, I'll be able to devote more attention to the campaign. But promoting Firefly/Serenity certainly doesn't have to wait! Also know that there are some folks on the Event Team who have been working behind the scenes to help get the plans going for the Serenity Summer Campaign. I'm sure they will be on hand to participate and assist in this thread. I've been working closest with Hera, FollowMal and MalNourished... they are shiny folks indeed. There also will be plenty of opportunities for other folks to step up with ideas and have the gumption to dive into the campaign too!

There will be an official logo coming soon, and some nifty new features on this site... so stay tuned!

11th Hour Event Leader


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:21 AM


Here's the prototypical Fireflyfans calendar for keeping track of important Browncoat events.

If you'd like your event added to the calendar, drop me a line!


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, June 25, 2006 9:35 AM


Thank you, 11thHour and Hera!

Some suggestions from the other thread:

Continuing the letter writing campaign (in a more organized and flashy fashion)

Getting copies of the BDM to film-schools and film-making camps.

Sending thank you notes to those involved in supporting the charity screenings; The theaters, Universal's distribution department, the newspapers who advertised for us, etc.

Webcomics was one idea, which I've been assured Agatsu is working on. (I think we should get our shiny 11thHour artist and our HeroineofCanton artist involved in this... Not like they don't have enough to do, right?

Writing cross-over fanfictions for various fanfic sites to hopefully drum up interest in fandoms that don't know "Serenity" yet.

I've also volunteered to be a disseminator of information and communicator between the different boards and communities. Agatsu called me an Ambassador, but doesn't that have other connotations?)


Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:34 AM


Hey there SameErtia, I remember from early on that 11th dubbed FollowMal as the honorary Ambassador to, FollowMal being the welcoming person that she is.

That doesn't say there can't be more, since you hang out on several far flung boards. Ambassador to the Internet, mayhap?

I'm so glad you're interested in involving yourself with the summer campaign. Thank you for stepping up!

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:04 AM


Hey, all... the kick off has started! I'm so excited!

The charity screenings were such a success and the buying campaign brought in good numbers and the long wonderful Summer of Serenity has begun!

I'm here if anyone has any ideas or comments or such. And I'll be greetin' and 'coatin' folks as they come in. As always.

Looks to be a shiny summer!

I'm so proud of us all!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:11 PM


do your part everyone!

recruit whomever you can to the cause.


Monday, June 26, 2006 4:14 PM


Unfortunately b/c of being one of the organizers of the charity screening in Montreal, has costed me some time, and I totally slacked off on my work, so I wont be able to particiapte on this.

I think this is truely awesome, and a greatway to invigorate the fanbase. Just like how the charity screenings and the Serenity day purchases have motivated the fans to do something and in my opinion bring hope to people that there is a future in the fandom. Ultimately, even if there is no more stuff, sad as it may, if there are things to look forward to, and we are constantly on the lookout for new recruits. Whether it be campaigns to recruit people or campaigns to hold events to benefit charities, its a great thing for the fandom as a whole.

I have a few ideas, for one thing, you need a good website. Use if you wish, but something which I do not mean to be harshly critical of Serenity Day, but would be nice to have one place for a good source of information. One of the problems I felt, was that although it was specified to buy a DVD there was no mention on the website about where to go purchase the DVD's, or where to donate extra copies. One had to go through the forums to get that info. Already if you want to attract casual viewers of the site, they would probably be turned off by that one extra step to get info. It should be readily accessible and viewable by everyone from the main page.

So if you plan to have several different missions(i believe there is one about writing cross over fanfic), have it prominently displayed. So that people know what to do. Have specifics and information, so that people dont say"thats it?"

Another is to coordinate with the Signal podcast. They too have been looking for ways to spread and get new recruits, and have a section every week about marketing, so why not join forces with them?

Another idea was in the works last december but didnt really go many places, was to create cheap VCD's or DVD's for people to play in their DVD players, trailers and clips from the movie, and info about the verse. Maybe have different dvds with different types of info, maybe incklude the R TAM sessions. The idea was that these VCDs etc would be found laying in random places etc, and people would find it and put it in the player. However, people pointed out that it would be a waste of money and time since it would probably get tossed in the garbage, but it may be worth a shot. Could pass those out at conventions or to various fan groups etc. One problem maybe the concern of legal issues with Universal, but as long as they are credited and it is the trailer, I can imagine that would be ok... but I do not know for sure.

Also make sure the goals of the campaign are clear spelled out, and make sure nobody can accuse the organizers of living in an impossible pipe dream, make them realistic.

What I also suggest is that on the main campaign website, put a call out for brainstorming and ideas on what type of missions would get the signal to spread. Dont just do the announcement here but to do it on other forums like, .org, firefly prospero boards etc.

I am sure you guys & gals are brilliant, and probably have all of this covered I thought I would just spew ideas. I am sure I can think of more, cant at the moment.

Best wishes and best of luck.


Trying to organize a charity screening of Serenity in Montreal, need to know if there is interest! Contact me by signing up on the board or private message me!

For shindigs in Montreal join (need to register to see the firefly/serenity section):

Canadian? join:

Serenity Summer Campaign
- June 23rd, is ONLY the beginning.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 1:46 PM


Thanks for the Input, Kurya.

The cross-board communication is where I think I can come in handy. It's one thing to have a team of Ambassadors spreading the word, it's another to have a neutral cheerleader disseminating information and links from community to community.

I'd rather not be "that person from" or "from" or the " voice" or whereever. I'd rather just be the Same Ertia who everyone knows, fire-flitting about, spreading the goodwill and cheer and communicating what groups are doing what and how to get involved.

I've already kicked off the Firefly Crossover Fanfiction project. More details coming on that soon!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:40 PM


Has anyone ever thought more about the add-space idea? Here is an idea, lets come up with a very catchy, creative ad-campaign. Here are the issues I see involvded:

1. Funding
- Could we build a site and sell ad space on it to fund our ads to other sites?
- Could we do donations? (that always comes with problems...)

2. Where to place them?
- We would need to think of who our target audiences are (or at least who is most receptive to Firefly) and try to target them. sells pretty cheap ads, any others that we could afford?

3. What to put in them?
- I feel the whole idea of fans buying ad-space to promote a show they wont make any money off of is such a unique idea. If there was a way to communicate quickly that the ad was bought by fans - true fans, and not a corporation, then it would be powerful. Something like "the only purpose of this ad is to make your life better - watch Firefly - brought to you by the fans at" That was bad, but I think the core idea is good.

That is it for now, hope that helped.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:11 PM


Wow, jtskier1200r, I like those ideas. I think web ads would be a decent way to go, especially if they linked to the aforementioned website. I think a great link for that website would be the site since it has videos already on it to catch peoples attention.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:46 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Agatsu called me an Ambassador, but doesn't that have other connotations?)

Well, the Cat'n has to call you ambassador to make it official, I merely said I'd recommend you, which I wholeheartedly do. Not to undermine or replace FMs shiny and well-earned position as ambassador, but we can never have enough people encouraging and supervising interaction between the boards, imho. And being a board-independent, yet dedicated and obiously trusted, liked and highly motivated member of our shiny Browncoat community makes you a shiny candidate in at least my eyes. And even if you won't get on the official team, you can still do a lot of good, as you've already discovered yourself.
I left the team myself for various reasons a few days ago, two of them being that I'm most likely gonna take on a second job next month (as a beta tester for a shiny WW2 sneaker with a strong female lead character, w00t! It's called Sabotage 1943, and it looks like it's gonna kick ass.) besides the regular 2 pages of comic I do every week to pay the bills, AND I fell in love with an incredible girl... woman that lives 660 kilometers away.
I'm still gonna do the web comic, and some other shiny things, some of which are saver to do "rogue-style", as opposed to having a direct official connection to, and I'm still at the Cat'n's disposal should she need me, but I'd rather not take on duties that I'm not sure I can fullfill. Spreading the word is a given, of course. So don't think for a second that I'm not supporting the cause to the best of my capabilities anymore, but possibly not being able to do the jobs I get appointed is a risk I don't wanna take.
Responsibilities - could do with less of them.
Anyways, I'm really excited that the Serenity Summer Campaign is a-go-go, especially since I know of most of the shiny things that are planned!

I gotta pee.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:27 AM



Originally posted by jtskier1200r:
Has anyone ever thought more about the add-space idea? Here is an idea, lets come up with a very catchy, creative ad-campaign. Here are the issues I see involvded:

1. Funding
- Could we build a site and sell ad space on it to fund our ads to other sites?
- Could we do donations? (that always comes with problems...)

2. Where to place them?
- We would need to think of who our target audiences are (or at least who is most receptive to Firefly) and try to target them. sells pretty cheap ads, any others that we could afford?

3. What to put in them?
- I feel the whole idea of fans buying ad-space to promote a show they wont make any money off of is such a unique idea. If there was a way to communicate quickly that the ad was bought by fans - true fans, and not a corporation, then it would be powerful. Something like "the only purpose of this ad is to make your life better - watch Firefly - brought to you by the fans at" That was bad, but I think the core idea is good.

That is it for now, hope that helped.

Thank you jtskier2000, this is a very good idea. Do you have any other suggestions of sites that might be our target market? Even a short list would give us a jumping off point, to collect pricing and specs for.


Originally posted by Dewrastler:
Wow, jtskier1200r, I like those ideas. I think web ads would be a decent way to go, especially if they linked to the aforementioned website. I think a great link for that website would be the site since it has videos already on it to catch peoples attention.

I also like your campaign idea, Dewrastler. 11th may have some similar concepts already in the making, as we had also thought of designing some ads that Browncoats could repurpose for their local newpapers.

Concerning linking to a site, we're also hoping to have a separate URL for these purposes, a couple of which have been reserved, but we don't have anything up as yet. More on that as things develop!


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 5:12 PM


The reason I think Facebook is a good idea is because people who go to the school get a pretty major discount. I go to Duke now, so I could take care of that. We must have others who go to other schools. The only problem is that somehow they would have to be transferred the money to pay the fee...not sure how to do that.

For Facebook, they charge (for me at Duke) $15 for 30,000 displays of our "flyer" or logo. I cannot make a good one, but it seems possible. All the specs I could find on the requirments are below.

Specs: "You can upload a friend's Facebook profile picture or a photo of your own that is .gif, .jpg, or .png and less than 5 MB in size. However, you may not upload offensive, pornographic, or copyrighted materials. We take content complaints very seriously and if your Flyer is reported we reserve the right to take it down without a refund and revoke your Facebook privileges entirely."

So, it seems that if we could come up with a good picture and a good slogan, we could begin to run them. We can do it at other schools also, but they cost more, (7,500 displays for $15, not 30,000). So, that is the details on Facebook...Ill keep looking. We could do FREE advertisements on Craigslist...I think that is a great idea! Lets look into that. Finally, too, but Ill post on that later.

Any feedback?
Anybody have a plan on how to get money?
For these fliers to work, we need a website, and I cannot help with that.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:07 PM



Originally posted by jtskier1200r:
However, you may not upload offensive, pornographic, or copyrighted materials.

This calls for some seriously careful maneuvering.

As for the money, I for one would just send money via PayPal to at least anyone on the Event Team without requiring a receit, but I guess there'd have to be some kind of legally secured fund for the majority of people to donate.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:20 AM


I've been seeing San Francisco Zoo ads on t.v. where they would put a word on the screen, like, "Jaguar" for instance...and then after it would say, "If you thought of a car--then it's time to go to the zoo" or something like that. Or they had, "Puma. If you thought of a shoe--then it's time to go to the zoo."

I dunno, I just have this thing in my head that goes like, "Firefly. If you're thinking of an insect...then it's time to Go Here" & have a link. To me, I think it's intriguing for non-browncoats...those San Fran zoo commercials worked on me at least. Because if I was a non-browncoat I'd be thinking, "What else could a firefly be besides an insect? What else could Serenity be? What else could... whatever be?" I think one of the problems about promoting Firefly and Serenity is normal people Firefly is an insect and Serenity is just another word for "calm & peaceful". Maybe instead of letting that hurt us, we can use that to our advantage in campaigning. It's general, it's vague...but that's exactly the kind of thing that a normal person would be intrigued about if they're just surfing the net or ads or whatever because it seems less like a crazy fandom thing, which is what people tend to shy away from.

Anyway, just a thought :)


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:28 AM



Originally posted by MalaynaDreams:
I've been seeing San Francisco Zoo ads on t.v. where they would put a word on the screen, like, "Jaguar" for instance...and then after it would say, "If you thought of a car--then it's time to go to the zoo" or something like that. Or they had, "Puma. If you thought of a shoe--then it's time to go to the zoo."

I dunno, I just have this thing in my head that goes like, "Firefly. If you're thinking of an insect...then it's time to Go Here" & have a link. To me, I think it's intriguing for non-browncoats...those San Fran zoo commercials worked on me at least. Because if I was a non-browncoat I'd be thinking, "What else could a firefly be besides an insect? What else could Serenity be? What else could... whatever be?" I think one of the problems about promoting Firefly and Serenity is normal people Firefly is an insect and Serenity is just another word for "calm & peaceful". Maybe instead of letting that hurt us, we can use that to our advantage in campaigning. It's general, it's vague...but that's exactly the kind of thing that a normal person would be intrigued about if they're just surfing the net or ads or whatever because it seems less like a crazy fandom thing, which is what people tend to shy away from.

Anyway, just a thought :)

MalaynaDreams, that is an excellent idea.

We just have to figure out how to best apply these ideas about ads.

The SSC team is gathering up these ideas and enjoying seeing them posted here.

This one in particular intrigues me, because you hit the nail on the head. We need something that appeals to non- Browncoats...people who have NO idea what Firefly/Serenity is. We need something, as well, that doesn't make people go all phobic against our "fanatic love" for this show and movie. We folks who love so fully and so hard come across as a little.. uh.. too much shall we say. We need to intrigue, not push away.

Good job!

Keep the ideas comin' folks!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:37 AM



Originally posted by jtskier1200r:

The only problem is that somehow they would have to be transferred the money to pay the fee...not sure how to do that.

We could do FREE advertisements on Craigslist...I think that is a great idea! Lets look into that. Finally, too, but Ill post on that later.

To address the Facebook idea Jtskier1200, it's a really great idea. I love it! But the logistics WOULD have to be worked out. So we'll all have to set our minds to that and see what can be come up with. This is something we can propose to the team leader, 11th Hour.. she's a whiz at the money, legal, copyright stuff, so I think we better let her peruse this one.

As to the mention of myspace. That is an exciting possibility for viral marketing. I have a myspace account, my children do, everyone I know practically does. And I know from personal experience it is possible to spread something far and wide thru the myspace community. Please write me at with your idea so that I may present this to 11th Hour. This is something that was already in the back of my mind as well.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, July 1, 2006 5:21 AM



Hera and I have been kicking around your idea ( sorry, mean sounding metaphor...eeep!). Anyway, we're getting ready to propose a few things with your intitial idea within the center of it.

Please send me your email address as I'd like to communicate with you directly... thanks.

Oh, and I'm putting this back at the top of the threads for the morning and reminding everyone that we need ideas.. we want ideas.. we all want more of our BDH's and the 'verse and this is how we're gonna do it. Oh, and it'll be fun too.

Remember, don't just bump this thread. Post ideas!
Our focus is to create NEW Browncoats.. to expand the fan base.. so we want ideas that will appeal to folks who have never heard of Firefly. Never heard of Serenity. We want to spread the word to them that need it told.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, July 1, 2006 7:51 AM


FollowMal brought up several good points during a recent discussion about everyone's anxiety for the future of when she was down for several days earlier in June. Many (myself included) could not imagine trucking on without this place to hang out and scheme and dream and dissect our most beloved FF/S Jossiness.

We thought it would be a shiny idea to have a fundraising week, dubbed "Haken Week", on the board to encourage Browncoats to donate money for the cause. There are two buttons for donating coin on the left hand sidebar, underneath the merchandise.

We've got semi-firm dates of July 16-22.

Any cool ideas on how to roll out the donation thread on July 16th? Any one ever done anything like this afore? Comments and suggestions very welcome!


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, July 2, 2006 9:36 AM


I'm game. Haken deserves it, and the campaign needs some coin to boost the shininess.

Maybe after donating, people could post the amount and how many percent of that they want to contribute to the campaign. Then the calculating begins.

The Serenity Summer Campaign is on, baby - prepare to kick some serious pigu!
September 30th is Serenity 'Versary! Be there or be a purple-belted poop-head. (<- not the official slogan.)
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 2, 2006 10:02 AM



Originally posted by Agatsu:
I'm game. Haken deserves it, and the campaign needs some coin to boost the shininess.

Maybe after donating, people could post the amount and how many percent of that they want to contribute to the campaign. Then the calculating begins.

Hey there Agatsu! I was misleading in my previous post. To clarify, the donations would be for the purpose of helping Haken maintain/expand, not for the Serenity Summer Campaign.

If we have something we need money for later in the summer, we may ask for donations at that time for that specific purpose.

Sorry I was mumbly in my discourse!


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, July 2, 2006 10:07 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by MalaynaDreams:
I've been seeing San Francisco Zoo ads on t.v. where they would put a word on the screen, like, "Jaguar" for instance...and then after it would say, "If you thought of a car--then it's time to go to the zoo" or something like that. Or they had, "Puma. If you thought of a shoe--then it's time to go to the zoo."

I dunno, I just have this thing in my head that goes like, "Firefly. If you're thinking of an insect...then it's time to Go Here" & have a link. To me, I think it's intriguing for non-browncoats...those San Fran zoo commercials worked on me at least. Because if I was a non-browncoat I'd be thinking, "What else could a firefly be besides an insect? What else could Serenity be? What else could... whatever be?" I think one of the problems about promoting Firefly and Serenity is normal people Firefly is an insect and Serenity is just another word for "calm & peaceful". Maybe instead of letting that hurt us, we can use that to our advantage in campaigning. It's general, it's vague...but that's exactly the kind of thing that a normal person would be intrigued about if they're just surfing the net or ads or whatever because it seems less like a crazy fandom thing, which is what people tend to shy away from.

Anyway, just a thought :)

MalaynaDreams, that is an excellent idea.

We just have to figure out how to best apply these ideas about ads.

The SSC team is gathering up these ideas and enjoying seeing them posted here.

This one in particular intrigues me, because you hit the nail on the head. We need something that appeals to non- Browncoats...people who have NO idea what Firefly/Serenity is. We need something, as well, that doesn't make people go all phobic against our "fanatic love" for this show and movie. We folks who love so fully and so hard come across as a little.. uh.. too much shall we say. We need to intrigue, not push away.

Good job!

Keep the ideas comin' folks!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

I love the "zoo" idea. I myself often click or investigate something that presents a rather vague concept that I'm not familiar with - I want to know what they're talking about! And FollowMal you're exactly right I've been brainstorming ways to share the verse with people without scaring them of. Let's face it big "obsessed" fandoms can be scary or off-putting to outsiders or casual observers. We have to strike a balance between letting the lay person know we're so passionate about the show and movie because it's SO GOOD, and yet not have them back away slowy thinking we're proselytizing culty type people. (Just to clarify I'm not trying to offend anyone, I sometimes must remind myself to stiffle my exuberance slightly so I don't seem like the above. ) Anyways to meander through my randomness to the original point I was trying to -- oooh pretty flowers--oh yes, trying to make ----GOOOD IDEAS! KEEP EM COMING!

Sorry, I suffer from tragic space dementia.


Sunday, July 2, 2006 6:03 PM


Well, I do not know if this has been mentioned before but in order to create a larger fanbase, we could also create associations all over the world. For example, I live in Toronto so here some of my friends and I can form the The Browncoat Association Of Toronto (working title). We could have meetings, run a website, spread the word, etc. I think this would be a fantastic idea as long as it has not been done before. Throw me some comments otherwise I can start recruiting and have a website running by the end of this week.


Monday, July 3, 2006 3:30 AM


We have a thread going at

I suggest we write to the Sci-Fi channel and thank them for airing the series. Give little hints maybe about wanting it to continue. The snail-mail address is

Sci-Fi Channel or
USA Network
1230 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

If we all use brown paper, then they'll know what it is before they read it. And if they get enough brown paper, they might just realize how many of us there are.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Monday, July 3, 2006 4:01 AM

REDNAX doesn't list Universal Pictures' address.

Universal are most important as they are current rights holders and a movie sequel to Serenity is line of least resistance IMHO.

I wrote them (all 3) on June 23rd & will do again.


Universal Pictures
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Phone: 818-777-1000
Fax: 818-777-6431

Key People
• Chairman: Marc Shmuger
• President and COO: Rick Finkelstein
• Co-President, Marketing: Eddie Egan


Monday, July 3, 2006 8:56 AM



Originally posted by micjwelch:
I suggest we write to the Sci-Fi channel and thank them for airing the series. Give little hints maybe about wanting it to continue.

It's certainly a great idea to write and thank the Sci-Fi Channel for airing the Firefly marathon. A reference can be made regarding how active and growing the Firefly/Serenity fanbase is, and that a continuation of the 'Verse would be enthusiastically supported.

It's always important to remember that a studio's main interest in producing a movie or TV series is that it will be profitable. While they can appreciate many letters from devoted fans, unless the numbers are overwhelming, it still won't tilt the scale to persuading them to make more Firefly/Serenity. But a healthy letter campaign certainly keeps the fires stoked and shows Universal that we're still here and ready for more!

We're aiming to have the Serenity Summer Campaign build the fanbase and create an incentive that shows Universal that future investments in Firefly/Serenity will be rewarding.

The movie Serenity actually did fairly well during a season when a lot of movies underperformed. Serenity didn't have a major advertising push, so that did have an effect on the box office. The DVDs have been selling well, and Universal has made its money back. But they were looking for much bigger box office numbers for Serenity and that's why the franchise has stalled for now.

It will always come back to numbers for a studio, so its our job now to build that fanbase and show that the next incarnations of Firefly/Serenity will be greeted by a much larger audience than before.


If we all use brown paper, then they'll know what it is before they read it. And if they get enough brown paper, they might just realize how many of us there are.

It's probably better to avoid using certain types of gimmicks that could make our fanbase appear "cultish"... then we might look more like a fringe element rather than representing the larger, mainstream audience that Universal would like to reach.

It's important that the letters look like they come from individuals, from all over, and not so much like a calculated plan. The letters don't all have to look alike for Sci-Fi to know they are for Firefly, the fact that they are thank you letters for Firefly is what distnguishes them.

So good to see the enthusiasm... let's really support this marathon. I'll be posting special edition posters and mini-flyers advertising the marathon. They'll be easy to download and photocopy... we can start distributing them in the week leading up to the marathon... really get the word out. They'll be other ways to advertise... our team is getting things organized now.

Stay tuned!

11th Hour Event Leader


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Monday, July 3, 2006 9:07 AM



Originally posted by Rednax: doesn't list Universal Pictures' address.

Universal are most important as they are current rights holders and a movie sequel to Serenity is line of least resistance IMHO.

That is a very valid point about Universal presently owning the rights for the Serenity three picture deal. So it is handy to not have draw up new agreements.

However, Universal also owns the Sci-Fi Channel, so it may not be too much of a stretch for them to work out agreements with the cast for creating a TV mini-series, or similar project.


I wrote them (all 3) on June 23rd & will do again.

That's great! Universal was very open and connected to the fanbase surrounding the promotion of Serenity. We definitely want to continue this good relationship, and remember to acknowledge and thank Universal for their continuing good will toward Serenity and the fans.

11th Hour Event Leader


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~


Monday, July 3, 2006 6:40 PM


Sent ya my e-mail, FollowMal... at least, I think the PM went through >.>

And call me Faith, that's my name! :) I should've put that in my sig...See, ya'll have Faith on your're lucky ~_^

EDIT: Hm, as far as new ideas... I remember someone mentioning in another thread about having a place to put pictures of "What you did for Serenity Day" --but of course, this time it'll be, "What you did for the Summer of Serenity" or whatnot. Y'know, keep the morale up, show that people *are* doing their share. It doesn't have to be all fandom-y... maybe people can just hold up a sign saying, "We support the Browncoats!!"

It makes me think of the "I'm sorry" site where people posted pictures of them saying "I'm sorry" when Bush got reelected... just a page full of nothing but pictures... I thought it was an interesting concept, and I think I saw it done again but for something else.

Plus, also, I think it's interesting to thumb through the pictures if you're superly bored...and you know there are a lotta non-browncoats that are superly bored on the net. They'll thumb through anything. It can be entertaining if there are some creative pictures too, or funny pictures that are at least amusing to everyone even if they're not browncoats (yet!)


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:12 AM


TNT recently had a promotion with their show The Closer. The main character's name is Brenda Johnson, and she's an interrogator at the LAPD. So TNT sent out letters to everyone (or a whole lot of people) named Johnson. The letters were "from" Brenda, talking about the Johnson family reunion and how she was really sorry she couldn't go, but work's been really busy, etc. I read an article about this in the paper, from an author named Johnson. She said she got the letter, and believed it, thought it was someone in their distant family. So I guess she called her parents, and they called their other kids, and everyone in their family was talking about it. "Did you get this letter?" "Who's Brenda?" "When's the family reunion? I wasn't invited. Is Cousin Amanda having it, 'cause she's never liked me." Or whatever. And then someone, somehow found out who Brenda Johnson was. And then they all watched the show.

I don't really know specifically how we can implement this. I'm guessing the only last name we could use would be Reynolds. But you have to admit, it was a good campaign by TNT. And although I haven't heard anything about it except for that article, I'm guessing it made an impression on a lot of Johnsons.

Edit: I forgot.

Another idea was in the works last december but didnt really go many places, was to create cheap VCD's or DVD's for people to play in their DVD players, trailers and clips from the movie, and info about the verse. Maybe have different dvds with different types of info, maybe incklude the R TAM sessions.

I would suggest this for anyone selling on EBay. A DVD would be perfect to include with what you send. And I love the idea of it having the R. Tam Sessions on them, because after all, that was the point of the R. Tam Sessions: viral marketing.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 1:00 PM


Call it the Serenity Family Reunion and send it to all recovering addicts!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot channge, its like their creed.

And put that the reunion will be at the "usual meeting house." But how would we get the word out that we meant for them to watch Serenity?


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 3:32 PM



But how would we get the word out that we meant for them to watch Serenity?

I think that pretty much if they're going to go to the trouble of finding out what Serenity is, they'll be ready to check it out. Also, remember: the critics loved Serenity, the fans loved it; if you search it online you'll read the good reviews and that will make you want to see it.

A cool idea I just thought of would be to send the River letters. ("Things are okay here at the school as I am doing well in school. My teachers and proffessors all say it is so." According to the awesome folks here: However, of course, this would be very difficult. 1) We don't know the letters word-for-word, 2) There's no real reason to send out River's letter, as opposed to family reunion letters, 3) It would only make sense to send them to Tam's, but I'm thinking there aren't a whole lot of Tam's.

Also, on a different note. Does anyone know about the idon't campaign? I was in London on vacation recently, and I went on the Tube. I saw a poster that had a donkey, with an iPod. Above it, it said, "I Follow" and then, smaller, underneath, "idon'" I figured that the site was an anti-iPod site, but I wanted to follow the link anyway. A week later, when I came home, that's what I did, I went online to idon' A simple campaign like that would be wonderful. Just something that people could say, "hey, what is that?" And while the posters linked above are beautiful (I'm not just saying that. I especially love the River nightmares one. It's hanging in my room.), they won't really bring in new fans. Seeing that poster, if I didn't know what Firefly was, wouldn't make me go, "oh, cool poster, I should go spend $20 on this movie I've never heard of". It could work if they looked up information about the movie online, but I just don't think too many people would. I would think that there would be more "hey, did you see that cool poster by the bus stop?" and less "I saw this movie advertised on a poster by the bus stop."


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 5:24 PM


It seems like all (or most) of the ideas people are having need some sort of advertising genius. It seems like we all have the desire and the will to work, but we (most of us) dont have the ability to create eye-catching, clever ideas. So, I think we should create a thread JUST FOR slogan, posters, and advertising ideas. Then, someone talented can take those ideas and pick the best ones and create a campaign we all can get behind. Here is the needs I see:

1. An internet advertising campaign with buttons and logos that lead to the below website.
2. A website based and designed PURELY for convincing people to watch, love, and become addicted to Firefly/Serenity. No forums, no posting, only gripping stories about the show and the love it has created in the fandom. (Pics of us and our favorite actors, personal stories of hope, chairty screenings, etc). Obviously it would refer people to
3. A group of posters that people can hang around the town for publicity. Not just picture of our BDHs, but rather something the everyday Joe can relate to. Actually, I dont think there should be any pictures of our heroes, only catchy words, with maybe Serenity on it. It needs to be relatable to people that have never heard about Serenity. As much as we love our BDH's, nobody else knows who they are. One final note, the reason I dont think we should have pictures is because it will look like every other movie advertisement. That is not what we want. We dont have to fake at being special, because we are special. Were so damn pretty. We are special because there is nothing else like this movement, and we should capitalize on that uniquenss. Therefore, we need to NOT look like other movie posters and look like something unique - cause thats what we are.
4. A clever campaign (like the above) that we all can rally around.

It would be best if we could base all of these around a core concept or idea, and then have branches off of all of that. That core idea would either be directed toward a website, or to the movie (TV Shows) itslef. My preference would be a reference to the movie with a catchy website. Ive said this before, but I think the idea of a group of fans working to keep something they love is a very powerful idea. It is a great selling point. So, I believe whatever the campaings are, they should focus on the fact that they are fan-based, fan-run -- but inspired by something wonderful.


Wednesday, July 5, 2006 6:13 PM


We could do something like... We know what it means, but other people don't. So if we decide to use movie pics, it could be "Be Dangerously Mad," with the shot of River's face from the side when the Alliance busts in at the end. Or, if we choose not to use the movie, "Blind, Deaf, Mad" with those monkeys, one covers its eyes, the other its ears, the other is... mad.

Just an example. I know it sounds stupid, and I feel embarrassed to post it, but it can serve as an example if nothing else, right?


Don't laugh at me!

*runs from the room; others point, laugh*


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:33 AM


No ones laughing at your ideas, in fact they are great! But before I read them, I came up with this and I'd like to see if you all like it:


***photo of River's leg with a boot on her foot***

'Cause we're so damn pretty.


***photo of profile of Jayne's statue***

'Cause we're big damn heroes.


***photo of Mal's gun***

'Cause we might not have been on the winning side, but I'm not sure it was the wrong one.


***photo of the ruffles of Kaylee's dress***

'Cause sometimes you feel like a layer cake.


***photo of Simon looking at the "alien" in a bottle***

'Cause sometimes its a matter of perspective.


***black blank screen***

'Cause sometimes you have to go out in the black.

You get the drift, use famous lines from the show and film with tiny pieces of the video.
These can be done with simple screen shots, photoshop out the background so its just black with white lettering.

Not cast photos, no one should really be identifiable.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 1:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have banners! Would banners online work? I hope they spark interest, and then someone would be online anyway and could search and...
Yeah, anyway. My blue sun room, or the Summer of Serenity Banners thread, or here:




Thursday, July 6, 2006 2:35 AM



Originally posted by Chatoyant:
No ones laughing at your ideas, in fact they are great! But before I read them, I came up with this and I'd like to see if you all like it:


***photo of River's leg with a boot on her foot***

'Cause we're so damn pretty.


***photo of profile of Jayne's statue***

'Cause we're big damn heroes.


***photo of Mal's gun***

'Cause we might not have been on the winning side, but I'm not sure it was the wrong one.


***photo of the ruffles of Kaylee's dress***

'Cause sometimes you feel like a layer cake.


***photo of Simon looking at the "alien" in a bottle***

'Cause sometimes its a matter of perspective.


***black blank screen***

'Cause sometimes you have to go out in the black.

You get the drift, use famous lines from the show and film with tiny pieces of the video.
These can be done with simple screen shots, photoshop out the background so its just black with white lettering.

Not cast photos, no one should really be identifiable.

This is exactly what we are talking about with our vid request post. I just brought it back up on the board...

We want ads, just like what you're talking about Chatoyant and you too, OrMayBeMidgets.

These ideas are not of the same variety we've used before...we want to make folks think about what they're seeing and then go in search of more information. Then they can't help but be drawn in to Firefly/Serenity.

If there is someone who would like to begin with these vid ideas please email me at Let's get some of these ideas put into action!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 2:40 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I have banners! Would banners online work? I hope they spark interest, and then someone would be online anyway and could search and...
Yeah, anyway. My blue sun room, or the Summer of Serenity Banners thread, or here:



Yes! PR does have shiny banners and so does Penguin! We need to start using them folks, rotating them even and designing our own. Everywhere we post, both here and on other boards...even in our emails!

I for one am going to start using them here, on the Browncoat Board where I post...on the Serenity Day board that I still jog by everyday.
Are there any other boards from other fandoms that you post on? GateWorld perhaps? Star Trek sites perhaps? Let's share our shiny banners ( and not be pushy, just be intriguing on other sites too!) with everyone.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:56 AM


PR's banners are very good, thanks for making those! I especially like the ones that just show the ship: "This summer find your Serenity" is a great one. I also like "This ship is my home" - both are catchy and intriguing. The one with Inara is good too, but then again, I am partial to her :)

PR: Is there anything you can think of that would let the person with no familiarity with the show understand the passion that it has created in us all? I love the idea of quotes from the film/series, but, in my opinion, those resonate most strongly with those who have already seen them. We need words that resonate most strongly with those who have not seen it. That is why I picked out the two above - they seem to be able to translate well to people not currently in the verse.

Questoin: How do we, in a few words, get the meaning across that there is this show, that is wonderful, that has started a fan-based movement that exists both to enjoy the show, to spread it to others to enjoy, and then to continue it. Im not sure how to do that, but if we can figure it out, it seems like it would be powerful. The show is such an underdog, we have all fought so hard (well, I guess I am a rather recent convert, but I can tell others have), it truly is an amazing story. All of that in a few words that will intrigue someone enough to click on it and go to a website.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:02 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, that's why I put questions on some of them, like "What turns a well-bred Doctor into a fugitive?" which was one of my non-Browncoat (still!) mom's favorites. She also liked the "Full Burn in Atmo" And my most recent Wash banner. And she also liked "This Boat is my Home" though not as much the other one, which I don't understand. She also seemed intrigued if not oohing and aahing over "Join the Independents".
I've been putting out URL on them, but I've been wondering if maybe I should put some others on there, too. Like iTunes (it is iTunes where you can download the show, right?) or Netflix or Amazon direct links. But would that work? Can anyone make them actually link to those places? Cuz no one is going to type in a complex URL like that.




Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:02 AM



Originally posted by jtskier1200r:
PR's banners are very good, thanks for making those! I especially like the ones that just show the ship: "This summer find your Serenity" is a great one. I also like "This ship is my home" - both are catchy and intriguing. The one with Inara is good too, but then again, I am partial to her :)

PR: Is there anything you can think of that would let the person with no familiarity with the show understand the passion that it has created in us all? I love the idea of quotes from the film/series, but, in my opinion, those resonate most strongly with those who have already seen them. We need words that resonate most strongly with those who have not seen it. That is why I picked out the two above - they seem to be able to translate well to people not currently in the verse.

Questoin: How do we, in a few words, get the meaning across that there is this show, that is wonderful, that has started a fan-based movement that exists both to enjoy the show, to spread it to others to enjoy, and then to continue it. Im not sure how to do that, but if we can figure it out, it seems like it would be powerful. The show is such an underdog, we have all fought so hard (well, I guess I am a rather recent convert, but I can tell others have), it truly is an amazing story. All of that in a few words that will intrigue someone enough to click on it and go to a website.

Hear, hear!!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:26 AM


PR: I think you have a great idea on running these banners by people who havent seen the show before. The images that intrigue me may not intrigue others. So, another idea. Lets come up with more ideas, some more banners (okay, I know this is easy for me to say since Im not making them, but I will try to come up with some ideas, and hopefully others can put graphics to them, I really am not savy enough to do it). Once that is done, we can then get members to show them to friends and see what they think. It would be best to try to keep track of age groups also, so we can target some of our promotion. Some will resonate better with young people, etc.

Finally, I again wanted to say, PR, that the banners are great. Please dont hear any of this as criticism, I wish I could do it and I can tell it takes a lot of time. So, please know I am loving your work and any ideas I have are just to help us all make a better campaign. Thanks for understanding!


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:30 AM


We're all lovin' these, PR and we all appreciate your hard work.

I just messaged Penguin and asked him if he knew a way to make the banners be clickable and link to our site.

I hope everyone will jump on this and think of things that can be put in them.. and that some folks that know how to do it, will join in and help PR!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:33 AM


Speaking of clicking to sites, is there anybody thinking about the website devoted to getting new members? I would consider it more as a front-page to but with a new domain name, one a litte more catchy. Maybe Ill start a new thread...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:37 AM



It's already in the works to have a site that we can point people to for the campaign. Not there yet, but it won't be much longer.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:46 AM


FM: IS there a place to post ideas for the site? I have a few that I would like to run by people. Please let me know.



Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:11 AM



You can send them to me at and I'll send them on to 11th Hour, Haken and the folk who will be working on that aspect of this campaign.

Bearing in mind that this is gonna be a gateway page... that directs folks here to, as we're gonna have a place to greet new folks and kind of get them oriented right here.

But we'd love ideas! Please!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:58 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hey, I love making these! No worries, I'm wiling to make a whole bunch!
I get excitable as to choice, like to have my options open...
I am, however, quite grateful for suggestions, as my creativity, substantial as it is, is not a bottomless pit. So, no worries about that, either. And I only take criticism as criticism; i.e: "You need to change this and this and this..."
Bah, I'll just make new ones, that's half the fun!
Definitely let me know about this new site, though. I can easily change the text in current and future banners.




Friday, July 14, 2006 5:44 AM


i know peeps are all busy etc.. but have people advertised the serenity summer campaign on I have not seen any dedicated threads to get people's attention. what about getting Gossi to send out an email about the campaign to the members of that site? How about on and on the news item on that site? Do people on the prospero firefly boards know? anyways it seems all exciting and all its just im wondeirng if the folks on the other boards are aware of it.
a post on whedonesque will get some attention(good or bad....) jsut another thought


Trying to organize a charity screening of Serenity in Montreal, need to know if there is interest! Contact me by signing up on the board or private message me!

For shindigs in Montreal join (need to register to see the firefly/serenity section):

Canadian? join:

Serenity Summer Campaign
- June 23rd, is ONLY the beginning.


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:40 AM


Hi, Kurya!
Good to see you over here!

We did try a couple of threads over on Gossi's board, they disappeared. We don't know if it was a glitch or if the subject matter was objectionable and they took them down.

We have sent a request to Gossi about what happened and also a question as to whether or not it's ok to post re: the campaign on his board and if he'd be willing to allow a dedicated thread and a mailing. We don't want to step on any toes.

The other two sites, I just didn't get to. Our crew was very scattered and in some cases off line the last two weeks, including me, so we're a bit behind on the plans to spread word among the boards. We'll do better next time. We have lots of plans left.

To tell you the truth, Kurya I don't have a membership to Whedonesque and no one on our team does that I know of and even if I did I am not sure they'd appreciate any posts regarding what we're doing. As you say... bad attention might be what we get. I believe I'll leave any decisions as to that in 11th Hour's court.

Thanks for the support and the good ideas!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Click here for info about the Serenity Summer Campaign and how you can help!


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:23 AM


I went on vacation to a lodge. Every night they show a video in the lodge and it gets carried by the TVs in all the rooms. I asked one night to make it Serenity (which I had cleverly brought with me). I got some new recruits.

One of the staff said she'd missed it so I lent her the disc.

Also, I lay around reading The Killer Angels. I told anyone who asked that I was reading it because it had been the inspiration for a truly great TV show called Firefly. More recruits.

You can't stop the signal.






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