FIREFLY FORTNIGHT ~ iTunes Episode Round-up!

UPDATED: Friday, August 25, 2006 09:01
VIEWED: 27234
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Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:29 AM


Today is the day for Ariel!

• River does a makeover for Jayne stating, "He looks better in red"
• Find out that Simon has a decent criminal mind
• Some magic wands are not so much fun
• Finishing a heist makes Zoe and Wash all romantical
• Free synchronizers are BIG fun for Kaylee!
• Find out that when the money gets too good, Jayne gets stupid... er
• Mal's version of a "time out" involves a wrench and an air lock...

Highly entertaining, though "Bookless", episode. See the gang organize an ambitious heist, and then see things not go smooth.

Keep up with the downloads, and most of all... use 'em to reach out to new fans. Once you turn-on your friends, family, co-workers to Firefly... you'll be their Big Damn Hero!

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

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Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:16 PM


I ran into the most interesting opportunity to recruit with the ITunes downloads this morning.

I went to the bank to do the deposit for our business ( we're open 6 days a week) and was standing in front of the counter as the checker, a long time acquaintance of mine was counting my deposit to check my figures. I was wearing my Serenity tee.. I am usually always wearing something related to the 'verse now. Anyway, she asked me about the movie, showed interest when I told her it was scifi.. but with a twist. I explained a bit more... of course being female I stressed the attractiveness of our Cap'n. She said.. well, I'll have to catch it. I asked her if she would like to watch the pilot on her computer for free? She was amazed, delighted, said yes and I gifted her with the pilot today.
I can't wait til I see her Monday afternoon and she tells me she loved it and wants to know more.
Cuz it'll happen.

'Course I downloaded Ariel for myself today. I'm still obligating myself to give me an IPod for an early birthday present. Never too early for me to give a hint to myself.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:39 AM


FollowMal ~

Great to hear a story about guerilla marketing in action! You never know where you will find a future browncoat. I love that you've gotten into the habit of wearing Firefly/Serenity inspired clothing. That is an excellent way to strike up a conversation with someone about FF/S and proceed from there if the person starts to show some interest.

On another Firefly forum, a fan reported recruiting 2 people so far because of Firefly Fortnight! That's such great news.

Even though 2 more fans may not at first sound like that's going to make much difference... can you imagine if each one of us recruited 2 new fans? Just do the math, it starts to become a very large number. Then each one of those new fans will then continue to spread the word of the 'Verse.

Each new person you recruit makes a difference.

11th Hour


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:51 AM


Like to hear a war story?

Well, hold on to your seat because here come some very heavy duty ones in War Stories.

Sure, it's an ep where we get to see both Mal and Wash with some welcome bare chestiness... but man, they are not having a good day...

A very strong episode that puts all the crew (some much more than others) in an intense situation where we get to meet the "real" them...

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:10 PM


Yeah, 11th the encounter was a fun way to have an opportunity I'd have not had otherwise.

If I'm not wearing a t-shirt FF/S related then it's my logo pin that RadarRese sent me. It goes everywhere I go. Makes for lots of chances to spread the word of the 'verse.

I did my download today.. did everyone else?

War Stories... I love when Mal teases Wash at the end.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:53 AM


Time for some trash talking...

What I mean is, talking about gettin' that mighty fine FF ep... Trash.

Trash was one of the mystery episodes, never did get shown when Firefly was on the air... or is that in the air? Anyway, at some point there were downloadable bootleg versions that popped up on the fringe, but a lot of folks still held out from watching it until the DVD was released. I was a holder outer, but hell, the waiting was, well... hell... sweet, sweet hell...

So the prettiest little sidewinder we ever did meet sidles her way back into the lives of our favorite smugglin', renegade crew... hi-larity ensues...

• A rose by any other name, seems to prefer goin' by any other name
• River always knows more than she lets on... and watch out for her brain!
• Simon holds a "clarification session" with Jayne
• Zoe pulls Kaylee out of danger... again!
• Inara knows how to handle a gun... wait, we already knew that...
• Mal wears his best outfit EVER

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Monday, August 21, 2006 7:50 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
• Mal wears his best outfit EVER

He does look mighty fine in civvies, doesn't he?

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:55 AM


Well, today is the day to download "The Message".

It's one of my favorite episodes. I'm going to enjoy this very much.

I've been downloading these on my work computer since it's roomier and then I'll put them on my IPod ( when I get it) but in the meantime I've been watching them while at work. Today our mechanic will really enjoy it, because Kaylee is his favorite character. I get quite a crowd around my computer! Half of my office is the waiting area and you can see my computer screen easily anywhere in that room.

Anyone else got any stories about how they are using the ITunes downloads to guerilla market?

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:13 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by 11thHour:
• Mal wears his best outfit EVER

He does look mighty fine in civvies, doesn't he?

If'n you mean by "civvies" that fetching little number he was wearing while seated on that most fortunate rock... yessum!



Tuesday, August 22, 2006 9:24 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I've been downloading these on my work computer since it's roomier and then I'll put them on my IPod ( when I get it) but in the meantime I've been watching them while at work. Today our mechanic will really enjoy it, because Kaylee is his favorite character. I get quite a crowd around my computer! Half of my office is the waiting area and you can see my computer screen easily anywhere in that room.

Hey, EXCELLENT way to guerilla market! You have a built in audience just waitin' around... perfect for an impromptu screening of Firefly!


Anyone else got any stories about how they are using the ITunes downloads to guerilla market?

Yes, by all means... share the stories... and if you don't have stories, well... try some new ways to guerilla market then! Use your imagination. FM's strategy is extra great because she's making good use of an opportunity... captive audience that would welcome a great diversion... PLUS, these are random folk who might never have happened upon Firefly otherwise.

We really need to reach beyond the type of audience we would expect would like Firefly, i.e. Sci-Fi/Fantasy fans. Luckily Firefly is so well written and performed, not too mention all the cast are HOT, that the show appeals to non-Sci-Fi fans. Brilliance expands beyond genre.

11th Hour


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:28 PM


Highlights from The Message ~

• Even a 'mind readin' genius' can be perplexed by problematical carnival food
• Dead Bessie... moooo
• Simon says the wrong thing to Kaylee... again!
• Jayne's "cunning hat" that spawned many a fan cottage industry
• Good things come in
small packages
• For a preacher man, Book handles himself uncannily well when confronted by Feds
• It might be a better idea to explain your clever plan in more detail to the panicky, gun toting, war buddy guy
• If'n you're not at least a little misty eyed at the end of
The Message, you're Niska!

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:15 AM


This thread is becoming a place where FollowMal and I each hand off the pom poms and do a duo cheerleader thing. The view count goes up each day, but not much in the way of posting from new folks, or stories about participating in this endeavor.

Guerilla marketing can sometimes be a lonely pursuit.

Heart of Gold

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:19 PM


I borrowed one of the banners and posted it on my live journal if that makes you feel a tiny bit better :)

I've been spreading the word I guess I'm just a little bit too quiet about it and I'm new hear so haven't posted much.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:21 PM


11th Hour,
I've been checking the thread because I love your little comments about each episode. I have been sending the episodes to several friends, but it seems everyone is really busy right now. They tell me they haven't had time to watch them yet. I know they will love them when they do.

I did just get an e-mail from one friend, and this is what he said, " I finally got to sit down and start one yesterday and I've finished the first and the second show. They're really catchy and I have a feeling they may become a little bit of a school distraction (in a way that I don't mind at all). I get a real kick out of the western theme to the show including the twangy western soundtrack. So far my favorite part is the shoot out in Train Job when they go to sell their stolen goods to that old lady and also the scene where the Captain just walks on to the ship and shoots the guy holding River hostage. Firefly is a real treat. I have a feeling my Dad would really like the show so I'm
going to have to take all of my episodes home so he can watch them. He likes characters like the Captain with the whole tough guy/ good leader personality."

A seed has been planted, and it's already going to be shared. It might take awhile for the word to spread, but it will. I read on some site that there is a campaign to have everyone write to Universal on September 30th (the anniversary of Serenity premier) to ask for a sequel. I'm telling all of my new Firefly friends to write!

Mal: Saffron, You're pleasing, you're all kinds of pleasing, and uhhh... it's been awhile, a long damn while since anybody but me took hold of my plow.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:27 PM


Err whoops i been away for a few weeks kinda missed this one, (bad PP bad!)
but hey im here now right, ok so its the last day, just means i have to buy them all in one go, and give a little bump for the end of our week.

EDITED: Well i would have done if they would let us buy them over here in the uk! unfortunatly Itunes uk store doesnt sell tv shows, now hows that for unfair? I am going to go and sit in a corner and cry now.
Especially as my boyf has just leant out MY box set to HIS friend,(thinking i was going to download them) all well and good for recruiting and all, but it means i can't watch epps! grrrr

How will i survive? Seriously, i'm asking here!

"Why did you leave?".... "Why didn't you ask me not too?"


Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:09 PM



Thanks very much for posting and supporting the endeavor! Good to know that folks are taking the initiative and participating in this campaign. Every bit we do helps and will add up.

Well folks, here we are, the final day of Firefly Fortnight...

Today is Objects in Space

Joss' existential Firefly episode. And because it is such a personal exploration for him into the deeper realms of the human experience, the story centers around River... and her feet...

Okay, more than that.

This story has beautiful and surreal passages; and Summer Glau's ability to inhabit River's intensity of awareness borders on the preternatural. River's connection to the world reaches levels far different than the ordinary. It's her intense connection to everything that ultimately causes her to be disconnected from a normal existance.

She feels everything

... and it's making life for her, and the others on Serenity, so very hard.

At a critical juncture, a dangerous and surprising element, in the form of a bounty hunter, is added to the mix. River's place on the ship, and her relationship to the crew, is tested... and we are again given a glimpse into River's surprising abilities.

And every frikken time I see this ep, I get teary eyed at River's expression of sacrifice for the sake of the crew.

A sublime, scary, heart-wrenching, and ultimately very satisfying work of art... expressed in Joss' inimitable mastery of story telling, and given life by a gifted ensemble of actors.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:10 PM


Whew! Long day at work folks, but more shinyness downloaded on my work computer!

This ep always makes me sad for two reasons.

One, when River offers to go with Early... my heart just caves and I cry.. hard.

And it's also the last episode of Firefly that I cry over. It breaks my heart that it didn't go on.
That I can't know what happened to these folks I came to care for so much.

Lots of discussions in other threads I was catching up on from today about what the future is for Firefly. And I don't know. I've been here almost a year and I've looked for news to tell me what the answer is to that question every day.
And my heart has ached when I don't see that news.

I'm sure there are veterans who have looked longer than that... and maybe had all hope crushed.

But I do know that stuff like this ITunes opportunity just keeps giving us a chance to make the 'verse a part of mainstream life. That's what we have to do ... we have to get folks who don't know a thing about Firefly to see it. It usually sells itself once folks see it. Then there will be more folks buying the series from ITunes for their recruiting opportunities, more folks buying books, comics, DVD's, shirts, all the shiny stuff that "sells". So that the folks who have the power to give us another chance at more 'verse will see that there are more of us out here.
And that it would be worth the risk. Again.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Friday, August 25, 2006 9:01 AM


Firefly Fortnight may have concluded, but the idea behind it still holds. Distributing episodes of Firefly to new people as gifts via email is a very effective way to spread the word of the 'verse. Also, if you own an iPod, always have Firefly eps stored on it... but if you have to conserve space, then at least always have the pilot Serenity with you. Never know when you'll get into a conversation with someone regarding Firefly, and being able to show them some of Serenity will be very effective.

Keep bringin' the word to them as needs it told.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:






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