Creation Con this year?

UPDATED: Thursday, August 4, 2011 06:54
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 2:48 PM


Anyone going this year?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 4:45 PM



"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?"



Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:39 PM


Someone from Raleigh, NC won the Can't Stop the Serenity drawing for free ticket(s). So I'm sure they're going.

Alas, wrong coast for me. Thanks goodness I made it to Dragon*Con.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:53 PM


YES!! Tickets bought, hotel reserved and merchandise ready for signing. Recently found that one of my myspace friends(and fellow browncoat) Marian Call is going to be performing. I got to meet her a couple of months ago and she's really good. Also recently got in touch with long lost friend from teh way back machine who now lives in Cali. We're gonna meetup sometime and catch up. Its gonna be legendary. Bonus with Jewel and Ron attending that leaves just Gina as the only BDH I haven't met.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:12 PM



Originally posted by CaptainHoban:
Anyone going this year?

Hi! Yes, I'm going... and so is History, he started a thread here back in June:
I'm sure more people will be going closer to the date,
a lot of the Calif Browncoats buy one day tickets and stay at home for it....

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:59 PM


Anyone going want to make a few bucks and have an item signed for me? If so, is my email. Thanks.


Monday, September 22, 2008 8:31 PM


I contemplated going to it, but after attending Dragon*Con for the first time, I'm trying to conserve my money for the rest of the year. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed that I'll get to see Summer Glau some other time in the future.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:50 AM


I just heard that Gina Torres is going to be there!
I'm so excited, I've always wanted to meet Gina Torres!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Thursday, October 2, 2008 8:39 AM


After seeing Gina added to the list, my contemplation has turned into determination to really stretch my budget and try to go. I've gotten to see Nathan, Alan, Jewel, and Morena already at Dragon*Con. And now, here's a chance to meet pretty much everyone else (except Sean, but wouldn't it be neat if he got added too?) The opportunity to meet all but one of the Big Damn Heroes in the same year is too great to pass up.

With that said, would anyone be interested in sharing a room? I only plan on sleeping there Friday and Saturday night, and leave on a very late Sunday night flight. I'm a 25 year old male. Any responses I get would greatly influence me in favor of attending the con. Thanks!

By the way for those who have attended a Creation event before, what's been your experience like? Is it very laid back as the site advertises? Do you feel like you're not being rushed?


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 1:43 AM


I was debating on this after seeing that Gina was added, but like others I can't do it. Dragoncon emptied my pockets for the rest of the year, and with my holiday in Europe for xmas, and new year's there is no way I will be able to pull it off, doooh....

You can't take the sky from me....


Thursday, October 9, 2008 7:31 AM


Thanks for remembering, Embers.
We're still interested in finding B3 (Browncoast Back-up Bash, DEC 2006) alums who would like to get together the Friday before the con begins.
Initially, James, Prez of the California Browncoats, indicated interest in setting up something, but I haven't been able to get follow-up with him yet.
Still, I'd be happy even if we just gathered at the hotel Friday evening or at La Cantina, or (suggestions?) reminisce about B3--share stories, photos, DVD's (I have a bunch) over drinks and munchies, renew acquaintances, and get psyched for the Creation Salute to Firefly/Serenity con.
Those interested let me know:

Bob (History)
Yarmouth, ME


Thursday, October 9, 2008 2:36 PM


Oh I won't forget... I am REALLY looking forward to this!

I'm hearing more and more excitement about this convention now that it is getting closer... and they announced that Gina would be there!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 4:28 AM


I'm attending in spirit.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:24 AM


It's nice to know NV and I aren't the only ones struck by the D*C poverty wave... wish we could go :(
Those who are have a ball and post a ton of pics ok:)


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Monday, October 27, 2008 10:38 AM



Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:09 AM


It's going to be hard pass up with Gina, Jewel, and Adam showing up. I hope some other midwesterners are going to fly in....


Saturday, November 8, 2008 5:13 AM


why did this thread lose it's title?

I'm really starting to look forward to Creation Con:
only two weeks to wait now!

have you decided what you'll get autographed?

I'm so excited!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 4:42 PM


MN Browncoat here. I am beyond excited! Firefly and even SGA all in one place! Hotel is booked, tickets are purchased. Now... what to pack?! I am not sure what to bring to get signed either, embers.

Are there any plans in place yet for a Browncoat meet? If so, I would love to meet some more Browncoats!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:40 PM


Don't worry Janesmissus, you won't be able to miss all the Browncoats! I'll be driving down Thursday night to stay at a different hotel, and then switching to the Marriot on Friday so I can register early and get together w/all the Browncoats there!

The Creation Con people will be selling photos you can get autographed, but also you can bring your own comic books or other items to autograph instead... it just depends what you've got
(you could just have everyone sign your DVDs if you like!)

It'll be great fun! See you there!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Friday, November 14, 2008 3:40 AM


Is there anyone going who could grab me a personalized 8x10 of Gina? I would be totally grateful, and would totally pay you for it. If anyone can please drop me an email if possible, thanks

You can't take the sky from me....


Monday, November 24, 2008 4:59 AM


Where are the reviews and pictures?!!


Monday, November 24, 2008 9:33 AM


C'Mon Browncoats.. REPORT!!

--the co-pilot


Monday, November 24, 2008 2:58 PM


Pretty nice gathering. Paired with the Starfate Con (in another ballroom) there were about 750 Browncoats and a few who straggled back and forth between rooms.

the vendors were all the usual suspects with nice arrays of Tshirts, swag and shiny stuff. Best by far (for my alliance money) was QMX.

They brought the first prototype of the Serenity Model. Let me tell you fellow travelers, it is truly amazing!! No set launch date (get it???) But it will be well worth the coin.

They also had the fantastic map of the 'verse; some incredibly detailed topographic maps of Serentity Valley itself (great place names canbe found with searching of the terrain... my fav? YoSaf Bridge... lol). And another mock up of a work in progress.. the Atlas of the 'verse. It is really something. These guys (gals) are all artists and they respect the 'verse tremendously. You should check them out.

Now- the main events.. oh. my.

Gina Torres was a delight. This woman is tall, statuesque and far more beautiful than you can believe in person. She was/is warm and gracious. Her litlle Q&A started with her reporting that she has had a baby 17 mos ago or so- hence her absence. She admitted that she went back and watched the videos so she could remember better what went on and she brought her own "Stump the Browncoats" trivia questions.

Suffice it to say she was mighty impressed with the level of detail knowledge the 'coats have! She could not stump them. And she gladly admitted that re watching the show thrilled her and reminded her what a great show it was (then she growled about f*

She talked about upcoming proejects (she has auditioned for Broadway musical) and then she demonstrated her amazing singing voice by singing with the audience Take Me out to the Black..

She is a real gem. Her Q&A was just so entertaining. She said she had no meaning for the necklace she wore- but the bracelet was her wedding "ring" wit Wash. It was the symbol of their marriage.

She also talked about how hard it was to keep a straight face on the set with Nathan and Alan/ And especially difficult scene occurred when they buried one of the working girls on HOG... she said it was all she could do to keep a straight face during the filming. She also wished Joss would have written her a scene where she got to dress up all slinky.

I hope she comes to future cons. She is just one classy, funny, talented lady. I think she was moved by all the love!



Monday, November 24, 2008 3:11 PM



Adam Baldwin also gave an AMAZING Q&A- best I have seen in awhile! Just goes to show you what a beer or two can do! (He passed some waiting time in the bar with Browncoats...)

He joked about how grateful he was to all the audience for helping him to pay for his children's college education; he mentioned that he and Mrs. Baldwin will be celebrating their 20 anniversary next week(I think that was the date) and he solicited suggestions from the audience for a good/propper gift... the consensus was- whatever she wants... to which he commented he would get the old "If you don't know- I am not going to tell you!" harrumph from Mrs. B. (it was done in great humor.)

He talked a wee bit about politics and more about Chuck and his charity work. He looks very relaxed, happy and contented (tho that could have been the beer! lol) no, I think the steady work on Chuck has given him some peace of mind.

Also (and this is MHO) without Nathan there (whom I love and want to see all the time) Adam was able to really command the room and the floor.. it was nice to see him able to hold forth without being talked over.

Adam too, with the help of the Bar Coats, put together a list of trivia questions for the audience... he could not stump these Browncoats either.

It was very obvious that Adam was respectful and appreciative of this fan base. He recounted the appearance of the Chuck cast at Comic Con and how impressed they all were when the BC came out to support Adam. You could tell it meant a lot to him. There was talk of how we can convert all those Chuck viewers and fans into Browncoats... a project that will develop over the coming months I am sure.

He also mentioned that Chuck will air the first HDTV 3D episode in January. He said it was amazing. And he talked about the recent episode where Chuck had to kiss Casey (Adam) to give a poison antidote.. Jayne was philosphical about that one! To great amusement.

Many BC wondered what the musical episode of Firefly would have been like (given Joss' penchent for musical episodes) So the casts ideas were solicited for their characters musical highlight... and who knows.. if Joss is reading- maybe he could do a webisode a-la Dr. Horribles- but of the Firefly cast. It would be AWESOME!

Apparently Adam is not a singer. He said he would talk his bits- like Rex Harrision in My fair Lady.

This ranked as one of the BEST Q&As I have seen of Adam. And next time he is coming to a con- I think I will bring him some beer.. Stella was mentioned with approval...



Monday, November 24, 2008 4:51 PM


Sorry, I usually update by the day but I was distracted and worn out. Just got home today and am taking a vacation from my vacation. My update will start before the con as I flew in on Thur and Did my "not a con" thing before the con. During the day I went down to Little Tokyo for some shopping. Found a book a friend from another fangroup was looking for and spent a bit more money than planned. Later on that day I met up with an old friend I hadd'nt seen since our 10th year reunion(this year would have been our 20th if we had gone) We went down to... Malibu? I don't remeber one of the piers. We caught up with what we had been doing and all that stuff, ate at Bubba Gumps shrip. Then We went to West Hollywood to see a show a myspace friend was putting on. Her name is Schuyler Fisk and I've been a fan for some time if interested
She was fantastic. My friend Brian also enjoyed himself. Her mother also happened to be there. Sissy Spacek. Shock and Awe Both Brian and I go our pictures taken with her(actually with both) We had talked to a mother of one of Schuylers friend outside the club before the show we told her I had come down to see Schuyler (mostly true). The nice lady had spoken to her before the show and while getting cds and autographs she thanked me for comming all the way from Seattle to see her. Both Schuyler and Sissy were very kind and gracious. this is running rather long and I havent even gotten to the con yet more later....if I can remember(getting old sucks)


Monday, November 24, 2008 7:37 PM


I had an awesome time, I posted about it here:
and here:

We have the best BDHs in the 'verse,
awesome creative people making replicas and star maps,
AND many wonderful Browncoats who love to party!

It was a great weekend.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:16 AM


Thanks for the review. Aside from Adam aiming to misbehave as usual, the rules were that there are to be no personalizations??! Booo!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:32 AM


Some people did get personalized autographs. I got one from Summer and Jewel but not from the other three. Maybe Summer and Jewel weren't told to not to or maybe they wanted to anyway? Or maybe some of the fans specifically asked for them? I was too shy to ask.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 6:52 AM


On Saturday, at the beginning of the convention nothing was said one way or the other:
Jewell offered to personalize but I was having her sign a group picture and I was just getting signatures on that...
I had Ron Glass sign a photo of himself as Book so he did personalize that...
they were all very nice!

But Sunday evening when things were getting late and Adam's line was growing longer the convention organizers were trying to discourage us from asking for personalizations...
but I asked anyway because I had my old photo taken w/Adam which I REALLY wanted him to personalize!

And (BTW) I don't want to sound like I'm bad mouthing Creation: they had had a bad wrap a few years ago (I don't know why, this was the first of their conventions I've attended) but they've been really trying to improve their reputation and this convention was great:
everything happened on schedule and as advertised,
all the celebrities seemed happy and comfortable,
and all the fans were having a great time.
I have no complaints at all about any of it!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:56 AM


we got everything personalized. I know the emcee said no personalization- but the BDHs were personalizing anything you asked them to do... otherwise they did just sign names.

We even got Adam to write Happy Birthday on one for a friend..


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3:44 PM


Lets see Sat. Ron Glass took the stage and was all laughs. He was having fun and it was infectious. He was a lot of fun. Did the photo op and he was very nice, not rushing through. Jewel took the stage and I was blown away the woman is smoking hot(they all looked amazing) She went on to talk about Atlantis Firefly the "bird" war with Nathan,(she won). her photo op was well kind of a blirr I was blinded by her beauty up close. Will post after I get some bugs out of my desktop. Non verse I was over at the Stargate side to see Kavan Smith. He had a lot of funny stories both gate and theatre related. That night was the Dessert party. What a blast. My table had the funnest people. Freddy I've run into at a few creation cons, Man I suck with names(thats why I work for the post office folks), there was a newly married couple those girls were awsome(I loved the pink hair) and we had one gate fan at our Browncoat table, but I think she'll be a browncoat soon. When the BDH's came arround we had a spot for them and when the gate stars came around we let them sit with her.
Her parents got her tickets for her 15th b-day in Aug. So when the gate stars sat by her we snuck some pics for her. Dan Shea caught me, but when we told him it was for her birthday he posed with her. Plus fellow browncoat Marian Call was brought in by Quantum Mechanics to sing for the party. She's been a myspace friend for a while now and I've had the pleasure to see her perform in the Seattle area a couple of times. please check her out, tell her Bwah Rick sent you. That was Sat, Sunday later if I can remember.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 4:20 PM


Thanks, one and all, for the wonderful reports,
from an absentee.
Found wonderful photos of Ron and Jewel* in the
whedonesque pool at flickr. Link to them through
the whedonesque page.
*Probably more by now -- that was last night

Frisky Browncoat
bastards personalized my turtle


Saturday, November 29, 2008 5:38 AM


Great report Chindi! I was there so I know.

I did see History, I recognized his face and he remembered my name.

I like the nickname bar coats. I was one. Along with the beers I do know Adam ate lunch with a mother daughter coat just prior to his panel.

I agree Adam is able to take command of the room without Nathan.

You missed my favorite moment of the whole con: Gina's twirl a la Wonder Woman. Someone asked about the rumor and she said no and shook her head sadly. Then she told us she was ready and has practice as a little girl. Then she got up and went to the edge of the stage, she ran in as Diana Prince, twirled and as Wonder Woman she pushed her crown up and ran back out. Gina is completely adorable, funny and gracious. I agree she felt the love and had a good time.

Gina ruled that panel.


Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:04 AM


Hey Sweetie! It was sooooooooooo fun finally being able to hang out with Adam like I'd heard other 'coats from Dragon Con and B3 talk about. He was awesome. I had no idea when we did the trivia for him that we'd also get a private lunch too. I thought it would be cool for Ewok to get to go 'backstage'. I even stood out at the hallway while she followed the con people. It was the cool 'shot' lady to made our magic happen...hopefully she'll be there (or rather at LAX) next year and I can buy her another one as a thank you!!


Saturday, November 29, 2008 11:49 AM


our BDHs are the best,
but Jane Espsenson was pretty awesome too:
she mentioned that on the story board for Dollhouse they have ideas for many up-coming seasons, so I can only hope that we'll get to see them all!


Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:16 PM


I totally missed Jane was unaware she was doing a panel until it was too late.

Here is my report of the Con.

Serenity & Firefly Salute Report
November 22-23, 2008 Burbank California

I woke up at 3:45am that morning because I had to take some friends to the airport. They picked me up at 4am and I was back in bed by 5:30am. I slept for 2 more hours and then got up and got ready. I had to take my sister to work that morning, in the opposite direction. After dropping her off, I had everything with me and I headed north to Burbank. I arrived after 11am. I saw a bunch of people already lined up. It was nice to see familiar faces. The first person I saw was Bryan who is an active SoCal Browncoat. I made my way past the convention center and into the hotel. I was looking for the restroom and I was shocked to see that they had remodeled the whole lobby. I noticed the entryway was different and then I saw the revamping of the lobby. Last year it had barely changed hands so it still looked like the Hilton, not anymore. However the restrooms were still located in the same place and the Daily Grill was still in the same place so it did feel somewhat eerily familiar. The coffee place moved so I was happy there was still one there.

It was on my way to the restroom that I found Wyobar and her husband and Dave (aka:Suinegapf). The doors to the convention didn’t open until Noon so I sat around catching up with Dave. Then we move into the convention center and separated. I had cheap sets and he had the Gold tickets. I was actually waiting for my friend Pamela and her son. We both work together and we have gone to see Firefly folks for several cons now, we have great time. I went to get my tickets redeemed and then I had to decide what I was going to buy. Money is tight and with the economy the way it is I decided I needed to be good. Since this was Gina’s first Con in four years I decided that her autograph was a must. Then I was debating getting a picture with her and was still unconvinced until I saw that there was a Duo Gina and Summer option. I knew then that I was done. I didn’t need any more than that. I could have gotten everyone’s autograph but I went with the general admission tickets. Next year for sure I plan on the weekend preferred tickets which include all the autographs and apparently I still have things I wish for them to sign. Also Gen Admission on Saturday was the last 3 rows and on Sunday it was the last 2 rows which is not much. It was set up with the front the small side of the rectangle; I was at the opposite end of the rectangle in the 2nd to last row.
I am sorry but I only saw the BDH panels. Ron was first and he was good. He was really excited to be there. He kept saying, “WOW” a lot. I think he was surprised and overwhelmed with how many folks were there. He knew it has been six years already and since he hasn’t watched the episodes he has a hard time remembering something that happened so long ago. He was wearing a black Obama beret that someone had made to promote Obama. He said he was usually apolitical but felt he had to get involved this time. I didn’t take notes so I am just going off the top of my head. He talked about his recent work on Lakeview Terrace and then h talked about His brief stint on Dirty Sexy Money he played Lucy Lui’s boss so he was excited that he might get a new recurring role. In the second ep she starts working for the Darling’s so now she has a new boss. But he was hopeful until someone in the audience told him it was cancelled. He was quite disappointed to discover that. He talked about how he missed us. He was in Australia in May and now he is back with us and he is happy to be here. He talked about getting the call from Joss about the movie with good news and bad news. He didn’t want to do it at first. Joss called again a few days or weeks later to check on how Ron was doing then he said let me work on it. Then he received a call from Nathan and he was finally convinced to do it. Someone asked him his favorite episode and he could only remember a few moments of being on the set and things he did. He liked the shooting in War Stories. He kind of wished he and Inara had more scenes together, then everyone laughed. He meant because they were both the most educated of the group, they had the worldly experience.
I know there is more but I am having a hard time remembering. I just remember he looked good and he had his family in the audience and nephew and he said the wrong name. He had a hard time earlier with Morena’s name. He said both times 63 is a b!tch.

He was great and I enjoyed seeing him and I think he was having a great time.
Jewels panel was way later in the afternoon. I walked around and met up with Saxon and Ewok. I visited Jason Palmer and he has all the characters completed. They came out very nice. For anyone not familiar with his work check out . Matty came in by the entrance next to Jason. The three of us were standing together and I recognize him but I have never spoken to him. Neither he nor Jewel know me so I just let him be. By the time I decided to go get something to eat I was with Dave and we went across the street. It was nice to have lunch together since normally its always just hi and bye. They opened a little food strip mall across from the hotel. We had Chinese of course.
Jewel was great as always. She looked fabulous and was really funny. I can’t even remember everything she said she got on a role-Nathan split his pants, the finger fight, she said Nathan is the biggest Firefly fan, he would play Firefly on mute in the background. It was a great watching her talk. Both Ron and Jewel mentioned that Nathan had a box of stuff her saved from the set of Firefly. Gina was missing her jacket and Jewel hoped Nathan didn’t have it but he said he didn’t. After Jewel’s panel was the autograph session with Ron and Jewel it took about 2 hours. I didn’t get their autographs but my friend Pamela did so I sat and waited with her for the autographs. I didn’t say hi to them since I figured they would be tired.

We left there about 9pm. We went out to eat at a restaurant that served authentic Chile food it was excellent. After that we stopped in at the hotel after party and found Wyobar and her husband. There were some hard trivia questions and the one that was most perplexing was “What Star Wars related object can be found near Kaylee’s hammock in The Message.” Finding that was amazing since after 6 years I had never seen it. For those who want to know what it is I will say at the end of the report.

I slept over at the hotel and stayed in my friend Pamela’s room with her and her son. I woke up and went to church. I came back in time for the first panel which was Gina. This is the main event in my opinion. Gina hasn’t done a Con in 4 years. I was very excited to get to see her do this panel. She looked gorgeous and was as gracious and charming as she was beautiful. She said the main question which really wasn’t so much of a question so much as a complaint. She explained that the reason she had not done a Con in so long was because she has been working and she has new baby so she has been busy. But she did have herself a little Firefly marathon and said, “You know this is a really good show. I have forgotten so much there were places I do not remember being and things I do not remember doing.” So she decided that she would write down some trivia questions and test our knowledge so we would as a question and then she would. The first question she asked was, “Where was the social event of the season in Shindig held?” The whole room was quiet trying to think. I mean we know that episode took place on Persephone but where was the Shindig. In the end she just meant Persephone. It was funny we were all trying to hard so hard to think of the venue. My favorite part of the panel was when someone asked her about Wonder Woman rumors. She said she was ready, then she got up and walked over to the end of the stage, then she ran in like Diana Prince and twirled a la Wonder Woman and she even pushed up her crown and raced back out. That was my very favorite moment. She was wonderful. I know she said a lot more but at this point its hard to remember everything. I do remember that before she finished she lead us in singing the Ballad of Serenity. She started us off kind of high and realized it so she stopped us and then started us off lower. That was my second favorite moment. Nathan is always great during panels he knows how to work the crowds but there was something about Gina honoring us by preparing and then taking initiative with the Firefly trivia that she ruled the panel and completely nailed it. She got through all the questions and had time to spare. It completely surpassed expectations.

The next item on the schedule was the photo ops first Gina alone and then a Duo with Gina and Summer. I decided that I really wanted a pic with Gina then I saw the Duo and it was a must have. Luckily the people I gave a ride to the airport gave me some money so that helped. The picture turned out great I am very happy with it. What is funny is that I wanted to remind the ladies that I was in the movie so I had a picture of Adam and I on the set of Serenity. Those photo ops go quick so I just told them I was in the movie and quickly showed the picture then I put my arms around their waist and I thought I was hiding the picture behind Gina’s back but she is so thin that there is not enough back so it is sticking out to the side. After that then I went to wait for the autograph session to begin.

I was waiting for my turn when I received a call from Pamela telling me to get to the bar because Adam was there. I went to the Daily Grill and met up with Tabin on the way. He was surrounded by Saxon, her husband, Ewok, Coffeewench, a friend of hers, Pamela, her son; Wyobar and her husband were already there. I walked up to Adam and he turned and gave me a hug and a smooch on the cheek high. I went back to sit with Pamela. Saxon’s husband was sitting next to Adam and he was a dear and gave me his seat so I was able to sit next to Adam with Ewok on the other side. It was very nice casual conversation going on about politics. It was nice to hear Adam talk about the hi C he sang on Chuck. He thought they were going to dub his voice, but they thought it was funnier this way I agree. I remember Tabin talking to Adam about her being a law student.

Unfortunately I had to go and get Gina’s autographs. We all kept taking track of where they were in the rows. It took Gina 2 hours to get through the autograph line. I said goodbye to Adam and he was so sweet he asked, “Will I see you again?” I thought that was just so sweet. I told him I would see him at the panel. I wasn’t getting a photo op with him or his autograph or a photo op so I wasn’t sure if I would see him again. I arrived in time to get in line for Gina. I was among the last 2 or 3 people. I told her she did a great job and then told her I was trying to remind her I was in Serenity. I reminded her that I was the one who gave Nathan a patch and she asked where her patch was. I handed her a Browncoat patch and she smiled. I told her I had given Nathan one to give to her. She said, “You know I never got it.” She was charming and sweet ‘til the end. Gina is absolutely adorable.

Once I had the autograph, I needed food. Actually I felt completely overwhelmed by the day’s events. Summer’s Panel was next. The audio was not that great. She was the most soft spoken. I was completely drained at that point I had my head down and eyes closed. I wasn’t sleeping I was just resting my eyes. Adam’s panel came immediately after that. He was fabulous. He talked a lot and pulled out the list. He said he wasn’t taking questions he was asking them. He did acknowledge Obama’s victory and said that we should all pray for him. He had fun talking to the crowd. It was great seeing him up there. He continues with the idea Jayne likes Inara. He said Jayne is not a good guy. I am having a problem remembering more detail. I was completely on overload. I did get to say goodbye to Adam at the end of another 2 hour autograph session. Summer actually finished before Adam did. I suspect its because he talks more to each person than Summer might. Lucky for me I was able to get to say goodbye. He said I didn’t have to wait to say goodbye but I told him I did. He was a sweetheart. Then Saxon and Ewok said goodbye. Then I said goodbye to everyone. I went up to thank and say goodbye to Saxon’s husband for his generosity in giving me his seat next to Adam. Then I went home thinking it was a mighty fine shindig.

I remember seeing the Serenity replica still in production after 3 years. I really want it and was ready to pay $500 for it. Then I went to the QMX table and saw the Cylon Raider and it was going for $949. Serenity is larger and more detailed so it will have to be at least that much. So I started to worry I would not be able to buy it. So I spoke to Andy from QMX and told him my dilemma, I really want it but I may not have the money to just pay for it all at once. I asked him what he could do. He said they did have layaway at one point so he would talk to his CFO who was also at the Con.

I did find out that next year the convention will be held at the LAX Marriott Hotel. It will be a new place so I am not sure how things will go but I am sure it will be great. Browncoats will be there as well as our BDH so I am looking forward to it.

The answer to the trivia question was Han in Carbonite. I can’t believe it has been six years and I never saw it. I did see it is listed in the Firefly Companion Vol. 2.


Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:16 PM


Oops posted twice.

Any questions?


Saturday, November 29, 2008 12:32 PM


I was going to repost my report here, but I realized I used too many 'real names' and other info I don't feel comfortable posting. I'll just say that the con was the best experience I've had with BC and BDHs alike in a very long time. I've been very blessed in the last 6 years, and I'd really come to believe that those days were over. I'm so happy that I was wrong.

In a nutshell, we ran into Adam in the Hall way near the photo-op area, he invited us to join him for a beer. Much fun was had by all.
I tried to post a photo of our meeting, but the site won't let me. sorry.

I don't want to post anyone else's pix without permission (hint to my sissy above).

As posted elsewhere Adam did ask use to furnish him with a list of trivia quesions ala Gina's panel, so we did (me, Ewok, Tabin, and even help from Wyobar and the folks at QMX). We were told (by Adam) just to 'tell 'em I said so' to bring the Qs to him before his timeslot. We managed to get to the gal who we'd seen earlier and she remembered we were already 'hanging with Adam', so she told us how/where to find him. That ended up being an awesome encounter...thought we were just going to hand the paper and leave, but ended with us having lunch with him. Very cool.

I gotta say, this has been the most awesome con experience of my Browncoat adventures. lol.


Saturday, November 29, 2008 2:03 PM


Pictures of me can be posted with permission.


Saturday, November 29, 2008 2:55 PM


I tried to post the pic of me and Jessi and Adam that I'd cropped, and it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't even allow the link to the photos. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did put some of the pix up at the other board. *hugs*


Saturday, November 29, 2008 7:24 PM


To Jaynesmissus

Do I have the right browncoat? Met your husband and you Friday night at the dinner in the DailyGrill?

"dong ma"


Saturday, November 29, 2008 8:08 PM


No, sorry. I was one of the Minnesota Browncoats there on Friday night. Did we meet?


Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:15 AM



Originally posted by Saxon:
I tried to post the pic of me and Jessi and Adam that I'd cropped, and it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't even allow the link to the photos. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did put some of the pix up at the other board. *hugs*

Saxon, is it jpeg? Because this board will only post jpeg photos...
but you should be able to just post the links to other formats.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:51 AM



Originally posted by Jaynesmissus:
No, sorry. I was one of the Minnesota Browncoats there on Friday night. Did we meet?

Did I sit next to you at Denny's?


Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:53 AM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by Saxon:
I tried to post the pic of me and Jessi and Adam that I'd cropped, and it wouldn't let me. Wouldn't even allow the link to the photos. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. I did put some of the pix up at the other board. *hugs*

Saxon, is it jpeg? Because this board will only post jpeg photos...
but you should be able to just post the links to other formats.

New Firefly fans should check this out:

Thanks! I'll try again later. I have no idea how the pic is saved on my computer/photobucket.


Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:57 AM



one more time...

see! that's what it does!


that last one is with the html code from the photobucket link. I give up, sorry guys. I think it hates me.


Sunday, November 30, 2008 2:47 PM



Originally posted by Saxon:
Did I sit next to you at Denny's?

Yep! I had the pleasure of hearing a few of your awesome stories. I hope to get a chance to hear more! You and Jessica are quite the team. Thanks again to the whole crew that was so welcoming and fun that weekend. I can't wait to see you all again someday.


Sunday, November 30, 2008 3:50 PM


I need to get info on that big Con we were talking about. Gingi hasn't mentioned it, but then we've been super busy with Thanksgiving and everything. I gotta say, I'd totally forgotten about this place...nice to see it is still up and kickin'!

Keep in touch!



Sunday, November 30, 2008 5:50 PM


No... I don't think we did meet. Went to dinner on Friday but just the casual get together in the Daily Grill. I was going by your screen name... thought I remembered a gal by that name. Maybe we will meet next shindig : )

"dong ma"


Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:07 PM



Originally posted by Saxon:

one more time...

see! that's what it does!


that last one is with the html code from the photobucket link. I give up, sorry guys. I think it hates me.

Don't give up Saxon! Please. Post just the http:// addy of the pic. the [img] stuff is not required on this board.

I'm so glad ya'll had a good time. Sounds like Adam was wonderful as always.






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