Do you think Firefly Online will ever be released?

UPDATED: Saturday, January 23, 2021 10:50
VIEWED: 61550
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Thursday, January 7, 2016 5:28 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.

I'm new here so this thread might have already been done lol. Anyhow I was just wondering if you guys think FFO will ever be released or if it's dead. For me I am starting to lose a bit of hope because they have stated they will no longer be updating their Facebook page and also everybody (including me) who asked if the game was canceled was blocked off liking or commenting on their page. They also do not update their twitter anymore and the Cortex hasn't been updated since summer of last year. So i'm just curious am I being a bit too cynical or do you think it's possible this game is dead.


Friday, January 8, 2016 8:33 PM


I would have thought getting the original cast to do voice work meant for sure it was happening, but they're a year overdue, yeah? I'm skeptical myself.


Friday, January 8, 2016 9:39 PM


It makes liars out of some fans who make and sell Firefly products. They claim to have the inside track on who is behind the game and even having input. They will have to account for not being honest with the rest of the fans, if it fell apart and they said nothing to protect their friends. Personally, if they are shutting down their web pages then I think it's a bust.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 3:04 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

I don't know what you mean about the liars thing but I agree with you that it might be a bust. For some reason they got really pissed at us for asking if the Beta was being released. There was supposed to be a Beta release for people who bought the Big Damn Heroes pack that game with the cortex. Well they started deleting the comments of the people who asked when the beta was releasing and then they just sent out a message saying "Because our input is being so ignored management has decided that we will no longer be updating this page anymore". They haven't updated their twitter in about 5 days and they haven't released really any gameplay at all except an 11 second trailer of Serenity touching down. They have released a ton of screenshots though but still they won't really tell us anything.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 3:09 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

It's actually two years overdue. The original release date on the game was Summer 2014 and then they pushed that back to January of 2015 and then Summer 2015 and now we've heard nothing. They keep telling us that they are with us and that they are still flying but I personally think the game is dead. I commented on another person's post down below yours with the comment sent out on facebook. Basically they got really pissed off at everyone for asking when the beta was being released. They were supposed to release a beta only for people who bought the Big Damn Heroes pack on the Cortex app but that hasn't happened. Well they deleted all of the comments and blocked all the people (including me) asking when that beta will release and then they wrote this comment "Since out input is being so ignored management has decided we will no longer be updating this page". However this guy called "Mech" who supposedly works for QMX keeps saying that the game is being made and it's on track. They haven't released any trailers except the SDCC one, the actor ones, and the 11 second trailer of Serenity touching down. The thing is the hype is really big because QMX has sold out of all the FFO t-shirts and stuff. I'm wearing my Wash Lives one right now. It will really be tragic if this game is dead in the water.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 10:17 AM



Originally posted by COSPLAYWITHCAPTMAL:
I don't know what you mean about the liars thing but I agree with you that it might be a bust. For some reason they got really pissed at us for asking if the Beta was being released. There was supposed to be a Beta release for people who bought the Big Damn Heroes pack that game with the cortex. Well they started deleting the comments of the people who asked when the beta was releasing and then they just sent out a message saying "Because our input is being so ignored management has decided that we will no longer be updating this page anymore". They haven't updated their twitter in about 5 days and they haven't released really any gameplay at all except an 11 second trailer of Serenity touching down. They have released a ton of screenshots though but still they won't really tell us anything.

They probably think the BP's announcement was enough to stop people from complaining about it being years now since they claimed they were creating the game.

I read posts at another site about how someone on the inside of the game's development, had someone very established as a creator of Firefly props banned from a chat room they use to speak to each other. He did this because the second person called into question the first persons credibility on delivering promised product in a timely manner.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 4:18 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.

I agree I just don't get why they are being so closed lipped about this or even so mean. All they could've done was posted an entry saying "we're making the game don't worry it's coming soon" and that would've been enough. Instead they keep blocking everybody who has an interest in their game and wants to know the progress. Instead of the Independents it seems this game company is more like the Alliance. Let's just get rid of anyone who asks too many questions about Miranda lol except now it's let's get rid of anyone who asks too many questions about the game. The right thing to do would even to tell everyone "look we don't know if this will be released it's getting harder and harder so don't get your hopes up" and that would've been great too but instead it's all one big secret. They have said that Fox is a big part of the game so i'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:55 PM


Hubby says they updated the veneer on some of the planets like last month or so...I think they are still working on it, just not as diligently?? Might be waiting for some pieces of the puzzle to line up. Story of a freakin' Browncoat
I can't imagine just updating the look of the planets for no reason...


Sunday, January 10, 2016 4:36 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Hubby says they updated the veneer on some of the planets like last month or so...I think they are still working on it, just not as diligently?? Might be waiting for some pieces of the puzzle to line up. Story of a freakin' Browncoat
I can't imagine just updating the look of the planets for no reason...

Of the screenshots that they've released lately the game looks great and I mean that. It looks on par with some stuff being released for consoles these days. However I just wish they would tell us something but they've been so tight lipped and even a bit mean about the whole thing (management I mean). The only people who have been giving us something is a person or persons named "Mech" or "The Mechanic" on and even they haven't released a whole lotta stuff. They've just shut us out and they've shut out the people who really matter which are the Browncoats. The thing is they have so many plans with the game or at least they did but they haven't said anything. They actually talked about releasing it on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the future if the game becomes as big as WoW. Thing is the game is available on IOS and Android as a mobile game and it's of the same quality as the PC version so it's not a stripped version of the game. They've said it will be the exact same version so i'm wondering how complex this game really is. I mean it can't be super powerful or require a super powerful computer if the same exact game can be played on an IPhone. I don't know I mean i'll keep holding out hope like a true Browncoat but I have to be honest i'm doubting that this game is coming out or anytime soon. We may be lucky to get a 2017 release if it comes out at all and we still have to look at the possibility that this may end up being another Aliens: Colonial Marines. If you don't know that story, Aliens: Colonial Marines was so hyped and it got pushed back like 2 years and then when it was finally released the game was horrible. It was buggy, the graphics were bad, the AI was moronic, etc. Basically everything you could possibly that could be bad in a videogame Colonial Marines had it. It's possible FFO may end up being the same though I hope not. Right now from what they've said about the story and stuff it's basically a videogame version of the board game by Gale Force Nine "Firefly The Game. You find a crew, get jobs, pay your crew, give them shore leave, keep flying,etc. I hope your right that they are still working on it but I mean they've been a little too closed mouth about this and they haven't even released an estimated Beta date. Not a release date but a Beta release date. We don't even know when the beta will release and also they've shut down BDH and in-app purchases.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Monday, January 11, 2016 10:47 AM


If I had to guess, I'd guess that executing their vision is proving to be more trouble, more time, and more expense than anticipated.

Does that mean we'll never see the game? I hope not. Looks pretty cool from what we've seen.

Honestly, they may have shut down social media as a cost-saving effort. It's probably a drop in the bucket compared to programming, but at least it's SOMETHING.

I know the folks working on the MMO have worked with the game designers for the boardgame - the two new ship packs (Jetwash and Esemralda) were designed in concert and included an ad for the MMO. Further, the team behind the boardgame (GF9) has implied that new boardgame content we see in 2016 will be related to the MMO.

Not sure if that adds anything to the discussion, but to me, I sort of get the impression of a wounded team limping along trying to complete a labor of love that has become bigger and more problematic than expected.

To me, until they give a SPECIFIC release date (not a quarter or even a month), I'll hold out hope but I won't hold my breath. Meanwhile, I've got the boardgame to play. :)


Monday, January 11, 2016 4:31 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.

I'm the same way. I won't hold my breath but i'll hold out hope though. The boardgame is my favorite to play I love it and it really feels like Firefly so I'm cool just playing the boardgame lol. I agree with the limping analogy, I think the game has gotten too big even for them. When they first released the full length trailer "If I were a captain" the graphics were WoW quality. They were okay for an MMO. Now I've seen screenshots of the cutscenes and the quality is that of a PS4 game. I mean Mal in the game looks exactly like Nathan Fillion down to the way his hair moves and same with Kaylee and all the other members. I think the game has gotten way to big and way to complex but I think they are still trying (at least that's what i'll tell myself to make me feel better lol).

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:18 AM


Still frustrating, yes. But there's this recent article:

So maybe there's some hope.....


Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:41 AM


OK, so they got a year into it and had to start over. I'm guessing they didn't want to say anything so the cast wouldn't feel they'd screwed stuff up?

Makes sense now, thanks Mutt!

So...maybe end of THIS year?


Friday, January 15, 2016 1:14 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

Eh I still think it's a mean move to keep it from the fans who caused this game to be made. I mean without the Browncoats like us we never would've had Serenity and we definitely wouldn't have a videogame. To me it just seems mean to block and delete everybody who asks (politely I might add nobody on the facebook page or twitter was ever mean) when the release date will be for the game. Most of the people on Facebook weren't even asking for the base game but for the beta which is only available to a select group of people. I'm still holding out hope! It does look amazing and I really hope the game didn't break the catalyzer on the main compression coil and ended up drifting never to be heard from again.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Friday, January 15, 2016 3:47 PM


They also closed down the trading post in Big Damn Hero's game. You can no longer purchase cards or crates.


Friday, January 15, 2016 8:45 PM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
They also closed down the trading post in Big Damn Hero's game. You can no longer purchase cards or crates.

I deleted the app. I checked it for awhile but I deleted it because it's never updated anymore. That article is very very recent though so I'll still hold out a bit of hope.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Friday, January 22, 2016 12:05 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Game development cycles can get lengthy, especially when the game's engine is being built from scratch. FFO, sounds like it's using two graphics engines; one for the space flight, and the other for the ship interior and ground RPG parts. That's even more stuff to hammer bugs out of.

Of the entities , the developer (Sparkplug) or the publisher (FOX Interactive); according to my PCGamer Jan 2001 article "Where Does Your Money Go?", the PR dept, them's that would probably run the facebook and twitter accounts would be on the publishers end. If they're going silent, they're not doing their job.

Perhaps the reason we're not hearing much is because the developers aren't adding so much new content, as they are play testing and bug squishing.

If we don't hear anything or see any type of progress (more demo vids or pics) by May, I will personally go into full fledged panic mode followed by more depression.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 3:24 PM


There's been a new breakthrough in home game marketing: Instant Cancelation. The games are canceled before they're even finished.

On a more serious note, I'm beginning to develop a doubt. Last serious activity was, what, 2013?! There were some recent scribblings (December 2015) that may point to the project not being entirely dead (or maybe just kept on life-support, so as not to have to bring the bad news). But I hold out little hope. Then again, as another fave Captain of mine once said, "I've never known Hope when it wasn't on a diet."

P.S. Dibs on "Curse their sudden, but inevitable betrayal!"


Tuesday, March 22, 2016 10:34 PM


here,s the latest info I can find. Interview withjohn o'neil january 2016


Sunday, March 27, 2016 4:06 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.


Originally posted by BRANDXS:
here,s the latest info I can find. Interview withjohn o'neil january 2016

That particular article was already posted above but it's actually not the latest. A Spanish website posted an article that happened to mention Firefly Online and they said that the game is in the final developmental stages. I was lucky to be able to chat with Tybee Diskin (she's scar in Fallout Nuka Break and she's also in the Firefly Fan Film "The Verse") and she was confident the game was still on schedule since the DLC is still active. The DLC is that you get the Overland ship used in "The Verse". She's pretty confident everything is on schedule so i'm still holding out hope. However I think it's a really nasty move on the developers part that they won't tell us anything. I can understand not wanting to get fans hopes up but I mean Browncoats are the lifeblood of this game and they are totally leaving us out. I think that's a really jerk move and i'm not too happy about it. I also mentioned that they made it a point on their facebook page to block anyone who asked when the beta was releasing (the beta was to be released last year and then was pushed back to this January which never happened). I'm still holding out hope because of Tybee Diskin's confidence and that the DLC, Cortex, and website are still active. I also liked that the spanish article (dated this month) stated the game is still being made. I'm more afraid that when the game does come out after all this anticipation and waiting it may actually end up sucking.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 4:11 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

Literally right after my reply I checked their Facebook and they actually updated it on my birthday. They say they are still flying and the game is still on track and in development.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Sunday, March 27, 2016 4:11 AM


Everybody Dies Alone.

Literally right after my reply I checked their Facebook and they actually updated it on my birthday. They say they are still flying and the game is still on track and in development.

Now you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.


Thursday, May 26, 2016 8:57 AM


From what have heard from Mech is that fox issued a gag order to them.

Some of you might be aware that fox recently had a regime change and a lot of TV projects were killed that were pet projects of the last guy. I don't know if that impacted the game or not.

I also heard fox is being a dick with the IPO and we should spam fox to move forward. I don't think it's the game developers who are at fault. And fox is all about money.

I would suggest doing what we did to get the movie made a would help here.

Write fox folks and demand the game.
I have already done so.

Just my thoughts on it all.


Thursday, May 26, 2016 11:41 AM



Originally posted by neoncoyote:
From what have heard from Mech is that fox issued a gag order to them.

Some of you might be aware that fox recently had a regime change and a lot of TV projects were killed that were pet projects of the last guy. I don't know if that impacted the game or not.

I also heard fox is being a dick with the IPO and we should spam fox to move forward. I don't think it's the game developers who are at fault. And fox is all about money.

I would suggest doing what we did to get the movie made a would help here.

Write fox folks and demand the game.
I have already done so.

Just my thoughts on it all.

First, I don't think there are nearly as many passionate browncoats now as there were right after the cancellation. Second, from what I've heard it's kind of a myth that browncoats got Universal to make a movie. The movie was already greenlit before the first campaigns started. All we did was encourage them to make a bigger deal about it. Really it was Joss who did all the work to get the movie greenlit.

Nothing wrong with being passionate and fighting for something you love, but these campaigns are a long shot and rarely pay off.


Thursday, May 26, 2016 4:19 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb


Originally posted by neoncoyote:
From what have heard from Mech is that fox issued a gag order to them.

Some of you might be aware that fox recently had a regime change and a lot of TV projects were killed that were pet projects of the last guy. I don't know if that impacted the game or not.

I also heard fox is being a dick with the IPO and we should spam fox to move forward. I don't think it's the game developers who are at fault. And fox is all about money.

I would suggest doing what we did to get the movie made a would help here.

Write fox folks and demand the game.
I have already done so.

Just my thoughts on it all.

What's the source on this? A quick Google search nets me nothin' new.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Wednesday, July 27, 2016 10:42 PM


There is still hope.


Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:11 AM



Originally posted by quasireal:
There is still hope.


Nice. Thanks for this!


Saturday, July 30, 2016 10:59 AM



Originally posted by MUTT999:

Still frustrating, yes. But there's this recent article:

So maybe there's some hope.....

From everything I've read up on I think the article Mutt linked is the best explanation. When you think about it its not just the voice work but also the story and being able to really include these characters into a story and game that was already well underway.

Somethings are worth the wait :)


Sunday, August 7, 2016 3:14 AM


new fan, here. just completed all 14 episodes and the movie, and loved every second of them. July 30th was my birthday, so i'm happy to see the latest information about firefly online, posted here, that day. i'd LOVE to play this game when it's released. i recently downloaded Rebel Galaxy for my ps4 and if you haven't checked it out, you should give it a look... even has that country twang to it in the soundtrack. smugglin', space travel, etc. i'm not here to promote the game, but i just had that itch that only comes from a firefly bite, i guess. keep flyin'!


Sunday, August 7, 2016 12:20 PM



We still get new fans around here now and then. I'm pretty new here, myself.


Sunday, August 7, 2016 4:15 PM


My thoughts on the thread title: No, it'll never be released.


Sunday, August 7, 2016 7:16 PM


I dunno, they've put an awful lot of work into it to NOT find a way. It may mean waiting out a looooong legal process, but I still think they could do it.

I got other things to do right now anyway...


Sunday, August 7, 2016 9:44 PM





Monday, August 8, 2016 9:34 AM


Anyone else having problems with the site?

I'm getting a "Your connection is not private" warning when I try to go to the page. This has occurred on three different computers, so I'm inclined to suspect the issue is at their end, not mine, but I figured I'd see if others are experiencing the same thing.


Monday, August 8, 2016 10:00 AM


Never had that happen, are you sure someone isn't honing in on your internet connection or are you using it in a public place? Not hard to hack, I could do it if I wanted... and I suck with these things.


Monday, August 8, 2016 12:16 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Anyone else having problems with the site?

I'm getting a "Your connection is not private" warning when I try to go to the page. This has occurred on three different computers, so I'm inclined to suspect the issue is at their end, not mine, but I figured I'd see if others are experiencing the same thing.

I've not had the warning pop up, but you're right. The site doesn't appear to use SSL so we shouldn't assume privacy when using it.

Wishimay: You may not always get an in your face warning about it, but you'll notice that on some sites you get a green symbol or padlock that if you click on it you'll get info about the security certificate. On this site, that's not there. If you click on the icon in it's place it'll inform you that the connection isn't private.


Sunday, August 14, 2016 4:14 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Anyone else having problems with the site?

I'm getting a "Your connection is not private" warning when I try to go to the page. This has occurred on three different computers, so I'm inclined to suspect the issue is at their end, not mine, but I figured I'd see if others are experiencing the same thing.

yea, i got the same warning when i went there, just before coming here. glad to know i wasn't the only one. :)


Tuesday, August 16, 2016 9:33 AM



Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:02 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:


Wednesday, August 17, 2016 9:44 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Anyone else having problems with the site?

I'm getting a "Your connection is not private" warning when I try to go to the page. This has occurred on three different computers, so I'm inclined to suspect the issue is at their end, not mine, but I figured I'd see if others are experiencing the same thing.

The certificate for the site expired on August 8. The domain itself expires later this year.

It's possible their sysadmin is just inept or forgetful, but I think the game is dead. I has a big sad.


Monday, August 29, 2016 2:03 PM


Yeah - expired certificate plus no updates since March on FB (or anywhere else) equals dead in the water. I'd prefer otherwise, as this was really promising, but it does happen...

Wherever you go, there you are...


Tuesday, September 13, 2016 2:31 AM


Somewhere in the Verse.......

QMx and FOX are fighting and Fox has pretty much shut it down. Who knows what will happen but I suspect that they have killed it, killed it with a sword, those idiots seem to have done nothing right. I emailed Oniel at spark plug games several times and he would say nothing concrete, they are under a gag order/NDA and can't talk of course.

First response:

"Thanks for getting in touch, and in fact we read every single message that comes in. I have to say, completely agree with your sentiment -- WTF IS GOING ON!?!?! There are many things I'd love to say, but legally/contractually/existentially all I can really mention is the fact that this beloved brand doesn't belong to us. It belongs to Fox, and we have to respect and abide by our contractual rules. I wish I could just tell the entire world every single thing that is going on behind the scenes right now, but you know what? I'd be out of business tomorrow, sued to oblivion!

If you want to gripe, I'd be happy to jump on a call with you as I'm right there with you in my frustrations. But we're professional game developers, not trying to pull one over on you by any means. You have ever right to be disappointed, but all I ask is that you consider the entire situation and not think that we have much (any) control over what is happening. We're at the bottom of the totem pole, quite honestly, and often stuck with the mud all over us.

Quite seriously though, if you want to chat I'm happy to call you. And no, you can not ever stop the signal.


Second a few months later:

Good to hear from you, and thanks for checking in. I wish I had more good news, but it's all in the hands of Fox and QMx. We're stuck here waiting on their politics, which is infuriating. In this case, no news is not good news as I'm sure it doesn't help. Sorry that I couldn't have more to say on this.



Wednesday, October 5, 2016 8:05 AM


If only it were Warner Bros instead of Fox.

Release the game, change names and everything else you need to do to avoid copyright laws, stuff FOX! Fox lost me long time ago and many more when they pulled the TV show back in the day.


Thursday, October 6, 2016 10:19 AM


Who says we can't keep busy in the meantime???


Thursday, October 6, 2016 4:58 PM



Originally posted by MUTT999:

Who says we can't keep busy in the meantime???


Russia trolls get contract extension


Monday, November 28, 2016 3:19 PM


I agree. Fox lost me years ago and now are messing with the game i wanted to play really, really badly. Oh well. Guess its not gonna happen.

"Get a ship, find a crew, keep flying."-Captan Malcom


Monday, May 22, 2017 12:59 PM


Nothin' new..

I just went looking today to see if there was anything out there anywhere, and nada, but I did find this descriptor in a comment section and there was a few things I didn't know it was going to have so I though I would post...

JB5 says:

16 March, 2015 at 3:51 am

Here is what I have learnt from Andy Gore, Executive Producer of FFO:

Game’s similar to old school “Fallout”
There’s three game modes:
1/ Flight sim – like “Freelancer”
2/ Economics/Logistical/Shipyard/Personnel – Like “Masters of Orion”
3/ Main play will be “Encounter engine” – a 3D procedurally generated system, creates towns etc where you visit bars etc and this is where combat takes place – “X-Com” turn based style.
Crew training, equipment, morale etc will be important.
Isometric view but you can have a first person view if you want but game is more suited to isometric.
They decided not to make a FPS game as Firefly is about more than pew pew pew.
There is only one scenario where you cannot “talk your way” out of a battle if you want.
Lots of humor in the game
You’ll have a “GTA” type garage for your ships where you can swap them. And upgrade them.
You can finish the story of the first release (where the original cast appear – the script was over 100 pages just for the cut scenes by the way) in about 20 hours if you really want to concentrate on it, or “120” hours (ie as much time as you want to take) if you just want to do parts of the main storyline slowly and just fly around doing jobs in the ‘Verse.
You will have to do the first few parts of the main storyline first to get set up then it’s up to you.
The game gets tougher as you progress. (naturally)
In flight sim mode you can either fly yourself from planet to planet or system to system or you can “fast forward” if you like.
If you fast forward you still can run into random events such as being boarded by pirates, attacked by reavers, the Alliance can stop you and search your ship etc.
If you’re boarded the battle takes place within your ship (obviously).
If you win a battle you loot the enemy. You can take their boots if you want.
Any weapons you loot you can “dis-assemble” and remake into something better.
You will need a “gunsmithing skill” to do that.
You can craft weapons and equipment.
Each part of the inside of your ship is fully customizable.
The game has the “personality” of the show.
Joss is happy with the game but doesn’t have any input as such.
Voiceover complete for initial release with the exception of Wheaton. Very soon.
Adam and Alan have more than their original characters voiced in game.
Couldn’t get Gina as she was too busy but should be in Part Two of the game.
Badger may be in Part Two.
The Kelly Wu character is the “Badger” of the first release.
You don’t have to use Courtney or Wil as your character’s voice if you don’t want to.
They are approximately 90 days from release, aiming for end of May if possible.
There may be an “early access” release.
Release will be worldwide across all platforms.
The are using the Cortex roll out as the template for actual game release. Ironing out bugs so release goes smoothly. Apple caused the first two week delay, Android the current two week delay due to change in download management software.
You can play on your mobile device on the way home, for example, fire up your PC and start from where you left on your mobile device.
Cortex and the full game use the same database so again using Cortex to “test” game code live before release.
Premium game, may have a two day free start on Steam, for example, though.
There will be 4 DLC’s (already done), new storylines etc, don’t need them if you don’t want them though.
Premium price will be “dramatically low”. The reason is because you will need to buy it for each platform you want to use it on.
QMX (developer) has made a lot of money on Firefly merchandise over the last 10 years and they decided to do the game as a “gift” to Browncoats as nobody else has successfully made a Firefly game. Another reason the price will be “dramatically low”.
When you do trade routes on the Cortex your “ship” is being tracked by the actual game servers.
There are “tens of thousands” of people doing trade routes at any given time.
You can interact with other players, you can build a group of “friends” (other captains) who you can call on to assist you in jobs, you can see your friends (only) statues in the Crappy Little Town (that answers that question), you can give jobs to other players on the “Job Board”.
You can end up fighting other captains if you run the same job, such as “salvaging the same derelict”.
So there will be PVP, sort of, but when you fight the other crew they will be AI.
Players at certain high levels can create storylines which will be on the Cortex.
You can create “real social connections”.
They want to, eventually, long term, enable players to crew a ship together.
Guilds will come.
They have enough upcoming content to last 1.5 years so far.
They don’t want to make a profit, as such, but want the game to be self sustainable for new content etc.
For that, they need 100,000 active players.
The next big thing they have planned after the initial release is a “Independence War Module” where you can fight the Unification War. That’s after the 1.5 years.
Shorter term they want players to be able to play a ‘Bounty Hunter” character instead of Ship’s Captain.
They see the game is a platform to tell new Firefly stories, and to that end all of the original cast are extremely willing and able to come back and voice more content.


Monday, May 22, 2017 1:04 PM


It said they would need 100000 active players, they have 72,000 follows on facebook.


Sunday, May 28, 2017 4:28 PM


I strongly doubt you will see this game anytime soon, Problem is with copyright infringements, Last I heard the Firefly copyright still belongs to FOX and without their consent there is no game. The way the sites all shut down quick about FFO I would think it was because of the copyright information.


Monday, December 28, 2020 10:08 PM


Well, if they're doing the show, will they finish the game??

I wouldn't think so, but...






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