May the Force be with her - always.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016 2:47 PM


America loves a winner!

RIP Carrie Fisher


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:17 PM


Pretty damn shocking. It had been reported that she was getting better. She will always be the fearless and beautiful Princess Leia to her galaxy of fans. Just a horrible ending for 2016. R.I.P.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 3:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Carrie Fisher told this joke :

Remember the white dress I wore all through that film? George came up to me the first day of filming, took one look at the dress and said: 'You can't wear a bra under that dress.'

'OK, I'll bite,' I said. 'Why?' And he said: 'Because... there's no underwear in space.’

He said it with such conviction. Like he had been to space and looked around and he didn't see any bras or panties anywhere.

He explained. 'You go into space and you become weightless. Then your body expands but your bra doesn't, so you get strangled by your own underwear.'

I think that this would make for a fantastic obituary. I tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 7:53 PM


America loves a winner!

Amidst the praise , she ( and others )lived life made harder by their own choices. They endured, for the most part, because of who they were, but also paid a price for those choices. I don't want to diminish what she did, but I have to wonder, had there been fewer self inflicted setbacks in her life, she might have lived a longer, happier one. Same goes for so many who have left us too soon.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:22 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
Pretty damn shocking. It had been reported that she was getting better.

That was because it was so close to Christmas...They say that so the family has time to come visit and so they won't have actual time of death reported on Christmas.

It would have taken a miracle for her to regain consciousness.

She lost 35 lbs for her appearances in Star Wars, and I guarantee it killed her. Every woman I've ever known that lost weight after 50 died within 5 years.

Here is some Trivia about her I did not know...

She was engaged to Dan Aykroyd while on the set of Blues Brothers. (He has Aspergers, she was Bi-polar, btw.)

[on the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney] I'm now a Disney Princess!

Fisher described herself as an "enthusiastic agnostic who would be happy to be shown that there is a God". She was raised Protestant, but often attended Jewish services, the faith of her father, with Orthodox friends.

Also, she will appear in the next Star Wars, having already filmed the scenes.

Here is a Jewish Poem I have found in her honor, being that she died on a Tuesday....

When Will I Be Myself Again by Rabbi Lewis John Eron
“When will I be myself again?”
Some Tuesday, perhaps,
In the late afternoon,
Sitting quietly with a cup of tea,
And a cookie;
Or Wednesday, same time or later,
You will stir from a nap and see her;
You will pick up the phone to call her;
You will hear her voice – unexpected advice –
And maybe argue.
And you will not be frightened,
And you will not be sad,
And you will not be alone,
Not alone at all,
And your tears will warm you.
But not today,
And not tomorrow,
And not tomorrow’s tomorrow,
But some day,
Some Tuesday, late in the afternoon,
Sitting quietly with a cup of tea,
And a cookie;
And you will be yourself again.

So long, Princess......


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:31 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I don't want to diminish what she did, but I have to wonder, had there been fewer self inflicted setbacks in her life, she might have lived a longer, happier one.

For being Bi-polar, she did well. I've known a couple kids diagnosed with it that committed suicide or tried several times. It's a rough brain to have. If she were neuro-typical she wouldn't have been as good at acting and screenwriting as she was.



Tuesday, December 27, 2016 9:22 PM


America loves a winner!

Well, her use of drugs and alcohol didn't help matters, regardless of her bi-polar condition. I don't buy that merely losing weight lead to her having a heart attack. Unless, of course, she did it too fast, too unhealthy, and was looking to hit a target weight and not just get into better over all shape. I had heard she did much to improve her appearance, but to be honest, she still looked unhealthy in the movie. There are women older than her who have kept themselves in better shape that look like a healthy 40 something. She looked every bit her age. And no, I'm not saying this in any misogynistic tone, or that she needed to fit into her gold bikini again, but it's clear to me she had little interest in 'going back' to play Princess. Not like I think JJ et al had hoped she would. She is missed.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:26 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I don't buy that merely losing weight lead to her having a heart attack.

I've seen it happen sooo many times though. Including my aunt. She lost 100 lbs and was dead the next year. All those toxins get released into the blood stream, into organs. When you are already in bad shape, it can absolutely be the catalyst for a heart attack or stroke.

EDITED TO ADD: Daily Mail is also now saying she had gotten back into drugs too, I'm sure that didn't help...


Tuesday, December 27, 2016 11:56 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:

EDITED TO ADD: Daily Mail is also now saying she had gotten back into drugs too, I'm sure that didn't help...

I hope that's not true, but the revival of celebrity status, along with who knows what, may have contributed to driving here there ...I just have no idea. Only those closest to her would know, I guess.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 12:08 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by second:
Carrie Fisher told this joke :

Remember the white dress I wore all through that film? George came up to me the first day of filming, took one look at the dress and said: 'You can't wear a bra under that dress.'

'OK, I'll bite,' I said. 'Why?' And he said: 'Because... there's no underwear in space.’

He said it with such conviction. Like he had been to space and looked around and he didn't see any bras or panties anywhere.

He explained. 'You go into space and you become weightless. Then your body expands but your bra doesn't, so you get strangled by your own underwear.'

I think that this would make for a fantastic obituary. I tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.

Q: At what part, anywhere in the SW saga, does anyone actually have to deal w/ the weightlessness of space ? She was 19. Lucas wanted to see her youthful figure 'bounce', and he came up w/ that excuse.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 8:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Before she arrived in London in 1976 to shoot Star Wars, she’d spent a month at a fat farm in Texas to lose some of the baby-fat in her cheeks. Then came the application of the “hairy earphones” that she also dubbed, “the buns of Navarone.” As the only girl in a boys’ fantasy universe, she had to declaim terrible lines while trying to maintain her poise. As her recently published diaries (with bonus poems) make clear, her days were largely spent trying to figure out why the inhumanly gorgeous but married Harrison Ford — with whom she was having an affair — wasn’t falling in love with her the way she was with him. She walked away with a lot of confusion, a semi-broken heart, and (in lieu of a salary) a quarter of a percentage of what would turn out to be one of the most profitable movies ever made.

It should be said that Fisher was odd casting for Star Wars. Actresses in ’50s sci-fi movies are va-va-voom types. They’re women, not girls. Even Dale Arden in ’30s Flash Gordon movies fits the glamorous Fay Wray mold. But coming off his previous hit, American Graffiti, and its essentially boys’ universe, Lucas rejected the blonde Candy Clark archetype in favor of the small, dark girl-next-door Cindy Williams figure. He wanted an actress whose femininity would inspire boys but not distract them from the task at hand. Even more important, he didn’t want an actress whose sexuality would frighten boys. This left some older males angry, and Fisher was treated harshly in certain quarters. John Simon in this magazine complained that she was unattractive. I heard a respected reporter at the newspaper where I was an intern in 1977 ask the paper’s film critic why Lucas had cast such an “ugly” girl. To be clear, I don’t agree with that judgment — I think Fisher is adorable in the role, and her mouthiness is a definite plus. But there was a disjunction in pairing her with a traditionally good-looking hunk in Ford. He would go on to play romantic leads and action heroes for 30 more years while Fisher’s options were cruelly limited.

Much of Fisher’s recent shtick involved her publicly musing — well into her 50s and heavier than she wanted to be and with a husky, old-broad voice — on how often she met men who’d tell her she was the first girl they masturbated to, especially after George Lucas stuck her in that metal bikini as the captive of Jabba the Hutt. And why not? She was reclaiming her image. She was finding her own voice through what is now the most acceptable (and profitable) form of the second act in American life: the celebrity confessional memoirist/novelist. This, she was saying, is what the girl in that ridiculous bikini was thinking and feeling while you were busy slobbering.

At last she could tell us all about growing up with a narcissistic mother with finer features and more show-biz talent — a mother whose star was fading but who still managed by force of will to overshadow her daughter. At last she could reveal the final years of the first man who left her, the father whose corrosive addictions to booze, drugs, and sex required her — at the end of his life — to function for him as the parent he never could have been. At last she could play parts that captured aspects of her own personality, among them the pioneering, iconoclastic comedy writer idolized by Tina Fey’s Liz Lemon on 30 Rock. Fisher’s character’s final line as Fey stumbles out of the raging alcoholic’s hellhole apartment is “Help me, Liz Lemon! You’re my only hope!” — a joke on Star Wars that’s also a joke on how Fisher might have turned out if she hadn’t been able to look so successfully inward.

Even correcting for the 32 years since Return of the Jedi, Fisher in The Force Awakens didn’t seem much like the old Princess Leia — unless Leia had previously hit bottom, which fairy-tale princesses don’t do, especially in galaxies like George Lucas’s. She looked and sounded like she’d been through the wars, and not the Clone Wars. But being a bit of a wreck was part of her triumphant new persona. She even brought her dog on talk shows because ... she could. Fisher performed her one-person show Wishful Drinking (it was filmed by HBO) a little broadly for my taste, waiting too egregiously for laughs, leaving nothing undersold. But her joy in commanding attention on her own was there in every line, in every syllable. She went out way too early but as nobody’s daughter, nobody’s ex-wife, nobody’s hairy-earphoned princess. At last, she was queen on her own merits.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 5:37 PM


Daily Mail is saying Her mom may have had a stroke O.O.

Rough week for their family....


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 9:19 PM


RIP Fisher women.

Debbie has also passed. Feel sorry for Billie. Planning a double funeral is just awful...


Wednesday, December 28, 2016 11:57 PM


America loves a winner!

Debbie Reynolds was 84...

But fate sure did deal that family a double shot this past week.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, December 29, 2016 11:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Listen to Carrie Fisher narrate the biography of her mother Debbie Reynolds.

In brief video for Turner Classic Movies, Fisher narrates the biography of her mother, describing her as having so much talent, “it’s insane,” and recalling what it was like growing up with a beloved movie star as a mother. “Walking down the street with her was like being in a parade,” Fisher says. “In public, I had to share her. She belonged to everybody.”

The Singin’ in the Rain scene that made Debbie Reynolds a star

Reynolds landed the part of Kathy Selden in Singin’ in the Rain, the 1952 classic that would launch her career. She was to sing and dance opposite Donald O’Connor and Gene Kelly, lauded Hollywood mainstays with decades of performing experience, while she had almost none, and zero dancing experience to speak of.

That’s why, as Reynolds would later tell it, Kelly wasn’t too thrilled about her casting. Speaking to the UK’s Sunday Express in 2013, Reynolds wryly recounted how Kelly dismissed her lack of experience and showed little sympathy when she danced so much during filming that her feet bled:

"My feet were bleeding from all that dancing and when I pointed it out, Gene would say 'Clean it up!' He was very sentimental like that!”

But Reynolds wasn’t scared of Kelly, nor of the prospect of starring in a huge musical with a scant résumé. “You know, I was so dumb,” she said to the American Film Institute in 2012 with a self-aware smile, “that I didn’t feel you could fail. I felt [the part] was me, and I marched straight ahead.”

There’s no better scene from Singin’ in the Rain to illustrate Reynolds’s natural talent and hardworking nature — she’d only been learning to dance for three months when the movie was filmed — than the exuberant number “Good Morning.” Reynolds literally goes toe to toe with O’Connor and a 37-year-old Kelly, matching them step for kick-ball-change’d step as she tip-taps around the set with a perpetual grin.

Between Reynolds’s natural charisma and the two men dancing on either side of her in virtually identical outfits, it’s hard not to focus squarely on her, a brilliant performer who willed her inexperience into submission with sheer determination and skill.

“To dance with Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor in three months — well, anyone else should’ve passed out,” Reynolds told AFI. “But I didn’t. I just thought, ‘Well, let’s get started.’”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 29, 2016 7:14 PM




Thursday, December 29, 2016 7:56 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Well, her use of drugs and alcohol didn't help matters, regardless of her bi-polar condition.

Are you suggesting that Bi-polar and drugs are 2 separate issues, instead of the effect and cause?


Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:33 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you suggesting that Bi-polar and drugs are 2 separate issues, instead of the effect and cause?

Don't bother, JSF... He thinks everyone is just using "mental illness" as an excuse for bad behaviors. Everyone ought to be more like him and control themselves, even when they have brain damage


Thursday, December 29, 2016 11:27 PM



Friday, December 30, 2016 8:00 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you suggesting that Bi-polar and drugs are 2 separate issues, instead of the effect and cause?

Don't bother, JSF... He thinks everyone is just using "mental illness" as an excuse for bad behaviors. Everyone ought to be more like him and control themselves, even when they have brain damage

Non brain damaged folks use / abuse drugs, so yes, they are two separate issues. Seriously, some will find anything to argue about instead of just mourning the passing of a person.


Friday, December 30, 2016 12:48 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Non brain damaged folks use / abuse drugs, so yes, they are two separate issues.

I would posit that a sane, well adjusted person wouldn't use drugs they didn't have to, so drug users ARE damaged in some way.

As for the arguing thing, ARE YOU NEW TO THE INTERNETS? This is what people DO.


Saturday, December 31, 2016 1:34 AM


America loves a winner!


As for the arguing thing, ARE YOU NEW TO THE INTERNETS? This is what people DO.

No it isn't


Saturday, December 31, 2016 5:45 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Non brain damaged folks use / abuse drugs, so yes, they are two separate issues.

I would posit that a sane, well adjusted person wouldn't use drugs they didn't have to, so drug users ARE damaged in some way.

As for the arguing thing, ARE YOU NEW TO THE INTERNETS? This is what people DO.

I don't normally argue, I just don't like fabrications and lies being left uncorrected.

BTW, R.I.P. Carrie and Debbie.


Saturday, December 31, 2016 9:51 PM


Damn, 2016 got one more..

William Christopher (aka Father Mulcahey from M.A.S.H.) has died today too.

I'm an agnostic, but even I liked the character. Wish more Christians were like him.

RIP William....


Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:44 PM


Looks like yet another cocaine death.

Can't say she didn't know.

Update, June 19: Carrie Fisher's autopsy report shows the actress had cocaine in her system when she fell ill on a plane last year, but investigators could not determine what impact the cocaine and other drugs found in her system had on her death. The report released Monday states Fisher may have taken cocaine three days before the Dec. 23 flight on which she became ill. She died four days later.

It also found traces of heroin and MDMA, which is also known as ecstasy, but that they could not determine when Fisher had taken those drugs. The findings were based on toxicology screenings done on samples taken when the Star Wars actress arrived at a Los Angeles hospital. Coroner's officials ruled Fisher died from sleep apnea and a combination of other factors.

Original post below:

Carrie Fisher died from sleep apnea and a combination of other factors, but investigators were not able to pinpoint an exact cause, coroner's officials said Friday.

Among the factors that contributed to Fisher's death was buildup of fatty tissue in the walls of her arteries, the Los Angeles County coroner's office said in a news release late Friday. The release states that the Star Wars actress showed signs of having taken multiple drugs, but investigators could not determine whether they contributed to her death in December.

Her manner of death would be listed as undetermined, the agency said.

The agency did not immediately respond to a request for additional details about whether a full autopsy report and toxicology results were available.

Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person's breathing pauses during sleep. The pauses may be brief or last several minutes, according to information from the National Institutes of Health.

Fisher, 60, suffered a medical emergency on an international flight on Dec. 23 and died four days later. Her mother, longtime movie star Debbie Reynolds, died the following day.

The actresses were laid to rest together at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills, a cemetery where numerous celebrities are buried.

Fisher's brother, Todd Fisher, said he was not surprised by the results. He added that his family did not want a coroner's investigation of his sister's death. "We're not enlightened. There's nothing about this that is enlightening," he said.

"I would tell you, from my perspective that there's certainly no news that Carrie did drugs," Todd Fisher said. He noted that his sister wrote extensively about her drug use, and that many of the drugs she took were prescribed by doctors to try to treat her mental health conditions.

Fisher long battled drug addiction and mental illness. She said she smoked pot at 13, used LSD by 21 and was diagnosed as bipolar at 24. She was treated with electroshock therapy and medication.

"I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs," Todd Fisher said.

He said his sister's heart condition was probably worsened by her smoking habit, as well as the medications she took. "If you want to know what killed her, it's all of it," he said.

Todd Fisher said it was difficult to blame doctors who treated his sister because they were trying to help her.

"They were doing their best to cure a mental disorder. Can you really blame them?" Todd Fisher said. "Without her drugs, maybe she would have left long ago."

Carrie Fisher made her feature film debut opposite Warren Beatty in the 1975 hit Shampoo. She also appeared in Austin Powers, The Blues Brothers, Charlie's Angels, Hannah and Her Sisters, Scream 3 and When Harry Met Sally ...

She will reprise her role as Leia Organa in the eighth installment of the core Star Wars franchise, The Last Jedi, which will be released in December.

Anthony McCartney is an entertainment writer for The Associated Press.


Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:41 PM


America loves a winner!

cocaine, heroine and extacy.

3 substances which have never been in my system.

Guess that's why I never was an actor.

What is it with actors and drug abuse ?


Thursday, June 22, 2017 8:07 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
cocaine, heroine and extacy.

3 substances which have never been in my system.

Guess that's why I never was an actor.

What is it with actors and drug abuse ?

They need to reside in an unreal world, particularly if they're not good at "acting" roles.


Thursday, June 22, 2017 8:46 PM


America loves a winner!

IDK...Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a pretty decent actor. Robin Williams was a genius... and while he didn't die OF drugs, he certainly did abuse them, over his shortened life.

Carrie Fisher was certainly an interesting lady. I WANT to believe that, had she conquered her drug use demons, she would have been more , not less , of a fascinating individual. And yes, I know she had other " issues ".

Billie Lourd, had some beautiful yet honest words, after the news on what was found in Carrie's system.

"My mom battled drug addiction and mental illness her entire life". 'She was purposefully open in all of her work about the social stigmas surrounding these diseases'.

Sinema Blaze

No apologies, no glossing over... pretty impressive and honest. I admire that.


Monday, July 17, 2017 4:33 AM


Yeah, I agree. I think a lot of her mother rubbed off on her, a pretty bold person was Carrie Fisher.

So long Princess



Originally posted by AURaptor:
IDK...Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a pretty decent actor. Robin Williams was a genius... and while he didn't die OF drugs, he certainly did abuse them, over his shortened life.

Carrie Fisher was certainly an interesting lady. I WANT to believe that, had she conquered her drug use demons, she would have been more , not less , of a fascinating individual. And yes, I know she had other " issues ".

Billie Lourd, had some beautiful yet honest words, after the news on what was found in Carrie's system.

"My mom battled drug addiction and mental illness her entire life". 'She was purposefully open in all of her work about the social stigmas surrounding these diseases'.

Sinema Blaze

No apologies, no glossing over... pretty impressive and honest. I admire that.


Sunday, August 13, 2017 12:05 AM


Thanks Second, the "Good Morning" scene is one of my all-time favorites, especially the way she sings it as the scene opens. Love this movie, Singing in the Rain.

R.I.P. Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds



Originally posted by second:
Listen to Carrie Fisher narrate the biography of her mother Debbie Reynolds.

In brief video for Turner Classic Movies, Fisher narrates the biography of her mother, describing her as having so much talent, “it’s insane,” and recalling what it was like growing up with a beloved movie star as a mother. “Walking down the street with her was like being in a parade,” Fisher says. “In public, I had to share her. She belonged to everybody.”

The Singin’ in the Rain scene that made Debbie Reynolds a star

Reynolds landed the part of Kathy Selden in Singin’ in the Rain, the 1952 classic that would launch her career. She was to sing and dance opposite Donald O’Connor and Gene Kelly, lauded Hollywood mainstays with decades of performing experience, while she had almost none, and zero dancing experience to speak of.

That’s why, as Reynolds would later tell it, Kelly wasn’t too thrilled about her casting. Speaking to the UK’s Sunday Express in 2013, Reynolds wryly recounted how Kelly dismissed her lack of experience and showed little sympathy when she danced so much during filming that her feet bled:

"My feet were bleeding from all that dancing and when I pointed it out, Gene would say 'Clean it up!' He was very sentimental like that!”

But Reynolds wasn’t scared of Kelly, nor of the prospect of starring in a huge musical with a scant résumé. “You know, I was so dumb,” she said to the American Film Institute in 2012 with a self-aware smile, “that I didn’t feel you could fail. I felt [the part] was me, and I marched straight ahead.”

There’s no better scene from Singin’ in the Rain to illustrate Reynolds’s natural talent and hardworking nature — she’d only been learning to dance for three months when the movie was filmed — than the exuberant number “Good Morning.” Reynolds literally goes toe to toe with O’Connor and a 37-year-old Kelly, matching them step for kick-ball-change’d step as she tip-taps around the set with a perpetual grin.

Between Reynolds’s natural charisma and the two men dancing on either side of her in virtually identical outfits, it’s hard not to focus squarely on her, a brilliant performer who willed her inexperience into submission with sheer determination and skill.

“To dance with Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor in three months — well, anyone else should’ve passed out,” Reynolds told AFI. “But I didn’t. I just thought, ‘Well, let’s get started.’”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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