I'm confused

UPDATED: Sunday, November 21, 2004 21:26
PAGE 1 of 1

Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:01 PM


hello my friend from school lent me the firefly dvd recently, i kind of like it but there are a few things that were bugging me.

1. is mal a nice guy or a jerk, half the time he acts like homer simpson being the but of all the jokes. Then the music changes and hes turns into a jerk is he scysophrenic or something

2.same thing with jane half the time he acts like joey from friends, the other half he seems to know everything.

3.Whats the point of a prostitute that won't sleep with you? river crazy or just missing part of her brain and if shes not crazy why does she constantly say random non sensical stuff.

4.why are the aliance people all such jerks i dont want to put them all in the same basket or anything, but im yet to see one thats a nice person

5.If the reavers are insane bloodthirsty killers how come they are able to pilot and repair their ships prepare meals etc. i would of thought they would just have a giant fight to the death inside there ship or something.

hopefully you can answer my questions thank you.


Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:25 PM


Firefly is an incomplete opus. Go see Serenity and its sequels.


Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:26 PM


1. Mal is tortured, and probably a little bi-polar. He wants a family, deep down, but he's been hurt something deep and fierce by the war. It's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Also, Mal was supposed to be dark, but the producers(Fox) wanted him to be more likable.

2. Jayne is not dumb, just unschooled. He's got a lot of knowledge in regards to being a mercenary, but not much else. He's the loveable lug.

3. Prostitute, yes, but it's a reversed approach. People come to her, and she chooses her partner. It's all heavily regulated by the Companion's Guild.

4. River is uncomprehensibly more intelligent than your normal human. Things like theoretical physics make as much sense to her as 2+2 does to us. And the Blue Hands removed a piece of her brain so that she would feel everything, and then some, perhaps cultivating and amplifying an already existing, if latent, psychic insight. More of that in the upcoming movie, as I hear.

4. Not all of the Alliance people are jerks, I would imagine. The ones without lines are just every day folks like you and me. The characters with lines are supposed to be jerks, though. We're supposed to like Mal and the crew, not the feds.

5. Vicious, savage, and cannibalistic, yes. Insane, yes. But even nut jobs will develop a sense of heirarchy, of pack order. The biggest and baddest is in charge, until someone bigger and badder kills him. And even nutso cannibals can remember how to fly a spaceship, or at least figure it out.

Did you mean to put 4 twice? I reused your numbers to prevent confusion.

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