UPDATED: Monday, February 21, 2005 22:06
VIEWED: 34210
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004 7:52 PM


*POUT* :{
Joss! I wanna see the BIG DAMN HEROES!
*stomping feet in tantrum*

Now I have to fix my convention backdrop.
gorrammit! Maybe it should just say, "Coming Soon!
...but not soon enough for us Browncoats!"

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:22 PM


THIS IS JUST GAY! well browncaots, i guess we know what must be done... we destroy all the other movies that are to be aired in april and then they shall move serenity back up

"You can live with a man for fourty years , share his meals, talk on every subject, then tie him up, and hold him over the volanoes edge. And on that day, you will finally meet the man"


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:32 PM



Originally posted by ShanYu:
we destroy all the other movies that are to be aired in april and then they shall move serenity back up

There are other movies?


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 8:59 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:
Oh jeeeeeeez...

Now I gotta change practically every FRIKKEN one of my guerilla marketing posters.

*grumble grumble*

11th Hour


Originally posted by Stillshiny:
And the logo on 98% of My T-shirts. Of course I suddenly feel inspired to make several new designs. Unfortunately, this is one of those bits of news to fuel the fire of the scoffers. We the true browcoats will wait for our Big Damn Movie.


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Don't think of it as having to make new shirts, rather think of it as how the originals are now a conversation piece since they have the original release date on them.

I like the way you think! Yes, those posters and flyers with the April date on them will become incredibly sought after collector items in the future. 'cause Firefly/Serenity is going to become crazy successful and all those items from the "early days" will be considered a valuable part of history.

Anyway, with the movie release date now set for end of September, Dragon*Con is going to be HOT HOT HOT! As the excitement builds and we get to gather even more fans eager to buy tickets! YAY!

Lines 'round the block.... LINES 'ROUND THE BLOCK!



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty... happy."


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:52 PM


Several things are obvious.

-One, the possiblity of a future TV series for Firefly seems now to be far less than it was, because of the time factor for the actors and the loss of continuity, and also the collective memory of the series.

-Two, a massive loss of momentum is now taking place, with new fans we have painstakingly invited to join the party in April now being put off five more months. This is a loss of credibility for all of us and for Joss as well.

-The possiblity of a TV series or even more movies involving all the original players is also compromised. If that was ever going to happen, the cast is now forced to diddle around five more months out of their lives while the wheels that were in motion now rust on the tracks. These folks have to plan and pursue their careers, and the chances are great that several of them will be forced to sign contracts that will keep them out of future movies or a TV series. No one benefits by this. Not us, not the cast or crew, and not, ultimately, the movie producers who have delayed this.

Therefore I say something is decidely fishy here. I smell a rat. I still suspect the major premise of the Firefly epic rubs some people the wrong way, and they have taken action against the movie. Let us not forget Mr. Whedon's support of Mr. Kerry.

I would be greatly surprised now if the movie is EVER shown. Mark my words. Joss even said about the new release date, "Hopefully it won't change again."


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:59 PM


Anybody know what Adam or Nathan or Jewel or any of the other cast bloggers say about this? Surely Adam would have a comment.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:33 PM


I had the same first reaction as all of you. I was mad as hell. But it makes sense.

There was a conversation somebody had with Joss at a convention, I believe, where he was quoted as saying, regarding the BDM, "The first week['s ticket sales] are up to the studio, after that it's up to me." Meaning the studio's ads would drive in the crowd opening weekend, and word of mouth about how frickin awesome the movie is would keep the numbers strong. And he urged us all to go see the movie not just opening weekend, but every weekend after.

What does all this have to do with anything? Serenity isn't a franchise movie. People aren't going to hear "Serenity" and think "Oh! Have to go see that!" We just aren't there yet. But Triple X, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Star Wars, these are all things coming out after Serenity that would suck the buzz right out of our BDM. So no matter how much word of mouth was generated, it wouldn't matter, because those people would already be off to see one of the aforementioned movies.

Consider the last Star Trek movie, Namesis. It was released exactly one week before The Two Towers. It grossed less than some J.Lo. flick the first week, and then got killed by TTT the next week. Why? Because the key of the Trek franchise is staying power. Which means opening a week before a franchise movie? Death.

So, fellow Browncoats, we are disappointed, but take heart, and this will only serve to make our Big Damn Movie, Bigger, Better, and More Successful. And as long as we make that happen, that makes us Big Damn Heros as well.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:50 PM


Worst thing about this news is that the sequel is also be delayed by 5 months. But I guess we need to make sure the first BDM is all nice and successful so we get can get a sequel....


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:09 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Anybody know what Adam or Nathan or Jewel or any of the other cast bloggers say about this? Surely Adam would have a comment.

If you were anticipating paid employment by a studio on the promotion of a movie, what would you say? Whedon has put his trust in those people paid to understand the marketing of movies. They are probably not as pretty as the actor-chappies, but then neither is the auteur


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:07 AM


Does anybody know if this is an international release date or just U.S? Please don't tell me it's going to be one of these films where I can get the U.S. DVD from before it's even released in the cinema over here in the backwater wastes of Scotland!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:27 AM


To clear 3 things up;

- Re this dashing the possibility of bringing Firefly back to TV. Fact: Fox (the TV station) own Firefly's rights for TV for 10 years. Universal now own the movie rights only. Firefly will not be returning to TV, regardless. No, really. Live with it.

- UK release date - I am speaking to UIP (they own the Europe rights for Serenity) re this. I don't want to say too much, but we may see Serenity open here months before the US.

- Re the cast comments - I've posted comments from Adam in the 'Mr Baldwin' topic on this forum. He's pleased about the move.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:43 AM


Kevin I love your work RE: talking to UIP. I shall temporarily take back my bitter/chip on my shoulder words about UK release dates and check up on the boards about any further developments


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 4:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

11thHour wrote:

I like the way you think! Yes, those posters and flyers with the April date on them will become incredibly sought after collector items in the future. 'cause Firefly/Serenity is going to become crazy successful and all those items from the "early days" will be considered a valuable part of history.

Anyway, with the movie release date now set for end of September, Dragon*Con is going to be HOT HOT HOT! As the excitement builds and we get to gather even more fans eager to buy tickets! YAY!

Lines 'round the block.... LINES 'ROUND THE BLOCK!


Now you're talking 11th!

Just think how much those Adam posters from Dragon Con are going to fetch on Ebay now!

After reading Adam's post at the OB about talking to Joss and all, I am feeling really good about this delay. The more time Joss has to do all of the little things he wants to the BDM the better.

Dragon Con is promising to be the sci fi convention of the year for 2005. With the BDM in just a few short weeks after the con, I am almost certain we will be seeing most of the BDHs, and dare I say Joss himself. How shiny would that be?

Of course w/ the Browncoat Ball being held at DC, I think the Browncoat turn out next year will easily be double what we saw this year.

I can't wait!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:53 PM


I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!

How do I feel?

Sigh. Well, I suppose we just keep on keeping on.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:49 PM



Originally posted by Succatash:


You summed it up in one word so well.

But I fell I must add my, Bloody Hell

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 8:31 PM



Originally posted by ShanYu:

No, sweetie, this is just disappointing. Or just Hollywood studio business.

And not to be the PC-police or anything, but can we not use homophobic terms in a perjorative sense? This site works hard to be inclusive, so let's not be hurtful, alienating and bigotted when we're trying to console one another over a disappointment that affects us all.

I'm sure you didn't mean to be offensive, dear, and I don't mean any of this as an attack, just a friendly little heads' up.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004 10:27 PM


HEY So long as we get our Firefly fix I don't care
but still
it just reminds me of how Fox did our beloved Firefly series wrong with delayed airings I remember when they were airing it in 2 weeks intervals for 2 episodes - those Fox executives NIMRODS!!!
Now do we blame Universal
but as I was verbating
So long as we get our Firefly movie....
and they don't keep pushing back
"take my love, take my land , you can't take my FireFly (Movie)away from me..{{can't wait to see that movie}}...etc"

"God ((If there is one?)) is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us" --'That Share of Glory'
-C.M. KornBluth


Thursday, November 25, 2004 8:13 AM


* starts to cry incessantly and throw things *

This sucks. I hate waiting and its not like we have an angel season to look forward too cause that was cancelled too. There's no new Joss television shows because he isn't working with tv anymore. I am now very sad but I know it is worth the wait. But like I said before I hate waiting.

"I'll make you so in love with me ... that every time our lips touch, you'll die a little death" (line from the manga paradise kiss spoken by Johji)


Thursday, November 25, 2004 9:17 AM


Today's You know you've been thinking too much about Serenity when...: see "Best before April 2004" on the juice carton and it has added meaning.


Thursday, November 25, 2004 4:50 PM



I was counting the days until April to see what happens to the crew and now I have go through five more months of wondering how the plot developments from the series turn out!

All that I have to say is


Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:49 PM



"Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"


Thursday, November 25, 2004 10:52 PM


Although I am disappointed, I do think it will be a good idea to get Star Wars out of the way first. Not that I thnk "Star Wars" itself will be a threat to Serenity, but I think the marketing of Star Wars will be.

Already in my local cinema we get minutes long trailers for Star Wars, which isn't going ot be here for another six months. Every time I go to the cinema, I get the crappy trailer, and I expect the intensity of the marketing to increase and increase as they try to create interest in this tired old series.

BNy the time April comes peopke will be so p**sed of with & tired of "space" movies that they won't bother to go... unless they are diehard Browncoats like us.

So, although I'm disappointed at having to wait so long for our BDM, I'd rather have it released in a slot which gives it the best chance of success.

Just mho.

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Friday, November 26, 2004 4:57 AM


Here is my $0.02. (if posted already apologies, but I only got through the first 80 some posts)

I think this is a bad decision.
1. It puts the movie after hitchhikers and star wars. People might be "spaced out" come sept. People will compare it to the 2 pervious movies. Hitchhikers has a great story and star wars will have the CG FX. It would have been better had the "non-converted" seen Serenity before any of the other sci-fi blockbusters.

2. After the summer blockbusters is not a good time to release a movie. Inevitably they will compare you the summer blockbusters (mindless fuzz) or the potential oscar nominees which are coming out. Serenity will be out of the first and not up to the latter.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Friday, November 26, 2004 3:52 PM


my personal spin...
i'm heading overseas in Feb and was going to be nowhere near a movie theatre for at least 6 months, now maybe i have a chance at seeing the BDM at the actual cinema! (I was planning to pay for tickets anyway... assuming it's coming to Aus around the same time.)
but i'm still incredibly disappointed that the story itself won't be out there for another 6 months. (do I need therapy?)


Sunday, November 28, 2004 9:04 PM



Joss, I have SEVEN little words for you:

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow



p.s. for those of you who don't get the above, that was 2004's spring movie that was pushed back to September. Can you think of any movies this most recent September that did beaucoup bucks? That made $100 million? Help me out here. Gag.


Monday, November 29, 2004 6:53 AM


Here's a thought...maybe there is no movie.

Has anyone seen any real proof that this so-called movie isn't just an elaborate hoax? Anyone seen any new footage? Where are the trailors? Sure we have plenty of posts from Joss and selected members of the cast, but nothing concrete, nothing real.

We know Joss was a big Kerry supporter, so a flip flop on the release date should have been expected. But some of those Kerry people lie. Maybe the whole movie is a lie. Truth is there is no movie...just like Star Trek Nemisis, no movie at all.



Monday, November 29, 2004 7:11 AM


nedward wrote:
Quote: see "Best before April 2004" on the juice carton and it has added meaning.

Well, considering that your juice is currently in excess of 7 months rotten, it bloody well should have 'added meaning'. It should mean "Drink me and die!"




Monday, December 13, 2004 4:43 PM


You know, as awful as it may be for us, it's still coming out, and I was VERY worried about it going head to head with Episode III. Like you don't even know. So apart of me is somewhat relieved, and this really is all for the best. Just gotta keep telling ourselves that.


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:49 PM


I know this is a bit late but I linked this announcement on, if you're a user dig the story... more awareness about firefly can only help.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 9:53 PM


Just saw this tonight when I went to IMDB to check on the status :(

I am depressed, that's SO far away. It carries so many other delays with it...

How will the movie be recieved?
Will there be a sequel?
Will the show come back?

I think it's a good idea to move it back from the April slot, as that's when Episode 3 comes out, but I mean... if people are in the Sci-Fi mood, keep them in it. I don't see why more people would see it in September. People will be just going back to school, the summers over... I dunno doesn't seem that sound of a decision to me.

Oh and I have a dumb question... is it true that Joss is being forced to make 2 more movies if Serenity does well instead of bringing the show back? Because if that's true it's BOLLOCKS. That means we have to wait until we see how Serenity does, then if it does well (which it will I'll see it 50,000 times if need be) then we have to wait another 2 years or so for the second one, and more for the third... UGH. Someone tell me it aint true :(


Monday, February 21, 2005 4:37 AM


Actually, Episode III comes out in May, two weeks after April 22nd. Hitchhiker's Guide was out the week after that, and the Interprater was out on the 22nd.


Monday, February 21, 2005 6:35 AM



Originally posted by Hero:
We know Joss was a big Kerry supporter, so a flip flop on the release date should have been expected.

Valid point!


Monday, February 21, 2005 1:48 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

All I know is that the weekend of April 22 is going to be extremely depressing.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, February 21, 2005 4:26 PM


Not totally bad news for me as I got my exam schedule last week. I would have been doing a final exam on April 21st and one in the evening of April 22nd.

I wouldn't have been able to concentrate at all during my exams or my studies in anticipation of everything so at least I know I will pass my classes.

Harken: "Seems odd that you would name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."
Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 21, 2005 5:07 PM



Originally posted by Siraris:
Oh and I have a dumb question... is it true that Joss is being forced to make 2 more movies if Serenity does well instead of bringing the show back? Because if that's true it's BOLLOCKS. That means we have to wait until we see how Serenity does, then if it does well (which it will I'll see it 50,000 times if need be) then we have to wait another 2 years or so for the second one, and more for the third... UGH. Someone tell me it aint true :(

FORCED? Joss wants to make movies! Joss has said everything but, I NEVER WANT TO DO TV AGAIN. He shut down Mutant Enemy. What message does that tell you?

He stated this weekend when asked about more TV that NO ONE is even thinking about it.

Let Joss do what Joss does best. Be a genius. I will be perfectly happy if Serenity never goes back to the small screen and all the actors become Big Damn Movie Stars and Joss gets to do Wonder Woman, more X-Men movies, a Serenity trilogy, more original scripts (which he has mentioned working on), A Fray movie...

Why do we want to limit this man by sticking him on TV? TV has been very good to Joss and has hurt him. I will follow him wherever he wants to go and be thrilled with whatever genius I get.


Monday, February 21, 2005 8:51 PM



Originally posted by tlacook:

Originally posted by Siraris:
Oh and I have a dumb question... is it true that Joss is being forced to make 2 more movies if Serenity does well instead of bringing the show back? Because if that's true it's BOLLOCKS. That means we have to wait until we see how Serenity does, then if it does well (which it will I'll see it 50,000 times if need be) then we have to wait another 2 years or so for the second one, and more for the third... UGH. Someone tell me it aint true :(

FORCED? Joss wants to make movies! Joss has said everything but, I NEVER WANT TO DO TV AGAIN. He shut down Mutant Enemy. What message does that tell you?

He stated this weekend when asked about more TV that NO ONE is even thinking about it.

Let Joss do what Joss does best. Be a genius. I will be perfectly happy if Serenity never goes back to the small screen and all the actors become Big Damn Movie Stars and Joss gets to do Wonder Woman, more X-Men movies, a Serenity trilogy, more original scripts (which he has mentioned working on), A Fray movie...

Why do we want to limit this man by sticking him on TV? TV has been very good to Joss and has hurt him. I will follow him wherever he wants to go and be thrilled with whatever genius I get.

Why do we want to put it back on small screen? I'll explain. I happen to be a game developer, and I spend most of the time wracking my brains thinking of ideas for games. Now in a game, I have more than 2 hours (length of a movie) to work with characters, plot etc. The problem is, there is no way to create the same experience as television. In a movie, you have 2 hours to tell a story, on TV you could have over 24 hours to tell one PART of a story. Granted, you could make multiple movies, but think about all the possibilities... actors/actresses move on, don't want to do it anymore, something happens to someone, the studio drops the idea, and the pure fact you only have 2 HOURS to tell this story.

I look at Firefly as one of the crowning moments in Television because of how beautiful the story is. We got to see but a glimpse of these characters lives, with the possibilities being endless. You have a movie that comes out every 2 years, that's 6 hours in the next 6 years. If you had a TV showed that aired a full season for 6 years, that's over 144 HOURS of material. Watch the first episode of Firefly, it's almost a movie in and of itself.

TV has not been kind to Joss... well let me narrow that to Fox has not been kind to Joss. Although I've never seen Buffy or Angel, I heard they were wonderful shows, and from watching Firefly, I can only imagine.

So yes, a couple movies about Firefly is better than nothing, but it the end it's still an incredible tease for what we really could be experiencing.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens in September... I am willing to bet the movie makes the 40 million Jewel said they need to make, which means he can do another, and maybe a TV show. I am guessing (since Universal is putting Serenity out) that Fox has let go of Firefly? Universal = Sci-Fi = NBC. Possibilities?

To not persue Firefly on the small screen, would just be a travesty.


Monday, February 21, 2005 10:06 PM


Univeral owns the film rights, whereas Fox owns the television rights. Neither can make something on the other company's medium.






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