Are you going to boycott "SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY"

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 08:57
VIEWED: 24642
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Tuesday, May 22, 2018 4:41 PM


Well my anecdotal evidence does not look good for Solo. I work for a technology company with about 300 people in an office. The company rented 2 theaters 1 on release day and 1 the week after. Tickets are $7 and come with popcorn and you can get tickets for family and friends. They're currently begging people to buy tickets. You even get out of an hour of work. They're not even close to selling out.

When nerds would rather work than see star wars at a reduced price that's pretty telling.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 5:39 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

SPOILER ALERT: Plenty of sarcasm in the video. I know that's lost on some people here, so wanted to point that out ahead of time.

There are absolutely no spoilers to the movie in this video.

These guys probably live right down the street from you, JSF.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well that was 15:11 of my life I'll never get back.

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 7:51 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

SPOILER ALERT: Plenty of sarcasm in the video. I know that's lost on some people here, so wanted to point that out ahead of time.

There are absolutely no spoilers to the movie in this video.

These guys probably live right down the street from you, JSF.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well that was 15:11 of my life I'll never get back.

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

Well at least when delusional Libtards are making Flat Earth vids, they are too busy to waste time making Global Warming or Russia! Collusion! vids.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018 3:34 AM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2018 4:34 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Obama turned French people gay? The whole nation of France, or just French-Americans?


Wednesday, May 23, 2018 4:42 AM


That's not good news for Disney and Star Wars franchise. Somehow they'll survive it. I read a rumo0r online that critics and entertainment mags/papers have been writing glowing reviews. Could Disney be behind this?
Oh and advance sales are not doing well.

But I think I will judge for myself.



Originally posted by Zeek:
Well my anecdotal evidence does not look good for Solo. I work for a technology company with about 300 people in an office. The company rented 2 theaters 1 on release day and 1 the week after. Tickets are $7 and come with popcorn and you can get tickets for family and friends. They're currently begging people to buy tickets. You even get out of an hour of work. They're not even close to selling out.

When nerds would rather work than see star wars at a reduced price that's pretty telling.


Thursday, May 24, 2018 10:26 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's not good news for Disney and Star Wars franchise. Somehow they'll survive it. I read a rumo0r online that critics and entertainment mags/papers have been writing glowing reviews. Could Disney be behind this?
Oh and advance sales are not doing well.

But I think I will judge for myself.


I've read some good reviews. I thought some articles said advance sales were going well. That's why I wasn't entirely sure my office's anecdotal evidence was accurate, but maybe I misread. Regardless it will be interesting to see if the vocal opponents of The Last Jedi are so upset that they won't see future Star Wars movies and if they're numerous enough to concern Disney.


Thursday, May 24, 2018 6:24 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's not good news for Disney and Star Wars franchise. Somehow they'll survive it. I read a rumo0r online that critics and entertainment mags/papers have been writing glowing reviews. Could Disney be behind this?
Oh and advance sales are not doing well.

But I think I will judge for myself.


I've read some good reviews. I thought some articles said advance sales were going well. That's why I wasn't entirely sure my office's anecdotal evidence was accurate, but maybe I misread. Regardless it will be interesting to see if the vocal opponents of The Last Jedi are so upset that they won't see future Star Wars movies and if they're numerous enough to concern Disney.

We'll find out this weekend from the fandom on YOUTUBE how good this flick is.


Friday, May 25, 2018 1:25 AM


I can't wait to see the Falcon in the Kessel Run. [/sarcasm]

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 25, 2018 3:42 AM



We'll find out this weekend from the fandom on YOUTUBE how good this flick is. Whozit

That's going to be somewhat tainted because of the backlash regarding The Last Jedi. Actually, most of the 'bad press' is a result of the hate for the treatment of that movie. It's going on 6 months and there's still volcanic reaction to Rian Johnson's mess of a movie.

Also, according to some of his comments, and old video footage of him, his treatment was intentional. And it seems that is what Kennedy wanted as well, she approved the script. I'm afraid that the YouTubers will be in full force this weekend. So there may be a 'little' bias on their part.



Friday, May 25, 2018 4:19 AM


I think that part of the criticism regarding 'Solo' is that Disney is pushing for "rave" or "glowing" reviews. After all, they do have billions at stake.

But my take on all of this is that in The Force Awakens, both old and new fans went to the movie theater to see the original cast of Star Wars (after the disappointing prequels, episodes I,II & III). To see if their heroes could save the day, literally. When it did fantastic at the box office, well, expectations were high.

Then we got a less than stellar follow up in The Last Jedi. But it was a lot more than that. We got Luke standing over his nephew contemplating murder, and drinking green milk from a sea cow. Not to say it was all bad. There were moments, however brief, of sheer brilliance. It just didn't seem to make sense. The die-hard fans, truly despise Johnson and Kennedy for what they did to Luke and, in general, the franchise. It was change for the sake of change, and little else. No logical follow up to the motivations of the characters that older fans have come to know.

So, fans came up with this notion. How do we get back at them? Funny thing is now the same fans who hated Lucas's prequels, are wishing he come back and reclaim his creation. Rumor (there he goes again) has it that Lucas helped direct Solo. Don't know how true that is (Howard and Lucas have worked together before in American Graffiti), so I take that little tidbit with a grain of salt.

But I don't think the numbers of pissed-off fans will derail the franchise, not by themselves. Some of the reviews I read were mixed, and if that trend continues, a boycott will not be Disney's only concern.



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's not good news for Disney and Star Wars franchise. Somehow they'll survive it. I read a rumo0r online that critics and entertainment mags/papers have been writing glowing reviews. Could Disney be behind this?
Oh and advance sales are not doing well.

But I think I will judge for myself.


I've read some good reviews. I thought some articles said advance sales were going well. That's why I wasn't entirely sure my office's anecdotal evidence was accurate, but maybe I misread. Regardless it will be interesting to see if the vocal opponents of The Last Jedi are so upset that they won't see future Star Wars movies and if they're numerous enough to concern Disney.


Friday, May 25, 2018 8:05 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Speaking as a proud pro-life right-wing conservative...Alex Jones is insane


Saturday, May 26, 2018 8:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 26, 2018 9:53 AM



Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A few one liners and a few fun action scenes doesn't make it a classic. What's next?



Saturday, May 26, 2018 10:30 AM



Saturday, May 26, 2018 1:41 PM



Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Another quality reposting copied reposting of a non-FireflyFan's words by somebody without an original thought in their head.
The equivalent of requesting a Prime Rib and getting a Whopper patty.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 2:49 PM


So basically Solo copied GoTG. Now there's a revelation, a unique and quantifiable expression of a pop culture phenomenon...namely Star Wars. A unique experience born out of a unremarkable period of the sci-fi domain. Lucas used old footage out of World War II air battles to simulate the battles he imagined that would occur in space. Hence, the "bomber squad" scene in the Last Jedi, a fete that defied gravitational logic.

Granted, Star Wars is forty years in the making, and/or telling, but my take on all of this is that Star Wars took the stories of Flash Gordon, Commando Cody, Forbidden Planet, When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds, Earth vs. The Flying Saucers, yes even Plan 9 from Outer Space; and brought it into the modern era of sci-fi film. Oh, let's not forget the incomparable 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes Second, it may be true what you depict in your response, but I dare say that film history will note that without Star Wars...well, you know the rest. Guardians of the Galaxy followed the formula; they did not break the mold, but added to it. Bravo, I say.

Peter Quill is Han Solo, Groot is Chewbacca, etc. GoTG is an excellent sci-fi film full of fun and flights of fancy. There is no mistaking it's appeal. I'll take it a step further, that loveable scoundrel has existed since the early days of film, way back in the 30s. I give you, Charlie Chaplin. Yes, I'm going back that far, before talkies. And it has worked throughout the years; Errol Flynn as Robin Hood; Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man; Mel Ferrer as Cyrano. You get it, I'm sure. Derivative, perhaps. But saying that Solo is derivative of GoTG is like putting the cart before the horse. The only thing that's changed is the background of the story, the surroundings, but at it's core; the same old loveable wise-cracking chap moviegoers have fallen in love with since the days of the horse and cart is ever present.

As far as Solo goes. It is fun, it is lighthearted and thoroughly entertaining and serves the Star Wars story of the hero's journey by the beloved character of Han Solo. I would put it right up there with Rogue One. There is one character in Solo that puts me in mind of GoTG, as far as the wisecracking co-pilot is concerned. It also puts me in mind of a certain captain with tight pants, and a certain train robbery. By the way, just to keep things in perspective, there is a movie, in history, that depicts a group of train is known as The Great Train Robbery, 1903. Hmmmm, The Train Job, Firefly, 2002. But, I digress.

I went in with an open mind, but expecting the worst; mainly from all the online vitriol and general overall "hate" of the Last Jedi. I did briefly give the "boycott" a thought, but then said to myself..."go see and judge for yourself."
Fuck it, I'm judging for myself...I liked this movie. Was it the greatest Star Wars movie of all time? No. Was it lighthearted fun and entertaining? betcha.
Was Alden Enrenreich Harrison Ford?, No. He was Han Solo as you would think him to be early on in his life. A scoundrel in the making, a young Han Solo. He served the character well, and therefore, served the story well. Thank you Ron Howard for doing a masterful job of not totally fucking with the characters we grew to love.
While I'm at it, thank you George Lucas for keeping him drawing inside the lines. Sometimes that works.

Solo had the grit and old feel of the original Star Wars movie. In other words, not perfectly shiny and new, not totally antiseptic like the prequels; and, most importantly, no Jar Jar Binks. This was a flashback to what made Star Wars, well...Star Wars. It started out slow, but picked up momentum and gathered speed, intrigue and the like as it went along. Yes, Glover was charming as Lando (with all his capes, which I found to be brilliant); but Emilia Clarke who nailed her role as the lovely Kira (Solo's love interest) deserves mention. Harrelson was his usual solid self, who totally immersed himself as Beckett. Thandie Newton as Val. Okay enough of that. Howard brought this movie home with his deft touch as director, and that is to be applauded.

Speaking of applause. The theater where I saw this yesterday was only about 3/4s full, but as the movie ended, and the Star Wars theme played in the background of the credit scroll, there were a smattering of applause throughout. It was as if the audience was saying "thank you Opie, thank you."

Go and judge for yourself. You will enjoy, whether or not you're a Star Wars fan.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A few one liners and a few fun action scenes doesn't make it a classic. What's next?



Saturday, May 26, 2018 3:05 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So basically Solo copied GoTG. Now there's a revelation, a unique and quantifiable expression of a pop culture phenomenon...namely Star Wars. A unique experience born out of a unremarkable period of the sci-fi domain. Lucas used old footage out of World War II air battles to simulate the battles he imagined that would occur in space. Hence, the "bomber squad" scene in the Last Jedi, a fete that defied gravitational logic.

Granted, Star Wars is forty years in the making, and/or telling, but my take on all of this is that Star Wars took the stories of Flash Gordon, Commando Cody, Forbidden Planet, When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds, Earth vs. The Flying Saucers, yes even Plan 9 from Outer Space; and brought it into the modern era of sci-fi film. Oh, let's not forget the incomparable 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes Second, it may be true what you depict in your response, but I dare say that film history will note that without Star Wars...well, you know the rest. Guardians of the Galaxy followed the formula; they did not break the mold, but added to it. Bravo, I say.

Peter Quill is Han Solo, Groot is Chewbacca, etc. GoTG is an excellent sci-fi film full of fun and flights of fancy. There is no mistaking it's appeal. I'll take it a step further, that loveable scoundrel has existed since the early days of film, way back in the 30s. I give you, Charlie Chaplin. Yes, I'm going back that far, before talkies. And it has worked throughout the years; Errol Flynn as Robin Hood; Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man; Mel Ferrer as Cyrano. You get it, I'm sure. Derivative, perhaps. But saying that Solo is derivative of GoTG is like putting the cart before the horse. The only thing that's changed is the background of the story, the surroundings, but at it's core; the same old loveable wise-cracking chap moviegoers have fallen in love with since the days of the horse and cart.

As far as Solo goes. It is fun, it is lighthearted and thoroughly entertaining and serves the Star Wars story of the hero's journey by the beloved character of Han Solo. I would put it right up there with Rogue One. There is one character in Solo that puts me in mind of GoTG, as far as the wisecracking co-pilot is concerned. It also puts me in mind of a certain captain with tight pants, and a certain train robbery. By the way, just to keep things in perspective, there is a movie, in history, that depicts a group of train is known as The Great Train Robbery, 1903. Hmmmm, The Train Job, Firefly, 2002. But, I digress.

I went in with an open mind, but expecting the worst; mainly from all the online vitriol and general overall "hate" of the Last Jedi. I did briefly give the "boycott" a thought, but then said to myself..."go see and judge for yourself."
Fuck it, I'm judging for myself...I liked this movie. Was it the greatest Star Wars movie of all time? No. Was it lighthearted fun and entertaining? betcha.
Was Alden Enrenreich Harrison Ford?, No. He was Han Solo as you would think him to be early on in his life. A scoundrel in the making, a young Han Solo. He served the character well, and therefore, served the story well. Thank you Ron Howard for doing a masterful job of not totally fucking with the characters we grew to love.
While I'm at it, thank you George Lucas for keeping him drawing inside the lines. Sometimes that works.

Solo had the grit and old feel of the original Star Wars movie. In other words, not perfectly shiny and new, not totally antiseptic like the prequels; and, most importantly, no Jar Jar Binks. This was a flashback to what made Star Wars, well...Star Wars. It started out slow, but picked up momentum and gathered speed, intrigue and the like as it went along. Yes, Glover was charming as Lando (with all his capes, which I found to be brilliant); but Emilia Clarke who nailed her role as the lovely Kira (Solo's love interest) deserves mention. Harrelson was his usual solid self, who totally immersed himself as Beckett. Thandie Newton as Val. Okay enough of that. Howard brought this movie home with his deft touch as director, and that is to be applauded.

Speaking of applause. The theater where I saw this yesterday was only about 3/4s full, but as the movie ended, and the Star Wars theme played in the background of the credit scroll, there were a smattering of applause throughout. It was as if the audience was saying "thank you Opie, thank you."

Go and judge for yourself. You will enjoy, whether or not you're a Star Wars fan.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A few one liners and a few fun action scenes doesn't make it a classic. What's next?


Thanks for the review, I'll shut up and let the people who saw it tell us what they saw.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 3:29 PM


Just so you know, I went yesterday 15 minutes before showtime and was able to get a ticket easily. But, keep in mind, that most people were out of town by 8:00 p.m. (showtime in my part of town); and the theater was 3/4s full. This movie was in 7 of 14 screens.

By the way, go see it. It's good. It's got the old time Star Wars charm and grit.



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's not good news for Disney and Star Wars franchise. Somehow they'll survive it. I read a rumo0r online that critics and entertainment mags/papers have been writing glowing reviews. Could Disney be behind this?
Oh and advance sales are not doing well.

But I think I will judge for myself.


I've read some good reviews. I thought some articles said advance sales were going well. That's why I wasn't entirely sure my office's anecdotal evidence was accurate, but maybe I misread. Regardless it will be interesting to see if the vocal opponents of The Last Jedi are so upset that they won't see future Star Wars movies and if they're numerous enough to concern Disney.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 3:34 PM


No worries Whozit. Anyone who's here is a film fan, and that's okay in my book. But we still live in a free country, and you're entitled to your opinion......

Only when you totally agree with me.

Bwaah, ha, ha, ha!


I'm so confused! I thought we were in the Cinema section, for a split...


Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So basically Solo copied GoTG. Now there's a revelation, a unique and quantifiable expression of a pop culture phenomenon...namely Star Wars. A unique experience born out of a unremarkable period of the sci-fi domain. Lucas used old footage out of World War II air battles to simulate the battles he imagined that would occur in space. Hence, the "bomber squad" scene in the Last Jedi, a fete that defied gravitational logic.

Granted, Star Wars is forty years in the making, and/or telling, but my take on all of this is that Star Wars took the stories of Flash Gordon, Commando Cody, Forbidden Planet, When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds, Earth vs. The Flying Saucers, yes even Plan 9 from Outer Space; and brought it into the modern era of sci-fi film. Oh, let's not forget the incomparable 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes Second, it may be true what you depict in your response, but I dare say that film history will note that without Star Wars...well, you know the rest. Guardians of the Galaxy followed the formula; they did not break the mold, but added to it. Bravo, I say.

Peter Quill is Han Solo, Groot is Chewbacca, etc. GoTG is an excellent sci-fi film full of fun and flights of fancy. There is no mistaking it's appeal. I'll take it a step further, that loveable scoundrel has existed since the early days of film, way back in the 30s. I give you, Charlie Chaplin. Yes, I'm going back that far, before talkies. And it has worked throughout the years; Errol Flynn as Robin Hood; Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man; Mel Ferrer as Cyrano. You get it, I'm sure. Derivative, perhaps. But saying that Solo is derivative of GoTG is like putting the cart before the horse. The only thing that's changed is the background of the story, the surroundings, but at it's core; the same old loveable wise-cracking chap moviegoers have fallen in love with since the days of the horse and cart.

As far as Solo goes. It is fun, it is lighthearted and thoroughly entertaining and serves the Star Wars story of the hero's journey by the beloved character of Han Solo. I would put it right up there with Rogue One. There is one character in Solo that puts me in mind of GoTG, as far as the wisecracking co-pilot is concerned. It also puts me in mind of a certain captain with tight pants, and a certain train robbery. By the way, just to keep things in perspective, there is a movie, in history, that depicts a group of train is known as The Great Train Robbery, 1903. Hmmmm, The Train Job, Firefly, 2002. But, I digress.

I went in with an open mind, but expecting the worst; mainly from all the online vitriol and general overall "hate" of the Last Jedi. I did briefly give the "boycott" a thought, but then said to myself..."go see and judge for yourself."
Fuck it, I'm judging for myself...I liked this movie. Was it the greatest Star Wars movie of all time? No. Was it lighthearted fun and entertaining? betcha.
Was Alden Enrenreich Harrison Ford?, No. He was Han Solo as you would think him to be early on in his life. A scoundrel in the making, a young Han Solo. He served the character well, and therefore, served the story well. Thank you Ron Howard for doing a masterful job of not totally fucking with the characters we grew to love.
While I'm at it, thank you George Lucas for keeping him drawing inside the lines. Sometimes that works.

Solo had the grit and old feel of the original Star Wars movie. In other words, not perfectly shiny and new, not totally antiseptic like the prequels; and, most importantly, no Jar Jar Binks. This was a flashback to what made Star Wars, well...Star Wars. It started out slow, but picked up momentum and gathered speed, intrigue and the like as it went along. Yes, Glover was charming as Lando (with all his capes, which I found to be brilliant); but Emilia Clarke who nailed her role as the lovely Kira (Solo's love interest) deserves mention. Harrelson was his usual solid self, who totally immersed himself as Beckett. Thandie Newton as Val. Okay enough of that. Howard brought this movie home with his deft touch as director, and that is to be applauded.

Speaking of applause. The theater where I saw this yesterday was only about 3/4s full, but as the movie ended, and the Star Wars theme played in the background of the credit scroll, there were a smattering of applause throughout. It was as if the audience was saying "thank you Opie, thank you."

Go and judge for yourself. You will enjoy, whether or not you're a Star Wars fan.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A few one liners and a few fun action scenes doesn't make it a classic. What's next?


Thanks for the review, I'll shut up and let the people who saw it tell us what they saw.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 5:31 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So basically Solo copied GoTG. Now there's a revelation, a unique and quantifiable expression of a pop culture phenomenon...namely Star Wars. A unique experience born out of a unremarkable period of the sci-fi domain. Lucas used old footage out of World War II air battles to simulate the battles he imagined that would occur in space. Hence, the "bomber squad" scene in the Last Jedi, a fete that defied gravitational logic.

Granted, Star Wars is forty years in the making, and/or telling, but my take on all of this is that Star Wars took the stories of Flash Gordon, Commando Cody, Forbidden Planet, When Worlds Collide, War of the Worlds, Earth vs. The Flying Saucers, yes even Plan 9 from Outer Space; and brought it into the modern era of sci-fi film. Oh, let's not forget the incomparable 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yes Second, it may be true what you depict in your response, but I dare say that film history will note that without Star Wars...well, you know the rest. Guardians of the Galaxy followed the formula; they did not break the mold, but added to it. Bravo, I say.

Peter Quill is Han Solo, Groot is Chewbacca, etc. GoTG is an excellent sci-fi film full of fun and flights of fancy. There is no mistaking it's appeal. I'll take it a step further, that loveable scoundrel has existed since the early days of film, way back in the 30s. I give you, Charlie Chaplin. Yes, I'm going back that far, before talkies. And it has worked throughout the years; Errol Flynn as Robin Hood; Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man; Mel Ferrer as Cyrano. You get it, I'm sure. Derivative, perhaps. But saying that Solo is derivative of GoTG is like putting the cart before the horse. The only thing that's changed is the background of the story, the surroundings, but at it's core; the same old loveable wise-cracking chap moviegoers have fallen in love with since the days of the horse and cart is ever present.

As far as Solo goes. It is fun, it is lighthearted and thoroughly entertaining and serves the Star Wars story of the hero's journey by the beloved character of Han Solo. I would put it right up there with Rogue One. There is one character in Solo that puts me in mind of GoTG, as far as the wisecracking co-pilot is concerned. It also puts me in mind of a certain captain with tight pants, and a certain train robbery. By the way, just to keep things in perspective, there is a movie, in history, that depicts a group of train is known as The Great Train Robbery, 1903. Hmmmm, The Train Job, Firefly, 2002. But, I digress.

I went in with an open mind, but expecting the worst; mainly from all the online vitriol and general overall "hate" of the Last Jedi. I did briefly give the "boycott" a thought, but then said to myself..."go see and judge for yourself."
Fuck it, I'm judging for myself...I liked this movie. Was it the greatest Star Wars movie of all time? No. Was it lighthearted fun and entertaining? betcha.
Was Alden Enrenreich Harrison Ford?, No. He was Han Solo as you would think him to be early on in his life. A scoundrel in the making, a young Han Solo. He served the character well, and therefore, served the story well. Thank you Ron Howard for doing a masterful job of not totally fucking with the characters we grew to love.
While I'm at it, thank you George Lucas for keeping him drawing inside the lines. Sometimes that works.

Solo had the grit and old feel of the original Star Wars movie. In other words, not perfectly shiny and new, not totally antiseptic like the prequels; and, most importantly, no Jar Jar Binks. This was a flashback to what made Star Wars, well...Star Wars. It started out slow, but picked up momentum and gathered speed, intrigue and the like as it went along. Yes, Glover was charming as Lando (with all his capes, which I found to be brilliant); but Emilia Clarke who nailed her role as the lovely Kira (Solo's love interest) deserves mention. Harrelson was his usual solid self, who totally immersed himself as Beckett. Thandie Newton as Val. Okay enough of that. Howard brought this movie home with his deft touch as director, and that is to be applauded.

Speaking of applause. The theater where I saw this yesterday was only about 3/4s full, but as the movie ended, and the Star Wars theme played in the background of the credit scroll, there were a smattering of applause throughout. It was as if the audience was saying "thank you Opie, thank you."

Go and judge for yourself. You will enjoy, whether or not you're a Star Wars fan.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by second:
Disney already made a better version of "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
By Mike Murphy May 25, 2018

This review contains no spoilers.

Step back a bit and squint, and you can see that Disney has actually already made the Han Solo story—if you’re not too picky about your wisecracking intergalactic spaceship captains with furry sidekicks. This new film is essentially a limp, awkward version of Guardians of the Galaxy, the original Marvel film about a gang of mercenaries led by charmingly gruff pilot. But the comparisons don’t stop there: The main character is a scoundrel who doesn’t really know a normal family life (Peter Quill/Han Solo). He falls for a woman of questionable morality (Gamora/Qi’ra). Then there’s a large character who can’t speak and is used for muscle (Groot is really Chewbacca, fur aside); a small wisecracking copilot (Rocket Raccoon/Rio Durant); a jaded old gang leader who takes the main character under their wing (Yondu/Beckett); a villain who is actually working for a scarier villain (Ronan the Accuser and Thanos/Dryden Vos and someone I don’t want to spoil for you); and an infinitely powerful source of energy that everyone wants (infinity stone/coaxium).

The difference is that Guardians was a lighthearted, fun, and thoroughly entertaining film that few had been expecting to do as well as it did (it’s currently the 82nd-highest grossing film of all time). It was a well-executed space opera in the tradition of the original Star Wars movies. Solo, on the other hand, had the weight of expectation of the entire franchise on its shoulders, as well as a relatively inexperienced lead actor trying to fill the shoes of one of the most charismatic actors of all time.

But still, go see it if you’re a fan. Why not? There are some good one-liners, a few fun action scenes, and a lot of shots of the excellent Donald Glover as Lando, in various capes. That alone is worth the price of admission.

A few one liners and a few fun action scenes doesn't make it a classic. What's next?


I gave not yet seen Solo. Regarding universal comparisons with Sci-Fi, IIRC Lucas said that he tried to make a classic Cowboys and Indians, but in space. I think he nailed it with A New Hope. I'm not currently thinking of any other Sci-Fi work that truly duplicates this feat, the excitement and thrill. Star Trek was more pondering, contemplating science - maybe Khan and Voyage Home came closest. Firefly maybe did it best, but Fox was perturbed at the too literal Cowboy factor.
I think Rogue One copied the sensation well, Valerian tried. Edge of Tomorrow was exciting. Aliens did it.
Did GotG really have that same feel? Space Oddessey was not in the ballpark.


Sunday, May 27, 2018 2:20 AM



I gave not yet seen Solo. Regarding universal comparisons with Sci-Fi, IIRC Lucas said that he tried to make a classic Cowboys and Indians, but in space. I think he nailed it with A New Hope. I'm not currently thinking of any other Sci-Fi work that truly duplicates this feat, the excitement and thrill. Star Trek was more pondering, contemplating science - maybe Khan and Voyage Home came closest. Firefly maybe did it best, but Fox was perturbed at the too literal Cowboy factor.
I think Rogue One copied the sensation well, Valerian tried. Edge of Tomorrow was exciting. Aliens did it.
Did GotG really have that same feel? Space Oddessey was not in the ballpark.

Solo was like a New Hope with it's Western motif. I only brought up Space Odyssey because of it's unique sci-fi vibe, unlike anything else I've seen. But no, that movie does not have a Western theme. Solo has that Firefly vibe where things don't go "smooth" and, again, that part of Firefly was influenced by Star Wars. There's lots of that in Solo. It recaptured that frontier spirit where our BDH went off to strike deals and line their pockets with cashy money. They even have a Adlai Niska character.

As far as GoTG is concerned, I'm not really sure.



Sunday, May 27, 2018 8:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Another quality reposting copied reposting of a non-FireflyFan's words by somebody without an original thought in their head.
The equivalent of requesting a Prime Rib and getting a Whopper patty.

'Solo: A Star Wars Story' is a great show but make no mistake, “Solo” has problems. The script is godawful but the actors are so charming that it's worth seeing (and maybe making a better sequel).

This film is perhaps one of the most enjoyable blockbusters that Star Wars has produced. If it had arrived before “The Last Jedi” it would be the best film Disney-Lucasfilm had done to date. All of that is due to the second director who came aboard the production in its hour of need, Ron Howard.

The backstage drama of “Solo” became impossible to hide when original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were fired in a spectacular fashion with less than three weeks to go before filming was finished.

From the sounds of the gossip, one of the major reasons for Lord & Miller’s firing was a refusal to stick to the script. After seeing it, one can see why they turned to improvisation and over-the-top comedy in order to triage what they were handed; they didn't have the depth of experience to figure out how to solve a film with a baseline problem of this nature. Howard, being a far more seasoned filmmaker, understood there was another way to solve a film like this: Get everyone on screen to turn the charm up to 11 and keep it there. The result is so effective that I left the theater thinking I wouldn’t mind a sequel.

Just maybe next time? Get better writers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 27, 2018 9:56 AM


I saw Solo on Thursday night and have plans to see it again this afternoon, and then possibly later in the week -- all with different folks, so that's a feature of the number of different people I know who want to see it, not necessarily my opinion.

However, having seen it once, I am very much looking forward to seeing it two more times.

I enjoyed the movie. I found it highly entertaining and a lot of fun, although I will admit that it's far from perfect.

I think that that those who go in expecting to enjoy it will find a lot to like, while those who go in expecting it to be bad will find a lot to complain about... and they'll all be right.

Trying to remain spoiler-free: The movie gives us a new view of Solo that actually adds fairly significantly to our understanding of the character without undercutting what we already know about him.

The movie is solid and has a lot of good stuff, but at times, it moves too briskly (there were parts where I wanted things to slow down and be explored more). Ultimately, I think that, as a standalone, Rogue One was a superior movie, but Solo is more fun.

Personally, I don't know that the comparison to GotG is a fair one. I suppose there are some similarities, but you could say the same of any semi-lighthearted height movie in the sci fi genre.


Monday, May 28, 2018 8:59 PM


I read that NBC article and found it very interesting and on point. In the hands of a talented director like Howard, the finished product turned out to be not so bad. I did enjoy myself; mainly cause, as I said before, they served the overall story and the characters well.

I did get that feeling at the end that a sequel would not be such a bad idea. It actually begs for a follow-up movie. What's going to happen to Qi'Ra and Han? What about the Crimson Dawn, or whatever their name is? One thing that's for sure we need better writers, and better directors. Perhaps hire a better producer, one that will plot out an overall story arc for the franchise a la Kevin Fiege at MCU.
For the billions that Disney has spent, you would think they would have more sense.


Oh, and one last thing. Enough with the Me Too/social justice clubbing. We get it, women are awesome. Mind you, it was brief and only slightly annoying, but it was a weak attempt at Disney humor. Please leave that for the Disney Channel. Princess Leia was doing it some 40 years ago already. What I suggest is have some kick-ass female Jedi and more of Thandie Newton, who was awesome by the way. Don't kill off one of the best characters in the first half hour. I want to see her story.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Another quality reposting copied reposting of a non-FireflyFan's words by somebody without an original thought in their head.
The equivalent of requesting a Prime Rib and getting a Whopper patty.

'Solo: A Star Wars Story' is a great show but make no mistake, “Solo” has problems. The script is godawful but the actors are so charming that it's worth seeing (and maybe making a better sequel).

This film is perhaps one of the most enjoyable blockbusters that Star Wars has produced. If it had arrived before “The Last Jedi” it would be the best film Disney-Lucasfilm had done to date. All of that is due to the second director who came aboard the production in its hour of need, Ron Howard.

The backstage drama of “Solo” became impossible to hide when original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were fired in a spectacular fashion with less than three weeks to go before filming was finished.

From the sounds of the gossip, one of the major reasons for Lord & Miller’s firing was a refusal to stick to the script. After seeing it, one can see why they turned to improvisation and over-the-top comedy in order to triage what they were handed; they didn't have the depth of experience to figure out how to solve a film with a baseline problem of this nature. Howard, being a far more seasoned filmmaker, understood there was another way to solve a film like this: Get everyone on screen to turn the charm up to 11 and keep it there. The result is so effective that I left the theater thinking I wouldn’t mind a sequel.

Just maybe next time? Get better writers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:47 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, and one last thing. Enough with the Me Too/social justice clubbing. We get it, women are awesome. Mind you, it was brief and only slightly annoying, but it was a weak attempt at Disney humor. Please leave that for the Disney Channel. Princess Leia was doing it some 40 years ago already. What I suggest is have some kick-ass female Jedi and more of Thandie Newton, who was awesome by the way. Don't kill off one of the best characters in the first half hour. I want to see her story.


Alien did it just fine in 1979 and upped the ante in 1986 when Sigorney Weaver became a full fledged Badass. The same could be said of Terminator and Terminator 2 with Linda Hamilton. Nobody went around virtue signaling how great these movies were or how amazing these women were. The movies were great and the women who portrayed the main characters were amazing.

Incidentally, the producer's name for Aliens was Gale Anne Hurd. She has since gone on to become the recording secretary for the Producer's Guild of America and she is the founder of Valhalla Entertainment, which has produced The Walking Dead and its spinoff.

Most of her accolades were accomplished long before anybody even heard the word Patriarchy. It's women like her that should be thought of as heroes for little girls, but instead we get Rey who is automatically the best at whatever she does and isn't forced into any difficult situations or to learn anything.

Really... is it any wonder these kids grow up to be adults that feel they are entitled to whatever they want without ever having to face a second of adversity?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:29 AM




Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Oh, and one last thing. Enough with the Me Too/social justice clubbing. We get it, women are awesome. Mind you, it was brief and only slightly annoying, but it was a weak attempt at Disney humor. Please leave that for the Disney Channel. Princess Leia was doing it some 40 years ago already. What I suggest is have some kick-ass female Jedi and more of Thandie Newton, who was awesome by the way. Don't kill off one of the best characters in the first half hour. I want to see her story.


Alien did it just fine in 1979 and upped the ante in 1986 when Sigorney Weaver became a full fledged Badass. The same could be said of Terminator and Terminator 2 with Linda Hamilton. Nobody went around virtue signaling how great these movies were or how amazing these women were. The movies were great and the women who portrayed the main characters were amazing.

Incidentally, the producer's name for Aliens was Gale Anne Hurd. She has since gone on to become the recording secretary for the Producer's Guild of America and she is the founder of Valhalla Entertainment, which has produced The Walking Dead and its spinoff.

Most of her accolades were accomplished long before anybody even heard the word Patriarchy. It's women like her that should be thought of as heroes for little girls, but instead we get Rey who is automatically the best at whatever she does and isn't forced into any difficult situations or to learn anything.

Really... is it any wonder these kids grow up to be adults that feel they are entitled to whatever they want without ever having to face a second of adversity?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

There was VERY CLEARLY a Warning of Spoilers in the post that you quoted. Although this is not Cinema Forum, what was the purpose of copying the Spoiler while deleting the Warning of the Spoiler? Did Wishy hack your login to make you so rude?


Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:04 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was VERY CLEARLY a Warning of Spoilers in the post that you quoted. Although this is not Cinema Forum, what was the purpose of copying the Spoiler while deleting the Warning of the Spoiler? Did Wishy hack your login to make you so rude?

sorry not sorry

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:41 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was VERY CLEARLY a Warning of Spoilers in the post that you quoted. Although this is not Cinema Forum, what was the purpose of copying the Spoiler while deleting the Warning of the Spoiler? Did Wishy hack your login to make you so rude?

sorry not sorry

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 29, 2018 5:27 AM


Hey Gwek,


I enjoyed the movie. I found it highly entertaining and a lot of fun, although I will admit that it's far from perfect.

You've said a mouthful. I had a good time watching Solo and thought that Howard did a solid job saving this movie.


I think that that those who go in expecting to enjoy it will find a lot to like, while those who go in expecting it to be bad will find a lot to complain about... and they'll all be right.

I agree.


Trying to remain spoiler-free: The movie gives us a new view of Solo that actually adds fairly significantly to our understanding of the character without undercutting what we already know about him.

Again, agree.

Select to view spoiler:

There were some light touches like when Han says "I have a good feeling about this." A play on words from A New Hope where Han says the opposite "I have a bad feeling about this."


The movie is solid and has a lot of good stuff, but at times, it moves too briskly (there were parts where I wanted things to slow down and be explored more). Ultimately, I think that, as a standalone, Rogue One was a superior movie, but Solo is more fun.

One of the criticisms I heard about Solo was the breakneck speed of the goings on. So yeah, maybe slow down a little so the audience could take a breath and absorb.


Personally, I don't know that the comparison to GotG is a fair one. I suppose there are some similarities, but you could say the same of any semi-lighthearted height movie in the sci fi genre.

My response to that comparison is that GoTG copied Star Wars, not the other way around. Overall, there were some rough edges to Solo....that script WAS god-awful, but Howard used his cast well to overcome the more agregious parts. Erenreich did a crediblle job as Han and both he and Emilia Clarke had chemistry. Bettany was a carciature; and Glover as Lando was underutilized, IMHO. The chemistry between Chewie and Han was alos spot on.

I may go see it again, to catch the parts I missed or flew by too quickly.



Tuesday, May 29, 2018 10:25 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was VERY CLEARLY a Warning of Spoilers in the post that you quoted. Although this is not Cinema Forum, what was the purpose of copying the Spoiler while deleting the Warning of the Spoiler? Did Wishy hack your login to make you so rude?

sorry not sorry

Do Right, Be Right. :)

What? Is that posted for posterity?

Here. I'll post it again, for double posterity.

I've never deleted a post of mine, or edited it after somebody else has posted something.

I dare you to find a single instance where I have done either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 30, 2018 2:58 AM


Now, now nice!

Even though it's not Cinema, we're talking movies here. I must insist on you keep the bickering down please. I will have to impose a 2-bicker maximum. Let's get a ruling from the judges:

What say you, judges? (since it was my post, I will recuse myself. See, we can learn life lessons from the mentally challenged in the White House).

Wish, Zeek, EC? Care to weigh in?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was VERY CLEARLY a Warning of Spoilers in the post that you quoted. Although this is not Cinema Forum, what was the purpose of copying the Spoiler while deleting the Warning of the Spoiler? Did Wishy hack your login to make you so rude?

sorry not sorry

Do Right, Be Right. :)

What? Is that posted for posterity?

Here. I'll post it again, for double posterity.

I've never deleted a post of mine, or edited it after somebody else has posted something.

I dare you to find a single instance where I have done either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 31, 2018 8:51 PM


Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 1:22 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Golly. For them to say that the very best films are only about white guys just sounds racist. But that is the sort of hypocrisy we know to expect from the intolerant PC SJW.


Friday, June 1, 2018 3:51 AM


Yes, it's true...White Men Can't Jump!

Bwah, ha, ha, ha!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 4:10 AM


An exerpt from the article regarding movies and White Male Leads:


Those allegedly boycotting Star Wars over The Last Jedi ironically stayed away from a chapter more suited to their interests. I am hesitant to give the vocal minority who didn’t just dislike The Last Jedi (that’s allowed) but viewed it as SJW propaganda (that’s evil) too much credit. To the extent that it had any effect, you had some folks ignoring Solo either because they loved The Last Jedi or because they hated The Last Jedi. I never thought a Han Solo prequel was a good idea, but even I didn’t see this perfect storm coming.

The writer was looking to make a point about reading too much into the title.


Not every film starring a young white male lead is doomed to struggle overseas (Kingsman: The Secret Service). Not every female-led or minority-centric biggie is going to kick butt here (Pacific Rim: Uprising) and abroad (Ghost in the Shell). Yet, there is enough evidence to suggest that it doesn’t hurt to have your movie centered on a racial minority or a woman (of any color). The key will still be making movies, of all sizes, that are demographically-specific event movies. It’s why It and Girls Trip were events, but King Arthur and The Mummy were not.

In the final analysis, you still need to make a good movie. The best in writing, acting, directing, etc. if you want people to come.

But then again, he offers this.......


In the end, Solo had little to offer that was fresh and had little to sell beyond being a movie that happened to be part of the Star Wars universe. But in 2018, an event movie featuring a generic white guy in the lead is that much less of an event movie, and merely being a big-budget fantasy spectacle isn’t enough. Giving certain demographics, a still too rare opportunity to root for heroes that look like them can help create demographically-specific event movies. Thus, from a certain point of view, white male movie stars may indeed be box office poison.

Are White guys still in charge?



Friday, June 1, 2018 7:36 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Are White guys still in charge?


They're Jewish. Does that count?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 7:41 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

In the final analysis, you still need to make a good movie. The best in writing, acting, directing, etc. if you want people to come.


Well there's the rub. Almost nobody is doing this now, but you knuckleheads keep spending your hard earned cash in this down economy making these incompetent rich people even richer.

Say no to all of it.

Hell. I have Kodi and could watch any movie or TV show I wanted to for free. I can't even remember the last movie I saw (I think it may have been Welcome to Me), and I even stopped watching TV shows sometime last summer. The only show I've seen at all was about 5 episodes of that sci-fi show I mentioned in the Sci-Fi thread while visiting with my brother and my Dad, but I haven't been bothered to watch any more of it... I can't even remember the name of it.

I dunno. I think I'm just over TV and Movies. They've lost their kick.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 11:02 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually the rumors are that Lucasfilm's take away is that Solo released too quickly after The Last Jedi and people weren't ready for more Star Wars.

This from the same company that released Black Panther and Avengers Infinity War 10 weeks apart and they both had amazing box office performances. So, much so that Black Panther was still in theaters when they released it on DVD/Bluray. If you make movies that audiences want to see then it doesn't seem to matter how quickly you release them. Why would suits learn or use logic though?


Friday, June 1, 2018 9:00 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually the rumors are that Lucasfilm's take away is that Solo released too quickly after The Last Jedi and people weren't ready for more Star Wars.

This from the same company that released Black Panther and Avengers Infinity War 10 weeks apart and they both had amazing box office performances. So, much so that Black Panther was still in theaters when they released it on DVD/Bluray. If you make movies that audiences want to see then it doesn't seem to matter how quickly you release them. Why would suits learn or use logic though?

I still think the main takeaway is that Kathleen Kennedy is box office poison for Star Wars. Or at least it should be.

I did predict this White Male thing on the 23rd though in my Alex Jones parody quote. I had a feeling that people were going to be at least semi-successful at boycotting this movie and that the news was just going to say that it was because it was the one that centered around a white male protagonist.


The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 11:57 PM


nods head

Boycott ??? But then I don't know what day it is , most days.Alot of rehashing of old storylines .Last one wasn't too bad 678??? .Enjoyed Rogue One more than the new ones and im going to see this next week.

You buy this ship, treat her proper, she'll be with you for the rest of your life.


Saturday, June 2, 2018 2:45 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
An exerpt from the article regarding movies and White Male Leads:


Those allegedly boycotting Star Wars over The Last Jedi ironically stayed away from a chapter more suited to their interests. I am hesitant to give the vocal minority who didn’t just dislike The Last Jedi (that’s allowed) but viewed it as SJW propaganda (that’s evil) too much credit. To the extent that it had any effect, you had some folks ignoring Solo either because they loved The Last Jedi or because they hated The Last Jedi. I never thought a Han Solo prequel was a good idea, but even I didn’t see this perfect storm coming.

The writer was looking to make a point about reading too much into the title.


Not every film starring a young white male lead is doomed to struggle overseas (Kingsman: The Secret Service). Not every female-led or minority-centric biggie is going to kick butt here (Pacific Rim: Uprising) and abroad (Ghost in the Shell). Yet, there is enough evidence to suggest that it doesn’t hurt to have your movie centered on a racial minority or a woman (of any color). The key will still be making movies, of all sizes, that are demographically-specific event movies. It’s why It and Girls Trip were events, but King Arthur and The Mummy were not.

In the final analysis, you still need to make a good movie. The best in writing, acting, directing, etc. if you want people to come.

But then again, he offers this.......


In the end, Solo had little to offer that was fresh and had little to sell beyond being a movie that happened to be part of the Star Wars universe. But in 2018, an event movie featuring a generic white guy in the lead is that much less of an event movie, and merely being a big-budget fantasy spectacle isn’t enough. Giving certain demographics, a still too rare opportunity to root for heroes that look like them can help create demographically-specific event movies. Thus, from a certain point of view, white male movie stars may indeed be box office poison.

Are White guys still in charge?


I don't know. Throughout your post and quotes, the nagging horror seems to be you are arguing for a Jar Jar Binks Story. Did Lucas really ruin the entirety of filmdom when he allowed Jar Jar screen time?


Saturday, June 2, 2018 2:52 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually the rumors are that Lucasfilm's take away is that Solo released too quickly after The Last Jedi and people weren't ready for more Star Wars.

This really seems to focus the fact that Solo was jinxed, by being the unfortunate entry which followed the dreck that was TLJ.


Sunday, June 3, 2018 6:59 PM


Oh! We're going there.

Still racism no matter who is at the receiving end.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Are White guys still in charge?


They're Jewish. Does that count?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 3, 2018 7:03 PM


So, we're knuckleheads now. Well then, include yourself, even with Kodi (or whatever) you are STILL supporting Hollywood. Stopped watching TV and movies altogether!?

Bravo, good for you. What do we have for him Johnny!?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

In the final analysis, you still need to make a good movie. The best in writing, acting, directing, etc. if you want people to come.


Well there's the rub. Almost nobody is doing this now, but you knuckleheads keep spending your hard earned cash in this down economy making these incompetent rich people even richer.

Say no to all of it.

Hell. I have Kodi and could watch any movie or TV show I wanted to for free. I can't even remember the last movie I saw (I think it may have been Welcome to Me), and I even stopped watching TV shows sometime last summer. The only show I've seen at all was about 5 episodes of that sci-fi show I mentioned in the Sci-Fi thread while visiting with my brother and my Dad, but I haven't been bothered to watch any more of it... I can't even remember the name of it.

I dunno. I think I'm just over TV and Movies. They've lost their kick.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 3, 2018 7:22 PM


That's my point exactly Zeek. A good story will attract people who love a good story, period, end of discussion (of course, notwithstanding Six's self-imposed entertainment exile).

That Star Wars fatigue bullshit is just that.....bullshit. The Solo movie was not that bad, but it wasn't that good either. Howard saved whatever mess he inherited (the man should get an award for pulling Solo out of the fire), but maybe, I think, they should have postponed their release date to do it justice. After all, they did spend a reported $300 million in total (at least that's the rumor).

Disney gambled greatly on these guys delivering good stories - Johnson and the two directors of the Lego movie (which was brilliant). They also have gambled on Kathleen Kennedy. The fans though, had other things in mind. Now maybe Disney will think twice about future decisions. George Lucas must be at home chuckling to himself, I think he knew that he could no longer come with fresh and new ideas about his franchise, and therefore sold to the highest bidder. Are there still stories to be told. Yes, Rogue One was proof positive, just need brave and bold writers willing to peer into the future. But mostly Disney must be willing to gamble on the right storytellers. Ones that understand the mythology of Star Wars.



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually the rumors are that Lucasfilm's take away is that Solo released too quickly after The Last Jedi and people weren't ready for more Star Wars.

This from the same company that released Black Panther and Avengers Infinity War 10 weeks apart and they both had amazing box office performances. So, much so that Black Panther was still in theaters when they released it on DVD/Bluray. If you make movies that audiences want to see then it doesn't seem to matter how quickly you release them. Why would suits learn or use logic though?


Sunday, June 3, 2018 7:27 PM


Is that what you got from my post? Good Lord!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
An exerpt from the article regarding movies and White Male Leads:


Those allegedly boycotting Star Wars over The Last Jedi ironically stayed away from a chapter more suited to their interests. I am hesitant to give the vocal minority who didn’t just dislike The Last Jedi (that’s allowed) but viewed it as SJW propaganda (that’s evil) too much credit. To the extent that it had any effect, you had some folks ignoring Solo either because they loved The Last Jedi or because they hated The Last Jedi. I never thought a Han Solo prequel was a good idea, but even I didn’t see this perfect storm coming.

The writer was looking to make a point about reading too much into the title.


Not every film starring a young white male lead is doomed to struggle overseas (Kingsman: The Secret Service). Not every female-led or minority-centric biggie is going to kick butt here (Pacific Rim: Uprising) and abroad (Ghost in the Shell). Yet, there is enough evidence to suggest that it doesn’t hurt to have your movie centered on a racial minority or a woman (of any color). The key will still be making movies, of all sizes, that are demographically-specific event movies. It’s why It and Girls Trip were events, but King Arthur and The Mummy were not.

In the final analysis, you still need to make a good movie. The best in writing, acting, directing, etc. if you want people to come.

But then again, he offers this.......


In the end, Solo had little to offer that was fresh and had little to sell beyond being a movie that happened to be part of the Star Wars universe. But in 2018, an event movie featuring a generic white guy in the lead is that much less of an event movie, and merely being a big-budget fantasy spectacle isn’t enough. Giving certain demographics, a still too rare opportunity to root for heroes that look like them can help create demographically-specific event movies. Thus, from a certain point of view, white male movie stars may indeed be box office poison.

Are White guys still in charge?


I don't know. Throughout your post and quotes, the nagging horror seems to be you are arguing for a Jar Jar Binks Story. Did Lucas really ruin the entirety of filmdom when he allowed Jar Jar screen time?


Sunday, June 3, 2018 7:28 PM


You know Jewels, that was actually a well thought out response.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually the rumors are that Lucasfilm's take away is that Solo released too quickly after The Last Jedi and people weren't ready for more Star Wars.

This really seems to focus the fact that Solo was jinxed, by being the unfortunate entry which followed the dreck that was TLJ.


Monday, June 4, 2018 5:34 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I don't know. Throughout your post and quotes, the nagging horror seems to be you are arguing for a Jar Jar Binks Story. Did Lucas really ruin the entirety of filmdom when he allowed Jar Jar screen time?

I think it's possible that Jar Jar would have had an amazing story arc had Lucas done episodes 7, 8 and 9.

Subversion of expectations. A lost art in Hollywood.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 4, 2018 7:41 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.






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