Hey Guys Good News!

UPDATED: Thursday, January 2, 2003 17:49
VIEWED: 7477
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Friday, December 27, 2002 7:20 AM


ListenI know that we are going after UPN and WB I personally Would LOVE to have the show on WB myself.. But honestly several other fanboards have gone after sci Fi Channel would most likely take it.. So.. if anyone could re post up on this.. thanks.. you can respond to me at my email.. thanks.. bye.


Friday, December 27, 2002 8:14 AM


That network has been working AGAINST science fiction in general for years. The Anti-Sci-Fi Channel has been steadily removing all science fiction programming. Its current ownership appears to intend to shut down the business as it was once known. They won't pick up a new science fiction show, and if they did, they'd promptly cancel it, as they have been with ALL of their other science fiction shows. Getting a science fiction series to sustain on that channel is far more of an uphill battle than any broadcast network.


Friday, December 27, 2002 8:16 AM


I think I missed the good news. There are a lot of probablies and possiblies.

Viva Firefly


Friday, December 27, 2002 8:48 AM


how is that good news? sounds like a request and some speculation.

keep flying!


Friday, December 27, 2002 10:56 AM

BROWNCOAT offense...but your post is a little lacking in good, or news. :(

Sci-Fi channel won't touch it at all. It has become a pale pathetic shade of itself. It's like the script to "Revenge of the Needs XIII". Geek Haven and popular network "Sci-Fi Channel" delights and thrills all between 1997 and 1999 with wise decisions, such as taking on Sliders, MST3K, and taking a chance on a show called Farscape.

And then, right around 1999, those damn jocks, who for whatever evil reasons love to torture the nerds, went and bought the beloved nerd channel, and started to turn it into a cynical cash cow that blindly chased from one pathetic mainstream craze to another. And they decide to "move away" from "space shows" you of the main pillars of "sci fi"...

I mean what the hell..did you see it when they showed "Braveheart" last month? What the hell kind of gorram sci-fi movie is THAT!?


No...UPN is our only hope. Sci-Fi will only buy the reruns, if they are made.


Friday, December 27, 2002 12:33 PM


I wondered about sci-fi showing Braveheart too, it’s a fine movie, but it's not science fiction by even the loosest definition

Keep Flying.


Friday, December 27, 2002 1:06 PM



I wondered about sci-fi showing Braveheart too, it’s a fine movie, but it's not science fiction by even the loosest definition
No, wait, he's a time-traveler! That's how a 13th-14th century Scottish hero was able to wield a 15th-century German sword, wear Scottish fashion invented and popularized in the 16th century, put on makeup reported on the continent from the second century and before, witness a Prima Nocta kidnapping and a mass-murder site of Scottish peace delegates that never happened in his lifetime, and impregnate a French princess who was no more than 6 when he died and wouldn't set foot on his island until three years later! Depending on what other fancy technology he (and maybe his time-traveling nemesis) brought along, that might also explain how the Battle of Stirling Bridge happened with no bridge, or why all evidence of the existence of his wife whom he waged war to avenge was wiped out...


Friday, December 27, 2002 1:40 PM


Haha! You’re right; I just didn’t see it before. Thanks for setting me straight.

keep flying!


Friday, December 27, 2002 3:09 PM


Agree about SciFi...I saw this coming from at least the begining of "Crossing Over" (though i gotta admit that IS fiction) anyway, to the point-

As much as it pains me to suggest it since I don't have it, wouldn't Showtime seem to be the natural place for Firefly given their handling of Stargate SG-1?

I've never heard an SF fan complain about Showtime and certainy there's a lot of creative freedom on a pay channel.

this would only please me in a sense of justice since i wouldn't be able to watch, but it's better than losing it altogether....


Friday, December 27, 2002 8:38 PM


I'm fully convinced that none of the managment at the SFC are sci-fi fans at all. They do some good stuff once in awhile (Dune, Children of Dune, pick up rights to B5 broadcast, etc)...but generally they don't know sci-fi from their asses.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 8:37 AM


Sci-Fi Channel ..... knows little anymore about Science or Fiction. :^( It's just a reincarnation of FOX on a cable channel. Maybe F/X would be more appropriate.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 9:50 AM


That's a thought. Look at all the promotion FX has done for their original series "The Shield". Last year, even before it started, you couldn't hardly sneeze without seeing Michael Chiklis' face. He was on buses and billboards, not to mention all over the TV. And they started advertising season 2 MONTHS before it's aired (doesn't start until January, I saw previews in October). If FX took on the show, we can be sure that they'd promote the heck out of it. Anyone have any ideas what kinds of ratings the Shield gets? what kind of ratings they expected?

Just once I'd like something to go according to the gorram plan!


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:35 AM


Is there some aversion even to ACB, NBC or CBS picking the show up? It's only slightly less likely, really. UPN has Enterprise that they are still showcasing and with ratings fluctuating for that show, adding another "scifi" program to the line up is pretty slim odds unless they run the two back to back. Would anyone cry if Twilight Zone went the way of the Dodo? Paltry version of the original, IMNSHO.

I deffinately agree with Sci-Fi network. They've lost thier gourd. Cancelling Farscape was the crowning achievement in stupidity, and the replacment shows are garbage. They'll pat themselves on the back a while over Taken but that can't last. They'll see a huge drop off in overall ratings, I'd suspect, once Farscape is truly done in March, catch a few coat-tails viewers with the Dune sequel, and then they'll move on to thier rumored plan to spen $400-$500 million on original programming into 2005. I wouldn't expect them to pick up anything if they aren't willing to give an already successful show like Farscape an extended life.

I figure that ANY network, at this point, is just as viable as the next and that effort directed in any direction isn't really wasted. Except Sci-Fi of course....wankers. (lol)


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 11:16 AM


ABC, NBC and CBS have even higher ratings expectations than Fox. Also, those networks seem to shy away from Sci Fi or genre programming.

Whedon pissed off WB when he took Buffy away from them, so that leaves UPN in the broadcast realm.

Cable has additional options (Sci Fi, FX, HBO, Showtime) and then there is the syndication and/or foreign funding route.

Of all the options, UPN is the most likely to take on the show therefore it is getting that network's attention is Plan A.



Tuesday, December 31, 2002 1:32 PM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:

Whedon pissed off WB when he took Buffy away from them, so that leaves UPN in the broadcast realm.

Joss didn't piss anyone off...20th century FOX did...


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:07 PM



Originally posted by BRTick:
I wondered about sci-fi showing Braveheart too, it’s a fine movie, but it's not science fiction by even the loosest definition

Keep Flying.

I find it bizzare/strange/baffling that they're airing shows like "Crossing Over with John Edwards" and will be airing "The Dream Team" next year.

First... Not science.
Second... they're so called "reality" shows. (I use the term reality loosely.. cause seriously... John Edwards?)

So no science and no fiction. It's all Fantasy and Reality... Hmm... The Fan-Real Channel.

--Dylan Palmer, Pretentious Bastard at Large--

"Oh my god, I'm a hack!" - Joss Whedon


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:16 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat:

Sci-Fi channel won't touch it at all. It has become a pale pathetic shade of itself. It's like the script to "Revenge of the Needs XIII". Geek Haven and popular network "Sci-Fi Channel" delights and thrills all between 1997 and 1999 with wise decisions, such as taking on Sliders, MST3K, and taking a chance on a show called Farscape.

And then, right around 1999, those damn jocks, who for whatever evil reasons love to torture the nerds, went and bought the beloved nerd channel, and started to turn it into a cynical cash cow that blindly chased from one pathetic mainstream craze to another. And they decide to "move away" from "space shows" you of the main pillars of "sci fi"...

I mean what the hell..did you see it when they showed "Braveheart" last month? What the hell kind of gorram sci-fi movie is THAT!?


Hmm... SOMEONE has a chip on their shoulder.

--Dylan Palmer, Pretentious Bastard at Large--

"Oh my god, I'm a hack!" - Joss Whedon


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:13 PM


OK, yes, Sci-Fi is evil, we get the point. But c'mon, the WB? Lets see, any problems with the WB? Oh, ya... its the friggin' WB! I think FireFly needs to get onto a network that both has the cash and the viewing audience to sustain itself, and fortunately or unfortunately UPN is our best bet.

RagNaRoK *gs*
"Ich kodiere, folglich bin ich."


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 4:46 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

I find it bizzare/strange/baffling that they're airing shows like "Crossing Over with John Edwards" and will be airing "The Dream Team" next year.

First... Not science.
Second... they're so called "reality" shows. (I use the term reality loosely.. cause seriously... John Edwards?)

So no science and no fiction.

Isn't parapsychology a science, disreputable though it be? And isn't dream interpretation of central concern in psycho-analysis (a branch of psychology)? You may call them "pseudo-sciences" but what is pseudo-science if not science fiction?

Absolutely, Braveheart has no place on a sci-fi chanel but John Edward seems about right. Just 'cause you don't like Crossing Over doesn't mean it doesn't belong on the sci-fi chanel.


Hey, hey, hey, Don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Wednesday, January 1, 2003 12:00 PM



Originally posted by HKcavalier:

Isn't parapsychology a science, disreputable though it be? And isn't dream interpretation of central concern in psycho-analysis (a branch of psychology)? You may call them "pseudo-sciences" but what is pseudo-science if not science fiction?

Absolutely, Braveheart has no place on a sci-fi chanel but John Edward seems about right. Just 'cause you don't like Crossing Over doesn't mean it doesn't belong on the sci-fi chanel.

Pseudo-sciences, eh? I'll give you the Dream Analysts (though, again, it is a *reality* show) but in no way is what John Edwards doing science. Perhaps the basis of his training is in "parapsychology" but the moment he claims he's speaking to people who have "crossed over" and convinces millions that he is indeed talking to dead people, all rights to scientific basis in training are thrown out the window. Whether you believe in his abilities or not, John Edwards isn't entitled to work under the guise of science, IMO.

And in both cases, both series are reality shows. I may have been hyperbolizing a bit, but it was to prove the point that Science Fiction is of little concern to the programming execs at SciFi Channel anymore.

--Dylan Palmer, Pretentious Bastard at Large--

"Oh my god, I'm a hack!" - Joss Whedon


Wednesday, January 1, 2003 1:28 PM


Yeah this topic was meaningless, wasn't it.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Wednesday, January 1, 2003 11:49 PM



in no way is what John Edwards doing science

Sure it's science. It's the science of reading the crowd. It's certainly not paranormal. He's praying on people's weaknesses, their grief over lost loved ones and their fear of death. He says "I'm getting a strong 'm' vibration... is there a mary? marie?" somebody says "OOOoooo... MARTHA! My Wife's name was Martha!" He sees that the guy is young, assumes the guy's wife would also have been young, so he says something about her death being untimely.... the guy says "It's true! she died in a car accident!" OH MY GOSH! another believer! It's a miracle!

The guy is a complete and utter fraud.

There was no pain. No fear, no doubt... till they pulled me out... of heaven. So that's my refrain. I live in hell 'cause I've been expelled from heaven. I think I was in heaven.


Thursday, January 2, 2003 2:08 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
He says "I'm getting a strong 'm' vibration... is there a mary? marie?" somebody says "OOOoooo... MARTHA! My Wife's name was Martha!" He sees that the guy is young, assumes the guy's wife would also have been young, so he says something about her death being untimely.... the guy says "It's true! she died in a car accident!" OH MY GOSH! another believer! It's a miracle!

Hey, hey, seriously, have you watched the show or do you get all your information from SNL and Southpark? From what I've seen, his information is often far, far more detailed and complete than that, without any prompting from anybody. Sure, at times he's obviously just floundering around, but when he hones in on something, he comes up with pretty detailed, peculiar, spectacularly hard to fake stuff.

Seriously, do any of you who bash the guy even believe that what he claims to do is possible? 'Cause if you don't, you're not promoting science, you're promoting orthodoxy--in which case, everything he says must be lies, so you tune out the anomalous details that don't support your premise and only hear what gives your belief system validity (well, it is a grand scientific tradition, after all ).

I think that if you could come to Crossing Over with an open mind, you might be surprised and intrigued by the uncanny stuff John Edward seems to be in touch with on a regular basis. If he's a fraud, he's doing a lot more than a simplistic "cold reading" scam. I for one, think he's worthy of further study.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, January 2, 2003 5:55 AM



Hey, hey, seriously, have you watched the show or do you get all your information from SNL and Southpark? From what I've seen, his information is often far, far more detailed and complete than that, without any prompting from anybody. Sure, at times he's obviously just floundering around, but when he hones in on something, he comes up with pretty detailed, peculiar, spectacularly hard to fake stuff.

I don't believe it's an issue of wether or not this guy is good at what he does. Parapsychology and the paranormal in general are not sciences. Period. You can belive in them, but all sciences are quantifiable in some way, and dream annalysis just isn't. I mean, unless you count the number of dreams one is analyzing...that's quantifiable I suppose. (lol)

But that's enough sarcasm. Point is, I still imagine that the big networks would be tougher to sell to but they are also better at marketing. They have more money for advertisement and promotion. I grant you that ABC, CBS, and NBC aren't typically prone to science fiction, but that's not true this season. I know of at least one show, Miracles, that appears to be a combination of X-Files and Millenium.

UPN might be the most willing or seemingly the most advantageous, but like I said, they also pour tons of money into Buffy and Star Trek as it is. They might see that as plenty.

Believe me though, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Thursday, January 2, 2003 6:50 AM


I have watched the show. The guy just doesn't ring true for me. As for SNL, I haven't seen any of the skits that mock him, and I haven't watched much southpark since the second season.

I do believe in the premise, just not in him. I have issues with people who tell the future or contact the dead for money. I think that everyone has some psychic ability or other, whether it be just a basic feeling or full on preminitions. I read tarot, and when I read for friends, I'm typically fairly accurate. But I don't like to read for strangers, I don't know enough to connect. I know that everyone's abilities are different, but using this talent for money feels a little like whoring to me. It's too personal to take money for, or to do with strangers.


Thursday, January 2, 2003 7:57 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
I have watched the show. The guy just doesn't ring true for me.

...I don't like to read for strangers, I don't know enough to connect. I know that everyone's abilities are different, but using this talent for money feels a little like whoring to me. It's too personal to take money for, or to do with strangers.

That's totally respectable.

I personally prefer to do readings for strangers because the information comes through more clearly when my own desires and prejudices can't get in the way. When I was just starting out I was extremely squeamish about taking money for readings, but soon it became clear that I was not respecting people's generosity or the value they placed on my work if I didn't take what they clearly wanted to give me in return for my help. For years I would only accept trade/barter type gifts which people felt reflected the value of my information/guidance. But as my practice grew it just seemed more and more precious and awkward to keep explaining and justifying the whole gift exchange when the folks I was reading felt fine about giving me money. Eventually it seemed like the simplest solution. Meanwhile, I had to do a lot of meditation on prosperity and clean up my hate/hate relationship with money. So I personally have no problem with John Edward or anyone who makes money from using their gift as long as they're painstakingly honest and genuinely grateful.

I'd be curious how much folks pay to sit in the gallery at one of his tapings. Of course, none of them is guaranteed to get a reading from John, so strictly speeking non of them is paying for him to contact their dead. And Sci-fi pays him, I'm sure, for the entertainment value of his performance. As soon as his ratings drop, he'll be gone.

My apologies to my fellow Firefly fans who think this is all utterly off topic, but I think the place of psychic awareness in our lives and in science is pretty relevant to a show with a character like River Tam running around. The credulousness of the crew (Objects in Space) is pretty familiar territory for anyone with her kind of gift. And I'd say it was pretty clear that Joss & co. respect the validity and reality of her perceptions, even if the crew of the Serenity is either in denial or plain clueless. I understand this last point is debatable, but I got a feeling.

As for the scientific validity of psychic awareness and communication with the dead, the work being done in England right now by Sheldrake and others on morphic fields and racial memory is pretty fascinating. Anybody up on that stuff?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Thursday, January 2, 2003 5:49 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat:

Sci-Fi channel won't touch it at all. It has become a pale pathetic shade of itself. [snip]

...right around 1999, those damn jocks, who for whatever evil reasons love to torture the nerds, went and bought the beloved nerd channel, [snip]

I mean what the hell..did you see it when they showed "Braveheart" last month? What the hell kind of gorram sci-fi movie is THAT!?

Ya know, I was wondering about that Braveheart thing myself. It's not even a "fantasy" flim.
Maybe the jocks at Sci-Fi have no idea that it's historical drama.
Maybe they thought 'cause it's a Mel Gibson flick, it must actually be: "Mad Max: Braveheart"

(You have to admit, they sure did pimp the hell outta "Taken", though. And I must admit, I sure got hooked.)

"Take me, Sir. Take me hard."






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