Are you going to boycott "SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY"

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 08:57
VIEWED: 23730
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Monday, June 4, 2018 9:21 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, we're knuckleheads now. Well then, include yourself, even with Kodi (or whatever) you are STILL supporting Hollywood. Stopped watching TV and movies altogether!?

Bravo, good for you. What do we have for him Johnny!?

I'm not sure how I'm supporting Hollywood since they haven't gotten a dollar out of me in well over a decade. The last movie I've seen in the theatre was Snakes on a Plane. The last DVD I bought was Starship Troopers back in the early 2000s.

Yeah... I went cold turkey on movies. I thought the last one I watched was Welcome to Me, but that's not right. I did re-watch 10 Cloverfield Lane with my dad and brother a few months ago. I've seen 5 episodes of one TV show this year during that same family visit... Counterpart.

KODI is a program you can side-load into a Firestick and watch whatever movies and shows you want to for free as long as you have an internet connection. The movie and shows I watched during that visit were all streamed on KODI.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 4, 2018 9:25 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.

Eventually one of two things is going to happen.

Big budget flops are going to become so commonplace because of the politics shoehorned into them that the SJWs are going to be driven out of Hollywood and they'll start making good movies again.


Disney is just going to buy up all of the other failing companies and own all entertainment and they'll just do whatever they want to and it will be nothing but SJW bullshit from here till eternity.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:33 AM



KODI is a program you can side-load into a Firestick and watch whatever movies and shows you want to for free as long as you have an internet connection. The movie and shows I watched during that visit were all streamed on KODI.

And there you have it. Doesn't matter if you spend a dollar or not, you still watch. That, my friend, is supporting.

It doesn't really matter though; the earth keeps spinning 'round.



Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:38 AM


Or.......real talented people will write stories, make movies and relevant content that real people will watch and enjoy.

If people don't like what's out there, fuck Hollywood and make your own stories. It's that simple.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.

Eventually one of two things is going to happen.

Big budget flops are going to become so commonplace because of the politics shoehorned into them that the SJWs are going to be driven out of Hollywood and they'll start making good movies again.


Disney is just going to buy up all of the other failing companies and own all entertainment and they'll just do whatever they want to and it will be nothing but SJW bullshit from here till eternity.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:41 AM


You know, you guys make me laugh.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:02 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

KODI is a program you can side-load into a Firestick and watch whatever movies and shows you want to for free as long as you have an internet connection. The movie and shows I watched during that visit were all streamed on KODI.

And there you have it. Doesn't matter if you spend a dollar or not, you still watch. That, my friend, is supporting.

It doesn't really matter though; the earth keeps spinning 'round.


To hear the MPAA talk, using KODI is the exact opposite of supporting Hollywood.

But I think you missed the point that I was making here. Even though I have free access to watch any movie or TV show that I want to without paying for it, I don't. The only reason I even watched the movie and tv eps with my dad and bro is because they're hooked on their KODI and I spent the weekend down with my brother.

It's kind of like my new gluten free diet. I'm doing it out of choice, not because I'm allergic. If I go out with somebody to dinner or I go to somebody else's place, I'm not going to force my lifestyle on them.

These days, if I'm not working at my job I'm either outside doing yard work or I'm inside working on my projects. When I need to veg out a little before going to bed, YouTube is all I need.

Support indie content creators. Down with Hollywood.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:05 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You know, you guys make me laugh.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.

Yup, us two, and millions more... all making you laugh.

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Yup, us two, and millions more... all making you laugh.

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you sure that's how Trump got elected? There is the part about Trump receiving 48% of the popular vote in Florida, but getting 100% of the electoral college vote. Since when did 48% become the new 50% majority vote? Hillary got 47%.

Then Trump got 48% in Pennsylvania, but 100% of the electoral college vote. Is 48% really the new 50%? Hillary got 47%, but not even 1 vote from the electoral college. That seems really odd, don’t you think?

Then Trump got 47% in Wisconsin, to Hillary’s 46%, and yet he got 100% of the electoral college. The college rules are getting odder and odder.

Then Trump got 47% to Hillary’s 47% in Michigan, yet Trump receives 100% of the electoral college vote. I think I’m seeing a trend here, where Trump doesn’t need a majority to win 100% of the electoral college vote. There was no a run-off election.

Also, FBI Director Comey said two weeks before the election that he thinks Hillary is felon and he is reopening the case. Then days before the election Comey says he can’t prove Hillary is a felon, but after the election he will continue his attempt to throw her in jail. Nice guy. I hear the President fired Comey for manipulating the election over Hillary’s emails. But maybe the President was mistaken! The FBI calling Hillary a felon couldn’t have changed any votes, could it?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:55 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Yup, us two, and millions more... all making you laugh.

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you sure that's how Trump got elected? There is the part about Trump receiving 48% of the popular vote in Florida, but getting 100% of the electoral college vote. Since when did 48% become the new 50% majority vote? Hillary got 47%.

Then Trump got 48% in Pennsylvania, but 100% of the electoral college vote. Is 48% really the new 50%? Hillary got 47%, but not even 1 vote from the electoral college. That seems really odd, don’t you think?

Then Trump got 47% in Wisconsin, to Hillary’s 46%, and yet he got 100% of the electoral college. The college rules are getting odder and odder.

Then Trump got 47% to Hillary’s 47% in Michigan, yet Trump receives 100% of the electoral college vote. I think I’m seeing a trend here, where Trump doesn’t need a majority to win 100% of the electoral college vote. There was no a run-off election.

Also, FBI Director Comey said two weeks before the election that he thinks Hillary is felon and he is reopening the case. Then days before the election Comey says he can’t prove Hillary is a felon, but after the election he will continue his attempt to throw her in jail. Nice guy. I hear the President fired Comey for manipulating the election over Hillary’s emails. But maybe the President was mistaken! The FBI calling Hillary a felon couldn’t have changed any votes, could it?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ah yes... the Electoral College debate.

8 years of Obama and I never heard it mentioned once in that time.

How bout next time the Dems have the power you don't get so drunk on winning and actually remember to do something about it, instead of bitching endlessly every single time you lose?

I do agree that system should be updated, although I'm not sure what the ideal solution is. I've said so many times here when that conversation comes up. One person one vote isn't a good idea, but it would be nice if the same handful of states weren't deciding the presidency every 4 years.

So... just so I'm straight on this. As of 6/5/2018, Comey is a bad guy again, right?

It's so hard to keep up with you Democrats from day to day when it comes to whether or not Comey is evil.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:34 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You know, you guys make me laugh.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.

Here's something else that will make you chuckle, Disney has spent mega bucks building a STAR WARS themed attraction at Disney World, what if few show up to see it? Disney has a lot of money invested in something they may be fucking up BAD!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:13 AM


Here's the thing; Disney has taken corporate greed to a whole new level. So, if they happen to "fuck up" every now and then, so be it. Sometimes fucking up is good for the soul. That is of course, if you have a soul.

Yes, I know.....Hollywood doesn't have one. Yes, we know.
Hopefully, they would learn a valuable lesson.....don't FUCK with the Star Wars fans! Their stock has plummeted, literally.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You know, you guys make me laugh.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep... I called it.

This is getting too predictable.

As 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' Flops, Are Movies About White Men Box Office Poison?

Of course that's the take-away here. What else could it be?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The social justice warriors are blaming everyone except themselves. They can't accept the fact that episode 8 was the straw.

Here's something else that will make you chuckle, Disney has spent mega bucks building a STAR WARS themed attraction at Disney World, what if few show up to see it? Disney has a lot of money invested in something they may be fucking up BAD!


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:15 AM



So... just so I'm straight on this. As of 6/5/2018, Comey is a bad guy again, right?

It's so hard to keep up with you Democrats from day to day when it comes to whether or not Comey is evil.

The above may be true but, isn't Comey one of yours?



Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:19 AM



That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

The joke is on those who voted for him. Just you wait and see. Tax Cuts!?



Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:26 AM


Well, it looks like you have made your mark on the movie industry. Me, I get a kick out of movies, the ones with a good story (there are some left you know).

But, you're right about one thing in particular:


I'm not going to force my lifestyle on them.

If that's true, then I say Bravo. You do you! As long as you don't force your beliefs on anyone else. It's the American Way.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

KODI is a program you can side-load into a Firestick and watch whatever movies and shows you want to for free as long as you have an internet connection. The movie and shows I watched during that visit were all streamed on KODI.

And there you have it. Doesn't matter if you spend a dollar or not, you still watch. That, my friend, is supporting.

It doesn't really matter though; the earth keeps spinning 'round.


To hear the MPAA talk, using KODI is the exact opposite of supporting Hollywood.

But I think you missed the point that I was making here. Even though I have free access to watch any movie or TV show that I want to without paying for it, I don't. The only reason I even watched the movie and tv eps with my dad and bro is because they're hooked on their KODI and I spent the weekend down with my brother.

It's kind of like my new gluten free diet. I'm doing it out of choice, not because I'm allergic. If I go out with somebody to dinner or I go to somebody else's place, I'm not going to force my lifestyle on them.

These days, if I'm not working at my job I'm either outside doing yard work or I'm inside working on my projects. When I need to veg out a little before going to bed, YouTube is all I need.

Support indie content creators. Down with Hollywood.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 3:45 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yup, us two, and millions more... all making you laugh.

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Are you sure that's how Trump got elected? There is the part about Trump receiving 48% of the popular vote in Florida, but getting 100% of the electoral college vote. Since when did 48% become the new 50% majority vote? Hillary got 47%.

Then Trump got 48% in Pennsylvania, but 100% of the electoral college vote. Is 48% really the new 50%? Hillary got 47%, but not even 1 vote from the electoral college. That seems really odd, don’t you think?

Then Trump got 47% in Wisconsin, to Hillary’s 46%, and yet he got 100% of the electoral college. The college rules are getting odder and odder.

Then Trump got 47% to Hillary’s 47% in Michigan, yet Trump receives 100% of the electoral college vote. I think I’m seeing a trend here, where Trump doesn’t need a majority to win 100% of the electoral college vote. There was no a run-off election.

Also, FBI Director Comey said two weeks before the election that he thinks Hillary is felon and he is reopening the case. Then days before the election Comey says he can’t prove Hillary is a felon, but after the election he will continue his attempt to throw her in jail. Nice guy. I hear the President fired Comey for manipulating the election over Hillary’s emails. But maybe the President was mistaken! The FBI calling Hillary a felon couldn’t have changed any votes, could it?

Is second learning about the Electoral College for the very first time? He seems so confused. Did not learn any history about USA, like The Great Compromise? Still living in Russia? Venezuela? Yurp?
I can't really pity the fool for not making any pretense of an attempt to comprehend what the subject matter is. He just uses any flimsy pretext to run on about tangential topics - is he working for Bob Mueller?


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:14 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

The joke is on those who voted for him. Just you wait and see. Tax Cuts!?


My joke is your joke. My tax cut is your tax cut.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:15 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, it looks like you have made your mark on the movie industry. Me, I get a kick out of movies, the ones with a good story (there are some left you know).

Care to share? Star Wars and Superhero movies defo don't count.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 7, 2018 5:47 AM


Ahhhh! Jedi Mind Trick............the Tax cuts are for your benefit, pass it on!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

The joke is on those who voted for him. Just you wait and see. Tax Cuts!?


My joke is your joke. My tax cut is your tax cut.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:51 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ahhhh! Jedi Mind Trick............the Tax cuts are for your benefit, pass it on!



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

That's how Trump got elected. I don't think a lot of people found that as humorous as I did.

The joke is on those who voted for him. Just you wait and see. Tax Cuts!?


My joke is your joke. My tax cut is your tax cut.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nope. Simply saying that whatever cuts I do or don't get in the next 2 to 6 years are going to be more or less the same tax cuts that you do or don't get.

So if the joke is on me, I'm in good company.

Honestly, tax cuts are just about as low on my hierarchy of political concerns right now as Wikileaks is. Tax cuts don't really mean shit if there aren't any good jobs to take advantage of them.

8 years of a terrible job outlook under Obama is going on a decade with 2 more under Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 7, 2018 6:42 PM


A thread about a SOLO boycott has turned into an argument about tax cuts...HOW!!


Thursday, June 7, 2018 7:35 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
A thread about a SOLO boycott has turned into an argument about tax cuts...HOW!!

The Trolls also spread Comey, Hilliary, and Libtard confusion about Electoral College into the mix.

I've been wondering when you were going to adapt the title to the topics within.


Friday, June 8, 2018 3:09 AM


Too true Whozit. We were talking about movies and it turned into a political discussion. I'm done......let's get back on topic, shall we!?

So no, to the boycott is all I'm saying. Not for me. Although I do get that Kennedy and Johnson must go; but perhaps it may work because Disney does care about the bottom line.

Trouble is that boycott is the voice of the people and possibly one of the few ways where we have some affect. Decisions, decisions.



Originally posted by whozit:
A thread about a SOLO boycott has turned into an argument about tax cuts...HOW!!


Friday, June 8, 2018 3:12 AM


Well now, have you ever paid a visit to the Cinema page? There's plenty there to chew on; I know you know this to be true. And I offer up movies that are not superhero related.

Wind River
Alien: Covenant
The Big Sick
Baby Driver
War of Planet of the Apes
The Shape of Water
3 Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri
Get Out

Just to name a few.

I'm curious. Why would you want a list of good films when you don't go to the movies because you claim Hollywood is dead?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, it looks like you have made your mark on the movie industry. Me, I get a kick out of movies, the ones with a good story (there are some left you know).

Care to share? Star Wars and Superhero movies defo don't count.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 8, 2018 7:56 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Too true Whozit. We were talking about movies and it turned into a political discussion. I'm done......let's get back on topic, shall we!?

So no, to the boycott is all I'm saying. Not for me. Although I do get that Kennedy and Johnson must go; but perhaps it may work because Disney does care about the bottom line.

Trouble is that boycott is the voice of the people and possibly one of the few ways where we have some affect. Decisions, decisions.

I've heard from a little birdy that Kennedy is on her way out the door.

Not sure if it's true yet, but I will post links if I see anything concrete about this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 8, 2018 7:59 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well now, have you ever paid a visit to the Cinema page? There's plenty there to chew on; I know you know this to be true. And I offer up movies that are not superhero related.

Wind River
Alien: Covenant
The Big Sick
Baby Driver
War of Planet of the Apes
The Shape of Water
3 Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri
Get Out

Just to name a few.

I'm curious. Why would you want a list of good films when you don't go to the movies because you claim Hollywood is dead?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, it looks like you have made your mark on the movie industry. Me, I get a kick out of movies, the ones with a good story (there are some left you know).

Care to share? Star Wars and Superhero movies defo don't count.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I prefer indie movies, and even some low budget Hollywood stuff that isn't heavily advertized. I will likely see Annihilation at some point.

Though I don't think any of the 3 movies I saw last year were made last year, "Welcome to Me", "I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore" and "Arq" were really good.

The three of them combined probably had a budget of the snack tables at your average super hero / Star Wars set.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 8, 2018 8:09 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Too true Whozit. We were talking about movies and it turned into a political discussion. I'm done......let's get back on topic, shall we!?

So no, to the boycott is all I'm saying. Not for me. Although I do get that Kennedy and Johnson must go; but perhaps it may work because Disney does care about the bottom line.

Trouble is that boycott is the voice of the people and possibly one of the few ways where we have some affect. Decisions, decisions.

I've heard from a little birdy that Kennedy is on her way out the door.

Not sure if it's true yet, but I will post links if I see anything concrete about this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

If Kennedy goes then Rian Johnson and Jar Jar Abrams have go with her, STAR WARS needs Chris Nolan and Joss Whedon.

P.S. I may change the title to, Are you going boycott "Trump: A Tax Cuts Story"


Friday, June 8, 2018 9:18 AM


Oh - oh, wait... Are we back to talking about SOLO?

I did not boycott it. I did the opposite. I saw it three times, and enjoyed it each time. I will likely see it once or twice more, and will certainly purchase the DVD when it's out (I usually only buy about two DVDs a year - things that I'm going to watch repeatedly, since it's so easy to watch things otherwise).

Ultimately, the movie is indeed flawed but is the most fun a Star Wars movie has been since 1983. It avoids the ponderousness of the Prequels, the repetition and fatigue of the Sequels, and even the darkness of ROGUE ONE (which I think is a better movie, but not "fun").

I saw it with my cousin most recently, and his first comment when the credits rolled was "I liked that more than the last three combined."

Admittedly, the criticisms that the movie is low stakes and that there are few surprises are true, but that doesn't prevent it from being an enjoyable ride with may great moments.

Boycott all you want. Send all the "messages" to Disney you want. But if you're an old school Star Wars fan or a fan of Firefly (and I have to assume those folks here are), you're doing it at the expense of a movie you'll very likely enjoy.

For those who were on the fence - the damage is already done. It's okay, you can go see it now and not feel guilty about it. :)


Friday, June 8, 2018 11:09 AM


So, now the real question is will the movie doing poorly have any positive effect. We're trusting a bunch of executives to understand a nuanced message with nothing but a number. That's a tough job for reasonable people. I don't think executives are in touch with the common man. So, it's not really surprising that they don't think the way the common man does. If they just delay their schedule and continue to roll out the same movies then I don't know what to think.

It also kinda stinks that Solo was the movie that had to send the message. From the sound of it this is more like what the fans actually want. I mean if the new trilogy just had Rey as Luke's daughter with Luke playing an Obiwan style teacher role and had lighthearted swashbuckling action, I think people would be perfectly fine with it. They felt like they had to give the audience something they didn't expect (read: want) and that isn't playing out so well.


Friday, June 8, 2018 1:22 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Oh - oh, wait... Are we back to talking about SOLO?

I did not boycott it. I did the opposite. I saw it three times, and enjoyed it each time. I will likely see it once or twice more, and will certainly purchase the DVD when it's out (I usually only buy about two DVDs a year - things that I'm going to watch repeatedly, since it's so easy to watch things otherwise).

Ultimately, the movie is indeed flawed but is the most fun a Star Wars movie has been since 1983. It avoids the ponderousness of the Prequels, the repetition and fatigue of the Sequels, and even the darkness of ROGUE ONE (which I think is a better movie, but not "fun").

I saw it with my cousin most recently, and his first comment when the credits rolled was "I liked that more than the last three combined."

Admittedly, the criticisms that the movie is low stakes and that there are few surprises are true, but that doesn't prevent it from being an enjoyable ride with may great moments.

Boycott all you want. Send all the "messages" to Disney you want. But if you're an old school Star Wars fan or a fan of Firefly (and I have to assume those folks here are), you're doing it at the expense of a movie you'll very likely enjoy.

For those who were on the fence - the damage is already done. It's okay, you can go see it now and not feel guilty about it. :)

I have not seen it yet, as I said I'm boycotting it and I can be an asshole BUT, many people are saying that this is a great popcorn movie...the fandom doesn't want to hear that. The fandom wants every STAR WARS film to be an instant classic. I liked "Rouge One", if you watch the films in order "Rouge One" fits in nicely between episodes 3 and 4. The fandom hated episode 8 with a passion, the only weapon they have is to NOT see SOLO. SOLO will loss $50 million.


Saturday, June 9, 2018 6:59 PM


So, small budget, of the Indie it!

Colossal comes to mind (15 million)
Wind River (11 million)
The Big Sick (5 million)
The Shape of Water (19.5 million) - Just so you know, Pan's Labyrinth (19 million). Del Toro was consistent with his budgets (although Hellboy II's budget was $85M).
3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (12 million)
Mudbound (10 million)
It (35 million)
Get Out (4.5 million)

The Quiet Place (17 million) It grossed 321 million worldwide ($185M domestically). You think John Krasinski is going to get another directing gig? He also helped write the script. Bravo, good for him.

Would you consider the above listed movies to be good movies? If so, does budget size matter? I think it depends on the story....first, second and last.

Paranormal Activity - budget $15K - is this a good movie? It made $107.9M at the box office. Avatar was the largest grossing film that year, 2009.

Some recent low budget films:

The Hurt Locker (15 million)
Witness (12 million)
Cruising (11 million)
Sweet Sweetback, circa 1971 (150K)
Bad Lieutenant (25 million)
Four Brothers (30 million)

L.A. Confidential, circa 1997 (35 million) Russell Crowe furthered his American career with this flick about LA cops in the 50s. Guy Pearce's second American movie.

Edward Scissorhands, circa 1990 (20 million) good story. Grossed $56M domestically. It wasn't even in the Top 10 that year, but it is considered a classic. Even Kiddergarten Cop, at No. 10, made more money ($201M)
1. Ghost $505M
2. Home Alone $476M
3. Pretty Woman $463M
4. Dances with Wolves $424M
5. Total Recall $261M

Rounds out the Top 5 that year, 1990. There's no accounting for taste.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well now, have you ever paid a visit to the Cinema page? There's plenty there to chew on; I know you know this to be true. And I offer up movies that are not superhero related.

Wind River
Alien: Covenant
The Big Sick
Baby Driver
War of Planet of the Apes
The Shape of Water
3 Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri
Get Out

Just to name a few.

I'm curious. Why would you want a list of good films when you don't go to the movies because you claim Hollywood is dead?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, it looks like you have made your mark on the movie industry. Me, I get a kick out of movies, the ones with a good story (there are some left you know).

Care to share? Star Wars and Superhero movies defo don't count.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I prefer indie movies, and even some low budget Hollywood stuff that isn't heavily advertized. I will likely see Annihilation at some point.

Though I don't think any of the 3 movies I saw last year were made last year, "Welcome to Me", "I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore" and "Arq" were really good.

The three of them combined probably had a budget of the snack tables at your average super hero / Star Wars set.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 9, 2018 7:07 PM


I heard that same rumor, hope that its true, she's a horrible storyteller/producer/studio-head.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Too true Whozit. We were talking about movies and it turned into a political discussion. I'm done......let's get back on topic, shall we!?

So no, to the boycott is all I'm saying. Not for me. Although I do get that Kennedy and Johnson must go; but perhaps it may work because Disney does care about the bottom line.

Trouble is that boycott is the voice of the people and possibly one of the few ways where we have some affect. Decisions, decisions.

I've heard from a little birdy that Kennedy is on her way out the door.

Not sure if it's true yet, but I will post links if I see anything concrete about this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 9, 2018 7:11 PM



P.S. I may change the title to, Are you going boycott "Trump: A Tax Cuts Story"

Okay, we get it! Trolling, bad.

As I have said in Cinema, and wherever, the combo of Kennedy and Johnson is supremely bad for Star Wars, and generally bad for the film industry. Poor imaginations on their part.



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Too true Whozit. We were talking about movies and it turned into a political discussion. I'm done......let's get back on topic, shall we!?

So no, to the boycott is all I'm saying. Not for me. Although I do get that Kennedy and Johnson must go; but perhaps it may work because Disney does care about the bottom line.

Trouble is that boycott is the voice of the people and possibly one of the few ways where we have some affect. Decisions, decisions.

I've heard from a little birdy that Kennedy is on her way out the door.

Not sure if it's true yet, but I will post links if I see anything concrete about this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

If Kennedy goes then Rian Johnson and Jar Jar Abrams have go with her, STAR WARS needs Chris Nolan and Joss Whedon.

P.S. I may change the title to, Are you going boycott "Trump: A Tax Cuts Story"


Saturday, June 9, 2018 8:43 PM


You're absolutely right Gwek. That was my bad, I'll take the hit for that one. Back to Solo............

I did not boycott, I went to see and enjoyed it. Was it derivative? Yes, somewhat. Was it flawed? Yes, somewhat. Was it fun? A Big Fat Yes! I will return to see it sometime soon.
But I get what real fans of Star Wars are doing, at the expense of an otherwise good movie, they're trying to affect change to get back the good story of the young farm boy's journey. In other words, Luke Skywalker's story.

I get too that The Last Jedi was deeply flawed, hence the boycott of Solo. They wanted the box office for it to be poor so that execs at Disney would think twice about continuing the contract of one Kathleen Kennedy. Good strategy. Affact the next film under her command regardless, and maybe, just maybe the suits at Disney will dump her. Bold risky move, or was it? Disney is in for billions of dollars. The bottom line, despite everything they say, is what counts to them. So, personally I don't find it so risky a move. I mean, the fans will still get Star Wars no matter what.


Originally posted by GWEK:
Oh - oh, wait... Are we back to talking about SOLO?

I did not boycott it. I did the opposite. I saw it three times, and enjoyed it each time. I will likely see it once or twice more, and will certainly purchase the DVD when it's out (I usually only buy about two DVDs a year - things that I'm going to watch repeatedly, since it's so easy to watch things otherwise).

Ultimately, the movie is indeed flawed but is the most fun a Star Wars movie has been since 1983. It avoids the ponderousness of the Prequels, the repetition and fatigue of the Sequels, and even the darkness of ROGUE ONE (which I think is a better movie, but not "fun").

I saw it with my cousin most recently, and his first comment when the credits rolled was "I liked that more than the last three combined."

Admittedly, the criticisms that the movie is low stakes and that there are few surprises are true, but that doesn't prevent it from being an enjoyable ride with may great moments.

Boycott all you want. Send all the "messages" to Disney you want. But if you're an old school Star Wars fan or a fan of Firefly (and I have to assume those folks here are), you're doing it at the expense of a movie you'll very likely enjoy.

For those who were on the fence - the damage is already done. It's okay, you can go see it now and not feel guilty about it. :)


Saturday, June 9, 2018 8:44 PM


I get too that The Last Jedi was deeply flawed, hence the boycott of Solo. They wanted the box office for it to be poor so that execs at Disney would think twice about continuing the contract of one Kathleen Kennedy. Good strategy. Affact the next film under her command regardless, and maybe, just maybe the suits at Disney will dump her. Bold risky move, or was it? Disney is in for billions of dollars. The bottom line, despite everything they say, is what counts to them. So, personally I don't find it so risky a move. I mean, the fans will still get Star Wars no matter what.


I actually didn't get a chance to finish, but I do agree with you that it sucks that Solo gets the shitty end of the stick on this one. It is a good story, flawed yes, but a good story. Ron Howard was given a really shitty assignment and delivered (IMHO). I agree that the Hollywood suits at Disney think they know better than the die-hard fans. You know, the ones that sleep, eat and drink Star Wars (please excuse my use of the word shit so much, but it seems to fit in this case). They are completely out of touch with real fans and moviegoers, otherwise they wouldn't have trusted Kennedy and company with the horrible screenplay of The Last Jedi.

I can see why they were blinded, all that money that Force Awakens made. Dollar signs and ca-chinging all the way to the bank vault; greed can certainly turn a man's head. Something needs to give on their part. For Disney, as a business, it's all about those dollar signs. They want to keep that bell a-ringing. If their bottom line is affected, heads will roll. Remember, they've spent $4 Billion and they want their money back and then some.



Originally posted by Zeek:
So, now the real question is will the movie doing poorly have any positive effect. We're trusting a bunch of executives to understand a nuanced message with nothing but a number. That's a tough job for reasonable people. I don't think executives are in touch with the common man. So, it's not really surprising that they don't think the way the common man does. If they just delay their schedule and continue to roll out the same movies then I don't know what to think.

It also kinda stinks that Solo was the movie that had to send the message. From the sound of it this is more like what the fans actually want. I mean if the new trilogy just had Rey as Luke's daughter with Luke playing an Obiwan style teacher role and had lighthearted swashbuckling action, I think people would be perfectly fine with it. They felt like they had to give the audience something they didn't expect (read: want) and that isn't playing out so well.


Saturday, June 9, 2018 9:21 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, small budget, of the Indie it!

Colossal comes to mind (15 million)
Wind River (11 million)
The Big Sick (5 million)
The Shape of Water (19.5 million) - Just so you know, Pan's Labyrinth (19 million). Del Toro was consistent with his budgets (although Hellboy II's budget was $85M).
3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (12 million)
Mudbound (10 million)
It (35 million)
Get Out (4.5 million)

The Quiet Place (17 million) It grossed 321 million worldwide ($185M domestically). You think John Krasinski is going to get another directing gig? He also helped write the script. Bravo, good for him.

Would you consider the above listed movies to be good movies? If so, does budget size matter? I think it depends on the story....first, second and last.

Paranormal Activity - budget $15K - is this a good movie? It made $107.9M at the box office. Avatar was the largest grossing film that year, 2009.

Some recent low budget films:

The Hurt Locker (15 million)
Witness (12 million)
Cruising (11 million)
Sweet Sweetback, circa 1971 (150K)
Bad Lieutenant (25 million)
Four Brothers (30 million)

L.A. Confidential, circa 1997 (35 million) Russell Crowe furthered his American career with this flick about LA cops in the 50s. Guy Pearce's second American movie.

Edward Scissorhands, circa 1990 (20 million) good story. Grossed $56M domestically. It wasn't even in the Top 10 that year, but it is considered a classic. Even Kiddergarten Cop, at No. 10, made more money ($201M)
1. Ghost $505M
2. Home Alone $476M
3. Pretty Woman $463M
4. Dances with Wolves $424M
5. Total Recall $261M

Rounds out the Top 5 that year, 1990. There's no accounting for taste.

I haven't seen any of those (recent ones you mentioned at the top). Except for IT, I probably wouldn't mind watching any of them.

For me, it's not just about the money though. I have a hard time watching anybody who is famous anymore either. I have to be in the right mindset to even sit through something like that now, and if I've happened to hear their privileged, elitist views on the world, I'm even less likely to want to see them do their job.

Of the three I recently mentioned, I only knew a handful of people. I didn't even know "I Don't Feel At Home In This World" had Elijah Wood in it until about a half hour into the movie. It didn't detract from the movie at all though. Somehow even though he played Bilbo in one of the biggest money projects the world has ever seen, he somehow maintains that Indie feel in almost anything he does. I know nothing at all about his personal life or beliefs, and I love that about him.

The same goes for Kristen Wigg, of "Welcome to Me". Of everyone involved with the clusterfuck that was Ghostbusters, she seemed to be the only one who was above all of the drama. I only knew about her before because my old man was a huge fan of hers from Saturday Night Live (a show I haven't watched at all since the days of Hartman and Farley). After seeing "Welcome to Me", a movie that nobody ever heard of, I was really impressed and I'll give her a pass for being involved in the absolutely mediocre GB reboot.

The movie Arq has nobody I ever heard of. That's not to say that there is nobody in there that people wouldn't recognize, but none of them were ever on my radar. That's when I most enjoy a movie. When there is good acting and good storytelling and you can immerse yourself in it without being taken out of it by some big name Hollywood actor and what they have said in public.

My favorite movie of all time is Ink. I've never seen one of those actors before or after that movie came out. I hope they're all doing well.

LOL... funny story about "Paranormal Activity". I can't tell you if it's a great movie or not. I may have fallen for the hype, but when I saw it on my friend's huge screen we couldn't stop talking about it at work for a while after.

That summer I spent a week with my parents at their summer cottage doing some work that needed to be done there, and I had told them about how great Paranormal Activity was. Back then, they just threw money away on shit all the time and when they came back from Wal-Mart they had the DVD with a $24.99 price tag on it.

We watched it that night on their ancient, tiny ass 19" screen TV without any sort of surround sound and they hated it so bad they actually got a little pissy with me that they had just spent $25 on it. They felt like they were a part of the "scam" and had just been suckered.

I then reminded them that while I was organizing their DVD collection I asked them how they liked Cloverfield. They told me they had never seen it. I said "oh really? You have 2 copies of it in the living room".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 9, 2018 11:10 PM


Tax Cuts.
Kim Jung.
Bleach Bit.
Assault Weapons.
Free Drugs.


Sunday, June 10, 2018 6:12 AM


Hey Jewels, Gwek and Whozit want us to cut the crap on making RWED comments here. I agree with them. Let's get back to the topic at hand....shall we.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Tax Cuts.
Kim Jung.
Bleach Bit.
Assault Weapons.
Free Drugs.


Sunday, June 10, 2018 6:21 AM


Sorry, wrong box.


Sunday, June 10, 2018 6:50 AM


I was trying to make a point about box office numbers, budgets and good entertaining movies. Basically that it all depends on the story and not the numbers so much.

Anyway, I did see "Welcome to Me" and it was okay, although I happen to like Kristen Wiig (I actually bumped into her by accident on an elevator at 30 Rock), she's a very sweet woman and funny as hell.

But I think you would really like "A Quiet Place" - it's not your typical Hollywood movie and it's very good (you know I wouldn't shit you about a movie). If you get a chance, check it out. The only actor you might recognize is Emily Blunt. I don't know what her views are on anything (although that doesn't bother me as much as it does you) there's one thing that I saw with my own eyes that
made me fall in love with her more.

I was watching Jimmy Kimmel's show and he had one of his people covering the Toronto Film Festival a couple of years ago, and his assistant interviewed
her as she was about to enter. He pulled out a bottle of Tequila and
challenged her to take a shot. And right there and then, she downed a
shot of Tequila. He challenged her again, and she didn't hesitate.
He did it again and she threw back a third shot. I was amazed and proud of my choice of woman to have a crush on. I love that woman.
Fucking John Krasinski is a lucky motherfucker. Just thought I'd tell ya.

The other films I think you'd like are:
Wind River
3 Billboards

I have a friend that stopped watching one of her favorite TV programs,
Suits, because she found out one of the guys was gay. Some people make their
choices based upon shit like that. With me, it Tom Selleck (well, this is more within the last 10 years), what a dick he is. Well, what can you do, we all
have our little foibles. But I generally set that aside, if it's a good story.
But I know lots of folks who appreciate low budget, indie films better than the
huge blockbusters. No big whoop!

One thing though; an actor usually doesn't have a say so in the scripts shoved under their noses. Sometimes they take roles just to pay the bills; that may be
in their contract or agreement with two more films to go. Look at Mark Hamill,
he got truly fucked in The Last Jedi, so did Kelly Marie Tran. Fucked, but good.
So you really shouldn't hold it against them when they get a shitty script.
Elijah Wood, a good actor. I too like that he takes on different roles.

Well, I'm off.



Sunday, June 10, 2018 9:20 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I was trying to make a point about box office numbers, budgets and good entertaining movies. Basically that it all depends on the story and not the numbers so much.

I knew what you were doing. I was just giving my own semi-explanation of what I prefer. As you say.... Money isn't everything. One of your examples was IT for only 35 million dollars. You couldn't pay me to sit through that Hollywood schlockfest.


Anyway, I did see "Welcome to Me" and it was okay, although I happen to like Kristen Wiig (I actually bumped into her by accident on an elevator at 30 Rock), she's a very sweet woman and funny as hell.

Yeah, we talked about your meeting with her in the cinema thread before. Whether or not you or I like a movie is simply a matter of taste. I'm only saying that it was a good movie, not that everyone will get as much out of it as I did. To this day Citizen Kane is regarded as the best movie ever made and "2001: A Space Odyssey" is somewhere near the top of that list and I absolutely hate sitting through either of them.


But I think you would really like "A Quiet Place" - it's not your typical Hollywood movie and it's very good (you know I wouldn't shit you about a movie). If you get a chance, check it out. The only actor you might recognize is Emily Blunt. I don't know what her views are on anything (although that doesn't bother me as much as it does you) there's one thing that I saw with my own eyes that
made me fall in love with her more.

I was watching Jimmy Kimmel's show and he had one of his people covering the Toronto Film Festival a couple of years ago, and his assistant interviewed
her as she was about to enter. He pulled out a bottle of Tequila and
challenged her to take a shot. And right there and then, she downed a
shot of Tequila. He challenged her again, and she didn't hesitate.
He did it again and she threw back a third shot. I was amazed and proud of my choice of woman to have a crush on. I love that woman.
Fucking John Krasinski is a lucky motherfucker. Just thought I'd tell ya.

I'm not opposed to watching it for any reason. I just don't really have the time to bother with any of it any more, and nothing I've seen or heard about grabs me to the point where I've got to see it. It's on a relatively short list of movies that I might watch someday if I remember what it's called when I search for it when I'm actually sitting down to watch a movie.

I'm in love with Emily Blunt because of her character she played in Edge of Tomorrow (one of the last Hollywood movies I saw and deeply enjoyed). It's actually the only thing I know her from inside and outside of movies.

I don't go out of my way to know what Hollywood-types think about the world. She may have said somethings I don't agree with, but it's not on my radar. I'm not going out of my way to find reasons to hate people.


The other films I think you'd like are:
Wind River
3 Billboards

It probably doesn't seem like it, but I do pay attention to you guys in the Cinema thread. These are also on my short list.


I have a friend that stopped watching one of her favorite TV programs,
Suits, because she found out one of the guys was gay. Some people make their
choices based upon shit like that. With me, it Tom Selleck (well, this is more within the last 10 years), what a dick he is. Well, what can you do, we all
have our little foibles. But I generally set that aside, if it's a good story.
But I know lots of folks who appreciate low budget, indie films better than the
huge blockbusters. No big whoop!

That's a tricky thing. I can't honestly tell you I never stopped watching a show because somebody was gay in my past. I do recall that when I was a kid I'd occasionally watch "Ellen" when it was on. Not because it was any good... almost none of the sitcoms back then were, but TV was the babysitter for me and my bros growing up. That was a different time though. That made headlines, and even my mom and step-dad talked about it at dinner and said things like "they should cancel her show".

..... it just occured to me how no matter how much things change the more they remain the same, huh Roseanne?

I stopped watching Ellen at that point. Not even because I specifically had any opinions against homosexuality, but because at that age I was constantly worried about what other people thought about me. It's not as if I loved the show, so why would I risk watching it and having my parents walk in and see me doing so?

I'd never do that today. Somebody's sexuality is really none of my business, and I don't care about it at all. Comparing somebody's sexuality to their political and/or elitist beliefs is textbook false equivalency. In fact, it's really polar opposites.

I'm not going to tell somebody what sex they should be attracted to or judge them. On the flip side, I sure as hell am not going to take kindly for some grossly overpaid actor judging me or telling me how to live my life. They can go scratch.


One thing though; an actor usually doesn't have a say so in the scripts shoved under their noses. Sometimes they take roles just to pay the bills; that may be
in their contract or agreement with two more films to go. Look at Mark Hamill,
he got truly fucked in The Last Jedi, so did Kelly Marie Tran. Fucked, but good.

So you really shouldn't hold it against them when they get a shitty script.

You can always say no. It might not be the most comfortable thing to do, and it might even get painful, but standing up for your own convictions isn't supposed to be easy.

But as the saying goes... everybody has a price.

Hamill still has a lot of balls though, even if it was after the fact. I love stuff he's had to say about the new movies and his character. Specifically the part where he isn't actually playing Luke Skywalker, but just another guy with the last name Skywalker.


Elijah Wood, a good actor. I too like that he takes on different roles.

Yeah. Dude is amazing.

It just occured to me... Everybody is in on the whole Hollywood Actor does TV thing today, but there was a long time where nobody would ever thing of "degrading" themselves like that?

Is it possible that Elijah Wood made it cool when he did Wilfred?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 10, 2018 9:44 AM


I read an article yesterday about how even if the boycott of SOLO is successful in getting Kennedy removed, it is likely to have a reverse effect from intended. Many of those boycotting seem to be doing so because of a combination of two factors: 1) hatred of THE LAST JEDI and/or 2) a desire to for more white male protagonists.

Ironically, boycotting SOLO - the only Disney-era movie featuring a white male protagonist, and also the one that it most clearly a throwback to the Original Trilogy era - sends the message that what is going to bring in the big bucks is a future that looks more like THE LAST JEDI and less like SOLO.

As for Disney making big, knee-jerk moves based on one failed movie... they're among the studios that can afford not to, if they don't want to. Back in the day, the whole whole point of tentpole movies and sequels was that you made one big movie that was sure to make money so you could make 3-4 smaller, riskier movies. If those movies made money, so much the better, but your bottom line was already secure. Disney is that concept on a massive cocktail of steroids and pixie dust.


Sunday, June 10, 2018 10:17 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
I read an article yesterday about how even if the boycott of SOLO is successful in getting Kennedy removed, it is likely to have a reverse effect from intended. Many of those boycotting seem to be doing so because of a combination of two factors: 1) hatred of THE LAST JEDI and/or 2) a desire to for more white male protagonists.

Ironically, boycotting SOLO - the only Disney-era movie featuring a white male protagonist, and also the one that it most clearly a throwback to the Original Trilogy era - sends the message that what is going to bring in the big bucks is a future that looks more like THE LAST JEDI and less like SOLO.

As for Disney making big, knee-jerk moves based on one failed movie... they're among the studios that can afford not to, if they don't want to. Back in the day, the whole whole point of tentpole movies and sequels was that you made one big movie that was sure to make money so you could make 3-4 smaller, riskier movies. If those movies made money, so much the better, but your bottom line was already secure. Disney is that concept on a massive cocktail of steroids and pixie dust.

My parody quote of Alex Jones predicting this on May 23rd:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I followed that up on May 31st with an article on asking us "Are Movies Starring White Men Box Office Poison"

Old news buddy.


It should probably be noted that any article I've read that describes the boycott possibly having the reverse intended effect is somewhat disingenuous, as they all acknowledge the real reasons behind the boycott along side of the reverse effect they predict will be the outcome.

Disney isn't stupid... At least they're not stupid enough to not know what is truly going on here. If their actual takeaway at the end of the day is that movies with white male protagonists are in fact box office poison, that is a stance derived from intentional obtusity as a means to their ideological end.

Time will tell how moviegoers react to this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 10, 2018 6:58 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I was trying to make a point about box office numbers, budgets and good entertaining movies. Basically that it all depends on the story and not the numbers so much.

Anyway, I did see "Welcome to Me" and it was okay, although I happen to like Kristen Wiig (I actually bumped into her by accident on an elevator at 30 Rock), she's a very sweet woman and funny as hell.

But I think you would really like "A Quiet Place" - it's not your typical Hollywood movie and it's very good (you know I wouldn't shit you about a movie). If you get a chance, check it out. The only actor you might recognize is Emily Blunt. I don't know what her views are on anything (although that doesn't bother me as much as it does you) there's one thing that I saw with my own eyes that
made me fall in love with her more.

I was watching Jimmy Kimmel's show and he had one of his people covering the Toronto Film Festival a couple of years ago, and his assistant interviewed
her as she was about to enter. He pulled out a bottle of Tequila and
challenged her to take a shot. And right there and then, she downed a
shot of Tequila. He challenged her again, and she didn't hesitate.
He did it again and she threw back a third shot. I was amazed and proud of my choice of woman to have a crush on. I love that woman.
Fucking John Krasinski is a lucky motherfucker. Just thought I'd tell ya.

The other films I think you'd like are:
Wind River
3 Billboards

I have a friend that stopped watching one of her favorite TV programs,
Suits, because she found out one of the guys was gay. Some people make their
choices based upon shit like that. With me, it Tom Selleck (well, this is more within the last 10 years), what a dick he is. Well, what can you do, we all
have our little foibles. But I generally set that aside, if it's a good story.
But I know lots of folks who appreciate low budget, indie films better than the
huge blockbusters. No big whoop!

One thing though; an actor usually doesn't have a say so in the scripts shoved under their noses. Sometimes they take roles just to pay the bills; that may be
in their contract or agreement with two more films to go. Look at Mark Hamill,
he got truly fucked in The Last Jedi, so did Kelly Marie Tran. Fucked, but good.
So you really shouldn't hold it against them when they get a shitty script.
Elijah Wood, a good actor. I too like that he takes on different roles.

Well, I'm off.


What made you imagine Selleck was a dick?


Sunday, June 10, 2018 7:06 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey Jewels, Gwek and Whozit want us to cut the crap on making RWED comments here. I agree with them. Let's get back to the topic at hand....shall we.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Tax Cuts.
Kim Jung.
Bleach Bit.
Assault Weapons.
Free Drugs.

This entire thread is nothing but RWED.
These were merely some topics you missed, so far.

Plus, Trump!


Sunday, June 10, 2018 7:30 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by GWEK:
I read an article yesterday about how even if the boycott of SOLO is successful in getting Kennedy removed, it is likely to have a reverse effect from intended. Many of those boycotting seem to be doing so because of a combination of two factors: 1) hatred of THE LAST JEDI and/or 2) a desire to for more white male protagonists.

Ironically, boycotting SOLO - the only Disney-era movie featuring a white male protagonist, and also the one that it most clearly a throwback to the Original Trilogy era - sends the message that what is going to bring in the big bucks is a future that looks more like THE LAST JEDI and less like SOLO.

As for Disney making big, knee-jerk moves based on one failed movie... they're among the studios that can afford not to, if they don't want to. Back in the day, the whole whole point of tentpole movies and sequels was that you made one big movie that was sure to make money so you could make 3-4 smaller, riskier movies. If those movies made money, so much the better, but your bottom line was already secure. Disney is that concept on a massive cocktail of steroids and pixie dust.

My parody quote of Alex Jones predicting this on May 23rd:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I followed that up on May 31st with an article on asking us "Are Movies Starring White Men Box Office Poison"

Old news buddy.


It should probably be noted that any article I've read that describes the boycott possibly having the reverse intended effect is somewhat disingenuous, as they all acknowledge the real reasons behind the boycott along side of the reverse effect they predict will be the outcome.

Disney isn't stupid... At least they're not stupid enough to not know what is truly going on here. If their actual takeaway at the end of the day is that movies with white male protagonists are in fact box office poison, that is a stance derived from intentional obtusity as a means to their ideological end.

Time will tell how moviegoers react to this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

As soon as I see “Alex Jones,” in any capacity, I stop reading.

My post also was originally quite a bit longer, but a lot of it was needlessly inflammatory (primarily about the nature of the organized boycotters), so I trimmed it.

Also ironic to see anything on a Firefly forum referred to as old news...


Sunday, June 10, 2018 7:35 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:

As soon as I see “Alex Jones,” in any capacity, I stop reading.

It was a parody quote, and "Alex Jones" was at the end of it, so you probably read it until the end then.


My post also was originally quite a bit longer, but a lot of it was needlessly inflammatory (primarily about the nature of the organized boycotters), so I trimmed it.

Yeah. Organized *anything* these days suck. I haven't seen a Star Wars movie since Episode II, so I wasn't going to see Solo anyhow.


Also ironic to see anything on a Firefly forum referred to as old news...

lol. That's pretty good.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 11, 2018 12:32 AM





Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey Jewels, Gwek and Whozit want us to cut the crap on making RWED comments here. I agree with them. Let's get back to the topic at hand....shall we.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Tax Cuts.
Kim Jung.
Bleach Bit.
Assault Weapons.
Free Drugs.

This entire thread is nothing but RWED.
These were merely some topics you missed, so far.

Plus, Trump!


Monday, June 11, 2018 12:51 AM


All that white male protagonist bullshit is just that, bullshit!
As far as I'm concerned it's all about the story.....period!
The lead actor could be an orangutan for all I care, if the story sucks, sorry you have a flop on your hands.

Just so happens that the Star Wars leads are white - Luke, Leia and Han.
So what?

Bottom line - a good story always wins out. Case in point: The Shawshank Redemption. It has a white and black male as lead actors, and it happens
to be a classic film. Why? Because it's a good story.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by GWEK:
I read an article yesterday about how even if the boycott of SOLO is successful in getting Kennedy removed, it is likely to have a reverse effect from intended. Many of those boycotting seem to be doing so because of a combination of two factors: 1) hatred of THE LAST JEDI and/or 2) a desire to for more white male protagonists.

Ironically, boycotting SOLO - the only Disney-era movie featuring a white male protagonist, and also the one that it most clearly a throwback to the Original Trilogy era - sends the message that what is going to bring in the big bucks is a future that looks more like THE LAST JEDI and less like SOLO.

As for Disney making big, knee-jerk moves based on one failed movie... they're among the studios that can afford not to, if they don't want to. Back in the day, the whole whole point of tentpole movies and sequels was that you made one big movie that was sure to make money so you could make 3-4 smaller, riskier movies. If those movies made money, so much the better, but your bottom line was already secure. Disney is that concept on a massive cocktail of steroids and pixie dust.

My parody quote of Alex Jones predicting this on May 23rd:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sorry about that Whozit.

Damn. You've already squandered about 15% of your life you took back by boycotting this movie. My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Forget about it, I've wasted more time watching "Flat Earth" vids.

The Earth is flat and is only 6,000 years old. 9/11 was a false flag and the Twin Towers never even existed in the alternate universe I came from, and neither did Russians, so I really don't even know what y'all are talking about half the time in here. Donald Trump was real, but he's dead now. He went on to host The Price is Right after he got Fired from the Apprentice and met his end in a bizarre Plinko accident shortly after the fact. The Cloud People are sending laser beams into your brain and making you spend your money on Marvel and Star Wars movies. The only reason that y'all don't think you want to see Solo is because they don't want you to see another movie in the Star Wars universe starring a white male hero. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! OBAMA TURNED THE FROGS GAY!!!!

- Alex Jones

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I followed that up on May 31st with an article on asking us "Are Movies Starring White Men Box Office Poison"

Old news buddy.


It should probably be noted that any article I've read that describes the boycott possibly having the reverse intended effect is somewhat disingenuous, as they all acknowledge the real reasons behind the boycott along side of the reverse effect they predict will be the outcome.

Disney isn't stupid... At least they're not stupid enough to not know what is truly going on here. If their actual takeaway at the end of the day is that movies with white male protagonists are in fact box office poison, that is a stance derived from intentional obtusity as a means to their ideological end.

Time will tell how moviegoers react to this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 11, 2018 12:58 AM



What made you imagine Selleck was a dick?

Saw an interview with him and he acted like a total dick. That happens.
Take, for instance, Matt Lauer, who knew he was such a dick, yet here
we are.

I also read up on a rumor that Ellen DeGeneres is a bit of a dick. She behaves badly toward people she doesn't like; because she enjoys being
known for her charity work (and will gladly step on anyone's toes who
doesn't see things her way).

Anyway, it's not a big deal.



Monday, June 11, 2018 1:59 AM



One of your examples was IT for only 35 million dollars. You couldn't pay me to sit through that Hollywood schlockfest.

I chose IT for a number of reasons:

1- It was a low budget film: $35 million is nothing these days.
2- It was a well-directed, well-acted, well-made Hollywood "schlock" film that grossed several hundreds million dollars. I went with friends and
enjoyed myself and I actually thought it to be a good piece of filmmaking;
a good remake.
3- It was a good story based on an iconic character


I'm only saying that it was a good movie, not that everyone will get as much out of it as I did.

True that. I feel that way about "Cloud Atlas."


To this day Citizen Kane is regarded as the best movie ever made and "2001: A Space Odyssey" is somewhere near the top of that list and I absolutely hate sitting through either of them.

Those are among the top classics of modern time, but they are from a different era, when movies were movies and delivered on a whole
different level.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?,
The Conversation, Raging Bull, A Clockwork Orange, The Godfather...all
movies of a different era that are considered classics, but may not be
able to stand the test of time, by today's standards.

Even Indie films from that era: Get Out Your Handkerchiefs, Going Places,
La Cage Aux Folles, Manon of the Spring, Jean De Florette....some of the
more classic Indie foreign films of our time. All excellent, but somewhat dated. Does that diminish their greatness? I think not. But, I digress.

Not too long ago, I was watching The Excorcist on TV and I found myself laughing. I saw this movie when it first came out, and I could tell you
no one was laughing. Women would watch this flick with their feet up on
their seats. Rumors of pregnant women losing their babies abounded, but
yet I laughed at it. Just how we laugh at some of the films from the 30s.


I'm in love with Emily Blunt because of her character she played
in Edge of Tomorrow (one of the last Hollywood movies I saw and deeply enjoyed). It's actually the only thing I know her from inside and outside
of movies.

I'm in love with Emily Blunt from just about everything she's done. She's
not only a beautiful hunk of womanhood, she can act her ass off. I first
became aware of her in The Devil Wears Prada and have followed her career
ever since. I saw one of her early movies and decided that I would follow her to "the ends of the earth." She's amazing. I believe she shies away
from political stuff, but, no matter, she's awesome.

But I mostly study film as an art form, much like people study literature;
and try not to follow their politics.


On the flip side, I sure as hell am not going to take kindly for some grossly overpaid actor judging me or telling me how to live my life.

Totally agree.


Hamill still has a lot of balls though, even if it was after the fact. I love stuff he's had to say about the new movies and his character. Specifically the part where he isn't actually playing Luke Skywalker, but just another guy with the last name Skywalker.

Again, totally agree. I admire him because he finds a way to get his
message across, with subtlety. Remember he's in Hollywood where one
wrong move could blackball him for life. I find it inconcievable that Johnson would not listen to the actor that breathed life into his
character - Luke Skywalker. I'm not saying that Hamill is some genius
actor, just that he's a professional who played this role with great
gusto for a long time. He knows his craft.







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