Nicole Kidman Behind Serenity Delay?

UPDATED: Saturday, November 27, 2004 18:49
VIEWED: 4515
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Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:18 AM


Nicole Kidman Behind Serenity Delay?
Written by Scott Collura
Wednesday, 24 November 2004

It was reported yesterday that Serenity, Joss Whedon’s big screen version of the short-lived Fox series Firefly, had been pushed from its original April release date all the way to the following September. Today, it looks as though Whedon fans have someone to blame for the move: Nicole Kidman.

Variety is reporting that Universal Pictures has moved Kidman’s The Interpreter from February 18th to April 22nd, a push that has led to the studio’s whole schedule being revamped. April 22nd was Serenity’s release date originally, but now it’s been pushed to September 30th. The trade paper goes on to say that Serenity’s move displaces Jarhead, a Gulf War memoir directed by Sam Mendes.

So now Serenity fans have somebody to blame their troubles on for the next 10 months, namely Ms. Kidman. Heck, I’m still angry at Leonard Nimoy for killing off Spock in Wrath of Khan.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 7:35 AM



ok, I feel better now.......
no I don't

"Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 9:44 AM


America loves a winner!

S'plain to me once again how Ms Kidman had a role in any of this ? It's the movie that she's a star in , but 'versal made the decission here, right? I don't see where Ms Kidman herself had much of a say in the switch, if she had any say at all.

Not that I have any real affection for Nicole, but I'd rather place blame on the right folks and for the right reasons. If 'blame' is the right word to use. It's that I still have all these fliers and posters and such that have April 22 as the premier date.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:00 AM


You know...I didnt need a reason to hate Nicole Kidman.....

BUT, its sure nice to have one.

They didnt call it the dark ages because it was dark.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:04 AM


It's their title to the story...not mine. Kidman IS a big draw box office wise, so I can see their reasoning behind it.

Doesn't mean I like it though...


Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:35 AM


Maybe they (my apologies to Static) bravely threw her on the grenade that will be Episode III and the mess in April to save the rest of their line up, including Serenity, who is the fan-favorite anyway.

------------------------------------------------------------ Gamer Rigs, Budget Prices
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:03 PM


America loves a winner!

I still don't see anything IN the story which would indicate that Nicole had anything to do w/ the change. Sure she's the big draw, but how often do the actors, no matter how big they may be, have a hand in choosing the release date ? Besides, this piece reads more like a column than an actual news release. Putting Kidman in the title but leaving any substantial or relevent info in the article which would link her to having anything to do w/the premier dates changing oesn't in the least prove (to me ) that she had a hand in it. By that logic, one could as easily write 'Fillion to blame for 'Jarhead' delay? '.

See, it just doesn't carry water, not with what info is given.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:51 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I still don't see anything IN the story which would indicate that Nicole had anything to do w/ the change. Sure she's the big draw, but how often do the actors, no matter how big they may be, have a hand in choosing the release date ? Besides, this piece reads more like a column than an actual news release. Putting Kidman in the title but leaving any substantial or relevent info in the article which would link her to having anything to do w/the premier dates changing oesn't in the least prove (to me ) that she had a hand in it. By that logic, one could as easily write 'Fillion to blame for 'Jarhead' delay? '.

See, it just doesn't carry water, not with what info is given.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Not to diss you, but this just shows that you don't know how Hollywood truly works. See, there used to be one unified force that controlled all of Hollywood, and it was known as "Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman." For eons (or so it seemed), "CruiseKid" ruled Hollywood with an iron fist. While some thought this a Bad Thing, others noticed that under their reign, everything ran smoothly and release dates never had to be juggled.

But then Nicole betrayed and murdered Tom, and ran off to have a string of affairs in Australia. Fortunately, Tom's katra was ensconced for safekeeping on a CD-ROM, and soon a Cruisedroid was built and Tom's katra was downloaded into it.

Nicole found out about the Cruisedroid and sent an army of undead ninja assassins to destroy it before it could be completed. Being that this was their first time in Hollywood, they all stopped off to take a tour of the stars' homes, during which they were all discovered and cast in KILL BILL. So the Cruisedroid was completed, and Nicole was forced to make a deal.

Nicole and the Cruisedroid met behind closed doors in Shangri-La, where they had a protracted swordfight. However, they were so evenly matched that, after years of fighting, they decided to call it a draw. They sat down with Zeus and Odin and hammered out an equitable arrangement by which Nicole would control half of the Hollywood studios and the Cruisedroid would control the other half.

Sadly for us, Universal studios fell under Nicole's control. But her protracted sword fight had left her very horny, so she went on another long string of affairs and paid little attention to what was going on. When she finally had all the sex out of her system, she found out that Universal had picked up Serenity and that the filming was already done. She didn't think anything of it until she saw a picture of Joss and noticed his red hair.

Now, everyone knows Nicole wants to be the only redhead in Hollywood, and so she immediately saw Joss as a threat. She also secretly suspected him of being the Cruisedroid in disguise. So she quickly threw together a crappy film starring herself and bumped Serenity from its primo release date in April to the far less desireable date in September.

So that is how Nicole is obviously directly responsible for Serenity being bumped. Aren't you glad you asked?

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Saturday, November 27, 2004 1:09 PM


Of course Nicole Kidman did not pick the release date of her movie. The studio who owns the movie did. A lot probably depends on the demographic her movie is targeting. If the demographics are totally different, then I don't think that her movie had anything to do with it. However, if the demographics overlap, Nicole Kidman is a bigger draw than anyone on Serenity's cast and Universal was probably worried that she would siphon off viewers from Serenity. It's still nice to have a reason to use these emoticons and I'm happy to make Nicole my rationale for using them.



Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:40 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Thanks Gojiro,

Your explanation lightened my mood sufficiently.


Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:54 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I still don't see anything IN the story which would indicate that Nicole had anything to do w/ the change. Sure she's the big draw, but how often do the actors, no matter how big they may be, have a hand in choosing the release date ? Besides, this piece reads more like a column than an actual news release. Putting Kidman in the title but leaving any substantial or relevent info in the article which would link her to having anything to do w/the premier dates changing oesn't in the least prove (to me ) that she had a hand in it. By that logic, one could as easily write 'Fillion to blame for 'Jarhead' delay? '.

See, it just doesn't carry water, not with what info is given.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Not to diss you, but this just shows that you don't know how Hollywood truly works. See, there used to be one unified force that controlled all of Hollywood, and it was known as "Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman." For eons (or so it seemed), "CruiseKid" ruled Hollywood with an iron fist. While some thought this a Bad Thing, others noticed that under their reign, everything ran smoothly and release dates never had to be juggled.

But then Nicole betrayed and murdered Tom, and ran off to have a string of affairs in Australia. Fortunately, Tom's katra was ensconced for safekeeping on a CD-ROM, and soon a Cruisedroid was built and Tom's katra was downloaded into it.

Nicole found out about the Cruisedroid and sent an army of undead ninja assassins to destroy it before it could be completed. Being that this was their first time in Hollywood, they all stopped off to take a tour of the stars' homes, during which they were all discovered and cast in KILL BILL. So the Cruisedroid was completed, and Nicole was forced to make a deal.

Nicole and the Cruisedroid met behind closed doors in Shangri-La, where they had a protracted swordfight. However, they were so evenly matched that, after years of fighting, they decided to call it a draw. They sat down with Zeus and Odin and hammered out an equitable arrangement by which Nicole would control half of the Hollywood studios and the Cruisedroid would control the other half.

Sadly for us, Universal studios fell under Nicole's control. But her protracted sword fight had left her very horny, so she went on another long string of affairs and paid little attention to what was going on. When she finally had all the sex out of her system, she found out that Universal had picked up Serenity and that the filming was already done. She didn't think anything of it until she saw a picture of Joss and noticed his red hair.

Now, everyone knows Nicole wants to be the only redhead in Hollywood, and so she immediately saw Joss as a threat. She also secretly suspected him of being the Cruisedroid in disguise. So she quickly threw together a crappy film starring herself and bumped Serenity from its primo release date in April to the far less desireable date in September.

So that is how Nicole is obviously directly responsible for Serenity being bumped. Aren't you glad you asked?

Are you a Southern Ohio Browncoat? If so, join our Yahoo group for news and events:

And if you're a Cincinnati Area Browncoat, join our meetup group at


The answer to your question is simple. When it comes to the BDM *fanfare*, is that:

she was born

"Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 3:55 PM



Originally posted by gojiro:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I still don't see anything IN the story which would indicate that Nicole had anything to do w/ the change. Sure she's the big draw, but how often do the actors, no matter how big they may be, have a hand in choosing the release date ? Besides, this piece reads more like a column than an actual news release. Putting Kidman in the title but leaving any substantial or relevent info in the article which would link her to having anything to do w/the premier dates changing oesn't in the least prove (to me ) that she had a hand in it. By that logic, one could as easily write 'Fillion to blame for 'Jarhead' delay? '.

See, it just doesn't carry water, not with what info is given.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Not to diss you, but this just shows that you don't know how Hollywood truly works. See, there used to be one unified force that controlled all of Hollywood, and it was known as "Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman." For eons (or so it seemed), "CruiseKid" ruled Hollywood with an iron fist. While some thought this a Bad Thing, others noticed that under their reign, everything ran smoothly and release dates never had to be juggled.

But then Nicole betrayed and murdered Tom, and ran off to have a string of affairs in Australia. Fortunately, Tom's katra was ensconced for safekeeping on a CD-ROM, and soon a Cruisedroid was built and Tom's katra was downloaded into it.

Nicole found out about the Cruisedroid and sent an army of undead ninja assassins to destroy it before it could be completed. Being that this was their first time in Hollywood, they all stopped off to take a tour of the stars' homes, during which they were all discovered and cast in KILL BILL. So the Cruisedroid was completed, and Nicole was forced to make a deal.

Nicole and the Cruisedroid met behind closed doors in Shangri-La, where they had a protracted swordfight. However, they were so evenly matched that, after years of fighting, they decided to call it a draw. They sat down with Zeus and Odin and hammered out an equitable arrangement by which Nicole would control half of the Hollywood studios and the Cruisedroid would control the other half.

Sadly for us, Universal studios fell under Nicole's control. But her protracted sword fight had left her very horny, so she went on another long string of affairs and paid little attention to what was going on. When she finally had all the sex out of her system, she found out that Universal had picked up Serenity and that the filming was already done. She didn't think anything of it until she saw a picture of Joss and noticed his red hair.

Now, everyone knows Nicole wants to be the only redhead in Hollywood, and so she immediately saw Joss as a threat. She also secretly suspected him of being the Cruisedroid in disguise. So she quickly threw together a crappy film starring herself and bumped Serenity from its primo release date in April to the far less desireable date in September.


The answer to your question is simple. When it comes to the BDM *fanfare*, is that:

she was born...and if it wasn't her, it would be someone else.....not 'versal that is putting the BDM on the screen.......


"Your mouth is talking. Might wanna see to that"


Saturday, November 27, 2004 6:49 PM



Originally posted by TauSetiPrime:
You know...I didnt need a reason to hate Nicole Kidman.....

BUT, its sure nice to have one.

They didnt call it the dark ages because it was dark.

Great, Great. Awesome.






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