Firefly Research Paper: Help would be great

UPDATED: Sunday, December 5, 2004 12:35
VIEWED: 3339
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004 10:28 AM


Hey there. We're doing our term papers (standard 11th grade english requirement) and I'm getting to do mine on Firefly. I haven't been around very long, so I don't have all that great of an idea on some of the subjects that I really want to covor. Here's my outline, if anyone could fill in some information or guide me to some info, it would be most helpfull.


I. What is Firefly
a. Who is Joss
b. What is the show about
c. How was the idea created

II. Development
a. Finding a Cast
b. Filiming the Pilot
c. Showing the Network
d. Network abuse begins
e. The New Mal Reynolds
f. The New Pilot

IV. Cancellation
a. Fox's reasons.
b. What REALLY Happened
1. Showing Eps out of Order
2. Showing original Pilot Last

V. The Fans
a. How bootlegging helped convert (this is how I personally was converted, by the episodes on
b. Getting the DVD out
c. Fundraisers/Shindigs/other activities

VI. Big Damn Movie
a. How'd it get greenlightd.
b. What fans are doing to spread the word.


I've been listeng to the Commentary and have to go and re-watch the Making Of, but again, more information is great. I'd also like your opinions on the show. I will post the completed paper if anyone is interested after the New Year.



ETA: I'm in a media tech class, so my teacher wants me to focus more on how a tv show is made, and I figured Firefly would be the best thing because it's something I love.


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:28 PM


Regarding "what is Firefly?", I recommend reading this article from Backwoods Home Magazine. I believe it captures the spirit of the show better than any other I've seen.

I've proposed that one reason Firefly had a hard time building an audience, and why people are relatively slow to check it out even today, is because it is a genre breaker. It appears to be a science fiction western. But after watching you realize that the stories are neither traditional science fiction nor western. It's hard to describe or categorize, so it's hard to convince people they should watch it. And yet, once watched it is almost universally loved - by ALL demographics, not just the genre groups. Hence, the reference to the Backwoods Home article. Definitely not sci-fi groupies.

Regarding what is being done to promote the movie, I have personally donated DVD sets to two libraries in my area and have actively encouraged others to do so, or at least request that their local library buy it. The fans talk of "conversion", but in reality I've observed that viewers don't need convincing - they just need to see the shows. In the belief that people are more likely to take a chance on something that seems "different" from a library (generally free), I would like to have the DVDs as available as possible through that venue.

For one of the most outstanding examples of guerilla marketing, you must browse 11thHour's web site:

She is an enormous resource in helping us spread awareness. And if you notice again, the focus is not to convince people how wonderful Firefly is, but rather to just get them interested enough to look. Our history shows us that to look is to be hooked.

Good luck on your paper.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:16 PM


That's some heavy thinking you got going there, almost more for a book than a term paper. Maybe you could try doing a bit o' something along the lines of counterpointing each character to their mythic architype (Joseph Campbell would come in handy here), such as, I donno, the Loyal Companion To The Hero as found in Zoe, or the Mortal Altered By Gods (in the Greek sense) as, ostencibly, River was, or even better than the Mal/Zoe connection, the "brooding warrior" and the "goofy sidekick" thing between Zoe and Wash. Teachers love connections between myth and pop culture....


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:48 PM


I Have to say I Agree a with Caligari.
Your Outline reminds me of the Paper I wrote myself in eleventh grade about Video games. while it got an A i was never quite satisfied with the ending result because I got too into the nuts and bolts of the history of the Video Game Industry. Had I taken the oppertuinty to write about something I was passionate about, and showed that rather then being some stupid pasttime, Video Games had any number of things to offer including increased reflex skills, Storylines that are comparable to books and even knowledge that can be used in the real world. (Anyone taking Biology and studying Mitochondria should play Parasite Eve)

I Guess my point is this, you might be prouder of a paper that digs deeper in to what makes the show so very meaningful that it's worth studying with an Academic Eye.

either way I'll be happy to help with either questions or Ideas.

If you are looking for People's opinions yo might want to breeze through some of the Amazon reviews.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 1:39 AM


I understand what you two our saying and that is what I was initially going for.

I go to a vocational school and I'm taking a media technology class combined with English, so my teacher wanted us to focus on the a paper having to do with media technology. 8-10 pages I was going to give a brief overview.

I'll probably be editing some sections out of my outline, for example the section devoted to the new pilot and the new Mal.

I guess what I'm looking for is any information on what went on with the show's cancellation and people's opinions and experiances during that (if you were watching when it was aired on Fox, what was going on and how did you feel about that?)

Thanks All!


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:13 AM


I could have swore I read a paper on Firefly someone posted several months ago...anyone remember what I'm referring to or have a link? It could be useful inspirational material...

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:58 AM


Yeah, that's what gave me the idea for posting up here after unsuccesfully searching for the other thread.

I did combine sections Two and Three because the two go hand in hand and will allow me to focus more on the development of the characters.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 12:26 PM


It might help to know your thesis. What is your overall concept for this paper? How would you sum up your point? That would give an easier way to focus.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:15 PM


Thesis: Firefly was underestimated and then destroyed by it's network only to be saved by it's fans and their dedication. (still working on it...)

My teacher wants me to focus more on the development and run of the show.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 8:45 PM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
Thesis: Firefly was underestimated and then destroyed by it's network only to be saved by it's fans and their dedication. (still working on it...)

My teacher wants me to focus more on the development and run of the show.

With something so general (i.e., not a specific sub-topic you need info on) it's hard for me to really point somewhere.

But if you are focusing on how the show was made you might want to listen to the Buffy/Angel commentaries as well as the Firefly ones. Several give insights into the way Joss & Co. run things. And there's a lot of times where they'll mention Firefly :).

If you can dig way back through the forum archives here there's probably a lot of good stuff.

Sorry if I'm not much help, my own research papers aren't being quite as fun...

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Thursday, December 2, 2004 8:13 AM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
I understand what you two our saying and that is what I was initially going for.

I go to a vocational school and I'm taking a media technology class combined with English, so my teacher wanted us to focus on the a paper having to do with media technology. 8-10 pages I was going to give a brief overview.

I'll probably be editing some sections out of my outline, for example the section devoted to the new pilot and the new Mal.

I guess what I'm looking for is any information on what went on with the show's cancellation and people's opinions and experiances during that (if you were watching when it was aired on Fox, what was going on and how did you feel about that?)

Thanks All!

I was one of the fans from the beginning. I taped "Train Job" because my husband was interested in seeing it, but had some work to do in the den. Afterwards, I dragged him out to the living room and rewound the tape right away. We were both hooked from the beginning. When the show started getting preempted by the sports and it was difficult to know when the station was going to show it I just started putting in a tape and taped the channel all night long. Then I joined this site and started hearing about the episodes being out of order. By the time FOX played "Serenity" as a "How it all began" special event, I was pretty torked off and disappointed in the cancellation. (Pardon me.. Hiatus) We had all the episodes on tape and my husband downloaded them all as well. We showed anyone who would watch them and hooked several more folks before the beloved DVD's came out. Since that happened we have bought several copies as presents and plan on a few more coming up soon.

A kind word turneth away wrath, but not as well as superior firepower


Sunday, December 5, 2004 5:47 AM



You might look at the "Any Other Non-Sci/Fi Fans In Love With This Show?" thread. I wrote some stuff over there -- and other folks have responded with equally insightful thoughts -- that might be useful to you.



Sunday, December 5, 2004 12:35 PM


This is a great source of info:

Check out the Browncoat FAQ for basic questions.

Good Luck! I'd love to read it when your done.






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