Has the FDA been complicit in intentionally mutating us??

UPDATED: Monday, February 3, 2020 20:11
VIEWED: 7174
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Sunday, October 7, 2018 12:23 PM


Ok, so in my thread ( ) about Autism being caused partially by overdoses in artificially created sulfur compounds I started looking up what we KNOW sulfur can cause and most of the studies are completely half-assed and with bad data, almost as if by intent.

But one line caught my eye.

Bisulfite solutions at high concentrations caused deamination of cytosine in DNA in vitro.

Found at.

Deamination of cytosine converts it into uracil instead of thymine, thymine as the normal base makes detection and repair of such incipient mutations more efficient.

SO basically more bi-sulfites makes a fetuses DNA LESS ABLE to code for and regulate out mutations??? SERIOUSLY???

Bi-sulfites are in EVERYTHING, including heavy use in the water supply.

Somebody who is better at biochem please tell me I'm wrong, because if I'm not and the research is out there and they KNOW it, it means they really HAVE been mutating us on purpose!


Sunday, October 7, 2018 2:32 PM


I give everything 50/50.

If there's one thing in the world we have a surplus of it's people. It sounds plausible to me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 8, 2018 1:53 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I give everything 50/50.

If there's one thing in the world we have a surplus of it's people. It sounds plausible to me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Man, yer walking on thin ice. I still say Ginsberg is a better candidate than you or I.

But anyway, why eradicate your own population? And let Kim Jung, Putin take over your land?


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 8:07 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I give everything 50/50.

If there's one thing in the world we have a surplus of it's people. It sounds plausible to me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Man, yer walking on thin ice. I still say Ginsberg is a better candidate than you or I.

But anyway, why eradicate your own population? And let Kim Jung, Putin take over your land?

Who says they aren't too?

I don't think anybody is eradicating anybody. It's all being done with a lot of science behind it. Population growth absolutely needs to stop and reverse, otherwise we're all just living on borrowed time.

Whatever does happen, I believe it will be humane... and honestly, I don't think that anybody will even really know that it's happening since it won't be about abnormal deaths but it will be more about the reasons why we won't be procreating anywhere near the rate that got us to critical mass. They certainly wouldn't be able to link it to any one thing specifically in order to stop it. And I for one don't think that it should be stopped.

I just hope that the powers that be know what they're doing. If we're to believe hollywood movies, science always seems to find a way to thwart our best laid plans, and unexpected mutations could really throw a wrench into the plan.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 12:48 AM


They are doing it because no one told them they can't. EVERYTHING that comes in a jar will have to be refrigerated or frozen. Bread will have to switch to datem or be refrigerated (and too much datem causes stiffening of heart valves). Alcohol will have much shorter shelf life. Forget about dried potatoes or box mixes of anything.


This is WORSE than leaded gas...


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 8:03 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
They are doing it because no one told them they can't. EVERYTHING that comes in a jar will have to be refrigerated or frozen. Bread will have to switch to datem or be refrigerated (and too much datem causes stiffening of heart valves). Alcohol will have much shorter shelf life. Forget about dried potatoes or box mixes of anything.


This is WORSE than leaded gas...

You might be right. Pretty crazy when conspiracy theory stuff starts becoming plausible to the mainstream, innit?

Wanna be terrified? Google "Monsanto, Round Up, Bees"

You might want to see if your family is willing to try eating gluten free. This won't avoid everything your'e talking about, but it will limit your exposure to a lot of it.

Bread is cake. Even the supposedly good for you breads that are high in grains and fiber is not good for you. Seriously, you may as well be eating cupcakes.

Even pastas that are made in Italy and imported here are just high priced "enriched" noodles... enriched meaning that any nutritional value is absent from them.

I made the switch to gluten free about 5 months ago and I'll never go back. Even with all the damage I did to myself and my age, I feel like I'm in my 20's again. I've got more energy than I've had in years and a lot of the joint pain I used to suffer from is almost gone. Since I quit drinking, went gluten free and became more active, I've lost 75 lbs.

I've got to start branching out and eating more that's available within the constraints of this diet, and I'm going to have to buckle down and learn how to actually cook some more meals, but I couldn't recommend going gluten free enough to anybody.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 11:30 AM


Try "veggie" pastas.

They don't taste any different and we can eat them where we can't eat the rest.

By going gluten free you've most likely gone low sulfite as well. Just about everything that has gluten is sulfited.


Friday, October 12, 2018 11:16 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Try "veggie" pastas.

They don't taste any different and we can eat them where we can't eat the rest.

By going gluten free you've most likely gone low sulfite as well. Just about everything that has gluten is sulfited.

Yes. My brother was talking about veggie pasta and also pizza crust. Man I miss both of them so much. He said that it kind of costs a fortune right now though unless you make it from scratch.

I'm craving pizza so bad I just might do that.

I didn't even know about sulfites. I'll have to look that one up.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 13, 2018 12:54 PM


Ugh. Yeah, the gov't may need an ultra-violent crowd control device when the general public figures out they've been screwing us over since WWII.

This isn't gonna go wrong AT ALL....

Sick. This country is SICK!


Thursday, November 8, 2018 12:27 AM


Well, sure. Anything burned creates sulfur gas, just another way to overdose every day...


Thursday, November 8, 2018 12:53 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Well, sure. Anything burned creates sulfur gas, just another way to overdose every day...

Toxic Air.
No, no. The words don't mean what the words mean. Just think of it as aroma.


Friday, November 9, 2018 11:49 AM


I mean not to be rude but so what? It sounds like you're assuming mutation is bad. It's neutral. Mutation is a natural process of organisms to adapt to changes in environment. Yes, some will not fit well with the environment and should die out. Some will be a good fit for the environment and should procreate rapidly and become the new normal.

If anything we should be concerned that modern medicine doesn't allow evolution to take its natural course. As a species it's unwise to intentionally hinder our own evolution.


Friday, November 9, 2018 12:52 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
I mean not to be rude but so what? It sounds like you're assuming mutation is bad. It's neutral.

Wow, you don't understand the subject matter AT ALL. Did you even LOOK at the other thread??

Did you see the article where 89% of people on the spectrum have problems processing sulfur and it causes health and neuro issues when you CAN'T?? How is that NEUTRAL?? WE created the problem, not nature, anyway. It doesn't play by the same rules...

And if you think THAT is a neutral process it's because you think YOU aren't affected, then I assure you you are related to someone that is having problems or you yourself are and don't know it... It would be statistically improbable for you not to be.

If you think we should just let people die than give anti-biotics or surgery...WHY DON'T YOU GO FIRST??? Oh, and no vaccines for you or your people, while we're at it... What, you WANT to live?? Sorry, you don't get to make that decision, the ruling class has decided you aren't worth it...

That's like ...supremacist thinking there. If someone gets sick they were meant to DIE and we should let them for the good of the species, huh?? What does their personal feelings, plans, will to live, or mental health matter??

Geez, Zeek.

Imagine what the world would be today without some of these people.


Monday, November 12, 2018 11:11 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by Zeek:
I mean not to be rude but so what? It sounds like you're assuming mutation is bad. It's neutral.

Wow, you don't understand the subject matter AT ALL. Did you even LOOK at the other thread??

Did you see the article where 89% of people on the spectrum have problems processing sulfur and it causes health and neuro issues when you CAN'T?? How is that NEUTRAL?? WE created the problem, not nature, anyway. It doesn't play by the same rules...

And if you think THAT is a neutral process it's because you think YOU aren't affected, then I assure you you are related to someone that is having problems or you yourself are and don't know it... It would be statistically improbable for you not to be.

If you think we should just let people die than give anti-biotics or surgery...WHY DON'T YOU GO FIRST??? Oh, and no vaccines for you or your people, while we're at it... What, you WANT to live?? Sorry, you don't get to make that decision, the ruling class has decided you aren't worth it...

That's like ...supremacist thinking there. If someone gets sick they were meant to DIE and we should let them for the good of the species, huh?? What does their personal feelings, plans, will to live, or mental health matter??

Geez, Zeek.

Imagine what the world would be today without some of these people.

You're trying to mix emotion and science. That doesn't work. If you want to talk about science you have to leave emotion at the door. People can't process sulfur and we have it in our current food supply? Well sounds like they're not ideal for the current environment and natural selection should remove them from the gene pool. That doesn't mean they should be killed but they shouldn't procreate. And no antibiotics and vaccines have nothing to do with it. Infection and disease are not genetic disorders.

The term genius is way overblown. All it really means is that they were sufficiently intelligent and in the right place at the right time. There's very little special about them or their discoveries. If they didn't make those discoveries than someone else would have in a reasonably similar time frame.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 1:55 AM


I just wrote an essay on how you are wrong and it got eaten.

Fine, I sum up.

First, HOLY COW are you shallow. Perfection doesn't exist, in DNA or anywhere else for that matter. If you only let "A-grade" people breed, the human species would die out from the common cold, and you would still have mutations due to the nature of our environment....that's not even getting into forced sterilizations there, mini Hitler. The purpose of ALL LIFE is continuance, in all its forms...Sometimes people who you would deem "f-grade" are the ones that survive plagues or disasters the BEST. People on "the spectrum" avoid contact with others and therefore would be at less risk of contagion while it could wipe out the "A-graders" entirely.

Second, the chems they are adding are NOT NATURAL. They ARE at harmful levels (because we had no idea what the consequences were when they added them) and I think you should be grateful for the diversity that allows others with more sensitive systems to sound an alarm before it wipes EVERYONE out. Despite pearl analogies, constant irritants are rarely ever beneficial to a species and they usually die out. And though we will never know, maybe if certain people or certain events had not unfolded the way they did, its possible we would have all died in a nuclear winter by now.

And before you ask, optimism IS just a happy state of delusion. All things in nature eventually succumb, even planets and universes.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 11:14 AM


You're right perfection doesn't exist in DNA. That's why I never said that.

Humans will adapt to the food supply but that means there will be people who aren't well suited for it. That's the way it works.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:43 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
You're right perfection doesn't exist in DNA. That's why I never said that.

Humans will adapt to the food supply but that means there will be people who aren't well suited for it. That's the way it works.

You didn't have to, you said we shouldn't let certain people breed. Maybe if you had said "Ok, let's not let people breed who have no intentions to be a good parent" I would have agreed, but to dis-allow people breeding rights based on perceived DNA faults will NEVER end well, and for many reasons.

Again, the bisulfites are basically allowing an excess of mutations, it's artificially DE-EVOLVING the DNA that has taken eons to put together. It is the addition of an UNNATURAL process and we have no idea what that outcome will be, other than creating very ill people in the meantime, who had no idea what was being done to them. If you aren't opposed to that you may be insane. Just a little bit.


Monday, November 26, 2018 1:48 PM


Yeah, they have a pretty accurate test now...wonder when our pathetic medical system will bother to trot that out to get an accurate answer??


Monday, December 3, 2018 1:36 AM


Here's yet another horrifying stat about our lovely country and how it's trying to kill us off...

“I just wanted to see if there was an issue,” says DeLong. “I certainly didn’t expect to find such a strong association.” Approximately 60% of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once compared to just 35% of women who had had an HPV shot had ever conceived. For married women, the gap was also about 25%: 75% who did not receive the shot were found to have conceived, while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant. “Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot,” the study says. It concludes, as all studies like this do, that the data points to an association, not causation, between the new vaccine and reduced fertility but that further study is warranted.

25% is HUGE, for a vaccine the difference should be negligible, even accounting for variances in behavior (people who are "responsible and go to a doctor" generally WOULD have less children, but not 25% LESS) 10% would be reasonable, maybe...


Monday, December 3, 2018 2:12 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
25% is HUGE, for a vaccine the difference should be negligible, even accounting for variances in behavior (people who are "responsible and go to a doctor" generally WOULD have less children, but not 25% LESS) 10% would be reasonable, maybe...

Yeah... That doesn't sound good.

Sometimes I'm really glad I don't have kids. It's hard enough to say that you honestly don't know something, let alone be forced to make a decision on something like this when it comes to your own children.

I'm speaking of vaccines in general. Who are we supposed to believe? Both sides of the story sound equally plausible, and the potential negatives of either side could be equally catastrophic.

There is no "do over" button.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, December 4, 2018 12:00 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

and the potential negatives of either side could be equally catastrophic.

The reason why we passed on it is because HPV only turns into cancer less than 2% of the time... it's a VIRUS and the vast majority of people will naturally defeat it.
There's actually a greater chance the female body will treat the vaccine like a bio-mimicry of other substances and cause damage, than there is that you will end up with cancer from the virus, from what I've read.

We already have a 100% chance of getting cancer, so it was a no-brainer NOT to get it for us. Not for lack of them pushing it in schools, doc's office, the docs themselves, tv, radio, and everything in between...


Tuesday, December 4, 2018 12:21 AM


Also, just some irony...

Took the mutt on our vacation and through being in close quarters for over a week, we finally learned he is intolerant to beef. I'm actually feeding him expensive dog treats with probiotics and ground turkey dinners. He poops like a rhino now...What are the odds???? A dog intolerant to beef??

There was another article this week that found heart and kidney damage in dogs that ate only food that had no grain in it.

I guess they have now been totally domesticated that they can't survive without it?

Or beef today ain't the same as yesterday... o.O


Wednesday, December 5, 2018 2:49 AM


Tonight the coast2coastam radio show has on a guest, at this moment, talking about GMOs.

When scientists checked out milk from BGH cows, they found so much carcinogenic material that they refused to drink milk, except for organic milk.

That show has an extensive web site.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018 7:51 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

and the potential negatives of either side could be equally catastrophic.

The reason why we passed on it is because HPV only turns into cancer less than 2% of the time... it's a VIRUS and the vast majority of people will naturally defeat it.
There's actually a greater chance the female body will treat the vaccine like a bio-mimicry of other substances and cause damage, than there is that you will end up with cancer from the virus, from what I've read.

We already have a 100% chance of getting cancer, so it was a no-brainer NOT to get it for us. Not for lack of them pushing it in schools, doc's office, the docs themselves, tv, radio, and everything in between...

You're playing the odds the way I would. Good luck.

Honestly, I think it's all part of the population control that really is necessary if we're going to survive long enough as a species to ever get off this rock.

The food, the drugs, the vaccines...

You know the rich people are eating organic, and they know a lot more about what stuff to use and what not to use than we do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 30, 2019 9:40 PM


Start yer day the arsenic way!

Good thing I stopped drinking grape juice 4 yrs ago.


Wednesday, January 30, 2019 11:32 PM



Friday, February 1, 2019 1:04 AM


Yeah, I read that a few years ago. It's pretty stupid, the side effects of lithium on a normally healthy population would cause far more suicides than it prevents.

That one never should have been printed.


Friday, February 1, 2019 9:01 AM


Agreed. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 2, 2019 7:55 AM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 10, 2019 11:14 PM


I saw you posted this in the chat, Wishy:


You know, for 5 years at least, I have been saying that being fat is mostly a function of bad gut DNA, and now I am proved right. Other people on the 'net been saying it for years too. Science on this planet just is SOO FRUSTRATINGLY SLOW!

I don't know if that's true for everybody, and every one of us is a unique petri dish for a unique batch and concentration of gut microbes. I mean, who knows if our individual DNA plays some part in the role of our overall gut microbiome, but we do have a choice in what we consume that will effect what the makeup of the tens of trillions of microorganisms that are made up of over 1000 different species of bacteria will be.

One huge contributor to fat, and to obesity in general in America, is the over-consumption of gluten. It might even be more of a factor than living a rather sedentary lifestyle.

You ever see one of these youtube videos where a praying mantis is being mind controlled by a parasite?

It's not that extreme in humans... These things will actually direct the praying mantis to go so far into water that it drowns itself because it aids the parasite in its reproductive cycle.

But there are bacteria that build up in our gut if our diets are poor that will actually send craving signals to our brain for more of the bad food. If they are starved of whatever it is that keep them going and their population is brought down relative to the rest of our microbiome, the cravings for those foods eventually stop.

At least.... that's what I'm hearing now. I think there's a lot more research that needs to be done about things we wouldn't really have even thought of as possible a few decades ago.

All I can say for myself is that since I've gone gluten free (voluntarily, not because of a diagnosis), my recent bloodwork has come back perfect. I've lost a lot of weight, and the general aches and pains that I felt all the time and attributed to old age are all but gone except in the frigid cold, and even then they're minimized.

Gluten is poison. Or at the very least it's as bad for your body as over-consumption of alcohol. Nobody thinks about it in those terms though since you can eat a whole pizza and still get behind the wheel without killing anyone.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, December 28, 2019 12:25 PM



Monday, February 3, 2020 7:04 PM



The study revealed that people who suffer from ASD have a cellular abnormality that impairs production of myelin, a fatty substance that creates an insulative sheath around nerve fibers in the brain that allows them to efficiently communicate with one another. The production of myelin is part of a biological process critical to early brain development known as myelination, which Weinberger compared to laying a network of fiber optic cable across the brain that facilitates a range of neurological processes.


Monday, February 3, 2020 8:11 PM


If you are interested in an entertaiing introduction to myelin, try watching the true story film Lorenzo's Oil. At the end of that film, some mention is made about myelin progress being made (at the time) at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Also, in the film, the guy who produces a jar of rape seed oil, he plays himself.

Also, the artificial sugar aspartame is what causes paralysis in women who've received an epidural, by eroding the myelin insulation of the neuro-chemical conductors of the body.






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