It's Monday the 6th: Is Today The Day?

UPDATED: Monday, January 6, 2003 16:58
VIEWED: 2382
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Monday, January 6, 2003 2:41 AM

BROWNCOAT's the sixth of January. Momentous day for us Browncoats for several reasons, as most of you probably know:

1. The sets may be struck today. This would complicate our efforts to get Firefly saved. Lets hope they are going to be kind...

2. This is the earliest we would be a decision from UPN. Many think they've already made their mind up already.

So has anyone heard a thing yet? God, the suspense is killing me *heh*


Monday, January 6, 2003 9:05 AM


hopefully 20th century fox will let joss and co. keep the sets around until they hear anything final.

Keep Flying!


Monday, January 6, 2003 9:35 AM


It's the day after my 26th birthday.

I've sent my dozen or so postcards, hit up friends and family, grovelled, passed around tapes...

And I'm a little mad at myself for becoming a fan. I knew when I first saw it that FOX would never give it a chance. They wanted Buffy's fight scenes and Rick Berman's war machine edition of Star Trek. They wanted aliens, flashy special effects, square-jawed heroes in latex or leather.

Well, we have the leather...but it says something about a guy when he can make suspenders sexy (My opinion).

It says something when I change my opinion of a character 180 degrees in less than 10 eps like I had with Inara. and why do I think that was one of the few concepts FOX didn't object to?

They had their X-files rehash in John Doe (which I suspect got renewed more because it's familiar territory to them than ratings), they have their Temptation Island/Bachelor fusion with Joe Millionaire, they have COPS, America's Most Wanted (Hmmm...awful idea comes top mind here). they have Fastlane, the sleazy FOX treatment of the cop show formula, and the increasingly sex-driven Boston Public.

This was not what FOX wanted. It never had a prayer. I've done all I can, but feel it won't be enough.

As optimistic as I try to be, I keep asking myself why UPN would take it. They have Trek. They have Buffy. Why take a gamble on this new kid?

I hope they do, but I'm with the rest of y'all...waiting.

Co-founder of the Evil Writing Crew - causing hell, one hero at a time!


Monday, January 6, 2003 11:31 AM


I know exactly how all of you feel. My stomach has been upset all day and I could barely sleep last night. I went online as soon as I got home to see if there was any news. I'm dying here!!!

And I am also rather angry at myself because I have fallen in love with the show. Somewhere in the back of my mind....Fox has no mind for quality!!! *damn them*

*back to freaking out mode*


Monday, January 6, 2003 2:38 PM



As optimistic as I try to be, I keep asking myself why UPN would take it. They have Trek. They have Buffy. Why take a gamble on this new kid?

The biggest reason to gamble? Buffy effectively ends in 5 months.

It was the best day ever!


Monday, January 6, 2003 4:35 PM


Well......crap. I guess today ain't the day...

This state of Firefly being both alive and dead isn't fun. Quantum mechanics really sucks sometimes. Screw you, Schrodinger!

Here's hoping that it will at least be this week...


Monday, January 6, 2003 4:58 PM



Originally posted by Persephone1113:
I know exactly how all of you feel. My stomach has been upset all day and I could barely sleep last night. I went online as soon as I got home to see if there was any news. I'm dying here!!!

Hang in there. I know how you feel. I have done little all day except read boards and more boards and then I checked the boards some. Then I went to water aerobics and had about 5 minutes where I wasn't thinking about Firefly. I was feeling the burn.

Sometimes I think, "I wish I'd never seen it. Never known it." Then I think, "No!" I think I am enriched as a person because of this show.

Scary part is, I really don't watch much that's not on Fox. I watch ST:TNG on TNN and last night I decided that The Dead Zone is a really cool show. I think if Firefly had been on any other network, I wouldn't have seen it. That's the way I'm trying to tell myself it's going to work out: It started on Fox. Now it's going to move to another network where it can really dig itself in for the long haul.

Until then, I'm praying vaguely, all the time, and humming "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright. Anybody else seen that rocking thing bonibaru did? I highly recommend it.

Keeper of: Wash's flustered and angry Chinese
"My hand to god. Baby geese. Goslings. They were juggled."






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