Fux pimping Joe Millionaire on Food Network

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 09:23
VIEWED: 14251
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Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:43 AM


Hmm, I don't recall Firefly promos on Food Network?

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Thursday, December 26, 2002 3:59 PM


Saw a couple ads for it last night, in fact. Some guy was making spring rolls, and there comes Joe Millionare. Lord.

I've seen a few promos for it on FX and even SciFi, of all the damn nerve... nope no Firefly ads anywhere. Most of the time I just tuned on on Fridays and hoped it would be on. Seeing as how it wasn't advertised that much even on Fux, at least until "Serenity."

Them's fightin' words


Thursday, December 26, 2002 11:07 PM


What I can't understand about that Joe Millionaire trash .... is that we already KNOW the entire show. What a boring premise - a bunch of gold diggers (who for the most part are not attractive from the promos) after a guy they think has mucho credits. It's not funny, it's not even an intelligent show. Just another "Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire" rehashed with stricter legal contracts so the women can't sue FOX.

And yes, it's ads are being forced upon viewers everywhere like the stupid American Idol 2 (god, the last thing I want to watch is some off-key nitwit trying to sing a Brittany Spears tune and sounding like a strangled cat).

I guess FOX things it's viewing audience is soooo stupid that it'll watch whatever garbage it chooses to throw over the air.

I want my Firefly and my Kaylee back!

"FOX took our Kaylee,
Then screwed her fans,
And put on shows we cannot stand!

I don't care,
FOX is rutt'in lame,
Won't watch Joe or dumb Fastlane!

Take FOX Execs,
Out to the Black,
Make sure that they don't come back!"


Friday, December 27, 2002 1:45 AM


Am I having a deja vu, or did you post this at the Fox board? Or am I on crack? I've been up so long I can't tell anymore.

Them's fightin' words


Friday, December 27, 2002 4:21 AM


I don't post on the network of the enemy.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Friday, December 27, 2002 9:34 AM


Roy Batty from Blade Runner said it best: THAT'S THE SPIRIT!

Viva Firefly


Friday, December 27, 2002 10:46 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I wonder what would happen if someone put up an Anti-Joe Millionnaire website in protest.


Friday, December 27, 2002 2:25 PM


hehehe. That's funny, Haken. Death to Joe Millionaire and all the other crap that so called "network" airs. I'm not watching them anymore.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Friday, December 27, 2002 2:57 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

My gears are cranking now. I wonder just how powerful the internet really is if everyone sets their mind to it. Here's a recent quote from Berman:


Fox Entertainment president Gail Berman knows “Joe Millionaire” will have its critics, just as “Bachelor” has its detractors. “It’ll cause some controversy and hopefully grab some viewers,” she said. “We just think it’s a great spin on these kinds of shows and reality TV in general.” What “Joe Millionaire” won’t be is a regular part of Fox’s schedule. “We cannot duplicate this show. It’s a one-time-only thing,” Berman said. Indeed, in order to ensure none of the women discovered Joe’s secret prematurely, Fox and series producer Rocket Science Prods. (“Temptation Island”) produced the series under a cloak of secrecy heavy even by the already paranoid standards of the reality TV world. Less than a half-dozen Fox execs knew of the project’s existence. The show was shot in France under the code name “The Big Choice” to further throw off competitors. Most of the production crew in France had no idea what they were really shooting, nor did a butler hired to serve as Joe’s assistant. "We had to keep it unbelievably secret,” Darnell said. “If the participants knew (the twist), then you’re screwed. And if our competitors found out, the women in the show would have found out.” While word did leak out about “Big Choice,” competitors were never certain about the details of the show, other than that it was relationship-oriented. News that Fox is developing an arranged-marriage series also may have thrown some off the scent.

Now, imagine what would happen if fans used all the resources available to them, find out who the lucky (or in this case, perhaps unlucky) girl is, send out viral emails, purchase ads in papers, and basically spread the word and spoil the ending, I'm sure it'll cause a bit of a stir at FOX. The media will get wind, interview one of us, and we'll just say that it's all because they cancelled Firefly.

Okay, I think I'm still buzzing from all the parties I went to.


Friday, December 27, 2002 4:20 PM


Sounds good to me. How exactly would one find out that information? Maybe if we all sent in some money to bribe someone, and then rather than actually tell people, threaten to; hell, we don't even need to know who wins, if we can make TPTB at FOX beleive we do...

Three things never cancel or you surely shall die:
Actually, there's only one -Firefly!!!
-"Lost" verse of Threes by Lesrac the Annoying Bard


Friday, December 27, 2002 4:26 PM


you guys crack me up. :)


Friday, December 27, 2002 5:05 PM



"I wonder what would happen if someone put up an Anti-Joe Millionnaire website in protest."

Why? Because we want to appear to be the same vengeful "rabid" sci-fi fans like the Dark Angel Fans were?

I seem to recall many Firefly fans (myself included) shaking our heads at the Dark Angel fans blaming and doing their best to cripple the "replacing" show (Firefly).

Yeah, sure, let's come down the their level.

What's more, if somehow (however unlikely), firefly fans succeed in criplling "Joe M". That won't exactly endear us to FOX. When they are currently not standing in Joss Whedon's way in shopping around Firefly, they just might after such a stunt.


Saturday, December 28, 2002 3:22 PM


I don't know if I've pointed out how disgusted I am with the mere idea of Joe Millionare. just felt like doing that.

Keep Flying!


Sunday, December 29, 2002 12:27 AM


Must be deja vu. Hmm.

Them's fightin' words


Monday, December 30, 2002 10:38 AM


I've seen ads for JM everywhere, if fox had put HALF the advetising effort into Firefly..

Keep Flying!


Monday, December 30, 2002 11:01 AM


Ain't that the truth. I spent the day yesterday doing laundry, so I got to see lots of lame ass TV... And I flipped around quite a bit. I lost track of how many times I saw ads for JoeM, and it seemed like it was on every single network I tuned in to: USA, TNT, FX (of course), comedy central, I even saw one on A&E. Come on folks, that's not even their demographic... why advertise there? I'm sure that they will get outstanding ratings for this horrific show, all six agonizing weeks of it.

I don't see how they can justify all that promotion for a show that won't even exist in six or seven weeks, and not spend any time or money promoting a show that could have been around for five, six, seven seasons... maybe more.

Fox sucks. I don't give a crap about firefly fans endearing themselves to them.

Sure, they are "letting" Joss pedal the show elsewhere... that's because Fox Broadcasting is a subsidiary of the fox production company. Fox production company continues to make money off the show only if Firefly finds a new home. Fox Broadcasting doesn't lose anything by "letting" Joss shop around for a new network, so they are doing it. I wouldn't let that idea paint a picture that Fox is being so generous with the show.

But I'm not BITTER!


Monday, December 30, 2002 5:39 PM


Heh heh - I had to post it on the enemy's website. Along with the question as to whether Reavers would eat Fox Execs or do even Reavers have a level of dignity they won't stoop beneath? Heh heh.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 2:48 AM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
Sure, they are "letting" Joss pedal the show elsewhere... that's because Fox Broadcasting is a subsidiary of the fox production company. Fox production company continues to make money off the show only if Firefly finds a new home. Fox Broadcasting doesn't lose anything by "letting" Joss shop around for a new network, so they are doing it. I wouldn't let that idea paint a picture that Fox is being so generous with the show.

It doesn't matter whether FOX is really being nice or fake nice. It doesn't matter what their reasons are for letting firefly be shopped around (though the ones you stated are true).

What matters is that if firefly fans attempt the same vindictive "anti-replacing-show" campaign (well actually it's an "anti-more-promoted-show"), they are no better than the Dark Angel zealots who's behaviour disgusted firefly fans (myself included) before Firefly was about to air.

Firefly fan would be stopping down to their level. Proving, once again, that a rabid sci-fi fan is a rabid sci-fi fan no matter what show/creator/whatever.

And for what? What would the proposed "campaign" accomplish except, if successful (however unlikely), make FOX suddenly want to get vindictive with the fans (returning the favor).

Just what exactly would this campaign's goal be, that would outweigh being percieved as lunatic rabid vindictive fans, and possibly angering FOX?

Yes FOX sucks.
Yes Fox executives have no taste ("train job" in favor of "serenity" ... what the hell?)
Yes they screwed up by not promoting the show enough, airing the wrong episode as the pilot, preempting it at a critical time, and placing it in a proven death slot.

But you stil want them to WANT to shop firefly around.

Is the fans hatred toward FOX greater than their desire to keep firefly alive? Mine isn't!

Once Firefly is on UPN ... THEN go and cripple FOX in any way you want. But only once firefly's future is secure.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 8:28 AM


Alright - let's put this all into perspective.

As far as FOX is concerned - Firefly is dead. Period. It's not going to re-air on the FOX network. Like Dark Angel. As far as un-aired episodes, FOX has aleady swapped things around and filled the timeslot .... so those episodes are stuck back in their film canisters. FOX needs to ditch Fastlane and Boston Public (is it me, or have the plots on Boston Public just gotten stupid - started out with its first season with promise but clearly is running out of material) .... but Ryan from Star Trek Voyager fame keeps people watching.

We can write letters, send postcards, post rants and raves on Internet sites until the second coming of Christ.

And it won't do much good.

FOX could care less what the viewer wants. Fact of life. A lot of fans are going "it ain't over until Joss says its over" .... well, FOX said it's over and they're the ones with the money - not Joss. It's unlikely UPN will pick it up - they already have big budget Enterprise with a very loyal Trek Following. They don't need another sci-fi series. PAX has no budget - they're just a rerun network. The Big Three right now are in Reality Show / Brain-dead Comedy mode. And the WB? Ha. It's the BET of public TV - every character would have to be black before they'd air it. (I'm not racist or kidding - basically that's all the shows that the WB affiliates will air in our area.) I'm surprised Third Watch has lasted this long on NBC (they're even screwing up it's plot and characters so it probably isn't long for the airwaves either).

Rumors are that the Firefly cast has already split up to find other roles elsewhere.

Sigh - Firefly combined Westerns and Space - two themes I like. But its obvious FOX is going for the cheap, fast buck with moronic displays of incredible stupidity like Joe Millionaire. And because Joe is being pushed on cable - maybe FOX Execs are worried that it is soooo lame that it may fail and have to over-advertise to cover up a poor judgement call. At the very least, they could have gotten some more reasonably attractive women for it. Looks like they were scraping the very bottom of the barrel for those Darva Konger wannabes.


Tuesday, December 31, 2002 12:29 PM



Them's fightin' words


Thursday, January 2, 2003 6:57 PM


This has next to nothing to do with this thread.
Whenever you think that a sci-fi fan is being vindicative or violent, just remember, we have never wrecked a train, booed Canada, or ripped a man apart limb from limb.

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell


Friday, January 3, 2003 7:27 AM


Oh boy, the requirements for being a program designer down at FOX must be in the toilet. Joe Millionaire, whatta load of crap. Makes the concept behind that Who wants to Marry a Millionaire seem high concept.

Here, I'll do them a favor and pitch some programs which they can use in the future. Free of charge. Take 'em, sweethearts, they're yours.

New Puppy: Sixteen prospective families compete for the chance to add a new and adorable puppy to the family. We get to see the puupy interacting with the the families and everybody is happy until one of them is chosen to become the new family. Here's the fun part. The day the puppy goes home with it's new family, it's injected with PCP and rabies. Hillarity ensues and this later-day Cujo goes wild.

Bring Back the Dead: This will only last for one season until word gets out or only as a one-shot, but FOX likes that, so - A family is brought in to share their stories, pictures, remembrances of a dearly departed family member with the hope of contacting them via a medium. Instead, a surgically altered impersonator comes from backstage with the story that they have been sent back from the afterlife. We watch highlights of this "loved one" returning to normal life with a twist, they make their relatives lives hell. At the end of the week, the deception is revealed and the family wins cash and other prizes.

Jane Manly: Twenty bachelors vie for a date with a beautiful woman. The catch? She is really a he. Hah hah hah, just about as funny as Joe Millionaire.


Friday, January 3, 2003 7:35 AM


Warning, warning! With Fox's history of dumping the good shows and airing crap you might just be adding fule to the fire and giving them ideas


Friday, January 3, 2003 8:19 AM


I like your Jane Manly Idea! hehehehe. Not that I'd watch it of course, but it is making me giggle this morning.

Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass.


Friday, January 3, 2003 8:25 AM



Originally posted by Kaythryn:
Warning, warning! With Fox's history of dumping the good shows and airing crap you might just be adding fule to the fire and giving them ideas

I'm sorry, I don't have time to respond to this. I'm on the phone with the FOX executives. Seems I start work Monday as Chief of Reality Programming.

Watch for my soon-to-be hit program Who wants to Date a Llama.


Friday, January 3, 2003 8:38 AM


I have a great idea for a show!

We'll take men who are on death row, and promise them that they can go free, if they can survive going through this deathmaze gauntlet. They have to survive only on their wits alone.

But the games rigged, you see. None of the guys are supposed to win, but it always gives them hope, so we'll never run out of "contestants"

I'm thinking of calling it "The Running Man".



What do you mean Stephen King thought of it first?


Sunday, January 5, 2003 7:00 PM


Tearing a man (or men) (specifically FUX exces) is beginning to sound real good right about now. Or, or, you remember what they did to Mal in War Stories?

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Cruel is love when all is hell


Tuesday, January 7, 2003 7:03 AM



Originally posted by Sensou:
Tearing a man (or men) (specifically FUX exces) is beginning to sound real good right about now. Or, or, you remember what they did to Mal in War Stories?

That has possibilies for my new line of reality shows.

BTW, be sure to watch my newest creation - PCP Overdose Ambush Camera when we send out a hidden camera crew and an ex-SWAT sharpshooter with a tranq gun full of PCP to tag some lucky victim with a dart full of PCP and the chance to win some cash and great prizes. It's airing in Firefly's old spot.

Skull Ninja
Executive Director of Reality Programming
FUX Studios.


Tuesday, January 7, 2003 5:41 PM


If Joss Whedon was really smart what he'd do is replace Nathan Fillion with the dude from Joe Millionaire and the crew with the most attractive women from Joe Millionaire. Then replace all the bad guys with extremely hot chicks that the show can call "aliens". Finally he should re-write all the scripts with an emphasis on mud wrestling (a la that popular new beer commercial) and wet t-shirt contests. I bet Fox would immediately rescind their previous statement that they wouldn't be ordering any more episodes of Firefly. The Serenity would be up and running in no time.

"Will there be titty?"
Boom, a check falls into my lap. I'm a producer. All this time I'd been trying to write scripts with characters and meaning."
Bill Hicks, "recounting" a conversation with a CBS executive


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 9:05 AM


I just saw on CNN that "Joe Millionaire" got the highest ratings for a FOX show since Melrose Place in 1995. Shows you that the Serenity was always flying in the wrong solar system.



Wednesday, January 8, 2003 10:09 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Most definately, take a look at what Fastlane is offering in Firefly's timeslot.


The boys of "Fastlane" have stripped down to their skivvies to seduce their female targets. On Friday, Jan. 17, Billie will go undercover to infiltrate a gang of lesbian women who have a habit of burglarizing homes.

Wait a minute. Didn't Firefly serve up similar, but with more class?

Burglary - check.
Buff naked bodies - check.
Seduction - check.
Woman/Woman action - check.

Not to mention the fact that the Serenity will make any high performance vehicle on Fastlane eat her glowing behind.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 10:23 AM



Originally posted by Cardie:
I just saw on CNN that "Joe Millionaire" got the highest ratings for a FOX show since Melrose Place in 1995. Shows you that the Serenity was always flying in the wrong solar system.


Just goes to show what happens when you actually PROMOTE a show. They've been advertising that damn thing on every station out there, constantly. They've shown so many damn commercials, that I almost feel compelled to watch it, and I hate Fox and the think the entire concept is the lamest, most ridiculous concept for television outside of f/x's "most dangerous police chase" type shows.

Fox Sucks rank dead @$$. But I'm not bitter.... (sorry, that was incredibly rude... I apologize if I have offended. Just pissed at the lame-asses who would come up with this crap and cancel firefly.)

Well aren’t you just sneaky with the subtext.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 10:50 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Yeah, too bad the minds at Fox couldn't be bothered to advertise Firefly more. Guess that reality shows being the trend now in network TV, it will be that demographic that is targeted by Fox.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 11:03 AM


Please remember....Fox nor any other network has the money. We do. Ultimatly no network survives without viewers. I think a stronger statement then random rants and even pleasent postcards is turning off your tv. Until networks understand that the public would rather watch nothing then crap they will continue to give us crap. How many even leave their tv on when they aren't even in the room?
Joe Millionere, Fast Lane, American Idol...none of these shelved Firefly....Dumb ass viewers who would rather watch a test pattern then turn off the set are responsible.

"Objects in mirrior may be dumber then they appear."--That's it!


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 11:40 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by Girlie:
Until networks understand that the public would rather watch nothing then crap they will continue to give us crap.

Unfortunately, it seems, that the public would rather watch something like "Joe Millionaire" than a genre series like "Firefly," which sort of begs the question of whether viewers of shows like "Firefly," "Farscape," and the numerous permuation of Trek are "non-mainstream."

I mean, I believe I belong to the general public, unfortunately, what I tend to watch in addition to what the general public watches says otherwise. Does that make me somehow peculiar from, say, my wife, who enjoys watching "Friends" and "ER" (which I also enjoy watching, at least ER anyway), but will have nothing to do with "Farscape" or "Firefly?"

So, do you all feel non-mainstream? I certainly don't.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 12:55 PM


The "mainstream" seems a lot more like my ex-roomie. Lots of sitcoms, romantic comedies, partying on weekends. Doesn't really care about the current issues of the day - "so long as they don't affect me."

And here I am, sending letters to congress so often the local congress critter started sending something other than the standard form letter. Here I am writing fanfic and limiting my TV watching to 2 shows - Earth: Final Conflict and X-Files (I was working on a crossover).

She asks me why I like "that weird sci-fi shit"

"Because I like my stories to have bigger issues than ' how can I save face' or 'who gets laid tonight?' - that's why. Sci-fi stuff sometiems gets into the good stuff - ethics, metaphysics, philosophy. Sex in the City...just doesn't seem to."

Co-founder of the Evil Writing Crew - causing hell, one hero at a time!


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 1:10 PM


Hey Allronix! I think I have your old roomate! My roomate's always bugging me about how I'm a weirdo for liking genre stuff. She's always watching sitcoms (ack!) and talkshows (ackackack!); she doesn't know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars; and she had nightmares just from seeing the tv spots for "Signs".

Just goes to show you what good those houseing forms are. I specifically remember checking AND circling "scifi" under the "Special Interests" section.


Does Buffy have a history of emotional problems? 'Cause on my request form I was pretty specific about a stable non-smoker.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 1:43 PM



Skull Ninja
Executive Director of Reality Programming
FUX Studios.

I just thought up a good idea for your new job.

Face the Consequences: As the saying goes, "Don't dish it out if you can't take it." So in this groundbreaking new reality show, real TV programming executives will be locked in a house for a month with fans of cancelled scifi shows. The widow(s) of the last surviving executive will receve money and other prizes.

.... and, becasue I'm feeling inspired, here's another concept:

Blackmail: Inspired by the classic Monty Python comedy skit, this part gameshow, part reality show is hoasted by John Cleese. The first episode: Anna Nichole Smith and Jonny Knoxville eat Fox programming executives' pet goldfish one-by-one on live television until the executives phone in and agreee to pick up Firefly. And give Joss Whedon a written appology. Try to guess how long it takes!


I like watching the game. Like a lot of situations, the key seems to be giving Jayne a heavy stick and standing back.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 3:17 PM



?We cannot duplicate this show. It?s a one-time-only thing,? - Fox Entertainment Network President Gail Berman on Joe Millionaire

Hadn't seen this so I was compelled to comment...

Essentially to sum up, Berman admits to cancelling Firefly to replace it with a show that won't last through the summer; it's basically canceled before it airs and they know it.

What kind of gorram logic is that!?!!?

Logic enough for me to make it my sig...(lol)


?We cannot duplicate this show. It?s a one-time-only thing,? - Fox Entertainment Network President Gail Berman on Joe Millionaire


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 3:39 PM


Let's HOPE they can't duplicate it. There's enough crap out there without Joe Millionaire 2.

He's culturally retarded that way


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 4:50 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
Let's HOPE they can't duplicate it. There's enough crap out there without Joe Millionaire 2.

Apparently you missed one of FOX's self-promotional advertisements during that show.

It starts out: "Over 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce. Can FOX do any worse? Coming this March..." and then it goes on to say that we the audience will have the opportunity to phone in and vote on which people on the show should pair up and get married.

Woohoo!... The ability to mess up other people's lives while the FOX executives get rich off of it. You got to hand it to FOX, they do know how to make money. I bet they're the envy of every other network.

(Short of detonating a tactical nuke at FOX's Television Headquarters, I wouldn't hold out much hope that they would ever care about anything other than money.)

Oh, and I have no doubt that what FOX has planned for next year will make Joe Millionaire look completely ethical by comparison.



Wednesday, January 8, 2003 7:41 PM


Well you know with the government preaching the virtues of marriage FOX is just trying to do it's part. After all if they can encourage it as a course at school why not promote it in the world of tele?
I know maybe we could vote on who would be the wackiest couple on "Firefly". Sort of "Who Wants to Marry a Space Cowboy?" Then they could go on some spaced out version of "The Springer Show" Wackiness insues. Betcha didn't know you could do worse things to a show then cancel it!(pretty much about the only way I wouldn't watch it)
I vote Mal and Simon. Come on we've all seen the smouldering glances.

Objects in the mirror may be dumber then they appear.


Wednesday, January 8, 2003 8:40 PM



I mean, I believe I belong to the general public, unfortunately, what I tend to watch in addition to what the general public watches says otherwise. Does that make me somehow peculiar from, say, my wife, who enjoys watching "Friends" and "ER" (which I also enjoy watching, at least ER anyway), but will have nothing to do with "Farscape" or "Firefly?"

I think the mainstream general public is often over shadowed by the more resplendent "cousin marrying" public. Who I believe get to vote twice even though they share a brain.(Please no Florida ballot jokes. That wasn't what I meant.)

I am not a Scifi fan. I am not a fan of any particular genre. I just like good stories. I think I'm reasonably intelligent most of the time(spelling doesn't count right?) so I like any show that isn't predictable or cut from the same formulaic mold.(If it works once basterdize it in as many ways and on as many stations as poss. until no one can even remember what they enjoyed about the original.If it ever was original to begin with.)
My husband enjoyed watching Star Trek Next Generation. Since I had been to young to find any saving grace in Star Trek, I poo-pooed the show. Until I began watching it. I was intrigued by it's thoughtful, subtle morals and it spurred many conversations in our home. Similarly, he watched several seasons of X- files, which in my defense I worked those nights. I would come home see the final five min. and then he would fill me in. Eventually I got to see my first full ep.---"Home". Wow! Needless to say I became a viewer. But I like "West Wing and "CSI" too. I even stop to watch reruns of "I Love Lucy" any chance I can, even if I can name any ep within the first five secs. of finding it. I think "Firefly" has many self proclaimed SciFI fans, But I believe it has many fans like me too. Your wife has missed a good thing and will probably never get the chance to know it. I kind of envy her!
OFF SUBJECT:Does anyone remember how "Wild Wild West" was promoted. That show has been mentioned periodically and I know it defied the laws of mainstream TV westerns. How did they do it?

Objects in the mirror may be dumber then they appear.


Thursday, January 9, 2003 5:39 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Girlie: Ultimatly no network survives without viewers. I think a stronger statement then random rants and even pleasent postcards is turning off your tv. Until networks understand that the public would rather watch nothing then crap they will continue to give us crap.

I agree. And I have. I encourage those of a like mind to do so as well. I am not sure how many here watched Space Above and Beyond years ago on Fox, but they cancelled it at the end of season 1 on a cliff hanger. I called, sent emails, letters, etc, all to no avail. In the end, after the flippant attitude I received from Fox representatives I spoke to on the phone, I quit watching Fox altogether. I did not so much as turn it on until Firefly came on. Now I have quit watching again.

Why doesn't Fox just change their name to the Reality Show Channel? That seems to be where they are heading anyway.


Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:38 AM


Hey guys, I got a great idea. If you really want to support the show, why don't you send money to the guy who was making the show. Everyone is sitting around talking about sabotaging Joe Millionaire or doing bad things to Fox or whatever. But if you really want to get the show back on you send the guy who is making it money...

We as the viewers would send out a very powerful statement to FOX or any other network that we are very dedicated to the show.

Frankly, I'm tired of not being able to get any good Sci-Fi shows on TV. Here was Firefly, a great show, and the idiots cancelled it. Hell, Fox has a hard enough time filling their time slots now, which is why you have "Joe Millionaire" on Monday then the same show on Thursday.


Wine and women both have the same problem...
They keep you amused for a little while, then your head hurts.


Sunday, February 16, 2003 5:46 AM


Hate to disagree with you, since we're obviously on the same side, but I think the reason you have Joe Millionaire repeated on Monday nights is because the small souled sheep comprising the mass of television viewers show up in droves to gulp done the slop offered.

To my mind, what we need to do, is somehow convince television execs, that a network that fosters a reputation for quality programming will draw a large and loyal audience.... and while it may never be as large as the pulsating hordes drawn to the current crap, it will be an audience comprised of observant intelligent people, people more likely to be well educated and therefore more likely to have the disposable income advertisers lust after.


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Sunday, February 16, 2003 1:12 PM


My refrence to Monday night was that the idiots have put the reruns of Monday night's Joe Millionaire on Thursday too. If they had enough programming wouldn't they just put some other show on Thursday? Well then again they are the idiots that took Firefly of the air.


Smile, it's the second best thing your lips can do...


Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I wonder what the ratings were like for last nights "conclusion" to Joe Millionaire? I know after the fans over at the JM FOX site went nuts that the previous week's episode was nothing but a recap show after FOX advertised it was supposed to be the conclusion. FOX even shut down the board there for awhile after people started threatening to boycott the show and FOX. Somehow I think the ratings for last nights show may have been a bit lower than previous weeks. LOL

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."






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12 Foot filming Prop
Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts