I almost feel sorry for Elektra

UPDATED: Monday, January 17, 2005 18:49
VIEWED: 8402
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Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:17 PM


You know, I just saw a commercial for "Elektra," and it really got me thinking. I almost feel sorry for the movie because, without the "Serenity" trailer being attached to it, it's going to have serious problems hehehe. I mean, I'm definately not going to go see it without the lure of the "Serenity" trailer. Anyone agree with me?

"Go sell crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here."


Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:34 PM


With as much negative crap being thrown around about Elektra on this board and others without one single bit of truth or any back up whatsoever, I think I will make Elektra the first movie I have seen in the theater in over 6 months.

Hopefully other fair minded people will do the same.

Badmouthing something without any reason is pretty poor form.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:47 PM



Originally posted by tlacook:
With as much negative crap being thrown around about Elektra on this board and others without one single bit of truth or any back up whatsoever, I think I will make Elektra the first movie I have seen in the theater in over 6 months.

Hopefully other fair minded people will do the same.

Badmouthing something without any reason is pretty poor form.

To be fair, the advance word has not been good - although Aint-it-Cool has posted an average review today I see.

Given that I kind of liked Daredevil (don't have as much of a downer on Affleck as most of the film critic world seems to), I am interested in seeing Elektra, but I am rather concerned about its world wide release for a relatively small movie, and the fact that they have delayed the press screenings in true Avengers style.

I probably need to see a proper trailer rather than the 10 second TV slot to help decide.

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:51 PM


I didn't mean my post the way Tlacock took it, and I kinda wish I hadn't been slammed because of it. Personally, I have no other reason to see Elektra because I don't really like comic book movies anyways, and then add to it the negative publicity and that's my reasoning for not going. I also figured that many of us were going to see if for the sole purpose of seeing the trailer. If other people want to see it without the trailer, more power to them. Advance press isn't always right, and plenty of people like movies regardless of what the critics say.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:34 PM


Caite wrote:

I didn't mean my post the way Tlacock took it, and I kinda wish I hadn't been slammed because of it. Personally, I have no other reason to see Elektra because I don't really like comic book movies anyways, and then add to it the negative publicity and that's my reasoning for not going. I also figured that many of us were going to see if for the sole purpose of seeing the trailer. If other people want to see it without the trailer, more power to them. Advance press isn't always right, and plenty of people like movies regardless of what the critics say.

Okay first, the poster's name is "tlacook", not "tlacock". We'll just assume that was a typo. Second, I don't think 'cook slammed you. He made a good point and didn't call you a name, or stupid, or anything. Looks to me like he just disagreed with you, and that's got to be okay, or none of us can have an opinion of our own.

As far as Elektra is concerned, I think it should do well at the theatre. It has that slick "Blade" sort of look to it with lots of flames in every shot apparently coming from nowhere, will probably be loaded with wire fu, and wutzername shows lots of cleavage and belly. Sex, violence and extended slow-motion music videos. How can it lose? All she needs is one of those 'aim here' tattoos across the small of her back, and perhaps a pierced tongue (as long as it doesn't interfere with the delivery of her monosyllabic lines) and the film should be box office gold.

I smell franchise.



"Fire! Fire!" Beavis, "Beavis and Butthead"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:43 PM


Yeah, it was just a typo, definately. I never never said that people couldn't have their own opinions! I'm sorry if any of what I said was taken like that. Nevermind the whole thread LOL, just never mind.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:47 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

I smell franchise.

Well something's making that smell anyway

You mean the trailers don't emphasise that this is really all about character and the emotional journey of a young woman? I could have sworn that's what all the interviews with Jennifer Garner and the director (Rob Bowman?) have said...

"I threw up on your bed"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:48 PM


Lol, well I think that I'll probably see the film at some point. I enjoyed Daredevil a lot more than most of the world seems to have, and I mean I actually thought it had some real value as a film--not just as an action film. Sure it had absurd physics, but if you accept it as taking place in a world not quite our own (which you kind of have to considering the nature of comic book flicks). I also thought Ben Affleck (whom I mostly dislike) actually fit the part really well. I will say that I don't think it was perfect--Daredevil isn't supposed to have super strength and in the film he comes across as a bit too super--but even as a flawed film it worked for me.

Because of this I'd like to see Elecktra. I've found that film critics look at every film with the exact same lens. It's strange, because they never seem to take into account the context of what the film is trying to achieve. Every film isn't supposed be high art, but a lot of film critics you read seem to look at every movie as either Oscar worthy, or pure shit. This isn't always true (and I even enjoy reading reviews that disagree with my take on things), but it is true often enough that I take reviews on movies like this with a grain of salt.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:49 PM


Well, I believe in telling it like it is (unless it's the wife asking "Do I look fat in this?"), so I don't mind bashing Elektra without having seen it.

As I told a friend recently, I would have high hopes for the film if Jennifer Garner weren't in it. She is a dreadful actress. As Elektra, she was terrible in Daredevil (not the only thing terrible about that film, but one of the biggies). And I am one of the few people in the world, apparently, that thinks Alias is a ridiculous show riddled with terrible writing and acting -- again, JG is chief among the latter.

So yeah, without the Serenity trailer, I won't be going to see Elektra. And unless it gets absolutely rave reviews, I won't be seeing it on DVD, either.

But that's just my opinion, and I am entitled to it. Others are entitled to their's, as well. Variety is what makes the world keep turning. Well, that, and centrifugal force, I guess.

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Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:59 PM


Caite : I wouldn't worry - mistakes happen. Some folks are getting tired of film-bashing BEFORE the bloody thing even comes out. Even I get a bit tetchy when folks make broad comments! And I am a pretty mellow guy.

You should SEE the negative comments on Serenity on AICN ... it broadens a perspective to have ones own long-awaited film to be bashed even before it is finished!

Trailers do NOT tell if a movie is good/bad, just enough to pique interest. Heh, you ever see "Very Bad Things"? Its trailer made it seem like it was a frothy comedy - it WAS NOT ... it was a Daaaaark Comedy.

So, enjoy what ya can!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:34 PM


Misguided By Voices:

Jennifer Garner! *snaps fingers* That's her name: I kept thinking, 'Sydney Bristow... No, that's her character on Alias.' Thanks. I just couldn't bear to look her up on IMDB; but then I did, to check on the director's name for you (yes, it's Rob Bowman), and it turns out she's a native Houstonian. So, now I've got to see the movie, in support of a fellow Texican (with a great bod... did i say that out loud?). Nothing says I can't wear ear plugs when I go.

Hopefully, the "young woman's emotional journey" will include lots of bathing, after sweaty workouts in her private gym. If I were the director, I'd also have her (silently) ponder the implications of her extraordinary fate, in solitary moments in her apartment, attired in skimpy loungewear. ...And wake up each morning with perfect makeup and alluringly tousled hair, clothing optional-but-strongly-discouraged. You know: nothing degrading or stereotypical; it'd all be integral to the 'emotional journey'.

Yeah! I'm really starting to get with this program!



Y'all know Summer and Alan are native Texicans, too, don'tcha? I confess it's one of the ingredients in the concrete of my love for Firefly.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:48 PM


I thought she was from West Virginia?


Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:53 PM


Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion. To most, films are much like songs-- it's not about technical achievement, emotion or lyrical content, but just what we each like, individually.

But realize, ye who defend, the tremendous amount of evidence stacked against you:

a) It's being dumped in January, where awful movies regularly, historically, traditionally, constantly go to die.

b) It's a spin-off of a movie that, popular opinion will support me on this, sucked.

c) It's an adaptation of a comic-book. We all know, from experience, this works (Batman) far less often than it fails (Batman & Robin, Spawn, Daredevil, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, any Blade sequel).

d) Rob Bowman ("Reign of Fire," "The X-Files Movie).

e) Goran Visnjic. Nothing against the guy, you'd just think they could afford someone more famous.

LET IT BE KNOWN, though, the hacks at Aint-It-Cool notwithstanding, the movie has some things going for it, on paper, too:

a) Terrence Stamp (roxx0rs)

b) Jennifer Garner's breasts.

c) 100% less Affleck.

d) Rob Bowman (X-Files played like a 2-hour TV movie, and "Reign of Fire," though not popularly embraced, had great direction despite an okay script that had no ending).

Anyway. I'll see it for a dollar. And I've never seen an episode of 'Alias' ever.

Your mileage may vary. If you're into it for the full $7.50, check it and get back to us. I'm still warning you about the January Phenomenon, though.



Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:08 PM


Born in Houston, TX raised in West Virginis.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:39 PM


Hey, I've got woman parts. Just saying

And you are right. There was no personal attack on Caite.

If I offer a personal attack there will be no mistaking it.

And I adore JG! Everyone else is entitled to their opinion.

And look in 4 weeks Blade Trinity made $50M at the box office.

A fun ride can be a fun ride and I will pay money to watch JG kick more bad guy ass!


For the overly sensitive types:

This post is not directed at or in response to any said opinion or stupidity on this board or thread.

Just the opinion of someone who is always right. At least in my own mind.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 3:39 PM



Not according to IMDB ( ):
"Jennifer Garner, who has catapulted into stardom with her lead role on the series "Alias" (2001), has come a long way from her birthplace of Houston, Texas. Raised in Charleston, West Virginia...", yada-yada, a bunch of 'life details' like education and professional experience, with no inclusion of her B-W-H measurements.

On a positive note, she was born in '72, which makes her older than my eldest daughter by six years, and fair game by the standards of both Hollywood and Washington, D.C. When she came of age in West Virginia (16 years old), I was only a slightly-worn 30 years old. Now that she is 32 and I am 46, I daresay not a discouraging word would be heard (were I suitably rich/powerful), should we be seen publicly in each other's company, surreptitiously necking in a dimly lit Cafe Rodeo booth...

Okay... "Sometimes I give myself the creeps." Here endeth all satirical commentary on Elektra, the exploitation of women in film and society, and the perfectly lovely and undoubtedly nice Ms. Garner.




Sunday, January 9, 2005 4:10 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I doubt if I will bother with Electra until dvd time, and not because of any negative feelings toward Daredevil or Jennifer Garner. The original film was just so-so in my opinion, neither good nor bad, and I kinda like Alias even though it is riddled with plot holes even I could jump through. Of course I haven't even seen all of the first season yet, never watched before a couple of weeks ago when I started getting the discs from Netflix. No, it's just that Electra, the character and the possible story-arc, have no appeal to me, and Garner is not so attractive that I am compelled to watch whatever she is in.

Now, if Summer played Electra, that would be different.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 4:11 PM



Oops... I looked on your Profile page, but no data. Sorry. You sounded like a dude; by which I mean I know why guys are going to see this movie and why fems are decidedly not, and their reasons are identical (or at least fairly symmetrical, depending on left- or right-handedness)...

You defended going to see the movie, so I naturally assumed... Incorrectly. I apologize. In the future, I recommend either putting your gender data on your Profile page, or trying harder to adhere to zoid's preconceived notions of feminine sensibilities. Everyone knows that 'hot chicks blowing stuff up' is guy-flick subject matter, and the equivalent of ipecac to females.

Apologetically (truly),


"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Sunday, January 9, 2005 4:22 PM



I don't mind sounding like a guy if that means I was using logical reasoning rather than squealing over the pretty.

I can squeal over the pretty however. Yummmy Goran!


And of course, no apologies are necessary.

I am a chick who loves to see chicks kick ass. And as a result I have a huge crush (as much as a 36 yr old straight woman can) on Summer Glau!

JG is on the list but, way down it after Gina Torres, Uma Thurman and Angelina Jolie.

Hey, what can I say? I'm complicated.

BTW, my name is Tamara (sounds like Camera). Nice to meet ya!


Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:25 PM



Nice to meet you, too, Tamara. And don't worry: I won't tell anybody else on the board your real name. "Discretion is the better part of valor", as the saying goes, and I once had an Oldsmobile with valor seat covers, so I know from discretion.

I can be discreet. Once in flight school, I was furtive...


(actual name and address withheld to minimize death threats)


Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:38 PM


I'm really glad tlacook that you weren't attacking me...because to attack me would mean you were mad at me, and I really wouldn't want that. I honestly didn't mean to offend anyone, or bash on Elektra without knowing much about it. I was just voicing my own personal opinion to see if anyone felt the same way I'm glad that some people disagree with me because without disagreement there would be less spice in life!


Sunday, January 9, 2005 5:48 PM



Adam Baldwin has a wonderful saying that he quotes often over on the OB where discussions on politics can get pretty nasty at times.

"Other people's opinions of me are none of my business."

People are always going to disagree and if they can't form a logical argument they will retort to attacking the person they are arguing with.

Ignore them and don't take the bait. Life is much happier that way.

And for those of you who know me from other boards: Do what I say not as I do.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 6:04 PM


Well, if it makes you feel any better Caite, I feel exactly the same as you do. I was only going to go to Elektra for the Serenity preview, and now that it's no longer connected I won't go. I don't particularly like or dislike Jennifer Garner, but generally I don't like comic book movies. (X-Men being the huge exception.) But by all means, let those who want to see the movie (for whatever reason) have at it!

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:03 PM


elektra kisses another woman


Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:09 PM



Your point is what?



Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:41 PM


Elektra kisses another woman LOL :\ Okay... what's that got to do with anything?

Well, I probably won't go to see it. I saw nothing sparkling special about Elektra in Daredevil (a slightly irritating character actually, to me personally) and I dislike Jennifer Garner somewhat, as an overvalued actress in my opinion, so I highly doubt I'll end up seeing this unless I get dragged by a parent. My only incentive to see this was for the Serenity trailer. *shrugs* Incentive to see it, gone.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 11:04 PM


So your point in posting to me was what? Other than to point out that you are young enough to be dragged to movies by your parents.

I can't imagine a young girl not fascinated by JG's character on Alias.

Or maybe I am old now and give young girls too much credit. That would make me sad on many fronts.


Monday, January 10, 2005 5:03 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I am w/ ECGordon on this one, and will be waiting for the DVD release to check it out on rental. The things I have read online and the trailers I have seen lead me to believe it is not a movie I would catagorize as a "must see on the big screen" movie.

Had the BDM trailer been attached to Elektra as originally planned, I would have gone to see it, but not now.

As for Ms Garner, she is a fair actress, but after watching most of season 1 of Alias, and not being impressed enough to watch anymore, I can leave her for others enjoyment. I don't understand the fascination w/ her, but to each their own.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:09 AM


I'll be seeing Elektra at the theatre, probably not opening weekend, though. I enjoyed Daredevil and I like Jennifer Garner as an actress. It saddens me that the serenity trailer is no longer attached, but I'll get over it.

I'm a 34 year old male, and frankly I like watching competent, confident women kick ass... even better if they are at some point scantily clad.



They say there is strangeness, too dangerous
In our theatres and bookstore shelves
Those who would know what's best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:13 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Caite:
You know, I just saw a commercial for "Elektra," and it really got me thinking. I almost feel sorry for the movie because, without the "Serenity" trailer being attached to it, it's going to have serious problems hehehe. I mean, I'm definately not going to go see it without the lure of the "Serenity" trailer. Anyone agree with me?

"Go sell crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here."

Once again, I must be out of the loop here. Jennifer is a hottie, no question, but I must be one of the few who are immune to the craze that seems to be sweeping over everyone else. I don't know the Elektra story,having opted to not see Daredevil, so I have little interest in seeing Elektra based on JG or any trailers I've seen. I might check it out like I saw Hellboy , but only out of the most casual of interest.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:20 AM


Hey hey, I hit the reply button and posted my opinion related to the first post of this thread, no need to shoot me down. Does it matter that I'm 17 years old? I have just as much right as everyone else to watch a movie so I'd appreciate you not bitching me out and playing the condescending adult, cause that's really not fair.

I dislike Alias. I dislike Jennifer Garner. I dislike the Jen/Elektra/Alias craze. Am I a stereotypical 'young girl'? No. I'm a girl with an actual mind of her own. I dislike JG's character on Alias, the show seems false to me *shrugs* No need to talk down to me because I don't like it. Its not as though I'm bad mouthing anyone just by saying that I aren't a fan.

We all have our own opinions, maybe being civil and respecting them wouldn't be too hard.


Monday, January 10, 2005 6:45 AM



Originally posted by Phoebe:
Hey hey, I hit the reply button and posted my opinion related to the first post of this thread, no need to shoot me down. Does it matter that I'm 17 years old? I have just as much right as everyone else to watch a movie so I'd appreciate you not bitching me out and playing the condescending adult, cause that's really not fair.

I dislike Alias. I dislike Jennifer Garner. I dislike the Jen/Elektra/Alias craze. Am I a stereotypical 'young girl'? No. I'm a girl with an actual mind of her own. I dislike JG's character on Alias, the show seems false to me *shrugs* No need to talk down to me because I don't like it. Its not as though I'm bad mouthing anyone just by saying that I aren't a fan.

We all have our own opinions, maybe being civil and respecting them wouldn't be too hard.

I'm sorry for saying this cause I know it's probably going to get some backlash but doesn't that post sound like the stereotypical angsty youth. Anything based on age is "not fair". The attempt to put themselves on the moral high ground. Eh whatever.

Anyway I'll be in line for Elektra. I'll gladly be a stereotypical male if it means seeing Jen in tight leather. Now I just have to work on convincing others to go with me


Monday, January 10, 2005 8:22 AM


Zeek, first of all, you’re obviously very much not sorry for saying it, or you simply wouldn’t have *consciously* gone there. ;) Either that, or you have some sort of impulse control problem/itchy posting finger that leaves your statement even more hypocritical. If you want to go around insulting today’s youth, perhaps you should try to demonstrate a slightly more mature behavior level yourself.

There was nothing about Phoebe’s post that should have led to any of the personal insults that came from anyone on this board. Yes, they were personal. She was simply stating her opinion, and who is to say that it’s any less valid? Because she’s younger than some of us? Nobody is trying to put anyone on the “high moral ground”, but simply on equal ground. The fact that some of you can’t understand that just goes to prove her words even more strongly.

Now even though I am quite a number of years older than Phoebe, I happen to know the girl pretty well. I can say from my experience, she is very much NOT “stereotypical angsty youth”. Her maturity level truly is far beyond her years, and the fact that some of you have chosen to discriminate against her based on her age alone without even knowing the girl, again, goes to prove your own immaturity level.

It’s quite obvious that some of you didn’t like that Phoebe has a mind of her own and chooses to tactfully disagree with some of your opinions. There’s certainly nothing wrong with a difference of opinion, nor is there anything wrong with a mature discussion of differing opinions. However, some of your rude, personal, discriminatory, and hypocritical comments are best left at the door. If you don’t agree with someone, fine, but don’t sit there and talk down to them like YOU are the one on the higher moral ground.


Monday, January 10, 2005 8:39 AM


I'm glad someone said it, so I didn't have to. I felt that the remarks written about Phoebe were uncalled for, and they are potentially the types of things that could make a person not want to post, you know?

Let's just be friends.


Monday, January 10, 2005 8:50 AM



Originally posted by Phoebe:
Does it matter that I'm 17 years old?
I dislike Alias. I dislike Jennifer Garner. I dislike the Jen/Elektra/Alias craze.

I am considerably older than 17 and I also dislike Alias & 24...
I hate the underlying covert US govt operations thing
it totally creeps me out...

it also bothers me that so many people online seem to feel that everyone has to like the same stuff
I mean I assume we all love 'Firefly' because that is our reason for joining the board
but why would it follow that we should like Elektra and/or Jennifer Garner?
Particularly when posting on a thread which isn't even supporting the movie.

Similarly there are fireflyfans who evidently feel that other fireflyfans should commit themselves to supporting Star Wars
WTF is up with that?
Can't we be disappointed with a lot of the new action films
and love the fact that Joss has managed to over come the current tendency to rely only on action and special effects.
that Joss' genius has always been his character driven, but still very exciting, stories?


Monday, January 10, 2005 9:21 AM


Hey guys, and girls.
Its been a while since I've posted on the board. Hope you all had a good holiday and have gone back to work or education well. One thing I admire most about this board and the people on it is we all interact so well with one another, venomous arguments are few and far between and we work well as a team be it through petitions, informing others of Firefly and Serenity, contributing material or even just posting on the board now and again. It's this quality that sets us aside from other fan boards, its this that makes me proud to say i post here. Basicly what Im trying to say is we dont need to sqaubel over silly disputes. We're better than that.

Anyway.. I kinda went off on a bit of a tangent there. I will be going to see Elekta on it's opening day as I admire Jeniffer Garner esspecially for her depiction of Elektra in the Daredevil movie. Speaking of the Daredevil movie, for all it gets a bad rap I recently watched the directors cut and was blown away by the difference between it and the original film, another example of the suits making a bad decision.

The last thing I'd ever want to do is to force my opinion on any of you, but I would suggest you atleast give Elektra a chance if you are even remotely interested in the film, if not for the story, or even Jen Garner then to support the brilliant work of ex buffy composser Christophe Beck (the creator of the memorable buffy angel love theme) as he is the cmposer of this movie. The first five minutes of the film are available for viewing here: if you wish to get an idea of what the films really about not all the showy crap you often find in trailers. Thanks guys.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, January 10, 2005 9:47 AM



Originally posted by Libby:
Zeek, first of all, you’re obviously very much not sorry for saying it, or you simply wouldn’t have *consciously* gone there. ;) Either that, or you have some sort of impulse control problem/itchy posting finger that leaves your statement even more hypocritical. If you want to go around insulting today’s youth, perhaps you should try to demonstrate a slightly more mature behavior level yourself.

There was nothing about Phoebe’s post that should have led to any of the personal insults that came from anyone on this board. Yes, they were personal. She was simply stating her opinion, and who is to say that it’s any less valid? Because she’s younger than some of us? Nobody is trying to put anyone on the “high moral ground”, but simply on equal ground. The fact that some of you can’t understand that just goes to prove her words even more strongly.

Now even though I am quite a number of years older than Phoebe, I happen to know the girl pretty well. I can say from my experience, she is very much NOT “stereotypical angsty youth”. Her maturity level truly is far beyond her years, and the fact that some of you have chosen to discriminate against her based on her age alone without even knowing the girl, again, goes to prove your own immaturity level.

It’s quite obvious that some of you didn’t like that Phoebe has a mind of her own and chooses to tactfully disagree with some of your opinions. There’s certainly nothing wrong with a difference of opinion, nor is there anything wrong with a mature discussion of differing opinions. However, some of your rude, personal, discriminatory, and hypocritical comments are best left at the door. If you don’t agree with someone, fine, but don’t sit there and talk down to them like YOU are the one on the higher moral ground.

This is why I was sorry. I knew someone would blow things out of perportion. You have to see that Phoebe's post was full of attacks. "I have a mind of my own" implying that other youths who like Alias are mindless drones. Calling the people who replied to her message "condescending adults". She also attacked people saying they were not being "civil and respecting".

If she was indeed "mature beyond her years" I would expect her to keep personal attacks out of her discussion.

Anyway all I was saying was it struck me as another funny post by a teenager attempting to sound mature. Just my opinion. Nothing wrong with that right?


Monday, January 10, 2005 9:51 AM


America loves a winner!


I hate the underlying covert US govt operations thing
it totally creeps me out...

I hate it too, but for a different reason. I wish the U.S. Gov't was 1/2 as competent as what is displayed on t.v. Heck, I'd settle for 1/4th that level. WHY, you may ask ? Simple. If we had the capacity and talents that is so often assumed we have from t.v. shows ( and Tom Clancy books ), we'd have offed OBL and Saddam by now, and know EXACTLY what really is going on in N.Korea and Iran. However, in the real world, we must deal w/ the issues of space and time, humans being constantly distracted by real life issues, politics, and yes, the legal restraints of the Constitution.

Oh, and I'm still not overly impressed w/ JG either.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 10, 2005 9:58 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
[B You have to see that Phoebe's post was full of attacks.
"I have a mind of my own" implying that other youths who like Alias are mindless drones. Calling the people who replied to her message "condescending adults". She also attacked people saying they were not being "civil and respecting".

If she was indeed "mature beyond her years" I would expect her to keep personal attacks out of her discussion.

personally I would think it is insanely paranoid
for anyone to take Phoebe's "I" statements
as an attack upon anyone else, in any way.

Of course, I'm sure that that cannot be what you meant Zeek....


Monday, January 10, 2005 10:37 AM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by Zeek:
You have to see that Phoebe's post was full of attacks.
"I have a mind of my own" implying that other youths who like Alias are mindless drones. Calling the people who replied to her message "condescending adults". She also attacked people saying they were not being "civil and respecting".

If she was indeed "mature beyond her years" I would expect her to keep personal attacks out of her discussion.

personally I would think it is insanely paranoid
for anyone to take Phoebe's "I" statements
as an attack upon anyone else, in any way.

Of course, I'm sure that that cannot be what you meant Zeek....

Actually that is what I meant. You don't see it as an attack on someone else if I say "I'm not like you. I'm nice, intelligent and mature." "I" statements can easily be used as an attack in my opinion.

Anyway I guess I might as well drop it before this thread gets totally overrun. Elektra is most likely an action movie with a cookie cutter plot. Which is something that a lot of people enjoy. I think it could be an enjoyable film.


Monday, January 10, 2005 11:10 AM


Indeed, the Serenity trailer would have been nice to see before Elektra. I'll be at an advanced screening for Elektra Weds night. I'm hoping to at least see the awesome Sin City trailer 40 ft. tall.

I am going in to view Elektra with no expectations good or bad. However, it does trouble me that a film about a cold blooded assassin (as Elektra was designed to be by Frank Miller in the Daredevil comics) has a PG-13 rating.

{{I can't wait for the "Baby Boom Echo" -- as it's been called -- to come of age so we can start seeing rated R films again!}}

The inevitable DVD director's cut may be the version of Elektra to see. I read that Affleck and Farrell filmed cameos for Elektra that didn't make it into the theatrical version.

I love Jennifer Garner and the fact that she does her own stunts (to the point of injury no less!). She's been great in Alias. I guess you could call me a Garner fan though I've never considered myself that way. Her kick ass moves plus Terence Stamp as Stick and direction by Rob Bowman makes Elektra worth seeing, IMHO.

Plus, I actually enjoyed Daredevil and never felt the need to compare it to Spider-Man. The only way Daredevil could have been better was if Guy Pearce had played Matt Murdock/Daredevil as the producers originally wanted. As it went, I feel the producers were very faithful to the comic stories and did a decent job with the project. My major complaint was the overuse of pop songs that will surely date the film. It looks like Elektra will make the audience suffer for its soundtrack album as well.



Monday, January 10, 2005 12:05 PM


First of all, I want to apologise for causing such a fuss. I didn't mean to, in the slightest. To be honest, I felt I was being talked down to for my age and naturally, wasn't too pleased, since that seems to have happened more than once lately (on several different boards) for no apparent reason. Nothing I said was meant as an insult, just an explanation of how I thought I had been treated, which is an entirely different thing. I have never, and will never go out to personally insult a member because I see absolutely no need for it, and I apologise if any of my remarks seemed that way. Entirely not my intention. Like I said, real sorry for the trouble caused.

On second thoughts, I may actually have been too hasty in proclaiming this morning that I wasn't going to see Elektra. Does anyone know just how much sway Zak Penn had behind the writing of the movie? X-Men 2 is up there as one of my faves (its Marvel, I can't stay away from anything Marvel!) and it may be of interest to me to go see Elektra. Like someone said above, probably not opening weekend for me, but at some point during its inevitable long weeks on the cinema. Plus, I'm a martial arts fanatic LOL so it may be worth going just to see if they pull anything worthwhile off in that respect. It'll keep me entertained, anyway.


Friday, January 14, 2005 5:19 AM


I would've forced myself to go to this just for the Serenity which point I would've more'n likely left after seeing the Trailer hehe.

Daredevil was probably one of the worst movies I've seen to date. The difference between the acting ability of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck is startling roflmao. I won't go see the Bennifer Part Deux Movie hehe. Yeah I know Affleck isn't in it..but I'm pretty sure his taint will be on it somewhere..somehow..even it was just the delivery of Chinese food to JG.


Monday, January 17, 2005 6:49 PM


If Elektra is as good as Daredevil, it's gonna suck royally.

Daredevil wasn't worth the powder it would cost to blow it to hell, and Elektra is more or less a sequel, which is interesting since the chick DIES at the end of DD... kind of a Magnum P.I. thing going on here, without the cleverness.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne






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