Flyfire Season 2 will it every happen

UPDATED: Thursday, January 20, 2005 18:49
VIEWED: 10506
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:32 PM


hi guys

having brough the DVD set and being hooked i've since been looking and looking, even searched through the threads since jan last year, but i cant find any information about the chances of season 2 i know they are releasing a film, but that only so long.. ie 2 hours most,

can anyone point in me in the direction of if how and why about this

thanks again


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:38 PM


Only if hell freezes over.

Joss is hoping for a movie trilogy, last I heard.

"I do the job... and then I get paid. Go run your little world."
-Malcolm Reynolds


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:42 PM


What is this Flyfire show of which you speak?

-Taylor <-- teacher. don't get me started

The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

See my Site:
See my Firefly Store:


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:09 PM


it took almost 20 years for Star Trek to get back on the air after it was cancelled

(and it was an unsuccessful movie that seemed to rekindle the network interest)

so maybe there will be a Firefly The Next Generation in 2020....


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:11 PM


Yeah, good luck! What with the anti-corporate, anti-Christian themes so unsuitable for common UStv consumption these days, ain't gonna happen. That, and, if I'm not mistaken, the 10 year contract with F*x effectively nullifies any hope of a resurrection on tv.

Whedon's electing to drop the Blue Sun conspiracy angle for the movie Serenity has had the effect of significantly reducing my anxiety regarding its release. I understand the reasoning, be it to accommodate the length of the feature, or its saleability to financial backers. And I'm still a fan: I'll pay to see Serenity in a theatre, although, as it happens, I won't have to. But I'm just not all that expectant, excited or gung-ho about the movie. For me, Serenity is left with having to deliver entertainment value in the form of character development or just-plain-thrills. I'm optimistic on that score.


--The trouble with worse is that it always seems normal.--


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:52 PM



Originally posted by embers:
it took almost 20 years for Star Trek to get back on the air after it was cancelled

(and it was an unsuccessful movie that seemed to rekindle the network interest)

so maybe there will be a Firefly The Next Generation in 2020....

To quote Tom Hanks' character on "Saving Private Ryan" - "What if we don't live that long?"


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:40 PM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Yeah, good luck! What with the anti-corporate, anti-Christian themes so unsuitable for common UStv consumption these days, ain't gonna happen. That, and, if I'm not mistaken, the 10 year contract with F*x effectively nullifies any hope of a resurrection on tv.

Whedon's electing to drop the Blue Sun conspiracy angle for the movie Serenity has had the effect of significantly reducing my anxiety regarding its release. I understand the reasoning, be it to accommodate the length of the feature, or its saleability to financial backers. And I'm still a fan: I'll pay to see Serenity in a theatre, although, as it happens, I won't have to. But I'm just not all that expectant, excited or gung-ho about the movie. For me, Serenity is left with having to deliver entertainment value in the form of character development or just-plain-thrills. I'm optimistic on that score.

You'r a very negative person, arn't ya!


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:03 PM


as much i heart the hole cast of firefly supscribed for a movie-trilogy, but there is no sign for a firefly-next generation...

Mal: "Everybody dies alone" (deutsche fanpage) (deutsches forum)


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:09 PM


And there was no sign of a Star Trek next generation in the 70's!


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:15 PM


yes, thats true but id like the charakters of firefly and also the ship...

but when there would be an next generation in about 20 years... there will be another crew and maybe also another ship...

Mal: "Everybody dies alone" (deutsche fanpage) (deutsches forum)


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:55 PM


There won't be Firefly on TV again. Joss wants to make movies. And there is no Firefly without Joss.

However, there are going to be Big Damn Movie Stars.

Some of you will moan and groan but, that is reality. Joss deserves to have his visions on the Big Screen and we will have to be satisfied with other mutant enemy writers on...

Lost (Fury)
Alias (Drew Goddard and more)
Point Pleasant (Marti Noxon)
The Inside (Southland) (TIM MINEAR and Jane Espenson)

etc etc.

Get over it. (said in a nice way)


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:00 PM


big shame because i found firefly to be one of the most enjoyable series i have watched for a very long time


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

At this point, no, there is no plan for a return to television Bsport. It has something to do w/ Fox (read "The Devil") and the contract they have on Firefly. Apparently there is some stipulation about the show not being released to return to tv in any form for a number of years. We have heard everything from 5 to 10 years.

I like to be of the mind that nothing is impossible. In Hollywood if there is money and rating to be had, there is always lawyers and contract renegotiating to make things happen.

If the movie is a success, a big success, who can say what may or may not happen. We know there will be at least two more movies, and it has been reported that there are novels in the works, so anything is possible.

Keep your fingers crossed, and go see the BDM as many times as you can. Take friends and family. Convert friends and family into Browncoats w/ the DVD set so they pass the word along. The more people we get into seats in theatres, the better our chances of a bright future.

Keep Flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:53 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
I like to be of the mind that nothing is impossible. In Hollywood if there is money and rating to be had, there is always lawyers and contract renegotiating to make things happen.

If the movie is a success, a big success, who can say what may or may not happen. We know there will be at least two more movies, and it has been reported that there are novels in the works, so anything is possible.

Keep your fingers crossed, and go see the BDM as many times as you can. Take friends and family. Convert friends and family into Browncoats w/ the DVD set so they pass the word along. The more people we get into seats in theatres, the better our chances of a bright future.

Keep Flyin'!

You nailed it Browncoat1! - never ever say never! There are too many real world examples of survival (tv included) to say it will never return to tvland. Look at how far it has come since ... the dark days...

That guy, working electric, he never drank with us!


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:17 AM


I'd settle for the rest of season one myself.

With other genre shows, including the Buffyversers, seasons come in at 22 odd episodes.

Just imagine though, if it arose there were seven rough cuts out there of the remaining episodes. What would you do to nab them?


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:54 AM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Whedon's electing to drop the Blue Sun conspiracy angle for the movie Serenity has had the effect of significantly reducing my anxiety regarding its release. I understand the reasoning, be it to accommodate the length of the feature, or its saleability to financial backers.

Just because the Blue Sun story line is evidently not going to be pursued in 'Serenity' doesn't mean that it will never be covered...
I mean what do you think the 2nd & 3rd movie will cover?
Joss has to deal with the most pressing story lines first,
but then he will continue to build to the more oppressive ones...the corporate/government conspiracy underlying the Alliance.

JMPO of course


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 8:48 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
At this point, no, there is no plan for a return to television Bsport. It has something to do w/ Fox (read "The Devil") and the contract they have on Firefly. Apparently there is some stipulation about the show not being released to return to tv in any form for a number of years. We have heard everything from 5 to 10 years.

I like to be of the mind that nothing is impossible. In Hollywood if there is money and rating to be had, there is always lawyers and contract renegotiating to make things happen.

If the movie is a success, a big success, who can say what may or may not happen. We know there will be at least two more movies, and it has been reported that there are novels in the works, so anything is possible.

Keep your fingers crossed, and go see the BDM as many times as you can. Take friends and family. Convert friends and family into Browncoats w/ the DVD set so they pass the word along. The more people we get into seats in theatres, the better our chances of a bright future.

Keep Flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:

I'm gonna say it again--

Keep in mind.

Okay, I said it, so here's the rest:

Keep in mind that, if the contract is 10 years for no TV return, and the BDM is due out in September 2005... three months later, it will have been three full years since thelast airing of Firefly. Then we have two more movies, which, if Joss decides to stay the fine creator he is, will likely be 2-3 years apart.

So, "Serenity" in 9/2005.
"Serenity II: An Early Return" in 10/2008.
"Serenity III: Last Man Standing" in 9/2011.

Then, Fall of 2012, (the ten year anniversary):
"Firefly: The Same Generation Only Ten Years Older," check your local listings for details.

--there's three years between crappy Star Wars prequels
--three years between the two X-Men flicks
--FOUR years between the Matrix and its first crappy sequel (and about 5 months between that one and the third disappointment)
--the Star Trek flicks had a bunch of years between them, sometimes one, sometimes four

So, we're really not so bad off, if the contract is the case.

Dont' get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see Firefly back on the air this summer, with Season Two debuting a month after Serenity's DVD release in January 2006. But I don't think it'll be so awful.

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)

"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:04 AM



Originally posted by tlacook:
There won't be Firefly on TV again. Joss wants to make movies. And there is no Firefly without Joss.

However, there are going to be Big Damn Movie Stars.

Some of you will moan and groan but, that is reality. Joss deserves to have his visions on the Big Screen and we will have to be satisfied with other mutant enemy writers on...

Lost (Fury)
Alias (Drew Goddard and more)
Point Pleasant (Marti Noxon)
The Inside (Southland) (TIM MINEAR and Jane Espenson)

etc etc.

Get over it. (said in a nice way)

I thought Fillian said that Joss may be thinking of returning to television with Firefly if the movies do well. Can't remember the exact article, but, I believe it was at

Dragon Lord

Summer: Jane's a girls name
Jayne: Well I ain't no girl! I can prove it!
Simon: I'm trying to picture you more vulgar... but, I can't


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:11 AM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Yeah, good luck! What with the anti-corporate, anti-Christian themes...

Anti-Christian? I don't recall that the series was anti-Christian? Mal had turned hsi back on his belief in God, but that is hardley anti-Christian.

This space for rent. All proceeds go to production costs of FireFly.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:46 AM


I really doubt the movies will be filmed 2, or 3 years apart. Serenity 2, and 3 will probably filmed together like the Matrix sequels. And if Universal is smart, they wont make us wait 3 whole years between their release. 2008, and 2009 sounds good. It would be great if Universal recognizes that sooner is better as far as release schedules go. It's bad enough we have to wait until September for the first one.
Also, I don't think the return to televison is as taboo as some may believe. In a recent interview Joss said he would love to make a return to tv. The only negative he's ever spoken of is about Fox, not the tv fomat. I believe the Fox network contract thing only stipulates that the Firefly name not be used. Serenity is a whole different name. And if Fox does have some weird God-like lock prohibiting the actors working together on another show, Universal, or Joss can go all breach of contract, and pay the fine. Minor, annoying contracts, can't stop brilliant show. Once again, Universal owns the Sci-Fi Network. I am almost certain one day we will see Serenity season 1.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:42 PM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Whedon's electing to drop the Blue Sun conspiracy angle for the movie Serenity has had the effect of significantly reducing my anxiety regarding its release.

I know EMBERS has already replied to this, but I feel like going further. I have heard several people complain about the lack of Blue Sun in the movie. So here's a quote from Joss: "Blue Sun appears, but the Blue Sun corporation as a concept is not a major theme of the movie." This seems pretty much the same as the series (so far), so I don't see how people could be upset by it.

"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 1:04 PM


This may be a silly thought (due to me not knowing anything about how the entertainment industry works) but I was wondering if the F*x contract only applied to the domestic US.

It might be legal for Joss, through Universal, to produce more Firefly for broadcast in Canada, or the UK, or Australia that wouldn't be covered by the original F*x contract. Then you could do the whole DVD release of the season through an international subsidiary for those of us in the US who want our fix (of course, we would be watching the online rips of the show anyway as soon as it aired - but this wouldn't impact on DVD sales at all). They might still be able to do all the production work in Southern California so the planets would still look the same (although BC is beautiful as well).

Of course, whether or not this is possible has little to do with the probability of it taking place. Just a pipe dream is all .

Now to get back to the bottom line: Must do everything in my power to make Serenity a success. Must do everything in my power to make Serenity a success. Must do everything in my power to make Serenity a success.

Okay. I'm centered again.

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:44 PM



Originally posted by nwuksteve:
"Blue Sun appears, but the Blue Sun corporation as a concept is not a major theme of the movie." This seems pretty much the same as the series (so far), so I don't see how people could be upset by it.

Fair enough. Yet I feel the Blue Sun angle, and its implied symbiotic relationship with the Alliance was a significant theme that kept occuring in the series, especially regarding River. One of the hooks that really drew me to the show. We could debate "major" until the cows come home, are slaughtered for beef and are eaten as Salisbury steak at Dennys. Majorish for me, not so much for you, and I can accept that as reasonable differences in interpretation.

I'm still looking forward to seeing Serenity. There's so much to anticipate, even if I feel JW has perhaps elected, for what I'm certain are because of many realistic factors that have little to do with "selling out", to tone down or possibly eliminate a plot line that happens to intrigue me. There's a lot left to like in terms of character struggles, dialogue, humour, etc.

I'm a fan, eh? Else I wouldn't be here.

--The trouble with worse is that it always seems normal.--


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:01 PM



Originally posted by Techboy:
Anti-Christian? I don't recall that the series was anti-Christian? Mal had turned hsi back on his belief in God, but that is hardley anti-Christian.

This space for rent. All proceeds go to production costs of FireFly.

Well, in the pilot episode Serentiy, Mal's pointedly seen kissing the cross (necklace). Seems to me that's a Christian symbol, which disappears when we are brought to the present plot line.

But what do I know? Maybe JW's intent in season 6 was to have Malcolm Reynolds rediscover his faith in God, via whatever church or religious organisation drew him to his faith in the first place. Or Book has Mal see the light. Whatever.

Or maybe not. Kinda moot, now. Maybe in the third movie we'll discover God's a Browncoat!

(Please don't flame me. I do respect others their beliefs. Doesn't mean I have to share them).

--The trouble with worse is that it always seems normal.--


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:51 PM



Originally posted by BadgersHat:
So, "Serenity" in 9/2005.
"Serenity II: An Early Return" in 10/2008.
"Serenity III: Last Man Standing" in 9/2011.

Then, Fall of 2012, (the ten year anniversary):
"Firefly: The Same Generation Only Ten Years Older," check your local listings for details.

I like the way you think, keep saying more good things like that!!



Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:06 PM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Well, in the pilot episode Serentiy, Mal's pointedly seen kissing the cross (necklace). Seems to me that's a Christian symbol, which disappears when we are brought to the present plot line.

But what do I know? Maybe JW's intent in season 6 was to have Malcolm Reynolds rediscover his faith in God, via whatever church or religious organisation drew him to his faith in the first place.

What are you talking about? Mal changed his name to Caleb and became a priest on Buffy in season 7. He MUST have changed his 'tude toward God. Right? Right.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:16 PM



What are you talking about? Mal changed his name to Caleb and became a priest on Buffy in season 7. He MUST have changed his 'tude toward God. Right? Right.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell

Of course yer right! Cuz you ain't left.

Y'see folks? Someone who's right in tune with the spirit of things!

PV, next in waiting to join the Mal-licious fanclub.

--The trouble with worse is that it always seems normal.--


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:48 PM


Joss closed down his television production company. Enough said.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:19 PM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
Or maybe not. Kinda moot, now. Maybe in the third movie we'll discover God's a Browncoat!

God is a Browncoat! I saw him on Joan of Arcadia all the time, last season. This one, not so much.

(Actually, this season has kinda sucked. What's up with that, Barbara Hall?)

Mal believes in God, that he or she exists. He feels betrayed, though. Someone who hates God that much isn't an athiest, after all. I wish they had done more with religion than they did, and more with Book, for that matter.

vince the alien zookeeper


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:34 PM


You all do remember that Joss is an atheist. Right?


Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:41 AM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:

Well, in the pilot episode Serentiy, Mal's pointedly seen kissing the cross (necklace). Seems to me that's a Christian symbol, which disappears when we are brought to the present plot line.

Yes, and again, just because Mal has lost faith doesn't make the entire concept of "Firefly" or "Serenity" anti-Christian.


Or Book has Mal see the light. Whatever.

Well, see - there you go... In "Jaynestown", Book explanes faith very well. Now, that isn't anti-Christian is it? It isn't really pro-Christian, either. In fact Christ really doesn't come into play other than Book has a Bible and not a copy of the Torra or some other religious body of work.


(Please don't flame me. I do respect others their beliefs. Doesn't mean I have to share them).

No flame intended, just don't see how this show is anti-Christian. It doesn't send a message that Christianity is bad, or that faith in God is wrong, or anything like that. One character has turned away. He still accepts a person who's life is devoted to faith (or so we believe - still don't know Book's full story) as a member of his crew.

This space for rent. All proceeds go to production costs of FireFly.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:09 AM



Originally posted by PotemkinVillager:
I feel the Blue Sun angle, and its implied symbiotic relationship with the Alliance was a significant theme that kept occuring in the series, especially regarding River.

I guess you were just more attentive than me, because I didn't even notice Blue Sun till visiting web-sites, then later listening to commentaries.

Now, of course, I do expect Blue Sun to be addressed in a sequel. I wonder if I'll wear my Blue Sun t-shirt more or less when the sequels become blockbusters and everybody knows about Blue Sun!?

"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:29 PM


I think that people were looking forward to more of Blue Sun and it's involvement with River and the academy in the movies. This relationship was one of the big mysteries that the premature ending of the show left unsolved. I think that it is only rivaled by the questions revolving around who Book was before entering the monastery as a mystery.

The reavers always seemed to me just to be monsters haunting the edge of the galaxy. I've seen enough movies about people escaping monsters and natural disasters to not be very interested in that angle in Serenity. I can only hope that Joss suprises me by finding a new angle to the man against monster theme.


Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:31 PM


So you assume Book really did join a monastery huh? I think Book and River are the too biggest mysteries people want solved. Maybe we'll get one per movie or something.

I agree that the reavers never did anything for me. Seems like they are basically taking over the role of aliens. I thought Joss wanted to get past the monster stage. Then again I'm trying to stay spoiler free so maybe they aren't monsters at all.


Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:49 PM


Nathan says a lot of things. Nathan is also the one who floated the 10 yr rumour.

Sometimes I think that Nathan embellishes.

And (I may be completely wrong) I don't think Nathan was involved in any of the actual legal contracts and or stipulations.

I think Nathan has a tendency to tell the audience what they want to hear. Good guy that NF! Love him. But, not so much the one in charge.






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