The NEW Faster Loading Treehouse

UPDATED: Saturday, January 15, 2005 10:09
VIEWED: 18793
PAGE 4 of 5

Friday, January 7, 2005 5:26 PM






* The Real Me is for some reason very confused. He sighs, tucks TWG's shoe into his belt, and starts to climb up after her. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Friday, January 7, 2005 5:42 PM


*TWG pokes her head thru the hole in the floor and looks for the purple thingy. it's too quiet. she pulls herself up and spies the purple thing by the wack-an-exec.*

Um, hi! *waves hand* I'm thatweirdgirl. *stares at twg* Your ice cream is really great. *skips a bit towards IT*

Argghhh! platthy totwurdygril.

Ahh!!!! *TWG freezes, remembering all her survival skills she learned at camp* Whoa, there...

*IT runs towards TWG, tentacles flying about. then stops.*

I wanna have some fun, come on sing with me, I wanna have some fun...don't you know about the incredible Samantha Fox?

*IT shakes headlike thing*

No? Well, let me tell you about about the perfectly petite, but not tiny, blonde with the moves..


Friday, January 7, 2005 5:52 PM


* The Real Me peeks up through the open hatch, to see ThatWeirdGirl talking to a large purple tentacled monster inside the Treehouse common room. *

* The Real Me is confused, but he wants to hear about Samantha Fox, too. However, he always thought that it was Cyndi Lauper who wanted to have fun...??? *

* The Real Me realizes with certainty that he should be VERY impressed by ThatWeirdGirl's super power, but he can't quite remember what she can do... *

* And where in the world did ThatWeirdGirl get such a HUGE pet? *

* Maybe it likes ice cream. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Friday, January 7, 2005 6:07 PM


*TWG sees TRM out of the corner of her eye and waves to stall him*, then she did this magazine spread...


Friday, January 7, 2005 6:28 PM


* The Real Me smiles, and waves back. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Friday, January 7, 2005 6:41 PM


*IT and TWG are laughing so hard papsimilk squirts out of thier noses, or what TWG thinks is IT's nose.*

It's true! I swear. All Micky Mouse Club grads.

*It takes another bite of the pineapple and grilled cheese sandwich TWG gave HER to eat*

We're sorry about all that mess. I get it now, it's just like melange. Well, what kind of deal can we work out?

*IT picks up mallet and attempts to hit TWG on the head*

hey, I said I'm sorry. we can trade, look i have this thing...


Friday, January 7, 2005 6:53 PM



* ThatWeirdGirl almost got hurt. The Real Me realizes that he should DO something. Something about a shoe. Hey, here is a shoe in his belt. That's not where shoes belong. They're supposed to go on FEET. *

* Huh. Look at that. The Real Me is missing a shoe his own self. *

* The Real Me wonders why he is dangling from this rope ladder by one hand. *

* The Real Me would like some pepsimilk. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Friday, January 7, 2005 7:36 PM


Deal! i give you four green m&ms, six tubes of vaseline lip care, and one large pink ball, and we can import the ice cream freely.

*IT and TWG wiggle in circle*

Drubnot! horton! drubont, hox!

well, now that that's settled, would you like to meet the others?

*IT tentatively nods*

TRM, you can come on over. TheRealMe this is InolaTeg, she's gonna let you transport ice cream to the treehouse anytime Ebo needs some.

*TWG skips around IT singing* A very merry unbirthday to you , to you...


Friday, January 7, 2005 8:07 PM


*TWG leans over edge of treehouse and waves to the crowd*

Ebo? Think you can come up here and talk to IT for me? I've learned a few important phrases, but you're the expert with sea life languages.

She wants to meet everyone, but she's shy.


Friday, January 7, 2005 8:16 PM


"Is it gonna eat me?" Ebo calls up.

*IT gurgles, which Ebo hopes is a no, and Ebo climbs up the rope ladder.*

So, uh, IT. Yoou make this ice cream then? Its top notch. Whats your secret?

*IT hurls a large tentical in Ebo's direction, which she ducks.*

Right! No secrets, forget I asked. Listen there IT, If i invite the others up here to meet you, do you promise not to eat them? Or tenticalize them? Burninating isn't allowed either.....yeah, i know thats Turgador, but I heard that you two were goin out and I wanted to make sure you hadn't picked up on any of his, um, quirks.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Friday, January 7, 2005 8:49 PM


* As the Real Me's head clears, he wonders what he is doing arm-in-tentacle with the Purple People Eater. Hmmmm... Nobody seems to have been eaten by it, yet. *

* There is ThatWeirdGirl pouring more pepsimilk for the creature. There is Ebonezer, speaking earnestly to the monster, face to... uh... sensor cluster. The Real Me can't quite make out what language they are speaking. Ebo seems a little apprehensive. *

* And there is the monster... Ah... right next to The Real Me, with its slimy tentacle wrapped around his hand. But wait, she has a name, doesn't she? Enola Gay? No. Inola Teg. That's right. *

* Teggy? *

* The Real Me hopes that Teggy isn't still sore about that missing tentacle. Perhaps it will grow back. *

* The Real Me notices that Teggy is playing with a ball, happily bouncing it up and... *

* The Real Me snatches Sparky's head away in mid-bounce. *

Ahem! If you'll all excuse me, I have a little repair work to do.

* The Real Me disengages himself from Teggy's tentacles and tries to walk away, but he falls. Now why would The Real Me be wearing a woman's right shoe on his own left foot? *

The Real Me


Friday, January 7, 2005 9:58 PM


*wander in and looks around*

OMF! It's that treehouse place all the SOB's where talking about!

I found it! I found it! I freak'n Found it!

Yay me!

So how KOOL is it that I just got back from the Mid-night showing of Monthy Python's Holy Grail?!?!?!

I mean I pulled up the AMC Levee schedule for Phantom times (which I saw for the second time as well) and there, in the list for Fri and Sat was a Mid-night showing of Holy Grail!!!


If life is what you make it I want Cheese Cake!


Friday, January 7, 2005 10:56 PM


* Startled, The Real Me awakens. He is somewhat suprised and dismayed to have been using Sparky's head as a pillow. He opens one bleary eye and looks around, to see... *


* The Real Me scrambles to his feet. *

Wiccanslyr, I...

* The Real Me falls again. He removes ThatWeirdGirl's right shoe from his left foot, and stands again. *

Ah... it's great to see you again! Welcome to our...

* As The Real Me gestures, he looks about at the devastation that is the Treehouse common room. Furniture is splintered into bits. The bar is in two pieces, its mirror cracked and most bottles shattered. Rubble is strewn about the room. Things that may have been pinball machines or video games line the wall. A large plasma TV has a bar stool embedded into the screen, which is leaking plasma. There is a sheen of purple goo covering a large spot on the floor. *

Ah, excuse the mess.

* The Real Me franticly looks about for Inora Teg, hoping that she had not eaten Ebo or ThatWeirdGirl during his nap. The Real Me relaxes when he sees them all sleeping peacefully on what used to be a sofa. *

I'm afraid that we've had a rather exiting time, fighting an edritch horror from the Purple Dimension. Uh, well that's it over THERE. Her, I should say. She's a female... whatever she is.

* The Real Me points at a huge purple mass, sprouting dozens of tentacles and eye stalks (the one being difficult to distinguish from the other). There is also a large fanged mouth somewhat lower in the body than one might expect. *

Technically we didn't really fight her. We escaped her. But then ThatWeirdGirl and Ebonezer made a deal with her so that we could import ice cream from her dimension and...

Well, it's complicated.

Also, I should say that this is only the LATEST Treehouse thread. I can give you that history sometime later. But for now, make yourself comfortable! Have a seat on...

* The Real Me looks about for any intact furniture. *

Uh, have a seat on this spot of floor. It looks stable enough, and has hardly any monster gore or hydraulic fluids spilled on it.

* The Real Me sits nearby, and realizes that he is still carrying Sparky's head. He displays it for Wiccanslyr. It is made of metal and plastic, and seems to have been deformed by great pressure. *

Uh, this is... was... a robot of my invention, the Mechana-cabana-boy 3000. We called him Sparky.

* The Real Me stares at Sparky's remaining eye, and absently tries to get the jaw joint to stop binding. *

Yes, indeed! Monty Python and the Holy Grail was a great show!

* The Real Me's face brightens. *

Would you like some ice cream?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:05 AM


* With the Inola Teg eldritch horror situation well in hand (thanks to ThatWeirdGirl and Ebonezer), The Real Me comes to consider the problems of reconstruction. The Treehouse, and especially its contents, suffered severe damage do to the battle and to Teggy’s subsequent playful antics. *

* The Real Me ducks as the Whack-a-Fox-Executive game goes flying past his head to crash through the north wall. A moment later, it can be heard to smash into the ground below. Behind The Real Me, Teggy gurgles happily. *

Uh, Ebonezer? Can you ask our guest when she thinks she might be going home? Perhaps we can give her a jar of M&Ms and send her off for more ice cream.

* The Real Me wanders amongst the wreckage in the Treehouse common room. With a smile of satisfaction, he locates the toppled Effigy of Ebo, crafted by revelers during the holidays. After some lifting, pulling, and tugging, he gets it into an upright position. *

* The Real Me takes a closer look at the Effigy of Ebo. He circles around it to see it from all angles. *

Hmmmm… It’s like its eyes always follow me.

* The Real Me glances down at PsychicRiver’s crude graffiti and frowns. *

Ah, I see that the New Year’s celebration must have involved substantial amounts of alcohol!

* The plural nature of the graffiti convinces The Real Me that someone is in desperate need of anatomy lessons. That, or else enough alcohol was involved that the artist was seeing double. *

Oh, well, might as well get on with this.

* The Real Me pulls a handy scrap of parchment from a pocket and places into the Effigy’s mouth. Then he gets a magic marker, uncaps it, and carefully inscribes a handful of Hebrew characters on the forehead of the Effigy. With some satisfaction, The Real Me replaces the marker’s cap. *

There! That should do it! Hello? Are you awake?

* The Ebo Golem opens its eyes. *

Oh, hi. Could you please tidy up the place a bit? Thanks.

* The Ebo Golem nods and gets to work. The Real Me turns to the others in the Treehouse. *

I’m afraid that it will be quite a while before I have Sparky back in working order. I still need to see what’s left of my laboratory. In the meantime, the Ebo Golem can help out. Don’t worry about the Ebo Golem. It’s safe. Since it is based on Ebo’s form, we can count on it being as sweet and kind and gentle as Ebo herself!

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Sunday, January 9, 2005 8:17 AM


SimonWho? You are a doctor. Perhaps you can help.

* The Real Me takes SimonWho to a rather dopey-looking PsychicRiver, who is lying on the remnants of a sofa, drooling. *

See, just before ThatWeirdGirl climbed up the ladder to deal with Teggy, PsychicRiver talked about linking minds with her. I believe that this condition is the result.

Thankfully, ThatWeirdGirl usually keeps her powers of confusion restrained, but when she really turned them loose, I suffered some rather strong effects even though I was not her intended target.

Now, if PsychicRiver was actually linked to ThatWeridGirl’s mind while this was going on…

Well, see if there is anything you can do.

The Real Me leaves PsychicRiver in SimonWho's capable hands and departs to see if power is still being supplied by the butterfly-shaped solar collectors buzzing around the top of the tree.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site.)


Sunday, January 9, 2005 9:02 AM


Will PR be okay? I forgot that he was trying to link up. Oh golly, all that Samantha Fox, Micky Mouse Club, Dark Matter theories, and Pink Floyd sing alongs must have tweaked PR pretty bad. I might have gone too far praising the cullinary skills of the frycook at Village Inn.

*twiddles thumbs nervously*

Simon, you have to fix PR. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt...

*kneels next to PR and lovingly strokes his hand*

IT, can you take me to your dimension? I have an idea that could help.

*InolaTeg wobbles her tentacles around and a rip begins to form. As it widens TWG and IT step thru, the tear closing behind them.


Sunday, January 9, 2005 9:31 AM


*PR stirs in his un-consciousness... and rolls over...

although he is breathing...he shows no signs of waking up soon...without help...*

Bluddy Britney Spears and fookin Christina Aguilera!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 10:53 AM


Okay, I'm just going to test your reflexes.


Right, you managed to grab my arm before I even hit your knee with the gavel. I don't think reflex tests were devised with psychics in mind.

The best thing we could do is get the monster as far away as possible so it doesn't interfere with PR's mind, such as it is, any more. Perhaps it might like to return to its own dimension?

Oh, and TRM, I see you've created a mindless, lumbering creature called ebo. Did we really need another one?


Sunday, January 9, 2005 11:06 AM


"Because it's wrong..."

*PsychicRiver...still in slumber...bursts out laughing crazily, and stops...and moans...*



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:06 PM


* The Real Me returns to SimonWho and PsychicRiver, lugging about a bucketful of Sparky that he has been collecting. He sets it down. *



Originally posted by SimonWho:

The best thing we could do is get the monster as far away as possible so it doesn't interfere with PR's mind, such as it is, any more. Perhaps it might like to return to its own dimension?

Oh, so you think that the problem is the psychic disturbance caused by Teggy? That it wasn't due to being in ThatWeirdGirl's mind when things got... weird? Say, where are ThatWeirdGirl and Teggy, anyway?


Oh, and TRM, I see you've created a mindless, lumbering creature called ebo. Did we really need another one?

Oh, most certainly. While the Ebo Golem may lack some of the charm of the original, it is stupendously stronger, and more amenable to tasks of drudgery. Until I can get Sparky rebuilt, I'm afraid that the Ebo Golem is the best I can do.

Well, aside from doing the drudge work myself.

Now seriously, where are ThatWeirdGirl and Teggy?

Oh, and did PsychicRiver say something?

PsychicRiver? Psssst! Are you awake?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not really ignoring you.)


Sunday, January 9, 2005 12:18 PM


*a blinding light appears, hovering above Simon's head. A head squeezes thru*

Hi!!! It and I are working on a solution to PR's problem. We are currently interogating several members of the blue man group. We'll be back soon.

*the hole begins to close*

Look, I have to go, IT can't hold it open much longer.

*the light fades away. Leaving SimonWho with a sore neck from looking straight above him*


Sunday, January 9, 2005 1:52 PM


*zoid replaces empty barrel of Castlemaine's XXXX in taproom, then goes back upstairs to suffer through, er, watch EastEnders with wife*


Publican, "The Bottom of the Tree"


Sunday, January 9, 2005 2:33 PM


Okay, now I have sore ribs from dropping onto the bar, a sore wrist from where PR grabbed it and a sore neck from looking up at ThatWeirdGirl. And I didn't even actually get into the fight. I prescribe myself a massage.

Right, back to cleaning the Treehouse up. I'll get the mop and bucket. Don't worry, I had to do this all the time in med school after an operation had gone catastrophically wr.. er, after the patient tragically didn't pull through.

*whistles innocently*


Monday, January 10, 2005 1:54 PM


*a small pinpoint of light slowly grows hovering high in the air. Just as TWG is about to jump onto the floor, SimonWho moves beneath her with his mop. The hole closes behind her.*

Ouch! Sorry.

*TWG seems to have knocked him out. She sits him up near the couch and places an empty bottle in his hand in hopes that he'll beleive he passed out on his own.*

Hey, how's PR doing? IT and I worked all weekend on a solution...drink this. *TWG hands PR a shot glass filled with a simmering violet elixir.*

It should work. We combined root beer, a dro pof IT's blood to key onto her genetic signature left over in PR's brain, a drop of my blood to expell any confusion, three tablespoons of velveeta, one teaspoon each of kosher salt and vanilla, a quarter cup of milk, and a capful nyquil. So this should also clear up any cold symptoms you may have.

Go on drink up. I tested it and didn't die, so there's a decent chance it could work.

*TWG ralizes that she wasn't very nice to Simon. She runs into the bathroom and back out to Simon's side. She sits down next to him and applies a cold compress to his head and softly sings the themesong to Patty Duke.*

Poor Simon. I'm really sorry.

*TWG begins to gently rock him back anf forth like a baby.*


Monday, January 10, 2005 2:53 PM


Whsa... wha? Oh, my head hurts Sarah Jane, where am I?

*wakes up properly*

Oh. I'm here. Ooo, something made my head sore. A bottle? Was I drinking last night? Is that why the floor is covered in ooze?

*reads thread to catch up on what happened*

Right, so it wasn't alcohol that brought me low, it was some peculiar woman.

Story of my life.

Not that I'm objecting to the cradling and singing mind you. Who is Patty Duke and how does her theme tune go?


Monday, January 10, 2005 3:03 PM


Some peculiar woman? Well, I...*shrug*

Doh, I forgot that you might not know about the horrible contrived shows of the 60s. Let's see, Patty Duke is Samwise Gamgee's mother. She played a teen and her identical cousin. Theme away...

Meet Cathy, who's lived most everywhere,
From Zanzibar to Barclay Square.
But Patty's only seen the sights
A girl can see from Brooklyn Heights — What a crazy pair!

But they're cousins,
Identical cousins all the way.
One pair of matching bookends,
Different as night and day.

Where Cathy adores a minuet,
The Ballet Russes, and crepe suzette,
Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
A hot dog makes her lose control — What a wild duet!

Still, they're cousins,
Identical cousins and you'll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike —
You can lose your mind,
When cousins are two of a kind.


Monday, January 10, 2005 3:36 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
...root beer, a drop of IT's blood to key onto her genetic signature left over in PR's brain, a drop of my blood to expell any confusion, three tablespoons of velveeta, one teaspoon each of kosher salt and vanilla, a quarter cup of milk, and a capful nyquil...

WHY does this remind me of college???


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, January 10, 2005 4:21 PM


*Ebo comes out of the back rooms and rounds the corner into into common and comes face to face with - herself.*

Great merciful crap shit! What the hell is that?

*Ebo jumps under the pool table, then realizes that the pool table is on the grass by zoids bar.*


*She jumps up and looks for somewhere to hide. Finding no place, she crawls under a throw rug.*

Do you guys see that? Its ME! With crazy word things tattoed on its face! *Whimpers*

Call me when it goes away...


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, January 10, 2005 7:13 PM


* The Real Me walks over and pulls up the corner of the throw rug. *

Ebo! Don't worry, it's just your Effigy. You remember? The one without hate? I animated it using an old trick that I read about once in an old role-playing supplement. It's the Ebo Golem, now. It's going to help us clean up the place until I can get Sparky back together.

* For emphasis, The Real Me waves about his latest find: Sparky's left hand. *

You can think of The Ebo Golem sort of like a twin sister. Or a twin cousin, like Patty Duke had!

* The Real Me thinks back on his childhood when he actually watched the Patty Duke Show. *

So is Patty Duke REALLY the mother of Sam Gamgee? I didn't know that.

* The Real Me has another thought. *

Say, ThatWeirdGirl, can you sing the Dick Van Dyke theme, too? How about from the Addam's Family, or the Munsters?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not really ignoring you.)


Monday, January 10, 2005 7:23 PM


Sure can!!

Adam's Family? More Patty Duke connections. Mr. Astin, Gomez, is Sam Gangee's dad.

It wasn't a perfect life. She's much happier and healthier these days.
*snap, snap*


Monday, January 10, 2005 7:31 PM


*Ebo crawls out from under the rug.*

Well, ok...but who in the hell is Patty Duke?


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, January 10, 2005 7:47 PM


* The Real Me sighs, and adopts a lecturing tone. *

In days of yore, before they put color into the television, there was a show on called "The Patty Duke Show". It featured a talented young woman named... Patty Duke.

She was cute.

She was talented.

She could dance, I think.

The premise of the show was that a pair of identical twin brothers had separated.

One brother moved to England, where he married an English woman and had a daughter. They travelled all over the world, met kings and queens and ambassadors and all sorts of other important people. You know, the sort of people that James Bond would hang out with.

The second brother stayed put in a big city (New York?). He also married, and also had a daughter. They had a rather ordinary life.

Now, the true hilarity of the show comes when the English girl comes to visit her American uncle's family for an extended period of time (so long, in fact, that I would have informed immigration authorities).

It so happened that the two girls looked exactly the same! So similar, in fact, that Patty Duke played both roles. Ground-breaking special effects in its day, I assure you!

So, the funny part (you were waiting for that, right?) was that the two LOOKED exactly alike, but their personalities were entirely different. The English twin cousin (with an English accent, even) acted like a cultured lady, and the American twin cousin was something of an ordinary girl, and perhaps a tomboy. Of course, when their friends mistook the one for the other, as happened every episode...

* The Real Me stops when he realizes that EVERYONE in the Treehouse is fast asleep. The Real Me shrugs and goes off to fix himself a bowl of that special ice cream. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot receive messages from this site.)


Monday, January 10, 2005 8:15 PM


I hate when I get stuck in the real world. It's like the harder I struggled to get back to the tree house the harder it was to get back in. Looks like I missed all the fun and excitement too. :( That's it from here on in I am tethering myself to ... umm to the front door (although it appears the front door has been ripped from it's hinges)or to a post or something so that I will never be lost to reality again ! <> gosh, its so good to be home.


Monday, January 10, 2005 8:35 PM


Welcome back, Mai!

Here, have a bowl of magic ice cream from the Purple Dimension!

The Real Me


Monday, January 10, 2005 11:03 PM


Thanks TRM! YUUUUUMMMMMMMM ice cream. I love ice cream. What exactly is magical about the magical ice cream? Oh wait, I bet I know. I can eat an entire container and i won't gain and ounce?


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:30 AM



Morning y'all! (in texan accent like Sandy from Spongebob Squarepants)

Well...someone managed to pour that yuck stuff down my throat last night...and although I didn't wake up right away this moring I woke up not only feeling fine...but even more fnatastic then I've felt in weeks! Thanks TWG. Oh, and SW? Sorry about your arm.

Sorry I was such a pain with the collapsing and all! And whoever fed my cat, thank you!

Ack! Ebo? Why are you cleaning? You never clean!? Oh my god! EBO! Don't move. You've got a penii on your crotch!'s odd...I really do feel much stronger. I think it's IT's (no pun intended) blood...powerful stuff.

Hmm...I'm gonna try out some of my powers...see if their any better...

*Goes over to the door-no sorry, that's just a hole in the wall...

Then stops halfway and notices that Ebo is now hiding ubder the rug.*

Ebo, what are you-

*Notices other Ebo still cleaning*

What the...?

Oh, the effigy?! It's alive?

Ebo, -Sorry, the real Ebo, not you- what's up? Why are you hiding...

*Ebo explains to PR*

Oh I see.

Maybe I can help.

*PR goes over to the door, and steps out onto the balcony, and looks down at the pool table on the grass.*

Hmm...oh well, here goes!

*PR extends his arms over the edge of the balcony, palms down facing the pool table, and PR closes his eyes. PR Concentrates. The table begins to rattle, and shake ... then suddenly the table lifts off the ground and begins to rise up, up... and up into the air until its level with PR, who smiles at his work, and getting a bit cocky, makes the table rotate, mid-air...(meanwhile Zoid is walking out of the bar downstairs and right unferneath the table) PR loses his balance and trips, and thus loses his concentration and the table drops...*


*PR throws his hand obver the table as it falls and it stops, above Zoid, and the number 8 ball rolls out and hits Zoid on the head, who looks up in pain, and anger.*

Oops, sorry Zoid!

*The table rise up again, and PR concentrates hard and the table moves horizontally, into the treehouse through the hole in the wall and slowly sets it down on the floor, in its normal place.*

There ya go Ebo. Fantastic! I can't believe it, my telekinesis is way more powerful now.

*PR thinks and smiles.*

Oh my gosh!

*Closes his eyes and concentrates and begins to levitate...*

I CAN FLY!!! Wow, I can't believe how cool this is? Anyone else wanna fly? Just gimme the's perfectly safe....I promise...

Well...we really do need to re-organise this new and improved telekinesis should help us out there! So, Ebo - what do we do now?

By the way everyone, thanks for your help, and TWG you did great in making friends with IT, and TRM you wer fantastic. Thank you all for looking after me.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:42 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Thanks TRM! YUUUUUMMMMMMMM ice cream. I love ice cream. What exactly is magical about the magical ice cream? Oh wait, I bet I know. I can eat an entire container and i won't gain and ounce?

Quite correct, Mai. However, it ALSO always tastes like whatever flavor is your favorite at the time you eat it.

* The Real Me seems to be a bit puzzled as he scoops out some more. *

Also, apparently it never melts.

For the entire story of the Effigy of Ebo, how I liberated this ice cream from the purple dimension, and how we dealt with an eldrich horror that objected to said liberation, go back in this thread and start reading from about January 1. Uh, reserve a sizable block of time.

PsychicRiver! I am glad to see you awake and well. My, but your powers are impressive, now. Is this due to the blood of IT flowing through your veins?

Say, is your skin acquiring a purple tinge to it?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 12:31 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

PsychicRiver! I am glad to see you awake and well. My, but your powers are impressive, now. Is this due to the blood of IT flowing through your veins?

Say, is your skin acquiring a purple tinge to it?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)

Um, no...not yet anyways. Is that a possibly side effect?

Um...gotaa say...being in TWG's head was strange...but I did discover some of here deepest darkets secrets! And yes, she IS weird.

Also yeah I'm guessing the power boost id due to IT's blood...I hope it lasts...this could be really useful...and flying is so fun, I telekinetically lift myself, its so much fun!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:14 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Um...gotaa say...being in TWG's head was strange...but I did discover some of here deepest darkets secrets! And yes, she IS weird.
...and flying is so fun, I telekinetically lift myself, its so much fun!

omg, my deepest darkest secrets! Just don't tell them about the time I sang "Big Spender" on a street corner in Nice. crap! I just did. Argh.

I always thought that to fly you just didn't fall. It worked that one time...


Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:11 PM


Like I said it's so good to be back. Fortunately, I have a lot of down time at work to catch up on the past. I am still a little confused about the whole IT monster thing and how that all came about. Everything seems to be getting back in order (well as much as it was before anyway). I for one think the destruction was a good thing, now we get to re-decorate the entire tree house. Just let me know if you need any help with the clean up. Like I said I have LOTS of time (7 hours and 57 minutes) to waste. I'm thinking we should add on a twisty tornado slide that lands in the pool. We do have a pool right?


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 1:38 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Like I said it's so good to be back. Fortunately, I have a lot of down time at work to catch up on the past. I am still a little confused about the whole IT monster thing and how that all came about. Everything seems to be getting back in order (well as much as it was before anyway). I for one think the destruction was a good thing, now we get to re-decorate the entire tree house. Just let me know if you need any help with the clean up. Like I said I have LOTS of time (7 hours and 57 minutes) to waste. I'm thinking we should add on a twisty tornado slide that lands in the pool. We do have a pool right?

Oh yes! That sounds fantastic, and we must have rope to climb and a firemnas pole to go down! Woo!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 5:51 AM


And a hot tub too! That would make it perfect, oh and a sauna, and a sandbox too... no wait, that could get a little messy ok maybe we can do without the sandbox. (don't know what i was thinking blame it on the sleep depravation) although, it would be fun to build castles and bury people in the sand. maybe it should be put to a vote. anyone else like to play in a sandbox?


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 2:45 PM


*Ebo glomps PR*

Yay! Pool table! You're my freaking HERO!

Sandbox good, slide better! We beed one of those.

Yep, somebody should do something about...

*suddenly Ebo falls over onto a heap on the floor*

*A few seconds later she wakes up, rubbing her head.*

Ow. No worries guys, just experencing some exreame (non-sexual) exhaustion. Effen finals...

I need ice cream.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:42 PM


PR consciously streamed:

...*PR throws his hand obver the table as it falls and it stops, above Zoid, and the number 8 ball rolls out and hits Zoid on the head, who looks up in pain, and anger.*

Oops, sorry Zoid!...

Damn straight, I'm mad! Y'all should know by now: Only zoid puts zoid behind the 8 ball!

*frickin', frackin'*

...Huh?! The 8 ball says, "The outlook is doubtful"?!? What kind of billiards table is this, anyway?

Publican, The Bottom of the Tree


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:53 PM


i think it's obvious what kind of pool table this Ebo table. There's a few balls that are actually carroms.

Mind if I come down for a drink? whatever you got on draught.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 5:04 AM



Everyone's always welcome at The Bottom of the Tree. Our door is wide open, and the path is broad (with some really nice shrubbery, brought us by some guys skipping through the wood with coconut shells). And we do a booming trade, even without the benefit of a Las Vegas address. Those guys are trying to muscle in on our business; might have to send a man around to 'discuss' their franchises...

Today's lunch special: Veal, quail's eggs, caviar and aqua vitae (only the good stuff). Cost (excl. of VAT): Negotiable.

Reservations not necessary. Come as you are.



Oh, and 'live' music, 24/7! You should hear our house band. And we get tons of jam sessions with the latest stars, who drop in all the time. What can I say? I've got a soft spot for musicians, and they do love 'The Bottom'...

Browncoats 2-for-1 ('cause you guys are harder to get as regular customers). Bring a friend.

"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity


Thursday, January 13, 2005 8:09 AM


OOOH! Quails eggs! I'm there! Anyone fancy joining me?!!

Oh, and 'live' music, 24/7! You should hear our house band.

I have. All. Bloody. Night.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:31 AM


can someone here tie me up?

i seem to be addicted to the quote thread and i need help.

Hello, my name is thatweirdgirl and i am a trivia junkie. please help me, please. i've lost control. i'm responding befor anyone else even has a chance to look at the quotes. The last one i posted, will take a while, I know it will. heck, the show didn't even have dialogue for most of its run. it's rare.

*twg curls into fetal position and rocks, sweetly singing*
On how to be lovely *echo self*
You got to be happy *echo self*
When you can feel light and gay
Then you'll be lovely as a holiday...


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:23 AM


Yes, letting you out of the dancing cage was clearly a mistake. You need to be locked up for your own good.

Unfortunately, I think our purple friend ate the cage along with most of the pool balls, our pirate costumes, eleventyseven bottles of whisky and now that I think about it, there's quite a few people I haven't seen in the treehouse for a bit.

Very well, here's a trivia question just for you: name the TV show that flopped on its initial airing (apparently for requiring "too much attention" according to the suits), never went to a full season and yet spawned a blockbusting series of movies. The answer is not Manimal, in case you were wondering.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:29 AM


I don't now, star trek?

*Twg curls back into a ball*

Simon? Can you maybe roll me up in the rug? It might keep under control if I can only wiggle and roll.






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