The MUCH Faster Loading, Floating Tree house

UPDATED: Thursday, January 27, 2005 17:06
VIEWED: 17516
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Saturday, January 15, 2005 8:12 PM


Well, here we go. It's moving day! How we are going to move the tree onto the boat is beyond me, but we got some real genius (and hopefully exteremly brawny) types that can figure out all the logistics and such. Welcome aboard everyone.


Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:14 PM


* A spot of light appears on the wall of the common room of the perhaps-soon-to-be-floating treehouse, it expands to be a ring of fire around a dark void. From this void steps The Real Me. *

Ah, so THERE you are.

A FLOATING Treehouse? Who would think of such a weird idea as... oh, never mind.

* The Real Me strikes a "contemplative" pose. *

Well, I suppose that with his telekinesis boosted by Inola Teg's blood running through his veins, PsychicRiver can just LIFT us all. He could probably uproot the tree entirely and we can go floating where we want. Well, where HE wants. Flying, I should say.

But if we just move the TreeHOUSE (just the building) and set it on a boat... I mean, can we really have a Treehouse without a TREE????

Oh, Rat, glad you could make it! You came just before we moved to another thread. We do that from time to time, you see. In fact...

* The Real Me counts to himself, ticking off fingers one by one. *

This is the fifth clubhouse/treehouse thread that I have personally inhabited, and there were at least two more before my time when Mal-licious and Ebonezer started it all.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:26 PM


Can I have that shelf over there, I need it for my RootBeer collection!



Saturday, January 15, 2005 9:40 PM



Why, Rat, you may have your very own ROOM!

You will no doubt notice that the Treehouse is MUCH larger inside than it is on the outside. That is because every time we need more room, I just fold space over through a higher dimension and suddenly, I have doubled our living space. It's quite efficient, really.

Oh, this is the Ebo Golem, a statue I animated after my robot was destroyed fighting the Eldritch Horror. The Ebo Golem will help you move your things, or do other simple tasks. It is very strong, and nearly unbreakable, but not very bright.

However, don't confuse it with Ebo, our fearless leader. Ebonezer, I should say.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Saturday, January 15, 2005 10:16 PM


Tell me of Inola Teg while Ebo Golem moves the following RootBeers.


Goose Island
Sioux City
Cool Mountain
Briar's(made with pure cane sugar)
Natural Brew
Pirate's Keg




Sunday, January 16, 2005 1:45 AM


You're right TRM, I guess we don't really need the tree itself to continue living in the tree house, although wouldn't that make it a boat house? Of course the boat is probably made at least partly of wood and the wood would (he he) come from a tree so technically its still a house made of tree. Right?
Oh geez, I have a headache now ... too much thinking.. I hope that the bar is already full stocked and functional. Now that that the move is underway, I think it is time to stretch out on the deck and relax for a little... OMG where are the life jackets?!


Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:07 AM


Lifejackets? Pah. This treehouse is unsinkable, I tell you. Picasso? He'll never be famous, mark my words.

Sorry, I seem to be channelling Billy Zane. Still, at least he was good in Demon Knight. Right, now then, having lived on a boat myself (One shaped like an enormous bottle. No, really.) I have some advice and safety instructions:

1) I'm supplying you all with special drinking vessels. Notice how the bottom is much broader than the top? That's so they don't spill when the boat is at an angle.

2) If you do fall in the river, yell "MAN OVERBOARD" as loudly as you can, even if you are a woman. Although "WOMAN OVERBOARD" would be more accurate, the extra syllable used could prove fatal.

3) Get used to the slant. No boat is perfectly balanced in the water, even if its contents are dimensionally transcendent.

4) No-one is to do any drilling downwards if they are standing at the bottom of the boat. If you need to be told why, kindly hand your drilling equipment over now. Also please remove any drilling equipment that may be in the possession of your cats.

Great. I think we're all set. Oh, and everyone's okay with river rats, right?


Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:09 AM



There are a few things that MUST happen before we sail away in our Treehouse-ship!

First, PsychicRiver must pick up the tree and/or treehouse and place it in the water or on a ship.

Second, we must have a way to MOVE our Treehouse-ship. We don't want to just drift.

Third, we must have provisions for a proper journey... though I suppose that I could just gate things in as we need them.... Okay. Scratch that one.

Third (again) we must wait for our crew. Has everyone made the leap from the New Faster Loading Treehouse? And will Zoid be satisified with his establishment being towed behind us in a dingy? I haven't seen ThatWeirdGirl or Mal-licious. I know that they survived Inola Teg, and I'd hate to leave them behind.

Fourth, we must wait for Ebo. Ebo always wanted to be a pirate captain. Or a else a princess.

* The Real Me starts tinkering with the controls of ManiacNumberOne's solar collectors shaped like butterflies. *

Hmmmmm... Perhaps I can get some motive power out of these...

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:23 AM





Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:42 AM



Originally posted by Rat:
Tele me of Inola Teg while Ebo Golem moves the following root beers.


Rat! That is quite the collection!

Oh, might we have one bottle with which to christen our new ship? I suppose that Ebo, ThatWeirdGirl, or Mal-licious could whack it across the bow.

Here, I'll trade you some ice cream from the Purple Dimension.

Sorry, but I really don't have time to relate the complete tale of Inola Teg, Eldritch Horror from the Purple Dimension. But if you go to the previous Treehouse thread and start reading from about January 1, you can catch up quickly enough.

I suppose I will have to develop a history/directory of all of our clubhouses, and links to the same. I'll do that eventually, but for now (from memory) they are:

The "I am not a Guy" clubhouse. This was started by Mal-licious and Ebonezer, who were annoyed at the gender confusion they constantly encountered.

The "I am not a Girl" clubhouse. This was started by guys jealous of the previous thread, and ran simultaneously with it. There were raids and wars between them as they stole cool items from each other.

The era of the dual threads ended with Gunhand on the roof (some roof) in a kilt, but don't ask me. That was before my time.

The Forgotten I am not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse, which is in the Talk Story forum, started by Mal-licious and combining the previous threads into one. This was a place for the ladies to come and relax and be pampered by the slavishly attentive males. However, the ladies lost all their cabana-boys when they started talking about making them into eunuchs. I joined the thread at about this time and created my robot, Sparky, to help out. I created the "Whack-a-Fox-Executive" machine (it's like a "Whack-a-Mole" game, but more satisfying). Ebo, ThatWeirdGirl, and I had one killer party toward the end of that thread. ThatWeirdGirl introduced the concept of Pepsimilk.

The "I am not gonna be depressed about the delay" clubhouse, which is in General Discussions. It was started by Ebo when we heard that the BDM was being moved from an April release to a September release. Ebo decided that this new clubhouse would be a treehouse. This is the time I really started to explore other dimensions, and found one that actually bottled Pepsimilk. Toward the end of that thread, Ebo led us in a righteous war against the tyranny of the Three Switches thread ("I know what the Three Switches do"). SimonWho was our arch-enemy in those days (he even made ThatWeirdGirl cry), but we have since made peace and he has joined us here, among the victors.

The Faster Loading Treehouse (just for Maniac), also in General. Hmmmm... I don't really remember what happened here, aside from more extra-dimensional trips for Pepsimilk. Oh, ManiacNumberOne created the butterfly-shaped solar collectors on the roof, and we started claiming and sharing our rooms in the Treehouse.

Edit: Also, after leaving a cryptic note, PsychicRiver was kidnapped back to the Three Switches thread, and hurt badly. ThatWeirdGirl, Ebo, and Mal-licious, I believe, performed the rescue.

The NEW Faster Loading Treehouse, also in General.
This started with drunken revelry that resulted in the crafting of the Effigy of Ebo. It ended with an attack by the Eldrtch Horror from the Purple Dimension, our plans for dealing with it, and the great victory won by ThatWeirdGirl. Then we started counting casualties and rebuiding. Since my robot, Sparky, had been destroyed, I animated the Ebo Golem out of the Effigy of Ebo.

And this, the MUCH Faster Loading, Floating Treehouse. Well, you know what has happened so far, here.

Hmmm... I could turn this into a real research project, with links and everything...

Huh. I suppose that I had time to tell you about Inola Teg, after all...

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Sunday, January 16, 2005 9:29 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Rat! That is quite the collection!

Oh, might we have one bottle with which to christen our new ship?
Here, I'll trade you some ice cream from the Purple Dimension.

Here, will Pirate's Keg do?

MMM,Good ice cream, perhaps I will make a root beer float.



Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:31 PM


I made it!

omg, someone made reference to the drilling cats! SimonWho is so with it.

I'm great with a paddle, rudder, or sail, if there is need.

mad anne rackham, aka twg


Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:47 PM


note:(This will probably happen often.)

"The Drilling Cats"???

Please explain!



Sunday, January 16, 2005 2:56 PM


Do we HAVE to float on water? I get sea-sick. Can't we just have PR float us where we want to go?

I will only whack an empty bottle on the prow. Why waste good booze?


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Sunday, January 16, 2005 3:14 PM


the drilling cats aren't a treehouse thing. rent some Eddie Izzard stuff and laugh your arse off. i think the cats are in Unrepeatable, but Dressed to Kill is absolutely mandatory for life.

So Rat, you ready for some very odd pool? rack'em!


Sunday, January 16, 2005 3:58 PM


Excellent, I have an idea for our first scheduled activity on the floating treehouse: a screening night!

Now normally we should christen our houses with a Firefly episode of choice but as someone asked about the drilling cats, may I introduce/further your knowledge of/remind you what's so great about Mr Eddie Izzard.

For those of you who don't know Eddie Izzard is a stand-up comedian who has also branched out into acting, political campaigns and writing. He's very surreal, he's a crossdresser and he's probably the best comic to come out of the UK in the last 15 years or so.

What's particularly nice is that over here, just about all of his stand-up videos have been released now on DVD so we could watch one of them in lovely digital clarity. But which?

Live at the Ambassadors: lots of lovely lines ("I'm a one man idiot") but it's not on DVD so not that one.

Unrepeatable: Again, very good and also on DVD plus it has "This is a 14th century Ming... thing. Made out of Ming by Mr. Ming during the Ming Period. If you don't like Ming, don't touch this one." and Eddie being tolerant of homophobes (as long as they do it behind closed doors and don't hurt anyone...)

Definite Article: I saw this show live twice, once in London then a few months later in Glasgow and the second time I saw it, I busted my jaw from laughing so hard. Sample quote:


Horseshoes are lucky. Horses have four bits of lucky nailed to their feet. They should be the luckiest animals in the world. They should rule the country. They should win all their horse races, at least. "In the fifth race today, every single horse was first equal... one horse threw a shoe came in third... the duck was ninth... Five ran."

Hmmm. I think we'll put on Unrepeatable as that explains the cats drilling. Like so:


Cats go (purrs loudly), because they’re drilling, aren’t they? That’s what they’re doing. They’re drilling, they drill for gold! They drill for oil, they drill for anything! Just for the love of drilling! When they’re behind your sofa, they’re just drilling. (mimes drilling) They’ve got goggles on, it’s okay! There’s a compressor over there… Your friends come and say,

“I think your cat’s drilling behind your sofa!”

“I don’t think so, that’s purring, that noise, isn’t it? Cat, are you drilling?”

And the cat hears this, whips off the goggles, (mimes coming from behind the sofa), “No, no… Drilling? No! No, I’m a cat! How would I know how to drill? That’s purring you’re thinking of, purring! Oh, yes, purring! Having a good ole purr back here… no drilling. No, no, okay… “(mimes putting goggles back on and resuming drilling) Sometimes they drill 40, 50 feet, you know, just for the hell of it.

So I'll put that DVD on now. For those of you without the Treehouse-Video-Watching plug-in, you can either buy the DVD (highly recommended) or read the transcript of the show here:


Sunday, January 16, 2005 6:29 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
Excellent, I have an idea for our first scheduled activity on the floating treehouse: a screening night!
Unrepeatable: Again, very good and also on DVD.

So I'll put that DVD on now. For those of you without the Treehouse-Video-Watching plug-in, you can either buy the DVD (highly recommended) or read the transcript of the show.

netflix it!

*twg finally turns off the tivo of BSG*

I'm soo excited.

So, um has our fealess leader arrived yet?


Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:37 PM


* The Real Me climbs to the top of the highest branch of the Treehouse tree and reaches up to tap one of the solar collector butterflies with a pencil. Suddenly, it starts humming, flips around three times and then adopts a rigid vertical position. All the other butterflies follow suit, orienting themselves exactly in the same direction, and the humming increases. The tree starts to vibrate, then starts to bend to one side. *

* With a smile on his face, The Real Me makes his way down the branch, then slides down a ladder to the Treehouse common room. By this time, the floor displays a noticible tilt. The Real Me flips a switch on one wall. The humming stops, the tree springs back, and the floor returns to level. *

SUCCESS! I have converted our solar collectors into reactionless thruster units. Once we get out onto the open sea, we can use them to push our Treehouse ship anywhere we like!

But no, ThatWeirdGirl, I haven't seen Ebo or PsychicRiver anywhere.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Sunday, January 16, 2005 7:43 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
Do we HAVE to float on water? I get sea-sick. Can't we just have PR float us where we want to go?

I will only whack an empty bottle on the prow. Why waste good booze?


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell

Uh, well, there is no good reason to prevent us from floating in the AIR. It depends on the power output of PsychicRiver and/or my new thrusters. Hmmmm... Perhaps the thrusters can have us hover in mid-air...

As soon as Ebo arrives, we can give it a try.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:42 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
I will only whack an empty bottle on the prow. Why waste good booze?

I don't think root beer counts as booze.



Monday, January 17, 2005 4:06 AM


Ack! I'm here!

Sorry, I was rather busy. Ooh! A boat! I just love the sea! And the air! Flying is cool ...*hovers around*...see?

Well, if the butterfly things can float us, then I can sustain my power enough to steer us anywhere. But I would like the sea! We could hover in the air over the sea sometimes i guess!

Okay, you might wanna clear the deck guys. I'm gonna shift the treeouse down here. Anyone still in the house, stay away from the doors and hold on to something Maybe Golem Ebo's Penni!?

*Concentrates one the treehouse. Holds out hands, and raises it slowly...*

My god this rocks.

*brings the treehouse over the boat and gently lowers it down.* There. But, ack! Where will my cat pee? And...stuff?

Right now, TRM, don't forget that in the FLT I believe I was kidnpped by....actually....we don't know who it was do we?

Well anyway, in the words ok Kaylee: All aboard.

That means you Ebo!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Monday, January 17, 2005 5:51 AM


* The Real Me frowns as he realizes that PsychicRiver moved the TREEHOUSE and the butterfly thrusters were attached to the TREE. *

Come, Ebo Golem! We have a little work to do!

* After about an hour, The Real Me and Ebo Golem have transplanted the hundred butterflies one by one to the Faster Loading.... Shiphouse? When idle, they constantly flutter above the ship. When in operation, they all line up together like a sail. *

Whew! Well, that's done. All we need now is our captain.

* The Real Me moves to the bow of the ship to keep lookout for Ebo, a bottle of Pirate Keg root beer in his hand. *

Oh, PsychicRiver, don't worry about your pets. I can use my dimensional portals to take them for walks on dry land. But... why isn't your cat using a litter box?

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Monday, January 17, 2005 10:55 AM


Root beer, right. We'll have to work on that. See, here in the houses threads, we drink a select few beverages. Pepsimilk being one, and underrated by most. Frozen Lemonade, for those that need a hard lemonade but cannot yet partake. Rich dark ale from Zoid's bar. Margaritas for Mal as she relaxes in the hammock. And the occassional guacamole spiked punch.

*twg thinks back to fond memories of childhood and frothy root beer at the drive in*

I admit, I like root beer. Perhaps we can make some counter space for a few bottles.

Mal, we can finish off this bottle of Cpt Morgan for you to break.
*holds up a gallon of the captain* I thought it would be a bit more piratey.

I see no reason why we can't float in the sky. Sky Pirates.


Monday, January 17, 2005 11:42 AM


It's so nice to have everyone back together again. I have to say I like the idea of flying more so than the floating. I for one am not a good swimmer. Also motion sickness, not fun. Anyway, I have a question. Since we are now flying does that make us a ship like Serenity (except of course for the tree thing, and the attached bar, well ok not really like Serenity at all, but you know what I mean)? If so, I think the ship should have name other than "the tree house boat." I am sure between us all we can come up with something. Any clever ideas?


Monday, January 17, 2005 11:53 AM



Arrrr! An empty Capt. Morgan bottle be good!

*T*H*W*A*C*K!* (glass shatters)

The S.S. Sereni-TREE is hereby christened! (Anybody have ANYthing better? Please? That sucks.)


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, January 17, 2005 12:04 PM


I like S.S.Sereni-TREE!!

Oh thanks TRM, my cat is haous-trained to poo in the garden - she buries it!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Monday, January 17, 2005 2:07 PM


"The S.S. Sereni-TREE is hereby christened! (Anybody have ANYthing better? Please? That sucks.)"

That is hilarious and also very fitting. I really like it Mal. Great idea.

Guess what? I just played my very first game of pool ever! And wow do i suck (i don't know all the rules, but I am pretty sure that the balls are suppose to remain on the table) ... ah well, maybe some of you all can give me some pointers.


Monday, January 17, 2005 2:13 PM


Thanks, Mai! But I know SOMEONE can think of a better name.

Oh, I'm pretty sure you just keep hitting the white ball into the pockets.


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, January 17, 2005 4:55 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:

Arrrr! An empty Capt. Morgan bottle be good!

*T*H*W*A*C*K!* (glass shatters)

The S.S. Sereni-TREE is hereby christened! (Anybody have ANYthing better? Please? That sucks.)

*Rat looks disappointed* Fine, then can I at least have my root beer back.

Oh and I like "S.S. Sereni-TREE" it works!



Monday, January 17, 2005 7:06 PM



Originally posted by Rat:

Fine, then can I at least have my root beer back.


* The Real Me hides the empty root beer bottle behind him, and quickly wipes the froth from his mouth. *

Uh, I’m very sorry, Rat, but I’m afraid that your root beer cannot be returned at this time. It is necessary that I withhold it, for the time being, for… uh… classified purposes. Yes, as soon as you pass Blue level clearance, I’ll tell you all about it.

Now, on to other matters!

I have compiled a crew roster of the Sereni-TREE. I have included everyone who has made at least two posts in either this thread or the previous NEW FLT thread since the resolution of the Inola Teg incident. Anyone else we can assume either ran away or got eaten.

In memory of Shw, I propose that we proudly display the flag she made us. For ManiacNumberOne, we have the butterflies he created, now one of our means of propulsion. As for The Grey Jedi... well, we still have his trebuchet on the roof and about 40 metric tons of SPAM in the cargo hold. I’m sure that will give us cause to remember him.

For everyone else who is missing… sorry, I don’t recall anything specific that any of them did.

The crew roster currently includes:

Ebonezer (once she returns)

I suppose that I could leave a dimensional portal open near the Treehouse Tree that leads into the Sereni-TREE, in case we get any stragglers returning. Come to think of it, we could have it open onto Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree, and we won’t even have to move it. Zoid would probably appreciate not having to relocate his establishment to a dingy.

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Monday, January 17, 2005 7:33 PM


(all ghost like) Eebooneezzerr! Eeboooneeeeeeezzerr!!

Has it been done?



Monday, January 17, 2005 7:40 PM


* After constructing controls with which to pilot the Sereni-TREE, The Real Me goes off to his room for a time, and returns with a fancy black coat that might have once been worn by Londo Mollari of B5. He puts it on with great ceremony. Then he places a three-corner hat on his head, buckles on a scabbard containing a cutlass, and jams a pistol into his belt. Then he goes over to the remains of the bar and fixes himself a hard lemonade. He takes a bite as he gathers everyone together. *

It has been several days since we last heard from Ebonezer. We do not know what might have happened to our fearless leader or where she might be. Those who know her would realize that she would not normally stay away so long.

So, I am hereby assuming command of the Sereni-TREE.

We will depart immediately, on our very first mission. I call it: “Sereni-TREE 1: In Search of Ebo”.

Of course, since we have a pirate-like organization, any of you are allowed to duel me for the position of command.

* The Real Me dashes the remains of his hard lemonade to the ground for effect, draws his cutlass, and adopts a ridiculous-looking fencing stance. *

Well, what do you say?

Oh, right… I should conclude with ‘ARRGH, me maties!’

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:23 PM


*bump* for KGB.

Everyone give her a warm welcome!


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:38 PM


*stands on the shore, looking forlorn, kicking shyly at the ground*

Uh, I know I'm re-new, but I was actually a member of the original Not a Boy Clubhouse, and would very much like to be on the Sereni-Tree.

Given your illustrious heritage, do I need to have an induction ceremony? Test my knowledge?

I possess some Ebo looking skills, as she is a former band member and what some might call a friend. I only want to help.

*holds up her seasickness bag* Its only for emergencies, I swear!


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:41 PM


Welcome, and do you like the walls?(hee hee)



Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:51 PM


Shiny pics, Rat. And thanks for the welcome.

I hear you collect root beer, some of the Sioux City variety. I live near there and must know how it rates.

Also, as my addition to the the Sereni-TREE, I would like to introduce the 'This Land' room. Plastic dinos will, of course, be provided.


edit - I found Ebo!


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:33 PM


*From some hidden place a fanfair of trumpets, horns, drums, guitars, air guitars, and a dumb ass stick that sounds like its raining begen playing. From the sky, a horse or flying hoover vehicle that KGB has yet to invent a cool name for comes floating down. Atop it, in all her shiny glory sits Ebonezer!*

People of the treehouse, rejoice! For the Mighty Ebonezer has returned!

*Ebo jumps down from the flying hoover horse thing and lands in a heap on the deck, but jumps up before anyone notices.*

You! (TRM) I will resume my duties now! Gimmie the sword! I've always wanted one of those!

In celebration of my return/the completed finding me mission/christing of sereni-tree/return of KGB (my VIFG (very important first groupie) we shall have...a gala!

All crewmembers (even the menfolk, hell, ESPECIALY the menfolk) must wear a slinky or frilly dress. Personaly, i like something with a little slink in it, but thats just me.

We'll sail the seas (and/or skys) and sing! Songs! About us! That someone else can write!

And we will be fantabulous!

(ain't we just.)


PS - OMG GUYS! I feel SOOO loved! I was sitting here reading this and bursting out laughing at everything me-related (because lets face it, i think a lot of myself). Anyway, thanks for waiting for me!

(i was foxhunting all weekend, wacky fun that was.)


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:44 PM



Originally posted by cageybee:
I hear you collect root beer, some of the Sioux City variety. I live near there and must know how it rates.

(Pop-fizz-glug-glug) Just so so, about a 5!
I think it says it's made in New York.


edit - I found Ebo!

Where was she hiding?



Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:49 PM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
we shall have...a gala!

All crewmembers (even the menfolk, hell, ESPECIALY the menfolk) must wear a slinky or frilly dress. Personaly, i like something with a little slink in it, but thats just me.

um I think I'm doing something that night...when was it?



Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:00 PM


Captain, can I have some money for a slinky dress?

As the VIFG, I assume it is my role to loudly applaud Ebo's return (from her undisclosed location - sorry, Rat, I am sworn to secret secrecy. Its not in my nature to be mysterious, but I can't talk about it and I can't say why.)

*claps until she sees she's the only one doing it....then keeps clapping anyway*


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 6:24 PM



KGB has returned to the clubhouse. The Fireflies can once again play their beautimous music for us.

Our Great Ebo has returned. I was worried the nuns had kidnapped you again.

*twg skips excitedly around the room, clapping and laughing at Ebo and KGB's return*


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:55 PM


* The Real Me nods smugly, quite pleased with himself. *

Excellent! Immediately upon my assuming command and announcing the commencement of “Sereni-TREE 1: In Search of Ebo”, Ebo was found! I consider this the successful completion of my first command! “Sereni-TREE 1: In Search of Ebo”, is hereby CONCLUDED!

* The Real Me salutes Ebonezer. *

Welcome aboard, Captain. The ship is yours!

* The Real Me removes his heavy black coat and drapes it around Ebo’s smaller form. He takes his three-corner hat and plops it on her head. Then with a smile, he unbuckles the belt with the scabbard… and the pistol falls to the ground, goes off, and shoots The Real Me in the left foot. *


* With a painful grimace, The Real Me bends down to pick up the pistol, then limps over to Ebo and buckles the belt with the scabbarded cutlass around her waist. *

We are ready for departure, Captain, on your order.

* The Real Me turns to the “stranger”. *

Welcome, CageyBee! Indeed, yes, I have heard of you. You were a figure of legend when I joined this site.

* Gritting his teeth in pain, The Real Me helps CageyBee aboard the Sereni-TREE. *

You are most welcome! You may pick your own cabin from among those available. I believe that everything in the east wing is vacant.

The Crew List of the Sereni-TREE now consists of:


* The Real Me turns back to Ebo. *

I will soon be ready for “Sereni_TREE 2: The Gala Celebration”, although there is a small matter that I must attend to first.

* The Real Me limps away toward his room, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He stops when he nears SimonWho. *

Uh, Doctor? Do you think you can take a look at this?

* The Real Me collapses from blood loss. *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you.)


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:00 PM


"Oh, I'm pretty sure you just keep hitting the white ball into the pockets."

Fantastic! As it turns out I am very good at doing exactly this, while managing to avoid every other ball on the table. It also turns out I really love this game even though I am possibly the worst player ever.

Everyone put your helmet on! I'm rackin' 'em up!


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:05 PM


Welcome home Captain Ebo! Good to see ya again.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:15 PM


At ease crew! And You, thanks for keeping the seat warm for me.

*Ebo adjusts the hat and makes sure there's no more lead in the pistol. Gunshot wounds can be nasty. Worse then tiger bites, she's heard.*

Oh hey! Mai! Lets play pool! It'll be wacky fun! We can play while they set up for this gala thing.

Oh and will somebody take You some ice or something? That screaming is getting a tad out of hand...


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:24 PM


Sure thing Ebo. You any good? If so, I could really use some help. If not, we could always just clear it off and use to as stage to dance on.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:25 PM


Oh man, I'm TERRIBLE. We should plau for a while though, then we can do the happy dance of joy on the pool table.


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:30 PM


Good call. I guess that's why you're the Captain and I'm just the lowly... well not really sure what it is I do, though I'm sure it's very important, yea ok... so you go first.

*Mai hands Ebo the shiny (Shiny!) golden pool cue*


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:58 PM



Originally posted by ebonezer:
we can do the happy dance of joy on the pool table.

Shall I summon Numfar, sir, to do the dance of joy for you?







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