FireFly deserved to be cancelled

UPDATED: Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:26
VIEWED: 10595
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Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:41 PM


yes, it deserved to be canned, because fox said so. They are the masterminds that cancelled Family Guy and Futurama for King of the Hill. Thats right King of the god damn hill. But if Fox said so then they must be right, and another thing Simpsons has sucked since like season 5. While FireFly was the best thing to happen to Tv since Alias.


Saturday, January 22, 2005 6:50 PM


America loves a winner!

So, you're basically saying that because Fox has no clue about what it's doing, that it only falls in line w/ their woeful track record that Firefly 'should' have been cancelled?

Gee, I suppose so. I guess. Sorta. Maybe.


" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:17 PM


Makes sense. Fox had to cancel Firefly because it made the rest of their lineup seem so painfully awful. How can anyone watch American Idol after an episode of Firefly??


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:37 PM


so I shouldn't like King of the HIll?


Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:39 PM


Um... before spouting faulty logic presumably (poorly) laced with sarcasm at least get facts straight...

Futurama [1999-2003]
Family Guy [1999-2002/present]
King of the Hill [1997-present]

REALLY hard to cancel two shows that weren't started until 1999 and replace it with a show started in 1997.

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:07 AM



Originally posted by fredrickbanting:
yes, it deserved to be canned, because fox said so. They are the masterminds that cancelled Family Guy and Futurama for King of the Hill. Thats right King of the god damn hill. But if Fox said so then they must be right, and another thing Simpsons has sucked since like season 5. While FireFly was the best thing to happen to Tv since Alias.

I love all those shows. SanDimasHighSchoolFootballRules.


Sunday, January 23, 2005 3:54 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by fredrickbanting:
yes, it deserved to be canned, because fox said so. They are the masterminds that cancelled Family Guy and Futurama for King of the Hill. Thats right King of the god damn hill. But if Fox said so then they must be right, and another thing Simpsons has sucked since like season 5. While FireFly was the best thing to happen to Tv since Alias.

After seeing this thread again, I was struck at the use of the word 'deserved'. It seemed odd to me, and then I remembered this -

Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them....? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.

Oh, wait.. maybe we can give life to those who have died...The Family Guy, Serenity. But those are extremely rare cases. I should clarify that the quote I used is directed toward the pin heads at FOX TV. Yeah, that's it.

FOX programming

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:20 AM


I completely agree. Family Guy, Futurama, and of course Firefly, were the best damn shows on tv. Fox are idiots. While I don't hate King of the Hill (like my boyfriend does) it really does pale in comparison to all the aforementioned masterpeices. And after watching all of my Firefly DVDs very recently, I turned on the tv a couple of days ago and American Idol had started yet another season. Cannot bring myself to even attampt to sit through it. Ugh. So much crap.

By the way...this is my first ever do I get emoticons and also commands attached to my signature? Yes, I'm a loser.

"It's my very favorite gun."


Sunday, January 23, 2005 6:49 AM


Why do we even bother responding to these peoples posts?


Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:17 AM


must not respond must not respond....

I'm not even entirely sure whether this thread is trollism or not...hum.

Personally, I love both King of the Hill and Simpsons. I honestly don't agree that Simpsons hasn't been good since season 5. Everyone I know still laughs their asses off at it.

I do agree that Fox makes some horrible decisions. Like, there can be multiple seasons of The Swan, and we can have Who's My Daddy, but Firefly, heck no!


Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:42 AM



Originally posted by Caite:

I do agree that Fox makes some horrible decisions. Like, there can be multiple seasons of The Swan, and we can have Who's My Daddy, but Firefly, heck no!

"Reality" TV cheap, ergo good; scripted TV costly, so bad. And what happens when the Nielsen people get hold of the data they collect...well, it's an open secret that the data lies; but everyone uses it, so it's the Gold Standard.

And for the record, I can't stand King of the Hill and miss Futurama like fire. No one mentions some of my fave-rave dearly departeds, like Profit and VR5 from the 90s or John Doe and Wonderfalls here lately. I truly do not get the mentality that greenlights Oliver Beene and the aforementioned American Idol-style crap...which is why I don't have a six-figure programming czar's job at a major network. Think UPN's hiring? Anyone here support me for that job if I promise to bring back Firefly after Serenity hits it big?


Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:55 AM


Fox cancelled a lot more shows then just those. I'm still mad at them for cancelling Dark Angel.

Two by two, hands of blue


Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:08 AM


Still big fans of King of the Hill and the Simpsons here, which excuses my watching Fox; besides which, they're still showing reruns of Seinfeld (as is TBS, natch), Dharma and Greg, as well as (when the time rolls around) Third Rock From the Sun.

The affiliate here isn't as bad as the network.

In addition, sometimes I'm just too danged lazy to pop in a DVD, on those long, lonely, days when nothing is on the History Channel but their quarter-yearly reshowings of everything to do with WWII (all of which I've already seen at least twice and can take up to two weeks of prime daytime viewing). FX has two two-hour blocks of Buffy. Anyway, the movie channels rarely have anything I'm interested in watching. Although, sometimes I'll get lucky with the Psycho Beach Party Week.

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly


Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:08 AM


Oh I remember VR5! That show was amazing! They also cancelled Millenium, a show by Chris Carter (the creator of XFiles) right BEFORE the actual millenium! How ridiculous is that?


Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:18 AM


Yeah, I loved VR5 the minute it came out. Lori What's-it who starred in it was OOOSOOOOO hot, and for the ladies, my best friend Bets told me Michael Easton, who was the boyfriend, could get sand in her swimsuit any day. She lives in Florida, so that's not just idle ignorance talking!

Milennium was a great idea...but Lance Henriksen droned and mumbled and honked his way through the lines, and I got reeeeeal tired of that. The moppet, Miss Brittany Tiplady, was a good little actress! Enjoyed the shows, and yeah...what the hell's up with canceling the gorram thing BEFORE the milennium???? And I, for one, like The Lone Gunmen but realized it needed some major script help.


Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:22 AM



Originally posted by ReeQueen:
In addition, sometimes I'm just too danged lazy to pop in a DVD, on those long, lonely, days when nothing is on the History Channel but their quarter-yearly reshowings of everything to do with WWII (all of which I've already seen at least twice and can take up to two weeks of prime daytime viewing). FX has two two-hour blocks of Buffy. Anyway, the movie channels rarely have anything I'm interested in watching. Although, sometimes I'll get lucky with the Psycho Beach Party Week.

I'm jealous. I don't have cable (actually, I won't pay the robbers at TimeWarner their $70 a month for them to bring ads into my house!) so I don't even have THOSE options. It is, though, a great motivator to get up off my fat spreadin' ass and plug in Disk Three from The Sacred Series time after time after time.


Sunday, January 23, 2005 10:55 AM


I don't think we pay that much for cable, here. We have the combo broadband/digital cable package, which hasn't been bad. (Can't do dial-up anymore, no, no, no....)

I've actually been saving the Firefly the past couple of weeks, since I'm going to be bored out of my mind in the next week or so, and expect to be watching it, and Angel, repeatedly.

Surgery (nothing serious) and a few day hospital stay. Oldest Son will be lending me his laptop so I can entertain myself while we wait to see if I get an infection (reason for the stay). Only problem is, I know I will get used to watching like that, and will miss the bed tray thingy and laptop when I'm home.

A couch and television, even with remote, just isn't the same.

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly


Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:11 AM


Glad it's not serious, but surgery is always a little nerve-wracking. I just had a dose this past December before my @^&@&% boss fired me.

And I take you to task, ma'am, over not writing fanfic. What better way to hone your craft than to give the assembled masses of fellow fans something to read? I'm working on original fiction, too, and still noodle-doodling away on a fanfic.

Everyone who likes ReeQueen's style, help me out here!


Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:05 PM


I don't know....I just get so anxious if my fiction crosses streams with my screeding and fan-type obsessions. Especially if it's going to involve characters I didn't make up myself. Would have a hard time with keeping the voices as meant originally.

And I know I'd introduce another escapee from the Alliance Brain-Fiddling Organization, who would, incidentally, be hiding in a ship full of dead Reavers that she'd killed with her brain.

Of course, this ship would be found floating by the crew of Serenity, and there would be a similar "girl in a box" thing, and....she'd be wearing black leather for some reason, with short, spiky, blonde hair. And communicate telepathically with River.

Oh, yes, I've thought about it a lot!

Which idea, I'm sure, has been thought of before and that kind of makes me feel like my own imagination is a little limited.

While I have every confidence in the world about writing my own opinions, doing some research, and telling myself stories at night so I can (hopefully) fall asleep, my confidence in my fiction is a little underwhelming. I'm just not ready to expose my imagination in quite the fanfic way, right now.

Although if someone wants me to design costumes, I'm on top of it like that *snap!*

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly


Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:19 PM



Originally posted by ReeQueen:

Which idea, I'm sure, has been thought of before and that kind of makes me feel like my own imagination is a little limited.

While I have every confidence in the world about writing my own opinions, doing some research, and telling myself stories at night so I can (hopefully) fall asleep, my confidence in my fiction is a little underwhelming. I'm just not ready to expose my imagination in quite the fanfic way, right now.

Okay. Now. Here's the thing. No idea anywhere ever is wholly original.

The idea you outlined above is a lovely addition to the 'verse, and no one who can write the way you do in your opinion posts is gonna have any trouble getting the voices down. Even the episodes have some clankers in 'em, and these are well-paid pros in the field!

Need a beta? I'm just gonna keep messaging you until you say yes, so save us both the time.
Arrogantly, Oldfan45


Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:52 PM



No idea anywhere ever is wholly original.

I think I read somewhere that there are only, like, two stories, it's the permutations that constitute originality.

....still grumbling....I'll give it some more thought....grumble, grumble....I mean, really, making me stop and really think about it? The nerve!

Of course, you are rubbing me the right way, so that helps. /ego inflation

Riding off, grumbling into the sunset (however briefly, nobody get their hopes up). E-mail me at if you must.

Three smiley post! You've kind of put me off my game, there, OldFan45....I don't think I've been so flustered since I got toilet paper and my skirt tucked into the back of my pantyhose at a highschool a capella competition and walked cluelessly out of the bathroom, down the hall, out of the building, and onto the bus before somebody thought to mention it. (But this time I'm not flustered in the bad way!)

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly


Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:09 PM


Firefly was cancelled for lots of reasons. The first and foremost was probably money, the cost of the show versus the risk of potential reward. That probably includes things like the type of show (sci fi isn't cheap), the people in charge (Whedon doesn't exactly strike me as conflict free) and the relative state of the network.

When Fox was starting out, they had the Simpsons and Married with Children and alot of junk. They started out much like UPN and the WB are now, trying to hit a younger demographic. The XFiles survived partly because it drew audiences on the wasteland of friday night, but because this was before Fox has the lucrative NFL broadcast rights and a more powerful lineup of shows. If Firefly was created much much earlier, it might have had a better chance. Because a fledgling network has to show more crap than it probably wants to. If the XFiles came out now instead of back in the early 90s, who knows if it would have survived?

On the WB or UPN, Firefly probably would have gotten a lower budget and had to dumb it down for a younger demographic, but I think those networks would be more forgiving to poor ratings than Fox. Not saying they'd absolve bad ratings, but they'd probably give a show a season more than Fox would.

Whats suprising of course is the FX channel which Fox owns. The Shield, NipTuck and Rescue Me all have gotten critical acclaim. However those shows are stocked with solid B actors in dialogue driven dramas. Obviously more care is given to cable shows in terms of investing for the long haul as even the subpar The Wire still survives on HBO.

The problem with Firefly isn't stupid fans or even stupid Fox execs, though those things might have been huge factors. The problem is that Firefly is realistically a cable show that was miscast as a network television show. And it would have had a better chance on the Sci Fi channel ( more lined up with the target demographic) or UPN/WB - places that would give Firefly a little room to grow if it showed potential despite some less than stellar ratings. ( like UPN is coddling that Veronica Mars show)

To Fox's defense, they've done some cutting edge stuff. XFiles was the first show that was truly movie quality in its production for its time. 21JumpStreet was fairly edgy, aimed at older teens and arguably opened up the path for UPN/WB to see a market for that kind of prime time television, The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, King of the Hill all showed a prime time cartoon could make it, the first since the Flintstones. And 24, which is as good as any cable show out there.

I think you might see more TV created the way CBS does it. They get low end movie actors and use movie directors and writers to guide their shows. CBS really makes it look like they invest more time and money and effort in their shows, but that investment is paying off for them. Ridley and Tony Scott's Numbers might be a flop, but I bet it gets enough ratings to last a few season like the subpar Cold Case, Navy NCIS and CSI Miami.

Full Capacity


Sunday, January 23, 2005 1:20 PM


Cogent and well-argued. Fox was, in the early days, Dross TV as my father wittily called it. I liked Against the Law, a lawyer series with some testicles, and Alien Nation was a hit with me too.

And I agree that Firefly is a natural for cable, and even for SciFi, since they're owned by NBC which also includes Universal in its empire.

>crosses all crossable parts< Make it happen, make it happen, make it happen....


Sunday, January 23, 2005 3:34 PM


Curious...did you respond this way because you diagree with my opinion or because I'm new and not terribly adept at net posting? Perhaps both?

"It's my very favorite gun."


Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:16 PM


I don't think he was responding to you in particular, but the thread itself. A lot of times it's just easier to click reply on the last post in the thread when you want to add your two cents.

Don't let it scare you off. Keep posting

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Sunday, January 23, 2005 5:35 PM



Originally posted by sighren:
Curious...did you respond this way because you diagree with my opinion or because I'm new and not terribly adept at net posting? Perhaps both?

"It's my very favorite gun."

No what I said wasn't directed at you. As Montanagirl said I was directing that post at these “FF sux” threads in general and it’s easier to click the latest post to reply (one of my only gripes about this forum... that and all posts are in one big thread with no pages.)


Thursday, February 3, 2005 5:39 AM



Well living in Australia we have only just gotten Firefly here. It's on at 1am in the morning but I always stay up to watch it. I have the DVD's on order ... it is a real shame to see a show as good as this one be axed. The sci fi fans cop it again. I don't enjoy any of the startreks ... i get sick of how "perfect" the humans always are ... firefly shows that people still have faults. The only other half decent sci fi show on is Stargate ... Bad move Fox...

Oh and Firefly did not deserve to be cancelled.


Thursday, February 3, 2005 9:53 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by fredrickbanting:
yes, it deserved to be canned, because fox said so. They are the masterminds that cancelled Family Guy and Futurama for King of the Hill. Thats right King of the god damn hill. But if Fox said so then they must be right, and another thing Simpsons has sucked since like season 5. While FireFly was the best thing to happen to Tv since Alias.

Fred, you're my kinda cynical...

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.
Minnesota Meetup - join us!


Thursday, February 3, 2005 10:26 AM


they are wrong!!!






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