How did you FIRST discover Firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 1, 2005 19:56
VIEWED: 14609
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:40 PM


There may have previously been a thread like this a long time ago, but I am very interested to hear how people got introduced to Firefly and what drew them to it.

As for me, I was introduced by my Mom back when it was first on t.v. I would come home from college for the weekend, and she'd be watching it. A few times I sat and watched with her, and I thought it was entertaining and definately different from everything else on t.v. I was confused about the relationship between everyone because 1) I hadn't been watching from the beginning, and 2) As I learned later, Fox showed them in a bad order. At any rate, later, I bought her the DVDs for Christmas, and she lent me each disk after she watched it. Well, needless to say, I immediately decided to buy my own set!

Please, post your own stories!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:50 PM


I love everything Joss Whedon. Being an enormous fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (both extremely well written and produced), I decided to look at Whedon's work outside the Buffyverse and I liked it. I never caught ever episode. I actually saw the first show they aired. Then I saw Jaynestown and the pilot and I was mad that it was cancelled. Two years later, I've picked up the episodes and I'm watching them in order. The more I watch, the less reason I see for cancellation. I can't wait for Serenity, it's going to be insane.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:51 PM



Originally posted by Caite:
There may have previously been a thread like this a long time ago, but I am very interested to hear how people got introduced to Firefly and what drew them to it.

As for me, I was introduced by my Mom back when it was first on t.v. I would come home from college for the weekend, and she'd be watching it. A few times I sat and watched with her, and I thought it was entertaining and definately different from everything else on t.v. I was confused about the relationship between everyone because 1) I hadn't been watching from the beginning, and 2) As I learned later, Fox showed them in a bad order. At any rate, later, I bought her the DVDs for Christmas, and she lent me each disk after she watched it. Well, needless to say, I immediately decided to buy my own set!

Please, post your own stories!

i think this was posted before, but it is fun to revisit.

i saw "out of gas" when it aired on fox and thought it was pretty cool. after the show was canceled, a co-worker lent me VCDs of all the episodes that aired which he had downloaded via bit-torrent or whatever that thing is called. i watched "the train job" first and i was hooked! i spent almost all of my christmas vacation watching the episodes on my computer. it was the ONLY reason i brought my computer on vacation with me! needless to say, after christmas i went out and bought the DVDs. the discs cycle in and out of my DVD player on a regular basis.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 12:53 PM


I don't see ANY reason for the cancellation either!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:04 PM


I think I actually first heard about it in a slashdot posting before the show aired. I was intrigued so I searched around and landed here (and the OB) and the rest is history...well, mildly historical for one, a footnote? Yep, the rest is definitely a moderately-long footnote in the annals of fandom history.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:38 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

A couple of things happend. First, I saw the write up in the paper and noticed that Gina Torres was in it. I liked her from Hercules The Legendary Journeys and Cleopatra 2525. And then I broke my wrist, which completely changed my plans for Friday nights. So as the song goes... It was Friday night and I had nothing to do so I turned on ..."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:40 PM


Ohhh, I loved Hercules too!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:41 PM


I started watching BtVS when I was flat on my back for the 3 months prior to spinal surgery in 2002. I had promised myself not to get hooked on the soaps while I was off of work and what did I do? I started watching Buffy on FX, 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. I got hooked on a Whedon-opera instead.

Then, curious as to what the heck Buffy was doing whenever she went to LA, I started watching Angel. Long story short, I now own all 7 seasons of Buffy, all 4 (soon to be 5!) of Angel.

I was still new to the Whedon-verse but already totally hooked on Buffy and Angel when ads for Firefly started coming on. It didn't look all that intriguiging (sp?) but out of loyalty to Joss, I taped it while I watched "Hack." Needless to say, the next week I was watching FF AND taping it as well. Screw "Hack!" I was also watching "John Doe" and "Haunted" and missed them when they were cancelled, but not near as much as I yearned to be back amongst my Firefly guys.

Can you tell I was pretty lonely for the 6 months I was out of commission?


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:55 PM


I remeber wanting to check out Firefly, but not really making the time for it. I think I tuned in for the intro one week, the Mrs. Reynolds episode I think, saw the horse and wagon and said to myself "Self, I thought we were going to watch us some science fiction." turned off the tv and likely headed out for some mexican food. The next week however, I tuned in and was hooked. Thankfully I rarely learn from my mistakes the first time or else I would have written it off. Also with my then girlfriend now wife on deployment, entertainement was scarce. Unfortunately shortly after I was hooked I headed out to sea for a couple months and when I came back it was gone. And there was the familiar feeling of disapointment at tv people, same as when the cancelled Bakersfield P.D.


"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 1:56 PM


I didn't watch it when it was on fox, even though I love Joss's work I was still mad at them for cancelling Dark Angel. I went to D*C this past summer and met the cast, they were really nice, so I decided to get the DVDs for x-mas and give the show a try. I spent a whole day locked in my room watching them. And now i'm hooked and wishing for more episodes.

Keep shiny!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:02 PM


I know all about watching too much tv while laid up with back problems. Secondhand though. My wife just had back surgery after being almost helpless for most of last year. We watched the entire run of Dawson's Creek in syndication like twice (I don't know why but that show always makes me feel like a creepy old guy and I'm just 28), along with soaps and Firefly (cause she bought it for me for one of the too frequent occasions on which we exchange gifts.. to be fair it was one of the best gifts ever).

"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:11 PM


I was channel surfing and saw Lorne singing on Angel and couldn't change the channel. Then I saw Angel do Barry Manellow and, well, I thought the show was hi-larious! I was telling my brother-in-law about the show and then he told me about Buffy. Turned out it was on 4 hours ever day! So I started watching it and caught up real fast.

I started in the middle of Buffy and it was clear I was missing stuff, so I started reading the transcripts to catch up on the back stories.

Any way, a read on a board about another Joss show called Firefly. Found the transcripts for the episodes that were aired and read them all. Well I was hooked! Got on line with Amazon and bought the set.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:42 PM


A friend from work told me about Firefly right after it started airing. I managed to remember to watch it one Friday night (Safe) and liked it. At the time I wasn't free much on Friday's so I pretty much missed the rest of it's short run and I forgot about it. At the time I had never watched BtVS or Angel so I really had no idea what I had been missing all these years.

Anyway, when Firefly came out on DVD, a different friend brought his copy over to our house and we watched "Serenity" and "The Train Job" and I was immediatly hooked and ordered myself a copy. A couple days after that I ordered another copy to loan out to people in an effort to get others hooked.

After seeing the sheer quality of Firefly I decided to check out BtVS and Angel and got way hooked on those as well and now own them all on DVD, too. I am now a Joss Whedon junkie.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:52 PM


America loves a winner!

This might sound as heresy to some, but it's just how it was. I got hooked big time on John Doe initially, and since Firefly was the lead in for J.D. , I would watch it just because.

Then there were the ads for Firefly on FOX ( There weren't many, I know ). From the creator of Buffy/Angel - Joss Whedon's Firefly . I wasn't overly into either B or A, untill the last seasons for each. A friend of mine was WAY into B/A , and I figured that since she had such discriminating standards, that Firefly might be worth a go. As for the ads, it was kinda unclear just what it was that FOX had up its sleeve, but I'll never forget the early teasers w/ Mal and Inara.
Mal- How's business?
Inara- none of yours.
Hee hee. And the shot of a nekkid River in a box was enough to intrigue me as well.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:01 PM


Well, considering that in Australia, Firefly is being aired after midnight (but thankfully in the right order, due to the many viewers who wrote to the network), that's not how I first came across the show.

Coz we get everything after the USA, I'd heard rave reviews from people on other p'boards about the show for months before the dvds were released... most other aussies I know bought the dvds without knowing if the show was ever gonna be aired here. For most of us, it was a leap of faith based on other's opinions. And now we have to wait until November 10th for Serenity!

So first contact with firefly was seeing the dvds in a store, and going, "Oh, that's Joss' show" and buying them to see what the dealio was.

*Proud to be a Flan*


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 3:11 PM


Hey, I think I started a thread like this way back before my disappearance. Just goes to show, good ideas never die. *crosses fingers*

Anyway, back in the day, I was a Roswell addict. And sometimes Buffy would be on following Roswell. I started watching Buffy about halfway through the 5th season, and not expecting much after the movie, was immediately shocked and intrigued. I watched (and taped) the shows when they were on FX. Of course, at the end of the 5th season, Buffy moved to UPN, which wasn't shown in my area. So I would stay up late Sunday nights to catch the new eps as they were broadcast on the ABC affiliate. Because Angel was still on the WB with Roswell, I watched that as well. My love for all things Joss quickly squished any notion I had that I would pledge my undying love to Roswell. And as soon as I heard Joss had another show coming out, I couldn't wait. I taped it from the beginning. I stayed home Friday nights my freshman year of college to watch. (Of course, I would go out right after.) Like Mal-licious, I am the proud owner of every episode of anything Joss-created, except season 5 of Angel, which I will soon obtain and love.

So the short answer is, I watched it from the beginning on Fox and loved every second.


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:12 PM


Hmm. Well I had vaguely heard of it when it came on. I have a friend I swap tapes of shows with on a regular basis who is religious about following a lot of current TV, trying all the new shows and being pretty obsessive about the cult stuff. He and I differ on some (He loves Smallville, while I being the Superman purist, hate it) but we agree on a lot of classic shows and he did get me hooked on the Dead Zone so hey...

Anyway He kept raving about Firefly. I was skeptical as I was never a Angel or Buffy fan. They looked too typical WB 'teen' for me. At his request I watched it and ended up seeing Out of Gas. I recall him making a lot of parallels to Firefly and anothe rof our mutually be,loved Scifi shows: Blake's 7. And I could see some of what he was talking about. I loved the style of the ship and the lived-in look it had and I especially liked Mal's character.

A little lost but a little intrigued, I tuned in a week or two later to catch most of Safe which, while entertaining, didn't impress me that much. The overt Western stuff threw me. But I'm horrible about catching shows live on-air anymore so I waited for him to send me tapes which in the midst of other stuff we swapped he NEVER sent me. So I forgot about it (after I heard it was canceled).

Flash foward to September of 2004: then upon seeing the DVDs in the stores one day I ordered them on my netflix cue. I watched discs 1 and 4 (yeah I know netflix botched it a bit) and I found Fox dropped the ball on a seriously good thing and I was kicking myself for not being on the bandwagon eariler. I promptly bought myself a DVD set and have converted countless others by either making them tapes or buying them the DVD sets straight out. And no here I am eagerly awaiting Serenity....


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:49 PM


Well I seen a commercial for it. Then I read something about it being a Joss Whedon show and went about cancelling anything that would be going on during that hour.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:24 PM


I'm so excited to read all of your stories! Thanks everyone for contributing! Keep them coming


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 5:45 PM


The boyfriend of my wife's best friend borrowed it from his friend and brought it over one Saturday night last summer for us to watch. Dayum! I was hooked within the first five minutes. Bought the box for my birthday and it all just snowballed from there. :)


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning and the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, there's work to do." -Dr. Who

See my Site:
See my Firefly Store (new items! 1/05):


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:09 PM


I was a fan of Buffy and Angel, and heard about Joss's new show on Fox which sounded like something I'd probably enjoy. The problem is I never quite figured out when it was on, and when it was on I usually wasn't home from work yet, so I managed to miss it entirely when it was aired.

Then at my brother's wedding in September, I was talking to him and it came up that I had not yet seen Firefly. He hollered across the room to his best man to let him know that I hadn't seen Firefly. (Henry and I are both B5 fans so we'd had slightly obsessed fan discussions before.) Henry vowed to rectify my lack, and as soon as he got home from the wedding he FedEx'd me his Firefly DVDs. I had strict orders that I could only have them for a month. Once I watched the first episode, I was hooked. I watched them all in a weekend, got to the end of OiS, and began violently cursing (albeit belatedly) the morons at Fox ending this show when there was so much story that needed to be told.

Then somehow, I can't remember exactly how, I found my way here And my brother got me my own set of DVDs for Christmas. And I'm getting my mom to knit me a cunning hat for the movie.

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 6:18 PM


The summer ads for it is what got me interested. I knew a little about Joss Whedon, had enjoyed a few episodes of Buffy but wasn't hooked on that show (yet).

Firefly and John Doe both looked pretty interesting to me, so I set my VCR to record them when they first aired. Hooked my brother on Firefly at the same time :).

Firefly looked funny, but I didn't expect it to be nearly as good as it is. I was hooked by the end of The Train Job :). John Doe I expected more from, didn't care for the formulatic approach to that show.

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:39 PM


giving my own thread a bumpity bump!


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:22 PM



... I liked her from Hercules The Legendary Journeys and Cleopatra 2525..

I use to love Xena Warrior Princess and Hercules and Cleopatra 2525. I still even sing the song

Cleopatra 2525 were the women with the will to surive!!lol

I started watching from the get go I saw the previews and I tuned in for the 1rst show only I thought I had missed wasn't until after the show was canceled and I came to this sight that I found out that they never aired the I really didn't miss anything!!lol


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:53 PM


Well first of all I'm new here and want to give a big howdy out to everyone. As far as how I got hooked on Firefly it was all because of a t-shirt. I'd heard FOX was going to have a sci-fi show. With it being FOX I was worried it would be craptacular and didn't give it too much thought. I'd never watched Buffy so I was unaware of Joss's briliiance. So anyway, I'm at Wizardcon Chicago, Yes I'm a comic geek, and some people were handing out Firefly t-shirts and hats. I was given a T-shirt and thought it was cool. So when I started seeing commercials for the show I could tell I would like it and that it would be unlike any Sci-Fi I was familar with. I watched and taped it every week and was hooked from then on out. I'm currently re-watching the series which prompted me to look for Firefly sites and found this one. Shiny!!


Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:22 AM


I saw the previews and recognized Nathan from Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place and thought it looked great. Not really a Joss fan, I don't really care for the Buffy/Angel stuff, sorry. I will watch(try to watch) his stuff now, well, his new stuff. When Mal 'threw' the guy into the engine was when I knew I wouldn't miss an episode. I will be in line(hope there is a line) for Serenity on opening day. Have I redeemed myself?

ByteTheBullet (-:


Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:05 AM


Welcome RONER!

I was at a friends house the summer before Firefly aired and he is into Buffy and watched everyday on FX. I always made fun of him when he would say things like 'I gotta get home...Buffy is on!'. So this day I actually payed attention, it was the begining of season 4, and I got hooked in the 2 hours. I had to watch the next day and the day after that. So as Firefly came on the air I was franticly watching Buffy reruns and had no idea the Firefly was a show untill well after it was canceled. I had seen most Buffy episodes and alot of Angel when I was in wal-mart and saw Firefly. I had seen online that it was by Joss and co. I thought heck, it must be good. The they history.

" is my very favorite gun."


Thursday, January 27, 2005 4:43 AM


I first heard about Firefly on Fox's commercials for the new series from the creator of Buffy and Angel. I knew I loved Buffy and hadn't seen ay of Angel, but a commercial full of rockets and horses and guns and Smashmouth's "Walkin on the Sun" (that was in the commercials, right?) was all I needed. I started on the opening night with The Train Job, and either watched or recorded every episode that was shown.
Unfortunately, the show was cancelled , my VCR ate most of my tapes , and the show faded into that part of my mind that says "Remember that cool show? I bet I was the only one outside my family who liked it."
Well, a couple of years later I found someone in one of my classes who remembered Firefly too . First he gave me CD's with copies of the episodes, and then he told me of the DVD release - and now I can't wait for the movie!!

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I originally caught it on TV when Fox made their first of many blunders in handling it by canning the actual pilot and having Joss do "Train Job" as the pilot.

I was a bit standoffish at first as I was not really sure who these character were, how they came to be together, or what their motivations were for operating outside the law.

I was still unsure up until the moment that Mal kicked Crow through Serenity's port engine. It was at that moment, as I laughed until I cried, that I knew this show was special.

I have been around ever since.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:41 AM


Saw the infamous "Girl in a Box" commercial. It might have been the first of Fox's many blunders, but it sure intrigued me. Caught every broadcast episode on tape -- then one of the gorram tapes self-destructed, and frog-humping Fox didn't even give the episodes a summer rerun! Thought my collection was humped for sure until the DVD set came out. (Thanks for the 12th Night present Eric!)

"Hermanos! The Devil has built a robot! Andale!" -- Numero Cinco


Thursday, January 27, 2005 7:04 AM


I was a huge fan of Buffy and Angel. When I heard that Joss was working on a new show called Firefly, I awaited it with baited breath. I was there from the beginning trying to get other people to watch it until Fox broke my heart (the first of many times).

The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason!


Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:09 AM


ooo oo, my turn:
My sister Mary bugged me about borrowing her DVD set so I could join the ranks of the nobel Browncoats, but I was all, like, "noOoo. I don't have time. I've got to go to my "job"." She even went so far as to force me to watch the dinosaur scene and the xmas party vid and a few fan music vids, but I was still all "ha ha that's funny, maybe I'll borrow it for the honeymoon". And then I got all stressed working full time in a video game store during GTA: san Andreas release AND planning my wedding AND trying to find a better job, so I burning out and needed something funny so I borrowed disk1 just for kicks. The next day , I demanded disk 2, and took all the rest as well. While cleaning my wallet after my honeymoon I came across a B+N giftcard from the previous xmas that I had never used so I went and bought myself a box set guilt free (as it was almost xmas and I had other presents to buy). Now I'm sitting on pins and needles for Serenity because I NEED more Firefly. I don't like it when things I need are cancelled.
Ya see, I'm a Reboot fan. And all other Reboot fans know we got cut off at a horrible cliffhanger in the final season cuz Cartoon Network was being Fox-y and decided to cancel the contract midseason. Like Firefly, there is a strong fanbase begging for the ending (in any form), but the team gave up and split up. THANK YOU JOSS WHEDON FOR NOT LETTING US DOWN!!!!!

anywho, that's my rant for the day.

"Shall my tiny replica do battle with your tiny replica?"


Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:48 AM


I think Joss should feel honored that so many of you started watching Firefly because you love his work. We Browncoats are sure a loyal bunch, aren't we?!


Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:11 AM


I saw the commercials leading up to the new TV season and thought that the show certainly looked like it would be worth watching, billed as it was as as adult, non-Star Trek sci-fi. I avidly waited for the premier and watched it. And felt kind of odd, as I was not prepared for the western-ish feel. I did like the writing and the acting, though, so I gave it another shot (how many people loved X-Files from the get-go? Not me, but I ended up watching it through season 5) and by the 2nd or 3rd ep had fallen in love with the show. I even remember thinking that this show is a lot like how I'd imagined the Traveller RPG would be if it made it to TV/the big screen :)

Luckily for me, I never really noticed that Joss was behind the show until I'd already been hooked; I couldn't stand Buffy or Angel and had I seen one of the commercials that touted Joss as a seling point, most likely I would have missed out on Firefly :)

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.


Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:26 AM


My story isn't too exciting so I'll go on a tangent in a bit. I'm basically the standard Buffy & Angel (so therefore Joss) fan who decided to watch for that reason. Being in college I wasn't exactly the best at catching shows on TV. I think I may have seen one or two when the actually aired. Though I was smart enough to download all the episodes as they became available.

The downloading part is a better story. So, back in Angel when Conner got taken to Kortoth (sp?) there was a long down time before the next episode. The day that episode was supposed to air stupid basketball was shown instead. I was devistated so I set out on a quest to find someone in internet land with the episode. I eventually discovered a good place to download it and got the episode. This was beneficial when Buffy went to UPN and the night of the season premier I discovered I didn't get UPN at school. Right back to online downloading I went. While I was there I picked up Firefly. I too was confused by The Train Job. I had seen the terrible commercials with the girl in the box and such. I felt like I was missing something but when mal kicked Crow through the engine I decided it was worthy of watching. Later I found the unaired pilot online and I was all caught up. I was ticked when the show got cancelled. Got my dvds the first christmas they were out. Sent my VCDs off to one of my friends to get him hooked and I've been converting anyone I can ever since.


Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:00 AM


I was waiting for a ride to go play triv (NTN) and just channel surfing when I recognized Joey from OLTL so I tuned in for a minute, loved the toss out the "window" during the bar fight then the whole space ship/horses/western thing all flowed together for me and I was hooked from the early minutes of The Train Job. Now, like so many others I'm waiting oh-so-impatiently for September and Serenity...


Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:19 AM


My friend and I were huge Buffy and Angel fans and heard that Joss had a new show through SFX Magazine. The magazine staff raved about it, the people who wrote in raved about it so trusting Joss (though it wasnt much of a risk because anything he does is magnificent) my friend bought the series. However we didnt watch the DVD set until about two months later after our A Levels. And it was a good thing we waited because we were addicted straight away and cared nothing for the outside world until we had seen every episode. Love at first sight.

Oh and then of course i bought my own DVD box set.

Sarah and my friend (michelle)


Thursday, January 27, 2005 11:53 AM


I was always a huge Buffy and Angel fan (Angel moreso). My work schedule was really busy when Firefly originally aired, so I missed out. Heard good things of course. But one day while walking through a used DVD shop, I saw the box set for $19. Of course I'm going to pick that up!

The show started out slowly, but by the time of Shindig I was so completely hooked. At this point I think I'm addicted, and I really, really could use another fix.


Thursday, January 27, 2005 12:35 PM


I was watching Tremors on Sci Fi (yeah, the film about giant worms) and in the advert break there was an advert for a new show called Firefly. The advert looked really good so I watched it and taped it. First day they showed Serenity and then they showed the rest of the episodes in twos. I saw it up to Jaynestown and somehow I missed the rest. First chance I got, I bought the DVD set. I remember walking into HMV, £35 in hand, walking straight past the Bride from Kill Bill and buying Firefly. Everyone was buying Kill bill except me.

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:01 PM


I might call myself "little ms. behind the curve girl" 'cause I didn't clue into Firefly until my brother & sister-in-law practically forced thier copies of the dvd set in our hands about six months ago.
My husband and I were/are big Farscape fans, and having run out of series to sate us we thought oh hey, well why not, maybe it's not too bad?
(Here's where I get to make the high-pitched happy noise... *yieieieie!* normally not noticed except by dogs and flans) -- yep, 'twas hooked, totally cool!
Odd thing, we've only seen them that once but they are indelibly burned into my brain.

And this is from someone who does not own a t.v. (Yep, I used to stream in "squinty-vision" episodes of Stargate to my dial-up computer while living in a small Greek village with one public phone -- what a way to kill four hours!)



Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:31 PM


Buffy is the reason for my love of Firefly. I remember seeing the commercial for FF(all the scenes were from the pilot Serenity) on Fox, and it mentioned it was from the creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. That was all I needed. I knew I would watch it from the first episode. I was actually upset at the time, becuase I thought Joss was abandoning Buffy never to return, but soon realized that he can multitask bigtime.
After watching the Train Job, I liked it, but wasn't sure I would like it as well as Buffy. By the time Jaynestown aired, Firefly was my favorite show. I looked forward to every Friday at 8:00. I was really upset when Fox cancelled it. When I heard Universal pushed the theatrical release back to the end of September, I was once again bummed. Why do all of us Firefly fans have to suffer? I swear it's some type of torture.


Friday, January 28, 2005 4:56 AM


I love Buffy and Angel, but never really linked Joss Whedon until I signed up for a popular culture class in Joss Whedon at my university. Over the holiday break, I watched the season and fell hopelessly in love. By the time I saw The Message, tears were freely flowing. I'm now a lifer!
Erica, MA Student


Friday, January 28, 2005 5:04 AM


I agree, we Firefly fans suffer, and I'm only a recent convert to the BrownCoat Society. Joss not only is excellent at multi-tasking, he is excellent about ispiring thos around him to see his vision ans support it. Once a writer/director glimpses that vision of genius that is Joss Whedon, they are forever enamored with the need to please the premise of the show. He is amazing. Candace Havens did a fairly okay biography of Joss, outlining Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Fray (not to mention his disappointments as a sciprtdoctor) in _Joss Whedon: The Genius Behind Buffy_. It's worth the read if you're interested.


Friday, January 28, 2005 1:01 PM


I had quit watching TV somewhat before then, but my girl was watching the 'evil mind destroying box' and one of the rare few promo commercials for Firefly came on, which caught my attention immediately cause it was a genre that's been tried twice, and failed twice, on television, and is a genre I happen to LIKE dammit, heh.

Space Rangers bombed (CBS aired it against Bab5 and DS9,I suppose you could call it suicide)
And another show involving a Fleet Light Corvette never even got past the promo pilot, although they did air that.. but when the TV Guide says "Pilot, 2hrs", most folks give it a miss.

So with a little poking around, I got the addy of the F*X official site, and it looked good, once I got the sample clip from "The Train Job" to work, I was like "oh yeaaah", so I planted myself in front of the evilbox and was pleasantly surprised... and yes, crow being kicked through the engine was "the hook moment" for most of us.

Ironically I didn't even realize it was a Whedon thing until like, 3rd or 4th ep, and then only cause my girl is a Buffy fan.

Here's a haunting thought of the day for ya.
Old,Bad Spike (as opposed to nicer fluffier spike) and Jayne on a drinking binge at YOUR local bar... now that's bad.



Friday, January 28, 2005 1:01 PM


Hey there fellow Browncoats! Thought this would be a good start for my first post.

Living in the UK, I had heard about Firefly long before seeing it. Being a major Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, I was intrigued by the fact that it was created by Joss but never gave much thought to the show until it became available on DVD in the US. I like genre/fantasy shows but am not really into sci-fi so I really didn’t know whether I’d like Firefly. Having read many reviews, all positive, I bought a copy of the DVD on Region 1 the day it was released.

The show was so different from what I had expected and was instantly hooked. I was surprised I could love a show so much considering there are only 14 episodes. I still watch episodes on a regular basis and Firefly remains my most watched DVD.

It’s such a shame Firefly was cancelled but I’m eagerly anticipating the release of Serenity.


Friday, January 28, 2005 3:10 PM


I discovered Firefly on the telly (on a Fox Friday night). "Train Job" was the episode. Those were heady days... on Cartoon Network the hour before Firefly Justice League ran back-to-back with Samurai Jack. Those three shows became the Friday night 7-9pm ritual of mine and a couple of my friends.

I can think of only one weekly TV ritual that was more fun: The two seasons when Angel and Buffy ran back-to-back on WB.

Anyway, I loved Firefly immediately and am still po'd that we didn't even get a full season of that fine show.



Friday, January 28, 2005 3:58 PM


First time I heard of it, I was watching the Simpsons. I caught the last 2 seconds of a trailer, a spaceship spooking a heard of horses. I wanted to see the whole trailer so badly, I watched all 30 minutes of Malcome in the Middle (and I ing HATE that show) to see the whole thing and find out when it was on.

Basically, I've been a Browncoat from minute 1.

Arguing with a Reaver is not smart.


Friday, January 28, 2005 5:24 PM


I was on a Role Playing Game publisher's forum. Folks were discussing the series coming to DVD. I forgot about the series until Xmas of 2003 when I saw it for sale at Wal*Mart.

I bought the series and I started to watch the episodes a week or so later.

'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Friday, January 28, 2005 6:59 PM


Welcome Emz! So good to meet another fellow browncoat!


Friday, January 28, 2005 7:45 PM


living in australia, we never even got it on tv until very recently, and not in my town. but, fortunately for me, both myself and my sister are huge buffy and angel fanatics (you have no idea how obsessed we are). therefore, when my sister learnt about firefly, she was outraged that we didn't get it. so, herself and her friend went and bought it from the internet. needless to say they were hooked. every time i would speak to my sister she would be like rambling on about how it wasn't fair it was cancelled and how it was sucha great show. at this stage i still hadn't seen it, and was getting mightily sick of hearing this every time i spoke to her. but then she bought me the dvd's for my birthday, and was ever so adamant that she be on the phone with me when i opened it. so of course i had to act excited and shocked by this 'shiny' present. then she gave a list of commands, such as i must watch them all in order, and watch all episodes before i listen to any commentaries and blah blah blah. so, one day after school i sat down with my homework and put on the two hour pilot. needless to say my homework never got done. after that exact moment i was hooked. i've seen each episode at least four times, not to mention certain episodes i have seen over fifteen times. the more i get invested in this show, the more i can't wait for the movie. why do we have to wait so gorram long!!

No power in the 'Verse can stop me!!!






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