Final Solution

UPDATED: Monday, January 20, 2003 09:25
VIEWED: 2314
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Thursday, January 16, 2003 8:58 PM


The tragedy for we fans of Firefly is that many TV viewers have the TV on all day (getting brainwashed), and never pay serious attention to ANY TV show. I suspect this is the audience that Fox seeks. By startling contrast, we who appreciate Whedon's genius make doggoned sure NOTHING disturbs our concentrated viewing of his shows.

For example, when I watch "Buffy" I make sure I've disconnected the phone, posted a "Taping -- Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, and do not allow visitors. I've acted that way ever since about 10 minutes into the very first ep of "Buffy" back in '95 or so. The show gets my full attention. Since I first began watching TV in 1948, nothing but nothing has approached the quality and extremely high entertainment value of "Buffy." "Firefly" promises to be even better.

I have a solution, albeit a messy one. It is that Mr. Whedon, the cast, crew, and all us fans file a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Fox for defamation of character, gross incompetence, and failure to advertise/promote "Firefly." The show did not fail to find an audience, Fox failed IT. "Firefly" was not only not given a chance, the execs failed to recognize Mr. Whedon's genius and (worse) defamed his character and track record by assuming he didn't know what he was doing. Fox's refusal to run "Firefly" episodes in sequence is gross incompetence on their part, with a resultant grand offense to we the viewers, cheated out of enjoying Mr. Whedon's potentially best brain-child. The compensation for a successful suit could be financial for the cast and crew, and a two- or three-year contract to air Firefly with good promotion, in a favorable timeslot, for the fans.

Concerning Fox's handling of Firefly, in the words of the immortal Jayne Cobb, "Smells like crotch!"



Thursday, January 16, 2003 10:43 PM


Nothing personal, buuuuut...

This is one of the things I think is most wrong with America. I'm bummed that they cnacelled FF. It's a great show. I've done my bit to try and get it back on the air, still am, for that matter.

But, when it boils down to it, IT'S FOX'S MONEY that made the show. They have a right to incest it where they want to. (That's what TV shows are, after all, investments).

How would you feel if someone sued you because you decided not to buy Yahoo stock 5 years ago? It was good stock, company did well, but you weren't comfortable taking that risk. (Who'da thunk a search engine would get traded for $150+ per share?). You'd tell them to piss off, it's your money, you'll spend it how, where, when, and on what YOU want.

So, while I appreciate your conviction to the show, I believe you should divert your efforts to something else. A lot of people at the official Fox board (which they are still graciously letting run at are writing Fox and requesting that they air the 3 unreleased episodes, and maybe rerun the others, over the summer. There is also a representative of a media company trying to pitch a direct to DVD concept to ME and 20th C Fox. (I unfortunately don't recall his email address, but it can be found here on the thread about FF on DVD).

That's just my opinion. I suppose the nice thing about America is that you can do whatever the heck you want, despite what this 23 year old Army vet has to say about it.

Best Regards,



Sunday, January 19, 2003 11:38 PM


Maybe someone else has already had this idea already, and I just haven't seen the posting, especially since I haven't really looked around at all. Why don't the fans pay for part of the show?
It seems in most of the news I've read, the major complaint is the $2 million dollar production cost. At it's lowest point Firefly pulled, what, a 2.5 rating? That represents roughly 2.5 million homes and about 6 million people, right? Now, if we were real optimists, we could say ten percent of those people are true fans who want to see the show go on. At worst, we could be looking at 1%, although even that is optimistic. But let's go with it anyway. If we're lucky, there are 60,000 people who really want to see the show go on, and if we're really lucky, that's 600,000. Now I'm not exactly a statistician, and I'm really just coming up with these figures so as not to be too ridiculous. After all, in a perfect world, all 6 million would be true fans. But, if a certain amount of people were willing to donate a few dollars a week to some kind of fund, then that could possibly cut the production costs significantly to make the show more appealling to the networks. Of course, in this case, I'm being extremely optimistic, but I'd really like to see this show go on, and see the fans do more than advertise for the show.
Television is really lacking good writing right now, and Firefly has some of the best. Television needs Firefly.

P.S. - I'm willing to pledge 5 dollars a week. Anyone else with me?


Monday, January 20, 2003 9:19 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

You're right Vicious, that idea has been pitched, by many here and at the official board.

ME and Joss are working "another angle" for the show right now, but what the specifics of that are we have no idea, and won't until someone in the know lets us in on it.


Monday, January 20, 2003 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Vicious:
Maybe someone else has already had this idea already, and I just haven't seen the posting, especially since I haven't really looked around at all. Why don't the fans pay for part of the show?
It seems in most of the news I've read, the major complaint is the $2 million dollar production cost. At it's lowest point Firefly pulled, what, a 2.5 rating? That represents roughly 2.5 million homes and about 6 million people, right? Now, if we were real optimists, we could say ten percent of those people are true fans who want to see the show go on. At worst, we could be looking at 1%, although even that is optimistic. But let's go with it anyway. If we're lucky, there are 60,000 people who really want to see the show go on, and if we're really lucky, that's 600,000. Now I'm not exactly a statistician, and I'm really just coming up with these figures so as not to be too ridiculous. After all, in a perfect world, all 6 million would be true fans. But, if a certain amount of people were willing to donate a few dollars a week to some kind of fund, then that could possibly cut the production costs significantly to make the show more appealling to the networks. Of course, in this case, I'm being extremely optimistic, but I'd really like to see this show go on, and see the fans do more than advertise for the show.
Television is really lacking good writing right now, and Firefly has some of the best. Television needs Firefly.

P.S. - I'm willing to pledge 5 dollars a week. Anyone else with me?

This is a pretty interesting (and attractive)idea. Count me in.


Monday, January 20, 2003 9:25 AM


That idea was posted, and some replies actually pledged thousands of US dollars. Let's hope that a subscription or something (frankly anything) is in the works to keep us flyin'.

I think we should give ourselves a huge cheer for being the kind of proactive fans that we are. How many other fans would pay money to keep their show going?

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.






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