Firefly+Cowboy Bebop= This Thread

UPDATED: Monday, February 7, 2005 09:46
VIEWED: 6678
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Friday, February 4, 2005 7:29 AM


Ballad of Bebop is my ultimate fusion tribute to both Firefly & Bebop.
This was made before I knew anything about masking, so the homemades are somewhat primitive.
I remastered the bumpers, but that's about it.
It looks and sounds pretty good.

This is for our dial up friends; the file size is only 9.2 Megs

Extra LowRes link '9.2 Megs'

This is for our broadband friends; the file size is 26.4 Megs

New HighRes

This was my first Firefly themed Video, and was made well before my Serenity tribute video, which you can still download here…

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Friday, February 4, 2005 7:41 AM


Thanks for the links. I remember when watching Firefly how it reminded me a lot of Cowboy bebop only obviously more realistic since it was live action but oddly with less meloncholy neo-film noir like like Bebop. I love both shows though.

There was a touch of Blake's 7 and Blade Runner in the lived-in feel of the show and the mix of cultures presented and the reality of the characters as well as the conflicts the crew would have with each other fomr time to time - Jayne's betrayal in Ariel reminded me several moments when you though Avon wouldn't teleport down to save Blake and the creew and just steal the Liberator for himself.

These two series compliment each other very well.


Friday, February 4, 2005 9:33 AM



Thanks for the links. I remember when watching Firefly how it reminded me a lot of Cowboy bebop only obviously more realistic since it was live action but oddly with less meloncholy neo-film noir like like Bebop. I love both shows though.

There was a touch of Blake's 7 and Blade Runner in the lived-in feel of the show and the mix of cultures presented and the reality of the characters as well as the conflicts the crew would have with each other fomr time to time - Jayne's betrayal in Ariel reminded me several moments when you though Avon wouldn't teleport down to save Blake and the creew and just steal the Liberator for himself.

These two series compliment each other very well.

I agree,

Even though this topic is somewhat of a controversial one in a few forums, the parallels between the two series are undeniable.
I personally like what lies beyond the ‘Space Western’: A deeply intrinsic fugue of human perspective.
The characters of Firefly and Bebop are like onions (or Ogres) and there are so many layers that you just can’t wait to see what the next experience will make them do, or make them reveal about themselves.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Friday, February 4, 2005 9:38 AM


There does seem to be a connection between this genre hybrid and the way characters are portrayed with such depth. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that in order to exist in such a clash of setting- the scifi/western or past/present, or film noir/sci fi.... that anyone living in it you'd think would have a lot of layers... conflicts... essentially the setting almost makes the creator flesh the characters out more in a way.

Why would this topic be controversial? Also I heard these were both similar to an earlier anime series called err..shoot forget the name but Star Outlaw or something like that?


Friday, February 4, 2005 9:59 AM


Close enough,

it's called Outlaw Star, and unfortunately I saw it after both Bebop and Firefly about a year ago from a friend, and I honestly did not receive the same spark that I do from these other two, although I am sure that my bias is layered in my viewing order.

There are many sites that claim that Joss 'ripped off' the idea for Firefly from Cowboy Bebop, others that say from Trigun, and still others that say from Outlaw Star.

I personally know very little about Joss Whedon, or his other projects, I never watched Buffy or Angel. I prefer the company of Vampeals to Vampires. (Not sure if you get that) So I cannot comment about his directing integrity. To me it's irrelevant, so long as he keeps Firefly in production.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Friday, February 4, 2005 1:32 PM


I don't know anything about Cowboy Bebop, but this video is excellent, you said that you made this a long time ago, you should have posted it sooner, it's almost as good as your other video...
I don't know, Serenity is awesome.
keep it up.


Friday, February 4, 2005 3:00 PM


Great job on the video!

If I didn't already own the Cowboy Bebop DVD set, I'd be rushing out to rent it and see what it was all about.

You gotta get the genius dog in there, tho!!



Friday, February 4, 2005 8:41 PM


I like the vid, and of course that previous vid w/ the godsmack song is excellent.

Now I haven't seen any Bebop except a movie. (I wasn't keen on it.) So where should I begin to watch Cowboy Bebop so I can possibly enjoy it. You're going to say the begining I'm sure, but direct me, while I still have an open mind! What part is the begining exactly? :D

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Saturday, February 5, 2005 6:09 AM


Cool videos! But I can only get the sound (not the video) from the "Falling for the first time" one. The "Love song to a boat" brings a tear to my eye... :)


Saturday, February 5, 2005 6:57 AM



Now I haven't seen any Bebop except a movie. (I wasn't keen on it.) So where should I begin to watch Cowboy Bebop so I can possibly enjoy it. You're going to say the begining I'm sure, but direct me, while I still have an open mind! What part is the begining exactly? :D

Let's see... hummmmmm....

Fortunate for those skeptical of Bebop it is only 26 episodes (sessions) in length. Traditionally anime TV series broadcast one episode per week. Anime series targeted at "otaku"(The foreign anime fan) viewers are usually scheduled for one or two "kuru," or 13 week periods. That explains why so many anime TV series have either 13 or 26 episodes.

You will find that the series leans heavily toward American viewers hence the shows blatant respect for American Jazz, even the title names are music based...

Asteroid Blues
Ganymede Elegy
Bohemian Rhapsody
Mushroom Samba

The DVD cover art is that of a 45.

The basic premise of the series...

In the not-too-distant future of 2071, Earth is a bit of a mess as a result of an accident testing a new transportation system, and now nobody is left on it but folks to poor to get away. But, humanity has colonized and terraformed the rest of the solar system, so things are going just fine. Taking advantage of the frontier spirit of the day, there is a new breed of bounty hunters, known as Cowboys, living a loose life, traveling between worlds, and hunting down the most wanted criminals for enough money to keep doing it. Two of the best (if unluckiest) of these folks are the owners of the good ship Bebop, Spike and Jet, both leaving behind pasts they'd rather forget. When they get joined by a couple of unwelcome companions--Fay, a gambler with a huge debt, no past, a penchant for cheating, even worse luck than Spike and Jet, and a lot of people after her, and Ed, a rather odd young hacker (plus the genetically engineered dog Ein)--we get the unusual tale that is Cowboy Bebop.

What makes this series so wonderful is that the characters like our dear Firefly are motivated by their mostly hidden past.
Even Ed(ward) is not what you think at first.

The music is astounding, at the end of one of the episodes, I forget which, there is a song called Call Me, which coupled with the events of the episode, made me weep like a baby.
However if there is only one episode you would like to check out it's Session #20: Pierrot Le Fou

Humor: it's Session #17 Mushroom Samba

Horror: Session #11: Toys in the Attic

It's best to start from Session #1 but I thought I would share.

You can find them via bittorrent (I didn't say that)
Or at most Video stores, personally I use Netflix.

I hope this helped.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 7:11 AM



Originally posted by Nywoe:
Cool videos! But I can only get the sound (not the video) from the "Falling for the first time" one. The "Love song to a boat" brings a tear to my eye... :)

Unfortunately I am unable to assist you in your troubles with Falling for the first time, as that video is not my own, the only video on the site that is mine is Serenity, however you can E-mail Embassy who is being so kind as to host my video. He is a member of this wonderful community.

However I suspect that your problem may just be a Codec issue, if this is the case, send me an E-mail at, and I will send you a few links to free codec’s.


So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 12:20 PM


I've been thinking of doing a very sympathetic video featuring Kansas's Dust in the Wind, does anyone think that this is a good idea?

I am currently in the process of uploading another HighRes YouSendIt file for download...

Through the magic of television here we have it

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 12:45 PM


>>You will find that the series leans heavily toward American viewers hence the shows blatant respect for American Jazz, even the title names are music based...<<

I don't know the behind-the-scenes story of this show, but I don't think that American influences in the style necessarily means that it is geared towards Americans. A lot of anime use English and American cultural influences. The military occupation in Japan after WWII had a big influence on their culture.

Heck, even if you watch the Brittish TV show "Spaced", there's tons of American cultural influences, but I'm pretty sure they had no intention of marketing it for Americans.

Just a thought, it's not important, I guess. :) You gave a good description though, I like it!

I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 12:46 PM


>>However I suspect that your problem may just be a Codec issue<<

You're probably right. I'll get my husband on the case. Thanks!

I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:02 PM


Thanks for the Bebop tips. I have been trying to get my self to watch some episodes, have netflix, should be a good way to see the series.

I'm liking your idea for a vid w/ Dust in the Wind. I'd love to see it. Get crackin'! :D

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:08 PM



Originally posted by Nywoe:
I don't know the behind-the-scenes story of this show, but I don't think that American influences in the style necessarily means that it is geared towards Americans. A lot of anime use English and American cultural influences. The military occupation in Japan after WWII had a big influence on their culture.

Actually, this is more then a guess, I am a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop, and a student of Japanese culture, I speak the language quite well in fact.
My surmise comes directly from a blog written by the show's creator; Hajime Yatate.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:11 PM


May take me a while to gather the courage, but I'll let you know when it's done.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 1:49 PM


Thanks for the links, I enjoyed the videos very much. From the first few minutes of Firefly I was reminded of Cowboy Bebop - which I adore. My favorite song is from the CB movie, in fact. Personally, I neither know nor care if Joss Whedon "ripped off" the Cowboy Bebop premise; I enjoy both shows a great deal, and I think knowing one enriches your experience of the other.
And, ImEarly, I definitely hear you on the subject of Vampeals!


Saturday, February 5, 2005 3:15 PM


>>Actually, this is more then a guess, I am a huge fan of Cowboy Bebop, and a student of Japanese culture, I speak the language quite well in fact.
My surmise comes directly from a blog written by the show's creator; Hajime Yatate.<<

Now that makes me look all manner of stupid! :)

I bow to your superior knowledge.

I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-O.


Saturday, February 5, 2005 7:29 PM


It’s nice to see someone with my perspective, and you are right, the two shows complement each other, especially in that a taste makes you hungry for more.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Sunday, February 6, 2005 5:58 AM


A marvel in both concept and execution! My only note would be that you stayed on Jet a bit long. You have other fanvids, maybe?

Always a beast, never a burden.


Sunday, February 6, 2005 8:39 AM


I reviewed the video to see what you were talking about, and I do believe you are right. I spent a little too much time on Jet's zoom.

I do have another Firefly Video which is FAR superior to this one called Serenity, you can find it here...

It's the video on the bottom right, in addition to these I do have several other videos if you are interested, they are of Exceptional quality. Let me know and it would be my pleasure to upload them for you. They are as follows:

Bye Bye Baby,

A video to Hellsing. It features Bye Bye Baby by Ivy. This is the opining song to Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital

DBZ In A Nutshell (Reinvented)

The original DBZ In A Nutshell is a flash spoof to Dragonball Z, I have taken the audio to the next level by adding real footage, and it’s pretty funny.

Never Die

A video to Naruto, I am not sure if you are familiar with the show, This video is about the conflict between Naruto and Sauske. The song is Never Die by Creed, this is the best of my video's. It was a contestant of the Official Naruto Fan AMV Contest (2004-11-08) and is currently in the Semifinals of's Viewers Choice Awards.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Sunday, February 6, 2005 8:50 AM


Actually, watching it again as I show it to my hubby, I think you could fit Ein in by trimming the other characters' a little, assuming it's worth the effort to change it at all, cuz it's freaking sweet as it is.

Always a beast, never a burden.


Monday, February 7, 2005 9:46 AM


This was made about a year ago, it would be impossible for me to re-edit it because the project file was deleted soon after its conclusion, it was one of my first projects (Second to be exact) and I was basically trying out my new editing software.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.






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