Virtual series eps ideas, and some ???

UPDATED: Thursday, January 23, 2003 09:26
VIEWED: 1927
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Wednesday, January 22, 2003 11:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Got more ep ideas than time, so I was just going to throw these out for consideration.

I started a fanfic where FF is contracted to deliver mini-pharma-factories to outlying planets. Altho entirely legit, the businesman is running afoul of established pharmas who have bribed or influenced Alliance patrols to "disappear" his shipments and bio-engineers. In this fanfic, the bio-engineer who goes along with the shipment may, or may not, be part of a resistance movement.

In the FF 'verse, slavery, like prositution, is legal. In our days of slavery there was also an active anti-slavery movement and an Underground railroad. Since the slaves in FF don't seem to be especially marked by race or sex, it would be reasonable to think that especially skilled slaves could be freed and eventually blended into "regular" society. Mal could be contracted to move some of these people about.

Like all free-lancers, acquiring jobs is mainly about contacts. An entire show could be devoted to just looking for a job!


I find the day to day stuff in FF the most interesting. I don't think you always need a villain in order to make an episode. Look at "Out of Gas", arguably the best episode of the season.


Couple of questions about some of the characters, hope you can help me out.

I don't understand Badger. Even if he's a planet-side petty-minded lowlife, doesn't he sometimes need transport to complete his deals? What does he have against Mal? And if he's such an idiot that he consistently double crosses someone that he might need someday, why does Mal even get close to him? I think the Badger character needs a makeover, 'owise he's destined for the dustbin 'cause there's no reliable way to write him into an ep!

Niska's obviously a mobster who has a 100% reason to post Mal's head on a pike. The fact that he chose to take part means that besides being a businessman with unusual practices he also loves to hurt people. I'd love to see an epsiode where his predeliction for hurting people is at odds with his business interests. It's be interesting to see which wins....

Jubal is not deaf ('wise he wouldn't have heard River's disembodied voice) but Jubal's mind goes on the blink once in a while! He may have been born with sz or just unfortunate cross-wiring (I knew a neighborhood kid like that- small pets did not last long in that household!) but that would mkae him something of a tragic figure, wouldn't it? River can "read" people- what would she make of him? And could she cure him?

River "heard" Mal say- "none of this makes a difference" or words to that effect. What is your intepretation of "this"? Do you think he meant that the little emotional by-play that went on between him and Inara was just so small compared to the devastation and waste he's seen? Or do you think he was being more global- "this" being not only Inara's and his feelings but also FF itself? My first interpretation was the more global one. But then that woudl make Mal a VERY strange character indeed! One who acts "as if" crew, ship, work, freedom etc. matters but who is speaking from a point of pure nihilism. Your thoughts?


Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:33 PM


[quoteI don't understand Badger. Even if he's a planet-side petty-minded lowlife, doesn't he sometimes need transport to complete his deals? What does he have against Mal? And if he's such an idiot that he consistently double crosses someone that he might need someday, why does Mal even get close to him? I think the Badger character needs a makeover, 'owise he's destined for the dustbin 'cause there's no reliable way to write him into an ep!

My ake on it was as simple as this: Mal and crew are the only ones that give him and trouble OR Mal is new to Badger's list of couriers. In either case, Badger is trying to establish a role of dominance, and tryin' real dang hard. Thing one has to ask is, why? Only one reason for that and it's because Badger isn't really in charge of anything and he...what class?....a middle man. That theme ran through the show and I think it was a "planned reveal" about the Badger character, IMO.


Niska's obviously a mobster who has a 100% reason to post Mal's head on a pike. The fact that he chose to take part means that besides being a businessman with unusual practices he also loves to hurt people. I'd love to see an epsiode where his predeliction for hurting people is at odds with his business interests. It'd be interesting to see which wins...

I think these are still early days after the war, maybe a year at most. Niska is probaly operating a legitimate Alliance business and can't afford to make many mistakes, but making enemies out of Independants is a no-lose scenario: They're wanted or pariahs anyway. I like the idea, but while I figure Niska does have lots to lose, he's in such a secure position with the Alliance that almost anything he does can go unnoticed.


Jubal is not deaf ('wise he wouldn't have heard River's disembodied voice) but Jubal's mind goes on the blink once in a while! He may have been born with sz or just unfortunate cross-wiring (I knew a neighborhood kid like that- small pets did not last long in that household!) but that would mkae him something of a tragic figure, wouldn't it? River can "read" people- what would she make of him? And could she cure him?

It was suggested that he is deaf from birth or early childhood and reads lips, but you're right, that means he wouldn't have been able to hear River. So, I chalked it up to being so hyper aware that some times minor things slipped by, or even that it was Jubal's quirky way of making a point, setting people off-balance. It's a good tactic if you want to keep pelple guessing about what you're up to if you ask them silly things like "Did you ask if I was a 'lion'?" Then, right after that, he was back on the offensive verbally. Rather off-putting and sort of a form of psychological warfare.


River "heard" Mal say- "none of this makes a difference" or words to that effect. What is your intepretation of "this"? Do you think he meant that the little emotional by-play that went on between him and Inara was just so small compared to the devastation and waste he's seen? Or do you think he was being more global- "this" being not only Inara's and his feelings but also FF itself? My first interpretation was the more global one. But then that woudl make Mal a VERY strange character indeed! One who acts "as if" crew, ship, work, freedom etc. matters but who is speaking from a point of pure nihilism. Your thoughts?

That's what I got. I see Mal as functioning purely to function. He really sees very little to fight for or hold dear, because he's lost everything once already. He's not suicidal, and he'd risk his life for any member of his "crew", but I think all those things are just because he's operating on routine, not morality. That's the way a commander of a military unit acts when in a combat situation - objective above all else, keep the unit safe to win the objective. He sees himself as still in the War and some of these kooks abord his ship are cracking the shell a little every now and then.

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”


Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:36 AM


Hecks, we needs a forum all of our own !

Anyway, I've got an idea for an episode. I don't know what to call it but I'm thinking of calling it "Kaywinnit Lee Fry: Companion"

And this would serve as Pt 1 of a 2 pt Inara arc for the early part of the season.

When Book is offship visiting an abbey, the crew reluctantly let Jayne cook. But Jayne gives Inara food poisioning and leaves her unable to partake in a plan to steal medicine from a cruise liner. Mal turns to Zoe to replace Inara but Zoe tells him to go to hell and Wash supports him:

Wash: Now, there's Zoe-in-a-slinky-dress sexy and then there's Companion sexy. There's a big difference ...

So, Mal turns to Kaylee and she, with some basic tutoring from Inara and Simon ( going with my idea from the virtual series pilot that they had admitted their feelings for each other but split very early because she realises that Simon can't care for her until River is cured ) infiltrates the liner with Jayne ( with a makeover. can't ya just imagine Jayne justifying makeup because it makes him feel 'all pretty and the like' ? ) as her 'servant' to place the bomb in the engine room to bring the liner to a halt. But, there's a problem, one of the passengers on the liner is Atherton Wing ...

Opinions ?


Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:51 AM


I like.

I want the forum of our very own.

The only little problem with Kaylee impersonating Inara is that Inara's clients would know what she looked like. Inara could call (whatever they call it) her client and tell him/her that she is sending in someone else as she has become suddenly ill. That would fix it I think. Other than that, great!

Lost Angel

WASH: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
ZOE: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:02 AM


I've been enjoying the ideas floating around.

I don't have anything major to describe, but here's one thing I'd like to see:

Nishka begging Mal to spare his life. This should not happen right away (evil Nishka should be milked for awhile) but at some point it would be rewarding to see Nishka cowering in fear.

Also, I think there is potential for a cool story where we learn that Jubal was hired by an old acquaintance: Simon's father.



Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:26 AM



Also, I think there is potential for a cool story where we learn that Jubal was hired by an old acquaintance: Simon's father.

That is totally perfect. I my ideas I had Jubal a hired hand of Niska, but that never sat well. It makes total sense that the Tam's father would want his kids back, but if he's under pressure from the Alliance he might have had to choose how to work the deal and sort of "chose" the bounty River and leave Simon. Cruel but good drama...(lol)

Mal: “The next time you decide to stab me in the back, have the guts to do it to my face.”






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