Tales from the LONDON SHINDIG

UPDATED: Saturday, February 12, 2005 05:42
VIEWED: 2469
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005 4:33 AM


18 turned up on Saturday for the London Shindig. I forgot to take photos.

In no order (taken from memory and the tables people sat at):

Anniki, Hilary, Sarah, José, Katie, Claire, Maria, Chris (SMG stalker), Clarry, Alex, Rob, Ryan, Kat, Angus, Selina, Andrea, Jay, Pat,
Camilla Fortescue (An Edwardian lady)

Most were from London, but Ryan hauled himself down from Oxford and Rob was staying over on a business trip from Cheltenham. (thinks.....Camilla....Cheltenham Ladies College...could be a connection here). We had seven of us from Streatham (South London) which basically shows how recruiting is going on (not much else to do in Streatham to be honest except drink in the cemetery). There were many missing who were present in December, so the potential for bigger events is there.

The evening started with good news. Selina's cat, Mulder, had been found after a week on the lam. No more lies from me and Angus, reassuring her of his safety, hurray!
The pub is in a part of London that is pretty much closed down at weekends so there were a few stragglers searching for the place. If a pub is called Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, you don't ask strangers for directions to the Cheesy Wotsit!

Oddly, it seemed at a headcount, that not many people were going to the Serenity preview in London. Was this because they were too late for tickets, didn't want it spoiled or were not going to the Serenity Con in April. No-one seemed to want to say.

Claire then stood and told us all the tale of Chris's "naked" sprint across Leicester Square in order to get to meet Sarah Michelle Gellar (sorry if I spelled it wrong). It worked apparently....and it wasn't naked....and it wasn't completely across Leicester Square, but why spoil a good story? But she did approach him for a hug first! Must have been the chemistry.

Next up was a birthday cake for Hilary. Hmmm chocolate and smarties.

Then there was the Big Luh-suh quiz. José and Katie provided questions on Firefly and Star Wars respectively whilst I asked questions on General Knowledge and Films.
This is where some of the younger "rowdier" element of attendees vent there annoyance on "films before they were born". I won't mention names, but....yes I will mention names, Claire, Maria and Chris....I suspect you were in nappies or not even born when Star Wars was released. But you got those questions correct. I rest my case m'lud.
And everyone knows Roddy McDowall starred in "How Green Was My Valley".

The winners were Anniki, Sarah, Hilary, Katie and José. They won a "dumb-ass stick, sounds like its rainin".

The bottom placed team were the babes in swaddling bands too young to know better, Claire, Maria and Chris (with help from Ms Fortescue).

That pretty muched ended the evening.

Pat, Rob, Alex and I disappeared into the night to get tattooed and jump a steamer heading for Bolivia.
Ryan headed back to Oxford to continue his studies in Genetically modifying Daffodils so Wales can celebrate all year.
Selina, Angus, Andrea and Jay jogged on to Streatham to practice their formation heckling.
Katie scored the winning goal for Rangers in the 2007 European Cup Final (neat little header from the 6 yard box).
Chris became a lady.
Anniki, Hilary and Sarah won "Stars in their Eyes" as The Andrews Sisters.
José was last spotted in Marseilles working as a drill instructor in the Foreign Legion.
Kat, Maria and Claire became an international crime-busting trio. Maria changing her name to Fenella so they could call themselves The KFC (Krime Fighting Chicks).

Also posted on, Browncoats and Firefly_Serentiy_UK

Anyone know what happened to Camilla......?

End world Chaos - kill all butterflies


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 4:48 PM


Sounds like fun!


Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:18 PM



Kat, Maria and Claire became an international crime-busting trio. Maria changing her name to Fenella so they could call themselves The KFC (Krime Fighting Chicks).

That was meant to be a secret! Now I'm gonna need a new pseudonym.

It was very shiny to meet everyone and am now totally jealous of the owners of the rainstick. Must brush up on quiz skills in order to pilfer it next time.

- Kat



Friday, February 11, 2005 12:30 AM


Which questions did you go wrong on? Not my nasty film questions....before you were born?

Hope you enjoyed meeting people. As I said at the top of the thread, there were a good number not there too.


Friday, February 11, 2005 1:14 AM


Looooong before I was born, yes, although Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers I can handle. Can't cope with geography either though and I lack the geek credentials for the Star Wars stuff - lucky we had Alex and Rob in the breach.

So, uhhh... basically I can do Firefly and then I'm stuffed, unless we can slip in some more Whedon-verse and possibly more literature questions next time?

It was cool indeed to meet everyone. Shame I can't make it to the con but hopefully at the next Shindig

- Kat



Saturday, February 12, 2005 2:09 AM


Actually Kat was pretty good at the film questions - without her we'd probably have got 0 out of 10.

I'm didn't mind us not winning but at least we got all of the firefly questions right. Those teams who only got 9 out of 10 should be ashamed of themselves

As for our little trip clubbing afterward - I should have been paying more attention. At work on Monday I had to say "We went to a club somewhere south of the Thames. I have no idea where it was or what it was called."

- Rob


Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:42 AM


The bar was the south london pacific in kennington.






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