I saw Serenity tonight too.

UPDATED: Friday, February 25, 2005 23:39
VIEWED: 16927
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:04 PM


I never even heard of Firefly until today. I found out what movie I was seeing (they wouldn't tell us, but I did some investigating) so I looked into it. It sounds like a lot of people liked the show, so I decided to go see the movie. It was pretty good. I though the ensemble cast did a great job, not sub-par tv actors for the most part. I'll write more later if anyone is interested.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:24 PM


Please do! Well, not specific plot or character stuff, but your perspective as a "non-fan" would be unique and very appreciated. Just please be sensitive to not "spoiling" the show. Joss Whedon is legendary for throwing curves and surprises, and coming upon them unexpectedly is a lot of the enjoyment. If in doubt, you can use the fun "spoiler" brackets that will show up like this:

(highlight to read)

Select to view spoiler:

This is something that might spoil the show.

Soooo ... what did you think?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, February 16, 2005 9:45 PM


I saw the first screening, and was wondering if you would be so kind as to e-mail me about the movie there is a few things i want to ask you such as if there was any diffrent scenes between the two screenings.



Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:09 PM


Where did you see it? I saw it in Thousand Oaks, California. Maybe we were at the same screening, lol.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 6:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to our little corner of the 'verse Wilef. Glad to have you with us.

So you are one of the lucky few that have had a chance to see the BDM. I must say I am envious, but I am content to wait it out w/ the rest of the Browncoat ranks until September.

Please feel free to jump into the conversations wherever you have a mind to.

If you are going to post anything spoiler wise about the film please be sure to use the spoiler code to cover it so that those that don't wish to read spoilers can avoid it.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Thursday, February 17, 2005 8:38 AM


Ok, I have more time now to elaborate, so here goes.

Vampirebrad: Yeah, I was in T.O. too, Janss Marketplace.

Anyway, while I never saw Firefly before, I've always liked high quality sci-fi. I've never been interested in anything else Joss on television. Nothing against him as a writer, I was just never interested in the subject matter (vampires, demons). The only thing I watch on tv is Smallville. I used to watch Star Trek (TNG, DS9, and Voyager). When I heard that the movie was based on a TV show that was cancelled after half a season, I was really skeptical, because in my opinion there's a lot of sci-fi out there that isn't that good or just doesn't appeal to me. I was never interested in Babylon 5 or Stargate SG1 or anything else space related on tv. But I decided to go after I found out what a following this show had and how many DVD sets were sold. The 1200 reviews on Amazon were almost all 5 stars...impressive! So, the audience was hoping the movie would be Star Wars and they were disappointed to find that it wasn't.

I was pleasantly surprised with a lot about this movie. Like I said earlier, the cast worked really well together. I liked the captain and Kaylee the best. I didn't care for Jayne as much or Simon who I don't think was a character on the show.

The setting was pretty unique to sci-fi, the old west feel was really cool and more convincing than I thought it would be. They all talked like cowboys, but it worked for me, much edgier than Star Trek, anti-Star Trek really. I like the idea that the Alliance/Federation is like big brother, it let's you root for the 'bad guys' because they don't buy into the system.

I don't want to spoil anything so I won't say anything specific, not even in the spoiler brackets, but I will say 2 general things in the spoiler brackets for those that want to know. It'll probably just tease you, so don't read it if you want to be completely in the dark when you see the movie.

Select to view spoiler:

Ok, first off there are two characters that I believe were regular crew members that are no longer on the ship for whatever reason. I won't say who, but I assume they hadn't left the ship by the time the show was cancelled. Second, there are a few people that die in the movie. I won't say whether they are just characters from the movie or original characters from the show.

There were some special effects missing in the showing, most notably a scene where the Serenity was completely unrendered, but I'd say that over 90% of the effects were in place and only needed brushing up. I heard that the show had really good effects for a tv show and I'd have to agree from what I saw of the movie. I heard it had a $40 million budget which isn't huge for today and the special effects were top notch.

There was some cool camera work too. You remember movies with good cinematography like Fight Club and anything M. Night Shyamalan does. There were a few scenes where you do stop and think 'That was a cool way to film that scene.'

I think the sound effects were probably incomplete too, but they're on the right track. The bass was great when ships would fly by. The sound would make you want to see this in a theatre instead of at home.

I liked the music a lot, I don't know what the music was like in the show, but the only word that comes to mind to describe it would be 'adventure'. I think it worked perfectly for the movie because that's what I think of the crew, always looking for an exciting adventure.

Ok, what I didn't like was a couple of lines that were just kind of shocking. In the beginning of the movie there are children talking in class (in the Alliance) about rumors of the Reavers. I'm assuming the Reavers are a part of the show. Anyway, instead of just saying they rape and murder, the little kid says they rape people for hours and hours. Kind of a shocking, way too descriptive statement to make, especially from a kid. Second, Kaylee seems like a sweet, innocent character, but she makes a comment about the only thing that's been between her legs in the last year runs on batteries. Admittedly funny, but it doesn't seem to fit the character and too much information for my taste.

Besides that, there were a couple of scenes that didn't work for the audience (many were laughing out loud) that were supposed to be either romantic or somber. Sci-fi does has it's cheesy moments, but I think the biggest problem was that a lot of the people in the audience weren't the type of people who would like this type of movie. It's not mainstream Hollywood material. The movie will have a niche audience that just won't include the typical moviegoing crowd. As long as the studio understands that and doesn't try to make the movie look like something it's not, it should do well enough to be a profitable film.

In closing, I enjoyed the film, my interest is piqued enough to want to see the DVDs, and I think it has the potential to revive interest in starting the show back up.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:43 AM


Excellent idea,

Go buy the DVD's then come back and post again. It would be great to hear what you think after seeing plot lines previous to the movie.

UUUMmmm, lets see.....this is Thursday...soooooo..
How about we give you till Monday to buy the DVD's, watch all the episodes, think about it for a while, then tell us what you think.

Hows that sound

***turn on whine mode****
P.S. I can't tell you how jealous I get when someone posts that they saw the BDM already.

I'm happy for all of you, but impatient for my turn. (come on September, hurry up)

***turn off whine mode*****

Am I a Lion?... No, I think I'ma tellin' the truth.



Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:34 AM


I saw the screening in Thousand Oaks too. My spoiler-free thoughts:

It had all the laughs, action and drama of the show, but on a grand scale. Some great action sequences, some really funny character moments, some really heartbreaking character moments, and a terrific villain. It was a rough and unpolished version, with lots of unfinished effects shots and a temp score (I recognized bits of the Shawshank score and the Pitch Black score). And since my only complaints are about music that doesn't exist yet, and about some jarring edits that will no doubt be finessed by September, I really don't have anything bad to say. I was so sad when it ended, because it was like the series ending. I just wanted more and more.

Can't wait to see the finished version in September!

As for audience reaction, nobody knew what they were seeing until it was announced right before the movie unspooled. The audience was abuzz with rumors that it could be Episode III or War of the Worlds. When they announced it was Serenity, most people were like, "WTF is Serenity?" But aside from two jerks who snickered for the first 20 minutes of the movie and then left, the crowd seemed to dig it. The funny moments got big laughs, the dramatic moments got gasps, and I think it won the audience over. Some of the action sequences fell a little flat because of editing & music, but, like I said, this isn't the real music score and the movie will be tighter in 7 months. I think for a crowd who expected a Lucas or Spielberg movie, and instead was presented with Serenity, the reaction was positive. The difference between these super-secret test screenings and a regularly released movie is that the audience that shows up for a released movie knows what they're paying for, have seen the previews and are prepared for what movie it is. But, again, with expectations being Episode III-high before the movie was announced, the audience still seemed to respond well to it.

Oh and I saw Joss in the back.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:40 AM


Maybe, maybe someday, somewhere, I'll get to see an advanced screening of Serenity! Otherwise my opening day plans are as's my Mom's birthday the day before the BDM opens, and she's the one that introduced me to Firefly, so it's only fitting I think. We're going to go together. Actually, I'm hoping for a midnight screening, but who knows if that'll happpen!


Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:08 AM



Anyways, its nice to see a couple people from my actual showing are now here. I stayed after with about 20 other people to discuss the movie (with such hi-tech voice recorders, lol). Im just mad I missed Joss!


Thursday, February 17, 2005 11:41 AM



Originally posted by wilef:
the sound effects were probably incomplete too, but they're on the right track. The bass was great when ships would fly by.

Pleeeease tell us that you're talking about ships flying by in atmo, and not out in space. Surely Joss wouldn't give up his "no sound in space" to studio pressure.

Otherwise, it's about what I expected. I'm sorry, people, but this movie's not going to be a blockbuster. Most of the general public is too superficial and too quick to judge. People that are actually willing to give it a chance, as wilef decided to do after he learned about its fan base, will be glad they did. However, most people will not give it the benefit of the doubt.
Of course, that's no different from most smaller-budget films - people equate big stars and big advertising with quality, while we browncoats know better. We're rebels.

I mock you with my monkey pants


Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:25 PM



Pleeeease tell us that you're talking about ships flying by in atmo, and not out in space. Surely Joss wouldn't give up his "no sound in space" to studio pressure.
Yeah, worry not! There is still no sound in space. The ship sounds were all in atmo.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 12:43 PM


Ok, tell us about the two romantic couple. Any action going on there?


Thursday, February 17, 2005 8:03 PM


The movie wasn't that great the only good scene in it was when river made that agent guy bleed out of his eyes and nose and fingernails with her mind.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:18 PM


Avoid all serenity spoilers like the plague! I just read two huge big-ass spoilers on another board which are definitely going to spoil the enjoyment of the movie for me. Let me warn everyone again...avoid the spoilers!

If you really want to know, I'll give you a hint.

Select to view spoiler:

Those who are familiar with Joss's work would know that he likes to drive a stake into fans' hearts.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:32 PM



Originally posted by redryder:
Avoid all serenity spoilers like the plague! I just read two huge big-ass spoilers on another board which are definitely going to spoil the enjoyment of the movie for me. Let me warn everyone again...avoid the spoilers!

If you really want to know, I'll give you a hint.

Select to view spoiler:

Those who are familiar with Joss's work would know that he likes to drive a stake into fans' hearts.

You mean how book dies?


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:43 PM


fireflyfan23, your spoilers are showing. You might want to look into it!


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:49 PM



I liked the music a lot, I don't know what the music was like in the show, but the only word that comes to mind to describe it would be 'adventure'.

that's a good sign, especially since the temporary music seems to be salvaged from other movies and they just changed the composer because it just wasnt exactly what joss wanted. so i will just go and imagine how good the music will be, when it is written especially for the scene.


Second, Kaylee seems like a sweet, innocent character, but she makes a comment about the only thing that's been between her legs in the last year runs on batteries.

*lol* yep, that's kay-"have good sex"-lee. i'm a bit sorry her line seems so out of place for those not knowing the show, but i guess after watching the dvds you will see that while kaylee might appear sweet she definitely isn't innocent and quite open about the topic (just doesn't come up too often i guess).


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:50 PM



Originally posted by redryder:
fireflyfan23, your spoilers are showing. You might want to look into it!

Yeah, i don't know how to make black text oh well


Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:59 PM


just add the spoiler tags or delete your post!


Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:04 PM


ok hows this


Book isn't really dead, he comes back at the end and stops simon from killing saiman.


Friday, February 18, 2005 1:37 AM


"The Kaylee line" didn't sit well with me either. Kaylee is sexual but also innocent at the same time, and the line was out of character in my opinon.

I hope they rerecord it or remove it.


Friday, February 18, 2005 11:06 AM


If you guys remember how Kaylee was hired as Serenity's mechanic, the line is not really out of character at all.


Friday, February 18, 2005 11:38 AM


I thought that might be the case. I never saw the show, so it only seemed out of character from the assumptions I'd made about her early on in the movie.


Friday, February 18, 2005 12:48 PM


Sure I remember how she was hired, but she never /talked/ like that. The line was jarring and not very funny (to me).


Friday, February 18, 2005 12:50 PM



Originally posted by wilef:
... runs on batteries. Admittedly funny, but it doesn't seem to fit the character ...

Absolutely, I'd expect the ship's engineer to find a more energy efficient solution


Friday, February 18, 2005 11:51 PM



Originally posted by Saffy:
Sure I remember how she was hired, but she never /talked/ like that. The line was jarring and not very funny (to me).

i dont know.. remember her very last conversation with river in objects in space? maybe she didnt say the words, but..

maybe something of a "did i just say that?" look would help? how early or late in the movie was that line? maybe it was just a pretty blunt way to say "no, she isnt the cute and shy virgin you might think she is". or maybe simon was around and supposed to get the hint?


Saturday, February 19, 2005 4:37 AM


When I heard her say it I thought it was a little too explicit and crude for Kaylee! I have to say it got the biggest laugh at the screening I was at.


Saturday, February 19, 2005 6:53 AM


where's jewel when her impression would be more than interesting? not that it wouldn't always be, but who knows kaylee better than jewel?


Saturday, February 19, 2005 8:06 AM


ok, how dificult is this?

some people like spoilers, some people don't. I asked about it (the romantic couple stuff), so I obviously like it. I don't want to know how they end up together, the exact thing you know, I just want to know if there is love scenes in the movie. if you don't, just don't read it.

how dificult is to understand that? WHY there has to be such a big deal????


Saturday, February 19, 2005 3:54 PM


Ok, this is for Malslave, don't read if you don't want somewhat specific details about the movie's love scenes. I'm warning you guys, this is too big a spoiler for most to read. Don't read it if you want things to be a surprise. Because the movie takes place 6 months after the show ends, things aren't exactly the same.

Select to view spoiler:

Ok, I don't know the show, but it was obvious to me that Mal and Inara were a couple or potential couple at some point. I'll tell you that there is a overly awkward conversation between them (that the whole crew eavesdrops on), but she's not exactly a member of the crew at the time the movie takes place. I don't know if that's part of the show either. As far as Kaylee and Simon, there's an admission of feelings, but I won't say more.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 4:29 AM


I can only imagine when us actual fans do go to see it, since we've seen all 12 episodes, that will probably get the inside jokes, references, and probably remember some of the visual props.

For someone who's never seen it, it will be good. For someone who's a fan and see's it... It will be AWESOME.

One more episode or movie is more than we had in a long time. I believe we'll take what we can get and be very appreciative. Serenity (the ship) carries more than the 10 people on board... It carries all of us as its crew. Come September 30th, This board will be on fire!

Steven W.

"They say When you can't run anymore, You Crawl. And when you can't crawl, when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you. I've carried you since the beginning & I will continue to carry you for as long as I can. Together, We'll fly again... You have my word!"
== Steven Wolff ==


Sunday, February 20, 2005 6:07 AM


thanks WILEF, what you said did make sense for the people who saw the series. can't you find someonewho has them? the series is great, you should get the chance to watch it. maybe in a blockbuster somewhere.

take care and thanks again.


Sunday, February 20, 2005 6:47 AM


Just a comment on the Kaylee line which some people didn't like. I was at the London screening and the whole place pretty much erupted in laughter when this line came out. I wasn't really that surprised by it, I think it was important that Kaylee wasn't portrayed as being so innocent. *now update*


Sunday, February 20, 2005 7:04 AM



Originally posted by DoubleShiny:
... the whole place pretty much erupted in laughter when this line came out...

I wonder how many were imagining Kaylee's custom engineering for Jayne's bunk


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:46 AM


Yeah I plan on watching the episodes as soon as I get a chance. I'm anxious to see more of what I saw in the movie. I'm probably going to wish I hadn't done this backwards, but I'm sure that seeing the movie again in September would be a totally different experience for me after having familiarized myself with the characters.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:42 AM



Originally posted by wilef:
... I plan on watching the episodes as soon as I get a chance...

I'm sure many of us would be interested in your Firefly experience, if you can take the time to come back with that. We've heard of various paths, but AFAIK none yet going via Serenity. And welcome to the community, by the way


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:59 AM


Ah, I'm glad you asked for my opinon!
I am always quick to read the "I saw Serenity" threads, just to see how much is being given away about our movie..!!! Luckily it hasn't been a whole lot, and there are still many surprises to be had for those of you who haven't seen the film yet.
It is so funny to see your reactions (those of you who have seen it) to that line of Kaylee's! I can tell you that when I read the script for the first time, I was howling with laughter when I read that line. Nothing could be MORE appropriate to show Kaylee's true nature.
Some of you still haven't seen the series yet, so I can understand why a line like that could come as a bit of an inappropriate shock. But for those of you who HAVE seen all the episodes of the show, how could you expect any less of Kaylee? She may be sweet and sensitive, but she's also very sexual, and very blunt. I remember while delivering that line during the filming of that scene, my first instinct was to sort of mock-whisper it, but Joss said, "No, no, no..! Kaylee's not that way! She's not shy about this! She says it because she wants everyone around her to know about it!" He wanted me to sort of yell it out, loud and proud!
It wasn't meant to be offensive. Well, maybe it was a little, knowing Joss. He does write true to his characters, and we have to remember that these are HIS characters. He knows them inside out, better than us actors do. He wouldn't write something that was inappropriate to the character. He's much smarter than that!
There will be many things in this movie that will shock you and may even make you angry, but it's Joss's vision, and no matter what, he has to stay true to that, right?
Anyway, there's my two cents.

Jewel AKA the infamous and completely inappropriate KAYLEE :)


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:17 AM



Originally posted by JewelStaite:
Ah, I'm glad you asked for my opinon!

if i would have known that a simple "where's jewel when you need her?" works so well i would have asked "where's jewel when you need the house cleaned?" months ago (and can i say that right of this moment i am very glad about this little ocean that is protecting me from the consequences of this comment ,-) )

anyway, glad to hear the line is pure kaylee, saying that kind of thing without warning and just as if it would be totally normal. kind of making you go all "huh" on her before realizing that her being so natural about it is part of her "innocence". does that make any sense to anyone? no? ok, i'll be off then looking for professional help or something.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:00 AM


I am not surprised at "The whole point of swearing is that it aint appropriate" Kaylee's line. I agree completely with you Jewel, the important thing is that Joss tells his story, and gives us what we need, not what we want. I have absolute confidence that Serenity will be a great story and a great expansion to what I think will be an ever-growing 'verse.

Sincerly can't wait till the Big Damn Movie's released.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:03 PM



Originally posted by Lakota:

Come September 30th, This board will be on fire!

does anyone know if Serenity will ever reach Australia? i can't imagine how devestated fans here ( ok, mostly me) would be if we never got to see it on the 'big screen'


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:55 PM


Leanna, I am pretty sure the Australia release date has been announced. Check out the Universal board in the Movie Production threads. I think they are planning a big shindig to coincide with the premiere.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:00 PM


Don't worry about putting spoiler material in the spoiler brackets. Not everyone on the board wants the movie to be a complete mystery when they go in to see and the people who want the movie to be a mystery won't highlight the spoiler brackets.

Kaylee isn't so innocent in the sexual arena, as she seems as an overall character. Also, she has been chasing Simon all over the ship since the first episode of the show.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:05 PM


Exactly. She's not that innocent. Remember in Heart of Gold how she asked out loud if there were any boy whores who would service girl folk since no one else (think of a certain doctor) was stepping up to examine her.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:09 PM


I don't know why it is such a big deal to have spoilers on the board. If people put their spoilers in the spoiler brackets so that people who don't want spoilers don't have to see them, there shouldn't be a problem because everyone can make their choice about viewing the material.

Just don't tease with vague spoilers that tell people who want to see spoilers nothing concrete.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:28 PM


I've been re-watching the DVDs for the ummm.... never mind which time, :D and I do believe that the line is appropriate if racy. Given the character's past I cannot see how you can complain about it. Quit being puritanical.

Kaylee is a self-assured woman who knows what she wants, but perhaps does not always know how to go about getting it. Don't we all? "Don't let the space bugs bite." D'oh! Be honest, how many times did you blunder about in a relationship? It's lines like this delivered with supreme skill that make the show so watchable. It's as close to reality as one can get, yet hitch a ride on a space ship. Joss writes the characters as real people, so it is no wonder that Kaylee says what she does.

And to Ms. Staite, about the scene with the bounty hunter in the engine room in "Objects in Space." I was ready to kill the SOB on the spot, my blood boiled. You had me hooked. Fabulous performance! Not since Diane Lane in "Unfaithful" and the train ride scene did I my jaw drop to the floor at such acting skill. Bravo!

I really hope the film is successful. I think I speak for all of us when I say we all wish for more.



Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:17 AM


Well, since Jewel has talked about her 'infamous ' line, I'll venture into the territory of discussing spoilers.

I too was at the London screening, and agree that that line probably got the biggest laugh of all (and there were several big laughs!)

It may be a difference between a British and American audience, that a lot of our TV etc is a lot more explicit about sex, nudity etc than American TV in general.

I see the line as TOTALLY in character for Kaylee. She has no hang-ups about sex whatsoever. I suspect that this was intended as a reflection of the 500-year-in-the-future nature of the 'Verse - it's one of the things that has changed. Another reflection is the attitude towards the proffession of Companion.

Kaylee had had no problems finding and enjoying sex ever since she first became interested. Look at how she flirts with her crowd of admirers in Shindig. Look at her relationship with Bester. Look at her conversation with River at the end of OIS. Look at her interest in the 'staff' at the Heart of Gold. And many more offhand comments throughout the Firefly we got to see.

Which is why she finds Simon's reluctance so puzzling.

By the data to date, there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man - man himself. So he must supply his own indispensable competition. He has no enemy to help him. (R.A.Heinlein)


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:03 AM


I certainly won't argue with Jewel. I absolutely agree that the line sounds like it's in character. It sounds like kind of a progression for her in terms of how bluntly she's hinting to Simon. In Heart of Gold we get "It's not like anyone else is lining up to 'examine' me." In OiS we get "[can i picture you] naked? Gee, I don't know...." The movie is six months later. No more hints.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 6:02 PM


How do you guys find these screenings?


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:21 PM


i stumbled upon the screening by chance. Just hang out at your movie theatre all day and night until you find a guy from the Neilsen group handing out fliers for an unnamed sci-fi movie. That's all you have to do!






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